
Hellow|SSHNow it's displaying little after the grub menu.00:00
Hellow|SSHIt shows some for around a second with the intial startup screen, then nothing.00:00
penguin42hmm ok, not sure why - were you running fglrx ?00:02
Hellow|SSHYes, but I removed the xorg.conf file that declared for fglrx to be used.00:03
penguin42hmm ok, I would have expected that to work00:03
penguin42I'm running a 435000:03
penguin42what does your /var/log/Xorg.0.log say now?00:04
wersI want to test Maverick and am currently on Lucid. would installing the .iso be any "cleaner" than update-manager -d?00:50
funkyHatOoh alt works again in gnome-terminal ⡈)01:04
funkyHatwers: possibly. Either way is helpful for testing though01:05
funkyHatwers: one way you're testing the upgrade path, the other way you're testing the installer ⡈)01:05
funkyHatI tend to always upgrade, personally01:05
shadeslayerwers: short answer, yes01:05
penguin42yeh, although upgrading does tend to throw up some weird stuff01:06
funkyHatI tend to upgrade really really early, so I probably get even more weird stuff ;D01:06
wersfunkyHat and shadeslayer thanks01:06
wersok. maybe, I'll just install the alpha 3 iso :)01:06
wersdoes anyone know the md5 of alpha 3 i386? Can't find it01:07
kklimondawers: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/maverick/alpha-3/01:08
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werskklimonda, thanks!01:08
NinoScriptbetween desktop and netbook editions, which applications are different? (I'm asking "non interface" wise)01:13
NinoScriptohh, and of course, I'm asking about maverick specific changes if there are any :)01:14
bcurtiswxsomeone in a mood to confirm a graphics issue for me02:36
bcurtiswxgo there, and try using your laptop mousepad up and down scroll02:37
bcurtiswxit cause the kernel to freak out02:37
bcurtiswxthats the specifics02:37
bcurtiswxNOTE: make sure you have your mouse on an image02:37
wrigglesworthHi guys. I just installed ubuntu 10.1 on my pc and basically every looked normal for a while but after a restart everything is huge. When I try to change the screen resolution it just expands the desktop to off the screen. Sound familiar to anyone? Can anyone help?02:53
kklimondainteresting, I've learnt today that there were pentium 4 cpus with EM64T02:55
kklimondawell, they are still here02:55
Sylphidhey all, how can I open an app on the netbook remix when unity search results do not include the app and alt+f2 does not work ... will i need to launch from a tty?03:32
ZykoticK9Sylphid, anything that would run from alt+f2 "should" run from terminal ;)03:34
SylphidZykoticK9, right, i can launch it from there but i was wondering if there was a graphical way to launch it since alt+f2 is broken in the netbook remix03:35
ZykoticK9Sylphid, sorry I haven't played with Unity at all.  Good luck.03:36
SylphidZykoticK9, gnome-terminal is missing from unity so switching to a tty to launch is a pain03:36
DanaGSay, the "progs" dir in xorg-edgers "apt-get source mesa" is missing!04:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621006 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power manager fails to start" [Undecided,New]05:04
DanaGMeans I can't use "radeon".05:04
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DanaGhmm, unity is broken/07:38
DanaGGetGroupProperties is not a valid method of interface org.ayatana.dbusmenu.07:38
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DanaGweird... my btrfs is showing full when I make a single huge file, even when it's only 70% full in reality.09:09
DanaGweird... my btrfs is showing full when I make a single huge file, even when it's only 70% full in reality.09:11
DanaGsorry, thought my message got lost.09:11
DanaGargh, appmenu-gtk makes firefox crash 100% of the time you try to start it.09:27
kklimondait also leaks memory like hell09:27
cm9How would I configure maverick meerkat to triple boot? Say I had two os's installed already (win7 & ubuntu), then I resized and installed winxp afterwards and it overwrote the MBR. What's the best way to rewrite it and include winxp as an option too?09:35
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sebsebsebpenguin42: hi13:41
BUGabundoguud afternoon14:48
* BUGabundo tries his luck again14:56
BUGabundoanyone here with good knowlagde in SSDs and btrfs ?14:56
charlie-tcaHello, BUGabundo15:00
charlie-tcaNot me for those things...15:00
BUGabundohey hey big C15:00
vishBIG C!15:01
DinkIs there a way to find what proc is using up all my memory and swapping ?15:09
Dinkactually better yet just swapping not using all memory15:10
BUGabundoDink: atop 215:10
BUGabundothem press m15:10
DinkWhich column shows swap usage per proc ?15:12
DinkMEM | tot    2.0G | free  542.9M | cache 934.5M | buff   24.3M | slab   46.2M |15:13
DinkSWP | tot    1.9G | free  730.2M |              | vmcom   2.9G | vmlim   2.8G |15:13
DinkTrying to figure out why ~1.2G of swap used15:14
lfaraone_On my computer, which I just upgraded yesterday, Plymouth stops during boot, it just seems stuck there. On recovery mode, I don't get to the recovery menu. http://img442.imageshack.us/i/imageab.jpg/ is a screenie of my console. How can I figure out the problem?15:15
penguin42Dink: You could try grep Swap /proc/*/smaps and figure out where it's coming from15:15
lfaraone_Dink: Linux may swap out processes if they aren't being used even if you have sufficient RAM.15:15
penguin42Dink: Although of course the fact that something IS swapped doesn't mean its the hog, it could be something else pushing your perfectly helpful app out of the way15:15
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penguin42lfaraone: 1.2G is a bit extreme though!15:16
Dinkpenguin42, yeah that was my concern as well and it seems to just grow15:16
lfaraone|mobilepenguin42: It depends on a number of factors. His RAM usage may have peaked at one point and the data has not been accessed yet.15:16
penguin42Dink: Normal trick is just run top and sort by memory usage and see who is the biggest user15:17
penguin42Dink: Do you actually currently have free memory or is all used up?15:17
DinkUsually free memory15:17
Dinkabout 500M free right now15:18
penguin42ok, as lfaraone suggested it sounds like something peaked a while ago, pushed it out and went away15:18
Dinkgrep Swap /proc/*/smaps |awk '{print $2,$3,$1}' |sort -rn | head -215:20
Dink10148 kB /proc/2127/smaps:Swap:15:20
Dink8604 kB /proc/2129/smaps:Swap:15:20
Dink$ ps -ef |grep 212715:20
Dinkuser       2127     1  0 Aug19 ?        00:42:52 xchat15:20
lfaraone|mobile!paste | Dink15:21
ubottuDink: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:21
Dinkso looks like memory got used up and pushed xchat into swap ?15:22
Dinkand whatever app that did it ended hence the free memory now?15:22
penguin42Dink: Probably, although if you are 1.2G into swap and have 512M free that still suggests soemthing big is hanging around15:23
penguin42also if those are the largest entries in Swap that doesn't sound like 1.2G does it (although I've never used those Swap fields before)15:24
dutchieam i seeing a bug, or is it very hard to get the "stay in launcher"/"remove" menu up in unity?15:30
lfaraone|mobilecrimsun_: Poke.15:34
wersI installed gnome-shell from the official repo. unfortunately, it doesn't run15:35
wersI get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/481899/15:35
werswhat could be the workaround?15:35
BUGabundowhat's the difference between kingston SSD v and v+ series?15:49
penguin42a + ?15:51
BUGabundostop being sarcastic :(15:55
BUGabundoI need help!15:55
charlie-tcahmm, looks like a "+" to me too. Maybe a "Thanks, penguin42 " is in order?15:56
penguin42me? Sarcastic? Noooooo15:56
penguin42BUGabundo: What's your actual problem?15:56
BUGabundoI order a SSD15:57
BUGabundoa kingston 64GBs15:57
BUGabundoand now I find out about this '+' series15:57
BUGabundo(the other question is how is current support of btrfs in sdd in MM)15:57
penguin42Well the + is likely to be newer, faster or less buggy15:57
penguin42Or just more expensive - but one assumes they added the + later15:58
lfaraone|mobilepenguin42: Newer and faster usually go hand in hand with more bugs.15:58
penguin42lfaraone|mobile: Indeed, the other possibility is that the + is the one where they fixed the bugs15:58
penguin42BUGabundo: + has larger cache, available in larger sizes, has a garbage collect, and looks faster from the spec sheet16:00
penguin42BUGabundo: http://www.kingston.com/ssd/vplus-series.asp   vs http://www.kingston.com/ssd/v-series.asp16:01
BUGabundolfaraone you mean maverick has more bugs then lucid??16:01
penguin42oh and bizarrely it looks like you can shake it harder while its running16:01
lfaraone|mobileBUGabundo: I thought that was obvious.16:02
BUGabundopenguin42: LOL16:02
penguin42BUGabundo: Hey there's always a faster/newer/quicker thing out there - and I bet the + costs more16:02
BUGabundoI know16:03
lfaraone|mobileThe week after I got my 1TB HD they dropped the price of the 1.5TB.16:03
lfaraone|mobileC'est la vie.16:03
BUGabundogonna go with what ever I order then16:03
BUGabundomost prob non v+16:04
BUGabundothanks penguin4216:04
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charlie-tcaAnyone running Xubuntu Maverick got time to confirm a terminal bug?17:06
penguin42I can probably get a vm into it17:08
penguin42charlie-tca: Is this lxterminal ?17:10
charlie-tcano, xfce4-terminal17:10
penguin42ok, got it17:10
charlie-tcaIt's easy, just click edit -> preferences, click each tab, then click close17:11
* penguin42 has a VM with lubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu all in17:11
charlie-tcaThe bug is bug 60950017:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609500 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in exo_mutual_binding_unbind()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60950017:11
charlie-tcaThe terminal window closes when close is hit after going through the preferences17:11
penguin42yep same bug17:12
charlie-tcaKind of irritating, but not really serious17:12
charlie-tcaGreat! Thank you very much17:13
Dinkpenguin42: and lfaraone: the issue seemed to be mutter. Once I killed the proc and it spawned again my memory looks normal now17:15
Dink1gb ram used and no swap17:15
lfaraone|mobileDink: Ah, mk.17:16
DinkAlso trying out irssi vs xchat to help use less memory17:16
lapionanyone know how to activate an iwl2100 wifi card with a software power button ?17:21
penguin42lapion: Do you have a /sys/class/rfkill ?17:23
lapionrfkill list :17:31
lapionHard blocked: yes17:32
penguin42do you have /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0 and is there a soft and hard file in there?17:33
penguin42if you cat soft and cat hard what do they show ?17:36
lapionhard=1 soft=017:37
penguin42hmm same as mine, and the hard on mine corresponds to an actual switch17:38
penguin42you could always try echo 0 > hard    but I doubt it will work17:38
lapionthere is a hardware pushbutton..17:39
lapionyeah echo 1 > hard , gives permission denied17:40
penguin42even in a sudo -s shell? (sudo echo 1 > hard     won't work)17:40
lapionhowever echo 1 > soft does work...17:40
penguin42so if the soft is 0 and you have a hardware button for the hard one what's the problem?17:41
lapionit's a pseudo hardware button17:42
lapionone of the regular keyboard buttons17:42
penguin42oh I see, I've got a nice actual switch on this one17:43
lapionsorry regular keyboard multimedia buttons on laptops17:43
lapionwhat values do you have for uevent ?17:43
penguin42actually, I don't think I've found the equivalent on my eeepc17:43
penguin42lapion: NAME=phy0, TYPE=wlan STATE=217:44
lapionthe other files..17:44
lapionor rfkill0/power/control mine is set to auto17:45
cmeiklejohnhi there17:46
cmeiklejohnhow goes it?17:46
penguin42not too bad17:46
cmeiklejohnI was just wondering if someone else could confirm a bug for me if they had a minute --17:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621852 in empathy (Ubuntu) "empathy crashing on every startup" [Undecided,New]17:47
cmeiklejohnWasn't sure if I had a misconfiguration that was the root of the problem.17:48
* penguin42 doesn't use empathy17:49
cmeiklejohnah, ok.17:49
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AndrewMCWhat is better install mavric via a fresh install or doing an upgrade via update manager. Or does it matter?18:59
penguin42AndrewMC: Tend to get a few more issues on the upgrade19:00
AndrewMCI figured19:00
* penguin42 tends to upgrade and I generally need to fix a few things19:00
AndrewMCI will do a fresh install19:01
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lfaraoneOn my computer, which I just upgraded yesterday, Plymouth stops during boot, it just seems stuck there. On recovery mode, I don't get to the  recovery menu. http://img442.imageshack.us/i/imageab.jpg/ is a screenie of my console. How can I figure out the problem?19:19
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charlie-tcaremoved quiet splash from the boot line?19:24
lfaraonecharlie-tca: I did, and plymouth still comes up. (the screenshot was in recovery mode)19:24
IdleOneanybody unable to change volume by hovering mouse over the volume icon?19:25
charlie-tcaIdleOne: working in xubuntu19:25
IdleOneI have to click on it then the mouse wheel will adjust the volume19:26
IdleOneit's a little annoying, didn't this happen in Lucid also before release?19:26
charlie-tcalfaraone: I don't see anything in that screenshot should be stopping the boot from working19:28
lfaraonecharlie-tca: right, but it just sat there....19:28
charlie-tcabut sometimes I don't know what to look for19:28
charlie-tcahmm, wonder if "acpi=off" would change it?19:29
penguin42IdleOne: Yeh same here19:38
penguin42IdleOne: It'll be the new indicator thing19:38
IdleOneI think they should rename the applets, make it just a little less intuitive. Indicator Applet is way to easy to figure out19:39
lfaraonecharlie-tca: screen of single user mode with acpi off, screen of GRUB as I'm entereing the boot parameters for normal mode, and screen of normal boot, respectively.19:40
lfaraonehttp://img682.imageshack.us/img682/1545/img1760b.jpg, http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/8430/img1761t.jpg, http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/5513/img1762c.jpg19:41
charlie-tcadid you have nvidia hardware drivers installed?19:47
charlie-tcaI don't know how to fix it now. Nvidia drivers are causing issues in maverick this week19:48
charlie-tcaMaybe someone else will jump in?19:48
lfaraonecharlie-tca: I think I did.19:48
lfaraonecharlie-tca: am I relegated to a reinstall at this point?19:48
charlie-tcaI don't really know. There are people much more knowledgeable than I am, but they don't appear to be here today. Can you wait until tomorrow ?19:49
yofelbug 616023 is the most common nvidia issue currently19:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Maverick) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602319:49
duffydackDoes the fglrx driver work yet?  I`ll install for rilz if so.19:57
penguin42duffydack: Don't think so19:58
duffydackpenguin42, :( ok.  I dont like my fan running max constantly :)19:58
lfaraonecharlie-tca: ah, ignoreABI workedforme.20:32
charlie-tcaThanks, yofel20:33
lfaraoneyofel: thanks for the pointer. I'm glad I had a recovery disk around.20:33
yofelnp, actually, if plymouth gets stuck ever again try sysrq+k which should kill it (that gave me a working console at least) - forgot to mention that20:35
yofel(sysrq+k would be alt+print+k usually)20:35
DanaGERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on com.Gwibber.Searches:/com/gwibber/Searches: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.Gwibber.Searches was not provided by any .service files20:47
WaYwhat happends with amsn that opens two tasks in kde 4.5 taskbar? and one of them is like hanged up20:56
DasEiapt-get source linux-image-2.6.35-17-generic      can't find the kernelsources, any trick about it ?21:15
WaYapt-get update ; apt-get source linux-image-2.6.35-17-generic --fix-missing21:16
DanaGstupid gwibber... doesn't show any messages at all!21:27
BUGabundoI just have it closed21:29
BUGabundoit dies way too much21:29
yofeloh nice, nvidia just crashed kwin, the restarted kwin works fine, but I have snow on my screen, as in pixels with wrong color21:29
yofel#6  0x00007faa180c472e in ?? () from /usr/lib/nvidia-current/libnvidia-glcore.so.256.4421:29
yofelfeels like snow on nice old analog TVs...21:30
DasEiWaY: tried, still not found, does it work on your system ?21:34
yofelDasEi: works fine here http://paste.ubuntu.com/482025/21:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614742 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "[meta] cannot add facebook account, facebook does not update and more" [Medium,Triaged]21:35
WaYit works fine on mine21:36
DasEiyofel, way. thanks for reply, my repos where borked, done now22:23
DaekdroomIs anyone else having problem with unresponsive nautilus?22:41
DanaGWeird, espeak crashes when I tell it to speak this string I found in the ATI binary driver:22:46
DanaG ooboghieteipheilahpheengohnashoahveerohpithaewaxaepheepaiquevuhpahmaezosengoinoraeteichyaighaidxieghoghaichoocheecaesalphoothizhoonaethpohvahniouzaghiezoquahbaleikohpoaiyooyaueuroothoeefohsah22:46
DanaGAnd there seems to be no espeak-dbg package.22:48
DaekdroomDanaG, I wonder..22:55
DanaGBuffer overflow.22:58
DanaGMust not be expecting to get a string that long. =þ22:58
DaekdroomNautilus is deadly slow here. Apparently too much I/O23:00
yofelyou can check IO with iotop23:00
DaekdroomI tried, and it magically started working23:00
DaekdroomOr not23:00
DaekdroomBut definitely not I/O23:01
DaekdroomI think it's the ubuntu one plugin23:01
DaekdroomIt makes rendering too slow. I'll try to switch GTK+ engine23:02
* BUGabundo is trying to get xmacro to work23:26
BUGabundohow does this thing read a file?23:26
wersCan't install gnome-shell. I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/482064/23:47
wersit may have something to do with conflicting packages with Unity or Firefox-4.023:47
wersI already did ppa-purge the corresponding ppa's (Canonical DX and Mozilla Daily). any idea why I can't meet the gnome-shell dependencies?23:48
wersjust found out that ppa-purge wasn't able to downgrade some (if not all) packages from the Mozilla Daily PPA. I hope, i don't have to reinstall Maverick to make sure all traces of the PPA are gone23:56

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