
=== uCHobby_AFK is now known as uCHobby
=== uCHobby is now known as uCHobby_afk
kosaidpohello guys01:07
kosaidpoanyne can recommend any C++ room01:08
kosaidpoi cant tlk there it says im not allowed to01:15
kosaidpoi get cannot send to this channel01:15
kosaidpoidk why01:15
pedro3005kosaidpo, identify01:17
kosaidpowell how can i01:18
kosaidpocus here n evrywhere no authautification is needed and i dont have an account tho01:19
ZaximI'm having a problem with my Windows machine following a symlink on a samba share. I've added "follow symlinks = yes" to my smb.conf file, but I still get a permission denied. Any help?02:11
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IAmNotThatGuyohai mathay05:09
=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
Mohan_chml!paste | Mohan_chml08:34
ubot2Mohan_chml, please see my private message08:34
MintUserhow to avoid losing the clipboard after i close a program i have copied something from ?11:50
hobgoblinhi mohi13:06
Mohan_chmlheya hobgoblin13:08
hobgoblinhow's things13:08
Mohan_chmlwell, got an injury :(13:09
hobgoblinoh dear13:09
Mohan_chmlActually, Its an accident13:12
IAmNotThatGuyActually, Its an accident13:14
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
hobgoblininjuries usually are ;)13:19
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: I fell from my bike.... A drunk Idiot crossed the road and the road was slippery. When I applied the brake, I fell down13:23
hobgoblin:( I got hit by a car on mine a while back13:24
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: same pinch :D13:26
Scotch_BrightHello, I wanted to know if the library GD (used with php) is still under active development?13:35
hobgoblinhi sebsebseb13:40
sebsebsebhobgoblin: hi13:42
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: any Idea about what Scotch_Bright asked?13:51
Mohan_chmlI think fox knows the answer13:52
lukjadHey hobgoblin13:58
lukjadHey st33med13:58
st33medYou are no longer a spy?13:58
Mohan_chmlst33med: lukjad is a spy?13:59
lukjadst33med I'm undercover! SHH13:59
Mohan_chmlLOL Funny :P14:00
hobgoblinlukjad: you need to get up then14:00
lukjadwant to see my latest plot?14:00
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzzz
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzzz
nUboon2Agehas anyone here used jabber?  I'm trying to use jabber for the first time (with Empathy) and wondering if anyone would be willing to do a quick jabber connection with me so i can see how to do a connection.16:23
Mohan_chmlPabloRubianes: PM16:35
Mohan_chmlI am going to sleep16:35
Mohan_chmlAm too tired after the accident16:35
Mohan_chmlsee you all guys16:35
nuboon2age_has anyone here used jabber?  I'm trying to use jabber for the first time (with Empathy) and wondering if anyone would be willing to do a quick jabber connection with me so i can see how to do a connection.16:43
=== nuboon2age_ is now known as nUboon2Age
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin
abhijeeti need some help can i ask18:07
Hellow|LaptopDon't ask to ask, just ask.18:08
abhijeeti have  installed ubuntu 10.04 in my acer 5740 laptop . when i open synaptic  package manager it asks to insert the ubuntu  dvd but when i insert the dvd it is not recognising the dvd please help me18:12
Hellow|LaptopWhat are you trying to install?18:13
abhijeeti need acrobat reader , vlc media player , vuze18:13
=== veebull is now known as away
Hellow|LaptopOpen the software sources window (System->Administration->Software Sources), go through the tabs and uncheck or remove the Ubuntu DVD, and check or add the Ubuntu Universe and Multiuniverse repositories.18:14
Hellow|LaptopThen, when you close out of it, it'll ask to update the package database - let it.18:15
abhijeeti have innstalled the ubuntu 10.04 from dvd but before one month i had innstalled the same ubuntu version fromm the "CD".18:16
abhijeetit is working thang u sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:16
Hellow|LaptopNo problem.18:16
abhijeethow can i install the additional softwares from the ubuntu dvd and the ubuntu repositary dvds please guide me , because i have just  purchase the ubuntu repositary dvds .18:20
Hellow|LaptopI have little experience with the repository DVDs, as I always use the web-accessable repos.18:20
Hellow|LaptopThe web repos have all of the software on the repo DVDs, and it's probably newer as well.18:21
abhijeetbut have slow internet connection therefore i have taken the repositary dvds . When im going to in. how cstall some siftwares it shows that the dependancies are not available18:22
abhijeethow can i find all the dependencies and libc files18:23
Hellow|LaptopHey pedro300518:29
=== slidinghorn is now known as [-slidinghorn-]
=== 77CAA3MCO is now known as Joeb454
nUboon2Agehas anyone here used jabber?  I'm trying to use jabber for the first time (with Empathy) and wondering if anyone would be willing to do a quick jabber connection with me so i can see how to do a connection.20:45
serfushey nUboon2Age20:46
serfusnUboon2Age, i would be glad to do so20:46
serfusyou want to look for me? serfus@jabber.org20:47
nUboon2Ageserfus: that'd be great.  okay i've got empathy up.20:47
nUboon2Ageokay i think i just opened a query20:48
andrew_708476I have a few problems with Ubuntu can someone help21:22
aveilleux!ask |andrew_70847621:22
ubot2andrew_708476: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:22
andrew_708476how do I get rid of an Anti virus program on Ubuntu21:23
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Which program, and how did you install it?21:26
andrew_708476its ok I just went to look at the program and its gone thanks21:26
andrew_708476Does anyone know a good anti Virus for Ubuntu21:28
aveilleuxandrew_708476: There's really no need to have antivirus on Linux, but if you want one you can check out this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:30
andrew_708476does anyone know what application I need to open ueav.i386.en.linux22:01
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Right, I forgot Eset distributes their antivirus in binary format. Where did you download the file to?22:02
andrew_708476the internet22:03
aveilleuxandrew_708476: That's not what I asked. I asked where you saved the file TO, not where you downloaded the file FROM.22:04
andrew_708476ok my downloads folder22:04
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Where is that? ~/Downloads?22:05
andrew_708476on my computer22:05
aveilleuxandrew_708476: WHERE on your computer? What directory?22:06
aveilleuxandrew_708476: *sighs* Open a Terminal window. Applications > Accessories > Terminal22:06
aveilleuxType "ls" and paste the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com22:07
andrew_708476Ive opened the Terminal22:09
aveilleuxType "ls" and paste the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com22:10
andrew_708476but there's nothing there22:11
andrew_708476its blank22:11
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Did you hit "Enter" after typing "ls"?22:11
andrew_708476what do I have to type22:12
aveilleuxandrew_708476: You're not going to be able to get help if you don't follow my directions exactly22:12
aveilleuxandrew_708476: I told you to type "ls" (LS lowercase without the quotes) and hit Enter22:12
andrew_708476sorry if I seem a bit slow but I suffer from Schizofrenia and have a bad memorry22:13
aveilleuxandrew_708476: That's not much of an excuse since IRC has a text backlog. In either case, please do as directed.22:14
andrew_708476yes I typed it22:14
andrew_708476well Im just telling how I am22:14
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Did you hit Enter22:14
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Did you get an output?\22:14
andrew_708476yes Desktop - Downloads - Music - Public - Videos Documents - Pictures and Templates22:16
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Please paste the exact output into http://pastebin.ubuntu.com22:16
andrew_708476yes I have done that22:17
aveilleuxandrew_708476: You have to give me the pastebin URL if you want me to see it.22:17
aveilleuxandrew_708476: I can't read minds22:17
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Do you need help using Pastebin?22:18
andrew_708476is that right22:20
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Yes, that's what I wanted.22:20
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Type "cd Downloads" without the quotes. The capitalization is important.22:20
andrew_708476where do I type it22:21
aveilleuxandrew_708476: In Terminal.22:22
andrew_708476Downloads has come up22:23
nUboon2Agethanks serfus for the jabber chat. :)22:25
aveilleuxandrew_708476: type "gksudo ./ueav.i386.en.linux" without the quotes and hit enter. You *must* include the period-slash ( ./ ) in front.22:25
serfusnUboon2Age, NP22:25
andrew_708476like this /gksudo ./ueav.i386.en.linux22:26
aveilleuxNo. No slash in front.22:26
andrew_708476ok then Ive done it right then22:27
andrew_708476downloads is still there22:27
aveilleuxN-no, the program should be running now.22:28
andrew_708476its not22:28
nUboon2Ageserfus: ha!  I'm still trying to figure out how to disconnect.22:28
nUboon2Ageserfus: well that quit empathy and worked i guess.  not a graceful chat exit.22:29
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Then try "sudo ./ueav.i386.en.linux"22:30
andrew_708476http://beta.eset.com/linux thats where I got the program from22:31
nUboon2Ageserfus: i quit and then started empathy again and the conversation is stilll right there.  so i guess its kind of a persistent conversation unless you 'remove' the contact.  kinda wierd.22:31
andrew_708476sudo: ./ueav.i386.en.linux: command not found22:32
serfusnUboon2Age, well, no you are disconnected22:32
nUboon2Ageserfus: i just started it again and again it shows the conversation.22:32
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Do another ls and paste the output into Pastebin, please?22:32
aveilleuxnUboon2Age: It saves the backlogs from past conversations22:33
nUboon2Ageaveilleux: okay, yes.  and it also seems to reopen the connection.22:33
andrew_708476Compressed  pidgin-ppa_0.0.3_all.deb         Ubuntu-MRT-v1-1.iso22:33
andrew_708476Documents   Programs                         ueav.i386.en.linux22:33
andrew_708476mount.sh    sYWRCQUX.txt                     Video22:33
andrew_708476Music       ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso  vlc-1.1.3-win32.exe22:33
aveilleuxandrew_708476: I told you to put it into Pastebin. Please listen to my instructions.22:34
andrew_708476this is the outcome from that22:34
andrew_708476nothing happeneds22:34
aveilleuxandrew_708476: type "sudo chmod +x ueav.i386.en.linux" then "sudo ./ueav.i386.en.linux"22:35
andrew_708476yes thanks its installing22:37
aveilleuxandrew_708476: I also noticed that you downloaded the Windows installer for VLC Media Player. Two things: One, Windows programs will *not* run on Linux; two: VLC is in the Ubuntu repositories.22:38
andrew_708476do I need to change that22:39
nUboon2Ageaveilleux: serfus: it looks like you have to 'remove' the contact in Empathy to actually stop the connection.  That's too bad.  I'd call that a bug.22:39
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Change what?22:40
andrew_708476anything on my computer22:40
aveilleuxandrew_708476: I don't understand. You're asking fragments of questions. Form a full sentence please?22:40
andrew_708476the anti virus has installed but wont run22:41
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Define "Won't run"22:41
andrew_708476wont open and scan22:42
andrew_708476or open and update22:42
aveilleuxandrew_708476: That's not helpful. Are you getting error messages?22:42
aveilleuxandrew_708476: What are you doing to try and open NOD32?22:43
andrew_708476just to see if it will open and scan for virus22:43
aveilleuxandrew_708476: That didn't answer my question. What process are you using to try and open NOD32?22:44
aveilleuxandrew_708476: I'm not asking a yes-or-no question.22:45
andrew_708476thats it when I cklick on it, it wont even do anything22:45
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Clicking on what?22:46
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Where?22:47
andrew_708476In system Tools22:47
aveilleuxandrew_708476: In the main menu?22:48
aveilleuxandrew_708476: In Terminal, type "uname -a" and paste the output here please22:49
andrew_708476Applications - System Tools - Nod3222:49
andrew_708476andrew@andrew-desktop:~$ uname -a22:50
andrew_708476Linux andrew-desktop 2.6.32-24-generic-pae #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 19 02:43:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux22:50
aveilleuxandrew_708476: When I ask you to paste the output here, I only want the one line that's returned to you22:51
andrew_708476thats all that came from that uname -a22:51
aveilleuxandrew_708476: You added in the line before and after it. That's not what I wanted. Please be polite to the other members of the chat and only take up one line at a time. If I know the output will be more than one line, I ask you to use Pastebin.22:52
andrew_708476ok sorry22:53
andrew_708476it still will not open22:54
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Type "nod32" in Terminal22:54
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Actually, try rebooting. That should fix a few problems.22:55
andrew_708476nod32: command not found22:55
andrew_708476no it still will not open23:01
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Do you have a system tray icon?23:03
aveilleuxandrew_708476: I'll be back in about twenty minutes23:03
andrew_708476how do I fine out if I have a System tray icon23:04
uRock_Look at the system tray?23:07
uRock_For me it is in the bottom right, where the networm manager indicator is.23:08
uRock_*network not networm23:08
noderscorehi i just installed ubuntu and it keeps loggin me off every ten minutes when afk,ive been trying to sort this out for ages now?23:09
uRock_noderscore, is it the screensaver coming on and locking you out?23:10
meindian523noderscore, logging you off or locking the screen?23:10
meindian523yeah, similar to what uRock_ said23:10
noderscorewell i turned off screen turnoff, no it goes black and logs me off?23:10
uRock_Go to System> Preferences> screensaver and unclick the box for lock screen23:10
meindian523noderscore, keeping in mind that the screensaver might just be no screensaver at all, that is your screensaver might be a blank screen23:10
uRock_is it a laptop?23:11
noderscoreits set to blank screen23:12
noderscoreand lock screen was on23:12
uRock_cool, hope that fixes it for ya then23:12
stlsaintalright alright im here all is well now23:12
uRock_all is well is a good thing23:13
meindian523aal izz well23:13
noderscorehey thanks uRock_,also why im here, im reading commands for terminal that are over two lines etc,are the entered one at a time ?23:14
meindian523noderscore, is there a \ at the end of each line?23:15
uRock_If someone has a list of commands, then usually they are entered on at a time23:15
noderscoreso there just written down that way23:15
meindian523noderscore, and if there is no \ at the end of the line, they are separate commands too23:16
uRock_gimme a link to the page and I'll let you know for sure23:16
uRock_or give an axample23:16
uRock_uRock types, take two23:16
meindian523ample number of axes23:17
uRock_one at a time23:17
noderscoreim just know learning the commands23:17
meindian523yep, those are separate commands to be entered one at a time23:17
uRock_one line that is, not the whole box at once23:17
noderscoreliie anyother command line23:17
noderscoreliie = like23:18
uRock_si senior23:18
noderscoreoh that setting worked(before)23:19
aveilleuxandrew_708476: The system tray is in the top-right by default on Ubuntu23:19
aveilleuxIf you have a NOD32 system tray icon, it'll be next to the clock23:20
noderscorewhat gui should i use?23:20
noderscorehey thanks alot im cool23:21
uRock_noderscore, what do you mean? KDE, GNOME or XFCE?23:21
uRock_GNOME is the best for most23:22
andrew_708476its scanning23:24
aveilleuxandrew_708476: So it's installed correctly? Good!23:30
andrew_708476now for my next problem do you know how to install tor23:31
andrew_708476I tryed myself but had a few problems23:33
andrew_708476aveilleux can you help me with that problem23:36
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Tor, toe proxy network?23:36
=== uchobby is now known as uCHobby_afk
aveilleuxandrew_708476: Try this gude https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor23:40
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse

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