
kermiacvish: ping re bugsquad mentors... last time we discussed stlsaint you said that you needed to find out if maco's students were active or not. Has there been any progress made on that? Thanks mate00:25
kklimondaI need a volunteer with lucid :)00:47
penguin42I've still got one lucid machine00:47
kklimondawell, in 10 minutes :)00:47
kklimondagreat, I'll give you a simple python script to run :)00:48
penguin42will it hurt00:48
kklimondawell, not much ;)00:48
kklimondanah, it's safe00:48
kklimondapenguin42: can you run http://pastebin.com/NBXQfNqM ?00:50
penguin42just give me a sec00:51
kklimondahmm, no00:51
kklimondait won't work yet :)00:51
kklimondahttp://pastebin.com/5RELuMsF this one may though00:52
kklimondahmm.. not yet.. argh..00:54
kklimondabut I'm close00:54
penguin42ok, so it's failing to load ;ibcuchdb-glib-1.0.so.200:54
kklimondahmm.. can you show me result of ls /usr/lib/libcouchdb-glib* ?00:55
* penguin42 wonders if any of the pastebins are wget'able00:55
kklimondaI think the abi has changed in maverick00:55
kklimondayeah, there is at least one00:55
kklimondaI don't remember how its called right now00:55
kklimondaand it's awesome00:55
penguin42kklimonda: So, I haven't got libcouchdb-glib installed - it looks like I took it out to trim the machine down; however I can put it back00:56
kklimondano, it's fine - I can get it to test at maverick with some additional work00:57
kklimondaand it still doesn't work as expected :)00:57
penguin42ok, with that installed00:58
penguin42it outputs nothing00:58
kklimondaand this one: http://pastebin.com/tFsGFSRz ?00:59
penguin42** (process:1802): DEBUG: You will see this message01:00
kklimondaand if you set COUCHDB_ENV_DEBUG_MESSAGES=1 in terminal?01:02
kklimondaexport COUCHDB_ENV_DEBUG_MESSAGES=1 even01:02
kklimondaor something similar depending on your shell01:02
penguin42no change01:03
kklimondaoh well, doesn't really matter01:03
hggdhstlsaint: pong01:05
penguin42you good? Can I turn this little guy off again?01:05
kklimondapenguin42: sure, thanks for helping :)01:06
penguin42kklimonda: It's a little eeepc I picked up cheap a couple of weeks ago01:06
kklimondalittle? 7" one? :)01:07
penguin4210" 1001HA01:07
kklimondaah, not that little - those 10" are pretty cool01:07
penguin42yeh, I saw it 2nd hand for a reasonable price (although it looks like netbook prices are starting to come down finally)01:07
penguin42wireless was a bit of a fight, but other than that it's sweet01:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kklimondahmm.. can you tell me a color that starts with the leter d?01:09
kklimondaah, wikipedia has it :)01:09
kklimondadesert looks nice01:10
penguin42the only thing that matches that in rgb.txt is drab and Dark Orchid01:10
penguin42time for bed01:19
drew212what do we do for firefox bugs if a new profile fixes the bug, but it isn't caused by a specific extension?02:06
nigelbstlsaint: pong?04:31
somethinginteresI just upgraded my kernel through the update manager and my HDAV1.3 Deluxe sound card stopped working. I booted into the old version of the kernel and the sound works. I've been asked to file a bug report - how do I file a useful one against the new kernel release?04:54
abhijithello all04:54
micahgsomethinginteres: ubuntu-bug linux04:55
abhijitone more function key bug from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:55
abhijitanyone pleae triage this?04:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 622064 in gnome-do (Ubuntu) "function dont work while gnome-do is running (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]04:55
somethinginteresmicahg: so I Alt+F2 and run that command while running the kernel version with the bug?04:57
micahgsomethinginteres: yep04:58
somethinginteresmicahg: righto04:58
somethinginteresmicahg: what should I select for 'how would you describe the regression?' The update was from 'Linux 2.6.32-16-generic' to 'Linux 2.6.32-24-generic'05:06
micahgsomethinginteres: what the actual regression you05:07
micahgre noticing is05:07
somethinginteresmicahg: well I'm not sure if going from -16 to -24 constitutes a regression from an updated package of a stable release or a regression in a new stable release05:09
micahgsomethinginteres: it's regression update, but they want to know what the regression iss05:09
somethinginteresmicahg: you mean the exact issue I am experiencing right?05:10
nigelbhggdh: hm, I thought that was the right bug.05:10
micahgsomethinginteres: yes05:10
somethinginteresmicahg: I'll be sure to be as detailed as I can be. All I know for sure is my sound card is no longer recognised05:10
micahgsomethinginteres: k05:11
micahgsomethinginteres: what happens when you boot with -1605:11
somethinginteresmicahg: sound works fine05:11
micahgsomethinginteres: k05:11
kklimondaI find it disturbing that there are so many kernel regressions lately..05:16
micahgkklimonda: have you reported any?05:16
nigelbkklimonda: go hunt jfo ;)05:17
abhijitkermiac, ping05:17
kklimondamicahg: well, I haven't had problems myself05:18
micahgkklimonda: with the 10.04.1 release and LTS->LTS updates on there were bound to be regressions05:19
abhijitcan anyone using gnome-do test test this condition and after testing if it affects you can you please mark it affect me also?05:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 622064 in gnome-do (Ubuntu) "function dont work while gnome-do is running (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]05:20
micahgabhijit: one cannot mark a bug affecting another05:20
abhijitmicahg, i used the word 'if it affects you'05:21
micahgabhijit: sorry, a little tired :)05:21
kklimondamicahg: I'm not talking about LTS->LTS regressions - those are unavoidable. but I've seen quite a few people reporting problems after installing new kernel from -updates.05:21
kklimondamost of them related to sound btw - that's probably one nasty can of worms05:22
micahgkklimonda: oh, well, hmmm, that seems unusual, but 2.6.32 is a LTS kernel, so they might be trying to backport more stuff05:22
nigelbew, yes.05:22
nigelbsound is nasty still.05:22
kklimondaI'd love to see a broad "certification program" from canonical and some message at the installation time like "Your computer has been certified" or "your hardware sucks - go buy something else" ;)05:23
micahgkklimonda: that's the microsoft way05:23
nigelbkklimonda: There is.05:24
kklimondamicahg: there has to be the reason why does Microsoft do it even with all manufacturers testing their hardware with windows.05:24
micahgkklimonda: they don't want to support older hardware, we want to when possible05:25
kklimondamost problems I deal with on our LoCo forum is related to either hardware or users installing software from shady places.05:25
nigelbkklimonda: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/05:25
kklimondamicahg: but I see no problem to test and certify a 5 years old laptop. well, problem other than lack of resources.05:25
kklimondanigelb: I know about it bug the selection there is quite limited05:25
micahgkklimonda: that's a big problem, I'm sure someone wouldn't object to an app that tests hardware going into the archive :)05:26
kklimondaactually - anyone knows if there is OEM in Europe selling laptops with Ubuntu (or another linux?)05:26
kklimondamicahg: I'm not so sure about that - Canonical has such an app after all05:26
kklimondaIf they were really interested in broader testing they would open source it05:27
nigelbI don't know of any besides Dell outside of US of A05:27
kklimondaDell sells their ubuntu-powered hardware only in 3 countries from what I can see.05:27
nigelbtry caling them up.05:30
nigelbif Providers like zareason and system76 provided service outside of usa, nothing like it.05:31
macozareason does sell outside the usa05:31
macothey'll ship anywhere ups does05:31
nigelbwell, yes, but most countries screw the buyer with customs,e tc05:32
kklimondaand there is the problem with warranty.. sending it to us and back again would probably cost a small fortune05:33
* nigelb agrees05:34
vishkermiac: turns out maco is not free atm either .. this is why i told stlsaint i would assign a mentor right then, i'm pretty sure there was an open slot back when he applied :(06:15
ddecatorwish i had more time :(06:18
vishddecator: hey! back? ;)06:19
ddecatorvish: just to be social for the night unfortunately :/06:19
somethinginteresmicahg: reported the regression. Thanks for the help06:23
micahgsomethinginteres: np06:23
vishsomethinginteres: thanks for adding the debdiff ;)06:24
* vish should poke sponsors...06:24
somethinginteresvish: no worries. Sorry it took me so long - real life takes up my time :P06:25
vishsomethinginteres: noo! you are not allowed to have a real life! ;p06:25
somethinginteresvish: :)06:25
kermiacok, no probs vish.... I was just checking as he was asking again earlier06:27
kermiacabhijit: umm... pong??06:27
abhijitkerdekel, hey hello06:27
abhijitkermiac, i have one more function key bug can you triage it?06:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 622064 in gnome-do (Ubuntu) "function dont work while gnome-do is running (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]06:28
vishkerdekel: stlsaint: thats quite a busy slot , there are very few available mentors right now! :s  i'll keep an eye out for any changes.. :)06:29
kermiacabhijit: I can take a look in a while if noone else beats me to it, but I'm busy atm. sorry mate06:29
vishargh! kermiac ^06:29
abhijitkerdekel, np06:29
abhijitkermiac, np06:29
ddecatorpoor kerdekel06:29
vishkerdekel: seems to get a lot of kermiac's messages ;p06:29
stlsaintvish: well hello06:30
vishstlsaint: hey, finally you caught me ;)06:31
ddecatoranyone else read stlsaint's "well hello" in a seductive voice?06:31
vishstlsaint: you ping me at quite the odd hours ;p06:31
vishddecator: only you !06:31
stlsaintddecator: your one of the special ones ;)06:31
ddecatorbeen a long night, haha06:32
stlsaintvish: im sure others have bugged you about me bugging them by now06:32
vishstlsaint: also , instead of pings, just mention the message.... if it werent for kermiac i would still be wondering what you wanted.. :)06:32
stlsaintvish: alright so any word on the verdict?06:34
vishstlsaint: no one is free right now in your preferred time.. but have a look at the wiki and see if any other time slot works out for you..06:35
* stlsaint sighs!! 06:36
stlsaintmaybe im just not meant to be part of bug team!! This is second fail i get from here!06:36
stlsaintvish: and time? im in texas...are there no other mentors in texas?06:37
ddecatorstlsaint: find some BC members from the area and convince them to be a mentor :)06:37
* stlsaint sighs!! (once again)06:38
micahgwe definitely have one member in texas ;)06:39
ddecatorstlsaint: i'd help you out if i could06:39
stlsaintddecator: i feel ya06:40
vishstlsaint: i dont know where each mentor lives ;p but have a look at the available mentors : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors06:41
stlsaintyea ive been there many times...even bookmarked it ;)06:42
vishstlsaint: you should always listen to wise man's advice! ;p06:42
* vish wise !!!06:42
stlsainthalf the folks on that list dont even have an available time06:44
stlsaintfrom my understanding there are literally hundreds of bug squad members yes?06:45
stlsaintso why only 15-20 mentors? without mentors folks cant become members yes?06:46
vishstlsaint: a mentor is *not* a requirement06:46
micahgstlsaint: not everyone wants a mentor06:46
ddecatorright, just helps06:46
vishstlsaint: you can start triaging and ask questions here06:47
* stlsaint goes to grab ol' trusty trout!!06:47
vishstlsaint: anyone who knows the ans will ans your questions06:47
* stlsaint calls to ddecator to trout duel!!06:48
ddecatorbut i only have a salmon..06:49
stlsaintlooks like your outta luck buddy06:49
ddecatorlooks like i am06:50
abhijitvish, you there?07:14
vishabhijit: nope ;p07:14
abhijitvish, you know about the lock screen short cut ? ctrl alt L07:14
vishabhijit: yeah.07:14
abhijitvish, so i need to submit bug against that lock shortcut. so which package to submit?07:14
vishabhijit: whats wrong with that? not working or..?07:15
abhijitvish, it is working. but it works on his own mood. not when I want it to.07:15
abhijitvish, so which package to where ubuntu-bug <here> ?07:16
vishabhijit: gnomekbd07:17
abhijitvish, ok thanks07:17
abhijitvish, gnomekbd does not exist!07:17
vishhmm , i think thats the search i use in lp..07:18
vishlet me check07:18
abhijitvish, is it libgnomekbd4? or libgnomekdb-dev or libgnomekbd-common?07:18
abhijitone more is there - gkbd-capplet07:19
vishabhijit: go with libgnomekbd4 , if its wrong , someone will switch it ;p07:19
abhijitvish, yah. :)07:19
vishabhijit: hmm , it might also be gnome-settings-daemon handling the shortcuts.. ;)07:21
abhijitvish, ohhh07:22
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigel_nb
somethinginteresI'm thinking of testing a 'mainline' kernel to see if the sound bug I'm having is still present in it. The version I am running where the bug presents is '2.6.32-24-generic' - can someone point out to me the link to the correct version I should test from: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ (I can't find my version listed there)07:23
abhijitvish, should i make it I dont know or libgnokekbd4 or gnome-settings-daemon?07:25
vishabhijit: wait, let me check lp bugs and let you know..07:25
abhijitvish, ok07:25
vishabhijit: libgnomekbd ...07:29
abhijitvish, libgnomekbd4? ok i submit now07:29
abhijitvish, submitted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnomekbd/+bug/62209107:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 622091 in libgnomekbd (Ubuntu) "lock screen short cut working randomely (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]07:30
somethinginteresor do I actually want to use "current"? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/current/07:35
vishsomethinginteres: current is better..07:38
somethinginteresvish: righto07:39
somethinginteresis there anywhere I should be sending my bug upstream or...07:39
nigel_nbsomethinginteres: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/info/kernel-version-map.html07:39
somethinginteresshould mention, this is it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/62207007:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 622070 in linux (Ubuntu) "ASUS HDAV1.3 Deluxe sound card is not recognised after kernel update (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]07:39
vishnigel_nb: that map is mostly for comparing the versions.. not really needed for testing.. :)07:40
vishkernel wiki can benefit from some cleanup, to make it easier to know what they want..07:41
nigel_nbhm, I'm rusty.  Need to get back to triaging.07:41
micahgvish: it's useful to know which mainline version we're on and if there's an update to test07:42
vishmicahg: yeah for *us*, but not for the person we recommend to test, we can know the current is updated or not by looking at the date of the update.07:44
micahgvish: others can read...07:45
vishmicahg: yeah, it is interesting.. i meant the wiki can be a cleaner and easier to understand for someone new..07:45
vishit rather just has a random mention of the various kernels that can be tested, rather than what the kernel team wants tested07:46
micahgvish: well, there've been 12 upstream kernel updates since the version that we're using in Lucid07:47
vishmicahg: do we want the user to test 12 version? ;)07:47
micahgvish: maybe if it can narrow down the window where something was fixed07:49
vishmicahg: one case i would think it is useful is when user reports that the latest 'current' kernel fixed his issue , not for every case...07:53
macovish: no, you dont have them test in numerical order! you binary search so its log(n) intead of n!07:54
macoer not "n!" but "n"07:54
macoforgot, ! is factorial :P07:54
macoso if there've been 12, you have them test the 6th07:54
vishmaco: hmm?07:54
macoand then if its fixed there, test the 3rd or if not then the 9th07:54
vishmaco: how would one know how to test 12th?07:54
nigel_nbvish: its late and she's being sarcastic :p07:54
vishor 6th?07:54
micahgnigel_nb: no, I don't think she is07:55
vishnigel_nb: is she ever not? ;)07:55
nigel_nbvish: hahaha07:55
macomicahg suggested there'd been 12 revisions07:55
macoand vish, you asked "do we want them to test all 12"07:55
micahgso you should just need to test 407:55
macoand im saying NO thatd be a waste of time07:55
macoitd be O(n) when you could do it in O(log(n)) if you do a binary search07:55
micahgmaco: you're correct :)07:56
micahgbinary search07:56
macosee? computer science degrees are useful!07:56
nigel_nbis just me who's lost?07:56
vishnigel_nb: me too!07:56
micahg4 maximum07:56
macowhen you're looking for a word in the dictionary, do you start at page 1 and go page by page?07:56
nigel_nbAH, I get it!07:56
nigel_nbBisection method!07:56
nigel_nbsee, *maths* is useful07:57
nigel_nbesspecially since I'm sitting in a maths class07:57
lifelessmmm maths07:57
macoshouldnt it be maths are useful?07:57
nigel_nband I'm learning just that07:57
macoabbreviating it as a plural confuses my grammar07:57
macovish: get it yet?07:58
vishmicahg: what i wanted to mention is that, every kernel bug is being asked to test mainline kernel , but listing so many is not ideal , they should just say test this 'current' one , and if that works, we can go into disect.. keeping it simpler07:58
* nigel_nb goes searching for food.07:58
* vish on two different topics/channels now.. so taking time to reply ;)07:58
micahgvish: well, that usually will result in testing 1 extra kernel07:58
micahgassuming it works07:59
micahgif it doesn't well I guess it saves time :-/07:59
simarvish: when reviewing a patch in a bug with patch tag, when we add patch-forwarded-upstream tag should we remove the old patch tag or we should just add the new tag and keep both tags.. There is some confusion here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewersTeam/ReviewGuide08:01
vishnigelb: ^08:01
vishsimar: nigelb is the best bet :)08:02
simarvish: i tried to approach him in #ubuntu-reviews but he doesn't seem to be around..08:02
vishsimar: [12:28] * nigel_nb goes searching for food.08:03
vishsimar: he'll be back , he doesnt eat much ;p08:03
simarnigelb: oh!! good, I think you distracted me too with *food* . :-))  I think I too need to search my fridge ..08:04
simarvish: By the way I had been able to see stanley_robertso here ever and he dinn't replied to my mail also ..08:06
simarvish: had *not* been08:07
vishsimar: weird! he was looking for you too :)08:07
simarvish: oh!! at what time .. I think we need to synchronize some bit ..08:07
simarvish: I will try to send him a mail again. .08:09
somethinginteresso I installed the daily kernel i.e. Linux 2.6.36-999-generic #201008211535 and sound works08:15
simarvish: i can't see here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status what to do (invalid or expired) when the bug reporter had shifted to another ubuntu distribution and does not experience bug there, and want it to be closed..08:16
micahgsomethinginteres: try the kernel08:17
vishsimar: invalid , as there is not more info to debug it..08:17
somethinginteresmicahg: just to be 100% sure that's 'v2.6.32.20-lucid/' right?08:19
micahgsomethinginteres: yeah08:19
macooh cripes08:19
macowarning, there's anoher stupid automatix-like script full of PlzBreakMe08:19
macoit's called perfectbuntu08:19
simarvish: But the uploads by the bug reporter implies that it is a confirmed bug.. I think, may be you may add another case to the documentation.. for this one08:19
micahgmaco: hopefully someone won't ask that to be packaged08:20
simarvish: For now on I will mark it invalid, thanks :))08:20
macobe on the lookout for bug reports that are really just people using that08:20
vishsimar: are there others subscribed to the bug?08:22
somethinginteresmicahg: grabbing it now, will see how it goes08:23
simarvish:  others??08:24
simarvish: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/38232608:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 382326 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Touchpad not recognized - Gericom Phantom XXL 3180 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Invalid]08:24
simarvish: you can see it08:24
vishsimar: yeah , no probs , if there is no one else subscribed or mentioning the same problem08:25
vishwe can just close such bugs08:25
simarvish: ok, but shouldn't we improve the documentation for such cases(where the bug can be confirmed but the bug reporter is not avaliable for triaging ) that are not clearly mentioned..08:27
somethinginteresmicahg: tried 'v2.6.32.20-lucid' as requested, no issues with sound at all09:22
micahgsomethinginteres: so, go back 6 in lucid from there and try09:23
micahgsomethinginteres: you have to count since there are some point releases09:23
micahgsomethinginteres: scratch that, try 32.1809:24
somethinginteresmicahg: will do. Does this just help pinpoint the bug?09:26
micahgsomethinginteres: more like where it was fixed :)09:26
micahgthere are actually only 5 stable releases after the one we're on09:26
somethinginteresmicahg: I see..09:27
vishsimar: yeah, maybe we can mention it somewhere..09:28
simarvish: lot of time...09:28
simarvish: should I do it..09:29
vishsimar: but , i think its mostly understood.. you can add it to the comments section, so that others are clear about it as well09:30
simarvish: ok, I will do it09:32
=== bilalakhtar is now known as bilalakhtar_
simarvish: For now, I'm reporting some bugs, some serious ones. With Karmic koala even with live cd my laptop's display turn off during boot up and remains off. Only after I installed lucid and applied some workaround, and then upgraded dist, I'm able to run karmic...09:34
somethinginteresmicahg: running from 32.18 right now and sound is golden09:46
micahgsomethinginteres: k, I guess try 32.16 then09:46
somethinginteresmicahg: ok09:47
micahgsomethinginteres: if that works, you can mention that in teh bug report09:47
somethinginteresmicahg: so if it works I should just say that the daily, .16, .18 and .20 all work?09:50
micahgsomethinginteres: you can, but I think the main point is that .16 works09:51
somethinginteresmicahg: OK will test it out once my slow Internet finishes the d/l. It's too quiet without music :)09:51
somethinginteresmicahg: '2.6.32-02063216' works so I'll add that to the bug report10:10
micahgsomethinginteres: k10:10
somethinginteresmicahg: is it alright to boot into the daily as a workaround for now until it's fixed or is that not advised?10:12
micahgsomethinginteres: idk the pitfalls10:13
somethinginteresmicahg: kk10:14
vishsomethinginteres: if the daily works for you , just us it it not a problem .. i'v been running the mainline kernel for the past two releases , for the past two releases , the just before release something in the ubuntu stock causes a lot of problems..! so i'v had to use the mainline kernels! :s10:15
vishjust use*10:15
micahgvish: you shouldn't give kernel advice like that unless you understand the security implications10:15
vishoddly , what ever problem my laptop has , no one has been able to reproduce it! :s10:15
vishmicahg: agreed :)10:16
vishmicahg: also i never understand all the hue and cry about security! ;)10:17
somethinginteresrighto then, I hope this is something that can be fixed. Sound is a must for me :P10:18
vishmicahg: btw, what happened to the Adobe description bug you filed?  if you dont want to pursue it maybe you can close it..10:19
* micahg doesn't remember10:19
micahgvish: apparently no one on either team bothered to do it :P, I'll just subscribe sponsors then10:21
micahgvish: actually I have to rebase10:21
micahgvish: I'll do it later today10:22
somethinginteresvish: Any objections to my joining the papercutters team?10:32
vishsomethinginteres: no, probs.. if you want to triage and get a crap load of mails ;)10:33
somethinginteresvish: haha10:34
bilalakhtarvirtuald: Thanks for marking those bugs as dups. I should check that before triaging!11:22
bilalakhtarvish: Thanks for marking those bugs as dups. I should check that before triaging!11:23
bilalakhtarvirtuald: tab fail11:23
vishbilalakhtar: np.. :)11:23
vishbilalakhtar: hard for everyone to know every bug ;p11:24
vishbilalakhtar: recently , i had a firefox bug and was midway in triage and micahg comes hopping along and marked it dup ;p11:25
bilalakhtarvish: ah11:25
micahgvish: LP doesn't have a concept of warning like bugzilla about updates11:25
bilalakhtarwarning about updates? !!! What is that?11:25
vishmicahg: actually i had been having that bug for a long time and i asked in -mozilla about it but at that time no one knew it was a bug and i just dismissed it as a bad FF profile , but am happy there are a lot more facing that bug..11:26
vishkinda annoying not getting the suggests :s11:27
micahgbilalakhtar: bugzilla has a feature if you are updating a bug and someone else updates before you it warns you11:28
micahgvish: I've triaged or seen almost all the upstreamed FF bugs11:28
bilalakhtarmicahg: LP *seriously* needs such a feature11:28
bilalakhtarthe other day, I assigned a bug to myself, and vish commented on it at the same time. His comment un-assigned me!11:29
vishmicahg: yeah , that is an awesome feature! but sometimes it can backfire, we the person says , "I dont care" ;p11:29
micahgbilalakhtar: bug 2845911:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 28459 in malone "Handle mid-air collisions in bug reports (affects: 2) (dups: 6) (heat: 2)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2845911:29
bilalakhtarMid-air! lol11:29
vishmicahg: it also does /not/ suggest for the entry boxes withing the webpages too ,  i have yet to read that main bug though and see if it is mentioned there..11:30
micahgvish: huh?11:30
vishmicahg: like auto-complete , does not work too , not only bookmark suggests11:31
micahgvish: oh, you're Firefox bug...11:31
vishyeah.. :)11:31
bilalakhtarVish is a firefox bug? !11:31
vishbilalakhtar: well , its irc , not an english test! ;p11:32
micahgblah...I need sleep11:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
nigelbok, I missed simar14:18
nigelblunch presented other distraction..14:18
nigelbvish: every changing patch sponsorship?14:21
* nigelb confused.14:21
penguin42there are times when I wish apt-cache search could be told not to bother showing dbgsym packages unless asked for them14:22
vishnigelb: ever*14:25
vishnigelb: my typos go beyond irc ;p14:25
nigelbvish: Ah, now that makes sense.14:31
vishnigelb: why are you confused, btw?14:32
nigelbvish: what did you mean "ever changing"?14:32
vishnigelb: well , for that bug i had subscribed Main sponsors , but that was soon deprecated and then we had only one sponsors team...14:33
nigelbvish: ah, LOL14:34
nigelbvish: but I think daniel used to run a script14:34
nigelbthat would check for bugs sub'd to main/universe sponsors and sub the siingle team on the bug14:34
vishnigelb: oh it was just a script! :(14:34
nigelbvish: haha, you thought he was devoted enough to look at each bug? :D14:35
nigelbDholbach is quite clever that way :D :D14:35
nigelbI wonder irssi did buddy pounce14:48
vishnigelb: hmm , when/why was i supposed to poke you? was that last nite or earlier?14:49
* vish clears sticky... poked nigelb \o/14:50
nigelbvish: oh, that was tomorrow14:53
nigelbok, that was a *big* typo14:54
nigelbvish: anyway, PM?14:54
gorillaor someone experienced a time slip.14:54
vishnigelb: shoot!14:54
* nigelb gets a gun14:54
* vish wonders since when nigelb started requesting for a PM ;p14:55
nigelbsince my screen resolution is so small that I can't see all the windows :/14:55
drew212micahg: ok, a new profile fixed the problem for the person, but disabling the extensions did not, how do i proceed?14:55
* BUGabundo tries his luck again14:56
nisshhnigelb: is it vish season?14:56
BUGabundoanyone here with good knowlagde in SSDs and btrfs ?14:56
* BUGabundo notices he is in the wrong #14:56
* penguin42 moves BUGabundo left one channel14:57
BUGabundodown 414:58
vishnisshh: hey!15:00
nisshhvish: hey dude :)15:03
nisshhvish: im really getting into triaging today15:03
nisshhor i was earlier15:04
nisshhvish: although its getting very very hard to run GNOME and a VM on a P4 with 1gig of RAM15:05
nisshhits like trying to walk an old lady across a major highway, its really slow15:05
* penguin42 is playing 'sparse' on the kernel source15:11
penguin42it's quite nice; although to be fair only filling in for the limits of C15:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 417758 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Intermittent problems with copy and paste (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:48
vish"i was spending at least as much time fixing ubuntu as using it"15:48
penguin42vish: I do with we would do a fix only release15:52
vishyeah , just stop with the new features! and fix the bugs!15:52
penguin42It would seem a sane thing to do for one cycle every so often15:52
penguin42only new features are new drivers for new hardware15:53
nigelbnhandler: do you want to take a poke at 109693?17:02
* nigelb notes that you submitted the original patch :)17:02
=== nuboon2age_ is now known as nUboon2Age
nhandlernigelb: Man, that is an old bug. The patches are no good. Let me check if the bug is still valid17:21
* nigelb hugs nhandler 17:24
nhandlernigelb: Looks like it is only in hardy and dapper: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amaya/+bug/355013 (rmadison amaya)17:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 355013 in amaya (Ubuntu Jaunty) (and 1 other project) "Remove it from jaunty due to bugs and security issues (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Fix released]17:26
nhandlerRemoved from Debian as well17:26
nigelbnhandler: ah17:35
nigelbwhat do you want to do?17:36
nigelbWon't Fix it?17:36
cmeiklejohnanyone running maverick here?17:37
nhandlernigelb: Probably. All of the bugs will need to get closed soon enough (I would wait though until it isn't in any supported ubuntu versions)17:37
nigelbnhandler: I'll just give that one a pass17:38
nigelbIt was nice to see some familiar names in the old bugs17:38
nigelbgood old days when mdz and dholbach were triaging ;)17:38
nhandlernigelb: Neither of those people are in the bug ;)17:39
nigelbvish: I could use some help with bug 14482617:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 144826 in human-icon-theme (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Regression: Human icon set includes out of place GNOME icons (dups: 1) (heat: 9)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14482617:41
nigelbnhandler: there were other bugs.17:41
nigelbI've been looking at 4-digit bug numbers today17:41
penguin42how many 4 digit ones are still open?17:43
nigelbI saw a few with patches, but less than 10 perhaps.17:43
charlie-tcacmeiklejohn: yes, but you might more luck in #ubuntu+1 for maverick17:44
cmeiklejohncharlie-tca: thanks.17:44
penguin42nigelb: Not too bad I guess17:44
nigelbpenguin42: Yeah.  Comparing with Debian... they have about 5000 bugs with patches.17:44
nigelb(or so I heard recently)17:45
penguin42nigelb: I don't suppose you know the xfwm4 guys do you? I've got a patch int heir bug system that doesn't seem to have been touched for a year17:45
nigelbpenguin42: Nope, I dont.  But you could maybe talk to desktop team?17:45
penguin42maybe, I've not got it as an ubuntu bug, I just put it straight in upstrean17:46
nigelbAh. Still just ask if they could help you poke the upstream folks.17:46
nigelberr, ah xfm4 is xfce.17:47
nigelbIn that case, the xubuntu team could help you.17:47
nigelbcharlie-tca: ^^17:47
penguin42it's not an urgent; it's just a nicety - adding some accelerators to the window menu17:47
charlie-tcaThat could take until Xfce4 4.8 comes out then. They are a really small team, and usually just try to get issues fixed when possible.17:48
charlie-tcaThey ain't much bigger than Xubuntu's team is17:48
charlie-tca4.8 got delayed again, too17:50
penguin42should be a relatively easy mrge anyway - if they like it17:50
mr_pouitpenguin42: on lp or on the upstream bugzilla? Because for xfwm4, I don't include any patch that hasn't made it upstream (window management is a bit too tricky to include random patches)17:55
penguin42mr_pouit: Upstream17:55
penguin42sparse is really good at passing stupid things like people passing enums to bool's17:58
micahgdrew212: bug #?18:02
abhijitvish, ping18:03

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