
cjwatsonfeel free, it's a wiki00:00
penguin42oh, I hadn't realised the main release pages were00:01
penguin42I meant http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/alpha300:01
cjwatsonI can't change that either.  Just work on MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview00:02
sistpotycjwatson: btw big thanks for the gparted update. While not having used the new version yet, I've experience amazing improvements after aligning my partitions to match my (cheap) hdd's 4096 sector size00:04
sistpoty*experienced* even00:05
penguin42sistpoty: Is that an internal drive?00:06
cjwatsonsistpoty: yeah, parted was updated last release, I hadn't realised until I saw the release notes that gparted needed a separate update00:07
sistpotypenguin42: internal as in I mounted it inside my case... WD15EARS-00Z00:08
penguin42sistpoty: interesting that the 4k drives are starting to appears00:09
cjwatsonthey've been on their way for some time00:09
penguin42it'll be interesting to see how stuff works with >2T drives as well00:09
sistpotypenguin42: actually I got that drive since january, and have only now found out that the sector size was causing huge problems (I first blamed my other hdd, being confused about my partitions, then my new mainboard)00:12
penguin42sistpoty: I guess lots of people have the same problem but don't realise it00:12
sistpotypenguin42: might be... I never thought that misalignment would have such negative net effects (e.g. firefox used to be unresponsive for about 20-30 seconds while updating its cache, I guess. That's completely gone now)00:13
cjwatsonfresh lucid installs should generally be fine, but of course not if you tried to be clever and did the partitioning with gparted beforehand :)00:18
sistpotyof course I have a developer system (wich is always weirds) and an installation that dates back to dapper, I guess (it'd be even earlier, but I reinstalled once I got amd64 hw)00:23
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cjwatsonyeah, when I restored onto my SSD I took some care to create the partition table afresh rather than restoring it directly00:29
penguin42does LVM do anything sensible on those drives?00:30
cjwatsonit's supposed to have alignment handling; no idea how well it works00:31
cjwatsonman pvcreate /alignment00:31
cjwatson(hm, one of these days I should make that actually work when typed literally)00:32
sistpotypenguin42: I've read that it automatically aligns to 4096 bytes, but I don't have a clue if it works (it's static data there in *my case*, problem with the 4096 sector size are writes FWIW)00:32
penguin42sistpoty: Yeh - getting this all right in partition+LVM+fileystem+who knows what can probably be a nightmare; even with 512 byte drives making sure it all ligns up00:33
penguin42lines even00:33
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GHey guys, what should I do about a bug that I have provided a patch towards that has had no movement since May (when I posted the patch) (libvirt LP Bug #455832)03:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455832 in libvirt (Ubuntu Lucid) "segfault when attaching disk with same physical device" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45583203:57
micahgg: well, the ubuntu-reviews team is susbscribed, they'll get to it eventually, but you can ask someone in #ubuntu-reviews if they can look at it sooner03:59
Gmicahg: righty'o thanks04:00
Gmicahg: and I'm guessing the next thing to say is "We'd love help with reviewing other patches as well" right? :)04:02
micahgg: that's up to you :)04:02
Gmicahg: heh :)04:07
nigelbG: have you tested the bug with lucid?04:36
nigelbI have no clue how to test it :/04:37
nigelbmicahg: I'm writing that long pending email to you now :D04:39
micahgnigelb: I'll work on it at our jam next weekend :)04:51
* nigelb hugs micahg :)04:51
Gnigelb: lucid yep04:51
nigelbG: ok, and the patch fixes it?04:51
Gnigelb: all you need is a VM that you can't care about the data on04:51
nigelbIn that case our normal action is to forward it upstream04:51
Gnigelb: I'm yet to confirm if it's still present in latest upstream04:52
micahgwell, libvirt is much newer in maverick04:52
Ghmmm thats a good point04:52
Ghaven't tried libvirt in Mav yet04:52
nigelbyou can forwarding upstream...04:53
* nigelb cannot make sense of it much.04:53
micahgplease see if maverick is still affected04:53
nigelbG: aha, so you're the nigel jones :)04:53
Gmicahg: just doing so now04:53
Gnigelb: yeah04:54
Gyeah, it doesn't apply to Maverick, it's fixed upstream, just lucid where it still happens05:08
Gmicahg: nigelb: ^, can't see anything in the Debian changelog, just going to get upstream git to see if they did what I did05:08
nigelbG: if you can isolate a patch, maybe we can backport it for lucid.05:09
Gupstream did the exact same thing, except used if (cgroup) instead of if (cgroup != NULL) which is basically the same http://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=blob;f=src/qemu/qemu_driver.c;h=656a1e4a02c00ff6fb2ebc52ec3788d6d654f7f9;hb=92af69abad8b6531ea5d2dc16bfc36654c8f531f#l831305:11
micahgg: k, that's a good idea05:11
nigelbG: aweesome, you can now go for sru since its fixed in maverick05:12
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates05:12
micahgG: great, if you can grab the commit and make a debdiff, that would be the next step05:12
Gmicahg: so I should remake my patch to match what the libvirt guys did (assuming I can find the line where they did it)05:12
micahgg: no, see if you can find the specific commit and an upstream bug that's mentioned05:13
Gahhh right, I get ya05:13
Gwill do so after coffee05:14
micahgG; great :)05:14
Gmicahg: found the original diff & ML Post reg bug05:40
* G hugs the '$VCS blame' command :)05:43
Gso with regard to SRU, I guess it qualifies based on the fact that it's a regression?05:45
micahgG: well, it was already accepted for Lucid, so you're good to post the debdiff05:45
micahgG: Make sure there's a good test case as well05:45
micahgG: and follow the rest of the steps of the SRU05:46
Gmicahg: if I was to review other libvirt bugs w/ patches would it be acceptable to bundle the patches (if I can verify them) into the same SRU?05:47
micahgG: idk, we should ask the SRU team since now they approve in the queue05:49
micahgjdong: around?05:49
kklimondaG, micahg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Fixing%20several%20bugs%20in%20one%20upload05:52
micahgkklimonda: I know, but Idk if they thought about that with the new "review in upload queue" policy05:53
Gkklimonda: thanks05:53
Gin actual fact, there is just this bug that I'd be prepared to put forward05:53
ebroderG, micahg: I'm pretty sure you can do that. If they NACK one of the fixes, you can just reupload, I'd assume05:54
kklimondamicahg: I'd say that we should follow policy and if sru-team want to change it they should update documentation. at worst they will just reject it and we'll know that documentation is out of date ;)05:55
* micahg prefers to think tihngs out05:55
slangasekG, micahg: as ebroder says, it's generally fine to bundle multiple fixes in a single SRU and upload to the queue; provided you're following the guidelines to begin with, the rate of SRU rejects out of queue is really going to be quite low06:10
micahgslangasek: great thanks06:10
micahgjdong: unping06:10
GI think I'll just push this one, the others with patches I've not familiar with06:10
ebroderSo I'm starting to think about things like flights for UDS-N. I know robbiew said 10/25-10/29, but does that actually include weekends on either side?06:29
slangasekebroder: the developer summit is always M-F06:33
ebroderRight, but should I plan on there being events on either end?06:34
slangasekwrt UDS, no :)06:34
slangasekyou might not want a flight too early on Saturday morning since Friday night tends to be big for socializing06:35
macohowever there may happen to be other developers present with whom you want to spend time at a bar the sunday before06:35
slangasekor that06:35
macoor...ya know... DISNEY!06:35
ebrodermaco: I have absolutely no intentions of being in Orlando *without* going to Disneyworld. I don't understand what the point would be06:36
* maco pouts at the U1-4-KDE client06:36
slangasekyes, what better epilogue to a free software conference than to pay tribute at the altar of perpetual copyright ;)07:11
ebroderUbuntu doesn't have awesome roller coasters :-P07:15
macoslangasek: i was thinking go to disney first that way by being at uds you make amends07:16
macolike penance, but fun07:16
macowell... funner than 10 hail mary's07:16
slangasekI've been to Disney World, don't really need to go again :)07:17
ion“Write 100 lines of free code as a penance”07:17
slangasekand I had the excuse that I was a child ;)07:17
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ebroderEh. I don't care how old I am. I'm still a kid when it comes to theme parks07:17
macoheh i was 8 when i went i think... but that was before they got all the themed areas and stuff... is the CA or FL one the one that has the new Hogwarts castle?07:18
slangasekeh, haven't heard of that one07:18
ebrodermaco: That's Universal Studios Orlando07:18
macooh thats close!07:18
tjaaltonthe next uds is in orlando?07:20
kblinany pointers for debugging a partly working usb wifi dongle?07:26
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kblinI'm not 100% certain if I'm using the correct driver, but it's certainly a realtek chip07:27
kblincan I update a package while I've got a submitrequest pending?07:40
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lool!regression-alert latest linux -security update in hardy breaks -xen flavour08:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:46
ubottucjwatson, jdong, pitti, slangasek, ScottK, mdz, kees, ttx, marjo, seb128: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive08:46
macolool: you're looking for the | key08:46
loolmaco: Thanks, will know for next time08:47
loolLP #62099408:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620994 in linux (Ubuntu) "xen kernel bug: 'kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/debian/build/custom-source-xen/mm/memory.c:2704'" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62099408:51
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mdzapw,  lag, ^^^09:24
loolmdz: I've escalated to security@u.c, Cc:ing Stefan and Pete; do you think this requires further escalation (I think security@u.c is read quickly)?09:30
loolmdz: I've pinged, but not phoned elmo09:30
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mdzlool, given it's a universe package, no, I don't think so10:00
persialool, You always have the alternative of uploading a reversion, if you feel strongly enough about it.10:01
loolpersia: Since it's a bunch of security updates, and all hardy users would get the updates, I'm not tempted to decide by myself, I'll leave it to security team who needs to approve the uploads anyway10:03
persiaOK.  Sometimes I find that on the weekend, if something bad happens, it can be better to just fix it (and let it get fixed right later), because some people aren't about.10:04
persiaBut stable security updates end up being all sorts of special :)10:04
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mdzjames_w, is it just me, or is lp:ubuntu/pm-utils out of date (it seems to contain 1.3.0, while maverick has 1.4.1-1)10:24
micahghmm, lp:ubuntu/flashplugin-nonfree is also out of date10:29
Laneymdz and micahg: See http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/10:30
micahgLaney: does that include uploaded packages, I don't see anything for flashplugin-nonfree except for the Debian import failure10:31
LaneyI expect it's all part of the same thing10:32
gesermicahg: it might be because the Debian package didn't get imported the Ubuntu uploads don't get either anymore as this would break the history later10:33
micahggeser: hmm...why?  aren't they different branches?10:34
geserUbuntu uploads are branched from the corresponding Debian revision10:35
wgrantThat's how merges work.10:35
micahghmm...well, this package is on the blacklist list10:35
persiaAnd trying to fix history later would be exceedingly painful, given how bzr tracks things.10:35
micahgdoe that mean I shoudl just use a debdiff10:36
micahginstead of UDD10:36
wgrantIt's not really because of how bzr tracks things. But yes, all existing branches after that point would be broken.10:36
gesermicahg: the package importer probably doesn't know that we forked flashplugin-nonfree10:37
persiaHrm?  I thought that recovering history was bad because of bzr's (current) inability to keep track of files by name and contents, rather than identity (and that this was a target to be fixed).  I agree it would be painful anyway, but this makes it more so.10:37
* micahg is just going to use a debdiff for branches that won't update10:38
wgrantpersia: Regardless of how files are tracked, you'd still have to rewrite every later revision (with a new rev ID) if you wanted to add a merge into the history.10:39
wgrantWhich then makes existing branches incompatible.10:39
persiaWell, incompatibility has to do with lack of understanding contents, but needing to update everything is annoying.10:39
micahghmmm...weird, UDD just overwrote my 2 revisions (merge/release) that I used to update a package10:48
lifelesshad you done a mark-uploaded when you uploaded, and pushed that ?10:48
micahglifeless: no, I must have missed that step on the instructions10:49
micahgah, it's in the upload document, not the merge document...10:51
micahgI'll remember for next time10:52
nisiopne one trued ubuntu lts???11:09
directhexnisiop, that's not english11:10
nisiop has anyone tryed ubuntu LTS eddition11:11
directhexi'd guess quite a few people, given it's the current stable ubuntu release. but i'd also guess that your question isn't really an #ubuntu-devel question11:12
persiaHeaps and heaps of folk.  You may find some of them happy to answer questions about it in the support channel (#ubuntu).  At this point, most of the developers are focused on the next release.11:12
nisiopman copers are cranky11:20
nisiopne one help me set up a domain useing bind?? does that count11:21
* nisiop finds another room11:22
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directhexi doubt i would have helped him even if it were #ubuntu, the inability to spell would send me into a flying rage within minutes11:24
directhexYA RLY11:24
shadeslayerhehe :P11:27
debfxcould someone please retry https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/junit4/4.8.2-1 , it builds fine now11:31
* shadeslayer wants a sponsor too :P11:37
bilalakhtarshadeslayer: bug #? I know I cannot sponsor, but will just have a loo11:37
shadeslayerno bug :P11:37
bilalakhtarshadeslayer: branch?11:37
shadeslayerkoffice 2.211:37
shadeslayerfrom : https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages11:38
shadeslayerthey had a bug fix release11:38
bilalakhtarah, this is outside my scope11:38
shadeslayeri asked aplg but he doesnt have the bandwidth :P11:39
shadeslayerif anyone has the time .. please :)11:41
bilalakhtarshadeslayer: try asking on #kubuntu-devel11:42
shadeslayerbilalakhtar: already did.. everyone is sleeping11:42
shadeslayerim there most of the time anyway11:42
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emacs_noobanybody knows where does sudo source it's envronment vars from?15:32
jdstrandcjwatson, jdong, pitti, slangasek, ScottK, mdz, kees, ttx, marjo, seb128, lool: I've commented in bug #62099415:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620994 in linux (Ubuntu Hardy) "linux 2.6.24-28.75 breaks xen flavours (xen kernel bug: 'kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/debian/build/custom-source-xen/mm/memory.c:2704')" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62099415:38
jdstrandin essence it is my opinion that we should not yank the patch as it would reintroduce a serious vulnerability with a known exploit (there is a paper on it) for all hardy users15:39
jdstrandthe kernel team should be online to look at this completely in 15 hours or so15:40
jdstrandwhile unfortunate, I think pulling the patch would affect more people than leaving it in15:40
jdstrandand xen users can always boot into their previous kernel15:41
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MattJSigh, I wonder if my internal TI card reader will ever work properly16:10
penguin42MattJ: What does it do?16:12
MattJAug 22 16:01:40 silver kernel: [ 7079.424137] tifm_sd0:1 : card failed to respond for a long period of time (12, 1)16:12
* penguin42 thinks the TI one in here generally works16:12
MattJand then gazillions of other syslog messages about IO errors16:12
MattJIt's been a problem for me since, hmm, Dapper I think... but it's intermittent16:13
MattJThough it's puzzling, I think it started working (at least more reliably) in one release16:13
MattJand when searching for bug reports, it seems that's consistent16:13
penguin42yeh PCIxx12 working on Maverick here - just tried16:14
MattJBut now I'm having it again, so perhaps it's a regression... I can't find any recent reports of it16:14
penguin42MattJ: My experience is they can be very touchy with regard to the particular card16:14
MattJI have: 07:06.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD)16:14
MattJI've used this card in here before16:14
MattJHmm, actually maybe I didn't16:14
penguin42MattJ: Same here, lspci -n shows it as 07:06.2 0180: 104c:803b16:15
MattJI could have given up and used my (slow) camera via USB16:15
MattJOh well16:15
penguin42yeh I've been tending to do that, my new machine doesn't have an SD card slot, and the external USB card reader doesn't seem to like the current 2GB card I have16:18
MattJActually I think I'll borrow another laptop and network it, that'll save flattening my camera battery :)16:20
MattJNow the cards are bigger I just don't empty them until they're full :/16:20
penguin42I do tend to like to copy any particularly nice stuff off before I have the chance to screw it up16:43
looljdstrand: thanks a lot for commenting16:44
nigelbcan someone take a look at bug 74065?16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 74065 in vmware-player (Ubuntu) "apt-get remove vmware-player doesn't remove vmware-player service" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7406516:54
penguin42OLD bug16:54
nigelbYes, but it has a patch.16:54
nigelbI'd like to know what they think about symlinks is the right.16:55
ebrodernigelb: That's the wrong way to fix the bug, though. The right thing to do is for the init script to check if the package is still installed at the beginning16:55
tumbleweedthe normal solution to that is to check for the existance of the binary on startup16:55
ebrodernigeld: Look at /etc/init.d/ssh; at the beginning it does "test -x /usr/sbin/sshd || exit 0"16:56
nigelbAh.  but symlinks getting removed only at --purge is normal?16:56
nigelbOk, thank you :)16:57
nigelbcjwatson: do you have comments thoughts to add on bug 110144?17:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 110144 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "No lo interface after debootstrap install" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11014417:09
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reabyhi, just a question: will the 10.10 have onscreen keyboard preinstalled by default18:47
reabyjust wanted to point this out, since i ran into troubles one day using 10.04, i wasn't able to find it18:48
reabyyou can actually login to system with mouse, but can't use it after that, or atleast i didn't find onscreen keyboard anywhere18:50
penguin42not sure, the accessibility stuff is normally in by default isn't it?18:55
reabywell, i double checked this.. as the usercase with me was with a server that i installed a while ago18:56
reabyi just installed 10.04 from scratch to virtualbox and i can't find onscreen keyboard in menus18:56
reabygdm has own onscreen keyboard, but gnome doesnt18:57
penguin42that's a bit weird18:57
penguin42Interestingly I've just checked, on here the only one I have is the KDE one under kvkbd18:58
penguin42and character map isn't useable for that18:59
macoonscreen keyboard used to be included by default19:00
macoi wonder when it got removed?19:00
penguin42not unless you primarily want weird symbols19:00
macovisual system bell for deaf users was removed from gui in karmic, but i have a patch to add it back to mav19:00
* maco goes to say something in #ubuntu-accessibility19:01
reabywell, i had to make compromize with the server machine i was working with, either mouse or keyboard with memoristick, apparently i wasn't able to get into system menus without mouse..19:01
penguin42yeh that sucks, should be able to get to most stuff via keyboard19:01
macoreaby: cant get into system menu without mouse?19:02
macowhat menus cant you open?19:02
reabywell i didn't find a keyboard maping to applications menu19:02
macosame in both gnome and kde19:03
reabyok, good to know19:03
macothats set in the "keyboard shortcuts" window as "show the panel's main menu"19:03
reabyhmm.. you guys prolly don't like the idea for using now-a-days standard keyboard start-button for opening applications menu?19:08
mneptok"standard?" the keyboard i am using does not have such a button.19:09
reabyin terms of usability19:09
maconot everyone has a pc10519:10
macoalso, the shortcuts dialog wont let you set <super> without another key19:10
* penguin42 hugs his Model M19:10
macomodifier keys have to have a normal key with them19:10
mneptokpenguin42: ticka ticka ticka19:10
penguin42although I have some sympathy for using super for some things, as long as I can switch away19:10
penguin42mneptok: No, much much louder :-)19:10
mneptokpenguin42: http://pckeyboards.stores.yahoo.net/linux101.html19:12
penguin42mneptok: Nod, I've got 3 standard ModelM's (UK 102 key) - one here, one at work and a spare19:12
mneptokpenguin42: Unicomp is still making them. and labeling keys for Linux users. :)19:13
reabywell sorry for mentioning :(19:13
penguin42mneptok: Yeh19:13
macoreaby: as far as i know, that key is only standard on windows anyway19:13
macoreaby: when you hit the apple key on a mac, it does not open the menus19:13
mneptokreaby: no need to apologize. but it's not safe to make assumptions about the hardware "most people" have.19:13
penguin42reaby: No I have some sympathy with the use of the extra key; at some point I do have to acknowledge I'm a weird grey beard :-)19:14
macoyuck i wouldnt use that19:14
macoctrl's in the same spot as those awful sun keyboards19:14
maconow, if they made a *vi* keyboard... you know, with esc next to A...i'd be happy19:15
ionWhat prevents you from mapping it there?19:15
macoi do map it there19:15
macothe key's just labeled wrong when anyone else tries to use my computer19:15
mneptokmaco: they tried. but the vi(m) community responded with "we make our own keyboards by specifying Chinese plastic fab factories in .vimrc. kthxbai."19:16
macothey hit caps lock, and the window closes :P19:16
ionI use it as ctrl, though. And yeah, i’m a vim user.19:16
penguin42maco: Oh, HP used to do one like that, I used one at college - it had it just next to left shift19:16
penguin42pity the rest of the layout was so weird19:16
reabybut thanks for listening a random users note from this issue19:17
dupondjechrisccoulson: had some time yet for the gnome-power-manager bug ? :)19:18
chrisccoulsondupondje, i might look at it later, but it's still the weekend ;)19:20
chrisccoulsoni generally try to do as little work as possible at the weekend ;)19:20
dupondjechrisccoulson: no problem :) you saw its also an issue with other drivers then nouveau? Or is it not nouvea-related ?19:40
chrisccoulsondupondje, it affects any driver that doesn't support XBACKLIGHT19:41
dupondjeok :)19:42
dupondjeseems like almost all drivers ?19:42
ari-tczewSarvatt: around?21:47

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