
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg
=== daker_ is now known as daker
jenkinsevening all19:28
ChrisWoollardWho is here this evening?20:57
ChrisWoollardHeeeellllloooooooo. Anybody there.......21:02
thymoxHello - am I too late for the meeting? :)21:03
ChrisWoollardnope. hasn't started yet. In fact I have no idea who is here yet?21:04
dutchiethere's a meeting?21:05
ChrisWoollardDid you not read your e-mail. or listen at the last meeting?21:05
dutchieknow who's meant to be running it?21:05
* thymox raises his hand. "I'm here, Sir". :)21:05
dutchiei get a lot of email and it doesn't all stick :)21:05
ChrisWoollardI sent out the meeting invite as agreed last time.21:06
ChrisWoollardand with godbyk21:06
dutchieexample wiki page21:07
dutchiei may have forgotten about that21:07
ChrisWoollardI knew that already.21:08
* dutchie quickly knocks one together21:08
thymoxSo... I'm fairly new to this.  What's the meeting about?21:09
thymox(New to the Ubuntu Manual project, that is... not new to Linux)21:09
ChrisWoollardThe agenda is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Meetings21:10
ChrisWoollardI guess we are waiting to see if any more of the core team arrive21:10
ChrisWoollardWe also have this http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/3EahXzeQLL21:11
thymoxCool.  Since I haven't been involved yet, I will just take a back-seat and observe for the time being.21:11
ChrisWoollarddutchie: What should we do?21:13
dutchiegodbyk: ping21:14
* dutchie tweets at humphreybc21:14
dutchieand j21:14
dutchiei was expecting tab-complete there :(21:15
dutchieflan may want to join us too21:15
dutchiedaker too21:16
ChrisWoollardWhile we are waiting do you want to read the notes. http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/3EahXzeQLL21:18
chr_thanks : )21:18
ChrisWoollardYou can also make coments if you want21:19
ChrisWoollardOk, it is now 20:25. What should we do?21:26
dakeri have no idea ChrisWoollard21:28
thymoxWhat proportion of the required people are currently in attendance?21:28
ChrisWoollardjenkins, godbyk and humphreybc  would have been nice as they are core to the project.21:29
ChrisWoollardEspecially as they drive the project forware.21:30
ChrisWoollardWould anybody object if we defered this meeting until another date / time?21:32
thymoxI think that's probably the best option given the circumstances.21:32
chr_as im a little busy today, its ok for me21:32
ChrisWoollardThanks for coming. If you still want to make notes the etherpad is here http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/3EahXzeQLL21:33
ChrisWoollardAlso it gives dutchie time to complete his homework :P21:33
dutchiei've done it now!21:34
ChrisWoollardwhat is the url?21:34
dakerChrisWoollard, it's oki for me21:34
ChrisWoollardOk. Then...... Meeting Cancelled........!!!!!!!!!!!21:35
ChrisWoollardor rather deffered to another date21:35
ChrisWoollardthanks for coming.21:35
thymoxDeferred for what... 1 week? 2?21:36
thymoxOr TBA?21:36
ChrisWoollardI will dicuss it with the others  and TBA21:36
thymoxCool beans.  I'll keep an eye on the mailing list then. :)21:36
ChrisWoollardThat is the best thing.21:37
ChrisWoollardI think the meeting should be planned sooner rather than later because of the limited time before the release of maverick21:37
godbykAck.. sorry I'm late.21:42
godbykMy phone didn't beep at me like it should've.21:42
ChrisWoollardwe cancelled the meeting21:43
thymoxHiya, ChrisWollard has postponed the meeting.21:43
godbykI see that.21:43
godbykSorry about not being here.21:43
ChrisWoollardI figured that 30 minutes late was long enough to wait.21:44
ChrisWoollardNow that you are her.21:44
ChrisWoollardWhen should we re-schedule?21:44
godbykyeah, that's more than enough time to wait.21:45
ChrisWoollardWhen should we re-schedule?21:47
dutchiepick a date21:48
ChrisWoollarddutchie: What is that url?21:48
godbykThe meeting times that have worked the best in the past have been Saturdays at 2000 UTC.21:49
dutchieChrisWoollard: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/ReleaseChecklist?21:49
godbykAnd we should probably meet ASAP as we have a September 10 deadline for the writing freeze.21:49
godbykWhich gives us less than three weeks from today.21:50
godbyk(Which seems a bit crazy, actually.)21:50
ChrisWoollarddutchie: thanks21:50
ChrisWoollardwe could try saturday at 20:0021:51
godbykLet's do that.21:51
* dutchie will be on holiday21:51
godbykUnless we can get one organized more quickly.21:51
godbykOr perhaps we should just start an email thread and meet on the mailing list, so to speak.21:52
ChrisWoollardGodbyk: You need to get the launchpad / bzr stuff sorted before then and ready for work to start asap21:52
ChrisWoollardI could be a good idea.21:52
ChrisWoollardI was think of sending some updates out that way anyway (e.g. Dutchies homework).21:53
ChrisWoollardso to speak :)21:53
godbykLet's do that.21:53
godbykFigure out what questions we have / what we need to know, and start emailing the list about it.21:53
ChrisWoollardGodbyk: Can you start the thread?21:53
godbykI think one of the first things we have to do is figure out what changes there are in Maverick from Lucid that we need to update the manual to cover.21:54
godbykIs there new stuff in Maverick we need to cover?21:54
godbykWhat parts (if any) of the manual are we removing?21:54
ChrisWoollardI think it was on the last set of minutes21:54
dutchiesound menu is the first thing i can think of21:54
godbykWhat screenshots do we need to get?21:54
ChrisWoollardthat mentions some thibngs21:54
ChrisWoollardDepends what haws changed. I haven't even installed the alpha of maverick yet. so i don't know.21:55
ChrisWoollardGodbyk: When do you think you can get bzr / launchpad ready?21:56
godbykWorking on it now.21:56
ChrisWoollardYay :D21:56
MuscovyHow many hours is it until the meeting?21:59
MuscovyI'm not sure if I can make it.21:59
ChrisWoollardIt was cancelled21:59
ChrisWoollardit was supposed to have been 1 hour ago21:59
ChrisWoollardWe are going to do a thread on the mailing list instead. Just because we need to get things moving22:00
thymoxCan I make a suggestions?  If the meeting is going to be migrated to the mailing list, can I suggest a single thread per discussion point.22:03
godbykSomeone try running bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual and see what it pulls.22:13
godbykrun "grep title main.tex" and see if the \title command is set to Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.10.22:13
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Meetings/archive/meeting-2010-08-22#preview22:13
godbykThat'll work.22:14
godbykWe should figure out what we need to know for this maverick edition.22:14
godbykSo we can email the list.22:14
dutchielooks like lp:ubuntu-manual points at maverick22:14
thymoxgodbyk: bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual pulls down 19MB of files.22:14
godbykthymox: That sounds about right. Screenshots are 11 MB. (I debated whether to keep them, actually.)22:15
godbykMuch better than the 140+ MB that the other branch was.22:15
ChrisWoollardDid you delete everything and start again?22:15
godbykWell, I created a brand new branch and copied over the files from e2.22:15
godbykSo we're not dragging all of e2's history along with us.22:16
ChrisWoollardThat is good.22:16
thymoxEven 140MB isn't that bad... last time I looked at the Ubuntu Desktop Training BZR repo is was somewhere near the 650MB mark (grantedly it has a tonne of screenshots in a tonne of languages).22:18
* dutchie tries to remember how big his kernel git repo was22:19
ChrisWoollardIn our case the history was 114Mb compared to 14mb of files22:19
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: I have updated the meetings wiki with info. Are there any other status updates22:22
godbykHmm.. well, I think the new branch should be working now and people can hack on it.  however, the main pdf may not compile at the moment since I removed some PDFs of the title page, etc.22:24
godbykjust a heads up there.22:24
godbykI'm currently updating the milestones on launchpad.22:25
ChrisWoollardHow is doing the coverpages (dakar)?22:25
ChrisWoollardis e2 read only now?22:25
godbykthorwil handles the covers.22:26
godbykChrisWoollard: No one should commit to e2 except for thorwil (for covers), me (for helping translators), and the translator editors.22:27
ChrisWoollardis he doing some for maverick?22:27
godbykIs thorwil doing some covers for maverick? Probably.22:28
godbykI'm going to be revisiting some of the book design stuff for maverick as well.22:28
ChrisWoollardWhat I mean is..... Have the permissions been changed to only allow Ubuntu Manual Admins to commit.22:28
godbykoh, no.22:28
godbykbecause the translation editors aren't admins.22:29
ChrisWoollardOh, Ok.22:29
godbykthough I s'pose we could have the translation editors commit via one of the admins. <shrug>22:29
godbykWe need to write instructions for people to get the new maverick branch and get started on writing/editing.22:29
godbykAlso need to make a list of things that need to be written, changed, removed, etc.22:29
ChrisWoollardHow about I start a wiki (or etherpad) for that list22:31
godbykgood idea22:31
ChrisWoollardWhere should it be linked from?22:32
godbykGood question.22:32
godbykI guess the email for now.22:32
ChrisWoollardI wonder if I could add a Useful Info page22:32
ChrisWoollardnext to Meetings on the Wiki22:33
ChrisWoollardor something like that22:33
godbykI dunno. Go for it. :-)22:34
godbykUltimately, all the info should be on the ubuntu-manual.org site.22:34
ChrisWoollardYes. But there isn't a wiki on that. And I don't have access to hack around with that.22:35
godbykI know.22:35
godbykThat's the main problem.22:35
godbykI think daker's new site is supposed to alleviate some of that.22:35
ChrisWoollardYou could just install a wiki on it?22:36
godbykI dunno what the plans are there.22:36
godbykYeah, I could install a wiki.22:36
ChrisWoollardWhen will Dakar's new site22:36
godbykno clue22:36
godbykI think it's supposed to be out for maverick, but I'm out of the loop on that at the moment.22:36
ChrisWoollardThat's suprising. You seem t know most about most things22:37
ChrisWoollardIf you installed a wiki at least the theme would be better.22:38
godbykI haven't talked to daker of humpreybc about the new site yet.  So I'm not sure what all they have up their sleeves.22:39
godbykHeh.. true.. can't have a much uglier theme. :-)22:39
godbykShouldn't someone be updating the wiki theme to match the new branding?22:39
ChrisWoollardDakar told me yesterday that somebody is working on it.22:40
ChrisWoollardI am going to at that Useful Info wiki page. It can either be changed later or deleted if something else comes along.22:41
ChrisWoollardBut first i need t go to the shop. I will be back in 30 minutes.22:42
godbyksounds good.22:42
ChrisWoollardMaybe Useful Notes?22:42
godbykI'm going to shower. I'll be back in 30 minutes, too. :)22:42
godbykThat'll work.22:42
godbykOr if it's something we'll update often, maybe an etherpad is better.22:43
ChrisWoollardtoo late22:43
godbykno worries22:45
godbykI'll be back in about 30 minutes.22:51
dutchieblimey, translations disappearing again23:05
ChrisWoollardwhich ones?23:13
godbykI saw that.23:28
godbykMake it all better, dutchie! :-)23:28
godbykI have no idea what causes it.23:28
godbykAFAIK, nothing has touched the e1 translation stuff at all.23:28
ChrisWoollardmice in the works.23:29
ChrisWoollardMy advice... Get a Cat.23:29
godbykThe only thing I can figure is that messing with the other branches somehow affects the e1 branch.23:29
ChrisWoollardSorry.... That doesn't help ;)23:29
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
ChrisWoollardAll: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/notes23:51
ChrisWoollardAre there any other links that we have?23:51
ChrisWoollardI am sure there are lots, but i cannot remember23:52
ChrisWoollardCan somebody who knows look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual?action=LocalSiteMap23:55
ChrisWoollardand tell me what is still useful and should be linked.23:55
ChrisWoollardhmmm. That doesn't seem to contain everything23:57
godbykdoesn't look like there's much of use in the site map23:58
ChrisWoollardwhat about this23:58
ChrisWoollardthat contains everything23:59
ChrisWoollardFuturePlaaning looks fun23:59

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