
smallfoot-plz package php-gtk00:16
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smallfoot-plz package php-gtk01:11
kklimondasmallfoot-: the project is all but dead and with the upcoming gtk+3 release and all the gobject introspection work that goes along with it I fear that uploading the current version right now wouldn't make sense. Not to mention that there is no one who is interested in packaging it.01:16
smallfoot-kklimonda, but i need php-gtk for running gui of phoronix-test-suite01:20
kklimondayes, and that is probably the only realworld application that uses php-gtk bindings. You will have to ask phoronix guys how to install php=gtk (or check its homepage). There may also be some 3rd party ppa with it - have you ckecked?01:22
smallfoot-there is a ppa but only for karmic, not lucid, maverick01:30
smallfoot-and i dont want use third-party ppa or install from source, i want it "just work"01:30
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MuscovyHi, I'm the uploader of http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/day-of-ubuntu . Would anyone mind helping me solve the lintian error? I haven't been able to fix this one without creating more.06:39
kklimondaMuscovy: what errors do you get when you remove NMU?06:40
MuscovyIt's been a while since I tried, so I'll test. I _think_ it mentions it needs NMU.06:41
ebroderMuscovy: What version of Lintian are you using? It should know not to whine about NMUs if the maintainer is set to ubuntu-devel-discuss06:42
MuscovyI think I had set it to the development team as the owner.06:43
MuscovyAlso, is there an easy way to download it all from revu? I can't seem to find my local copy anymore.06:44
ebroderdget <.dsc file>06:44
MuscovyThanks, that's handy.06:46
ebroder(It only works if all the files are in the same, err, URL directory, or whatever)06:46
ebroder(But that's usually the case)06:46
MuscovySo is it ubuntu-devel-discuss with no address?06:46
ebroderMuscovy: Sorry, no - what you've got should be good. Just remove the NMU note from the changelog06:46
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MuscovyOk, it's uploading. It'll take a few minutes.06:52
MuscovyHere we are, ebroder: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/day-of-ubuntu-1008220757/lintian06:58
* ebroder squints06:58
MuscovyTwo complaints: 3.0 format and no README.06:58
ebroderI have a theory06:59
ebroderMuscovy: Are you doing development on a Lucid or Maverick machine/VM/chroot/whatever?06:59
MuscovyLucid machine.06:59
ebroderAnd do you get those warnings when you run Lintian on your package?06:59
MuscovyI get "W: day-of-ubuntu source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.8.3 (current is 3.8.4)".07:00
ebroderOk. In that case, I blame revu for being a really old machine07:00
ebroder(You should bump the standards version, though)07:00
MuscovyI tried that before, actually.07:00
MuscovyRevu said 3.8.4 didn't exist.07:00
ebroderYeah. That's because Revu is running Hardy, and it didn't exist then :)07:01
MuscovyAh. Why isn't 3.8.4 a lucid update though?07:01
Muscovy3.8.3 is still the lucid default.07:01
ebroderPackages update their standards version when they get around to it. Do you mean that 3.8.3 is what you get from dh_make or something?07:02
ebroderYeah. It probably just wasn't updated when Lucid was syncing from Debian07:02
kklimondathe current policy is 3.9.1 so you should update your package to it07:06
kklimonda(by update I mean actually checking if there were changes affecting your package - there is a nice upgrading-checklist.txt.gz in debian-policy package)07:07
ebroderSpeaking of which, it's *really* silly that REVU is still running on a Hardy sparc box. What are the current hardware requirements for the site (disk, etc)? Surely someone else has some - any - spare capacity...07:09
micahgebroder: can't upgrade w/sparc to lucid...07:10
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ebrodermicahg: Right. The sparc bit is the bit that's silly07:10
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MuscovyThere, it's up: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/day-of-ubuntu07:18
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wgrantebroder: We can move it elswhere. But there's no really compelling reason to do so yet.07:51
wgrantBut it was discussed last week.07:51
ebroderwgrant: "Having an ancient version of Lintian that misfires errors at you" doesn't count as a compelling reason? :)07:51
MuscovyI agree with that.07:52
MuscovyAnd it can't use debian 3.0 format.07:52
wgrantMuscovy: That just requires backporting a new lintian, which we've historically done often.07:56
wgrantEr, ebroder: ^^07:56
wgrantMuscovy: And a dpkg backport was in progress last week.07:57
MuscovyAh, progress. :D07:57
ebroderI guess that works then07:57
wgrantIt just requires somebody to care for REVU.07:57
wgrantI can move it onto different hardware if required, but others need to maintain the service.07:57
MuscovyWell, if I become a MOTU, I'll certain help if possible.07:58
MuscovyRevu feels under-utilized.07:58
ebroderwgrant: Hmm...if you're looking for MOTU volunteers, I might be interested, but I'll have to get back to you once I think about what I'm getting myself into07:58
wgrantWell, there are others in control of the service.08:01
wgrantI'm not looking for anyone.08:01
wgrantI was mainly responding to the questioning of whether there was other hardware.08:01
* micahg prepares an upload to feed the hungry builders08:04
wgrantia64 and sparc are going to be eternally hungry soon :(08:05
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micahgwgrant: nah, we just have to start backporting and SRUing more :)08:05
micahgshould .pc be in the VCS for soruce format 3?08:14
micahgwgrant: ^^08:29
Zhenechhyperair, ping08:34
tumbleweedmicahg: I wish it wasn't but the auto-imported packages tend to be stored patches-applied, yes08:38
micahgtumbleweed: that's what I'm wondering, the Debian version has it, so I should include in Ubuntu version too?08:39
tumbleweed"the debian version" ?08:39
macois there any reason why it would be a bad idea for /etc/bashrc to by default have "export QUILT_PATCHES='debian/patches'" to save *headdesks* later for us all on new installs?08:40
micahgmaco: because not all packages work like that08:40
tumbleweedmaco: time to store your .quiltrc in $vcs and write a new install personal-customisation script?08:41
macoi dont have a .quiltrc...i just put that in my .bashrc and then setup VMs and forget to do it there too and then get confused08:42
macoi was asking seb128 the other day how he got gnome-control-center to compile when quilt push -a fails... and he reminded me08:43
bilalakhtarmaco: how was it?08:44
macobilalakhtar: i forgot to set QUILT_PATCHES08:44
bilalakhtarah ok08:44
micahgtumbleweed: when merging with VCS, does every merge change need to be a new commit w/source format 3 or all in one?08:45
tumbleweedmicahg: that's up to personal style, I tend to do them in one commit (or a few commits in a branch, merged into one commit in the UDD tree)08:46
tumbleweed(if I'm understanding you correctly(08:46
micahgtumbleweed: yeah, the changes should all be present though08:47
micahgjust patches if necessary aren't applied08:47
micahgin ,oc08:47
micahgor rather in the code..08:48
tumbleweedpeople like patches-applied because you can see the final source in the tree, and $vcs blame it appropriately. I don't like it, because it makes reviewing harder and obfuscates things (often resulting in auto-generated anti-patches, when people are new to quilt)08:49
micahgtumbleweed: also, should I put the Ubuntu VCS info or leave the Debian VCS info08:53
tumbleweedonly if we maintain our own packaging of this in a VCS somewhere08:54
micahgtumbleweed: not UDD?08:54
tumbleweedwell, all packages have UDD branches08:54
micahgtumbleweed: no, most packages have UDD branches08:55
tumbleweedand few packages are actually maintained in them (you don't see new versions being prepared in them)08:55
tumbleweedbasically, I'd say leave the debian vcs info08:55
micahgtumbleweed: k08:55
hyperairZhenech: pong08:55
Zhenechhyperair, talked with enrico at froscon yesterday08:56
hyperairoh cool08:56
Zhenechhyperair, the safest way to get plugins 0.19 in is not to ship any of the new plugins :)08:56
hyperairoh, into squeeze?08:57
Zhenechdunno how the release team thinks about new binaries08:57
Zhenechwill ask later today08:57
hyperairokay, thanks.08:57
bilalakhtarhi hyperair seeing you after so long08:57
Zhenechhave a patch on my hd to do this already :)08:57
hyperairbilalakhtar: it's only been a week =)08:58
hyperairZhenech: a patch to drop the new binaries?08:58
hyperairi see.08:58
hyperairthat's nice08:58
hyperairspeaking of which i need to get round to adding --enable/disable flags for each plugin, instead of those with weird dependencies.08:59
Zhenechyepp! :)08:59
hyperairwait, you mean the patch does all that?08:59
Zhenechmy patch just drops ctpl build dep09:00
Zhenechand drops the packages from debian/control09:00
Zhenechso they are built but never installed09:00
bilalakhtartumbleweed: As for bug #621065 , seb128 told me that we can go ahead without FFe since its a GNOME package09:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621065 in sound-juicer (Ubuntu) "Update to 2.31.6" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62106509:02
bilalakhtartumbleweed: am I right ?09:04
tumbleweedsounds fair enough09:05
bilalakhtartumbleweed: GNOME packages can be updated until version 2.32 rolls out09:06
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Its not fair to freeze on an unstable release like 2.31.* and not upgrade to the stable ones09:06
tumbleweedyeah, sounds good09:07
bilalakhtartumbleweed: And, we are uploading this version even though the package is maintained in Debian, because of the fact that Debian will straightaway upload 2.32 while Ubuntu needs to go in a more progressive way (seb128)09:10
micahgbilalakhtar: some of the debian maintainers will upload the 2.31.x releases to experimental09:11
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hyperairZhenech: i see. that sounds feasible.09:21
hyperairZhenech: could you pastebin the patch somewhere so i can apply it? =)09:21
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bilalakhtarThanks tumbleweed for the upload!09:33
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: any time09:58
micahgtumbleweed: with MoM down, UDD is a lifeaver10:01
tumbleweedmicahg: are you using my merge tool?10:01
micahgtumbleweed: no10:02
tumbleweedmicahg: :)10:02
micahgtumbleweed: sorry, this was same upstream revision so it was an easy merge :)10:03
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Zhenechhyperair, i also could just commit myself :)10:55
Zhenechhyperair, but I mail debian-release first :)10:56
shadeslayerhi, how do i request a sync from debian experimental?11:09
shadeslayeri tried : requestsync foo -d experimental  -e11:10
shadeslayerdoesnt work :/11:10
shadeslayerE: 'kmymoney' doesn't appear to exist in Debian 'experimental'11:16
ajmitchshadeslayer: possibly because it was uploaded in the last 24h?11:17
geserit was uploaded today11:17
shadeslayeryes i know11:17
shadeslayerso it doesnt pick it up11:17
shadeslayerddidnt know that ^ :P11:17
ajmitchno, it grabs the info from a mirror that's regularly synced (daily iirc)11:17
geserrequestsync only knows what's in LP or reported by rmadison11:17
shadeslayerrmadison ?11:18
shadeslayerdebian mirror ?11:18
gesera script from devscripts11:18
geserhmm, the snapshot seems a little bit out-of-date11:20
micahggeser: yeah, I"m having that with phpmyadmin also11:22
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Hello! Would you recommend me to apply for MOTU now or wait?11:26
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: drop me a mail with a list of spnsorships I've done for you, and I'll be able to give you an answer (we need a script for this, I tried writing one but can't get the data I need out of lp's API)12:02
persiatumbleweed, You can parse the data out of the -changes mail12:27
tumbleweedpersia: yeah, I suppose that's the best way12:28
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AnAntpersia: hey, long time !13:01
RhondaIs the last change in bug #619650 someone just looking for easy karma? :)16:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619650 in wesnoth (Ubuntu) "Please remove wesnoth from maverick" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61965016:30
nigelbRhonda: Possible. I don't see him/her in bug squad.16:33
nigelb(the entire thing is not needed I think.  Generally bug squad is encouraged to stay away from workflow bugs)16:34
anotengwhich package am I missing when I get the following error during source package building?17:14
anotengdpkg-source: error: source package format `3.0' is not supported (Perl module Dpkg::Source::Package::V3 is required)17:14
Bachstelzecould an SRU person look at #622319 ?17:17
tumbleweedBachstelze: subscribe ubuntu-sponsors. It also needs a maverick fix before the SRU can be approved17:18
Flannelanoteng: dpkg-dev17:18
Bachstelzetumbleweed: ok, done17:19
tumbleweedBachstelze: you also want to Nominate for Lucid17:20
anotengFlannel:  I thought so too, but it's allready installed...17:20
Flannelanoteng: What version of Ubuntu are you running?17:21
Bachstelzetumbleweed: also Maverick?17:21
tumbleweedBachstelze: not necessary17:21
geserwhat the content of debian/source/format?17:24
ari-tczewRhonda: I think that it's pedantic.17:30
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ari-tczewnigelb: so upgrade dspam must be gigantic procedure17:36
nigelbari-tczew: I dunno.17:37
nigelbI just looked at the debian ML17:37
ari-tczewnigelb: IIRC they are upgrading 3 years this package17:37
nigelbari-tczew: well, it is in experimental17:37
nigelbI think it broke some stuff17:37
ari-tczewnigelb: some time ago I tried to do this, but it's true, it's very hard to do.17:39
nigelbari-tczew: In that case, we cannot blame them.  Everyone's a volunteer.17:40
nigelbI myself was away from cleansweep for some time until I could finally schedule my work around it now.17:40
funkeyDuderI am having trouble building a package.  When I change the source I get an error about failing some test (using debuild).  Anyone have any thoughts as to what might be going on?20:12
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I mailed you the list of bugs20:23
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andrew_708476IS there anyone that doesn't mind lending a hand with Ubuntu21:10
ari-tczewfunkeyDuder: give a log - use pastebin21:10
ari-tczewdupondje: ping21:11
dupondjepong :)21:12
ari-tczewdupondje: are you still interesed contribute to Ubuntu?21:13
dupondjesure sure :) but bit less time atm :)21:13
ari-tczewdupondje: we have to finish patching asterisk, do you remember?21:14
ari-tczewit's still waiting on my hard disk :)21:14
dupondjewhat was not correct with it again ? :)21:18
ari-tczewdupondje: please tab me if you are writing to me.21:25
ari-tczewit will easy for me21:25
ari-tczewdupondje: you have to complete file CVE-2007-6170.dpatch21:27
ubottuSQL injection vulnerability in the Call Detail Record Postgres logging engine (cdr_pgsql) in Asterisk 1.4.x before 1.4.15, 1.2.x before 1.2.25, B.x before B.2.3.4, and C.x before C.1.0-beta6 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary SQL commands via (1) ANI and (2) DNIS arguments. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6170)21:27
ari-tczewthere is no DEP3 tags21:27
ari-tczewthere are no *21:27
ari-tczewhello AnAnt22:16
micahgis conflicts appropriate when if one package is installed, the other will not work?22:23
micahgin that they provide similar functionality22:23
debfxmicahg: yes, if they really don't work when the other is installed22:30
micahgdebfx: k, filing the bug in Debian...22:30

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