
=== fta_ is now known as fta
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== TannerF is now known as TannerF|Legged
=== TannerF|Legged is now known as TannerF|BugHunti
=== TannerF|BugHunti is now known as TannerF
vishuhi guys06:41
vishuyoutube videos are not playing in firefox06:41
vishucan you help06:41
micahgvishu: what version?06:42
micahgk, what ubuntu version06:42
vishui downloaded it from mozilla site copied it to /usr/local06:42
vishuubuntu  9.0406:43
micahgvishu: 3.6.8 is in -updates for 9.0.4, get rid of what you d/l from mozilla06:43
vishuhmm how?06:43
micahg!info firefox jaunty06:43
ubot2micahg: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.19+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB06:44
micahgvishu: firefox or firefox-3.0 is now 3.6.8 in jaunty06:44
micahgvishu: firefox or firefox-3.0 is now 3.6.8 in jaunty-updates06:44
vishucan i just remove the firefox i downloaded from /usr/local?06:44
micahgvishu: yes06:44
vishuk 1 sec06:44
vishuyes i removed it06:45
vishumicahg, what is the stuff you told above i didn't get it:|06:45
micahgtry running firefox06:46
ddecatorvishu: download 'firefox' from the repo06:46
ddecatoror if it's still installed and updated..06:46
micahgit'll be 3.6.8 if your system is up to date06:46
vishuhey can you explain this version numbers a little bit more i am confused06:47
micahgvishu: about?06:48
micahgfirefox is 3.6.8 on jaunty06:48
vishufirefox 3.0 is firefox 3.6.806:48
ddecatorthe firefox-3.0 package is no firefox 3.6.806:49
micahgvishu: yes, firefox-3.0 is the firefox source package for jaunty, new sources are discouraged in Stable release updates06:49
micahgso we reused the firefox-3.0 source06:49
vishuso 3.6.8 is what?06:50
micahgvishu: latest stable release for firefox06:50
vishuso if i install firefox fromsynaptic i install 3.6.8 or 3.0?06:51
micahgvishu: install firefox06:51
micahgyou're good :)06:51
micahgrun it06:51
micahgand about firefox should be 3.6.806:52
vishunot playing06:53
vishui open a video and it is blocked i click on it it shows a black screen06:54
micahgvishu: you have flash installed?06:54
micahgvishu: can you pastebin the output of this:06:54
micahgapt-cache policy libflash-mozplugin flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree swfdec-mozilla mozilla-plugin-gnash adobe-flashplugin06:54
vishu: Unable to locate package libflash-mozplugin06:55
micahgpastebin the whole thing please06:55
micahgk, that works :)06:56
micahgtry removing swfdec-mozilla06:57
micahgtry restarting firefxo06:58
vishuits working yay06:58
vishucan you tell me how you fixed it so that i can do it on myself if the prob persists again06:59
vishuthank you06:59
micahgvishu: just removed the plugin that was registering in place of flash06:59
vishuoo then is there a plugin deafult?06:59
micahgit's an open source flash, but not an up to date version that youtube requires07:00
micahgvishu: yes, with ubufox you should be able to choose which one you want07:00
vishuubufox so what plugin i have now?07:01
micahgvishu: Adobe flashplugin07:01
vishuthat is not at all installed07:02
micahgwell, flashplugin-installed is the adobe flashplugin07:02
vishuthanq pal07:04
vishumicahg, added to friends list:D07:05
vishuthank you once again07:05
vishunp=no please?07:06
micahgno problem07:06
vishuOo hehehehe07:06
vishuGryllida,  micahg solved it07:07
GryllidaI see. :)07:08
GryllidaWill idle here, apparently, since being ubuntu user of mozilla products07:08
GryllidaMaybe something new to learn07:08
vishuGryllida, :d07:08
vishubye guys thanq again07:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bobbyHey, is Firefox-core replacing firefox-branding?14:22
bobbyBecause I've never seen the package firefox-core14:23
rsavoyewith the current gnash release, to fix the youtube problems, delete and block all cookies in Firefox to make video work14:34
rsavoyeit's fixed in the gnash releases coming out later today14:34
rsavoyewith adobe, you're on your own14:34
bobbygnash used to crash on me all the time, no problems with adobe's flash player though...14:46
rsavoyewhich version of Gnash ? I never see Gnash crashes at all15:13
rsavoyegnash release 0.8.8 up at ftp.gnu.org18:27
rsavoyeannouncement coming soon18:27
micahgchrisccoulson: are you working on xul20 also or should can I fix the FTBFS if I have time19:21
chrisccoulsonmicahg, feel free to fix that if you get time19:21
chrisccoulsoni didn't look at that yet19:21
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I"m a little concerned about thunderbird, I expected it to FTBFS not update...19:21
chrisccoulsonmicahg, in the daily PPA?19:22
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, it seemed to add the stable version :-/19:22
chrisccoulsonoh, that's strange19:24
chrisccoulsonare people actually updating to it?19:24
micahgchrisccoulson: mozsymbols just jumped 107MB :(19:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i know, i'm having to push them all through my connection ;)19:25
micahgrsavoye: is the packaging updated?19:25
chrisccoulsoni really need to get the symbols uploader working in the datacenter, else my ISP is going to really hate me19:25
chrisccoulsonat least it's currently only around 250MB/day19:26
rsavoyemicahg: it is in the gnash sources, not the ubuntu version19:26
micahgrsavoye: I know, just asking if you've updated the packaging, we should get it in before beta19:27
micahgchrisccoulson: you mean like these people: http://www.geek.com/articles/news/telenet-isp-one-of-our-customers-downloads-2-7tb-every-month-20100820/19:27
rsavoyeupdated which packaging ?19:27
micahgrsavoye: for gnash19:27
rsavoyeright, my version or yours ?19:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg - heh, that will be me soon ;)19:27
micahgrsavoye: whichever version you want us to review and get into Maverick :)19:28
chrisccoulsonif i start pushing the symbols for all releases and for ff3.6 and thunderbird too19:28
chrisccoulsoni'll be pushing about 2.5GB/day ;)19:28
rsavoyeyou want to use my versions then :-)19:28
rsavoyeI was going to later compare then to the existing ubuntu ones19:28
micahgchrisccoulson: that's only 75GB/month19:28
micahgrsavoye: is it updated for 0.8.8 yet?19:28
rsavoyemine builds more packages, the -dbg, etc...19:28
micahgI can try to look at it later this week19:28
chrisccoulsonmicahg - on top of the 60GB i'm using already ;)19:29
rsavoyein the release branch in our new git sources19:29
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, our xul-dev is broke since I need -fshort-char for everything, pyxpcom builds with it though in maverick19:29
micahgbut I"m not worrying about that right nwo19:29
rsavoyemicahg: I just uploaded i386 debs for maverick to my repo at getgnash.org20:03
rsavoyeand tested them, they install fine20:03

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