
babelfish1thanks, glad i forgot to log out :)00:10
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].00:46
angelo454Hi has anyone experienced problems with mySQL? About every 3-5 boot ups it does not start.02:55
tgm4883angelo454, sounds like a race condition02:57
angelo454I have a frontend running on the same machine and I do notice that it won't find the backend and I have to restart it and it will find it the second time. What can I do to correct the race condition?03:00
tgm4883angelo454, what is the output of 'dpkg -l mythtv-backend'03:01
angelo454The response was "failed to read archive 'myth-backend' . . ." should I be root or in a certain directory?03:04
tgm4883no, you don't need to be root03:05
angelo454same response03:07
tgm4883thats odd03:08
tgm4883try it with a sudo I guess03:08
angelo454still the same response. I am running mythfilldatabase. that would not interfere with the dpkg command?03:10
tgm4883it shouldn't03:10
tgm4883sounds like dpkg might be broke for you?03:11
angelo454I have used Update Manager to get the latest MythTV version .23. Is that similar to dpkg?03:13
tgm4883are you using auto-builds?03:13
angelo454Yes, I got .23+fixes and tonight I saw there was a new build and updated to that one. I am running KnoppMyth with .22 on another machine and am working on upgrading to Mythbuntu with .23 on this machine. I found the system unstable with live TV saw I tried the .23+fixes but it did not help.03:17
tgm4883angelo454, take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151134203:35
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org]  Backend start and udev rule race condition - Ubuntu Forums03:35
angelo454ran the command again. This time lower case L instead of upper case I (eye).03:40
angelo454| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend03:40
angelo454|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)03:40
angelo454||/ Name           Version        Description03:40
angelo454un  mythtv-backend <none>         (no description available)03:40
angelo454From the thread you referenced, I should have fixed it when I ran auto-builds.03:43
angelo454Sorry, I ran it from the frontend. When I run it on the backend I have 0.23.0++fixes2. This is the version I just updated to about an hour ago.03:47
dewmanangelo454, you might want to use pastebin03:52
angelo454Will it allow me to copy text from one computer to another?03:57
angelo454 I'll see what happens with this latest autobuilds version. Thanks for your help.04:07
henkpoleyCurrent Ctrl+Alt+Del behaviour is to lock the current desktop. Is there a place to disable this ?11:11
henkpoleyAh the XFCE settings editor (a bit like regedit) has a way to set keyboard shortcuts. Removed the command from the custom ctrl alt del one, and it's fine now11:23
typhoonI know this is logged so I'll throw it in. If people have problems with firmware (dvb-fe-tda10046.fw) being uploaded then it is worth giving this a go: cd /etc/init then mv the mythbuntu script to a different name (put .old on the end) and then reboot and rename it back, then reboot again. I have had no problems since.22:36
typhoonnot sure why it works but it has22:37
typhoonanother fix: If you have a frontend on the backend server, ensure you use the network IP and not the loopback when setting up. There is a wierd bug where other frontends pick up the config from the DB and tries to get the tuner stream from localhost.22:41
typhoonif you are feeling brave connect to the mysql instance and do this: use mythconverg; update settings set data = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' where data ='';22:43
typhoonchange the x's for your backend IP address22:43
tgm4883typhoon, regarding the frontend on the backend server, that is not a bug, that is proper configuration22:46
tgm4883there is a difference22:46
typhoonah, ok22:46
typhoonshould have read the manual :-)22:47
tgm4883not sure why the first thing works though22:47
typhooncould be something simple as date time stamp on the script files i guess22:48
typhooni know what causes it22:48
typhoonmyth tries to send commands to the chip while the firmware is being uploaded22:48
typhoonso the chip goes nuts22:48
tgm4883but that shouldn't be fixed by doing what you are doing22:49
tgm4883if anything, it might be a race condition22:49
typhoonaye, it could be22:49
typhoonits a really odd one22:49
typhoonthe other way is to stick a "sleep 10" or something in the init script but that slows boot time22:50
typhoonno-one seems to know how to actually "fix" it. it's not a problem with myth or the firmware, just the way they play together22:51
typhoonthanks for the headsup on the B/E config. might actually read through it see if i've missed anything else haha22:53

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