
funkyHathm, ubottu is telling me to use @comment None comment :/ I guess that's a bug?00:05
bazhangmalv ban dodging?00:34
bazhangniglop is running mint, asking for help with in #xubuntu earlier, just a fyi02:46
bazhang<AlZIR> deadBit try top memory address as I said03:23
ubottuIn ubottu, Maser said: wat is sudo cat /etc/shadow03:54
bazhangtempted to just ban *threembb.ie as hufx/crivit/4 more nicks has ban dodged so much04:15
bazhangnow on as alzir04:15
bazhang [our_ALZIR] (~our_AZir@ our_ALZIR  this is the 8th time or so04:39
bazhang   mode +b *!*@178.167.*threembb.ie  would that cover it?04:42
bazhang   *!*@92.251.*threembb.ie and that?04:44
bazhangor no . needed after the 16704:45
FlannelWhere's the 92.251 come from?04:47
IdleOnestill_our_ALZIR (~still_our@ has joined #ubuntu04:48
bazhangFlannel, his other addresses04:48
bazhangso would those work?04:48
FlannelThat'll work, yeah.04:48
bazhangFlannel, thanks04:49
Flannelbazhang: Is that as specific as we can be?04:49
bazhangFlannel, he's got a ton of them, ranging pretty wide04:50
Flannelbazhang: Please remove my forward while you're +o: *!*@$#ubuntu-ops04:55
FlannelOh, too late.04:55
bazhangFlannel, okay04:56
IdleOnetimpster seems to be trolling05:00
bazhangor just not well informed05:00
IdleOne082210-[00:06:31] <timpster> ZykoticK9, do you know how i might be able to make my own themes for gnome05:10
bazhangseems legit. at least he is off the main channel05:10
IdleOnethat was in #u05:10
IdleOneand Zykotik doesn't seem to be active05:11
bazhangalso the reason for asking tons of compiz questions: banned in #compiz after just a very short time05:11
elkyI think we need to revise !ask.05:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:51
abhijitnow you all got what i was saying about ibus?05:54
abhijitsee that user asking about typeing hindi? and !ibus tells him that ibus is used for chines05:54
abhijitnow ?05:54
abhijiti suggested that long before. no one updates ibus factoid. and now why should i type all these long senteces explaning him what is ibus?05:55
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: IBus is used to allow input of Chinese, Japanese,  Korean (CJK) and other language characters in !GUI applications - See also: !SCIM05:56
IdleOneabhijit: Would that be better?05:56
abhijitIdleOne, wait05:57
ubottuIBus is used to allow input of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) characters in !GUI applications - See also: !SCIM05:57
abhijitIdleOne, !Ibus should tell that ibus is NOT ONLY for chines BUT ALSO for ALL langueges. so as now you can see when i tell taht user to use ibus everything should be clear for him in !ibus factoid itself05:58
abhijitafter executing !ibus factoid we dont need to again type all this sentences expalining him that ibus is not only chines but you can also type in hindi05:58
abhijitcurrent factoid making impression that ibus is ONLY for chinese. that i dont want. it should tell user that it is for ALL langues.05:59
IdleOneabhijit: would adding " and other language" be enough?05:59
abhijitIdleOne, ....input all langungeas including but not limited to chines,japanese, korean and add this link here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus06:01
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: IBus is used to allow input of Chinese, Japanese,  Korean (CJK), Hindi and other language characters in !GUI applications - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus also: !SCIM06:02
IdleOneFlannel: Can you tell ubottu to remember that ?06:03
abhijitIdleOne, no in that case its not hindi. Hindi in language can you please make it Devanagari06:03
abhijitFlannel, wait still discussing updates.06:03
abhijitIdleOne, 'Devanagari' is exact.06:04
IdleOneabhijit: you can submit an edit to ubottu also. /msg ubottu Ibus is <text here>06:04
abhijitIdleOne, yes i know. i also submitted this before. you just wait i submit it again06:04
abhijitok before that IdleOne can you just tell me that is it our policy to keep that chinese,japanes,korean names in that factoid? i am asking to that it will be clear for me to write more exact new text06:07
IdleOneabhijit: those languages were probably used because they are the most common ones people have asked about I suppose06:08
abhijitIdleOne, ok06:08
ubottuIn ubottu, abhijit said: !ibus is IBus is used allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. More info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus06:13
ubottuIn ubottu, abhijit said: !ibus is IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus06:13
abhijitIdleOne, done.06:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu, rww said: !no, cron =~ s/CronHowto.*/CronHowto/06:14
IdleOneabhijit: looks good I'll try to get some to add it to the bot.06:15
abhijitIdleOne, its really serios. may i wait here or just come back after some time?06:15
FlannelIdleOne: done?06:15
Flannelor, abhijit, done?06:15
abhijiti want to be sure about this update06:15
IdleOneFlannel: I believe so06:15
abhijitFlannel, yes06:16
Flannelis ibus really ibus in the wiki?06:16
FlannelOh wow.  Why is it lowercase?06:16
IdleOneFlannel: link is good yeah06:16
abhijitok i wll edit it.06:16
Flannelshould be IBus, sounds like.06:16
abhijitFlannel, yah editing06:17
Flannelabhijit: Just moving/renaming the page, I assume?06:17
abhijitFlannel, no. making ibus to IBus06:17
Flannelabhijit: Right, on the wikipage?06:17
abhijitFlannel, in the address help.ubutnu.com/community/ibus let it be small. i am now editing inside the page06:17
abhijitFlannel, yes on wikipage06:18
Flannelabhijit: You can't rename the page, but we can get someone to do so.06:18
IdleOnepage won't let me rename06:18
FlannelThat's generally a better way to do it06:18
Flannelso, lets keep it as it is now, and we'll update it when we get someone to change it06:18
abhijitFlannel, IdleOne but why are you renaming it?06:18
abhijitFlannel, yes sure.06:18
Flannelabhijit: Because its a rename from "ibus" to "IBus"06:19
abhijitFlannel, yah. sure. ok06:19
ubottuIBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus06:19
abhijitFlannel, IdleOne thank you very much!!!! :D06:20
FlannelThanks for your input abhijit06:20
IdleOnesure thing abhijit06:20
IdleOnethank you06:20
abhijitHave a nice day IdleOne Flannel and you all. !!! :D :)    Bye06:20
rww/lastlog mernilio in #ubuntu is concerning.06:22
FlannelIs it a full moon out?06:23
IdleOneif only werwolves could type06:24
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
=== LucidOne is now known as IdleOne_
FlannelOh no.  "perfectbuntu" http://perfectbuntu.category5.tv/08:08
FlannelAnyone reviewed that yet?08:08
jussioh cry...08:10
Flannelhah.  404 right now08:11
jussifrom looking at it, it seems to be a install scrip with LOADS of non standard stuff, including stuff from ppa's08:11
* maco winces08:12
FlannelWell, the "download to tmp, chmod something from tmp +x and run it" just sets things off on the right foot.08:12
jussiand it grabs lists from that site:08:12
jussiYou may notice when running Perfectbuntu 5 that it will connect to the perfectbuntu.category5.tv web site to obtain the current package list.08:12
macothere's a user in #ubuntu with the nick "ops"08:13
FlannelIt determines kde vs gnome by whether you have kdm or gdm installed!  and requires gksu (not gksu|kdesu, just gksu)08:13
Flannelmaco: you want to ask him in a query to change it? or want me to?08:14
macoi can ask08:14
jussiFlannel: and there is a heck of a lot of --force-yes in that script08:14
Flanneljussi: I hadn't gotten there yet, but I guess I'm glad it's blatant and easy to find at this point :)08:15
jussiFlannel: see the script here: http://perfectbuntu.category5.tv/?page=packages08:15
IdleOnealso has -ignore-missing08:16
FlannelI just backed off the file name and found it08:16
Flannelyeah -m is a lovely addition as well08:16
macook, pm sent08:16
IdleOneso I think we need a factoid.08:16
jussiIdleOne: lets see if it bcomes popular.08:16
IdleOneto be honest I never heard of the first 4 releases08:18
FlannelIt also... tracks users.08:20
Flannelhostname and username08:20
FlannelAlthough, if I've grokked this right, username would always be 'root'08:20
Flannelbut yeah, hostname, username, and 32/64bit.08:21
FlannelAnd frankly, logging a username on a site (with the IP in the log files) is just gross.08:21
jussidoes it add a root user?08:21
IdleOnenot from what I saw08:21
Flanneljussi: the root user is already present...08:22
IdleOneit looks dirty from what I can tell08:22
* IdleOne doesn't want to be anywhere near it08:22
FlannelIt uses gksudo though.08:22
FlannelAlso, it downloads and runs a file that it gets from the internet.08:23
jussiyou know, perhaps we need to get together and think about a way that the same sort of stuff can be acheived cleanly, as there is clearly a demand for it.08:23
IdleOnethere is08:23
macoisnt that what ubuntu-restricted-extras is?08:23
jussisome way perhaps of people sharing a setup they like with friends?08:23
Flannelwithout any checking, or whatnot.  So, someone can insert arbitrary code if you're on a unsafe connection, and it'll run.08:23
IdleOnejussi: isn't that what Synaptic and Software center are for?08:25
FlannelAnyone seen tis one before: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/what-to-do-after-fresh-ubuntu-install.html08:25
jussiFlannel: Im just ahving a look at it08:26
IdleOneRemember it's not recommended running a script without knowing exactly what it does, so I invite you to look at the code before running it.08:26
IdleOneon the above link08:27
IdleOneprobably shouldn't of pasted that08:27
Flannelshouldn't *have*08:27
jussi              elif [ "$choicee" = "$WORD26" ];08:28
jussi                     then08:28
jussi                     sudo apt-get remove -y --force-yes ubuntu-docs08:28
Flannelrww says second one does the... yeah, that.08:28
macowhy does it need quilt and pbuilder?08:29
jussioh dear, it installs ms corefonts, straight from the sharpfonts website... not through the deb?08:29
macoargh would be nice if $choice =  was testing for human readable things08:29
maconot WORD4208:30
macoautoaccept google earth license08:30
macoyeah im pretty sure THAT is not allowed08:30
Flannelsome of the variable names are cute though:08:30
Flanneltestmedibuntu, testmedibuntuu, testmedibuntuuu, testmedibuntuuuu (for four mirrors)08:31
macoyep saw that08:32
macoand went "wtf is it DOING?!" until i saw the elif's below, then thought there had to be a better way08:32
Flannelmaco: Oh, if I were cleaning up this code...08:32
macolike wget foo || wget bar || wget baz08:32
Flannelmaco: the way they approach it, they download them all to different folders, and so they'd need to know which folder they should use.08:33
Flannelbut yeah, if you do that to a single, consistent filename, you'd just use that filename when you were done.08:33
Flanneljussi: If we want to bring one under our wing, I vote for this second one (of the two).  Plus, person already uses LP, and does reasonable changelogs08:35
jussiFlannel: Id rather have something built into ubuntu to somehow share, not some random script08:36
Flanneljussi: Well, random script (clean up and kosherized) could become built in (much like easyubuntu was on the path to become)08:38
jussiFlannel: these scripts are somewhat restricted to certain things. I was more thinking of a way to say share a certain set of packages and repos (not everything on your system) with a friend.08:41
Flanneljussi: Oh, that'd be ultimately built into UbuntuOne, I imagine.08:42
jussiFlannel: yeah, exactly08:43
Flanneljussi: the logistics of sharing settings like that is rediculous though08:44
elky...is someone necromancing scripts?09:06
macoelky: we were doing forensic investiagations on them!09:07
Flannelelky: These look fresh.09:07
elkyFlannel, ah ok.09:07
elkymaco, you're a new op, you're not yet fully traumatised by the automatix-esque scripts people run at the recommendation of complete strangers.09:08
macoelky: i was a forum mod when automatix2 came about09:08
macoor was it ultimatix?09:08
macomeh one of those bundles of fail09:08
elkyBoth fail.09:09
elkyGo whisper the word near mjg.09:09
macoi remember his blog posts09:09
Flannelautomatix was first, then automatix2, then ultimatix after automatix went bye bye (which is now ultimate edition)09:09
elkyTake a video camera, I want to experience this vicariously.09:09
elkyBut anyway, those are what I was referring to with "necromancing"09:10
maconah this is ungreat minds thinking alike09:10
rww01:39:59 -!- aliceinwire_ [~aliceinwi@host215-113-dynamic.25-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Quit: echo "alias ls='OH LOOK A FORKBOMB RWW EDITED OUT'" >> /home/buluca/.bashrc]09:40
Seveas<-- aliceinwire_ has quit (Quit: echo "alias ls=':(){:|:&};:'" >> /home/buluca/.bashrc)09:41
Seveasas seen in #ubuntu09:41
rwwSeveas: way ahead of you09:41
jussirww: sorted09:42
ikoniazatan looks like mesula/sam/xydvdasda11:48
bazhangllua, hi14:52
ikoniallua: how can we help14:55
bazhangban forwarded here by funkyHat14:55
ikoniafunkyHat: ping14:55
lluai need help?14:55
ikoniallua: it looks like you've been forwarded to this channel (#ubuntu-ops) instead of ubuntu-offtopic because you have a quit message that is not nice14:57
ikoniabazhang: is that the same ban as I can't see anything for funkyHat14:57
bazhangikonia, I'm checking the bt14:58
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, DasEi said: !factoid is getlibs getlibs automatically solves dependencies for 32-bit programs on 64-bit, and for 64-bit programms on 32 bit. It can be downloaded from : http://frozenfox.freehostia.com/cappy/getlibs-all.deb14:58
ikoniallua: it also appeared you flooded #ubuntu-offtopic14:58
bazhangllua, your quit message needs changing14:59
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, DasEi said: !getlibs is automatically solves dependencies for 32-bit programs on 64-bit, and for 64-bit programms on15:03
ikoniaI'll speak to dasei15:03
ikoniallua: do you understand what's currently happening ?15:04
lluai am waiting for a answer is whats happening.15:04
llua<ikonia> llua: it also appeared you flooded #ubuntu-offtopic15:04
llua<llua> with?15:04
lluamy log shows i said one thing in the past 10 days in that channel15:04
lluai am wondering what i flooded the channel with15:05
ikoniallua: ok - you've been banned from #ubuntu-offtopic due to a quit message and some minor flooding of an ubuntu forum url (that maybe an old ban)15:05
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, DasEi said: !getlibs is <reply> getlibs automatically solves dependencies for 32-bit programs on 64-bit, and for 64-bit programms on 32 bit. It can be downloaded from : http://frozenfox.freehostia.com/cappy/getlibs-all.deb15:05
ikoniallua: /msg DasEi can you stop repeating that15:06
ikoniallua: the flooding appears to have been an old ban that was removed, so only the quit message is an issue15:06
ikoniallua: does that make sense to you ?15:08
ikoniallua: great, so can you please change your quit message so we can remove the ban please.15:09
lluadon't have one atm.15:09
ikoniayou do15:10
ikoniait references black people15:10
bazhangtry quitting and rejoining this channel15:10
bazhanghe changed it15:10
ikoniait was still in place as of midnight yesterday / this morning my time15:11
LjLi would like to be given a rationale for the banning of ryaxnb.15:24
ikoniahowdy LjL15:24
ikoniawhen/what happened ?15:24
ikonia(I'll get the BT info)15:24
bazhangtalk to Flannel15:24
ikoniathere is no active ban15:25
bazhangyeah there is15:25
LjLikonia: i think 3:58 UTC15:26
LjLtoday, that is - but maybe yesterday, my logs are a bit confusing15:26
ikoniathe logs show him being asked to stop rambling, being asked to stop, pushing it, but agreeing, doing it again, being asked again saying "no I won't pay attention either way" in refernce to channel or operator requests15:27
ikoniaso he got banned15:27
ikonialooks like the actual +b was a little slow so it makes the context hard to see15:28
elkyDid I miss some change in etiquette that we now discuss details of an incident with non-participants?15:28
LjLok, what was the rationale for forcing him to stop "rambling"?15:28
LjL!appeals | elky15:28
ikonia(from what I'm reading)15:28
ubottuelky: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.15:28
ikoniaelky: that's my fault,15:28
elkyLjL, I'm not sure where in the appeals "send a bully" is listed as a step.15:29
LjLelky: it offends me that you'd imply that i've been "sent" by someone.15:29
LjLbut i do "disagree with a decision by an operator".15:29
LjLi guess i'll go to the next step15:29
ikoniaI guess we'll park that then15:30
* elky raises an eyebrow15:30
ikoniacan't discuss if he's not in the channel15:30
elkySo we're supposed to discuss the details of an incident with non-participants who declare themselves relevant by disagreement?15:30
ikoniaelky: that's %100 my fault, I still think of ljl as an operator so have no issue common sense discussing15:31
ikoniaI took his request for information as a request to resolve15:31
elkyikonia, he's still the one who asked, so not 100%15:31
ikoniallua: hi again15:32
lluauh huh.15:32
ikoniallua: looks like you've changed your quit message, so if you give me a moment to find and remove your ban I'll be happy to do so15:33
ikoniallua: just keep in mind any more unacceptable quit messages and we'll put the ban back on15:33
ikoniallua: in reality you should have been banned from #ubuntu to due to that message, but we missed it15:33
lluatoo many msg asking how to get my dvd playback to work to notice quit messages15:34
ikoniallua: well, the ban has been removed now, so please keep your quit messages polite15:35
ikoniallua: are you still getting forwarded here16:10
llua* #ubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-ops :Forwarding to another channel16:10
ikoniaI wonder if I missed a ban16:11
ikoniahang on16:11
ikoniallua: I can't see a ban for you at all on #ubuntu-offtopic16:17
ikoniafound it16:17
ikoniawant to try now16:17
ikoniaI wonder why funkyHat's ban didn't show in BT16:19
jussiikonia:its possible that ubottu was away during that time.16:21
ikoniaother stuff around that time shows up16:21
ikoniajust not that ban16:21
ikoniathewizord back in #kubuntu-offtopic with a real name of "Adolf Hitler"16:49
ikoniajussi: bols16:50
ikoniahe seems to be trying to push $something in each ubuntu channel he's in of late16:50
jussimeh, if he wants to hang himself then let him, Im beyond worrying what he thinks of me.16:51
ikoniafeeding time16:55
jpdsikonia: Feeding the trolls are we?17:30
ikoniajpds: which one19:26
IdleOneikonia: last thing you said was feeding time19:27
IdleOnejpds: was being his usual funny self :)19:27
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from surunveri)20:15
IdleOnetimpster is really getting on my last nerve, he has been given the !themes factoid several times, been told about !enter more then once...20:31
IdleOneWould using RTM instead of RTFM be acceptable if there is no other solution to offer to a user?20:38
IdleOneexample: user asks about how to configure his router20:39
FlannelIdleOne: the F isn't the issue, the "go find the information and figure it out yourself" is20:40
IdleOneFlannel: well it isn't a direct "go find the information and figure it out yourself" but more of a answer after trouble shooting with the user.20:41
FlannelIdleOne: If you've been helping him and stuff, no, it's not an issue.  "This works just like its supposed to, those steps can be found here" is fin20:42
IdleOneok thanks20:42

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