
help[96]does anybody know how to download and install new modules for drupal in ubuntu?06:28
tonyyarussohelp[96]: Certainly.06:31
tonyyarussoThe same way you do in any other distro - with wget and tar.06:31
help[96]hmm...okay, i'm new to ubuntu...so i usually use sudo apt-get06:34
help[96]but i don't think i can do that with modules06:34
tonyyarussoAs you should, but the Drupal modules are not in the repositories.06:34
tonyyarussoDrupal itself is, but not its add-ons.06:35
help[96]yeah, so what's the process for wget and tar?06:35
tonyyarussoIn your Drupal directory (/usr/share/drupalsomething), you'll see a sites/ directory.06:36
tonyyarussoIn that either you'll have an all/ directory, or you can make one, with a modules/ subdirectory.06:36
tonyyarussocd into that, the wget URLofthemodule, then tar zxf file.tar.gz06:37
tonyyarussoWhen you visit admin/build/modules, it will show up in the list.  viola.06:37
help[96]hmm...so, in the sites/ directory, i just see a default/ directory06:40
tonyyarussoor that06:40
help[96]so...should i put the modules/ directory under the default/ directory?06:40
tonyyarussohelp[96]: There are many, many ways of managing the sites/ tree.  It would do you well to read the Drupal documentation about that.06:40
tonyyarussoYou can start by using default/, but you probably don't want to keep doing that.06:41
help[96]okay...i'll check out the documentation a bit, too06:42
help[96]i think i was getting ahead of myself06:42
help[96]hey! it popped up!  thanks so much!06:44
andrew_708476Is anyone any good with Ubuntu that doesn't mind helping because I have a few problems21:16
tonyyarusso!ask | andrew_70847621:27
lubotu1andrew_708476: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:27
tonyyarussoIt's hard for us to know if we're "good" with your problem until we know what it is.  ;)21:27
tonyyarussoI guess we fail at telepathy :(22:04

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