
kklimondaand another one.. wish it were this fun to actually work on my application and not on libraries it uses ;)00:06
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Chipacaespen77: duanedesign: magiciacada!03:57
Chipacay'awl should use it a lot more03:57
duanedesignChipaca: you are right...05:03
duanedesigni should get used to recommending it to people.05:03
duanedesignstuck in my old ways :P05:04
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espen77Soo i started to write a little twitter note whenever i find something that i whish was different. Got a little list for u1 now, where is the prefered place to file it? post on forum, as bugs in launchpad or keep it secret?13:38
nilsmaare there any reason ubuntu-one should not work properly on Lubuntu?15:14
dobeynilsma: assuming you have all the right dependencies installed, it should work as fine as it does on normal ubuntu15:23
nilsmadobey: thank you for your reply :)15:25
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adamnelsonis there a server issue happening?18:50
adamnelsonI cant seem to share a file with the public. Getting lovely 503 errors18:51
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