
=== Cimi_ is now known as Cimi
hyperairdoes anyone know where i can find indicate-sharp-0.1.pc?11:57
meebeyI found it in libindicate0.1-cil-dev IIRC12:01
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meebeykenvandine: could you reach a compromise yet?14:51
meebeykenvandine: wrt to twitter and api key14:51
kenvandinenot yet... they aren't terribly responsive14:52
klattimerkenvandine: ironic, given they're supposed to be about small, fast messaging :)14:54
kenvandineklattimer, hehe14:54
JanCBorchardtiainfarrell, ping15:02
iainfarrellhello JanCBorchardt15:03
JanCBorchardtHey Iain. So performance issues are really the problem with Pongo. I built a workaround by adding the option to record the screen capture in lower resoltuion15:04
JanCBorchardtthe normal command is 'python pongo.py'. when you want to lower the resolution, you can just put it as a parameter like 'python pongo.py 640'15:05
JanCBorchardtthat would record at 640 pixels width and proportional height. Let me know if that helps.15:05
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=== bilalakhtar__ is now known as bilalakhtar
JanCBorchardtiainfarrell, do the performance problems come when running the script or is the video laggy?15:07
iainfarrellthe video is laggy15:08
iainfarrellso computer performs fine while it's recording15:08
iainfarrellI've tried playing video in totem and VLC15:08
iainfarrellsame problem15:08
iainfarrellwebcam and screen actions are very laggy15:08
iainfarrellis this something you've seen JanCBorchardt?15:09
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JanCBorchardtiainfarrell: yes, quite a few people have reported it. Normally when I use VLC to play the video, it works fairly well15:10
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JanCBorchardteven when I record running from live USB15:11
JanCBorchardtcan you test running it with the extra lower resolution parameter to see if that is better?15:11
iainfarrellJanCBorchardt: will do15:12
iainfarrellJanCBorchardt: It's working much better now I think - am capturing now! :)15:30
iainfarrellJanCBorchardt: That's much better15:37
iainfarrellI just set the resolution lower15:38
Cimiiainfarrell: otto is away today?15:39
iainfarrellcimi yes but back tomorrow15:43
Cimiok cool15:47
JanCBorchardtiainfarrell, cool :)15:48
JanCBorchardtPongo needs to be made installable anyway, maybe that’ll increase performance as well15:49
iainfarrellJanCBorchardt: well it'll do for now and we'll get it set up on a laptop for the testing15:49
iainfarrellI'm running it on my machine15:49
iainfarrellthanks again15:49
JanCBorchardtiainfarrell, the resolution parameter really is more a hack. I have yet to find where to tweak. ;)15:49
JanCBorchardtno problem, I’m glad it’s working for you15:50
Cimiiainfarrell: I have many ideas for gwibber15:55
Cimiiainfarrell: maverick +1?15:55
iainfarrellCimi: Cool15:56
Cimiiainfarrell: gwibber is embedding a webkit frame inside, webkit supports a lot of css3 animations, but gwibber is using neither of them. I had occasion to learn some css3 transitions and effects this weekend as I've redesigned my homepage (www.cimitan.com, you might want to play hovering the mouse on the colores boxes or text using google chrome or other webkit-based browsers)15:58
Cimiso I have the feeling we give to the gwibber experience a steap ahead15:59
iainfarrellCimi: that's brilliant15:59
iainfarrellwho can we get on board to help?15:59
CimiI can manage the whole work alone15:59
CimiI'm not new on html and css316:00
Cimiok so I can afford on this too if I'll continue to work with you, the to-do list is becoming longer and longer :))16:01
iainfarrellwell let me know if you want some help with this in the next cycle16:01
Cimiiainfarrell: I might need someone to stop my brain to producing mockups for everything16:03
CimiI am becoming quite excited and that means I would like to redo everything :)16:03
CimiI need someone to calm me ;)16:03
* Cimi doesn't know that "to producing" is not english, shame on me16:04
iainfarrellCimi: Well I can help there16:05
Cimiahah ok ;)16:05
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