
jelmeranthony__: #ubuntu is probably more appropriate for ubuntu problems00:03
spivGood morning.01:06
mwhudsonspiv: good morning01:08
mwhudsonspiv: enjoy your weekend? :)01:08
mwhudsoni hear something happened in australia01:08
spivmwhudson: turns out we get to join the UK in making 'hung' parliament jokes!01:09
mwhudsonspiv: congrats01:13
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pooliehi spiv, lifeless02:54
lifelesshi poolie02:54
spivHi poolie02:56
pooliespiv, apparently you are pp this week02:57
spivOh, right.  Thanks for reminding me :)02:57
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: spiv | bzr 2.2-final has gone gold, build those installers
poolierms complained on behalf of emacs devs about the "locks aren't released on interrupts" bug03:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 257217 in Bazaar "closing terminal causes stale lock (affected: 0, heat: 2)" [High,Confirmed]03:01
poolieiwbn to either check it's unwound, or perhaps auto-delete locks from the same machine where the process is obviously gone03:01
spivTreating SIGHUP as KeyboardInterrupt sounds ok to me.03:05
pooliethere was a bug about insisting on a username being set03:05
pooliethat'd be a good start03:06
pooliei was thinking of doing that this afternoon since elmo etc seem to find it painful03:06
spiv(And quick experiments suggest that SIGHUP is probably what is happening.)03:06
poolieistm that using $user@$mailname should be safe, and should probably work without manual configuration on our machine03:06
pooliearguably we should unwind on sigterm too03:07
pooliei think the other problem we're likely to hit here is that the transport may be busy03:07
poolieor may not like being interrupted03:07
spivTrue, although what's the worst that'll happen?  Most likely the worst is that the unwind will run afoul of EINTR issues and fail to unlock, so no worse than the status quo :)03:08
spivAnd hopefully better for at least some transports.03:09
poolieoh, i'm not saying this is a reason not to unwind on those signals03:16
poolierather that people may just find that they get TooManyConcurrent things03:17
poolieinstead of it actually unlocking03:17
pooliehowever we can fix that one step at a time03:17
pooliespiv, i'm away after today, is there anything you want me to do, or to give my attention to?03:31
spivNot off the top of my head.  If I think of something I'll let you know ASAP.03:32
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thumperin case people missed it05:59
thumperinteresting that the author is a ruby on rails guy05:59
thumper(interesting in that most of ruby people use git)05:59
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glyphHey guys.  Any workaround for this?  <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/622549>06:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 622549 in Bazaar "bzr 2.2 as bundled for MacOS can't make a branch of CalendarServer (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]06:55
spivjelmer: got a workaround for glyph?07:01
spivglyph: I suppose you could try get Launchpad to import it...07:02
spivglyph: I wouldn't expect it to do much better, but at least it'll cause the LP devs to care about the bug too ;)07:03
glyphspiv: Well, you've got the URL :).  Unfortunately my next step is to go back to SVN, unless I can find an immediate workaround.07:03
glyphspiv: is there already a launchpad project for C&CS?07:09
poolieglyph: i would try installing bzr-svn into ~/.bazaar/plugins07:09
pooliefrom its trunk07:09
spivglyph: not that I know of.  If a quick search doesn't find one I'd just register one.  It's not too hard to shift the branches across later if it turns out there is a project for it already.07:09
poolieglyph: to judge from the bug it seems to be a dupe of, it is a bug in the mac packaging not in the code it-self07:11
glyphpoolie: huh.  from trunk?  how about a release version? :)07:19
poolieor the latest release07:19
glyphOK, I'll give that a shot tomorrow, catch you later :)07:21
vilahi all!08:00
glyphpoolie: After sticking the last bzr-svn release into my ~/.bazaar/plugins, it is looking good-ish08:12
poolieglyph: that's great08:12
glyphpoolie: thanks for the help :)08:34
poolienp, sorry for the snag08:37
poolieand thanks for the feedback08:37
GaryvdMHi poolie.09:00
GaryvdMI'm looking at Bug #62116109:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 621161 in Bazaar "failed to load compiled extension: cannot import name _bytes_to_text_key (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62116109:01
=== lindbohm.freenode.net changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | bzr 2.2-final has gone gold, build those installers
pooliethanks gary09:02
GaryvdMpoolie: I see you added the *_pyx.c files to the packaging branches, but they are not in the debian unstable branch. Any objection to me removing them?09:03
pooliei didn't intentionally specifically add them09:04
spivcody-somerville: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr/+bug/528041 has SRU approval now09:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 528041 in bzr (Ubuntu Lucid) "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: _remember_remote_is_before((2, 1)) called, but _remember_remote_is_before((1, 6)) was called previously. (affected: 22, heat: 145)" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:07
GaryvdMjelmer: It seems like you have renamed .bzrignore to .bzrignore.THIS in  http://bzr.debian.org/pkg-bazaar/bzr/unstable/09:17
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jelmerGaryvdM: ah, thanks09:18
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Guest76162I suspect that may be related to bzr merge-upstream removing .bzrignore09:18
poolievila, spiv was going to see about getting the sru policy to state that we're allowed to put in point releases09:37
pooliei don't know if we should still push on this09:38
pooliespiv it might be worth still just talking the issues over with one of the sru managers09:38
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vilapoolie, spiv: great to hear, I'm pretty our point release policy is in line with the SRU one but we may need a few iterations to convince people09:40
vilas/convince/demonstrate or something/09:40
pooliemm, i think it is09:40
poolievila, you could talk to them instead/as well if you want09:40
pooliei think colin watson is one09:40
poolienight spiv, GaryvdM10:27
GaryvdMnight poolie10:28
spivpoolie, vila: I was talking with pitti about this earlier today10:39
vilaspiv: cool, and the summary is ?10:39
spivvila: the key bit I guess is <pitti> if all the changes in the new version are just safe and tested bug fixes, it's generally accepted10:40
spivvila: plus the regression risk for our changes are quite low (especially as bzr isn't going to make your system unbootable)10:40
spivAnd concretely he approved the diff for the 2.1.2 update quite quickly: our test suite gives a lot of confidence I think.10:42
vilaspiv: great, so our efforts will pay off. If we can get newer bzr versions into older ubuntu releases that will make less maintenance for us :)10:42
pooliei wonder why the _pyx.c files are showing up in the diff?10:49
GaryvdMpoolie: In some versions of the packaging branch, .bzrignore is removed / renamed.10:54
GaryvdMI'm not sure what creates the diff though, so that may be a miss diagnosis.10:55
spivpoolie: My guess is the .deb packages are based on our release tarballs, which include *_pyx.c files IIRC11:06
spivCertainly the packaging branch has no common history with lp:bzr :/11:07
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thropehi - is there any way to copy a file from one branch to another unrelated branch while preserving history for that file?13:23
Noldorini'm trying to manually remove a plugin from bzr, but when i delete it from the plugins folder, bzr still recognises it (listed under 'bzr plugins'13:30
Noldorinwhat's the problem here?13:30
maxbThere must be another copy installed somewhere else13:31
thropeNoldorin: maybe you have an egg ... check for anything in site-packages13:31
Noldorinthrope, right...13:31
fullermdthrope: No, you can't really do that sort of copy.  Files don't have history, history has files.13:32
thropeno plugin or tool to just play the commits affecting that file (and only the bits affecting that file) in a new repo?13:33
fullermdNot that I know of.  Unless there's something in rewrite.13:34
thropeok thanks13:34
Noldorinthrope, maxb: nothing in site-packages now, but it's still listing13:35
thropedo you have a .local or anytihng in your home directory?13:35
maxbNoldorin: start a python interpreter, do "import bzrlib.plugins.whatever" then "bzrlib.plugins.whatever"13:35
Noldorinthrope, where would that be (on windows)?13:37
Noldorinmaxb, yeah, so that pointed to a 'tfs' dir in site-packages, which i then removed. same problem though13:37
thropeoh I'm not sure - youre user home directory but I think thats much less likely on windows13:37
thropehow are you running bzr? if it is through tortoise have you restarted?13:38
maxbNoldorin: do it again after removing whatever you removed, then13:38
Noldorinmaxb, maybe this sheds some light on the problem? http://pastebin.com/D0h8u1xK13:39
Noldorinthrope, via the command line.13:39
Noldorinit's installed as an EXE until c:\program files\bazaar13:39
GaryvdMNoldorin: If you run bzr plugins -v, it shows you the file location that it got the plugin from.13:42
NoldorinGaryvdM, unfortunately it doesn't list the directory of the plugins that couldn't load13:43
Noldorinjust they they couldn't be loaded from 'C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins'13:43
GaryvdMNoldorin: From the pastebin, it seems you have 3 copies of tfs: 'C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins/tfs', 'C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins/tfsd' and another that should show in plugins -v13:44
Odd_BlokeHello all.  Is it possible to fast-export a particular subdirectory of my bzr branch (i.e. /addons/accounts/) and get rid of a prefix of the paths?  So all the commits related to /addons/accounts/ would be output as relating to /accounts/.13:52
jelmerOdd_Bloke: any reason for not just using "bzr split" ?13:56
Odd_Blokejelmer: Ignorance. :)13:57
Odd_Blokejelmer: I still need to be able to fast-export, to import into a git repo.  bzr split doesn't seem to do this?14:03
maxbGaryvdM: new bzr-pipeline packages uploaded to bzr/proposed.14:07
GaryvdMmaxb: Great~14:08
GaryvdM11 hour build queue though :-(14:08
maxbI cheated slightly, and uploaded them as urgency=medium :-)14:09
maxblucid build just finished :-)14:09
GaryvdMOh - I did not know that made a difference :-O14:09
jamhey vila, good to have you back14:32
GaryvdMHi jam.14:34
vilahey jam ! Good to be around and welcome back too :)14:35
NoldorinGaryvdM, http://pastebin.com/KqNnVWc2 - not quite i'm afraid14:46
NoldorinGaryvdM, any thoughtS?14:55
GaryvdMNoldorin: Well - I would start by removing the tfsd copy.15:01
NoldorinGaryvdM, it's not there :S15:02
jamvila: ping about https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/2.3-btree-chk-leaf/+merge/3190415:05
vilajam: /me scratching head15:07
vilajam: they are test fixtures, I can't think of a previous case where we needed test fixtures in production code15:08
vilajam: are they static functions or can you call them from a different C module ?15:10
jamvila: they are thunks over to the actual C code15:11
jamI can call them whatever you want15:11
jamI can't really put all of them in another module, since some of them are on the class15:11
jamI can call them "_foo" instead of "foo" or py_foo or whatever15:11
jamand we have those in other code15:11
jamthough I probably called them py_foo15:12
GaryvdMNoldorin: I'm sorry, I'm not sure then.15:12
NoldorinGaryvdM, no worries. but yeah, it's odd. no tfs/tfsd folder anywhere15:12
vilajam: I won't block on that but having test fixtures in production code tells me something is wrong either the API doesn't expose the right bits to be testable or we don't test the right things or... dunno, bad feeling15:16
vilamay be just make them private or something if they are just accessors...15:18
GaryvdMNoldorin: Have you looked at .bzr.log?15:18
vilait may also be because they should be tested from a C framework...15:18
vilajam: may be the 'test_' prefix triggered a knee-jerk15:19
jamvila: if I was writing Cython code, I would have used "cpdef foo"15:19
jamwhich defines both a pure-python 'foo' and a C 'foo' and selects the right one at compile time15:20
vilathey don't test anything really15:20
vilahmm, interesting, when do we switch ? :D15:20
jamvila: they don't test anything, they expose a function to pure python that I only want the code to be calling from within C15:21
vilajam: right, so they are accessors targeted at tests, may be a simple s/test_/get_/ will be enough15:21
jamwould you be happier with py_ or _py_ prefix?15:21
vilajam: yup, I think so15:22
NoldorinGaryvdM, http://pastebin.com/hkfm92kc15:22
jamthey are a little bit test related, since the return types, etc are tuned for ease of testing, versus ease of use as an api15:22
vilajam: no problem with that, if more uses are discovered, since they are private, they could be tuned again :)15:22
jamthey aren't exactly accessors, since some of them actually call another function15:23
jambut some, yes, since they wrap the internal object back into python objects15:23
vilajam: on the other hand, IME tests help a lot to find the right APIs... so I'm not that concerned about them not addressing needs you didn't... need :)15:24
GaryvdMNoldorin: Line 13 does seem to suggest that there is a C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins\tfsd15:25
NoldorinGaryvdM, yeah, it's really strange. it definitely doesn't exit.15:25
jam*sigh* I just upgraded to Thunderbird 3, and it turns out to be a bigger memory hog that *Firefox*15:33
jamI had to prune a lot of old stuff because otherwise the indexing would hit 1GB+15:33
jam(I had ~300k spam messages, that I didn't really want indexed, and was just keeping in case I wanted to train a future spamassassin, sort of thing)15:34
GaryvdMjam: Yhea - I ended up disabling the indexing.15:34
jamthe global search seems interesting, but the bloat, dear god the *bloat* :)15:35
fullermd300k spams?!15:35
fullermdWhy would you keep a whole week around?15:35
jamI should not be getting lag *while typing*15:35
GaryvdMI give the indexing a go again when 3.1 is available in ubuntu15:36
jamGaryvdM: I also find it very surprising that on Windows, they put the global sqlite file in Roaming. Which means 400-1GB of data gets put in what would be your 'synchronized between machines' location.15:38
jamGaryvdM: you *can* select a folder to not be indexed, but you have to do it manually for each folder you want that way, I couldn't find a way to batch select15:40
jamwhich was also pretty annoying, since I was sorting old content15:40
NoldorinGaryvdM, as stumped as me, eh?15:42
GaryvdMNoldorin: Yhea. I would maybe resort to using pdb, but maybe someone else may be able to help.15:43
NoldorinGaryvdM, ok, no worries. thanks anyway15:44
Noldorinpdb i might try, yeha15:44
dahostehey #bzr gurus.15:50
dahosteI'm a recent convert from svn.  Loving bzr so far.  Lightweight checkouts were the seal-the-deal feature for me (over hg).15:51
dahosteI have a new project about to get started, though, and there's a very strong case for needing 'sparse' (sometimes called 'partial') checkouts, which are common in svn-land.15:52
dahosteWhat are the odds of ever seeing good native bzr support for such a feature?15:52
fullermdWell, I'd like to see it, but I don't think it's in screaming distance of the top of anybody's todo list...15:57
dahosteI.e. is it architecturally feasible, and just hasn't been done yet, or does the notion itself go too severely against the grain of bzr's concept of repo?15:57
jamdahoste: the recommendation is to split up the project into multiple smaller projects15:57
jamit is against the concept of 'atomic tree'15:58
jampossible, we've discussed it periodically15:58
fullermdWell, distinguish partial _checkouts_ from partial _branches_.  There's no sensible way to _branch_ just a subpart of a branch, but there's no reason at all that you can't conceptually have a _working tree_ that only has some of the files.15:58
fullermdBah.  So does being able to specify files to 'commit'.  In fact, it's exactly the same againstness.15:58
jambut it raises some issues with 'commit' when files aren't present, and what to do if 'merge' would touch files you don't have, etc15:58
dahosteyeah, in my case I figured the 'need' for partial checkouts should probably be converted into an argument for re-organizing the project into multiple pieces.  That's sensible to some degree, but still runs aground in some places.   The _ideal_ scenario would indeed allow for partial branches, but partial checkouts would be a huge win.16:05
dahostejam, as for commit issues... it probably makes a huge difference whether a hypothetical 'partial' working tree is partial in a fine-grain sense (i.e. scattershot, file by file, dir by dir) vs. partial in a course-grain sense (the checkout designated a node in the tree as a root point and implicitly included everything from there down, as an 'atomic subtree').    If that makes any sense....16:09
fullermdWell, I don't worry about partial branches.  That's a major break, and besides, as long as you're in a repository, the marginal cost of a branch is near zero.16:11
dahosteBut I'm talking just from an outside perspective.  I don't have any insight into the guts, of either svn or bzr.   For instance, I know svn poops in every dir of the working tree ('.svn') but don't know if that's the lynchpin in its ability to do partials, or is just incidental implementation detail.    And note that I love the fact that bzr doesn't poop all over the working tree.16:12
rubbsI'm not familiar with partial checkouts/branch workflows, but would views help?16:15
fullermdWell, since svn doesn't have any "base" granularity, it sorta has to have arbitrary support to work at all.16:15
fullermdSince each dir only knows about itself and its subdirs in a .svn/ sense, partials Just Work(tm).  Doing it all from a central location requires explicitly adding support.16:16
jamdahoste: one of the primary problems with the svn model is that while commit either succeeds or fails, it doesn't track whether the files are in a consistent state across the tree16:17
jammeaning. if you commit to 'foo' I can commit to 'bar' without updating foo16:17
jameven though they may be logically linked16:17
jampretty much all DVCS take that to the next step, and say that everything in the tree must be up to date for the commit16:17
jam(each commit is a tree-wide state)16:18
jambeing able to branch 'part' of that doesn't make a lot of sense16:18
dahosterubbs, I did initially hope that views combined with a lightweight checkout might scratch the itch well enough.  But my understanding of views is that they're really just local 'convenience' filters, and don't affect what comes/goes over the wire, or what actually resides in the working tree.16:18
rubbsdahoste: correct, but I'm not sure why that's such a big problem. Again, I'm naive about partial branch workflows, but why would you not want a consistant branch altogether? Partials to me seem to give a disjointed feel.16:20
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jamrubbs: my guess is for someone coming from svn, where everything is one-big-tree16:21
fullermdAgain, distinguish partial branches from partial checkouts.  Since revisions are whole-tree, partial branching is a serious model break.16:21
fullermdPartial checkouts aren't.  Certainly you can think of a handful of different levels of support, of increasing demands on the tool, but...16:22
dahostejam, yeah, I guess that's just the inherent trade-off of the design.   And don't get me wrong - I'm not faulting bzr for not being able to do partials.  But it came up as a potential show-stopper for using bzr in a new project, and I just wondered what the likelihood was of bzr ever fielding such a feature.   hg has some half-baked notions about it, but I'm not holding my breath about it either -- I'm sure it faces similar architectural obstacles t16:22
dahosteo doing it as bzr.16:22
jamdahoste: the most likely solution bzr will implement is similar to git's submodules, and IIRC hg's forest extension. Where you can define that *this* tree depends on 'those' trees. So when you do a checkout of the top level, you get everything, but you can also just request for a single subtree16:23
fullermdI don't believe there's a single architectural obstacle.  It's just a moderate hunk of implementation.16:23
jamRight now we have scmproj and bzr-externals, to do something like this16:23
jampoolie has mentioned that it is likely to be a priority feature in the next 6-month cycle16:24
fullermdThat's just not the same at all..16:24
dahosterubbs, partials are disjointed.  And even in svn, where it's par for the course, there's an understood responsibility on the part of the person using a partial to keep in mind that they're (purposefully) working with just part of a larger dependent tree.  There's nothing stopping them from doing something stupid and breaking something 'uptree'.16:25
jamfullermd: it isn't the same functionality (a priori versus ad hoc subtrees), however it solves the basic use cases that we've determined from people wanting the feature16:25
jam"I just want docs" (make it a subtree), etc16:25
* fullermd points at the ports tree.16:25
dahosteyes, hg's forest seems like it might be enough.   And (for me anyway), a priori subtrees would be just fine... I don't need svn's ad hoc support.      Yeah:  it's the classic case of:  subdir so-and-so of a big src tree functions independently _enough_ that someone can contribute to it meaningfully without being burdened with the entire tree.  Particularly if, say, the subtree can be had for a few MBs or less, and the rest of the tree takes a few G16:34
dahosteAnd while that's also the case that argues most strongly for just constituting the project as multiple sub-projects, it's nice to be able to still be capable of managing the project from one mega root node (for those that need to).   Having cake and wanting to eat it too.  :)16:37
dahosteThanks all for your thoughts and time.   I'll keep my eye out for progress on nested-trees, or any other similar approach.   Cheers!16:52
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maxbGaryvdM: You said you did an installability test on hardy...... including loggerhead?18:57
maxbWhy do we ship testtools and subunit in the bzr PPAs?19:11
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james_wmaxb: they are needed for the testsuite, so either Build-Depends, or for the benefit of developers?19:43
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maxblifeless: hi. do we just publish testtools and subunit in the bzr ppas for developer convenience, or is there a greater reason?20:34
maxb(I've noticed that Launchpad has somehow managed to silently fail to publish testtools in ~bzr/proposed jaunty+karmic, though the web ui says it has)20:35
lifelessI don't remember :(. We do occasionally ask a user to run the test suite to check platform idionsyncracies20:38
maxbI am tempted to rebuild both subunit and testtools to get rid of the version numbers which pretend to be main-archive uploads but aren't :-/20:42
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jamGaryvdM: are you using the win32 ec2 host?21:14
jamvila: are you around?21:18
jamjml: you don't have any tags for testtools releases aside from 0.9.221:37
jamin lp:testtools21:37
rubbsOk, quick question, it's been quite some time since I've been in the bzr world. In terms of checkouts, a Heavyweight checkout is the default, and really it's just a local branch that sends it's commits to it's master before it commits locally. And a Lightweight checkout is more like SVN checkouts. Is this correct?21:38
dashrubbs: correct.21:38
rubbsdash: thanks.21:38
fullermdExcept thinking about heavy checkouts like that is IMAO likely to confuse more than help...21:40
rubbsOk, now I think I'm getting it. Then binding a branch "A" to branch "B" makes A a 'heavy checkout' with B as it's master. Unbinding A from B would change it back to a normal standalone branch (assuming it's not in a repo) correct?21:41
dashfullermd: why so?21:41
rubbsfullermd: how so? how would you suggest thinking about them?21:41
fullermdCue iteration 11,471 of "bound branches vs heavy checkouts"...21:41
fullermdBetter to think of no heavy or light, just checkouts with or without a local cache.21:41
dashrubbs: some folks have made a distinction between checkouts and bound branches but i never figured it out.21:41
rubbsis there something I can read on this. I don't mean to beat an already dead horse21:42
dashi do, i do ;D21:42
rubbsthank you.21:42
dashyeah but that's not documentation about how bzr works =/21:43
fullermdNo, how bzr works is that it has neither bound branches nor heavy checkouts.  It has something that's part one, part the other, and used for botrh.21:43
dashit sounds like you are using those terms differently from everyone else then :)21:44
fullermdLeaving aside "how it should be", I still believe that THINKING of the two as separate things and bearing in mind which mechanism you want in any given case, will make things work smoother in the long run, even though to bzr the two are the same.21:45
fullermdI don't think so.  I think I'm just using them more clearly.21:45
dashso... to bzr, they're the same.21:45
dashokay then :)21:45
fullermd(I also think bound branches tend to be more confusing than checkouts, and that a lot of people aren't clear as to which role they're trying to use, which is the primary source of corner-painting)21:46
rubbsOk, maybe this would be better to ask the best way to implement the following workflow: I'm looking for a way for developers to have their own branches, but have those branches mirrored on a central location so that it makes it easier for backups (for me). Here's the kicker though, most devs are on the LAN so network traffic wouldn't be bad, but we have two devs who work from home. I'd like a way for them to be able to lots of stuff locally ...21:47
rubbs... and sync up when needed.21:47
rubbsto do lots *21:47
fullermdIMO, as soon as there's a network involved (even a LAN), light checkouts can be fairly well ignored (perhaps not conceptually, but certainly implementionally)21:48
fullermdBound branches sound like what you want there.21:48
rubbswell right, hence the heavy vs bound branch I was goint to ask ;)21:48
rubbssounds like heavy checkouts are more svn-esk and bounc branches are just mirrored branches. (conceptually at least)21:49
fullermdThe distinction as to which way you'd think about it there, I think, would hinge on the question of how you think about where the branches are.21:50
fullermdIf you're thinking of devs having their own branches on there machines, that are automagically mirrored to the server when they do stuff, that's a bound branch.21:50
fullermdIf the dev's branches are on the server, and they just happen to have a full cache of it in their local WT, that's a heavy checkout.21:50
dashin other words... a distinction without a difference.21:50
rubbsok, but are they implemented the same way?21:50
rubbsI understand what you are saying21:51
fullermdWell, history in bzr vs. history in git is a distinction without a difference too.21:51
fullermdWell, they're implemented the same way because bzr doesn't acknowledge any distinction.21:52
rubbsI will likely teach them the heavy way as I think I'd like them to stick with "server" centric ideology, but I'm hoping that this doesnt' limit me on a technical side. If I do heavies and not bound branches, am I going to cause problems if I need to convert those heavy co's to standalones on their machines?21:52
rubbsyou just answered my question then. thank you21:53
rubbsbut I think I understand your distinction there and I think it's going to be easier to teach them that.21:53
rubbsMy questinos were more of a clarification of what I was pretty sure I knew, just didn't know how to say it, so you guys helped me figure that out21:54
dashrubbs: to convert to a standalone branch you do 'bzr unbind'21:56
dashrubbs: and also you can do 'bzr ci --local' to commit without sending it upstream21:56
dash(without unbinding)21:57
rubbsdash: ah that last one is perfect, I should have remembered that.21:57
rubbsalso is there any difference between checkin and commit? should be the same correct?21:57
fullermdThey're the same command.21:57
fullermdThe difference is about the same as the difference between [ and test  ;)21:58
rubbshaha, great thanks21:58
=== Guest39999 is now known as jelmer
ddaaexcept less evil... [ is one evil bit of shell hacker22:30
ddaait looks like a grouping syntax, but it's just a command name22:30
fullermdI prefer to think of that more as a symtom of the infirmery of sh as a language than a failing of test  ;p22:32
jelmerit's evil disguised as cleverness22:32
dash everybody's got a shell with [[ now though22:32
fullermd$ which [22:32
ddaash makes sense as far as it goes, but [ is like a alligator in the hide of a kitten.22:33
ddaadash: that's funny you should say that, considering your nickname :-)22:33
ddaamaybe it's even bash.org worthy :-)22:34
fullermdOh, the doubly irony   :p22:34
fullermdExtra funny how I just spend the last week watching another round of "we need a better scripting language than sh" run around a mailing list   :p22:36
ddaasubmitted to bash.org as 92849922:37
ddaafullermd: just saw that on pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pc/0.0.122:38
fullermdIck, but you'd have to have python for that   ;]22:39
fullermdI like how version 0.0.1 was uploaded today, and 0.0.3 was uploaded...  today.22:39
fullermdNow that's fast development.22:40
ddaaor banana software22:40
fullermdOh, I was hoping they had a more creative syntax I could steal...  shucks.22:45
ddaalike using __repr__ for command substitution? :-)22:45
fullermdOver my head   :p22:46
ddaain python<3, `foo` is an alias for repr(foo), it little known though22:46
fullermdBut I have a vague desire for some sneaky-simple syntax for calling out commands for my creeping-along make(1) replacement.22:46
fullermdHaven't yet looked at it in-depth, since it's way down the todo list.22:47
ddaamaybe check logix: http://logix-language.sourceforge.net/23:01
dashthat's pretty dead unfortunately :(23:01
ddaait's still kind of neat23:01
ddaapython lacks a good DSL framework23:02
fullermdWell, that's why I figure if I work slowly enough at it, I can just convert it to perl 6 before it's ready for release  ;p23:04
jamlosa ping23:08
mbarnettheya jam23:11
jamhi mbarnett, I'm trying to figure out if pqm is hung or not, can you check it out? I sent it something that ended up having a lot of failures for python2.4, and I haven't gotten any response yet.23:11
jamI fixed it up, and resubmitted, but I don't see the new request either23:11
jamI was worried the response email might be too big, and gumming things up23:12
jammbarnett: anyway, its end-of-day for me now, and I think it just showed up, so if you're busy, it can wait until tomorrow23:12
mbarnettjam: heh, i'll certainly poke at pqm and look for any obvious errors23:15
jammbarnett: thanks23:16
sttng359I'm having trouble with bzr-svn and symlinks not being created correctly23:37
sttng359sometimes I get zero-length files where there should be symlinks23:38
sttng359svn check out without issue.23:38
sttng359When I checkout the images folder directly with bzr, I get symlinks, but when I checkout the top-level trunk folder, it creates zero-length files for symlinks in the images folder23:40
sttng359oh, it appears I have bad information in the shared repository I'm using23:55
sttng359A fresh checkout of trust without shared repo does create proper symlinks.23:56
sttng359trust should be trunk.23:56
sttng359is there any way I can try and resync my existing repo with svn?23:57

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