
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
* apachelogger thinks kdevelop got too many sidebars08:21
* apachelogger loves unknown entries in cachegrind logs -.-10:06
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* apachelogger is wondering why rekonq does not have text alongside icons11:14
* apachelogger actually knows why, because it is crap, he rather wonders why no one complained about it11:14
Quintasanwhat was about that Polish blog?11:15
QuintasanI can remember Riddell asking about it but I can't remember answering >_<11:16
apacheloggerlaunchpad timeout \o/11:16
QuintasanIsn't that normal?11:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: you did answer11:16
QuintasanOh, good11:17
* apachelogger is worrid that Quintasan does not remember that11:17
Quintasanthe underlaying cause might be in something I did yesterday but I will keep diplomatic silence about that11:18
apacheloggerwise choice :P11:18
apacheloggernot everyone needs to know about us11:18
apacheloggeroh, I didn't say that in a query :/11:19
apacheloggeranyone tried kdepim b2?11:19
apacheloggeramichair: pingy11:32
amichairapachelogger: pongo11:32
apacheloggeramichair: did you ever look into policykityifying software-properties?11:34
amichairnot in depth11:34
* apachelogger imagines we could build a worker with dbus interfaces like libqapt has ... then just call foo of the worker when save() is called11:34
apacheloggersupposedly we could still use the same backends, just that writing new settings is carried out via dbus rather than internally11:37
apacheloggerthis ui is probably even more scary than kdevelop11:38
* apachelogger hides in the vim help11:38
amichairhehe... it's just a couple spare icons11:39
jussia couple? :D11:39
amichairor maybe a puzzle game built in. who knows?11:39
apacheloggerso I started it11:39
apacheloggerand it opens 4 windows11:39
apacheloggerI clearly underestimated the UX fail here11:39
apacheloggerThe update to 4.4.7 of eric4 is availablePlease ask the Debian maintainer to upgrade the package. 11:40
apacheloggernot only is there a typo, it is also close to useless11:40
apacheloggeranother dialog telling me that eric4 was not yet configured s it is thoughtfully opening the config dialog now11:40
amichairapachelogger: need a tissue? I thought you alergic to python stuff...11:40
apacheloggernow I have that nice config dialog11:41
apacheloggerwhich is possibly more horrible than vlc's11:41
apacheloggereric4 wurde noch nicht konfiguruert. Der Konfigurationsdialog wird nun gestartet.11:41
apacheloggerand finally I have a warning about the first dialog11:42
apacheloggergoing QString::arg: Argument missing: ...11:42
apacheloggerby default the toolbars do not look like in the first screenshot btw11:43
apacheloggerthey are much better11:43
apacheloggereach logical part got its own toolbar11:43
apacheloggernow since by default toolbars draw seperators11:43
apacheloggerhttp://imgur.com/mSVOF the cosy nice conifg dialog11:44
apacheloggerhttp://imgur.com/b68SB checkout the toolbar11:44
amichairouch, wouldn't want to get cozy with him11:44
apacheloggerso I tried importing software-properties11:46
apacheloggerI did not find a proper import function so I created a new project where I defined an existing main file11:46
apacheloggerand now11:46
apacheloggerit is busy11:46
apacheloggerI mean11:46
apacheloggerblocked busy11:46
apacheloggerthe kind where Qt does not get to draw the UI anymore11:46
apacheloggerapparently importing software-properties was a very bad idea since eric is now dead11:47
apacheloggerthat did go well 11:47
* apachelogger kills and purges eric and uses editors again11:47
apacheloggeroh :O11:49
apacheloggeramichair: software-properties has apply-on-the-fly?11:49
amichairI believe so11:50
apacheloggeranyhow python-encoding11:51
apacheloggerwhat is python-encoding ... why do I need it ... why does kate complain about it not being available ... where is it?11:51
apacheloggerkde rev 114440711:56
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1144407&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 114440711:56
apacheloggernot good11:57
apacheloggerfixed for
ari-tczewhey kde developers, konversation notification is not working :( only by indicator applet12:10
CIA-71[workspace] sitter * 1167040 * branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase/workspace/systemsettings/app/SettingsBase.cpp Fix bad copy and paste of r1166775 where I lost parentCategory while introducing parentCategory2.12:28
apacheloggeramichair: I think doing a dbus interface ought to be relatively easy13:18
* apachelogger starts implementing a SoftwarePropertiesDBus class13:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: ssup13:23
shadeslayerRiddell: from the rekonq guy who  watches all our strings : http://i18n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kde4/po/rekonq.po/13:23
shadeslayersheytan: sweet13:24
shadeslayeroh wait.. you did reply to pano :P13:24
amichairapachelogger: I'm actually not all that familiar with either dbus or polkit... but I'm sure you've got it covered :-)13:26
shadeslayerScottK: bug 622364 updated13:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622364 in rekonq (Ubuntu) "FFe: rekonq 0.5.80" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62236413:31
apacheloggeramichair: I only got knowledge of dbus :P13:53
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it looks like bug 622506 is trying to install koffice-kde4 backports from intrepid on a lucid machine :s13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622506 in koffice2 (Ubuntu) "package koffice-data-kde4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions/object-order-back.png', which is also in package oxygen-icon-theme 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62250613:57
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah, but I want to be sure13:58
apacheloggermaybe some weird upgrade foo is going on13:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: you have a bug for me?13:58
JontheEchidnahmm, yeah13:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: on what?13:58
* apachelogger has loads of bugs13:58
JontheEchidnabug 614699 needs done13:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614699 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Qt 4.7.0 breaks QX11EmbedWidget" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61469913:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/8JJkP4L113:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: ah that was meant for sheytan ^^13:59
apacheloggerdbus in pyth0rn is the suck14:02
JontheEchidnadbus in Qt is the r0ck14:03
JontheEchidnazomg, you've offended the sabdfl14:04
JontheEchidnanow we'll never get our own Kubuntu Kunicorn :(14:04
apacheloggerwell, it would have a pyth0rn anyway, so I rather not have one :P14:06
apacheloggerinterface naming in SoftwareProperties is inconsistent14:08
apacheloggerthere is backup_apt_conf but write_config14:09
apacheloggerapparently both affect the apt config file though14:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: aha! see KUrl wasnt empty before : http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/5049/diff/4-7/#index_header14:36
shadeslayeri just have to find a way to read that value14:36
shadeslayerwithout using uiLocation14:36
apacheloggerwhy would you need to do that at all?14:36
* apachelogger sends cookies to JontheEchidna14:37
shadeslayergood question :P14:37
apacheloggeroh lolz14:37
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: nice14:37
JontheEchidnafound it a bit weirdish that the ratings painter was in Nepomuk, but oh wells14:38
JontheEchidnaI'll have to make that its own sortable column sooner or later14:38
apacheloggernever rant about UPS on twitter ^^14:38
apacheloggerinteresting customer relations though14:39
* apachelogger finds that very awesome14:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I do not think it should be columned14:40
ulyssesJontheEchidna: nice14:40
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: how would one sort though?14:40
apacheloggeras I said the other day, I would paint custom delegates and just one coulm n containing thouse14:40
apacheloggerthan somewhere at the top have a button Sort By14:40
apacheloggerthat opens a dropdown14:41
apacheloggerwhere user can select by-rating14:41
JontheEchidnathis is a custom delegate, btw. Totally 100% painter'd14:41
apacheloggervia one-column header he can then influence acendeing vs decending (or probably something else than the header since that also looks silly)14:42
JontheEchidnaI was thinking of hiding the header if I wasn't going to use it for anything14:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, then, just drop the column and stuff everything into the delegate14:42
apacheloggera mixture of kpk and what software center does and you should easily be supreme to both14:43
JontheEchidnaI'll admit, I did sort've steal kpk's delegate for this :P14:43
apacheloggerwell, it is surely a good starting point from a techinical POV ^^14:43
JontheEchidnayeah, it's also extendy, so I can put the "more info" and "install" buttons in the  extendy part like software-center14:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I think if you want to compete with USC you will need to use a lot of the theming and drawing techniques available in Qt14:44
apacheloggerafter all USC is using web parts IIRC ^^14:45
JontheEchidnathey actually scrapped the web parts in maverick14:45
apacheloggerso it would only be fair to play the Qt does proper stylesheets right inside the widgets card ;)14:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ah, not the worst idea14:45
* apachelogger imagines web parts have accessibility problems14:45
JontheEchidnaand themability/consistency issues too14:46
JontheEchidnazomg!! http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopzs154414:46
* apachelogger apparently is creating dbus connections for every function in SoftwareProperties -.-14:46
JontheEchidnathe phantom app14:46
apacheloggerwe could make the whole KDE UI run on dbus ;)14:46
amichairapachelogger: what's the advantage of using dbus here?14:47
apacheloggerin fact, maybe that would not be the worst idea for future cross-toolkit projects14:47
apacheloggeramichair: none for the reading part, for the writing part however, since we can start the dbusinterface as root and have the UI talk to it via dbus14:47
apacheloggerthat way the UI does not have to run as root14:48
apacheloggerif we make a compete dbus based interaction we could redo the UI in C++ ;)14:48
JontheEchidnaoha, the phantom app is not a desktop menu14:50
JontheEchidna*desktop file14:50
apacheloggeramichair: maybe that will not work15:12
apacheloggerlibpolkit-qt probably has no pyth0rn bindings15:13
* apachelogger looks15:13
JontheEchidnaI looked in to that once15:13
JontheEchidnaI think that technically the bindings are there15:13
JontheEchidnabut there was a lot of cmake magic that doesn't work with python15:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: with kauth we need a helper, do we not?15:14
* apachelogger is also wondering how that would work with python15:15
JontheEchidnaright, polkit apps need helpers that are run as root15:15
apacheloggerpython is made out of headache15:15
JontheEchidnathough presumably you could use the regular policykit bindings and you'll get Qt frontend in KDE15:16
apacheloggerapparently there are no regular bindings15:16
apacheloggerdbus is the only way to go15:16
apacheloggerunless google is lying ot me15:16
apacheloggerwe could also write a library to stack ontop of the software properties base classes15:17
JontheEchidnaaptdaemon uses policykit bindings: http://pastebin.com/B57KSkzg15:17
apacheloggeror just rewrite sp altogether :P15:17
JontheEchidnaimport policykit115:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: look http://lastfm.dontdrinkandroot.net/15:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: is it just me or is python code always ugly? :P15:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: whut is it?15:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: have a look15:18
* apachelogger gets grumpy15:18
* shadeslayer gives unicorn to apachelogger15:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am not lastfming anymoar15:20
apacheloggerlastfm plugin of amarok is too fat15:20
shadeslayeruse clementine then :P15:20
shadeslayerclementine is the win15:20
apacheloggerclementine depends on gstreamer15:21
apacheloggerthat is fail15:21
shadeslayerwhut no15:21
* shadeslayer runs to dpkg15:21
shadeslayeri shall reformat my system to get that buggy stuff out15:22
shadeslayerback to amarok it is15:22
apachelogger!find policykit1.py15:23
ubottuFile policykit1.py found in python-aptdaemon15:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ^15:23
apacheloggertold ya :P15:23
apacheloggermvo that sneaky robot wrote a wrapper around it15:23
apacheloggerah it was glatzor15:24
ulyssesKopete forgets the accounts, and won't open if I click on the message indicator15:26
shadeslayerulysses: yeah i see that too :(15:27
KukuNutamarok 2.3.2 beta in maverick? 5days ago?15:27
shadeslayerKukuNut: its in ppa15:27
KukuNutwhich one?15:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe I could steal it for sp15:27
apacheloggerbut I wonder if it is worth all that crap :P15:27
apacheloggera rewrite would be so much better *hint*hint*15:28
apacheloggeronly some 4k sloc, that is like 2.5k in Qt ;)15:28
KukuNutshadeslayer: those are lucid..looking for the maverick15:32
shadeslayerKukuNut: same thing for mav15:32
shadeslayerseems amarok didnt survuve a FFe15:32
shadeslayeror it wasnt filed15:32
KukuNutshadeslayer: ok..ty15:33
apacheloggerholy french fries15:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that python dbus stuff in combination with polkit is super gross15:40
* apachelogger now feels unwilling to do that 15:40
apacheloggeramichair: if you feel like fiddeling with policykit in pyth0rn, I have a dbus interface for sp ready...15:59
amichairapachelogger: unfortunately, I don't have too much free time these days :-(16:00
apacheloggeramichair: well, should you ever ... ;)16:00
apacheloggerbefore I have rewritten it in cpp or ruby :P16:01
amichairapachelogger: but thanks :-)16:01
JontheEchidnait's all extendy16:23
JontheEchidnaakonaditray has artificially high popcon stats :P16:23
RiddellJontheEchidna: your use of informal strings is worse than apachelogger's :)16:25
JontheEchidnaat the least, they have proper accelerators :P16:26
apacheloggerlove it16:26
txwikingerDoes anything in KDE uses the virtuoso database server?16:53
txwikingerAh.. then maybe I should not kill it :D16:54
txwikingerInterestingly apt-rdepends did not show me any dependencies16:55
JontheEchidnaapt-cache rdepends virtuoso-minimal16:56
Riddellshadeslayer: did you do the bluedevil MIRs?17:13
shadeslayeryeah.. i posted them linkies to you17:14
Riddellshadeslayer: rekonq uploaded by the way17:14
shadeslayerbug 622243 and 62224517:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622243 in bluedevil (Ubuntu) "[MIR] bluedevil" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62224317:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622245 in libbluedevil (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libbluedevil" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62224517:14
shadeslayerRiddell: \o/17:14
Riddellshadeslayer: how about the bluedevil FFe?17:14
* shadeslayer points above 17:14
shadeslayersure why not17:14
Riddella while different bug needed :)17:14
Riddellpoint out that upstream requests it17:15
shadeslayerjust bluedevil?17:15
shadeslayeror libbluedevil as well?17:15
Riddellyes, one bug can count for both for this one17:15
shadeslayeralright then17:16
* shadeslayer gets his tools and starts hacking17:16
shadeslayerRiddell:   * Change arch from linux-any to any since Soyuz is behind the times << do i change it back to linux-any ?17:23
shadeslayerim not sure what linux-any does17:23
Riddellit's a debian-ism to stop it compiling on hurd or kfreebsd or whatever17:24
shadeslayeralso theres no tagged rc3 for libbluedevil17:24
Riddellshadeslayer: are you packaging a new release?17:25
shadeslayerRiddell: err... bluedevil17:25
shadeslayerso that someone else doesnt have to do it :P17:25
Riddellbut is there a new upstream release?17:26
shadeslayerRiddell: http://www.afiestas.org/bluedevil-1-0rc3-released/ << just bluedevil i think17:27
shadeslayertheres a 1.7 tag17:27
Riddell1.7 tag?17:28
Riddellit says git checkout v1.0-rc317:28
Riddellanyway, great, get that packaged, then file the FFe, then we can put it on the CD17:28
shadeslayerRiddell: 1.7 tag for libbluedevil :)17:28
shadeslayerso just bluedevil i guess17:28
shadeslayerand what about linux-any ?17:29
shadeslayerdo i revert back to linux-any or keep it17:29
Riddellkeep the change17:30
Riddelldunno if soyuz supports it yet17:30
JontheEchidnahaha http://failblog.org/2010/08/20/epic-fail-photos-sign-win-4/17:39
shadeslayerneed some help with this cmake magic :P17:46
shadeslayerinstall(TARGETS bluedevilaudioactionplugin DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}) << new bluedevil sourc has this in src/audio/CMakeLists.txt17:47
shadeslayerand one of our patch does : +install(TARGETS bluedevilaction DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/bluedevil)17:47
shadeslayerwait no17:47
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.com/wyx0b0sR : patch ( see the actionplugins/CMakeLists.txt part ) and the current file http://pastebin.com/pkvqW7QT17:50
shadeslayerim a fool.17:51
Quintasanshadeslayer, yofel: Unfortunately I'm forced to go to France for some sort of a wedding and I will not be around tomorrow to 4th in the worst case scenario, I think I will be available via email and jabber sometimes17:52
Quintasanfrom tomorrow*17:53
shadeslayerouch :(17:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: we shall keep the neon lights on17:53
shadeslayerotoh.. have fun in france :)17:53
Quintasanfun on a wedding?17:53
QuintasanI'm going to take a skateboard with me to avoid "OMG HOW BIG HAVE YOU GROWN"17:54
shadeslayerhehe :P17:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: i always get that :P17:54
QuintasanSure it's nice in a while but not constantly from over 100 people at once :S17:54
shadeslayeri just go to weddings to hit on girls :P17:54
* Quintasan hopes there will be some good one17:55
shadeslayerthats why i said... have fun 17:55
QuintasanDohohoho, I will do my best, I have only two options.17:56
* shadeslayer goes omgwth17:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: i just did : quilt poop -av :P18:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: now your source got all dirty18:02
shadeslayerhaha :D18:02
rbelemhey apachelogger, Riddell 18:04
rbelemapachelogger, Riddell, I just filed a bug for that patch https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/62287118:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622871 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "startkde lacks support for plasma-mobile" [Undecided,New]18:20
shadeslayerRiddell: bug 622880 18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622880 in bluedevil (Ubuntu) "FFe: bluedevil" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62288018:36
shadeslayerwill upload packages as soon as it finishes building here18:37
shadeslayer( and im still following the -XbuildY-  versioning )18:39
shadeslayerand bluedevil uploaded 18:45
shadeslayerScottK: Riddell asked me to file a FFe :P18:58
shadeslayerand bluedevil builds fine in cowbuilder btw18:59
macoshadeslayer: the Doctor only goes to weddings for the dancing19:00
shadeslayerwhy do you drag the doctor into this :P19:00
shadeslayermaco: ^19:02
ulyssessomething old, something new, something old19:02
macoulysses: you forgot borrowed19:03
ulyssesoh, that's important!19:04
sheytanHey guys. Anyone knows if ofirk showed up here today? ;)19:05
macohe /quit 23 hours ago19:08
shadeslayersheytan: hes on gtalk19:12
shadeslayerhes always on gtalk actually :P19:12
sheytanshadeslayer, well, if he isn't here he might be busy ;)19:13
shadeslayeryeah :019:14
shadeslayerso much work and im sleepy19:15
shadeslayertime for Coffee19:15
shadeslayersheytan: ^19:19
sheytanshadeslayer, yep :D19:19
shadeslayeryour wish was fulfilled :p19:19
sheytanthe gods of free software are listening :D19:20
shadeslayerhehe :P19:20
Riddellhi rbelem, thanks, I'll get to that in a bit19:32
rbelemRiddell, cool :-)19:33
Riddellshadeslayer: bluedevil FFe approved and moved into main, new version uploaded, your version number was wrong should be -0ubuntu1 not -0build119:37
Riddellthanks for doing that19:37
shadeslayeri was in 2 minds about the version, but went with -0build1 ....19:38
Riddellshadeslayer: always use -0ubuntu1 for ubuntu packages19:42
Riddell-Xbuild1 is when it's from debian but we need to rebuild for some reason but there are no changes compared to debian19:42
sheytanHey guys20:00
sheytanwe need feedback20:00
ofirkhi :)20:00
Riddellhi sheytan 20:01
sheytanhttp://a.imageshack.us/img820/8484/kubuntu1.jpg this one20:01
sheytanthis one20:01
sheytanor this one ;D20:01
ofirkthere are only ideas, not real and final design :)20:01
sheytanyep ;)20:01
sheytanthe thing is, to leave the bread crumb only on 'home >> kubuntu' and make the current visiting page with blue text, or add the current visiting [page to the bread crumb20:02
Riddellsecond one at a quick preference20:02
sheytananyone else? :D20:03
shadeslayersecond one from me as well20:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: i might as well apply for kubuntu-dev along side you i think :P20:32
shadeslayeri miss lex79 tho20:32
=== nuno_ is now known as slug
Riddellshadeslayer: does http://www.bbc.co.uk/ work for you in rekonq?20:43
* shadeslayer does looky20:44
shadeslayerRiddell: what doesnt work specifically ?20:44
Riddellit doesn't load20:44
Riddellnothing appears20:44
shadeslayerwell works for20:45
shadeslayertry disabling adblock20:45
Riddellmaybe they just realised I haven't paid my licence fee :)20:45
shadeslayerthere were some adblock fixes in git20:45
Riddellshadeslayer: ooh that fixed it20:45
shadeslayerand they havent made their way into 0.5.8020:45
shadeslayerfixed in git ;)20:45
RiddellI can continue not to pay my TV licence fee :)20:46
shadeslayerhehe :P20:47
shadeslayerdo you like the smooth scroll stuff? :D20:47
Riddellwhat's that?20:48
shadeslayeropen a page > scroll20:48
shadeslayerthe scroll isnt jerky... its smoothed out20:48
shadeslayer( i think this is a feature in konqueror as well )20:48
RiddellI don't notice anything especially smooth20:49
shadeslayer0.5.80 right?20:50
RiddellI seem to have gained some default bookmarks20:53
shadeslayeruh oh20:57
shadeslayerthat isnt good is it now20:57
shadeslayertheres a patch to fix that, i have no idea how you still have those bookmarks20:57
shadeslayeralso, id suggest your remove your rekonqrc and .kde/share/apps/rekonq folder20:57
shadeslayertheres a bit of a GUI issue with the old and new config files since we moved to new XMLGUI 20:58
* shadeslayer just reviewed the logs of lex's kubuntu-dev application + grilling 20:59
shadeslayerRiddell: any idea where lex has wandered off too ? :P20:59
Riddellshadeslayer: dunno, I've not heard from him21:00
shadeslayerme neither :(21:00
Riddellshadeslayer: want to send him an e-mail?21:01
shadeslayersure thing, lets find out21:01
shadeslayersent him a short email... lets see what happens21:04
JontheEchidnaLast I heard lex was on vacation21:25
shadeslayeryeah.. but that was a looong time ago21:26
shadeslayerScottK: bazinga! bug 62298421:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622984 in kmymoney (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync kmymoney 4.5-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62298421:31
shadeslayerthanks to a pretty good hack by tumbleweed :P21:31
shadeslayerRiddell: seen this http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/08/23/11-04-ubuntu-developer-summit-announced/21:44
shadeslayerhttp://uds.ubuntu.com/ << isnt that JTE and nixternal in the first slide?21:45
shadeslayerkubuntu sticker++21:45
Riddellnope, it's shtylman and rgreening21:46
Riddellbut they look similar to jon and nixternal :)21:46
shadeslayerhehe :P21:47
shadeslayerah yes.. now i see...its rgreening on the right :P21:47
shadeslayeranyways.. we made first slide :P21:47
shadeslayerkde svn-- :?21:50
Riddellseele thinks we're all going to get swept up in a hurricane at UDS22:03
Riddellshadeslayer: going to apply?22:03
shadeslayerRiddell: already did22:03
macoRiddell: yes she told me that22:03
shadeslayeri applied the day summit.ubuntu.com said somthing about a N release :P22:04
macoat the party, she asked where its going to be and i said orlando and she goes "IN OCTOBER? this is why you cant have europeans planning things in the US!"22:04
Riddellmaco: 4.5 release party?22:04
dantti_work:D kpk with debconf works perfectly now :D22:05
macoapparently someone once tried to schedule a kde thing for thanksgiving weekend, which had seele explaining that flights would be $2000 and delayed and huge lines in airports and all the americans would have angry parents22:05
macoRiddell: yes22:05
Riddelldantti_work: ooh, just in time for beta freeze on thursday?22:05
Riddellmaco: to be fair, who would expect harvest thanksgiving in November?!22:05
dantti_workRiddell: well I think yes, I'll try to do some minor fixes and you can grab it again from svn, then I'll finally send an email to the translators22:06
Riddelldebfx, Quintasan, apachelogger: going to apply for some new blood at UDS? http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/08/23/11-04-ubuntu-developer-summit-announced/22:06
Riddelldantti_work: lovelyness22:07
macoRiddell: maybe you're far enough north that winter starts in mid-november, but most of the US doesnt get winter til january22:07
Riddellmaco: umm, january is the last month of winter, what kind of crazy country are you in?22:07
macoRiddell: last month? erk? first day of winter is 21 dec22:07
shadeslayerRiddell: although i wish that UDS gets postponed by one week :P22:08
shadeslayerfirst week of november would have been sweet22:08
macoit snows in january and february here fairly often, and december has like 2 snows surrounded by 20C weather22:08
shadeslayeror first 2 weeks of october would have been insanely awesome22:08
macowait hang on...22:09
macoRiddell: its warmer here in december than it is there in august sometimes!  O_O22:09
shadeslayeri have the holidays during first 2 weeks of October due to Common Wealth Games :P22:09
nigelbshadeslayer: which may or may not happen at all!22:10
shadeslayernigelb: but ill still get the holidays ;)22:10
shadeslayerowing to the fact that im going to college every saturday22:10
shadeslayerif they dont give us those holidays, we will probably have a strike and force them to give us those holdiays22:11
nigelbRight.  Strike for holidays.  How appropriate.22:11
shadeslayerweve had like one strike.. and due to that we got 2 weeks off :P22:11
* nigelb lols @ "what kind of crazy country are you in" :p22:11
nigelbhrm, perhaps I should sleep.  Its close to 3am and I should be awake at 6.22:12
shadeslayerand that was because 20 students were suspended because they stole the tubelight starters because they didnt want to study22:12
nigelbthat is crazy22:12
shadeslayernigelb: all of them had contacts in political parties + new channels22:12
nigelbyou should just break the tubes instead of stealing the starters :p22:12
shadeslayerand you can guess which department they belonged too22:12
shadeslayernigelb: lol]22:13
nigelb(that makes them out for more time, just FYI)22:13
nigelbshadeslayer: mech?22:13
shadeslayeryeah :P22:13
nigelbAlways the mechs ;)22:13
shadeslayerso true ^_^22:13
nigelbAny random engineering college, wanna find the trouble instigators, looks for the people in mech.22:13
* shadeslayer had too much of coffee... will stay awake all night looking at KIconLoader APU22:14
nigelbok, since I dont have a stash of caffine, I'm going to hit the bed.22:14
shadeslayernigelb: i accidentally poured 4 spoons of coffee 22:14
shadeslayerinto my milk....22:15
nigelbthat must've ended up being bitter.22:15
shadeslayernigelb: nah.. i always put extra sugar to compensate :P22:15
Riddellrbelem: patch in bzr, presumably you'll need a way to run startkde with that mobile argument?22:15
shadeslayerand i like my coffee on the bitter side22:15
* nigelb likes tea better.22:16
shadeslayeranyways.. after 10 mins i was high on caffeine 22:16
neversfeldeyay, good day22:16
shadeslayernigelb: its 3 AM here :P22:16
neversfeldekdo got sponsorship by Hetzner22:17
nigelbshadeslayer: you forget that we're int he same country?22:17
* neversfelde isn't unemployed anymore 22:17
shadeslayeroh 22:17
shadeslayernigelb: bad tab complete :/22:17
shadeslayerwas addressed to neversfelde :P22:17
nigelbok, thats a first22:17
nigelbshadeslayer: go sleep :p22:18
shadeslayercant :(22:18
Riddellneversfelde: what's kdo?  what's Hetzner?  what's the job?22:18
shadeslayertoe+caffeine kick 22:18
neversfeldeRiddell: kdo is kubuntu-de.org and Hetzner is a big provider from germany and they support us for 1 year with a server22:18
neversfeldeand the job is in the alps :)22:19
Riddellooh, good for canoeing :)22:22
neversfeldeRiddell: Inn and Mangfall :)22:23
neversfeldeyou're welcome22:23
neversfeldeso if I ever get a flat till next wednesday :/22:23
Riddellneversfelde: hopefully you can still come to UDS? http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/08/23/11-04-ubuntu-developer-summit-announced/22:25
ryanakcaScottK: Let me know then you have more kolab stuff22:25
Riddellryanakca: 3.5 packages still to do for kolab no?22:25
neversfeldeRiddell: I am afraid no holidays for another six month :(22:25
Riddellneversfelde: still have internet access for Kubuntu time?22:26
neversfeldeRiddell: I hope so, I will only have a netbook available, but you gave me access to your server22:27
ryanakcaRiddell: Not sure. I was referring to kolabd / dovecot + kolabd. What needs doing for 3.5 packages? I finish work Friday and will have next week off before starting Uni, I can add it to my TODO list for then if you want...22:28
Riddellryanakca: kolabsys have packages for KDE PIM from KDE 3.5 which is the PIM version recommended to enterprise users of Kolab still (and presumably users of other starfleet vessels too)22:31
Riddellit would be nice to have them reviewed and put into universe22:31
ryanakcaRiddell: OK22:31
Riddellreview Kubuntu meeting logs to get the location I think22:32
ryanakcaRiddell: Will do22:36
neversfeldeI upgraded a machine of a friend of mine to LTS, we still have serious Akonadi problems22:40
Riddellwhat happened neversfelde?22:46
rbelemcool! thanks Riddell :-)22:47
shadeslayerheh.. ubuntu pastebin got a overhall ^_^22:47
neversfeldeRiddell: ?22:47
rbelemrbelem, in the xsession desktop file22:47
* rbelem kicks rbelem 22:48
rbelemRiddell, ^22:48
neversfeldeRiddell: I did not test your server for packaging, but looks good. So I will still be availabe. In Germany it unfortunatly lasts a few weeks to get yor connection back, so I will be a little bit restricted 22:49
QuintasanRiddell: I'll apply, however I think I will be queued until I'm 18 :)22:51
Riddellneversfelde: that computer has been reinstalled since so I'll need to recreate your account, just say when you need it22:56
debfxshadeslayer: rekonq looks weird when the bookmarks toolbar is enabled: http://imagebin.ca/view/sAudgW.html22:56
debfxespecially when you don't have bookmarks22:56
shadeslayerdebfx: new config files22:57
neversfeldeRiddell: k, I will be off for a few days, but back mid sep, I'll ask you if I need it22:57
shadeslayerdelete your .kde/apps/rekonq folder22:57
neversfeldeRiddell: thanks22:57
shadeslayerand .kde/share/config/rekonqrc file22:57
debfxdo I have to delete my config files on every updated? :O22:58
shadeslayerdebfx: see we switched to XMLGUI22:58
shadeslayerand that is incompatible with older config files 22:58
debfxwell, then convert my configs :p22:59
shadeslayeridk how to :P22:59
shadeslayerill put in a word with adjam :)22:59
debfxclearing MainWindow.State in rekonqrc should work23:02
* shadeslayer notes that in TODO list23:02
debfxshadeslayer: thanks23:04
shadeslayerdebfx: if i forget remind me till i fix it :P23:04
dantti_workRiddell: I added a fix into debconf-kde to work better with KPK (so repackaging it is good), I'm going home now and at home I'll try to fix a few things with kpk and it will be ok to be packaged for now :D23:06
Riddellgreat, thanks dantti_work 23:07
shadeslayerRiddell: new patch for kdebase in kde-packager list, its a security vulnerability 23:08
JontheEchidnaThe libdebconf-kde packaging is ready for an MIR (symbols file and all that jazz) but I haven't gotten around to doing it yet...23:08
Riddellshadeslayer: ssh23:09
Riddellbluedevil in main and on the CD23:32
ScottKryanakca: WIll do.  THanks.23:47
shadeslayerScottK: is kmymoney sync good to go?23:54

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