
kosaidpoguys hello00:15
kosaidpomy pc froze when my desktop show up00:16
kosaidpothen nethin work wvwn keyboard00:16
tenachDoes anyone know why I get this when I try to boot from a LiveCD or LiveUSB? http://paste.ubuntu.com/482076/00:24
AndrewMCtenach, you check the MD5sum to make sure it was right??00:40
tenachAndrewMC, yeah, it checks out fine.00:48
nathan_heys i need some help with flash in ubuntu flash game seems to be glitchy01:06
nathan_is there any fix for that01:07
nathan_anybod pls01:12
suprengrnathan_: update flash?01:14
nathan_well i grab it from the site01:14
nathan_assuming that current right ?01:14
suprengrnathan_: that's what i was about to suggest ;(   is it a flash or a graphics problem I wonder01:16
nathan_well its seems it not rendering properly01:16
nathan_i got the current driver for the graphics card01:17
aveilleuxnathan_: How did you get the Flash player?01:17
nathan_from the website01:17
aveilleuxnathan_: What browser?01:18
suprengrnathan_: do you know what graphics card is in use?01:18
nathan_nivdia 8500 gt01:18
aveilleuxnathan_: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash01:18
suprengrnathan_:  ... and others... nvidia vs. open graphics driver?01:19
suprengr* open nvidia...01:19
nathan_i did01:21
aveilleuxnathan_: Are you using the proprietary nVidia driver?01:21
nathan_im using the ones that ubuntu gave01:22
aveilleuxnathan_: Ubuntu has two sets of drivers. The open-source ones and the proprietary. What applet did you use to install the graphics drivers?01:22
suprengrnathan_: bullseye... use nvidia's 'own' driver01:23
nathan_hardware drivers01:23
aveilleuxnathan_: jockey-gtk then.01:23
aveilleuxnathan_: That means you have the open drivers, called noveau01:24
nathan_so should i use the open drivers01:25
nathan_or go to nivdia website01:25
aveilleuxnathan_: No. The open drivers have performance issues. You want these drivers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:25
suprengraveilleux: thanks... been awake for too many hours and just got back from a 400 bmile drive. Your explanation more helpful & much better ;)  zzzz01:27
UbuntuNoobis there a way to wirelessly share my itunes from my windows desktop to my rhythmbox laptop with ubuntu like itunes can do with other itunes?01:28
seidosUbuntuNoob, I don't think so.  I doubt rhythmbox would talk to itunes, assuming that's how itunes to itunes communication even works.  But if it doesn't support it, you can program it yourself, since the code for rhythmbox is open01:32
DivecksHow can I stop all the annoying password prompts!?01:32
seidosDivecks, are you serious?01:33
Divecksseidos: completely. I get that they're supposed to add security, but it's totally unneeded for most home users. An opt-out is surely possible.. Mac doesn't require hardly any prompts, and it gets along just fine with security and a Unix based OS.01:35
aveilleuxseidos, UbuntuNoob_: Rhythmbox has a DAAP plugin that allows it to access shared iTunes library.01:35
aveilleuxDivecks: gksudo has a five-minute timeout, usually.01:35
Divecksaveilleux: Yeah, but how can I make all apps open by default in gksudo, and also change the login time?01:36
aveilleuxDivecks: Though let's be honest... Apple software can't damage your system nearly as much as most Linux software can... Apple locks down many settings and etc. that Linux allows access to. The password prompts are needed.01:36
iceflatlinegksudo su01:36
aveilleuxDivecks: All apps?! Why would you ever need that?01:36
=== UbuntuNoob_ is now known as UbuntuNoob
iceflatlinea little knowledge is a dangerous thing.01:37
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: how do i get that plug in?01:37
aveilleuxDivecks: The only apps that need sudo privelages are system utilities and other things that need su to operate properly. Most apps will never need that.01:37
Divecksaveilleux: Sure, but I don't need em. Apps like software center, the administrative apps, stuff that I use regularly. I don't need high security on this machine.. I don't even need a login password.01:37
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: It should come default.01:37
Divecksaveilleux: Yeah, I know. I didn't mean all apps, I meant all the apps that I use regularly that need root to be useful.01:37
aveilleuxDivecks: Get used to it. You can't disable gksudo for those applications because they need superuser (superuser-do) privelages to run.01:37
aveilleuxDivecks: That's just how gksudo/sudo works. I *never* suggest turning off those passwords.01:38
Divecksaveilleux: I've been using ubuntu for years. I absolutely can't stand the prompts.. I'll probably just make logout times for sudo and gksudo super long..01:38
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: hmmm ill check01:38
aveilleuxDivecks: I don't understand the problem here, to be honest. I've been using Ubuntu for quite some time and I've never had any issue with gksudo and sudo.01:39
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: i made sure that plugin is enabled, but my itunes wont show up in shared music; in fact there is no shared tab01:40
suprengrDivecks: I was just about to swith off and zzz when I saw yours.   there ?IS a way... but it also involves baying a new hard disk, getting s new bank account [and having your existing account emptied by a stranger]01:40
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: Is the DAAP port opened in the host machine's firewall01:40
Divecksaveilleux: It's not an "issue". It's simply that I feel, for what I use ubuntu for, which is every day computing, that the prompts provide nothing to enhance my security.01:40
Diveckssuprengr: I don't do any sort of financial things on my computer.01:41
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: dont know why it wouldnt be; if it comes opened it wouldnt be closed, i havent changed any settings really. how do i check?01:41
aveilleuxDivecks: Would you prefer programs that can be run without user intervention? ;-) It's the UAC problem all over again. There's no useful middle ground.01:41
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: What OS is the host machine running?01:41
Divecksaveilleux: Yes, I would like them to be run without my concent, once I have confirmed manually that they be downloaded. The middle ground is, imho, the way mac handles it, which is very well.01:42
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: the one i am on now is running 10.04 ubuntu 32-bit, the one with itunes is Vista 32-bit01:42
seidosDivecks, what version of Mac OS are you referring to?01:42
aveilleuxDivecks: But the way Macs handle security is irrelevant, because OSX doesn't handle software installation the same way that Linux does.01:42
Divecksseidos: Mac os X 10.4-current.01:43
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: Is the Vista machine running Windows F--01:43
Divecksaveilleux: It is extremely relevant, because it is a much more reasonable paradigm for home use.01:43
seidosDivecks, last time I used a mac, it prompted be for a password when I was making changes to the system.  But that was some time ago.01:43
UbuntuNoobsorry, i got disconnected01:43
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: my rhythmbox music shows up on itunes, but not vice versa01:44
pedro3005Divecks, then why not just run as root? (I wouldn't recommend it, but...)01:44
Divecksseidos: Well, on modern to semi-modern macs, doing things in System Prefrences, with the exception of things like disk encryption and user account privileges, are done without passwording.01:44
aveilleuxDivecks: Because they change personal preferences, not system-level preferences.01:44
seidosDivecks, I think the ubuntu "paradigm" is better, but that's because I've used windows, and I know how easy it is for a system to get hosed when people install something that they don't know what it is.01:44
aveilleuxDivecks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudoTimeout01:45
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: how do i check what port the daap share is on on the windows computer?01:45
Diveckspedro3005: Because then EVERYTHING runs with max privilege. All I'm asking, really, is that apps that I have downloaded not ask me for a password.01:45
aveilleuxDivecks: Not everything should run root.01:45
aveilleuxDivecks: If all of your software is running root, then there is a serious problem with your system.01:46
seidosDivecks, what apps are you downloading that require a password?01:46
Divecksaveilleux: That's absolutely not true. They make all sorts of changes, from file sharing, to internet proxies, to power management.01:46
aveilleuxDivecks: system-wide* I said.01:46
aveilleuxDivecks: And those don't affect other users, since that software is run on the user-level during computer operation. Linux does not do that.01:46
aveilleuxDivecks: Are you or are you not going to read the article I linked01:47
Divecksaveilleux: It's obviously not. I'm agreeing with you that not all apps should run as root.01:47
Divecksaveilleux: I'm well aware how to change the sudo timeouts.01:47
aveilleuxDivecks: Then why are we having this conversation01:47
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: DAAP uses port 3689 by default: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Audio_Access_Protocol01:48
Divecksaveilleux: Because I was curious if anyone else has found a more elegant and secure solution. But I now understand that unfortunately, employing the paradigm that I find the most effective, that is, Mac's, would be impossible to implement on a Linux like system, correct?01:49
pedro3005impossible is a strong word01:49
pedro3005maybe not so easy, but I'm sure it's possible01:49
aveilleuxDivecks: You're not understanding what I'm saying. Linux software simply handles the things you're trying to do differently.01:50
seidosanything is possible in Linux, it's open source for goodness sakes01:50
aveilleuxDivecks: The system settings you change on OSX are changed in ~/Library, rather than anywhere on the system level, such as /etc or /var01:50
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: i tried it and it says cannot connect to destination01:51
aveilleuxDivecks: Linux, on the other hand, changes the main configuration in /etc01:51
DivecksWell, aveilleux just said that its a fundamental difference with the way Linux handles apps, which I am acknowledging01:51
DivecksAt any rate, i'm going no where with this conversation. Thanks for your help though.01:51
aveilleuxDivecks: You can't change that, unless you want to rewrite the authentication protcols for Linux or change that in the application's source01:51
seidosI still don't see what the problem is01:52
aveilleuxseidos: There are always people who want Linux to be OSX, or Linux to be Windows01:53
aveilleuxseidos: It's usually best to just smile and nod01:53
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: What firewall is the Vista machine running?01:54
seidosaveilleux, I think he/she might have been a troll, personally.01:54
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: none currently01:54
aveilleuxseidos: No, I don't think so01:54
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: Windows firewall?01:54
stlsaintsup seidos01:55
seidosstlsaint, yo01:55
=== UbuntuNoob_ is now known as UbuntuNoob
UbuntuNoobsorry; kicked again01:56
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: Windows firewall?01:58
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: nope i shut that off day one lol01:59
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: Interesting. What version of iTunes?02:00
suprengrDivecks... I was once a Unix admin.. I had to switch to Microsoft for pro reasons,, the chance latterly to have switched back to open source [albeit - at my own choice] to graphical linux, not tty only unix is, to me. a gift.  I have seen Mac Os's and their [loyal] users - but I can only understand that on a MWindows/Linux comparison... I still find that Mac is Mac & Linux is Linux... both with benifits to us02:02
suprengrers.  Me... I'm staying put.  Perhaps you  are at heart a Mac.02:02
aveilleuxsuprengr: Divecks a;ready left02:04
UbuntuNoobmy ubuntu just froze really hard, what can i do besides a hard shutdown and reboot?02:05
pedro3005UbuntuNoob, did you try CTRL ATL F1?02:06
UbuntuNoobpedro3005: no result02:06
suprengraveilleux: ..so a Mac afterall ;D   -   & for the 2nd time of trying tonight.... me go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  . Wishing heers to you all and good health for you all.02:06
aveilleuxGoodnight, suprengr02:06
pedro3005UbuntuNoob, you can use Alt + SysRq + (press each key once) R E I S U B  for a shutdown02:07
kosaidpoUbuntuNoob:  then try ctrl+alt and type REIUSB02:07
pedro3005reboot *02:07
kosaidpoyeh sorru02:07
UbuntuNoobpedro3005: right on, thanks02:08
UbuntuNoobalso, i downloaded a program, how do i know where to find it (eg accessories, sound & video, etc) because i cant find it anywhere02:09
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: Define "Downloaded"02:10
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: i went to terminal and used sudo apt-get install program i forget what it was called i searched for something and downloaded on02:11
UbuntuNoobi suppose installed would be a better word02:11
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: Then type the command into Terminal02:11
UbuntuNoobaveilleix: which command?02:12
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: The name of the program you installed02:13
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: got it thanks02:13
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: What program is it?02:14
UbuntuNoobi think it must have not installed properly because its not here02:15
UbuntuNoobstill having trouble with itunes sharing though02:16
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: What program were you trying to install?02:17
UbuntuNoobaveilleux: it started with a th i think it was some kind of animations something i was looking for some form of google sketchup02:18
aveilleuxUbuntuNoob: Blender?02:18
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egg_hi, i have just installed using the minimal install cd and no extra packages. how do i get a list of packages?03:18
egg_all i have is this prompt03:18
seidosegg_, have you tried aptitude search <package-name>?03:19
egg_seidos: i dont want a search i want some kind of organized listing03:20
egg_that would be nice03:20
seidosegg_, I don't know.  google?03:20
egg_i guess that's an idea03:21
egg_do you have any specific sites03:21
egg_sites where they are organized03:21
aveilleuxegg_: Search packages.ubuntu.com for the package you want, then apt-get install on the cli machine03:22
IdleOnewhen installing I suggest you use apt-get and not download from the site. apt-get will pull in all dependencies needed03:22
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shahanI want to hide the file extension  in ubuntu 10.0405:40
pie_timecan anyone please tell me how to make your laptop volume buttons work?06:58
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serfusokay, so i made it too remove compiz completely. now how do i set metacity without "metacity --replace" everytime i log in?15:25
serfuscus every time i log in i have no window manger15:25
hobgoblinserfus: are you in ubuntu now?15:30
hobgoblindo alt+F2 then put gconf-editor in the run dialogue and ok it15:30
serfushobgoblin,  okay15:31
hobgoblinthen navigate to desktop/gnome/session/required_components - check that metacity is in window manager15:31
hobgoblinodd that it's not starting if compiz is disabled15:32
serfusok, cool15:32
serfusthanks hobgoblin15:32
hobgoblinis metacity set ?15:33
serfusit's actually not for me15:33
serfusi'm helping someone15:33
serfusso i'll let you know if it turned out ok15:34
hobgoblintry this as well if needed - http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8316235 post #18 onwards15:35
serfushobgoblin, i'll look at it, thank you :)15:37
hobgoblinserfus: if nothing else works you could try either getting startup to remember what is running - startup apps or adding metacity in there15:37
hobgoblingood luck15:37
serfushobgoblin, turned out fantastic, was easy for him and all good... thank you very much :)16:23
hobgoblinexcellent - glad to be of help :)16:23
abhijeet_how to install antivirus in ubuntu 10.0419:16
aveilleuxabhijeet_: You really don't need one.19:16
abhijeet_i just encountered a problem using the ubuntu repositary dvds . It shows shortcut to the folder name "ubuntu"19:18
abhijeet_when i opened the folder then it  shows all the content which was already present outside the folder and it also has one more shortcut to the folder "ubuntu".19:20
aveilleuxabhijeet_: Did I not already tell you that you did not need the repository DVD?19:21
abhijeet_yes but i have very slow internet connection so i depended on the dvds19:22
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pie_timewhat package do i need to install for my laptops multimedia buttons to work?22:33
aveilleuxpie_time: What laptop is it?22:33
pie_timedell inspiron e150522:33
pie_timei dont have full ubuntu22:34
pie_timeim kind of building from the mimimal install cde22:35
aveilleuxpie_time: What do you m-22:35
aveilleuxpie_time: I see.22:35
aveilleuxpie_time: Are you building to the GNOME environment?22:35
aveilleuxpie_time: Which?22:35
aveilleuxpie_time: I don't think those buttons will function in that DE... The only application that comes to mind that can handle nonstandard hotkeys is GNOME's gnome-keybinding-properties. LXDE may have its own version of said program, but I honestly have no experience with it.22:38
aveilleuxpie_time: If you have individual programs that can accept keybindings, then you can set the keys up in there. Globally, though, I don't know if there's a way to do that.22:39
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