
jonofolks, would you mind blogging/Facebooking/tweeting/denting http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/08/23/help-colin-get-his-kids-back/06:07
nigelbmorning ara :)07:23
aramorning nigelb, all07:23
nigelbNoone's up yet I think.  Monday morning blues.07:23
jussimonday monday....07:34
nigelbjussi: heh.07:34
jussiczajkowski: hi07:34
nigelbHey the google video thing worked for my friend07:34
jussiI noticed - I do actually read scrollback07:34
jussi :D07:34
nigelbI wasn't sure if yuo did ;)07:35
jussinigelb: its my job to make sure I read scrollback, where possible :D07:36
nigelbjussi: Ah, ircc.  I forget.07:36
aramorning kim007:59
kim0ara: morning :)08:00
kim0morning everyone08:00
nigelbgood morning kim0 :)08:00
kim0morning man08:00
kim0how's it going08:00
nigelbmeh, monday morning, how bad can it be :p08:01
duanedesignmorninr all08:03
duanedesignhmmm, my spelling mechanism has not kicked in yet08:03
kim0hehe, morning duanedesign08:05
nigelbduanedesign: morning duane.  Looks like your window mechanism hasn't either.08:05
* duanedesign was just reading about the Google Prediction API08:09
nigelboh, next week is UGJ!08:26
* nigelb temporarily forgot.08:26
duanedesignnigelb: worked out nicely that it is on the same weekend as the monthly LoCo meeting here08:35
dholbachgood morning08:35
duanedesignmorning dholbach08:35
nigelbmorning dholbach08:35
nigelbok, so my irssi just lit up, dholbach is here!08:35
dholbachhey duanedesign, hi nigelb08:35
duanedesignnigelb: i am planning on having the mohtly LoCo meeting with a Doc/Bug Jam  afterwards08:36
nigelbduanedesign: rocking08:37
duanedesigni hope this might increase participation08:37
dpmgood morning all09:26
dholbachhola dpm09:28
dholbachhola randa09:28
dpmhey dholbach :)09:29
dpmbuenos días randa!09:29
randahi dpm hi dholbach :)09:34
randahey ara09:34
arabuenos días randa09:34
dholbachhey czajkowski10:02
czajkowskidholbach: ello10:03
nigelbmorning randa, dpm :)10:08
randahi nigelb10:09
dpmgood morning ara, czajkowski, ara!10:10
ara /me takes a coffee break10:11
* nigelb hops around in joy!10:29
nigelbFinally solved a problem I've been facing for 2 days.10:29
kim0nigelb: congrats :)11:08
nigelbkim0: It was a frustrating morning :)11:18
czajkowskiairurando: howdy doody11:29
czajkowskinigelb: always nice to get the end of an annoying bug11:29
airurandoHi czajkowski11:30
nigelbczajkowski: Exactly. I wanted to do some google maps magic.  Spent a couple of hours trying and got it too! :)11:30
czajkowskiI love looking at loco.ubuntu.com and seeing all the microblogging coming up, tis nice seeing what all the teams are doing11:42
czajkowskiwhoo we have 26 teams signed up for UGJ11:44
nigelbmy team signed up too :)11:44
nigelbhola sense !11:50
sensehello nigelb11:56
duanedesignwhat is the preffered format for the name of a LoCo?12:10
czajkowskiduanedesign: funny you should say that12:10
czajkowskiI spent yesterday banging my head off a table looking at all of the names and the reson we have duplciates is teams renaming themselves12:11
senseIt's not like there is no documentation for team naming...12:11
sensePeople just don't read it!12:11
senseOr read it half, and then decide to use their preferred name anyway.12:12
duanedesignyes there is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto#Team%20Naming%20Standards12:13
czajkowskiduanedesign: yes but they clearly like to rename themselves12:14
duanedesignczajkowski: i bet that is confusing12:15
czajkowskiwe have two thai teams one team and locoteam12:16
duanedesignsay 'two thai teams' as fast as you can, thats a tongue twister :)12:19
vishduanedesign: lmao!12:19
czajkowskiI had a geography day yesterday figuring out which team went where and lanugages spoken never used wikipedia so much in one day12:20
nigelbczajkowski: never thanked wiki as much as yesterday right? ;)12:31
czajkowskiyes and swore so much at teams, this is teams who log bugs and are vocal yet didnt update their information.12:33
czajkowskibut I wanted the landing page of teams all pretty and under a country only took about 2hrs in total so not too bad12:33
dpmrocking job, czajkowski12:51
czajkowskitis pretty :)12:52
czajkowskidpm: :)12:52
akgranerczajkowski, I got a loco issue do you have a few minutes12:53
akgranerczajkowski, thanks :-)12:53
czajkowskiI had a day of Pms from locos12:54
czajkowskiit was very odd12:54
senseczajkowski: It looks great now!13:02
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
akgranerJFo, what's your schedule?15:23
JFobug meeting in 1.5hr but clear pretty much other than that15:26
akgranerJFo, I'm putting UWN together - so ping me after your meeting and we can knock out episode 1 if you want15:30
Pendulumakgraner: JFo: \o/15:37
akgranerHey Pendulum!15:38
czajkowskiJFo: making a dent in your inbox yet15:39
JFosomething of15:39
JFoonly about 3k more to go15:39
czajkowskiJFo: bug reports eh15:40
czajkowskigotta love em15:40
JFojono, I have my "Pants on the Ground" shirt now :)15:40
dholbachhey jono15:42
jonohey all15:42
jonoJFo, a shirt? nice!15:42
czajkowskijono: greetings15:42
akgranerjono, I am apologizing and claiming negative knowledge my daughters actions15:42
akgranerfor my even15:42
jonoakgraner, heh15:42
jonohey czajkowski15:42
JFoyeah, I'll bring it to UDS15:44
jonoJFo, nice!16:00
jonokim0, all set?16:00
kim0yeah .. launching mumble16:00
kim0jono: momento16:00
jonokim0, np16:00
jonokim0, oh hang on, I might be a few mins, been having mumble probs on this machine, may need to do slype16:00
kim0jono: I'm online on both ... ping when ready16:01
jonokim0, ok skype16:02
dholbachthanks to james_w's reviews 2 work items done :-D16:31
* dholbach hugs james_w16:31
jonojussi, ping?17:40
dholbachok my friends18:25
dholbachcalling it a day18:25
dholbachsee you all tomorrow18:25
dholbachbig hugs to you18:25
jonofolks, get any sponsorship requests in for UDS :)18:34
vishjono: w00t! you announced on the ML too :) , guess no one can complain this time ;)19:00
jonovish, indeed :-)19:01
pleia2and I added it to the fridge19:10
pleia2it'll go out in UWN next week19:11
jonothanks pleia2 :)19:12
jussijono: hi19:37
jonojussi, hey, you missed our call the other day!19:40
jonoalso, do you have a link to all the official IRC channels?19:40
jussijono: yeah, was pretty gutted that I missed19:40
ubot2A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:40
jussijono: you dont have 5 mins now?19:40
jonojussi, I am busy right now19:41
jonoon a deadline19:41
jonothanks jussi19:41
jonolets meet this week sometime19:41
jussijono: right, I would like to speak, soon if possible, so lets see what we can do19:41
jussiand once again, my apologies for missing the other day19:41
jussijono: right, Im off again, but please tell me when is a suitable time for you. any evening except wednesday should work ok for me - (your mornings)19:45
jonojussi, no worries, sounds good19:50
jussijono: so how does tomorrow sound?20:12
jonojussi, when?20:13
jonojussi, 8pm UK?20:13
jussijono: bit late, any chance for 7? (can do 8 at a pinch though)20:13
jonojussi, ok let's do 7pm20:14
jonotry not to miss this one :-)20:14
jussijono: Ill make sure I don miss this time :D20:14
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
czajkowskiPendulum: isn't caoimhe adorable ;)21:52
Pendulumczajkowski: yes!21:53
czajkowskihttp://twitgoo.com/1jn2fo  <---- and her hair is finally growing21:53
nigelbczajkowski: oh my gosh! CUTE!21:55
paultagczajkowski: omg! How do you keep looking younger every time I see a photo of you?!21:55
paultagI need to get me some of that21:55
* nigelb ^ 5 paultag 21:56
AlanBellevening all21:56
* nigelb waves to AlanBell 21:57
czajkowskiAlanBell: hey21:57
jonoakgraner, ping?21:59
* jono is in "following up on burndown chart mode"21:59
jonoakgraner, are you still on track for your actions?21:59
PendulumAlanBell: hiya22:01
jonoczajkowski, ping?22:01
czajkowskijono: pong22:01
jonowhat is the latest on your three items on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-community.html ?22:01
czajkowskione is done22:02
czajkowskione will finish bby tomorrow22:02
czajkowskiand the other one by thursday22:02
jonoczajkowski, can you  update the BP with the done one?22:03
jonothanks so much czajkowski, you are awesome, as usual :)22:04
* nigelb closes one task22:04
czajkowskijono: I need to send the mail to jane but we have the paperwork done22:04
jonoczajkowski, ok cool22:05
czajkowskijono: lovely jubbly22:05
akgranerjono, yep  - I'll do my best to have everything added by Friday22:05
czajkowskipaultag: so help me I am gonna bop you, get into channel ;)22:05
akgranerI got a little side tracked with the new fridge and re-org'ing UWN22:05
paultagczajkowski: grrr22:05
jonoakgraner, thanks! :)22:05
czajkowskipaultag: oi oi less grring at me22:05
akgranerjono, will Friday be soon enough?22:06
jonoakgraner, ASAP is preferred, but Friday will be fine :-)22:06
akgranerjono :-P22:06
Technovikingjono: were there any items for the forums for the Maverick cycle.22:11
jonoTechnoviking, I think we are fine, thanks!22:12
czajkowskidone makes bacon happy22:14
nigelbczajkowski: done makes bacon fizzle ;)22:15
czajkowskinyommy canadian bacon dripped in syrup22:16
paultagit's like a slab of pig22:16
nigelbwell, technically bacon is exactly that is it not?22:16
* nigelb goes tot bed22:18
nigelbg'nite folks!22:18
jonoPendulum, what is the latest regarding your actions for this cycle?22:29
jonomerging the book content in22:29
Pendulumjono: started working on the first chapter this weekend (just haven't put online yet) and am hoping to get them all up by the end of the week22:33
jonoPendulum, wow, awesome!22:33
jonothanks for all your hard work here :)22:33
Pendulum(and if they're not done by the end of the week, I know what I'm doing during the global jam :P )22:33
PendulumI'm sorry I got so behind22:33
jonoPendulum, lol!22:34
jonohey, it's cool, busy times!22:34
jononigelb, ping?22:35
nhandlerjono: He went to bed22:35
czajkowskihe went to bed about 20 mins ago jono22:35
paultaglet's all yell at jono22:35
Pendulumbut he should be up in another 4-5 hours22:35
jonoahhh np22:35
Pendulum(if he works tomorrow)22:35
jonopaultag, you suck22:35
paultagjono: back atcha big guy22:35
czajkowskipaultag: at least jono remembers to log into the right roooms22:35
paultagOhhhh ouch22:36
czajkowskijono: moderate comment22:36
paultagczajkowski: sounds like a freenode issue to me22:36
paultagczajkowski: you should ask a staffer22:36
czajkowskipaultag: I've no problem loggin into council channel, run a screen!22:36
paultagMy server started running out of ram :'(22:36
jonoczajkowski, done :)22:37
czajkowskijono: ya have a use :p22:39
czajkowskipaultag: free to start with more mails to teams ?22:39
paultagczajkowski: not yet, yar! I jut need to wrap up some of my open browser tabs. I'll be free in ~ 20 or so22:39
paultagczajkowski: can you wait for me?22:40
czajkowskias dodgey as that sounds, sure22:40
czajkowskiwe need to update loocteams on LP as well22:40
paultagczajkowski: I have patches to review :'(22:40
paultagczajkowski: oh yes, yeah, we'll do this in a second22:40
paultagsecond being 20 minutes22:40

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