
Chipzzebroder: I'm pretty sure that multiple fixes in the same SRU are NOT acceptable. the exact opposite of what you said :)00:23
Chipzzebroder: at least that makes a lot more sense than what you said00:23
Chipzzyou could have patch a fix one thing and patch b break another; which is exactly what we don't want in SRU's00:23
ebroderChipzz: What? Multiple fixes in the same SRU are *clearly* acceptable, and have always been. The question was whether you needed an explicit ACK from ubuntu-sru before uploading it, or whether you could use the same process as for a single fix (i.e. upload, then get ubuntu-sru's ACK)00:24
micahgChipzz: a release team member said it was fine shortly afterwards as long as each bug has the proper SRU precedures00:24
Chipzzebroder: is this documented somewhere? because like I said, trying to fix multiple issues at once sounds to me like it greatly increases the chance for regressions00:26
ebroderChipzz: I'm pretty sure there's documentation of multiple fixes on the SRU wiki page00:26
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates00:27
ebroder"Fixing several bugs in one upload"00:28
macoChipzz: no more than having 3 uploads in one week...00:29
Chipzzmaco: you upload 3 SRU's for the same package every week? ^^ :)00:29
macoChipzz: if there are 3 patches available for it and you've got debdiffs for all 3 and SRU stuff filled out for all 3 and ACKs for all 3... no point in doing 3 separate uploads00:30
ebroderEspecially when you consider the 1 week minimum time in -proposed00:30
Chipzzmaco: IMHO there is00:30
maco"ok did it start happening with tuesday's version or wednesday's?"00:30
macouser: "like hell i know"00:30
Chipzzmaco: if there's a regression in 1 of thsoe 3 patches, you can see which SRU caused the regression00:30
Chipzzmaco: launchpad. archive of old debs. point user to them. :)00:31
macoheh i remember writing directions for someone once of how to find old debs on lp...00:31
macothose were long directions00:31
Chipzzuser: "oh it happened with tuesday's version"00:31
ebroderChipzz: If that sort of thing happens, then a developer can do PPA builds of each patch00:32
ebroderBut in the common case, I think it's much easier to track regressed behavior back to a particular patch than suggesting00:32
ebroder*you're suggesting00:32
macoits not like theyre going to be huge invasive patches00:32
macoif they got an ACK to start with they're fairly minor00:33
Chipzzebroder: btw, the text you quoted only says what to do if there are multiple patches attached. It doesn't encourage or discourage uploading multiple patches at once eiter way00:33
macoso figuring out which bit did it should be fairly trivial00:33
ebroderChipzz: It establishes that doing so is acceptable00:33
Chipzzbut I guess it being allowed is implied in some way00:33
ChipzzIn order to make it easier for the SRU team to review your patch, you can additionally: ... Attach individual patches to the corresponding bug reports. If you have the fixes in bzr, it is even easier and more convenient to give a pointer to the fix ("fixed in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/.../revision/12") when fixing the bug in trunk.00:33
Chipzzwhere does it state it's acceptable?00:34
Chipzzit's implied, but not stated00:34
ebroder"Just prepare all fixed bugs as described above and attach the patch/debdiff to one of them."00:34
ebroderIt gives a procedure for SRU'ing multiple patches at once, which makes it acceptable. If it wasn't acceptable, there wouldn't be a procedure00:35
Chipzzebroder: but it doesn't establish when it is acceptable. for example, it could be considered acceptable to SRU 2 patches for things which are very closely related (ie code- or functionality-wise)00:36
Chipzzbut SRU'ing 2 patches which touch totally different parts or fix totally unrelated bugs may not be00:36
Chipzzmatter of opinion I guess, but I wouldn't advise on it00:37
Chipzzbut then again I don't know the workflow of the SRU team00:37
macoChipzz, ebroder:  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/22/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t06:1000:37
macowell, ebroder, you were present for it...00:39
macoChipzz: we got clarification on this from SRU team member less than 24h ago00:39
ebrodergrr...I need to get added back to ~ubuntu-sponsors00:41
macoebroder: poke persia00:41
Chipzzmaco: right, I just read that. don't personally agree, but who am I? :)00:43
ebrodermaco: Can you do me a favor and unsub ubuntu-sponsors from bug #622196?01:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622196 in epdfview (Ubuntu) "Please sync epdfview 0.1.7-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62219601:01
thebishopanyone been able to link against xmlrpc-dev in the repo?06:26
pittiGood morning07:19
ajmitchmorning pitti07:19
ttxGood morning !07:21
nigelbmorning all!07:23
arapitti, good morning08:24
pittihey ara, how are you?08:25
arapitti, good, thanks :-) slowly starting the week. yourself?08:25
pittipretty well, thanks! had a nice weekend?08:25
arayes, relaxed weekend, after a sprint week08:26
arapitti, I have a couple of questions more about apport08:28
arapitti, 1) I have a virtual package that installs a bunch of packages. The hook will be the same for all those packages but, if I want apport to know, I have to install one hook per package? or is there a way to do it differently?08:29
arapitti, 2) Adding hooks at this time of the cycle, does require a FF exception?08:30
pittiara: (1) xorg is similar; the x11-common package ships the hook, and all other packages just ship a symlink08:32
pittiara: if the packages mutually exclude each other, you have to install it to every package, I'm afraid08:32
pittiara: (2) No, apport hooks are fine; asking for FFEs for better debugging tools would be very .. bureaucratic and against the spirit of FF, I think08:33
arapitti, OK, perfect. Thanks!08:33
dholbachgood morning08:35
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pittislangasek, cjwatson: could one of you please review my udev lucid SRU? it's a keymap update according to the SRU exceptions, but I guess it should still be reviewed10:13
diwicI'm researching a sound-card problem that has been introduced in Lucid through an SRU last week. Do you know what packages were released to lucid-updates last week?10:23
pittidiwic: I don't remember anythign sound related; we were in SRU freeze, so there was very little change in -updates10:28
pittidiwic: do you have an affected system? check /var/log/dpkg.log perhaps?10:28
diwicpitti, unfortunately I can't reproduce it here. It could have been two weeks ago as well, and it could have been permissions related10:29
mvopitti: could you please reject the compiz upload from lucid-proposed (I uploaded ~5min ago or so). it does not contain the merged bits from 15.110:29
pittidiwic: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.32-24.41 perhaps?10:30
pittibut it doesn't look sound related as well10:30
pittimvo: done10:31
mvopitti: thanks10:32
diwicpitti, is there a complete list somewhere of lucid-updates packages, sorted in "latest release date" order somewhere?10:33
pittidiwic: not by that sort order; it's done by copy-packages.py in LP, which doesn't log that well, I think10:34
pittidiwic: the proposed uploads are on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lucid-changes/2010-August/thread.html10:35
pittidiwic: I'd start with trying the previous kernel; there were no alsa/pulse updates recently10:35
pittior gstreamer, etc.10:35
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diwicpitti, thanks for the thread, I'll go through it, it seems to have a post date of when they were moved from lucid-proposed to lucid-updates, right?10:37
pittidiwic: no, it's the acceptance date of entering -proposed10:39
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cjwatsonpitti: ok11:09
cjwatsonmaxb: could you have a look at lp:~cjwatson/bzr-rewrite/rebase-foreign-merges?  it's based on your work in lp:~maxb/bzr-rewrite/hg-papt-rebase-foreign, but I found I needed an additional tweak11:10
cjwatsonI don't know if it's exactly the right way to do it11:10
cjwatson(I also forget the exact set of circumstances that led up to it ... I was working on rebasing tasksel)11:11
jibeldiwic, for a specific package you can find when it has been pushed to -updates from the LP +publishinghistory page e.g for alsa https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+publishinghistory11:14
cjwatsonpitti: accepted11:23
pitticjwatson: cheers11:24
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chrisccoulsonhmmmm, why is gnome-power-manager no longer in the ubuntu-desktop package-set in maverick?11:50
dholbachchrisccoulson, it's in core, maybe because ubuntu-netbook, ubuntu-desktop and ubuntustudio-desktop want it11:58
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, that sucks. it seems that every desktop component i'm interested in is in core now :/11:58
nigelbchrisccoulson: take the hint and apply for core dev ;)11:59
chrisccoulsonheh ;)11:59
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: I'll add an exception shortly11:59
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, thanks12:00
cjwatsondholbach's analysis would put it in desktop-core, not core, so I expect it's more complicated than that12:00
cjwatsonit's probably buried in the huge gnome build-dependency web at the centre of everything12:00
nigelbcjwatson: um, I pinged you about a bug last night, were able to look at it?12:00
cjwatsonnigelb: not yet (it was a Sunday night!) but it's not an urgent bug12:01
dholbachcjwatson, you're right - I didn't check build-depends12:01
cjwatsonnigelb: I'd rather leave it the way it is than rush it12:01
cjwatsonthat sort of change can have serious effects on the installer12:01
nigelbcjwatson: clearing up the patches...12:01
cjwatsonI know, but still12:01
nigelbcjwatson: oh, I didn't think of the side effects.  I'll skip that one for now.  There are some really old ones that we seem to have forgotten about.12:03
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cjwatsonnigelb: (also, the semantics of debootstrap at that level need to stay the same between Debian and Ubuntu or everyone's head will explode in confusion, so I'll have to think about it with my Debian hat on)12:08
nigelbcjwatson: ack, no problem.12:08
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maxbcjwatson: noted. Thanks for reminding me to get back to polishing that branch for submission12:15
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cjwatsonmaxb: feel free to merge from me or whatever - I'm not going to propose that branch for merging since I'm not confident I understand all of it :)12:16
cjwatsonmaxb: (I proposed three other bzr-rewrite branches for merging today, though)12:17
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ttxjames_w: hey -- I cannot change status on https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/lucid/qemu-kvm/fix-scsi-writeback/+merge/32036, probably because it was proposed for merging into "lucid" instead of lucid-proposed... Can you mark it merged or abandoned so that it doesn't show up in the sponsorship list anymore ?12:32
cjwatsonnigelb: I assume you guys have a state for "patch forwarded upstream" which takes it off the "needs action" list?12:33
nigelbcjwatson: yep, patch-forward-upstream or patch-forwarded-debian (which might be appropriate here)12:34
loollamont: Hey, would you mind bumping up the libnih buildd timeout on armel?  It swaps when building libnih's testsuite with -fPIE and that takes a long while to build12:49
ograwe need a webUI with a slider :)12:50
loollamont: If that makes you any happier, there is probably a similar bump on upstart which you can now remove since the code moved from upstart to libnih12:51
lamontlool: there are currently no timeout overrides12:54
lamontheh. that almost makes sense as an emoticon12:55
cjwatsonnigelb: OK, off your list now then12:56
nigelbcjwatson: thank you!12:56
nigelbcjwatson: Thank you!12:57
loollamont: Do you have the timeout overrides deployed already?  I wonder when to kick a retry of libnih/armel13:01
lamontlool: it's a highly manual process...  and there wasn't one on upstart... how long does libnih need13:02
loollamont: I have no idea; michaelh built it locally yesterday13:05
lamontI gave it, um, long.13:06
loollamont: Let's shoot for 6 hours?13:06
loollamont: thanks; giving it back13:06
lamontas long as gourd doesn't get it, that is..13:06
loolwell maybe, sometimes this changes when the build "started" but didn't actually start13:06
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cjwatsonchrisccoulson: fixed14:29
chrisccoulsoncjwatson - thanks14:40
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ttxjames_w: thanks :)15:20
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daggeris Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre around by any chance?15:38
seb128dagger, he's cyphermox15:41
daggerseb128: thanks15:41
cyphermoxdagger, yup15:41
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emacs_noobam i correct to assume that switching default window manager requires only changing "/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager" string ?16:33
sladenemacs_noob: System->Adminstration->Login Screen16:59
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Riddelldyfet: I don't suppose you got anywhere with python-qt4?17:20
dyfetno, ncommander promised a related patch, I was not able to get it from him yet though17:21
* Riddell looks with pleading eyes at NCommander 17:21
Riddellisn't he in China?17:21
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jonohey all, just an FYI, UDS is now announced: http://uds.ubuntu.com/18:38
jonodo go and apply for sponsorship18:38
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micahgcan I submit a sync request if Debian's madison cache is out of date (i.e. can the AAs still do it)18:56
nigelbsiretart: can you 'Won't Fix' this bug as with upstream debian one? bug 7205419:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 72054 in zsh (Ubuntu) "package defaults are unfriendly for users that use the 'viins' editing mode" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7205419:07
nigelb(or can you ack, so I can Won't Fix it :))19:08
jdstrandcjwatson: hi! do you have less than 5 minutes to help me with something regarding dpkg triggers?19:08
jdstrandcjwatson: either something changed with dpkg triggers or there is a bug in dpkg/debconf/triggers19:10
cjwatsonmicahg: yes19:10
cjwatsonjdstrand: maybe :) not at my laptop right now19:11
jdstrandcjwatson: well, let's give it a shot. a 'not right now' or 'I don't know' is totally fine :)19:11
micahgcjwatson: k, thanks19:11
jdstrandcjwatson: so in ufw.config I have:19:11
jdstrandif dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 0.28-1 ; then19:12
jdstrandin maverick at certain times, ufw.config gets called with:19:12
jdstrandufw.config configure /etc/ufw/applications.d19:12
jdstrand/etc/ufw/applications.d is the directory that ufw is interested in19:13
jdstrandthe debconf-devel manpage doesn't mantion anything about triggers, and says it is legal to use dpkg --compare-versions in this manner19:13
jdstrandcjwatson: so, I wonder if I found a bug or am doing it wrong19:14
jdstrandcjwatson: oh, context is bug #61841019:15
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 618410 in ufw (Ubuntu) "/etc/ufw/applications.d has wrong syntax" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61841019:15
cjwatsonyou need to avoid sourcing debconf/confmodule when the postinst is called with [ "$1" = triggered ]19:15
jdstrandI wonder why I never saw this before19:15
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jdstrandcool, that is a super easy fix19:15
jdstrandcjwatson: thanks! :)19:15
cjwatsonhowever what you do in that case does need to be sufficient to noninteractively configure the package, iirc19:16
cjwatsonso you might need to be a little careful19:16
cjwatsonthis is implied by triggers.txt in the dpkg docs plus a knowledge of how the confmodule works, but it isn't spelled out19:16
jdstrandcjwatson: you mean I need to be careful when [ "$1" = triggered ]?19:16
jdstrandright. yes, I am quite careful there to not hang or anything19:17
jdstrand(or error out, etc)19:17
cjwatsontriggering involves calling  postinst triggered "<trigger-name> <trigger-name> ..."19:17
* jdstrand nods19:17
jdstrandit all makes sense now19:17
jdstrandI was scratching my head a bit before I asked. this is super helpful19:18
cjwatsonlet me just check something though19:18
poi77Hi! I'm wondering, how can I use gdb for core file analysis?19:18
cjwatsonjdstrand: do that for now - I might get back to you, it's possible this is a bug in debconf19:19
jdstrandcjwatson: thanks19:20
sorenslangasek: In these post-FF days, do you need a poke to get source NEW stuff done? It's only been in the queue for 11 hours, so it's perfectly cool if it's just not been done yet, I just want to be sure there's nothing more I need to do.19:22
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sorenslangasek: (Asking you specifically because you're listed as today's AA)19:22
macoheh i dont think ive ever needed a FFe before, so i'm wondering whether this process has an undocumented "poke someone on irc" step like many others19:23
sorenmaco: I don't think it's really needed, someone just suggested it might be.19:24
sorenmaco: I know at least jdstrand, being his usual awesome self, did a source NEW review without a poke. :)19:24
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slangaseksoren: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze%20for%20new%20packages19:28
slangaseksoren: my listing as the day's AA is somewhat optimistic at this point, I'm afraid; though I should at least be able to get through binary NEW today and may have a look at source NEW as time allows19:29
sorenslangasek: Is that the rtfm-y sort of way of telling me that if I've done that, everything is cool, or are yo utrying to tell me I'm missing a step?19:29
slangaseksoren: you asked about needing an FFe; the documented process is that yes, you do, though it's generally very light19:30
sorenslangasek: Er.. That's not what I intended to ask, at least.19:30
sorenslangasek: I see that I might have been unclear.19:30
sorenslangasek: I filed an FFe, got it approved, and have uploaded accordingly.19:31
slangasekoh :)19:31
slangasekthen ack :-)19:31
sorenslangasek: The person who approved it said it might need extra work to actually get it reviewed.19:31
slangasekto answer your question: yes, if you want me to do NEW review, *I* need to be poked ;)19:31
sorenslangasek: Alright. Consider yourself poked. :)19:32
nigelbany suggestions as to what should be done with this bug? how do I know if it ever built sucessfully bug 21928019:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219280 in xen-3.2 (Ubuntu) "FTBFS in latest archive rebuild test" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21928019:35
lfaraonejono: Re UDS-N, I'm getting back into school on the 7th, and won't probably know till the end of that week whether or not I'll be able to come, (ie whether my teachers have loads of plans that week, etc) and for how long. Can I apply for sponsorship late after I determine that? (It'll be no more than 5 days post-deadline)19:49
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jonolfaraone, sure!19:51
lfaraonejono: cool, thanks!19:56
siretartnigelb: I don't use viins mode myself, and I'd rather follow debian on this package. AFAIUI it's a classical "doomed if we do, doomed if we don't" issue19:57
nigelbsiretart: Debian closed as Won't Fix, hence I asked if you could do the same in Ubuntu.19:58
slangasekmathiaz: what is the intent of this php5-sybase-dbg package?20:25
slangasekmathiaz: it's not going to result in freetds being moved to universe, so if that's the only purpose, I think you should revert this20:25
cndseb128, are you up for reviewing and uploading the latest utouch-grail, utouch-geis, and utouch meta package to ubuntu?20:26
seb128cnd, hi, open bugs and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors20:29
seb128cnd, you have api changes there right?20:30
cndseb128, ok20:30
cndseb128, yeah, we do20:30
seb128cnd, it's late for those we are 10 days over the freeze for such changes20:30
seb128we need at least bugs to track the exceptions20:30
cndseb128, we know...20:30
seb128cnd, thanks20:30
seb128cnd, you have changes to the dummy package as well? which one?20:31
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cndseb128, utouch is the package20:31
cndseb128, and I forgot that mtdev needs a bug fix update too20:32
seb128cnd, ok, just open bugs with the changes or the vcs to sponsor20:32
seb128cnd, what changes do you have to utouch? you have new sources to add to it?20:32
seb128cnd, not sure why we need that one, the others one should be installed by what depends or recommends the binaries20:33
cndseb128, removal of dependency on xserver-xorg-input-gevdev in place of xserver-xorg-input-evdev20:33
cndand the addition of the geis doc package20:33
seb128cnd, thanks for the work on those20:34
seb128cnd, you are done with the api changes now right? ;-)20:34
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cndseb128, umm, very close20:35
cndbregma was working on some last changes to geis20:35
cndbut realized they wouldn't work20:35
cndso we had to stick with the current geis api for this upload20:35
cndso we can get unity with MT in20:35
seb128well if you are other api change let's wait for those to sponsor updates20:35
cndseb128, the issue is that unity is ready to go with geis stuff20:35
seb128if you have20:35
seb128cnd, no it's not20:35
cndseb128, well, what are we considering api changes, do strict additions count?20:36
seb128we are not going 2 rounds of updates20:36
seb128cnd, now is over time to add pis20:36
seb128to add apis20:36
cndseb128, I know, I really do20:36
cndI really don't like this either :)20:36
seb128well so... ;-)20:36
oubiwanncnd: what is bregma wanting to add?20:36
oubiwanncnd: things that Neil absolutely has to have?20:37
seb128cnd, oubiwann: you guys need to stop doing api changes really20:37
seb128it's weeks late20:37
oubiwannseb128: yeah, no kidding... I'm actually surprised by this info20:37
cndseb128, oubiwann, mind if we chat with bregma in #ubuntu-touch?20:37
oubiwanncnd: okay, let's20:37
cndit may be that we just have to forgo some functionality in maverick20:37
seb128I will let you guys deal with the changes you have to do20:38
seb128I've other things to finish today as well20:38
seb128let me know what you decide20:38
cndseb128, sounds good20:38
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mathiazslangasek: the intent is to move php5-sybase out of main21:29
slangasekmathiaz: what's the benefit of moving a single binary package out of main like that?21:29
mathiazslangasek: to not support the sybase functions in main anymore21:30
slangasekmathiaz: from the changelog, I assumed you were trying to get freetds out of main, which this change doesn't help with21:30
mathiazslangasek: nope - the goal was to move php5-sybase to universe21:30
slangaseksupporting them is a problem?21:30
mathiazslangasek: hm - I guess we're trying to decrease our support burden21:30
mathiazslangasek: I don't remember the exact reasons21:30
mathiazSpamapS: ^^ ?21:31
ajmitchdidn't they have troublesome aliases in that package?21:31
mathiazslangasek: SpamapS may have more clue on the reason for demoting php5-sybase21:31
mathiazajmitch: yeah - there is something like as well21:31
slangasekI'm surprised that php5-sybase involves any effort on the part of the server team at all, though - above and beyond php5 itself, that is21:31
slangasekajmitch: "troublesome"?21:31
ajmitchslangasek: aliases of sybase functions to mssql, there were a few bugs about it that I saw21:32
slangaseker, why are those troublesome?21:32
ajmitchI think it was because they weren't all aliased, I'd need to look up the bugs to know21:32
slangasekright; but the aliases themselves weren't troublesome, they're meant to be there because you really should only have one module to support both sybase and ms-sql (since they use the same libraries on the backend)21:33
slangasekI can certainly accept this if the point is to demote php5-sybase itself, I just don't understand how that actually helps anyone21:34
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chrisccoulsonhi kees, you there?22:03
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loollamont: FYI libnih built fine; thanks22:32
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lamontlool: cool22:34
keeschrisccoulson: yup, what's up?22:37
chrisccoulsonhi kees, did you say you knew how to fix crash handlers that relied on ptrace?22:38
chrisccoulsonthe mozilla handler is actually relying on that ;)22:38
chrisccoulsoni've just been trying to figure out why we send empty crash reports22:38
keeschrisccoulson: yes. you'll want to use prctl(), let me find the example.22:39
keeschrisccoulson: the crashing program must call prctl with the pid of the debugger.22:39
chrisccoulsonkees - this one? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_69_declare_debugger_pid.diff22:39
keeschrisccoulson: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-July/030973.html   yup22:40
chrisccoulsoncool, i'll try and get this working with breakpad as well then22:40
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SpamapSmathiaz: in response to php5-sybase, its just less code to cover under security and bug fixes, and especially difficult to support because we do not have any access to sybase/mssql servers23:42
SpamapSslangasek: ^^23:42
mathiazSpamapS: OTOH it introduces a new binary package in the archive23:42
mathiazSpamapS: and we slip a bit further away from Debian23:42
SpamapSmathiaz: why can't we just manually put that binary in universe?23:43
slangasekSpamapS: so I don't see that this is actually true wrt "less code to cover under security"23:44
slangasekis the security team actually intending to leave security bugs in the php5 source, which is in main, unfixed because they affect php5-sybase?23:44
SpamapSRight, I can't say they'd be happy about doing something like that.23:46
joaopinto_where should the TERM variable be set from ? After a karmic->maverick upgrade I get a "dumb" value23:47
SpamapSI just don't know that we can give the same assurances that a security fix works...23:47
SpamapS"When you install software from the main component, you are assured that the software will come with security updates and that commercial technical support is available from Canonical."23:47
SpamapSMaybe we do have some access to sybase/mssql servers. If we do, then I'd say its fine to keep php5-sybase in main.23:48
slangasekSpamapS: we can't manually put the binary in universe because main is defined as a closure over build and runtime dependencies.  FWIW you could just have php5-dbg not depend on php5-sybase; any reason that doesn't do what you're trying to achieve? (it would certainly be less delta from Debian)23:48
lifelesswe could drop php :P23:49
slangasekSpamapS: "commercial technical support" - but not guaranteed to be as affordable if the support involves someone having to go set up MS SQL first ;)23:49
lifelessdo the world a favour!23:49
SpamapSlifeless: no haters please. ;)23:50
slangaseklifeless: this was my thought!  But some people seem to be attached to it23:50
ajmitchlifeless: don't tempt him23:50
SpamapSslangasek: Agreed, its actually probably cheaper for us to simply maintain a mssql server than to maintain a large delta for this.23:50
lifelessSpamapS: no emotion involved; sheer dispassionate technical assessment :P23:50
SpamapSBeing just 4 months out of a PHP shop.. and having recently seen the *circus* around PHP 5.4alpha, aka "the release that may never be" .. I'm less inclined to ever write another line of PHP. ;)23:51
slangasekSpamapS: did the concern about support originate with the support team itself?23:51
SpamapSslangasek: no, its purely something that mathiaz suggested as a possibility, and I looked into and agreed it seems like something fairly difficult to support.23:52
slangasekif it did, then it's pretty clear we should move php5-sybase out of main as a matter of documentation23:52
SpamapSI'm a big fan of contraction of responsibility whenever possible, so I may have seemed over-eager at the prospect.23:53
slangasekSpamapS, mathiaz: so my preferences would be: 1) revert and just accept this package in main unless one of the teams that actually get stuck with the work post-release requests its removal; 2) ship the same php5-dbg package as in Debian, but Suggest: php5-sybase instead of Depends: on it; 3) the currently proposed upload23:54
slangasekSpamapS: you're not contracting others' responsibility much, and you're increasing your own maintenance burden with the added delta ;)23:54
SpamapSslangasek: indeed, I think its clear now that we'd be doing a lot more than just changing a seed.23:55
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keesany python gurus know how to fix this?  python -c 'print u"\xc2\xb0"' | cat23:58
slangasekSpamapS: btw, if you didn't notice, I am the maintainer of the freetds package in Debian - so if you disagree at all, I'm happy to recuse myself and refer this to another archive admin :)23:59

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