
keffie_jayxhello all00:51
keffie_jayxI would like some help with adding a person to the access list of a channel00:52
keffie_jayxI haven't done that in a while00:52
keffie_jayxwe just want level 10 access, simple channel admin00:53
rwwkeffie_jayx: try #freenode, they tend to be a little more active :)01:02
keffie_jayxrww: I got it thanks :)01:02
keffie_jayxfor the record /msg chanserv help flags01:02
keffie_jayxthanks again m4v01:03
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=== easter_egg is now known as Ayrton
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne

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