
jk-cooloney: ping?08:05
cooloneyjk-: hi08:13
jk-cooloney: could I get you to test my clk code on omap?08:16
jk-cooloney: sorry, s/clk/debug macro/08:16
jk-cooloney: the 'debug' branch here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=jk/dt/linux-2.6.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/debug08:19
cooloneyjk-: no problem, just a moment 08:21
cooloneyjk-: it's quite slow for me to git fetch, pls wait for a while08:43
* cooloney will upgrade his network to 4MB08:44
jk-cooloney: no problem, thanks :)08:45
amitkcooloney: 4Mbps? Will that really change anything? I thought the problem was due to limited bandwidth between China and US...08:46
cooloneyamitk: yeah, that won't change the problem here. 08:47
cooloneyamitk: but it's double my speed soon08:47
cooloneyand the upgrade is free08:47
amitkcooloney: heh :) free is good08:47
lagcooloney: Morning08:50
lagHey jk- amitk 08:50
jk-hey lag08:50
lagcooloney: ...08:51
lagcooloney: You're not getting away from me that easily 08:53
amitklag: how is it going?08:56
lagamitk: Chugging along, and you?08:56
amitklag: I see light at the end of the tunnel (and it is moving away from me)08:59
lagamitk: Ouch! :)09:00
lagamitk: My situation will improve when I catch hold of that slippery cooloney ;)09:00
cooloneylag: morning man09:02
lagcooloney: There you are :)09:04
lagcooloney: What's going on with L24.9?09:04
lagcooloney: I haven't heard anything; no emails, messages or calls09:04
cooloneylag: yeah, sebjan is back09:09
cooloneylag: and he is working on that, 09:09
cooloneylag: i'm also waiting for that09:09
lagcooloney: No worries - I'll continue to wait ...09:11
cooloneylag: np, man09:13
cooloney_jk-: good news, it boots fine09:39
jk-cooloney_: woot! thank you for testing09:40
cooloney_jk-: oh, wait, CONFIG_DEBUG_LL=y is right?09:41
cooloney_jk-: i am using the omep3_defconfig09:41
jk-cooloney_: yeah,  CONFIG_DEBUG_LL=y and CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK=y09:41
jk-(and maybe with 'earlyprintk' on the cmdline)09:42
jk-(to give it a thorough test :) )09:42
cooloney_ok, np, 1 sec09:44
jk-it *should* be the same as the !CONFIG_DEBUG_LL case, but I'd like to make sure09:46
cooloney_jk-: yeah, it works fine too09:47
jk-cooloney_: awesome, thanks09:47
cooloney_jk-: one question, 09:50
jk-cooloney_: yup?09:51
cooloney_jk-: if i wanna debug in a arch/arm/kernel/head.S, just wanna print out some register value,09:51
cooloney_beside printhex helpers09:51
cooloney_any other choice09:52
jk-cooloney_: yeah, i'd suggest printhex and printascii - are these not suitable for your usage?09:53
cooloney_jk-: i'm afraid that will corrupt some registers09:54
cooloney_jk-: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/482255/, booting message of your kernel09:55
jk-cooloney_: yeah, corrupts r0-r3.09:55
jk-cooloney_: looks good09:56
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
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lagHas anyone been working with Sony Fn buttons? I vaguely remember someone working on them recently11:23
lagjk-: Was it you?11:23
jk-lag: not me :/11:23
lagI remember someone saying something like "I have them fixed, and I didn't even have the hardware"11:24
lagjk-: Okay :(11:24
moldyhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/info/kernel-version-map.html mentions (for example) an ubuntu kernel version 2.6.34-5.14 for lucid. how would i install that kernel for testing?11:24
jk-sounds like something Colin would say :)11:24
lagmoldy: Wait one, I'll get you the URL11:25
lagmoldy: You can either look them up here: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux11:27
lagmoldy: If they're not there you can use your git tree to build your own *.deb11:27
moldylag: thanks, i will have a look11:27
lagmoldy: Our git tree: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git11:28
lagmoldy: The Lucid repo: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=summary11:29
lagmoldy: tag 2.6.34-5.14: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=tag;h=b2c6db6e3155efd7f3af1d871c7a279f4f116d3711:30
moldycould i just install a kernel .deb from maverick on lucid?11:34
=== amitk-afk is now known as amitk
moldylag: would that also install all the modules, or would i have to install them separately?11:35
lagmoldy: If you install the .deb, the modules will be installs with the kernel11:36
moldyok, thanks11:36
lagmoldy: No problem 11:36
lagHey JFo 13:45
JFohey lag 13:46
lagJFo: How do you search just for kernel bugs on Launchpad?13:47
smbwith much despair13:47
smblag, It should be possible to limit them to package linux I guess/hope13:49
lagsmb: You mean like this - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux13:49
smbyeah that looks ok13:50
lagBut then you get really random ones like bug 4353113:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 43531 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel isn't very useful without a boot loader, but doesn't depend on one (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4353113:51
lagHow is that a kernel bug?13:51
smbWould be a bug in the packaging13:52
smbAnd one we probably should look at13:52
JFolag, sorry, got distracted by something shiny13:53
lagsmb: It's 4 years old :)13:53
* lag is not surprised :)13:53
smbHeh, yeah. 13:53
lagIs Ben Collins still with us?13:53
smbAt least we then should check whether this is really valid13:53
lagThe last person to complain about it did so 3 years ago13:54
smbSounds like a real good candidate for getting rid of.13:54
smbThough we probably need to check whether you could clean up away your boot loader13:55
smblag, You could do that in your copious spare time. :)13:56
* ogra wouldnt blindly close it regarding the initial reporter :)13:57
ograthere should be plenty of duplicates of that one btw 13:57
ograwe had a time where we had one for each arm flavour to at least recommend a bootloader iirc 13:58
lagI'll assign myself to it and try to put it to bed13:59
lagsmb: Hmm ...13:59
smblag, Actually there is a "Recommends: BOOTLOADER" in flavour.control.stub14:00
smbSo this rather looks fixed by now14:00
jdstrandsmb: hey. I saw your email response re xen/hardy. have you gotten any upstream feedback?14:00
lagsmb: I have to confess, I don't know a great deal about packaging, but I guess there's always time to learn14:00
JFosmb, I've added to the needs-review list so we can verify before responding and closing14:00
lagWhat's the best way to review this?14:01
smbjdstrand, I updated the bug report. There is/was an upstream discussion about this. For Hardy and earlier the code is so different that we ended up doing what the upstream code intended but was wrong14:01
lagTeach me sensai14:01
pgranersmb, am I correct in my assumption that the gobi-loader package is not yet in Lucid?14:01
tgardnerpgraner, should be universe14:02
smbpgraner, It won't ever be. In Lucid all is included in lbm14:02
smbtgardner, pgraner Only Maverick has the universe package14:02
pgranersmb, ok, then is the lbm package there yet? I'm assuming it will be -wwan?14:02
jdstrandsmb: ack. don't let me keep you. ping me when you are ready and I can get it uploaded and building14:02
smbUploaded but I think not accepted yet14:02
pgranersmb, ack14:03
smbjdstrand, Test kernel compiling right now14:03
smbpgraner, And yes, will be lbm-wwan14:04
lagJFo: Should bug 525801 still be on the Top50?14:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 525801 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[i915] NULL pointer dereference in intel_tv_detect() (affects: 18) (dups: 9) (heat: 90)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52580114:04
lagJFo: bug 527361 - same14:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 527361 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "hotplug interferes with ethernet card (affects: 1) (heat: 23)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52736114:04
* JFo looks14:05
lagJFo: bug 553498 - same14:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 553498 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Dell Studio 155x hang on resume from suspend (SCI_EN) (affects: 15) (heat: 85)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55349814:05
lagI think the Top50 is out of date14:05
JFofirst one you gave me is marked invalid14:05
lagExactly 14:05
pgranersmb, thx14:05
lagSecond is fixed released14:06
JFooh, you are saying the list is out of date14:07
JFoof course it is14:07
lagAs is the third14:07
JFoI was in meetings all last week14:07
JFoand we had no meeting14:07
lagWas getting confused 14:07
JFoI see14:07
lagI'm guessing the Top50 is static 14:07
JFothere is a bug meeting today14:07
JFoit is14:07
smbjdstrand, To be clear here. This is not any upstream solution as anything upstream did might be really hard to get backported and it just went into 2.6.36-rc2. We might in the long term want to fix the other issues in there. But they are different. 14:08
lagYou'd best get on your Python course ;)14:08
pgranertgardner, you been seeing issues with the latest maverick kernel? I'm getting real bad jitter on music playing doing normal day to day tasks, I mainly see it on window opens14:08
smbjdstrand, I hope the explanation in the bug is understandable. But basically I would like to get the test kernels tested on xen (I can do normal bootup) to make sure this is really the fix.14:09
tgardnerpgraner, I haven't been using Maverick on a laptop whilst playing music. I've mostly been testing the Lucid ext4 stuff for stability14:09
jdstrandsmb: ok14:09
JFopgraner, I don't see it on my desktop14:09
jdstrandsmb: I have started reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen myself14:09
JFowill fire up my Mav lappy to test14:09
jdstrandsmb: I wonder if lamont has a spare builder he could try it out on14:10
pgranertgardner, I can get it to do it every time, its on this i5 box 14:10
* pgraner wonders14:10
smbjdstrand, There is a link to kernel trap in the bug now for some of the discussion. It has been kicked off abit earlier by someone doing xen. Though it did not sound fatal at the beginning.14:11
smbjdstrand, lamont maybe can. But it sounds a bit more complicated. Have been chatting with him14:11
pgranertgardner, this box is still having huge issues with memory, it has 2 gigs and it has a half gig in swap14:12
tgardnerpgraner, wouldn't swapping account for the jitter? I have to wonder _why_ its swapping. are you running some huge mem hog, or you still have a leak somewhere?14:13
pgranertgardner, I have Evolution, Xchat, Chromium and Rhythmbox open, nothing big other than Chromium14:14
tgardnerpgraner, ok, does it jitter right after a reboot, or does it take awhile?14:14
pgranertgardner, takes awhile a few hours14:15
pgranertgardner, I just killed chromium and it stopped and it freed a ton of memory14:15
tgardnerpgraner, then that sounds like a leak (no pun intended)14:15
pgranertgardner, swap went down to 229meg from 50014:16
tgardnerpgraner, did it completely clear your swap?14:16
pgranertgardner, nope14:16
tgardnerpgraner, how about after 'sudo sync'14:16
tgardneryou really shouldn't have much in swap if all your progs are active.14:17
pgranertgardner, with 2 gigs your right, it only dropped it a hundred kb14:17
tgardnerpgraner, what does slabtop show? anything exceptional?14:18
pgranertgardner, 135936 135919  99%    0.03K   1062      128      4248K kmalloc-3214:19
pgranerthats the top entry14:19
tgardnerpgraner, just reading the man page to see how its sorted14:20
tgardnerpgraner, 'c' sorts by cache size14:20
pgraner 31956  14366  44%    0.96K   1998       16     31968K ext4_inode_cache14:20
pgranertop entry after "c" sort14:20
tgardnerpgraner, thats consistent with tangerine which is running a lucid kernel14:21
tgardnerdid your music stop stuttering after killing chromium?14:21
pgranertgardner, yep14:21
tgardnerpgraner, the evidence kind of points there, though I _still_ don't think you should be swapping14:23
pgranertgardner, me either, it was doing this in Prague and the ureadahead fix made it better, but seems to not have fixed it14:24
lamontsmb: yeah, I can test for you14:25
tgardnerpgraner, all ureadahead did was free some mem which just pushed back the time when swapping started14:25
pgranertgardner, my netbook has 2gig and it never swaps (cuz I didn't crate a swap partition on the SSD)14:25
tgardnerpgraner, same with mine, i.e., no swap14:25
pgranertgardner, understand, but its similiar symptoms, due to that the ureadahead I never noticed this14:26
tgardnerlemme wrap up a few things and I'll go play with my SSD based machine on Maverik14:26
smblamont, Currently uploading the 64bit versions to people.c.c which have been at least booting on the generic version. So 64bit should be available in a couple of minutes14:26
lamontcool.  say when/where and I'll go grab it for testing14:28
amitkpgraner: do you have some power save mechanism enabled for the disk? e.g. sata link controller14:30
pgraneramitk, nope14:33
pgraneramitk, stock out of the box14:33
smblamont, 64bit test kernels ready at http://people.canonical.com/~smb/lp620994/ , the 32bit versions will follow later (and if I may add a little whining here: it would all be quicker if I would be able to scp from tangerine to people directly :-P)14:37
lamontsmb: yes, I'm very familiar with that challenge14:39
tgardnerogasawara_, lemme know when you're done on tangerine so I can bounce for the -security kernel14:52
lamontsmb: so... good news, bad news... domU boots14:54
lamontError: /usr/lib64/xen/bin/xc_restore 23 7 1 2 0 0 0 failed14:54
smbHm, any kernel errors?14:55
jdstrandfyi, since lp deleted the last kernel, I made the previous hardy kernel available in ubuntu-security-proposed, with appropriate warnings etc in the bug14:55
lamont[  381.653530] audit(1282571471.116:7): dev=vif7.0 prom=256 old_prom=0 auid=429496729514:56
lamontand some entries about learning, propagating, forwarding, disabled, disabled state for vif7.014:56
smbjdstrand, Yep, saw that.14:56
lamontthat is all dmesg has14:56
lamontand daemon.log looks pretty benign14:56
smblamont, Darn, not very helpful. Not being familiar with xen, so what should xc_restore do?14:57
lamontI'll admit to using xen, not to understanding it14:58
lamontbasically, the guest has a golden image that is being restored.  I additionally rebuilt said image from scratch, to the same result14:58
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
smblamont, Somehow the paste looks like the errors are in bringing down several interfaces. But then it claims success anyway... Confusing15:03
smblamont, Is the end result a usable DomU or one without any networking?15:03
lamontI'm sshed into domU15:04
lamontso that feels like "networking" :-D15:04
smblamont, Also, even if that maybe should be obvious, were those errors probably there before? :) Ok, I'd be counting this as network, too15:04
lamonthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/482413/ <-- smb: the previous reset of the (then up) guest15:06
smbLooks shorter but also has the error about brctl failing15:08
smblamont, jdstrand I wonder whether jj knows the xen output better to tell whether this is bad or ok... 15:09
jdstrandmaybe. zul might as well15:10
jdstrandzul: would you mind taking a look at ^15:10
smbIt is at least not crashing anymore. But I want to be a bit more confidence before calling this a fix15:10
jdstrandsmb: what I would like to do when you are ready is to build the kernel in the ubuntu-security ppa, copy it to hardy-proposed and get feedback in the bug from the reporters/subscribers15:12
jdstrandsmb: once we have positive feedback, I can publish to -security15:12
jdstrandsmb: for you, just use 'hardy-security' as the distribution name and I'll take care of the rest15:13
smbjdstrand, The test kernels I am uploading to the people page are exactly that. Based of the last release and the patch added15:13
smbI just did not finalize it15:13
smbSo the version number is smaller that the actual security release15:13
jdstrandsmb: sounds great. I too would like some more feedback from zul and jj15:13
lamontsmb: I'd be -1 with the current state15:14
jdstrandsmb: but when you feel they are ready for wider testing, let me know15:14
smbjdstrand, Exactly. As soon as we are confident about the fix. I would finalize the source package and all. But at the moment as lamont says there might be issues and this might not be the final resolution15:15
jdstrandsmb: I was just trying to communicate my plan. specifically, not going straight to -security15:15
smbjdstrand, Ah, maybe missed that. Ok with that15:16
smblamont, Another question for my understanding: is the same kernel used for the host and the guest or are they different?15:18
smbOk, thanks15:19
jdstrandsmb: oh, I missed your comment regarding test kernels in the bug15:19
jdstrandsmb: sorry for the confusion15:19
smbjdstrand, np. we might have been adding comments around the same time15:20
jdstrandyes I think so15:20
jdstrandsmb: anyway, people testing your kernels is just fine by me15:20
smbyeah does not matter exactly from where they come. And coming from a people page might stress more on the "this is maybe not final" thing15:22
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pmatulishow can i troubleshoot a network module (igb) having difficulty with bonding when booting?  need to manually load 'bonding' module15:26
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ogasawaratgardner: go ahead and bounce tangerine15:55
tgardnerogasawara, ack15:55
bjfSarvatt: wecome aboard15:56
Sarvattthanks bjf! :)16:00
JFoyeah Sarvatt great to have you! :)16:05
vanhoofpgraner: ping16:20
pgranervanhoof, yo16:20
vanhoofpgraner: yooo16:20
vanhoofpgraner: can you add ~canonical-hwe-team to c-k-t in lp?16:20
* pgraner looks16:20
vanhoofpgraner: getting Sarvatt setup, so adding our team to yours should get him access indirectly16:21
vanhoofotherwise if you want, just add sarvatt16:21
Sarvattsorry for the trouble, and thanks :)16:22
pgranerSarvatt, whats your lp id?16:23
pgranervanhoof, I'm going to add him as that how all the hew guys are done16:23
bjfSarvatt: that's very tricky of you :-)16:23
vanhoofpgraner: cool16:24
pgranerSarvatt, vanhoof: done16:24
Sarvattpgraner: thanks a ton!16:24
pgranerSarvatt, np16:24
smbtgardner, tangerine bounced ok and I can use it again?16:25
tgardnersmb, yep16:25
smbok. ta16:25
JFobjf, do you have a minute to help me test out my desktop mumble settings in the Ad-hoc room??16:41
smbJFo, I won't be able to join the bug review call as I am still busy with the xen regression16:59
JFosmb, no sweat17:00
JFothanks for the heads-up17:00
smbIt more a head down. And sort of late... 17:00
ogasawaramanjo: there's a work item you have for the kernel-maverick-config-review - "investigate memory stick options and produce proposal"17:23
ogasawaramanjo: I actually have no recollection of what the reasoning behind that was for or the proposal that was going to be produced.17:24
ogasawaramanjo: just curious if you still have that on your radar? or is it something we should just postpone and readdress for Natty?17:24
jdstrandlamont: you mentioned a 'pristine' image for your xen instance. how do you guys do snapshots with xen. I have xen setup here on some real hardware and am looking for anohter test case...17:26
jdstrandsmb: I just rebooted into the .75 kernel after setting up on i386. my trace is very similar but slightly different than what is in the report17:30
smbjdstrand, Without using xen?17:32
jdstrandsmb: I setup hardy/xen on some real hardware with the -xen kernel. Got it all working with .73. Rebooted into .75 and have a similar but slightly different trace17:33
smbjdstrand, Ok, sort of gives a test system and shows the issue. Can you pastbin the trace?17:35
jdstrandsmb: actually, I attached it to the bug17:35
jdstrandsmb: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54226707/620994.log17:35
jdstrandsmb: this machine is dedicated to testing this bug atm, so just let me know what you want me to test17:36
smbjdstrand, Ah ok. Seems splitup can also be a single page which then gets avoided and ends in a zero range 17:37
jdstrandjjohansen: re me testing> ^17:38
smbjdstrand, Basically there are two approaches. #1 don't avoid touching the guard page in mlock. Which could be used to use mlock to grow the stack17:38
smb#2 implement even better testing that in my version 1 of patches17:38
smbWhich I am currently trying to implement17:38
jdstrandI have only the highest level understanding of the issue, as I came into this CVE late in the game. I'm happy with what you decide and am able to test17:39
jjohansenI think #2 is probably the way to go17:40
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jjohansenthough /me is still trying to catchup on this one17:40
smbI guess yes. (which will need some fixing in more recent kernels too). Seems in the older version I actually can make use of the fact that mlock there actually passes around the previous vma pointer.17:41
smbBut I need to be carefull17:41
jdstrandit would seem #2 is the better of the two, since it seems closest to upstream intent17:41
smbFor Jaunty to Lucid/Maverick we might take the upstream version (after a bit of cooking there)17:42
manjoogasawara, I think we can move it for N17:54
ogasawaramanjo: ack, will get it moved.  thanks.17:54
manjoogasawara, I don't think I will have the bandwidth to do any investigation this cycle 17:54
manjoogasawara, thanks17:54
ogasawaraJFo: I've moved your kernel triage summit work items to have a maverick-beta milestone since a 10.10.10 milestone will be too late.18:00
JFonot sure what you mean ogasawara 18:02
ogasawaraJFo: you had some work items for organizing the triage summit (in the kernel-maverick-bug-handling bp).  I thought you'd set the date to be sept 11 for that?18:03
lamontjdstrand: lvm snapshotting.  I'm a bit fuzzy on it, but can point at the scriptages18:04
ogasawaraJFo: assuming that date is still correct, the work items for organizing I suspect would need to be done by maverick-beta (sept 2).18:04
lamontsmb: any new news?18:04
smblamont, Not finite ones. I think I got something better, but probably would let jjohansen look over the patch and then start building it18:06
JFoogasawara, oh heh yeah, sorry. my brain is moving way slow18:06
jdstrandlamont: nah, thanks. it sounds like you are probably doing it outside of the xen-tools commands18:07
lamontjdstrand: I'm pretty sure our use predates those commands18:08
smoserhey all. is there an expected/target date for the next lucid SRU kernel ?18:19
bjfsmoser, it's looking like the end of next month right now18:20
smoserfor entry into -proposed ?18:20
bjfsmoser, honestly, there is a proposed in right now and then a security upload and then the following will be the next regular upload18:21
bjfsmoser, ack18:21
smosercan i see the changelog for the "proposed in right now" ?18:22
bjfsmoser: is there one you are looking for?18:22
bjfsmoser, commit that is18:23
rabidsnailHi all.18:23
rabidsnailIs there any way I can tell the kernel "don't allow this process to access swap; when I run out of physical memory, fire a signal"?18:24
smoserbjf, bug 574910 is what i am hoping for18:24
bjfsmoser, if you are asking about the patch jj posted on friday, that's not in proposed18:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 574910 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) (and 4 other projects) "High load averages on Lucid while idling (affects: 25) (dups: 3) (heat: 174)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57491018:24
smoseryeah, i was hoping18:24
bjfsmoser: it's going to be at least 3 weeks before that gets into proposed, and probably not that soon18:25
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-lunch
smoserbjf, thanks for your time.18:26
lagdpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-image-2.6.35-18-omap not in control info18:43
lagWhat does that mean?18:43
smboften that you forgot to run clean18:44
lagI thought control was built by fdr clean18:44
lagThe scripts run clean18:44
smbThen it depends whether there is the right info in debian/control.d to include that arch/flavour in the control file18:45
lagOkay, I'll look into it18:46
smblag Is this a new flavour?18:46
lagI've built it 100's of times before18:46
tgardnerlag, lucid?18:47
lagtgardner: Maverick18:47
lagThe build before it said something about a stamp18:49
tgardnerlag, its in the debian/control that I just generated. 18:50
lagI've fdr cleaned manually and rebuilding 18:50
lagI'll let you know if it's still an issue 18:51
* tgardner lunches19:21
jdstrandjjohansen, smb: fyi-- I only have i386 available for testing the xen issue19:43
jdstrandjjohansen, smb: so whenever you are ready, please also compile i38619:43
jjohansenjdstrand: hrmm, okay I can install an amd6419:43
jjohansenjdstrand: actually smb kicked off the compiles19:44
smbI am compiling both. Though i386 is slower19:44
* jjohansen notes it would sure help if x86 virtualization could be nested19:44
smbjdstrand, Do you have access to tangerine?19:45
jjohansensmb: I don't believe he does but I can copy kernels out for him19:46
jdstrandsmb: I do not19:46
smbjjohansen, Ok, amd64 is done already, but i386 is still doing xen, so that takes a bit more.19:47
smbAlso note that this is a totally untested version19:47
jjohansensmb: yep :)19:47
=== sconklin-lunch is now known as sconklin
lamontjdstrand: it also didn't fit my use model.  I see the guest exist, but when we save it and then try to restore, it falls flat20:12
lamontthat is, when I rebuilt it (which does a wipe-n-build, save, restore), the guest was pingable for many of the steps, and then failed to restore in the end20:13
smbjjohansen, jdstrand its probably not really useful, but the i386 build on tangerine finished now as well20:17
jjohansensmb: thanks, I'll copy it over for jd20:18
jdstrandit is quite useful to me, it is all I can test :)20:21
smbjjohansen, When looking at the patches, the mistake might be trying to avoid find_vma in the checking function...20:22
smbjdstrand, Only unusful insofar as lamont is not happy with the 64bit version20:22
jjohansenright, I was thinking that may be an issue20:23
smbI hoped that it would be possible to avoid it as do_mlock uses find_vma_prev and passes in the prev pointer.20:23
jdstrandah, I missed that :)20:24
jjohansensmb: right20:25
smbjdstrand, I hope with the current patch it will be relatively simple to make a version with find_vma. That could even skip the new variable and do the checking below. Just be aware not to change anything around the splitting. openvz patches break if touching that. the custom-binaries are so much fun... :-P20:26
* smb feels like he needs to go away from the keyboard when already mixing up names20:27
ogasawaraslangasek: are you on archive admin duty today?  If so, could I get the 2.6.35-18.24 kernels in the new queue processed?20:28
jjohansenhehe, smb go eod already :)20:29
* smb hears and obeys20:29
jdstrandjjohansen, lamont, smb: rebooting with pre3 on i386 doesn't trace back, but gives:20:29
jdstrandError: /usr/lib/xen/bin/xc_restore 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 failed20:30
jdstrandlet me try with .73 to be sure20:30
lamontjdstrand: different numbers here, but same answer: Error: /usr/lib64/xen/bin/xc_restore 23 5 1 2 0 0 0 failed20:34
slangasekogasawara: yes, will do20:38
jdstrandjjohansen, lamont, smb: k, I rebooted with .73 with a guest that was running (ie, it triggers xc_restore on boot) with no error20:45
jjohansenjdstrand: thanks20:46
* ogasawara lunch20:58
AkendoHi gyus20:58
AkendoSomeone know, about a bug by compiling a kernel with a gcc4.4 under Ubuntu 10.04? 21:00
bjfAkendo: what does 'gcc --version' return?21:16
Akendoroot@akendo:~/kernel/linux- gcc --version21:17
Akendogcc (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.321:17
AkendoCopyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.21:17
AkendoThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO21:17
bjfAkendo: ok, that looks like the stock gcc21:17
Akendostock gcc?21:17
bjfAkendo: lucid one21:18
bjfAkendo: what "bug" are you referring to?21:18
AkendoMy config to compile the kernel do not work anymore21:18
bjfAkendo: then i'd suspect your config changes and no the compiler, are you saying you can't build the kernel?21:19
AkendoI've tryed to compile the but now getting after a successfully compiling the errror during the boot " no sync fs" but the same confi runns with the 2.6.34 without a doubt....21:20
bjfAkendo: have you tried using our 2.6.35 kernel?21:21
AkendoWas my first guess too, tried with complete new config :/ 21:22
bjfAkendo: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.35.3-maverick/21:22
AkendoNice :D, i will give it a try :/21:23
bjfAkendo: hold on one sec. looking for another url for you :-)21:24
AkendoVery kind of you ;-)21:24
AkendoDon't end this in a error using a kernel from a (testing) next release?21:25
bjfAkendo: I don't understand that last question21:26
AkendoIf i install a kernel that is for the next Ubuntu release, shout this not made an error in the current running system? 21:27
\_^_\I hav esome questions regarding #616501.21:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 616501 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel > 2.6.32-20 doesn’t boot, /dev/disk/by-uuid/... not found (affects: 1) (heat: 582)" [Undecided,New]21:28
bjfAkendo: could be that's why i'm trying to find you a different link, we have a "maverick" kernel on lts package that i'm looking for21:28
\_^_\Every kernel after 2.6.32-20 (Ubuntu) doesn't boot with root=UUID=.. option.21:29
tgardnerbjf, http://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa21:29
bjftgardner: thanks!21:29
\_^_\But when I change it to root=/dev/... it works.21:29
bjfAkendo: ^21:29
Akendoi also use this21:29
AkendoThere was some errors in the history with that, don't like uuid21:30
\_^_\The hard drive is a PATA. As far as I know there was some change regarding PATA in kernel.21:30
bjfAkendo: hmm, don't know about that issue, maybe tgardner is aware of it21:30
\_^_\However I want to find out why this happens. So where should I start investigating.21:30
AkendoI remeber this problem a time ago21:31
Akendoi guess that was why i prefer self compiled kernels21:32
bjfAkendo: the thing is, if there is an issue with that kernel, we'd like to know about it and get it fixed for everyone21:33
bjfAkendo: that way we keep the kernel up-to-date for you (you have better things to do than build kernels) :-)21:34
Akendonormaly it's just 1 min work so i dones't care. It's also easyare than running a gentoo :D21:34
bjfAkendo: so, that's my recommendation, not sure i helped you out or not21:35
Akendowe will see21:35
AkendoWas just wondering, normaly there was no problem doing it. But i has removed some old stuff an i still used the gcc-4.2 21:36
Akendoi  think after switch to a newer version, he miss something ... but not sure about :/21:37
* jjohansen -> Lunch21:38
AkendoBut thanks for the help21:40
bjf\_^_\: that bug has a work around specified in it, have you tried that?21:45
bjf\_^_\: comment #521:46
\_^_\bjf: comment #1--#5 are mine. So I tried everything which is written there. ;)21:48
bjf\_^_\: so you have a workaround, i've added it to the list of bugs that the kernel team will discuss tomorrow morning21:55
\_^_\bjf: Great. Thanks. If I can do anything to help, please add a comment to my report.21:57
bjf\_^_\: will do21:57
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