
godbykI don't see anything useful there that you've missed.00:00
godbykHeh.. yeah, that's when Ben and I were blue-skying.00:00
ChrisWoollardAre there any paste bins or etherpads that you know of?00:01
godbykHeh.  Well, here are the ones I've collected over time.  Hasn't been updated in a while, though, so it's probably missing newer stuff: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UMPpads00:02
godbykFeel free to add to it.00:02
ChrisWoollardShould I add all of them or just some of them or just link to this pad?00:03
godbykAdd to what?00:04
ChrisWoollardthe notes page00:04
ChrisWoollarda link to the pad00:05
godbykYou could it you wanted to, I s'pose.00:05
godbykAs long as people realize that the pads are likely out of date and may no longer be applicable to anything. :)00:05
ChrisWoollardI have looked and I don't think much of that is applicable to the general populus of the project00:07
godbykProbably not.00:07
ChrisWoollardAhhhh. I know what I wanted to link to. The Style Guide for non irc people.00:07
godbykAh, good idea.00:09
godbykWe need to go through that sometime and update it, too.00:09
ChrisWoollardAnother thing. the topic of this channel still only says Lucid Edition 1 released00:09
godbykThere are new/updated commands we should mention.  We also need to add lots of non-LaTeX stuff to it.00:09
godbykI'll try to figure out how to change the topic.00:10
godbyk(Have to figure out how to invoke op abilities first.)00:10
ChrisWoollard\msg chanserv recover00:11
ChrisWoollardi think00:11
Omegarecover deops everyone00:15
Omegaand +im the channel00:15
OmegaIf you want anyone to be able to change the topic00:15
Omega-t the channel00:15
godbykOmega: I just want to change it once.00:16
godbykI think I'm on the channel ops list, but I've never invoked op power before.00:16
ChrisWoollardjust do \msg chanserv recover #ubuntu-manual00:17
ChrisWoollardwith the correct slash00:17
ChrisWoollardor look at \msg chanserv help00:18
godbykChrisWoollard: Tried that. I get an error telling my I'm not a channel operator.00:18
ChrisWoollardMaybe you don't have permissions00:18
Omegadon't recover00:18
godbykOmega: Understood. :)00:19
Omegarecover only works for founder00:19
godbykMakes sense.00:19
Omega/msg chanserv op #ubuntu-manual00:19
OmegaAnd it doesn't do what you want it to do00:19
Omegait _recovers_ the channel00:19
ChrisWoollardok, fair enough00:19
=== godbyk changed the topic of #ubuntu-manual to: Ubuntu Manual Project discussion | Lucid Edition 2 released! Go and download/buy it | Style Guide: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf | Website: http://ubuntu-manual.org | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual | IRC logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu Guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Code of Conduct: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
Omega(from evil)00:19
Omegadeops everyone00:19
Omegamutes the channel00:19
Omegaand make it invite only00:19
ChrisWoollardDoesn't that depend on the flags that have been set00:20
godbykOmega: I see now.  Thanks for the help!00:20
godbykChaneserv op'd me when I asked it politely.00:20
Omega/msg chanserv op #ubuntu-manual Omega00:20
Omegaalso works :P00:20
godbykThe last time I was an op in an irc channel, we just kept op on all the time.  I didn't have to op/deop.  (I think it was EFnet in the 90s.)00:21
godbykOmega: Heh.. I bet! :)00:21
OmegaAnd EFnet still doesn't have services (except chanfix)00:21
OmegaFreenode is much cooler00:22
godbykI was poking around the freenode.net site and couldn't find anything explaining that process.  There's a guideline against keeping op privs, but nothing about how to actually keep/release them (that I noticed).00:22
godbykEFnet *still* doesn't have chanserv and the like?00:22
OmegaYou can't register a nick00:23
Omegaso people steal nicks00:23
OmegaLike, I recently lost 'Omega' there.00:24
ChrisWoollardWell, I have also learnt a couple of things. Thanks Omega00:24
OmegaNo problem.00:24
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: I have created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/maverick/todo00:32
ChrisWoollardCan you start to populate it.00:32
ChrisWoollardAnd maybe get others to populate it.00:33
godbykFor to do items, it might be better to use bugs or blueprints on launchpad.00:33
ChrisWoollardTrue, but it was only supposed to be a summary.00:37
ChrisWoollardto try to gather some information together in a organised way.00:40
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: ping00:49
godbykChrisWoollard: pong00:50
ChrisWoollardJust to let you know. I am going away for a few days. I don't know how much Internet access I will have. So that may mean that I won't be around for a few days trying to organise everybody.00:51
ChrisWoollardGoodness knows how I even started to do that anyway.00:52
godbykHave fun!00:52
godbykYeah, I started out on this project just working on the book design stuff.  Now I do.. more than that. :)00:52
ChrisWoollardI would have expected Ben t direct more, but I don't see much off him.00:53
godbykYeah, he's not been around much lately.00:55
ChrisWoollardWHat is he up to?00:55
godbykA lot of other people who used to be around a lot haven't been around for a while, either.00:55
godbykI think he's been busy with school and his OMG! Ubuntu!-related stuff.00:55
ChrisWoollardI hope nobody minds my organisation efforts.01:00
godbykI think they're appreciated.01:01
godbykI know I certainly appreciate them.01:01
godbykI've been busy with work and dissertation stuff lately and haven't had time to orchestrate everything here.01:01
ChrisWoollardThat's good.01:01
ChrisWoollardAnyway, I need to go to bed. See you whenever next time is (a few days probably).01:02
godbyk'kay. G'night, ChrisWoollard.  Thanks for your help!01:04
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ChrisWoollardhey ben11:06
ChrisWoollardhow do you feel now?11:08
humphreybcnot too bad, still got this damn cough11:08
ChrisWoollardHave a look at the wiki. I did some organisation.11:09
humphreybci have a tonne of work to do before the break which is this friday11:09
humphreybcyeah, i saw11:09
humphreybcgood thinking11:09
humphreybc(i'm subscribed to the /ubuntu-manual wiki so i see all changes)11:09
ChrisWoollardi am going on vation for a few days now, so see you later11:11
ChrisWoollardcan you also write me a testimonial on my wiki?11:12
humphreybcI'll try to get around to it11:14
humphreybcI need to make a list of these11:14
nisshhhumphreybc: your that popular are you? :)11:14
ChrisWoollardI also have list from loads of people.11:16
ChrisWoollardjenkins, godbyk, dakar.... etc etc...11:16
nisshhhumphreybc: should all new bugs against the manual be pointed at maverick release?11:23
ChrisWoollardunless they are translation issues.11:28
=== daker_ is now known as daker
humphreybchey daker13:58
dakerwhat's up ?13:59
humphreybci'm just about to go to sleep14:22
humphreybcbattery is dead14:22
humphreybchow are the new sites?14:22
dakerthey are standby for a while14:27
dakerfor 2 or 3 days14:27
dakeri am working on something related  to UEC14:27
nisshhhumphreybc: just quick before you go, you mentioned something about a new site design for OMG the other day, whats with that?14:28
nisshhwell, that worked well...14:41
dutchiehow odd14:44
dutchieguy who sent me an email about translations just started chatting with me on jabber14:44
dutchiei said "so you want to translate?", he said "how do you know?" so i replied "you sent me an email", then he disconnected14:44
nisshhheh, that is strange14:45
dutchiehmm, i think translation focus should be e214:59
askhl_Right, but the translation focus has changed back and forth recently, how about trying not to change it before it's really necessary?  I think also that translators should be advised, possibly *required*, to msgmerge from the e1 po-file.  Otherwise it's too much wasted time15:18
askhl_as people will gladly start translating e2 even if there are suggestions for e115:18
dpmaskhl_ <gettingtechnical> a comment on msgmerge: Launchpad should take care of that. You shouldn't need to msgmerge strings manually unless you are trying to reuse obsolete translations (i.e. to use strings which might normally be fuzzy but that LP does not show)</gettingtechnical>15:23
askhl_dpm, fuzzies are essential in documentation translations such as those in the ubuntu manual.  Particularly since lots of strings have tiny typo fixes, maybe single-character fixes, which will invalidate the entire string if there's no explicit fuzzy-support15:24
dpmaskhl_ yeah, I just wanted to make sure you meant that use case for the need of msgmerge15:25
askhl_Basically it's much more important for ubuntu-manual than it is for applications15:25
dutchiegodbyk: ping15:47
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* jenkins goes to install mavrick20:12
=== mrjazzcat-afk is now known as mrjazzcat
jenkinswell the mavrick installer is not working21:45
MuscovyI couldn't install until alpha3.21:47
jenkinsI was effected by a bug that effects all usb drives made on lucid and below. then the installer would not work in various ways21:54
MuscovyI hit that, so I just burned a CD.21:57
MuscovyI never got beyond booting with the USB drive though.21:58
jenkinsthere is a fix for it in the bug, I find a cd is slow22:17
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg

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