
dholbachgood morning08:35
bilalakhtartumbleweed: around?09:33
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: yes09:34
bilalakhtartumbleweed: did you get my mail?09:34
bilalakhtarThanks in advance!09:35
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: you don't want to see my inbox :P (yes I did)09:35
bilalakhtarhehe, thanks tumbleweed !09:35
bilalakhtarTyT, I just thought if I sent to the right address, since you have so many09:35
tumbleweedhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cosme/ubuntu/maverick/freeimage/freeimage/+merge/33347 <- is it possible to switch from orig.tar.gz -> bz2 without an upstream version bump?10:14
directhextumbleweed, i don't think so10:17
tumbleweedthat's what I thought :)10:18
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bilalakhtar+$(RM) libdumb.so10:58
bilalakhtar^^ is the only diff remaining from Debian after a merge10:58
bilalakhtarwhat should I do10:58
bilalakhtarI prefer sync and forward to Debian10:58
bilalakhtarThis diff removes the shared library after a clean10:59
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: does that make any difference to the build? or is it only needed when working on the package?11:06
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I have alreadyu requested sync11:06
bilalakhtartumbleweed: no it doesn't make any difference to the build11:06
tumbleweedthat's what I'd do then11:06
bilalakhtartumbleweed: bhavani already requested sync, what happened there?11:09
tumbleweedrequestsync checks for existing syncs, but there is probably some lag in processing e-mail sync requests11:09
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I requested a new sync, ah it came bug #62263011:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622630 in audacious-dumb (Ubuntu) "Sync audacious-dumb 0.57-1.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62263011:11
bilalakhtartumbleweed: should I mark mine dup?11:11
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: oh, well there you go. bhavani didn't use request sync :) shout at him :P11:12
bilalakhtartumbleweed: so would you prefer his or mine?11:13
tumbleweeddid you read his one?11:13
tumbleweedit's incomplete because it didn't build11:13
bilalakhtartumbleweed: it builds here11:14
bilalakhtartumbleweed: wait I am trying another ubild, this time with latest updates11:15
bilalakhtartumbleweed: BRB in 10 mins11:15
tumbleweedok, cool. mark his as a duplicate of yours (or vice versa)11:15
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I will see after this build succeeds11:15
bilalakhtarit should11:15
bilalakhtartumbleweed: NO11:19
bilalakhtartumbleweed: BUILD HAS FAILED!11:19
bilalakhtartumbleweed: CANCEL ACK_SYNC!11:19
tumbleweedindeed it has11:19
bilalakhtarit built on my PPA11:19
bilalakhtartumbleweed: it has? what do you mean by that?11:20
tumbleweedit has failed11:20
tumbleweedmicahg: you subscribed ubuntu-sponsors to bug #614912, but in it you say you want two acks first. I only see one.11:30
and471tumbleweed, thanks again for the sponsor11:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614912 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Fix description after update" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61491211:30
ari-tczewhello tumbleweed, nice to see you :P I've got case for you :)11:35
tumbleweederr, yeah?11:35
ari-tczewtumbleweed: oh, I wanted ping you on bug agg, just you touch it11:35
ari-tczewbtw. tumbleweed, are you familiar with NMU11:36
tumbleweedin debian?11:36
AnAntI don't think that this diff: $(RM) <some binary file> is needed11:36
ari-tczewtumbleweed: yea in Debian11:36
AnAntbecause the binary file , if it doesn't get cleaned, it won't be represented in debdiff anyways11:37
AnAntbilalakhtar: ^11:37
tumbleweedAnAnt: yes, that's waht we were saying. But the package can't be synced because it doesn't build11:37
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes, but I'm not a DD so I need sponsorship for NMUs11:38
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I wanted to ask whether NMU phrase in debian/changelog in version is necessary?11:38
tumbleweedI think policy requires it11:38
bilalakhtarAnAnt: Back11:39
ari-tczewtumbleweed: answering to your comment, I forgot to did bzr add :(11:39
bilalakhtarAnAnt: yes it doesn't build, so I am lookin at what can be done11:39
tumbleweedari-tczew: it's a "must" in Debian Developer's Reference, section 5.11.211:39
ari-tczewtumbleweed: you wrote: Unnecessary diversion from debian11:40
ari-tczewI did this, because I remember that some sponsors poke me for fixing lintian's warnings11:41
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes, we want to be able to sync again in the future11:41
ari-tczewI know that we shouldn't change Debian package most11:41
tumbleweedI used to prod sponsorees about lintian warnings when I was new to it, but I've become more conservative11:41
tumbleweedif the lintian warning is about something serious, then deal with it (i.e. read the warnings)11:42
tumbleweedbut if not, ignore it. (Most packages generate a few warnings)11:42
ari-tczewtumbleweed: so do you suggest to drop these 2 changes?11:43
ari-tczewin debian/control and debian/README.source11:43
ari-tczewtumbleweed: ok, I'll drop it, but please don't remember this as my technical-issues. I just do it, because in the past I've been warned to fixing lintian's warning, ok?11:44
tumbleweedari-tczew: I won't hold it against you :)11:44
ari-tczewtumbleweed: ok. I asked you about NMU because I'd like to try get first NMU through forwarding this change to Debian. what do you think about it?11:46
bilalakhtartumbleweed: As for that FTBFS, I got it11:46
tumbleweedari-tczew: sounds good11:46
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: great11:46
bilalakhtartumbleweed: now confirming it by a build11:47
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I'd like to prepare SRUs for other releases. are you interested in sponsoring?11:47
bilalakhtaractually, recently the ubuntu devs splitted the audacious-dev package11:47
tumbleweedari-tczew: sure11:48
ari-tczewtumbleweed: what do you think about adding both tags LP: # and Closes: # ?11:48
ari-tczewI think that it's good.11:48
ari-tczewinto debian/changelog of course11:49
tumbleweedif it's an ubuntu upload and the debian bug is linked to the lp one, it probably isn't necessary. For debian uploads one does see people doing this11:49
ari-tczewtumbleweed: so do you want to see only LP: # ?11:50
tumbleweedari-tczew: I don't mind, up to you11:50
ari-tczewtumbleweed: are sure about dropping Depends: ${misc:Depends} ?11:52
ari-tczewis it nothing important?11:52
tumbleweedari-tczew: you can see if it's important, by seeing what gets substituted11:53
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I've tested package and it can be installed without this change.11:53
tumbleweedI'd assume that, yes11:53
ari-tczewtumbleweed:  review:  Resubmit12:00
bilalakhtartumbleweed: no it isn't working, I think I should let Bhavani work on this one; he came here first12:00
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: ok, mark as dup12:00
tumbleweedari-tczew: I understand "review: resubmit" to mean that the merge should be resubmitted. To actually resubmit, you set the status to resubmit (but I'm reviewing anyway, so rather don't)12:02
AnAnthow can I unpack an .egg file ?12:03
tumbleweedAnAnt: it's a zip file12:03
ari-tczewtumbleweed: so in future should I use 'comment only'?12:03
tumbleweedno, if you set the status to resubmit, it creates a new merge proposal12:04
tumbleweedi.e. it resubmits it12:04
ari-tczewtumbleweed: is it wrong?12:04
tumbleweedis what wrong?12:04
ari-tczewtumbleweed: setting resubmit12:06
tumbleweedari-tczew: no, but now it's unecessary, because I knew what you meant12:08
AnAnttumbleweed: tried unzip, but didn't work12:09
tumbleweedAnAnt: no clue then. Python eggs are definitly zip files12:10
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ari-tczewtumbleweed: ok thanks for sponsoring, I'll prepare patches for lucid, karmic and jaunty12:23
Bachstelzetumbleweed: should I make a debdiff against maverick for #622319 ? I see you unsubscribed sponsors12:24
ari-tczewBachstelze: please use on IRC phrase: bug 62231912:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622319 in opensc (Ubuntu Lucid) "Storing RSA key on EnterSafe smart card fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62231912:25
tumbleweedBachstelze: ubuntu has already diverged from debian (in maverick) so yes that sounds sensible12:26
tumbleweedBachstelze: obviously make sure debian has the patch, (and any other patches we have applied to their source)12:26
ari-tczewtumbleweed: Artur: Please pass debian the correct patch, rather than just a LP Link - what do you mean?12:29
tumbleweedthe current debian patch contains a bug report, and a link to the lp bug12:32
tumbleweed"the current debian bug report"12:32
ari-tczewtumbleweed: but it's not me do this...12:32
tumbleweedwhat do you mean?12:33
ari-tczewtumbleweed: please look at field "From:" on Debian's bug12:33
ari-tczewit's not me12:33
tumbleweedyes? that doesn't mean you can't contribute a fix12:34
ubottuDebian bug 575620 in libagg-dev "libagg-dev: no #include for INT_MAX and abs" [Minor,Open]12:34
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I always sending a patch to Debian, but after sponsorship in Ubuntu.12:34
ari-tczewYou said that this "only give link to LP" is my change, but it is not.12:35
tumbleweedok, that's great. I didn't say that change was yours12:35
tumbleweedor at least I didn't mean to imply that12:36
ari-tczewtumbleweed: ok, no problem. Scarely after sponsorship in Ubuntu, because then I'm sure that my patch is correct.12:36
tumbleweedthat works for me12:36
* ari-tczew is hungry, going away. Later back to work.12:37
Bachstelzetumbleweed: debdiff for Maverick posted, should I resubscribe -sponsors?12:56
tumbleweedBachstelze: normally yes, but I'll look now, so don't worry12:57
Bachstelzeokay, thanks12:57
tumbleweedBachstelze: any reason why you are removing dead code?12:58
tumbleweedit seems somewhat unecessary12:59
Bachstelzebecause the upstream commit did it, but I guess we could keep it12:59
tumbleweedok, that's fine12:59
tumbleweedIt would be good if you linked to the upstream commit in the patch header. http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ is a good standard for describing patches13:00
ari-tczewwho is there a Debian Developer?13:03
Bachstelzetumbleweed: then there are two upstream commits modifying the same file, should I make a separate debian/patch with header for each one?  I think I read in the packaging guide that you should avoid having several patches modifying the same file13:09
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tumbleweedNo, you can just link to both of them13:12
Bachstelzetumbleweed: done13:27
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Bachstelzeargh, no, for some reason the second patch was left out13:30
lucasLP#518122 needs someone with some time (i.e not me) to do a no-changes upload to -updates13:51
ari-tczewis it require FFe? bug 62262614:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622626 in nlog (Ubuntu) "Please sync nlog 1.0+dfsg-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62262614:16
AnAntLaney: ^14:19
tumbleweedari-tczew: -1 -> -2 is *probably* ok14:19
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I'm confused. I remember discussion about FeatureFreeze that it's time for only bug-fixes upload.14:20
tumbleweedari-tczew: I haven't looked at the changelog. Is it a bugfix? (looks)14:21
AnAntit fixes a couple of Debian bugs14:21
ari-tczewLaney: can I get to know your opinion?14:21
tumbleweednone of those seem serious enough, but yes, ask Laney14:22
devfilari-tczew, it doesn't14:25
ari-tczewso I guess that it can't be passed without FFe14:26
devfilari-tczew, it doesn't require a FFe14:27
tumbleweedari-tczew: no it doesn't need one, the question is, is the upload necessary / helpful?14:27
ari-tczewdevfil: and can be synced?14:27
devfiltumbleweed, it is14:27
devfiltumbleweed, next time (maverick+1) the package will be autosynced so it's ok14:28
devfilari-tczew, yes14:28
tumbleweeddevfil: agreed re autosync, but I haven't looked at a debdiff, and some people have been grumbling about almost-no-change syncs14:29
ari-tczewdevfil, tumbleweed, AnAnt: I remember that some sponsors said me that syncs are not good during FF because it's getting some resources etc...14:30
devfiltumbleweed, looks like there are fixes14:30
ari-tczewpersonally I don't want fight with syncs during FeatureFreeze, it's OK for me, but now I'm confused and I'd like get to know opinion so loving Feature Freeze Laney14:31
tumbleweedari-tczew: if uploaded with syncpackage (which still seems to be a grey area), I don't see the difference between fixing a bug with a sync or an ubuntu1 upload. Except that the sync saves us work in the future14:33
Bachstelzetumbleweed: what's in the Ubuntu-Bug DEP3 field? (or where can I get it, it's not on archive.ubuntu.com yet)14:33
tumbleweedBachstelze: I added this below your Origin header: "Bug-Ubuntu: http://launchpad.net/bugs/622319" - you can see the upload here: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opensc14:34
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I agree with you, but as I said, I'm confused.14:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622319 in opensc (Ubuntu Lucid) "Storing RSA key on EnterSafe smart card fails" [Undecided,New]14:34
tumbleweedari-tczew: people may be concerned about new changes from debian causing regressions14:35
tumbleweeddevfil: seeing as you are here, did you see bug 620280? (I subscribed you)14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620280 in wxwidgets2.8 (Ubuntu) "tunapie crashes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62028014:37
devfiltumbleweed, it's pretty useless to subscribe me to a bug, just send me an email next time14:38
tumbleweeddevfil: aah, I thought LP sends an e-mail when you subscribe someone14:38
devfiltumbleweed, yes, but I receive a lot of emails from launchpad so I can miss someone14:39
tumbleweedright, that's why I'm pinging you :)14:39
devfiltumbleweed, will fix this ASAP (tomorrow) ;) thank you14:39
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smallfoot-package Firefox 4 beta and put it in repo15:17
micahgtumbleweed: sorry, I should've commented, you can be the second ack, I gave up on the review/papercuts team15:22
micahgsmallfoot-: it's on our list, chrisccoulson is actually fixing up Firefox 4 packaging so we can do that15:23
micahg*our = Ubuntu Mozilla Team15:23
smallfoot-will it be in maverick?15:26
chrisccoulsonsmallfoot-, no15:26
smallfoot-then where the hell will it be?15:26
chrisccoulsonsmallfoot-, it will be in a PPA15:27
smallfoot-long time ago ubuntu had firefox 2 installed by default, but in repo was available firefox 315:27
smallfoot-i think 4 should be in repo15:27
Bachstelzesmallfoot-: we're past Feature Freeze for Maverick IIRC15:28
Bachstelzeso no new packages15:28
chrisccoulsonsmallfoot- we aren't shipping a beta browser in the archive. we'll only be shipping a single version of firefox at any one time15:28
chrisccoulsonbut it will be available in a PPA (and the daily builds are already available)15:28
smallfoot-oh cool15:29
smallfoot-fair enough15:30
smallfoot-even though they ought to backport firefox 415:30
micahgsmallfoot-: who is they?15:31
smallfoot-canonical or whoever is responsible of putting stuff in the repository15:31
micahgsmallfoot-: we'll probably be backporting 4.1 or whatever is after 4.0, but that only happens when the default browser is EOL15:32
smallfoot-cuz it will be shit boring for ppl to run Firefox 3 on Ubuntu when all their friends on Windows have cool new Firefox 415:33
micahg!language | smallfoot-15:33
ubottusmallfoot-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:33
micahgsmallfoot-: that's what the PPA is for15:34
smallfoot-normal ppl dont use ppa, its only advanced users15:34
micahgsmallfoot-: no, normal people do use PPAs, if they have something that's wanted15:35
ari-tczewsmallfoot-: PPA is not hard to use15:35
smallfoot-i dont even know what PPAs exist15:35
ari-tczewyou can also create your own repository!15:35
vishmicahg: hmm?  "I gave up on the review/papercuts team" what do you mean?15:36
smallfoot-no cuz packaging stuff in ubuntu is impossible, you have to read 100 pages of stuff, download 100 stuffs, etc15:36
micahgvish: waiting for 2 ACKs like we discussed15:36
micahgsmallfoot-: we do the packaging, you just install15:36
ari-tczewnothing never was easy like snap at start15:37
vishmicahg: i dont understand , i already told you if its just to make it more specific , go ahead.. you hadnt replied on the bug and i had to poke you yesterday , not sure what else i'm supposed to do..15:37
ari-tczewsmallfoot-: do you want use PPA? you have to only add lines to /etc/apt/sources.list15:37
ari-tczewyou don;t need package if you don't want ...15:38
smallfoot-i would not manually edit configuraiton files with a text editor15:39
smallfoot-neither would anyone else that is not a nerd15:39
ari-tczewsmallfoot-: do you use gnome?15:40
ari-tczewsmallfoot-: then you can use graphic editor for /etc/apt/sources.list15:41
tumbleweedalso, you can add PPAs via software sources15:41
ari-tczewSystem -> Administration -> sources software15:42
tumbleweedbut smallfoot- is right, PPAs aren't for run-of-the-mill users, and that's correct. They can use the version of firefox that our mozilla team recommends and provides.15:42
smallfoot-then they will be stuck with firefox 3, while their friends with windows all can enjoy firefox 415:43
tumbleweedsmallfoot-: we can't provide the latest version of everything *and* stability, the two don't go hand in hand15:43
micahgsmallfoot-: that's the nature of the distro, stable releases don't change unless there are extenuating circumstances15:45
smallfoot-but im sure firefox 4  is perfectly stable on windows 715:45
smallfoot-how come you can run firefox 4 perfectly stable on windows 7, but not on ubuntu?15:45
micahgsmallfoot-: that's not the question, there are other apps that depend on a certain series of Firefox15:46
chrisccoulsonsmallfoot-, stability is not the only criteria. because it's still in beta, it doesn't have any security updates15:46
smallfoot-micahg, like which apps?15:48
chrisccoulsonsmallfoot-, "apt-cache rdepends xulrunner-1.9.2" ?15:48
smallfoot-chrisccoulson, thats why firefox3 should be installed by default, and firefox4 optional in repo15:48
smallfoot-xulrunner isnt firefox15:48
chrisccoulsonsmallfoot-, yes it is15:48
chrisccoulsonit's exactly the same codebase15:48
ari-tczewtumbleweed: bug 393923 needs some love :)15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393923 in agg (Debian) "agg_rasterizer_cells_aa.h missing #includes <limits.h> and <stdlib.h> so it doesn't compile on new GCC versions" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39392315:50
micahgsmallfoot-: we have 2 people working on Mozilla stuff at the moment, that's all, there are not enough resources to support 2 versions of Firefox in the repos, in addition that causes other problems with defaults/updates/conflicts15:50
tumbleweedari-tczew: tasks approved15:51
lfaraonemicahg: although pyxpcom is being packaged separately in Debian, you want it to have a maintainer who will keep it up-to-date with Firefox updates before you include it in Maverick, right?15:52
* lfaraone is writing an email summarizing the Sugar browser situation, and wants to make sure he understands it correctly.15:52
micahglfaraone: most likely yes since it seems to have been abandoned upstream, glandium said he'd talk to the Sugar team15:55
chrisccoulsonmicahg - did you have a look at the packaging?15:55
micahgchrisccoulson: I only had time to do a test build, not look in depth, and it builds itself at least with our xulrunner with the one caveat I told you about15:56
micahgthe next test would be to compile something against it15:56
chrisccoulsonis it installing components in to /usr/lib/xulrunner-
* micahg checks15:56
micahgchrisccoulson: yep, so you're right, we'll need to figure out a way around that15:57
chrisccoulsonyeah, we'll need to build those components in to an extension and install it that way i think15:57
chrisccoulsonthat should work15:58
micahgchrisccoulson: well, the problem is extensions don't have the same API access as pyxpcom15:59
chrisccoulsonit should be ok. it's shipping binary XPCOM components, and you can ship those in extensions and have the same level of access as you normally would15:59
Bachstelzelfaraone: since you're a DD, can I have a PM please? I'm lookin for a sponsor for my package in Debian16:00
lfaraonemicahg: I tested pyxpcom and it worked with sugar-browse-activity-*, at least.16:01
lfaraoneBachstelze: sure, although rarely are such things worthy of a PM rather than just public discussion :)16:01
Bachstelzewell, we're on an Ubuntu channel :p16:02
micahglfaraone: that's good at least16:03
ari-tczewlfaraone: are you DD?16:08
lfaraoneari-tczew: that's what people keep telling me.16:13
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lfaraonemicahg: oh, Mike Hommey == glandium. Right, he already sent us a mail (to debian-olpc-devel) asking us to test his package, which we did.16:33
lfaraonemicahg: speaking of which, do you have a link to the dsc of his package? I can't seem to find it on mozilla.debian.net anymore.16:36
* micahg wonders if it's past new16:36
micahglfaraone: http://people.debian.org/~glandium/pyxpcom_0.0~hg20100212-1.dsc16:37
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lfaraoneIf I have a local copy of the Ubuntu archive, can I mount that in pbuilder as the cached apt contents17:08
james_wlfaraone: not if it is laid out like a normal mirror of the Ubuntu archive, as the cached apt contents are a flat directory structure I believe17:09
tumbleweedlfaraone: but you can configure your pbuilder not to use a cache17:09
lfaraonejames_w: I used apt-mirror.17:10
tumbleweedjames_w: correct re structures17:10
lfaraonehmmm. could I have it mount the directory containing the mirror as an extra dir and just point to that folder in /etc/apt/sources.list?17:10
tumbleweedthat'd probably work17:11
tumbleweedpersonally, I just point my pbuilders at my local apt-cacher-ng (and have them not cache debs themselves)17:11
* lfaraone likes to be able to build packages without internet access, say, on the train, so it's useful to have a full copy of the archive.17:12
james_wlfaraone: yes, that would work. It would copy the packages around unless you disable the cache dir. I don't know if apt is sensible enough to just use the files on disk if it is a local mirror and there is no cache17:12
tumbleweedjames_w: it is if you use file:// urls17:12
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lfaraonehm. another thing I was looking at, I see that people use sbuild with aufs to mimick what is used on the buildds. Would it be possible to go further and use sbuild + tempfs with aufs? (so that the unpacking etc doesn't need to be done on the disk, it can just be done in RAM and discarded afterwards)17:14
tumbleweedlfaraone: I build in tmpfs, yes. But you need >4G of ram for most packages (haven't tried openoffice :) )17:17
lfaraonetumbleweed: hehe. I've 4G myself.17:17
tumbleweedtmpfs on /var/cache/pbuilder/build type tmpfs (rw,size=5G)17:17
tumbleweedhaven't run into issues with that17:18
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lfaraonemicahg: hmm. is it a known issue that xulrunner-1.9.2 stalls on "Setting up" when installing?19:01
micahglfaraone: no...it shouldn't19:02
micahgwhich release?19:02
lfaraonemicahg: on Maverick I attempted to build pyxpcom in pbuilder and xulrunner-bin was using 100% CPU. (and I left it there for an hour and a half)19:02
micahgweird, I built it locally without issue, can you login and see where it's stuck?19:03
lfaraonemicahg: how can I determine that? (I'm running cowbuilder --login right now and it froze again while Setting up xulrunner-1.9.2)19:06
micahgcan you do ps in cowbuilder env?19:06
lfaraonemicahg: "top" (run from outside the enviornment) shows xulrunner-bin using 100%cpu.19:06
lfaraonemicahg: the command in question is "/usr/lib/xulrunner- --gre-version"19:07
micahglfaraone: what's the parent process?19:08
lfaraonemicahg: it seems to be calling itself?  http://sprunge.us/SaJc19:10
micahglfaraone: what's above that19:11
lfaraonemicahg: "/bin/sh /usr/bin/xulrunner-1.9.2 --gre-version"19:13
micahglfaraone: hmm19:13
lfaraonemicahg: which is called by "/bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/xulrunner-1.9.2.postinst configure"19:13
micahglfaraone: maybe it was a bad install19:14
lfaraonemicahg: bad install? I just did "cowbuilder --login" and installed the packages, it has happened all 3 times I've tried it.19:14
lfaraonemicahg: I can rebuild my cowbuilder chroot if you want.19:14
micahglfaraone: oh, we should look into that then...19:15
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lfaraonemicahg: I'll file a bug. I'm debootstrapping a new chroot just to verify it's not something specific to cowbuilder.19:15
micahglfaraone: like I said, I had no problem in pbuilder19:16
micahgbut I"m also on lucid with a maverick pbuilder19:16
ari-tczewerror: expected ')' before ';' token19:16
ari-tczewwhat happens?19:16
lfaraoneari-tczew: uh, there's a syntax error.19:16
ari-tczewlfaraone: and how can I fix it?19:16
lfaraoneari-tczew: by using proper syntax.19:17
lfaraoneari-tczew: you should probably show us your source if you want us to help you determine the cause of the erorr.19:17
ari-tczewlfaraone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/482514/19:18
lfaraoneari-tczew: did it say what line the problem was on?19:19
ari-tczewlfaraone: ../include/agg_rasterizer_cells_aa.h:342: error: expected ')' before ';' token19:19
ari-tczewlfaraone: buildlog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/482515/19:20
lfaraoneari-tczew: no idea, that's odd.19:21
ari-tczewlfaraone: I'm thinking about includes19:22
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lfaraonemicahg: huh... it works in a chroot. Time to recreate my cowbuilder enviorn then :)19:25
micahglfaraone: :)19:25
neerajlfaraone: hi19:38
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I need your help :(19:51
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes?19:55
ari-tczewtumbleweed: patching agg in karmic won't work. the possibly way is backport from lucid.19:56
ari-tczewtumbleweed: but lucid is waiting for sponsor19:56
tumbleweedone can always just not bother with karmic :)19:56
ari-tczewtumbleweed: do you mean end work after fix lucid?19:57
tumbleweedyeah, if it isn't trivially fixable19:58
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I've spent half day on fixing karmic and no result :(20:00
lfaraonemicahg: it freezes when I use cowbuilder even after rebuilding. It looks like a cowbuilder-specific bug, is it worth reporting? (ie,is it a problem that should be fixed in cowbuilder or in xulrunner?)20:02
ari-tczewtumbleweed: is this version ok? *ubuntu1~9.10 ?20:04
tumbleweedari-tczew: follow the security team's number policy20:05
ari-tczewtumbleweed: oh, done! \o/20:08
micahglfaraone: idk about cowbuilder20:11
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ari-tczewtumbleweed: do you have permission for reopen bug?21:06
ari-tczewfrom Won't fix21:06
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes21:08
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I wrote 21:08 (UTC+2h) that it's done :P21:08
ari-tczewI'm testing again to be sure21:08
shadeslayertumbleweed: which package has grab-udd-merge ?21:08
ari-tczewshadeslayer: trunk from stefanor bzr?21:09
shadeslayerdoes it do syncs as well?21:09
tumbleweedshadeslayer: not packaged: lp:~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/grab-udd-merge (direct: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/grab-udd-merge/download/stefanor%40ubuntu.com-20100807125513-uo4gyakmpvc5k3r6/grabuddmerge-20100715005242-yrbierkfi6zix8mj-1/grab-udd-merge )21:10
ari-tczewshadeslayer: merge tool for syncs? :P21:10
tumbleweedshadeslayer: no, ack-sync21:10
shadeslayerneed a sync from debian experimental without going through madison21:10
shadeslayermadison -> highly outdated db21:10
ari-tczewshadeslayer: syncpackage ?21:10
shadeslayeri dont have upload rights :)21:10
shadeslayerrequestsync goes through madison :P21:11
micahgari-tczew: doesn't syncpackage use madison?21:11
tumbleweedwrite a manual sync request?21:11
micahgthat's what I did21:11
tumbleweedshadeslayer: will madison ever be up to date for this package?21:11
shadeslayertumbleweed: idk... its in debian experimental21:12
shadeslayeri think ill have to write a manual sync request21:12
micahgyes, madison can show experimental21:12
shadeslayerhttp://qa.debian.org/madison.php?package=kmymoney <<21:12
shadeslayercurrently out of date for 5 days21:12
micahgshadeslayer: right, Debian's having some HW issues with their QA boxes21:13
shadeslayermicahg: any ideas if they will fix soonish ? :)21:13
micahgshadeslayer: nope, but they are working on it21:13
shadeslayermight as well write a request manually21:13
tumbleweedshadeslayer: the udd rmadison endpoint seems to be up to date21:13
tumbleweedshadeslayer: edit your requestsync :)21:14
micahgtumbleweed: what do you mean udd rmadison?21:14
shadeslayertumbleweed: erm.. dont understand :)21:14
tumbleweedrmadison -u udd kmymoney21:14
shadeslayerah yes21:14
micahgtumbleweed: I get cannot resolve host21:15
shadeslayertumbleweed: what do i edit in /usr/bin/requestsync ?21:15
shadeslayeror do i edit something else? :P21:15
tumbleweedshadeslayer: hmm, looking21:17
shadeslayerthere is this one line21:17
shadeslayer # try rmadison21:17
tumbleweedshadeslayer: add RMADISON_URL_MAP_DEBIAN=http://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/madison.cgi to .devscripts21:22
ajmitchsometimes it's just as fast to write up manual sync requests21:22
shadeslayerajmitch: but this is more fun ;)21:22
shadeslayertumbleweed: which file? :P21:23
tumbleweedshadeslayer: ~/.devscripts21:24
* shadeslayer hugs tumbleweed21:24
micahgthanks tumbleweed21:26
* ajmitch waits very very patiently for this laptop21:26
ari-tczewtumbleweed: next changes needs some love (tasks also)21:43
* shadeslayer hops up and down21:46
shadeslayerlook : v21:46
debuilderhey guys i want to build a python package22:27
debuilderbut i dunno whether to use distutils or setuptools22:27
debuilderwhich one should i use22:27
ebroderdebuilder: If you don't know you need setuptools, probably go with distutils. It's simpler22:29
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debuilderand I just include stuff in the cdbs class?22:30
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simarshadeslayer: heya!! there?22:43
shadeslayersimar: yes... rolling on a caffeine high22:43
simarshadeslayer: same here ...22:44
simarshadeslayer: i was reading you article http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/02/27/%23ubuntu-classroom.html#t17:0122:44
simarshadeslayer: I got this output while authorizing the ubuntu-dev-tools .. i think it got some errors .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/482614/22:45
simarshadeslayer: is that ok22:46
shadeslayerdoesnt look so22:46
shadeslayersimar: happens every time?22:46
shadeslayerubuntu pastebin got a overhaul :P22:47
simarshadeslayer: kk22:47
shadeslayercan you run it again?22:47
simarshadeslayer: wait22:48
simarshadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/482614/  ....same output22:50
ajmitchsimar: is your system clock correct?22:52
* shadeslayer was about to say that22:52
ajmitchI've had problems recently where it skewed by more than 15 minutes & caused issues with OAuth22:53
shadeslayersimar: last line of traceback22:53
shadeslayerInvalid nonce/timestamp: Timestamp appears to come from bad system clock22:53
simarajmitch: In launchpad my time zone is UTC while here I have Indian time ..22:53
ajmitchthat shouldn't be a problem22:54
ajmitchwhat does 'date -u' say?22:55
simarajmitch: oh my god, I had lived a day back ... ;-))22:55
simarajmitch: I hope it will work now.. let me chck22:56
shadeslayerhehe :P22:56
simarajmitch: shadeslayer Mon Aug 23 21:55:13 UTC 2010 is that right ...22:56
ajmitchor around about there22:56
shadeslayerMon Aug 23 21:57:58 UTC 201022:58
shadeslayerso yes22:58
simarCredentials successfully written to /home/simar/.cache/lp_credentials/simar-write_public.txt. yoyo!!!22:59
simarshadeslayer: ajmitch : guess what has happened, if you dinnt come to my rescue .... this would had been my last day with PPAs .. ;-))23:01
simarcontinuing ...23:02
shadeslayersimar: btw id suggest one thing if your reading that log23:06
shadeslayerhave a look at the bottom 2-3 lines23:06
simarshadeslayer: ya..23:06
shadeslayeri made a mistake during the session23:06
simarshadeslayer: oh.23:06
shadeslayerotherwise its a pretty good session, i made every possible detail available23:07
simarshadeslayer: Hey, I'm enjoying reading it...but wait!! pkg-kde-tools. I'm using gnome. Does it make a difference23:08
shadeslayerno it doesnt... thats the beauty of it23:08
shadeslayerits just a collection of scritps23:09
simarshadeslayer: when do you sleep ..23:09
shadeslayerprobably not tonight23:10
shadeslayermight do some 8085 programming :P23:10
simarshadeslayer: oh,, great soul..23:10
simarshadeslayer: wait,, you work on embedded23:10
shadeslayeruh no... basically ECE student ;)23:11
simarshadeslayer: I'm working on atmega8, 16 and motorola mc9s12x256 and 512..23:11
simarshadeslayer: if you need any help .. i'm here ..23:11
simarshadeslayer: :))23:11
shadeslayeryour on embedded :P23:11
shadeslayernot really... the mnemonics are quite easy as of now :P23:12
shadeslayerwere just doing the basics... but im yet to grasp the concept of LXI and LDLH properly :P23:12
simarshadeslayer: my bed at this time is tucked with electronics..23:13
shadeslayerhehe :)23:13
simarshadeslayer: LXI and LDLH, I hope these are registers ..23:13
shadeslayerlets not make this OT now :P23:13
simarshadeslayer: oh, yeah,...23:13
shadeslayerim off for a while...23:13
simarshadeslayer: wait by the way i'm making a project for kvpy..23:14
shadeslayersimar: are you following my session line to line?23:14
simarshadeslayer: ya ..23:14
simarshadeslayer: kvpy search on net .. by the way which yr??23:14
shadeslayeralright, since the package is choqok, you may go to #kubuntu-devel if you have questions23:14
shadeslayersimar: 5 th sem ( 3rd year )23:15
simarshadeslayer: k,, thanks23:15
shadeslayer+ and nobody here answers23:15
simarshadeslayer: then you need not search..23:15
simarshadeslayer: its upto 2nd yr23:15
shadeslayerhehe :P23:15
simarshadeslayer: excepts you.. you really help to help ... great soul ..23:16
simarwow now this is last .. i will also try this23:16
shadeslayerim thinking of applying for kubuntu-dev once i can get project neon up23:16
simarshadeslayer: if i can help(for you app) someway, please tell, i really want to..23:17
shadeslayeryou could comment on it... but idk if they will take that into account or not :P23:18
shadeslayerhavent made a application yet :D23:19
simarshadeslayer: k, but i will comment ... something is better that nothing (my case))23:20
simarshadeslayer: you were applying for moto .. don't you23:20
shadeslayeryeah, but i havent contributed to universe enough23:21
* micahg is thinking about applying for MOTU after UDS23:21
simarshadeslayer: oh, i c..23:21
shadeslayerotoh... ive contributed alot to main :P23:22
simarmicahg: but i though you are **motu23:22
shadeslayermostly kubuntu specific stuff23:22
shadeslayersimar: https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+related-software << my list of uploaded packages23:22
simarshadeslayer: i'm not very familiar with these terms literarly main, universe .. so much23:22
shadeslayermicahg: care to explain ^... im off for noq23:23
simarshadeslayer: i'm seeing that23:23
simarshadeslayer: thanks23:23
simarmicahg: you turn now .. if you are free ..23:23
shadeslayermost significant difference is that, main is supported by canonical, universe is not :P23:23
micahgsimar: well, 1. I'm not MOTU, I have upload rights for the mozilla package set23:24
micahgsimar: main and restricted have security support from canonical for the life of release23:24
simarmicahg: good..23:24
micahgsimar: universe and multiverse are supported by the community23:24
simarmicahg: k23:25
simarmicahg: what are these all ... what i think is that, these are places where packages are stored . ..or these are just virtual terms ??23:26
micahgsimar: they are in essence super package sets23:26
micahgmain and universe are freely redistributable and able to build from source, restricted and multiverse are freely distributable with binary components23:27
simarmicahg: ok, i think i got the relevant part .. how can i contribute to these .. or should i ask it after reading the ppa session from shadeslayer23:28
ari-tczewmicahg: where is UDS?23:29
shadeslayerari-tczew: orlando florida23:29
micahgsimar: well, there are sponsors for those that can't upload packages23:29
ari-tczewarhg, I wanted ask when :P23:29
micahgOct 25-2923:29
shadeslayerhehe :P23:30
simarmicahg: k, and what should i ask these sponsers to upload .. is it bug fixes .. patches23:30
simarmicahg: or something more than that23:30
micahgsimar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess23:31
ari-tczewsimar: are you interested in security issues?23:31
simarari-tczew: ya i want something to work.. but what next ..23:32
ari-tczewsimar: what expierence with packaging have you got?23:32
simarari-tczew: ya, i have fixed some ftbfs and made patches ..23:33
simarari-tczew: i hope i can learn more .. if i get chance23:33
ari-tczewsimar: hehe, "get chance" ... every motivated person will got chance :)23:36
ajmitchthe opportunities are there23:36
ajmitchthere's more than enough stuff that needs fixing23:36
simarari-tczew: i hope so..23:36
simarajmitch: i wish if you can be a bit more specific .. actually i'm very familiar with *stuff*23:37
ari-tczewsimar: at start in contributing to security sector, I'd invite you to testing patches :)23:37
simarari-tczew: good start :))23:37
ajmitchsimar: it's hard to be more specific in such a broad field :)23:37
ari-tczewyou can review what are looks procedures, then you will could prepare yourself patches23:38
ajmitchsecurity fixes are a good place to start, certainly23:38
simarajmitch: i hope if you can direct me somewhere to a link..23:38
micahgsimar: find packages you care about/use and then check for CVEs23:38
micahgthat's a good place to start23:38
ari-tczewI offer instruction for fixing security issues, simar23:39
simarmicahg: what is CVEs23:39
simarari-tczew: k23:40
ajmitchthe bot is being a bit slow today?23:40
ari-tczewnot found :(23:40
micahgsimar: common vulnerabilities and exposure23:40
ari-tczewsimar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Vulnerabilities_and_Exposures23:40
simarmicahg: k, i got it23:40
ajmitchargh, nearly 300MB of updates to grab for maverick23:41
ajmitchthis'll take awhile23:41
simarari-tczew: i think i know what are taking exactly ... but where should i start looking and how to do security testing .. i mean there are tools, as of i know..23:42
ari-tczewsimar: please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam23:44
ari-tczewsimar: tomorrow I'll prepare some patches and we can talk about testing, ok?23:44
ari-tczewATM I don't have any patches ready for testing.23:44
simarari-tczew: i had a hacking workshop here, there the tutor demonstrated exactly this .. he gained access to windows shell using some tool that displays all vulnerabilities and how to target them .. i had a taste of it ..23:46
ari-tczewsimar: please come on channel #ubuntu-hardened23:49
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