
akgranerhey all02:15
* zkriesse gives akgraner a side hug02:15
internalkernelhey akgraner! I did the In The Press section, onthe ietherpad and gdoc... I'm going to bed here shortly... thanks! PM me if you need anything...02:24
holsteinakgraner: likewise04:50
holsteini finished the in other news04:50
holsteinlet me know if i can do something eles04:51
akgranerGood Morning!12:17
akgranerHow is everyone today :-)  I'll ping folks in a few hours asking for proof readers :-)12:18
* nigelb promises to help12:26
nigelbLast weeekend definitely wasn't one of the good ones.12:27
akgranernigelb, :-) thank you!  Hope this week is a better week for you!12:38
nigelbakgraner: Hopefully12:38
internalkernelakgraner: morning...13:04
internalkernelakgraner: let me know if you need some help with UWN today... I'll be around most of the day...13:49
akgranerinternalkernel, thanks14:00
akgranerI'm putting all the pieces together - and I am noticing that some of the dates on things aren't lining up with the dates of the newsletter - I'll try and put together some notes for everyone :-)15:39
akgranerinternalkernel, ping17:29
Pendulumakgraner: ITB is done :)17:40
akgranerPendulum, thanks18:16
internalkernelakgraner: I added the summary on ietherpad - you wants I should post?18:28
akgranerinternalkernel, I'll grab it now18:29
akgranerjust get everything from the googledoc added :-)18:29
akgranerand removed all the dups etc18:29
pleia2adding jono's UDS announcement to fridge18:41
Pendulumakgraner: I know it's late for the week, but considering there are just over 2 weeks to apply, should jono's UDS announcement maybe go into UWN?18:42
akgranerPendulum, the Fridge18:46
akgranerthen next week in UWN18:46
akgranerI'll put in on the Fridge now18:47
pleia2can an editor quickly proof? http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/210918:47
* akgraner looks18:47
akgranerpleia2, thanks!18:47
pleia2should be fine, I copied the html from jono's blog18:48
akgraner:-)  do you want to grab the pic18:48
akgranerwe can use it as well18:48
pleia2oh yeah, thanks18:48
akgranerlooks fine though18:48
akgranerDaviey, ping18:49
pleia2akgraner: refresh?18:49
akgranerlooks good18:50
pleia2thanks, published, I'll grab the forum thread in a minute18:51
akgranerthanks at least is working now :-)18:51
pleia2hehe, yeah18:52
akgranerpleia2, ok my mind fails me  - did we get the michigan loco team interview added the the Fridge19:17
akgraneror am I thinking of the MA team19:17
pleia2akgraner: no, I've been too busy :(19:17
akgranerok I'll snag it then19:17
pleia2I'll try to get it up after work, we'll want to link to ubuntu-us.org in UWN anyway19:17
akgranerno worries  - I just kept thinking I missed something19:17
pleia2not you, me :)19:17
akgranerahhh ok19:17
akgraneryeah I have it in UWN19:17
* pleia2 needs to do fewer events!19:18
pleia2I am never home anymore19:18
akgranerwhich made me think - did that get added to the Fridge19:18
* pleia2 nods19:18
akgranerpleia2, I love your events19:18
akgranerCan a Fridge editor review this node please - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/2110  I copied it from Source on dpm 's blog but want to make sure the formatting is still good...http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/211021:02
akgranergrrrr stupid enter key21:03
dpmakgraner, looks good to me :) Links and bold formatting all good looking at it from here with Firefox21:04
akgranerawesome thanks!21:04
akgranerdpm, I am sorry missed this on Friday...21:05
dpmakgraner, what? No worries! Thanks for posting this on the fridge!21:07
akgranerdpm, :-)21:09
zkriesseakgraner: ping re: that list21:10
akgranerzkriesse, yep21:10
zkriesseakgraner: can you gimme the particulars again? What with college today and such i forogt...been preparing for school for a while so i'm sorry21:11
akgranerno worries21:13
akgranerIf you could go back to Issue 150 and just make a list of the sites used for the "In The Press" section that would be great21:14
akgranerI started the In the Blogoshere section21:14
akgranerand cuppachan2 is working on In Other News21:14
akgranerwiki.ubuntu.new/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter  there is a link to the archives21:15
akgranerwith wiki page you need to put them on is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/LinkSuggestions21:15
cuppachanthanks for that21:15
akgranercuppachan, :-)  Thank you!21:15
akgranerzkriesse, Thank you!21:16
cuppachanbtw which irc client do you use ???21:16
zkriesseakgraner: no problem21:16
zkriessecuppachan: me? I use XChat21:16
akgranercuppachan, I use xchat21:16
cuppachanwas a question for everyone ...thanks for the response21:17
zkriesseXChat FTW!!!21:17
dpmxchat-gnome ftw! :)21:22
dpmok, time for dinner, see you all tomorrow, bye!21:22
akgranerzkriesse, cuppachan let me know if you have questions - I am finishing up publishing UWN so it may take me a minute to answer but just post them here and I'll get back to ya :-)21:23
zkriesseakgraner: k21:24
cuppachan2akgarner - could you please send me the links again .....i accidently closed the window and was not saving the chat apologies21:31
Davieyakgraner, o/21:32
akgranerDaviey, jcastro told me to poke you about an issue I had with summit21:33
Davieyoh goody!21:33
akgranercuppachan2, sure wiki.ubuntu.new/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter  and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/LinkSuggestions21:34
akgranerDaviey, so if you request sponsorship using Chromium it just eats your imput21:34
Davieyakgraner, wow, i didn't even know sponsorship had opened :/21:35
akgraneryep :-) now through Sept 8th :-)21:35
akgranerDaviey, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/2109 :-)21:36
akgranerbut when I went to Firefox to fill out the request for I think it went through - as there is no confirmation to let you know21:36
akgranerbut at least it didn't take me back to the request form21:37
Davieyakgraner, weird - i just suceesfully did it in chromium21:38
akgranerDaviey, weird21:38
akgranerdid you fix anything over the weekend?21:39
akgranerit's gotta be this Dell - it's a black hole of fail some days :-(   I can see if Pete can log in from here and test it if you want21:40
Davieyakgraner, Yeah - I would be interested to hear others issues.21:40
akgranerok I'll ask him to test it this evening after dinner and let you know21:40
DavieyI'm not saying it's not the site... just happened to work for me :S21:40
Davieythanks akgraner21:41
akgraneryou're welcome!21:41
Davieyakgraner, If Pete wants his request deleted - make sure he puts a comment like "TEST" in one of the fields21:41
akgraneralrighty :-) I'll let him know21:41
cuppachan2akgarner.....going to ask a blindingly simple question how do i add a link to the page ...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/LinkSuggestions21:43
akgranercuppachan2, do you have a Launchpad ID?22:04
cuppachan2i just relised what i had to do .....doh !!22:04
akgranercan you click on edit and it allows you to edit the page?22:04
cuppachan2just logging in now22:05
akgranerdid everybody and their brother decide to blog on friday and Saturday22:08
cuppachan2akgarner ......just did my first link for the in the press section for edition 150 ....does it look ok ?22:45
akgraneryep looks great!22:54
akgranerThanks everyone!23:14
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:23:14

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