
ikoniaBryanstein: ping00:19
ryaxnbam i banned from offtopic still?03:36
ryaxnbbecause if so, its not holding :/03:36
ryaxnbhey IdleOne  can you update me?03:38
IdleOneryaxnb: what do you mean by not holding?03:38
IdleOneoh I see03:38
ryaxnbyes, that03:39
IdleOneI suppose that Flannel decided to lift the ban.03:39
ryaxnbokey dokey.03:39
ryaxnbi did change ips.03:39
IdleOnewell in that case03:39
IdleOneyou are technically ban evading03:39
IdleOnegive me a moment03:39
ryaxnbno,  i just am on a different computer and signed on03:39
ryaxnbi was on vacation, of course i have a different ip03:40
ryaxnband i havent posted anythiing there.03:40
ryaxnbi just joined to see if i could, and it worked03:40
IdleOneWell i don't see any ban set for you, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that provided you follow the channel rules you should be ok to stay in the channel.03:41
ryaxnbi will now /part this channel03:41
bazhanghe's still banned there.04:06
IdleOneunder what ip?04:07
bazhanguntil the ban is lifted he shouldn't be in there04:07
IdleOnewant me to ask him to part until he can speak with flannel`04:07
IdleOneok I will tell him04:07
IdleOneBT didn't return any ban so I assumed it was lifted04:08
IdleOnewhen he returns from ping04:08
rwwIdleOne: Are you around?04:44
IdleOnewhat is up?04:45
IdleOnewhat can I do to you today?04:45
rwwIdleOne: re: your conversation with ryaxnb earlier, he is actually still banned :\04:45
rww20:44:48 -!- 262 - #ubuntu-offtopic: ban *!*@ [by Flannel, 171967 secs ago]04:45
IdleOneyes, I was told. has he returned04:45
rwwoh, okay. I saw your first conversation with him. I didn't see a followup.04:46
IdleOnewhen he comes back I will talk to him again and explain I made a mistake04:46
rwwI'll go back to minding my own business :)04:46
IdleOnekeep doing what you are doing :)04:48
IdleOnemuch appreciated04:48
* rww tips hat in acknowledgement, disappears back into the shadows ;P04:48
ryaxnbFlannel, wake up05:07
ryaxnbdoes anyone know when flannel will be back?05:10
IdleOnehe will probably be on soon ryaxnb, he usually reads the scroll back, should see that you are looking to speak to him.05:14
ryaxnbshould i idle here or /part05:14
IdleOneshould /part please05:15
ryaxnbparting now05:15
knomejussi, clever boy *taps on the head*12:33
knomewhat's so bad in rick-roll?12:36
jpdsknome: http://imagebin.org/11011212:36
knome 12:37
jussiknome: its scary :P12:39
knomejussi, why?12:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clectch appears to be abusive (test - contact LjL if this misdetects too badly))18:13
ubottuchrisbuntunerd called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()19:36
PiciCan we avoid antagonizing newcomers in -offtopic?19:38
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
rwwHola. If someone has a second, can you manually test rww_ for DCC exploit?22:55

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