
anthony__hey all looking for a little ubuntu installation help01:17
zxcvasim trying to set up phpmyadmin on my ubuntu server that im connected to through ssh. the documentation keeps referring to my www fodler but i cant seem to find it.. should i put the phpmyadmin folder in /srv/ ? do i do the same for webpages?01:25
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uvirtbotNew bug: #622490 in vm-builder (universe) "VMBuilder.exception.VMBuilderUserError: Must run as root" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62249001:42
samoangunnerI was hoping someone could help me.02:10
samoangunnerI just installed ubuntu server and installed samba and swat02:11
samoangunnerhow do I launch swat?02:11
jmarsdensamoangunner: Use a web browser to access it.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat02:13
samoangunnerdo I run swat on the server or on a laptop02:18
MTecknologyHow can I figure out what OS I'm on?02:19
samoangunnerin terminal type in uname -a02:22
samoangunnerit will tell what your OS is02:23
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benediktwould you say that it is normal for a vm guest (and host) to see relatively high load (and guest acting slow) under ~10-20 mbit datatransfer over ssh?03:11
benediktItalian_Plumber: mario?03:12
Italian_Plumberspeaking. :)03:13
benediktjust checking.03:13
Italian_Plumberactually, not-really-intending-to-login. :)03:14
talcitehey guys. I have something that's preventing my server from restarting. Can someone help me pin point it?03:16
talciteI issue the reboot command as root, and all the normal shutdown messages happen, but the machine itself never restarts03:17
benedikthow far does it go in the reboot process?03:19
talcitebenedikt: sorry. multiple windows on a low res monitor. Please ping me next time. It goes as far as to say *Will now restart03:21
talciteexcept it never does03:21
talcitehmm a bit more info came to light. This problem is on all my servers that have an iscsi initiator. When I shut it down manually before issuing reboot, it can successfully reboot.03:27
pnunnHi guys, can anyone give me an idea what the deal is with uploading an 8.04 image to an uec clound?  I've downloaded th uec image from uec-images.ubuntu.com but it doesn't have a kernel or rambisk image in the package, so when I try and use uec-publish-tarball it fails.  Where should I get the ramdisk and kernel images from? Ta Peter.03:51
talciteargh. I know what happened. The open-iscsi package is in rc6.d is S41, while networking is S35. What the heck guys =/03:56
talciteIt'll never restart, ever03:56
talciteI moved networking to S50 and it works fine now03:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #622529 in ipsec-tools (main) "package racoon (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62252904:11
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fluvvellcan anyone tell me the difference between inetd and xinetd?  And why can't I restart inetd when there is a service listed that isn't going?06:23
joschifluvvell: xinetd is an advanced alternative to the old bsd inetd. it has more features06:25
joschifluvvell: inetd and xinetd only start when the service definitions are ok06:25
joschifluvvell: they can't know if it actually starts until someone opens a connection to the respective port06:25
fluvvelljoschi, yeah well the ports aren't open and they're not accepting connections. The service is listed but unavailable06:26
joschifluvvell: post your inetd.conf and relevant log entries06:27
fluvvellwhich log entries do you want ? its "        2000    stream  tcp    nowait  nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/nbdrootd /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img    " for the relevant line06:28
twbAnything running on top of inetd these days is probably wrong.06:29
fluvvelltwb, why?06:30
twbMainly because it's historical06:30
joschifluvvell: 2000 should be a service name from /etc/services IMHO. when in doubt, add one yourself and use that name06:30
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twbI mean, I suppose it'll still WORK06:30
fluvvelljoschi, its the port I believe.06:31
twbinetd lost popularity because it creates a new process on every connection -- similar to traditional CGI.06:31
joschifluvvell: yes. but inetd wants to have a textual description from /etc/services06:31
joschifluvvell: you also need to correct your command line06:32
joschifluvvell:  name-from-etc/services    stream    tcp    nowait  nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd tcpd /usr/sbin/nbdrootd /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img06:33
fluvvellso after editing, how does one restart inetd ?06:34
joschitwb: it's not wrong using inetd or xinetd for certain services. not every daemon needs to be high performance, connection and process pooling etc.06:34
joschifluvvell: yes06:34
joschifluvvell: argh, sorry. sudo /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd restart06:34
twbjoschi: I suppose so.  It's my knee-jerk reaction, though.06:35
twbI imagine it sucks when you get twenty classrooms with thirty hosts each all booting up at 9AM06:35
fluvvellThat would be nice if I had /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd   - Im running ubuntu 10.0406:36
twbfluvvell: it's probably /etc/init/inetd or so.06:36
twb(Note: no .d)06:36
fluvvellAh, no thats exactly whats missing and why my system has stopped working!@06:36
incidenceHi, can I some how move postfix smtp tmp directory?06:36
joschifluvvell: check which inetd implementation you have installed. there's more than one06:37
joschiincidence: sure. see options ending with "_directory" in postconf(5) (-> http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html)06:38
fluvvelljoschi, yes I'm pretty sure its the openbsd one, I have another server online (not far) that *is* working , and that package is installed06:38
fluvvellfinally, the port is open!06:38
incidencejoschi: Thanks06:40
quizme_i have access to another computer on my LAN at via SSH.  how can i mount it as "/vol" on my local (laptop's) filesystem06:42
quizme_basically i want to work on my desktop with my laptop06:42
fluvvelljoschi, Thanks from me also - I find that being able to discuss a problem with other people at "server - level"  highly invaluable06:43
joschiquizme_: try sshfs06:44
fluvvellThe answer was /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd restart06:44
MTecknologyAny of you happen to know how I coudl convert DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%Y%m%d070000') to pgsql?06:46
quizme_joschi thanks i will06:47
joschiMTecknology: `SELECT CURRENT_DATE + interval '7 hours';`06:51
MTecknologyjoschi: THANKS!06:55
frossas far as moving into the networking career field, what is the best distro to work with and get to know?07:32
frossI have become decent with ubuntu, but would I be at a loss if a company put me infront of a red hat or centOS?07:32
joschifross: well, then install centOS inside a VM and play with it. but if you're into networking, you should make yourself comfortable with IOS, catalyst, JunOS and alike.07:59
joschifross: also playing around with different networking daemons like quagga should be on your list.08:00
glickhey im trying to connect to a smtp server with my mail client and i get the error STARTTTLS command failed due to local problem08:15
glickanyone have any idea what that means?08:15
glickam i missing a program?08:15
thesykohi there guys08:16
twbglick: STARTTLS is the signal to enable SSL.08:16
twbCheck your SSL config08:16
glicktwb, which ssl config?08:17
glickat the server or client?08:17
thesykoi would like to ask, why is example configuration file for ubuntu that is in /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/example cannot be used ?08:17
thesykoi tried the configuration file my-small.cnf and it is not working08:17
Jeeves_thesyko: Read the errors in /var/log/daemon.log.2.gz08:18
thesykobtw, i'm using ubuntu 10.04 desktop with mysql 5.1 server08:18
Jeeves_thesyko: Read the errors in /var/log/daemon.log08:18
twbI don't know.08:18
twbIf you were using msmtp(1) you could run it with -d to test08:18
twbglick: msmtp is an smtp client08:18
Jeeves_There is no client configuration for starttls, afaik08:19
Jeeves_so it would be the server configuration08:19
thesykonow i'm using back the default configuration file that comes with mysql 5.108:20
thesykoand it works08:20
twbJeeves_: I was thinking something along the lines of the server using a self-signed cert08:21
frossjoschi: Hey, thanks for the advice. Much appreciated08:22
glickthats my main.cf file08:22
glicki think ssl is set up correctly08:22
twbglick: you're using sendmail?08:22
glickno postfix08:22
twbOops, nm08:22
Jeeves_glick: /var/log/mail.err would probably be able to tell you more08:23
glickJeeves_, there are no error messages08:24
glickmail.log isnt much more helpful either08:24
twbTry #postfix08:27
glicki followed the ubuntu server guide to installing and configuring postfix09:17
glicki got certs from go daddy09:18
glickyet when when i try to connect to the smtp server using ssl or tls it wont connect09:18
glickyet if i connect without ssl it works09:18
glicki definately need to use ssl09:18
joschiglick: there definately should be some log entries about the issue. you can try to increase postfix's verbosity by adding "-v" to the processes in your master.cf (see master(5), http://www.postfix.org/master.5.html)09:21
joschiglick: also make sure that postfix can read the SSL certificate and the private key files and that these files are correct (e. g. don't use the CSR...)09:21
glickjoschi, what do you mean dont use the csr?09:22
joschiglick: you've created a certificate request and sent it to go daddy to get your certificate.09:22
glickoh yeah09:22
joschiglick: don't accidentally use the CSR in your postfix configuration09:22
glickno im not using the csr09:22
glicki musing the crt and key files09:23
glickyayayyyy i finally got it working!09:35
glicki am the greatest!09:35
xamparthow can i find out my machines power supply information?10:46
twbxampart: /sys/devices/class/BAT0 or so?10:55
twbxampart: or lshw10:55
glickin postfix sending an email to one of my email addresses gets rejected, i dont understand why11:18
glickin my main.cf i have this line which i suspect is to blame11:18
glicksmtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access,reject_unauth_destination11:19
xamparttwb: is there a way to confirm that hdd's get enough power?11:22
twbI don't know11:23
xampartis it usual lshw gets stuck11:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #622642 in mailman (main) "package mailman 1:2.1.13-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62264211:41
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lilijoin/ #ubuntu-server12:24
lili. plz help me to config my apache2 for perl on ubuntu 10.4.!!!!!!!!!112:24
liliplz help me12:25
yaboojust upgraded ubuntu server to 10.4 and seems my mac cannot see any of my samba shares now12:26
yaboosame for windows 7 machines also12:27
yaboohas samba changed again12:27
lili plz help me to config my apache2 for perl on ubuntu 10.4.!!!!!!!!! i'm waiting for answering of frineds.12:27
glickanyone know why given this config file i cant send an email to customer_support@mydomain12:28
glickit comes back as rejected12:29
glickcode 55012:29
sorenglick: Where are you sending from? Where are you sending to? What's the exact error message? Does the user exist? Does DNS work? etc. etc.12:32
glickthe user exists, dns works, im sending from myaddress@google.com to customer_support@mydomain.com12:32
sorenYou're running http://www.mydomain.com, but you haven't got a working MX?12:34
sorenThat seems hard to believe.12:34
glickno im not running that domain12:34
glickthat was a variable12:34
glickfor my actual domain12:34
sorenThen stop halfway anonymising your infor.12:34
sorenWell, so you say.12:35
sorenMy current guess is: You're not using the right domain.12:35
sanderjAnyone knows about Ubuntu elastic cloud?12:36
yabooalso how do I setup ubuntu server to work with my monitor, the default does not work12:36
sanderjI'm wondring how can I install it into one huge machine.. instead of two ones.12:37
sorenglick: It's simple, really. Your config file saysmyhostname = mail.boss.com12:37
sorenglick: It's simple, really. Your config file says myhostname = mail.boss.com, but you say you're sending to customer_support@mydomain.com. They don't match. You lose.12:37
yaboocannot even get console on my server via keyboard, HOW DO I CHANGE THE VIDEO DISPLAY12:42
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hggdhmorning zul13:29
zulhey hggdh13:31
hallynsaturday i made backups to dmcrypt'ed usb disk.  sunday, repartitioned and installed maverick.  today, figured i'd recover some config files.  of COURSE, maverick wno't mount the backups.13:41
hallynjust as it did when i went from karmic to lucid13:42
hallynmaybe a lucid kvm partition will read them13:42
hallynDaviey: welcome back!13:44
Davieythanks hallyn o/13:45
hallynrecon' this means i should find my mumble config info somewhere else so we can scrum in a bit :)13:46
OmahnWhy oh why does the landscape client take up 937 megs of virtual memory......13:55
Omahn(as one example)13:56
hggdhOmahn: resident memory?13:58
Omahnhggdh: About 54.13:58
Omahnhggdh: But it does mean the swap file is pretty much full, just with landscape.13:59
hggdhOmahn: not necessarily. WHat does 'vmstat'show (this will be one single line now)?14:04
Davieysmoser, Are you online yet?14:04
Omahnhggdh: This is a different box, I've turned it off on the other box:14:04
Omahnprocs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu---- r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa 2  0    104 170824  85436 357428    0    0     1     8    2    3  4  4 92  014:05
smoserDaviey, here. whats up ?14:05
smoserand welcome back14:05
Davieysmoser, ta.  Wanted to ctach up with you, about the kernel upgrade in euca issue?14:05
Omahnhggdh: That vmstat is from a box only up for 97 days, the other was up nearly 250.14:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #622694 in munin (main) "PC freezes because of munin" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62269414:06
smoserhm..i think that its fine now. you're talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+bug/615529 ?14:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615529 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus instance reboot fails: Guest moved used index from 0 to 2639" [Medium,Fix released]14:06
smoserDaviey, ^14:07
Davieysmoser, Oui14:07
Omahnhggdh: Fresh startup on one of my boxes consumes over 350 megs of virtual memory. Just seems a tad excessive.14:08
smoserDaviey, i think that realistically, the solutoin i put in place is the right one.14:08
Davieysmoser, Ok.. so you have no concerns at the moment?14:09
smoserno, not really.14:09
Davieysmoser, Just want to understand if i can remove it from my list of things to watch :)14:09
Davieyawesome, top stuff smoser14:09
smoserbasically i had forgotton that 'boot=on' was important14:09
Davieyboot=on is now added somewhere?14:10
Davieyhallyn, Have you spotted bug 622588?14:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 622588 in qemu-kvm "[kvm] pci_add_option_rom: failed to find romfile "pxe-virtio.bin"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62258814:11
hggdhOmahn: and you can tag this VM to landscape?14:11
Omahnhggdh: By 'tag' do you mean register?14:12
zulhallyn: ping....er...nevermind14:13
Omahnhggdh: If so, yes, it's registered.14:13
hggdhOmahn: I mean you are sure this VM usage is from landscape14:13
Omahnhggdh: Absolutely.14:13
Omahnhggdh: Top shows VIRT/SWAP usage for each of the landscape processes. It's also the same across all our servers.14:13
hallynDaviey: i hadn't yet, no14:14
Davieyhallyn, That could have potential to be a humdinger.14:14
hallynDaviey: isn't that the error it has always given, as long as i've used kvm in ubuntu?14:15
hallynit proceeds to work no?14:15
Davieyhallyn, agreed, i've seen that warning lots... but he bug reporter suggests total malfunction. I suspect the error he stated is a red herring.14:16
hggdhOmahn: good enough for a bug, I guess. Could you open one please?14:16
Davieyhallyn, apport being less than helpful :/14:16
hallynasking for clarification...14:17
Davieyhallyn, It was actually zul that spotted that bug14:17
Omahnhggdh: Will do.14:17
kim0hey folks .. we now have a "cloud" forum, and a first question :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155890014:17
Davieykim0, oh nioes14:18
kim0Who wants the owner of answering the very first question hehe14:18
Omahnhggdh: Looks like a bug already exists.14:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 459243 in landscape-client "landscape-client consumes too much memory and CPU time" [Low,New]14:19
Davieykim0, Well volunteered :)14:19
kim0Daviey: hey there .. shouldn't you be in #ubuntu-cloud as well :)14:20
Davieykim0, indeed14:20
kim0jump in14:20
hggdhOmahn: yes indeed, describes your issue. Can you please add data there?14:23
hggdhOmahn: how long the client has been running, mem allocation, etc.14:24
Omahnhggdh: Done.14:24
Omahnhggdh: Ah, it doesn't show startup date. I'll add that.14:24
a_okI do iscsi-boot. this works fine but the system never does a clean shutdown. It stops open-iscsi to early resulting in ext4 errors (quite logically since the root parition is gone)14:34
a_okhow do I fix this?14:34
yaboois there a fix for getting a blank screen during boot up of server in 10.4?14:37
twbYeah, roll back to 8.0414:37
twbIf you've managed to install before that happened, you could try blacklisting the fucking KMS drivers14:38
sherrNo need for swearing ...14:40
a_okIs there anyone who had the same problem as I have?14:41
sherrIs iscsi-boot an upstart job or traditional init?14:41
a_okupstart most likely14:42
a_okeg turned power off and on as it hangs14:43
sherrJust wondering whether the order or startup/teardown can be modified, so the filesystems are unmounted before iscsi is shutdown/unloaded14:43
a_okYeah that would be helpfull14:43
a_okI don't know if it needs write access to shutdown open-iscsi by the way14:44
a_okperhaps I'm better off letting it die with the system14:46
a_okwhat was the offical way of adding and removing services from runlevels agian?14:50
a_okI always confuse it with the gentoo one. rc-update14:52
twbupdate-rc.d doesn't apply to upstart-based jobs, though (AFAIK)14:52
a_okreally I thought it used init's stucture to handle boot order etc14:57
a_okand what to boot and what not14:57
twbWell, guess what, Ubuntu decided they didn't like things working15:00
stittelHi! Is there a way to check on the web which packages of 10.04 LTS are considered as "server packages" and hence receive 5 years of support? The "supported software" link on http://www.ubuntu.com/server doesn't work.15:05
twbstittel: aptitude tells you nowadays15:06
twbI suspect that means it's in the Packages database and you can just use grep-dctrl15:06
stitteltwb: I would like to check before installing Ubuntu, i.e. I am not running Ubuntu yet, so I can't check it with these command.15:07
twbHmm, that's odd, now I can't see it15:07
twbstittel: there's also a Python script I was using before.15:07
twb...re grep-dctrl, I guess it's in a secondary database that's only installed on desktops by default.15:07
twbstittel: bzr clone http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Enijaba/ubuntu-maintenance-check/trunk/15:08
stitteltwb: As I said, I am not running Ubuntu yet and would like a way to check the packages supported as "server packages" on the web. http://packages.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to provide that information and on http://www.ubuntu.com/server the "supported software" link is dead.15:10
stitteltwb: Isn't there another place to check it? Even a text file containing all "server" packages would make me happy. :)15:11
jpdsstittel: Any server package that's in main.15:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #622742 in bacula (main) "Bacula Storage-daemon dies with segfault if a File-daemon can’t be contacted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62274215:11
smoserkim0, what do i win for giving the first answer on forums ?15:11
sherrstittel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#What%20%28packages/repositories%29%20are%20maintained%20%28supported%29?15:11
kim0smoser: Yaaaay :)15:12
sherrUgh - maybe just check here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq15:12
zulsmoser: a hug!15:12
kim0everyone .. please give smoser a hug15:12
* kim0 hugs smoser15:12
stitteljpds: It's not always clear to me what is considered a server package or not. For instance, "SpamAssassin" can be run as a daemon or just as client as well es on a desktop for local or on a server for server-based spam filtering.15:12
a_okI have said it once and I will say it again, apt should not mess with runlevels or start/restart services on its own15:13
stittelsherr: Well, OK, so it's just these packages http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.lucid/server-ship because http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.lucid/supported-common is empty.15:15
stittelAnd that also would mean that exim4 is not supported for 5 years, even though it is a server package from main. :-/15:15
twbstittel: yes15:16
twbThe "five year support" thing is a crock15:16
Omahntwb: Hmm, I think our legal department would dispute that.15:16
smoserwhat is the hug : beer conversion rate ?15:16
kklimondastittel: the list you have given looks short15:17
Piciexim4's 'supported' field claims '5y'15:17
kklimondastittel: it contains less than 440 packages and dapper has support for over 780 - exim4 is one of them15:18
stittelkklimonda: Then something is wrong, because https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#What%20%28packages/repositories%29%20are%20maintained%20%28supported%29 states "Server packages are maintained for 5 years, and defined as all packages that are part of the the seeds "server-ship" or "supported-common" are supported for five years."15:18
kklimondastittel: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/dapper/supported.txt this list may give you an idea of sort what is supported.15:18
kklimondastittel: but I think the only good way of checking support status at this time is to install Ubuntu yourself and run ubuntu-support-status..15:19
kklimondabut then I just got an exception trying to run it on my server :D15:20
twbkklimonda: last time I looked that python script I linked to worked15:20
stittelkklimonda: I could try it on my Ubuntu netbook if "ubuntu-support-status" works without installing the package.15:20
stittelkklimonda: According to your list some stuff I run like SquirrelMail or SpamAssassin are not supported.15:21
stittelUh, actually SquirrelMail is just "universe".15:21
kklimondastittel: that's the problem with this list - it's for dapper and spamassassin was still in universe in dapper15:21
kklimondastittel: got moved to main in jaunty so it's supported for 5 years on lucid15:23
sherrThe "ubuntu-support-status" program just aborts on Lucid for me - "Exception: No date tag found"15:23
twbMaybe that script isn't supported15:23
kklimondasherr: yeah, it's reported already15:23
stittelThank you everybody! Since a lot of packages (SquirrelMail, SpamAssassin, jabberd, openntpd) don't seem to be supported, I guess I will stick to Debian for the moment, even though I don't like their unpredictable release and support policy.15:25
kklimondastittel: spamassassin is supported (other are not though)15:28
hallynGAH!   a lucid kvm vm can mount the cryptsetup partition on external usb, the maverick host can't15:29
twbstittel: you mean "release when it's ready" as opposed to "release when it's not ready" ? ;-)15:29
* twb glares upstart jobs for NFS15:29
stitteltwb: Well, to know the release date of the next Debian release some time in advance, you need a crystal ball. And security support for the old release is "release date of the new release + 1". That makes the entire thing a bit unpredictable. :)15:31
twbstittel: I realize it's a problem15:32
stitteltwb: And if you should choose to install Debian now, you can expect less than 2 or even 1 1/2 years of security support, because the next release can be expected to come out within the next 6 to 12 months.15:32
twbstittel: I just have't been particularly impressed since we switched to Ubuntu 8.04 back in late `0715:32
OmahnIMHO A lot of the problems with 10.04 is down to upstart and the lack of a complete migration to upstart. The current half attempt causes us many issues.15:33
joschitwb: I doubt that you switched to ubuntu 8.04 in '07 - unless you like using bleeding edge alpha/beta distributions ;)15:34
twbWe don't start deploying a twelve-month project on a release that's going to be twelve months old15:35
twbThe prisoners didn't actually get to use the system until well after April, but that doesn't mean we weren't targeting it and developing and testing on it.15:35
sherrUpstart seems to be the main cause of trouble for me in 10.04 i.e. LP bug 35093615:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 350936 in libvirt "Should shut down domains on system shutdown" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35093615:38
twbsherr: it and plymouth, perhaps15:38
sherrI got round that happily now using "molly-guard"15:38
twbmolly-guard is a good Best Practice15:38
sherrYes. I'm sticking it on everything now.15:38
twbI dunno about it fixing bugs, but I use it to avoid fat-fingering the wrong machine into oblivion15:39
jdstrandsherr: that shouldn't have anything to do with upstart. I don't think libvirt ever did that on shutdown, though I could be wrong15:39
jdstrandthat bug is not easy to fix cause you can send an acpi shutdown event, but that doesn't mean the guest did shut down in a timely fashion, or even responds to acpi events15:41
jdstrandI'm not the one looking at that bug, but afaics, it isn't particularly an upstart issue15:41
sherrIf you read through the bug report, it appeared very hard to use "virsh" bfore a shutdown, to even attempt a clean shutdown of guests. Stuff seems to be killed too quickly (/etc/init.d/sendsigs).15:43
sherrA lot of people, including me, wasted hours trying to sort it out. Many reboots ...15:43
sherrI learned quite a bit in the process though (including a bit about upstart) :-)15:44
jdstrandsoren: hey. so I've noticed your uml work with libvirt, which is cool. however, will openstack by using uml primarily? will it still support kvm?15:58
a_oksherr: for your information, upstart looks at the rd.* dirs to decicde what to start and probably also uses it to determen boot order. althought it might calculate it trough the dependencies (stated in the initscript)16:01
sherra_ok: thanks. It's a pain trying to get a working "virsh list" during machine reboot or shutdown though. That's without modifying both libvirt-bin.conf and sendsigs (as per comment #8 in bug).16:04
sherrHow do people shutdown guests on host shutdown or reboot with KVM/qemu? Is this stuff run in the "enterprise"? e.g. ubuntu-cloud? Or is the power just pulled from the guests? Seems wrong.16:05
SpamapSttx: wb btw16:11
ttxSpamapS:  o/16:12
webpragmatisthey guys with ufw is it possible to allow a app rule through only an interface?16:17
kpettitI need to start looking at building out and managing a bunch of ubuntu servers. They will all have alot of the same code, but some different stuff as well.  Any suggestions for managing config's, deploying updates, etc?16:18
webpragmatistwhat i am trying to do is allow OpenSSH only through eth016:18
kpettitwebpragmatist: I haven't tried ufw, if it doesn't there are a ton that will.  That's a pretty common feature16:20
webpragmatistkpettit: well the question is specific to ufw16:20
webpragmatistufw has profiles for apps16:20
the_archit3ctwebpragmatist: just don't open net port 22 :P16:21
webpragmatistthe_archit3ct: I understand the idea... i'm just trying to use ufw with the apps16:21
the_archit3ct<webpragmatist> what i am trying to do is allow OpenSSH only through eth016:21
the_archit3ctanswering that16:21
jdstrandwebpragmatist: yes16:22
ssureshotis there a prebuilt package for 389 directory server for lucid yet?16:22
webpragmatistjdstrand: can your provide the syntax for using allow on interface for app?16:22
MTecknology!search maria16:23
MTecknology!search mariadb maverick16:23
webpragmatistufw allow OpenSSH on eth0 ?16:23
kklimondassureshot: I don't think so16:23
jdstrandwebpragmatist: sudo ufw allow in on eth0 to any app OpenSSH16:23
MTecknologyIs mariadb going to be available in Ubuntu 10.10?16:24
jdstrandwebpragmatist: it requires the extended syntax when specifying an interface. see man ufw for details16:24
ssureshotkklimonda: bummer guess I need to downgrade my test box16:24
webpragmatistjdstrand: ya i was trying to piece it together from man wasn't working thanks16:24
webpragmatistjdstrand: i kinda think that the app rules are annoying16:26
webpragmatistjdstrand: is there an extended status?16:26
jdstrandwebpragmatist: they are totally optional16:26
jdstrandwebpragmatist: yes. ufw status verbose16:26
jdstrandwebpragmatist: also ufw status numbered16:26
kpettitis svn or similar good at keep config file histories?  Was thinking of using some sort of source code repository to manage config files on multiple linux machines.  Mainly for backup, cloning, testing, etc16:27
webpragmatistah okay now it's no longer annoyying :)16:27
jdstrandkpettit: take a look at etckeeper16:27
webpragmatistjdstrand: I assume a limit is the same as an allow... so you wouldn't need both16:27
kpettitjdstrand: checking...16:27
jdstrandkpettit: oh, actually, that is for the local machine. scratch that16:28
jdstrandwebpragmatist: you can't have both. you choose one of allow, deny, reject or limit16:28
kpettityeah I have 6 or so servers now.  ANd could possible scale up to a hundred or so.  SO I need to setup a system to help me put out default configs and keep history or changes and such.16:28
sherrkpettit: does something like cfengine or puppet support that?16:29
sherrI'm thinking about that as well.16:29
kpettitcfengine scares me.  I haven't tried puppet16:29
kpettitLast place I worked at did cfengine and they all hated it with a passion.  I'll check on puppet16:29
webpragmatistkpettit: i use csync216:30
webpragmatistbut i only run two servers16:30
webpragmatistand it's hardly as powerful as puppet afaik16:30
kpettitAll of my servers are on cloud.  Rackspace and GoGrid.  So I'll probally use there api's to manage cloning and backup's.  But I wanted to have something seperate to do config stuff16:30
kpettitwebpragmatist: I'll check it out, thanks16:30
kpettitah, puppet won't do the trick.  IT keeps things in sync and I need the ability to have things different.16:31
kpettitsherr: Sweet, thanks16:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #622810 in vsftpd (main) "after logging into ftp (vsftpd) ubuntu crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62281017:01
hggdhDaviey: welcome back, and please have a look at bug 622818 ;-)17:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 622818 in eucalyptus "unexpected errors after a sequence of tests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62281817:04
Davieyhey hggdh !  Top work last week :)17:04
Davieyhggdh, Interesting!17:08
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mathiazDaviey: heya! welcome back!17:11
Davieyyo mathiaz o/17:11
mathiazttx: back welcome well as! heya!17:11
hggdhDaviey: I thought that you might need some incentive after a rather good time last week :-)17:13
hggdhDaviey: any news from your RT request for euca access?17:14
Davieyhggdh, no - none.. i think they are probably ignoring my RT tickets now :)17:14
kpettithave any of you guys tried amqp?  Was thinking of using that for admin type tasks to get tasks out to multiple servers17:37
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ping?17:37
smoserRoAkSoAx, here17:37
RoAkSoAxsmoser: are desktop images also to be testdrived?17:39
smoserthey can be17:39
smoseri care less about that17:40
smoserand, they're not official releases (we only do dailies of them)17:40
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok then. I won't put them for now then. Now, I saw your comment on the bug report. So the only thing we need is the .img and nothing else from the tarball right?17:40
smoserRoAkSoAx, you need the -floppy also: kvm -boot a -fda ${name}-floppy -drive file=disk.img,if=virtio17:41
sorenjdstrand: oh, the uml stuff is just so that I can test stuff in the cloud, not for production use.17:43
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok so image and floppy. So, would it be possible to use http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/maverick/current/unpacked/ to download only the image and -floppy instead of the whole tarball or is that just a temporary folder?17:43
smoserthe tarball that you want is as reported by http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/.manifest-daily17:45
jdstrandsoren: cool. I was kinda concerned since you don't get MAC protections (ie, apparmor and selinux) when not using qemu17:45
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yeah but wanted to save steps but only downloading the neccesary files. Anyways, I'm waiting for the tarballs to sync to work on the preparing process. SO should be matter of hours till I have it working17:46
smoserRoAkSoAx, well, that actually wouldn't save you a step17:47
smoseryou still have to extract a tar file17:47
smoseri'd suggest using the .tar.gz . the unpacked will be there (ie, its not temporary).17:48
smoserbut your saving of a step is at expense of a second download.17:49
smoseri dont have any strong feelings, but the .tar.gz is generally a more useful thing to download17:49
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: yeah well I guess I'd end up untarring .img and -floppy only instead of the whole tarball17:53
c0dem4gnetichow do i set up wireless networking during the install of ubuntu server? can i?18:02
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: btw, http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/.manifest-daily is not showing maverick tarballs anymore18:33
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jonohey all, just an FYI, UDS is now announced: http://uds.ubuntu.com/ - do go and apply for sponsorship18:38
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bogeyI have 1.8tb raid volume mounted at /var/iscsi and I want to make an iscsi target. What command could I use for this?19:09
bogey600gb iscsi target with a u/p19:10
sherrbogey: probably similar to the way Falko describes on howtoforge19:14
bogeysherr, they are suggesting to use img files19:15
sherrsimilar convept though I would have thought?19:15
bogeywell i dont know how to use /dev/sda but restrict it to 600gb19:16
sorenjdstrand: Yet. :)19:18
slughi guys, i'm looking for a tutorial to setup ldap on ubuntu 10.04 that actually works, any idea?19:18
slugldap server i mean.19:18
sherrslug: there's an Ubuntu server guide - did you check that?19:19
slugsherr: yes, it doesn't work. if i follow it19:19
slugsherr: get strange invalid credentials issues19:21
slugmy problem is that ubuntu puts the default configuration into a very strange point. i managed to configure for other distributions19:23
sherrslug: Ubuntu will follow Debian. Have a look on howtoforge (search) because there's often decent LDAP tutorials there.19:27
slugsherr: ok, i started there, but then i decided to take a look at what the server docs had to say and ran into problems. i'm trying that again, let's see how it goes. thanks :)19:27
sherrGood luck.19:28
slugsherr: unfortunately ubuntu ldap/ldapd is fairly different from debian :(19:40
wastlldap is a pain in the ass to setup anyways *g*19:40
slugwastl: did you manage to make it work with 10.04 ?19:42
bogeyI have 1.8tb raid volume mounted at /var/iscsi and I want to make an iscsi target but only use 600gb. What command could I use for this?19:43
wastlslug,: no but i managed to make it work with debian lenny :)19:48
wastlslug: gave up on ubuntu19:48
slugwastl: great ;)19:49
RoAkSoAxsmoser: it's almost ready, I just need the maverick images available in .manifest-daily to be able to test19:49
wastlslug: as far as ldap is concerned19:49
smoseryeah, i'll fix that really quick her.e19:49
slugwastl: i had debian before on that machine, but moved to ubuntu since i needed more recent software19:49
raubvogel slug: ldap server or client?19:49
slugraubvogel: server19:50
slugraubvogel: client doesn't need much more than setting up ldap.conf and other basic stuff19:52
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smoserRoAkSoAx, it shoudl bie fixed now.19:56
smoserunfortunately, i really dont know why it had gotten borked19:56
RoAkSoAxsmoser: thank you :)19:56
raubvogelslug: I setup a ldap replication server (master is a gentoo box which will be replaced with an ubuntu one as soon as I have time to)19:57
slugraubvogel: hehe, that's funny. i have a gentoo server running ldap just fine. but we got a new machine and I installed ubuntu instead. but having trouble with ldap19:58
raubvogelOnly thing *special* I did was to use the old style (slapd.conf) instead of ldif19:58
raubvogelI thought so ;)19:58
raubvogelSo, are you replacing the gentoo box compeltely or using the ubuntu one as slave server?20:00
wastlI thought that the latest versions of ldapd don't use slapd.conf the way it was used in earlier ones anymore20:00
wastlso due to this you _must_ use ldif instead20:00
raubvogelIf you read the /etc/default/slapd file it says you can still specify the slapd.conf. They frown upon it but it can get you going :)20:02
raubvogelI need to do some errands and will be back. Need also to get my laptop charger and it is pouring rain20:02
slugraubvogel: replacing, hopefully20:03
slugraubvogel: if i can make it work20:03
JamesHarrisonIf I've got an ubuntu server that just kernel panic'd (Remote, so no idea what the panic was or what caused it), are core dumps written anywhere?20:06
webpragmatistif i am syncing two servers... with ufw can i just copy /etc/ufw between the two and restart ufw?20:15
webpragmatisti'm using csync2 to do this20:15
jdstrandwebpragmatist: almost. you also need /lib/ufw/*rules20:15
webpragmatistthose are the current enabled rules?20:16
jdstrandwebpragmatist: oh, and /etc/default/ufw20:16
jdstrandwebpragmatist: (the one in /etc/default/ufw only if you manually updated it)20:17
jdstrandwebpragmatist: the ones in /lib/ufw/ are the ones you added with the cli command. eg 'sudo ufw allow OpenSSH' <-- that rule goes in /lib/ufw20:17
webpragmatistokay and the ones in /etc are?20:17
jdstrandwebpragmatist: but you can also fine-tune things in /etc/ufw/*rules that aren't supported by the ufw cli command. see 'man ufw-framework' for details20:18
webpragmatistoh i see20:18
webpragmatistjdstrand: ufw status is not necessarily the inacted firewall? guess the only way is to sift through iptables -L?20:25
webpragmatistmeaning if it hasn't been reloaded it wouldn't show you20:25
Wintemute_Hi all :)20:25
Wintemute_Any one knows where I can set the mount opitions of the system mounts?20:25
Wintemute_Or I should write a script to change they?20:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #622938 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62293820:26
jdstrandwebpragmatist: it should show you the running firewall, but it only shows you the rules you added via the cli command. you can use 'ufw show raw' for a complete iptables dump of all tables20:26
guntbertWintemute_: /etc/fstab20:26
Wintemute_Not this20:26
Wintemute_none on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)20:26
lamontsigh... I hate that check almost as much as I hate that I didn't put it in in the first place.20:27
smoserSpamapS, just an fyi, http://www.mail-archive.com/grub-devel@gnu.org/msg16187.html was what i'm trying to mimick20:27
Wintemute_nor that proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)20:27
guntbertWintemute_: I have no idea about what you are talking :-(20:28
Wintemute_<guntbert> Are you on a ubuntu?20:28
guntbertWintemute_: yes20:28
Wintemute_type mount on the term20:28
Wintemute_you will see your mountpoints20:28
Wintemute_plus the system ones20:28
Wintemute_(Like /dev)20:28
Wintemute_I want to change the mount options of the system ones20:29
Wintemute_mainly to ro or noexec20:29
guntbertWintemute_: I never heard of  "system" mount points, and no I don't know how to change them. Why do you want to do that?20:30
glen1if I have a webserver, how do I stop users from putting up a website on through their ftp accounts20:30
Wintemute_avoid file injection and execution20:30
Wintemute_<glen1> disable ftp20:30
Wintemute_or remove the apache module20:31
guntbertWintemute_: you don't change the options for the mount points but for the filesystems20:31
smoserWintemute_, well, /etc/fstab or for mount points that don't appear there, /lib/init/fstab is where they come from (on recent ubuntu)20:31
glen1I have a server and serveral ftp accounts on it, im not sure how to stop them from creating a website on it20:31
glen1currently only used for css maps20:31
Wintemute_<smoser> Thanks!!! :)20:31
smoserbut guntbert is probably more being your friend, telling you the right way to do things.20:31
webpragmatistjdstrand: that's interesting because i never did ufw reload and a simple sync of thes conf files it showed the correct firewall20:31
smoseryou probably dont' want to mess with /lib/init/fstab20:31
webpragmatistjdstrand: is it not necesssary to ufw reload ?20:32
kim0hi folks .. when /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run == 1 .. that means ksm is active ?20:32
Wintemute_I want to see if is possible actually20:32
jdstrandwebpragmatist: check with 'ufw show raw'. I did say 'should show' cause if you change stuff outside of the cli command out from under it, 'status' won't be accurate20:33
Wintemute_put a ro/noexec server to run20:33
guntbertWintemute_: in /dev there are the devices, you mount them somewhere else, I don't know of any way to change options for the devices themselves20:33
webpragmatistjdstrand: i see okay... thanks20:33
Wintemute_they are not too much problem...20:34
Wintemute_owner root perms 75520:34
smoserkim0, it would appear that it means the kernel should be running ksm. not that it is being run "RIGHT NOW"20:35
Wintemute_But I don't like this: /lib/init/rw20:35
nuno_glen1: you can disable public_html20:35
glen1ahh, ill have a go :D20:35
kim0smoser: the thing is .. I have it "1" for a day now .. and pages_shared = 020:35
Wintemute_or /var ones...20:35
kim0smoser: I'm not running VMs .. rather running 2 JVMs on a low ram instance20:35
Wintemute_no sense to have exec on then (in a hardened server)20:35
smoserkim0, hm..20:36
kim0smoser: I was kinda hoping to get some memory savings .. shared pages = 0 looks suspicious20:36
smoserand /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/sleep_millisecs has non-zero ?20:36
kim0smoser: 2020:36
nuno_glen1: /etc/apache2/mods-available/userdir.conf20:37
smoserkim0, sorry... i'd be stumped as you are.20:37
kim0smoser: ok no problem .. at least that doesn't make me feel too stupid :)20:37
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smoserkim0, wait. what data did you think would be shared for your jvms ?20:38
kim0smoser: I kinda have no idea .. but I expected some core libs maybe to be shared .. just anything .. not zero20:38
glen1slug, cool20:38
glen1so they can only access the files, but not host a website?20:39
kim0smoser: the JVM executable itself maybe at least ?20:39
kim0smoser: I just echo 1 > run on my laptop .. and it's zero as well20:39
smoseryeah. i'd have thought something.  i dont know that the jvm executable itself would show up there.20:39
smoserit seems like i need to readm more about that20:40
slugglen1: i don't know, it depends what setup you have. you can disable directories to be served by apache20:40
RoAkSoAxsmoser: http://imgur.com/st1Br.png20:40
RoAkSoAxsmoser: is that expected?20:40
smoserRoAkSoAx, you should get a login prompt though20:40
smoserhit enter20:41
RoAkSoAxsmoser: doing that but nothing20:41
ideamani have a bug i cant't figure out. would appreciate anyone's help. After a flawless install of 10.04 or even trying 9, about 5/6 times on boot, it hangs at this message20:41
ideamaninit: ureadahead-other main process(721) terminated with status 420:41
smoserRoAkSoAx, how about in serial console (click i the window, then ctrl-alt-3)20:41
smoserRoAkSoAx, if youw ant to share a branch i'll take a quick look20:42
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i get login prompt in serial console20:43
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I'll share it in a bti20:43
ideamani dont see you saying anything20:49
ideaman i have a bug i cant't figure out. would appreciate anyone's help. After a flawless install of 10.04 or even trying 9, about 5/6 times on boot, it hangs at this message20:54
sherrideaman: I see that occasionally/regularly but don't think it causes hangs/problems. Something else maybe? Last time someone asked about this "error" was because a network mount point (samba in /etcfstab) timed-out on boot. Causing a long wait.20:56
ideamanthe only app i installed with the original install was ssh20:57
hallynideaman: googling, i see several bugs about it.  Most of the people who say they've fixed it for themselves seem to have cleared out extraneous entries from /etc/fstab21:00
hallynideaman: are you using lvm?21:01
ideamanbeen doing the same install on the last 10 boxes cookie cutter to this one21:01
ideamanthis box is just a slightly new server21:01
ideamansame exact motherboard as the last servers though21:01
ideamanill check fstab on it though21:01
ideamanperhaps a dban and try a clean install??21:02
webpragmatistjdstrand: this is weird.... the files are always dirty21:10
webpragmatistfor /lib/ufw/*.rules and ufw.conf21:10
RoAkSoAxsmoser: btw.. everytime you wan't to TestDrive that image, do you need it to untar every time so that it is a clean image, or would you like to run the image directly?21:11
webpragmatistanyone have any ideas?21:11
RoAkSoAx(which will already contain the assigned keys)21:11
smoserwell, if you modify, you modify the file.21:12
smoserbut i think testdrive's view of the world is throw away21:12
jdstrandwebpragmatist: if you add rules or enable/disable the firewall, the files will change21:12
smoserbut, as i suggested in the bug, you should create the backing store qcow file21:12
smoserthen, you dont ever modify the original21:12
webpragmatistjdstrand: or reload?21:12
webpragmatistmaybe that is it hrm21:13
jdstrandwebpragmatist: I just tried with reload, it it does update the timestamp21:13
webpragmatistjdstrand: ya21:13
webpragmatistthat was it thanks21:13
webpragmatisti have csync2 do-local which is not really necessary21:14
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yes that's what I'm gonna do next. Right now I just wanted to have this working first, since creating a qcow2 is not a big deal to add21:14
smoserRoAkSoAx, what is the behavior of testdrive in other circumstances ?21:14
smoserif i run a live cd image, and then run it again, have my changes stuck ?21:15
smoseri'd just stay consistent with that behvior21:15
RoAkSoAxsmoser: nop, changes won't stuck. But this case is different given that we using a disk image instead of an ISO. But, yes, I'll make it that way21:17
smoseroh, yeah.21:18
smoserthat was a dumb question21:18
smoseri have not used a CD in so long21:18
smoseri was thinking of usb-creator-gtk made USB keys, which store data21:18
RoAkSoAxsmoser: TestDrive creates a temporary disk image to run the ISO, if users installs, the image is kept, if no installation is being done, the images gets deleted21:19
smoserright. and how do you know if user installed ?21:21
smoserjust curious21:21
RoAkSoAxsmoser: well the image is kept because is not empty, so if users wants to run that image, he would just do "tesdrive -u file://name.img". However, everytime you run an ISO a disk image is create regardless there might have been a previous installation using the same ISO21:24
smoserhow do you know if its empty ?21:24
RoAkSoAxsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/482583/21:25
webpragmatistany lsyncd users/21:26
smoserfair enough21:26
webpragmatistI'm just wondering if on connection fail if it keeps the inotify actions on delay21:27
raubvogelsmoser:  did you get your ldap thingie working?21:27
webpragmatistits hard to tell with the logs21:27
smoserraubvogel, i dont recal an ldap thingy21:29
smoserthat doesn't mean i didn't ask about something like that.21:29
raubvogelsmoser: sorry, it was slug21:29
raubvogelMy cut-n-paste skills are weak this rainy day21:30
slugraubvogel: getting there :)21:30
raubvogelWe should not start talking about my typing skills though...21:30
slugraubvogel: now i have phpldapadmin talking to it and able to create/edit accounts/groups. trying to setup dns now21:31
slugraubvogel: followed this: http://tuxnetworks.blogspot.com/2010/06/howto-ldap-server-on-1004-lucid-lynx.html21:31
slugraubvogel: created a small .sh to do it for me21:31
slugi'll put it online or as a comment on that page.21:31
raubvogelI will do it ldif style maybe by the end of the week21:32
raubvogelslug: so you used ldif?21:35
slugraubvogel: yeah21:35
raubvogelIt does not seem to be bad but, as you said, it makes much more sense doing all that mucking around through a .sh script21:36
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slugraubvogel: yeah, i just didn't want to type everything again if something didn't work21:38
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kim0smoser: The KSM doesn't really work, because it's not magical. The user space app needs to register a memory range with the kernel using the madvise syscall to hint the region being "mergeable" .. qemu-kvm probably does this, but without it nothing is gonna happen21:48
smoserkim0, that makes sense.21:48
kim0I wonder if one can write a c-app to mark all private pages of a process as mergeable21:49
kim0memmerge -p 1234 -p 234521:49
kim0something to think about :)21:49
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I'll finish this later since I gotta run. It will be ready by tomorrow21:53
RoAkSoAxfor testdrive-cli only. Next week I'll work on the -gtk21:54
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uvirtbotNew bug: #623007 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62300722:06
slugraubvogel: any luck setting up dns+ldap?22:20
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Poizonhey everyone, im having problems winth euc23:00
Poizonsomeone could give me a hand ?23:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:02
binBASHuec you mean23:02
binBASHnot euc23:02
Poizonyes binBASH, sorry23:03
Poizoni've been trying to put a ubuntu image for lucid, but it fails with "socket.error: [Errno 113] No route to host23:04
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nealmcbPoizon: what command did you run to get that error?23:05
Poizonnealmcb: uec-publish-tarball ubuntu-10.04-server-uec-i386.tar.gz lucid-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)23:08
Poizonoh i got what i was...23:08
Poizonthe dns configuration on uec23:09
nealmcbPoizon: Good job!  Isn't it cool how formulating a good question often leads to the answer without outside help?23:09
Poizonyeah well, i thought i had named running23:10
Poizonso i didnt expect it to dns problems23:10
Poizonthanks anyway =)23:11
hallynall right - does anyone here have experience with multipath?  I'm seeing what *appears* to be a race condition between the initrd's attempt to mount root, and udev having updated the /dev/disk/by-uuid/ links to point to /dev/mapper/*23:12
hallynJust wondering whether I'm on crack before I start trying to "fix" it23:12
Poizonthe new udev is a headache23:13
hallynhow has it changed?23:13
hallyn(this is in lucid server 10.04.1)23:13
hallyn(so maverick-only changes would not be my problem, at least not yet :)23:13
Poizoni got problems in a gentoo server, i had to just dont upgrade udev23:14
hallynhm, i'll go look at the package source then, thanksf or the tip23:14
Poizonlook at udev "rules", udev does recoignize your disks but it makes different path23:15
Poizonin a ubuntu server i just had to boot it under a live cd, look the udev rules, and change the fstab23:15
hallynPoizon: problem here is that multipath locks /dev/sda1 and offers it as /dev/mapper/something, then udev updates /dev/disk/by-uuid/ to point into /dev/mapper (iiuc), but init is trying to mount /dev/disk/by-uuid before udev updates the links23:17
hallyn(on some systems, not all)23:18
TakyojiSo I have an old desktop motherboard that's certainly functional; and has a "network boot" option (not sure which type of network boot however. Is it possible to have an installation on a desktop stored on another system (a system that would act like a PXE server)?23:18
Poizonyah thats what i tell you, when udev makes the recoignition it writes udev rules somewhere in /etc/23:18
Poizonyou can look there, read them and update your fstab in order to get your system ounted23:18
hallynPoizon: but i'm sayin gthe rules are right, they are just being acted on a split-second too late23:18
Poizoni see23:19
hggdhhallyn: you do virt, do you not?23:19
hallynTakyoji: not sure where the simplest howto is (and i don't do it), but it certainly is possible23:19
hallynhggdh: what do you mean?23:19
hggdhhallyn: I got bug 619843 where we found a problem on Maverick23:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619843 in eucalyptus "euca-get-console-output returns one single line" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61984323:20
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hggdhhallyn: it deals with console.log being owned by root:, 66023:20
hallynhggdh: i'll go look at that if you promise to read up and tellme if you have any hints on udev.vs.initrd.vs.multipath races  :)23:21
* hallyn goes to look23:21
hggdhhallyn: heh. I am trying to find one myself... on mounted-tmp23:21
hggdhhallyn: and it *is* a race, since rbooting with init=/sbin/init --debug causes the bug to vanish23:22
hallynhggdh: and, since the link which it is trying to mount is correct by the time you get the busybox shell23:24
hallynhggdh: well i don't think bug 619843 would be apparmor, as that is concerned with MAC...23:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619843 in eucalyptus "euca-get-console-output returns one single line" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61984323:25
hallynhggdh: libvirt update maybe...23:26
hggdhhallyn: I am suspecting so also... I will try to hunt it down, thanks23:26
hggdhhallyn: BTW -- IS told me the CanonicalCloud is closed to the external world23:27
hallynhggdh: very inconvenient :(23:28
hallynhggdh: where is that console located by default?23:29
hallynoh, it's just the logfile at least?23:29
TakyojiSo is PXE de facto as of network boot and pretty much supported by systems made at least after 1998 or so?23:30
hallynTakyoji: that's my understanding23:30
hallynhggdh: standard virt-viewer+libvirt+kvm on my brand-spanking-new maverick laptop makes it:23:30
hallyn'-rw------- 1 root root 9733 2010-08-23 17:26 lucid1.log23:30
TakyojiI suppose this is the suitable wiki page I'm looking for: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto23:31
hallynTakyoji: looks nice23:33
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SpamapSsmoser: you could totally use a regex for that btw23:39

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