
Sarvattjg: talk about timing, all of that intel stuff got pulled when we were talking about it earlier and 2.6.36-rc2 came out with it, it should be up here tomorrow and has way too many eDP fixes to count :) http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/02:59
jgSarvatt: ok, I'll take it for a spin then...  03:00
jgof course, rc2's tend to be a bit "exciting"....d03:00
Sarvattpicking out what fixed it will be fun if it ends up working for you03:00
Sarvatt(58 commits)03:01
Sarvattof course it could have been fixed in rc1 for you too but you wouldn't know because i915 couldn't load right on it in the first place :)03:02
jgSarvatt: heh.  And keithp finished up the 1.9 server too...03:21
jgSarvatt: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=9d0498a2bf7455159b317f19531a3e5db2ecc9c4 looks hopeful...  04:06
FlynsarmyI'm on Ubuntu 10.04 on a laptop with nvidia-propreitry. I have an external to the right in twinview but the leftmost 10-20px get cut off. left, top and right are all in-line with the edge of hte monitor. How can I fix this?04:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
c10ud`hi all, i'm using this nice ppa for my video card, however i need to downgrade from 256.44 -> 256.35 due to an hard x lockup in the nvidia binary blob (nvidia already knows about this)14:01
c10ud`which is the best way for such a downgrade?14:01
jgSarvatt: no joy on RC2.16:29
cndbryceh, we're looking towards uploading a bunch of stuff for utouch today17:56
cndwhich requires an upload of the new evdev17:56
cnddo you think you could take a look at it and upload it if it's ok?17:56
cndwe've been testing it ourselves, you can test it out from the ppa:utouch-team/unstable ppa if you want17:57
brycehcnd, 1:2.3.2-6ubuntu1~utouch3 ?18:46
cndbryceh, yep18:48
cndit incorporates the changes you suggested in your review18:48
brycehcnd, ok looks good to me, uploaded18:48
cndbryceh, thanks!18:48
brycehI reversioned it to -6ubuntu1 btw18:49
brycehcnd, also, can you commit the changes to git?18:49
cndbryceh, I don't have commit rights18:49
brycehok, I can commit it18:49
brycehwe should get you commit rights though18:50
cndthat's fine with me18:50
bryceh(even though it sounds like mark wants us to move to bzr)18:50
cndbryceh, sorry about that...18:50
brycehcnd, tjaalton or jcristau can hook you up when they're online I think18:51
cndI think a case could be made given that our work is highly based on debian's packaging18:51
cnda case for staying in git18:51
brycehwell, it does make me curious about the state of the bzr/git syncing functionality18:53
brycehcnd, ok let me know if there's any problems with -evdev19:01
cndbryceh, will do19:01
tjaaltoncnd: create a guest account on alioth.debian.org, and join pkg-xorg19:30
cndtjaalton, ok19:31
tjaaltoncnd: jcristau (or some other admin) could then add you to the group, and off you go19:35
tjaaltonbryceh: re git->bzr; reference?-)19:36
cndtjaalton, I created an account, corp186-guest. How do I get rid of the "-guest"?19:37
tjaaltoncnd: by becoming a DD :)19:38
cnduhhh, ok I guess :)19:38
brycehtjaalton, the multitouch mailing list19:39
tjaaltonbryceh: ah, alright19:40
cndtjaalton, I've requested addition to pkg-xorg19:46
cndthanks for the pointers :)19:46
tjaaltoncool, np19:46
tjaaltonhumm, so is it nowadays possible to work with bzr&git from the same repository copy?19:59
cndtjaalton, when bzr-git isn't broken20:03
cndlike it is in maverick...20:04
tjaaltoncnd: ok. I haven't tried it in a loong time20:04
jgSarvatt: no luck with RC220:14
asacRAOF: heya !!! ;)22:35
asachope you had a good night :-P22:35
asacRAOF: what do you think about making xserver-xorg -> Depends: xserver-xorg-driver-all | linaro-xserver-xorg-driver-fakeall ?22:36
asaclinaro-xserver-xorg-driver-fakeall would live in a ppa ... and would only depend on -fbdev ... and would probably provide xserver-xorg-driver-all22:36
* asac has to get rid of all the driver cruft on linaro/arm22:36
asacRAOF: actually xserver-xorg-driver-all -> ...-video-all22:47
Sarvattasac: just remove everything but what you want from scripts/vars.arm in the xorg metapackage? it looks like its just a placeholder noones looked at anyway22:51
asacSarvatt: hmm. 22:51
asacgood point22:51
asacwill check with ogra22:51
asacok i missed the xserver-xorg-video-8 provides22:53
asacseems we can alrewady remove everything we didnt want22:53
asacRAOF: so unless i come back, scratch that noise from above ;)22:54
jgSarvatt: well, RC2 was not useful; same symptoms.23:38
Sarvattdang, sorry to hear that jg, thanks for letting me know it wasn't fixed though :(23:43
jgSarvatt: yeah, such is life.  at least there is a kernel known to run though....  23:44

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