
quadrisprohi all15:17
quadrisprofalktx, http://bugs.debian.org/593985, http://bugs.debian.org/594075, http://bugs.debian.org/59404115:19
quadrisprofalktx, NASPRO is pending15:19
falktxquadrispro: cool15:20
falktxquadrispro: did you got it working ?15:20
falktxeheh, I package it for my ppa without really knowing how to make it work...15:20
quadrisproit's really cool15:21
quadrisproI touched upstream, too15:21
quadrisprohe's italian15:21
falktxquadrispro: it bridges dssi-lv2 or what?15:21
quadrisprono, yes it does too15:22
falktxquadrispro: did they make any tutorial/explanation/doc on how to make it work ?15:24
quadrisproregarding bridges I can't find anything at the moment15:24
quadrisprobut naspro-core provides a bunch of interesting examples15:24
falktxthat's the problem...15:24
falktxthe code is there, we just don't know how to use it15:25
quadrispronaspro-core gives some good stuff15:28
falktxI never coded a plugin15:29
=== quadrispro is now known as alessio
=== alessio is now known as quadrispro
scott-workit looks like gnome-network-admin has a fix to allow configuration of connections :)17:57
falktxscott-work: will you use it or change to nm-applet ?17:58
scott-workfalktx: probably stay with gnome-admin since it uses less resources17:59
falktxscott-work: oh, ok17:59
scott-workfalktx: do you think we should swtich to nm-applet?18:00
falktxscott-work: not sure... depends on who will use it18:00
falktxscott-work: i think the dvd should at least contain it, for those who will prefer to install it18:00
scott-workfalktx: it still does contain nm-applet and network-manager as well18:01
falktxscott-work: ok, that's cool 18:02

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