
Iron23[MHA]Hello. Could anyone perhaps help me with a quick problem I'm having with an install of 10.04?02:20
Iron23[MHA]Anyone ?02:25
hellslingeris anyone up?07:39
Blank__it'll be a while before i sleep... not even 5pm here07:39
jussihellslinger: no :P07:39
hellslingeranyone have any trouble with ardour as of late? I'm getting an "AudioSetup value for inputdevice is missing data" on launch that is preventing me from being able to play or record anything07:39
Blank__hmm, nope07:40
hellslingeroh man... this is not good, I've got a record to mix this week and can't open my sessions ;*(07:41
hellslingermaybe the ardour dudes will know how to fix it07:41
holsteinhellslinger: what version?07:42
holsteinhave you tried deleting your .config file07:42
holsteinadd letter ardour make a new one?07:42
holsteinyou could just move it somewhere and try it07:42
hellslingerI'm trying both 2.8.6 and 2.8.1107:43
hellslingerone is compiled locally (with vst and lv2 support) and the other is the apt version07:43
holsteini wonder if thats a problem07:44
holsteinhaving 2 different versions07:44
holsteinask in #ardour07:44
holsteinthose guys are on it07:44
hellslingercool, well thanks anyway fellas07:45
holsteinmaybe having the 2 versions has messed up .ardour207:45
holsteingood luck07:45
hellslinger  I'll check it out for sure07:46
hellslingerthank you07:46
Blank__what the10:13
=== elix1on is now known as elixion
MakdaamI've got some problems with Ubuntu Studio 10.0421:21
Makdaamthe sound servers are all messed up :S21:21
Makdaamafter autosuspending pa with jackctl all new applications with some kind of sound playback print "Bus Error" and exit21:23
holsteinhello Makdaam21:27
holsteinMakdaam: thats not the way it will work21:27
holsteinyou cant have sound going21:27
holsteinstart JACK21:28
holsteinand have it go over to JACK21:28
holsteinyou stop everything21:28
Makdaameasy to say21:28
holsteinthen start jackcontrol21:28
holsteinthat will suspend pulse21:28
holsteinand then you can use JACK21:28
holsteinjack doesnt do a lot of casual sound task easily out of the box21:28
holsteinMakdaam: what are you trying to do?21:29
Makdaamwhat about non-jack applications? is there an alsa emulation that I can use under esd or something?21:29
MakdaamI'm trying to use jack and pa/esd/whatever interchangeably21:29
holsteintheres a pulse to JACK bridge21:29
holsteinthat falktx has made for his distro21:29
Makdaamwhile running jackd at all times and having pa->jack module running would be optimal I'm open to other solutions21:29
holsteincheck out...21:30
holsteinyou can run it live21:30
holsteinand decide if you want to add falks PPA to your ubuntu or whatever21:30
holsteinBUT again, what are you trying to do?21:30
holsteinyou might not need JACK21:30
holsteinif your not using ardour21:31
holsteinor the routing features21:31
holsteinOR needing low latency21:31
MakdaamI'd like to use jack routing (multiple soundcards with a monitoring output and standard output)21:31
MakdaamI have no problems with jack enabled apps21:32
Makdaamjust the generic ones21:32
holsteinmultiple sound cards is not simplified by JACK21:32
holsteinin any way21:32
holsteinits an ALSA hack21:32
Makdaamyou can reconfigure alsa21:32
holsteinto get that happening21:32
holsteinat that point21:32
holsteinits doing its thing21:32
holsteinMakdaam: check out21:33
holsteinthere a guy there21:33
holsteinuses a couple sound cards and JACK21:33
MakdaamI've already configured alsa the way I wanted :)21:33
holsteinphone... BB21:34
Makdaamit's a single virtual alsa device now21:34
MakdaamI'll check out KXStudio, looks promising21:37
Makdaamand also I hate Gnome :D21:38
Makdaamthanks for all the help21:38

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