
shadeslayerRiddell: lex might return during the weekend.. just when im planning to drop off for a week :P http://pastebin.com/niw2AH1200:05
Riddellshadeslayer: tell him to apply for UDS00:06
shadeslayerright on00:07
* shadeslayer wonders why his 8085 sim wont run00:09
shadeslayerRiddell: when will we get confirmation of our sponsorships?00:16
macoshadeslayer: they'e /very/ behind this year00:17
shadeslayermaco: i dont follow00:17
shadeslayerbehind as in?00:17
macouds barcelona...confirmation was 2 months before uds. this uds... we're 2 months out right now and they JUST announced sponsorship opening00:17
* shadeslayer hopes it really gets postponed by one weel00:18
macocant do that with hotel reservations...00:18
shadeslayernothing bad.. just that itll make my life much easier :P00:18
shadeslayermaco: i know...00:18
shadeslayerbut im hoping for the best :P00:18
shadeslayerok now i have a headache.... @ 5 AM in the morning00:19
shadeslayerim going to sleep.. ASM gave me this headache, im sure00:19
shadeslayerStop to screw up Kubuntu, go to bed is too late for you!!! :D << from lex00:21
shadeslayerso... cya everybody... in another 3-4 hours00:22
=== nuno_ is now known as slug
valorieI just bought a new HD to use for backup today03:45
valoriein advance of global jam this weekend, when I'll upgrade03:46
valorieany hints on how best to reformat it in kubuntu03:46
valorieand what backup software to use?03:46
valorieit's a seagate FreeAgent 1.5T 03:47
valoriewhich I gather isn't very linux friendly03:47
valorieoff to the library, and then back to googling, I guess03:51
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
rbelemapachelogger, Riddell, ScottK, can you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/623137 http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=8529  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-mobile/+bug/623142  06:16
artnayI know the translation day was already but I just found this out: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/marble/+bug/62317507:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623175 in marble (Ubuntu) "Marble's translation templates are not up-to-date" [Undecided,New]07:39
apachelogger25th to 29th that even ought to be possible08:15
Nightrosethat's right after the gsoc mentor summit08:18
apacheloggerNightrose: you could attend then? ^^08:19
apacheloggersince you are in the US anyway08:19
* apachelogger pokes artnay with the invalidstick :P08:19
Nightroseapachelogger: i want to be in boston that week tbh to visit jeff but orlando sounds tempting really08:19
apacheloggerI have no idea where either is08:19
Nightrosevisiting jeff would be boston08:19
apacheloggeras long as it is not texas I should be fine supposedly08:19
Nightrosebut i could possibly do that before the mentor summit08:20
Nightrosethen mentor summit and then uds08:20
Nightrosethat would be one insane travel...08:20
apacheloggerbut fun for sure08:21
Nightrosei guess so yes08:21
apacheloggeroh dear, orlando is in florida08:21
Nightroseit is - i'd be going east-coast - west-coast - east cost08:21
Nightrose-> fun08:21
apacheloggerdoes one get arrested for indecent behaviour in florida? :P08:21
* apachelogger needs to get a new passport then08:22
apacheloggermine is not valid for travels to the US ^^08:22
macoapachelogger: orlando is where disney is08:23
apacheloggerare we going to do a day trip to disney then?08:23
Nightrosei'm so going! :D08:23
macowe were talking about disney in #ubuntu-devel and slangasek goes "what better epilogue to a free software event than to worship at the altar of perpetual copyright?"08:23
apacheloggerdoes one get arrested for indecent behaviour at disney world?08:24
Nightrosemaco: rofl08:24
macoi said i was thinking we go to disney on sunday before uds that way uds can be penancee08:24
apacheloggerwhat better epilogue to a free software event by getting sponsored there by a company that sucks free software dry and producing prop software, eh? :P08:24
* apachelogger better hopes no one reas that or sponsorship is out of question :P08:25
* Nightrose huggls apachelogger08:25
* apachelogger rehuggles Nightrose and distributes kisses throughout the chann0l08:25
apacheloggerhalloween parteee08:27
apacheloggerfairy treasures!!!!08:27
persiaWho ends up being the counterparty for the CC-SA-3.0 license if one signs that?08:36
apacheloggerneversfelde:  ^ can you please drop an opinion on that? :)08:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: https://fedorahosted.org/python-slip/browser/slip/dbus/polkit.py looks more convenient than the aptdaemon thing08:41
* persia suspects that it's a non-actionable agreement without that information, such that it doesn't matter if one signs or not (as one hasn't released rights to any specific counterparty), although I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't true in some jurisdiction (perhaps with the state as default counterparty or similar)08:42
apacheloggerpersia: it is from the uds sponsorship page08:43
apacheloggerso supposedly the counterpart is canonical, but that is rather implicit IMHO08:43
persiaImplicit counterparties are a fuzzy area, and highly jurisdiction-dependent.  That said, it would be bad form to sue someone for your UDS appearance, given the number of audio streams, video streams, photographs, etc.08:45
apacheloggerI do not like "release any and all claims whatsoever" things of any sort08:51
apachelogger!find decorator.py08:53
ubottuFile decorator.py found in bzr, checkbox, firmware-tools, fso-frameworkd, gnome-orca (and 14 others)08:53
persiaapachelogger, Maybe offer an open CC-SA-3.0 license for the representations to the implied counterparty?  I'd be surprised if there was an issue (although I may be mistaken)08:55
apacheloggerwell, since you cannot use the sponsorship without agreeing to above pasted release ... :/08:56
* apachelogger got polkit in pyth0rn \\o/09:29
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
agateauRiddell: ping10:04
agateauRiddell: good news, Konqueror patch to move the throbber to the toolbar got upstreamed10:04
Sputagateau: trying to make the dbusmenu stuff work on a distro that isn't kubuntu... is there any daemon or whatever required to make it work with the plasma tray?10:11
Sputas plasma seems to ignore it completely10:11
agateauSput: no daemon needed10:11
agateauSput: were kdelibs and kdebase built with dbusmenu-qt support?10:11
agateauSput: it has been made optional recently10:11
Sputwell, at least cmake tells me it finds the lib10:12
Sputno idea how to test if plasma actually uses it10:12
agateauSput: in kdelibs and kdebase?10:12
Sputwell, it's found and linked against10:12
Sputbut is there any way to test if it's actually in use?10:13
Riddellagateau: yay, well one10:13
Sputthe KSNIs all export MenuBar/org.ayatana.dbusmenu, but clicking on the Get* methods in qdbusviewer gets me an error10:13
Riddellagateau: yay, well done10:13
agateauSput: can you pastebin the error?10:13
SputUnable to find method GetChildren on path /MenuBar in interface org.ayatana.dbusmenu10:15
Sputsame for the other Get* methods10:15
apacheloggerSput: in gnome I now get a quassel tray10:16
apacheloggerapparently the gnome indicator applet blocked it10:16
apacheloggerand I get a menu10:16
apacheloggerand it looks gnomz10:16
Sputactually GetProperty and GetLayout work though10:16
agateauthat's really weird10:16
Sputbut GetChildren and GetGroupProperties and GetChildren are b0rked10:17
agateauGetGroupProperties was broken but got fixed recently10:17
Sputapachelogger: so it seems that I did it right?10:17
Sputah, Event is broken too10:17
agateauSput: how do you call GetChildren()?10:17
Sputagateau: I'm just clicking on the names in qdbusviewer10:18
agateauSput: I mean which arguments do you pass?10:18
Sputagateau: I can't pass any args because qdbusviewer can't find the method...10:19
agateauSput: can you try with d-feet?10:19
agateau(it's a gtk equivalent of qdbusviewer)10:19
Sputand plasma at least seems to ignore the dbusmenu as it still requests the popup menu here10:19
Sputcan do10:19
Sputagateau: ah, there I can enter params, which should I use?10:21
agateaufor GetChildren: 0, ""10:21
agateauShould give you all properties of all first level items10:22
Sputok, that seems to work10:22
Sputso it's just plasma not using it, I guess10:22
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, I think we can port software-properties to policykit for 11.04 ... I just got dbus policy foo working in python10:22
Sputapachelogger: ok, that looks pretty much that I did it correctly and it's working on Ubuntu at least10:23
Sputincluding the missing icons :D10:23
apacheloggermissing icons?10:23
Sputyeah, the menu entries don't have icons10:23
Sputfixing that would require me rewriting my iconloader10:23
Sputnah, that's an issue in quassel, but I'm not sure if I care enough to fix it10:23
agateauSput: so you wrote your own Qt-only KSNI implementation?10:24
Sputagateau: yes10:24
agateauSput: interesting...10:24
Sputwell, only implementing the features I need for Quassel10:24
Riddellapachelogger: ooh good10:24
Sputand pretty much based on KDE's implementation10:24
Sput(ripping out what I don't need, Qtifying the rest)10:25
Riddellapachelogger: although doesn't language-selector-gtk alreay use it?10:25
agateauSput: there have been some discussions about getting KSNI integrated into Qt itself10:25
agateauSput: may be we can reuse your work there10:25
Sputagateau: yes, I would pay the guy doing that a beer10:25
apacheloggerRiddell: policykit?10:25
* agateau does not drink alcohol :)10:25
Sputagateau: I'd be very very very glad to be able to throw away my custom implementations of the tray icon and statusnotifier and use QSystemTrayIcon or whatever again10:25
Sputit's a messy, buggy thing :)10:25
Sputsince it also includes falling back to the standard tray icon10:26
Sputand also supports statusnotifier even if Qt has been built without tray icon support10:26
Sput(which could be useful on phones)10:26
agateauSput: yes, I don't like much the way KSNI is implemented, especially the associatedWidget thing10:26
macoSput: why does quassel not remember that ive unchecked the main toolbar in the view menu?10:26
Sputagateau: yeah, that's a feature I don't use... since we always have a menu10:26
Sputso I could simplify some things10:27
agateauSput: actually the associatedWidget thing is for when you don't have a window10:27
Sputagateau: I'd also buy you a nice bottle of local wine for making QSystemTrayIcon dbussy :)10:27
Sputor coke!10:27
Sputit's one of those things that are really really missing... now that Qt has icon theme support10:28
Sputbtw, how do I get Ubuntu in a virtualbox with display resizing support? I guess I'd need to install the vbox guest additions, but can't seem to find a package10:30
amichairSput: virtualbox-ose-guest-utils10:30
macoSput: virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms and virtualbox-ose-guest-x1110:30
macoamichair: that one says "non-X11 guest utils" in the description10:30
Sputah... the Ubuntu Software Center confuses me :)10:31
amichairthat's the one I always used, and it always worked (full integration)...10:31
debfxmaco: it recommends -x1110:31
* maco uses apt10:31
macodebfx: ahh ok10:31
Sputyeah, the -dkms seems to be a transitional package10:31
macoSput: doesnt say that anywhere....10:32
Sputmy ubuntu software center tells me that :)10:32
macoits not in the package description10:32
macoDescription: x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module source for dkms10:32
Sputah, seems like "Transitional package for virtual-ose-guest-dkms" is something else again10:33
amichair-dkms says it depends on -utils10:33
Sputhmmm, it installed -dkms too10:34
Sputah well, we'll see if it works10:34
Sputlooks like it.10:34
amichairSput: which?10:34
SputI installed the x11 thingy10:34
Sputand that prolly pulled in the other one10:34
amichairSput: well as long as it works :-)10:35
Sputwell, now figure out which packages I need to be able to build quassel... 10:36
amichairah, the -utils also provide shared folders etc. Or so the description says.10:36
macoapt-get build-dep quassel10:36
Sputah cool10:36
SputI seem to remember something like build-essentials but couldn't find it :)10:37
Sputagateau: any idea why the plasma tray seems to ignore dbusmenu, or how to enable/check for it?10:38
agateauSput: is it using old school tray protocol or KSNI?10:39
Sputagateau: it uses ksni10:39
agateauSput: if you get nice tooltips it's KSNI10:39
Sputwell, without the K :)10:40
SputI'm not sure if other apps use dbusmenu either10:40
SputI have no idea how to check that10:40
agateauif an app is using ksni, it is also using dbusmenu10:41
agateauunless it sets some obscure env var10:41
agateauor unless plasma is not built with dbusmenu10:41
apacheloggerdoes someone know a bit about polkit?10:41
Sputagateau: yes, and I'm suspecting that it doesn't work as intended here, as at least it doesn't work for quassel (which *does* have a dbusmenu in gnome, it seems, so my implementation should be correct)10:42
Sputand I can't check other apps10:42
agateauSput: why can't you check other apps?10:42
* apachelogger just wanted to ask the same thing ^^10:42
Sputagateau: because I have no idea how...10:42
SputI mean, how do I see the difference10:42
agateauSput: you can try dbus-monitor10:43
agateauit's a command line tool10:43
agateauthe dbus equivalent of wireshark10:43
agateaudbus-monitor interface=org.ayatana.dbusmenu10:43
apacheloggerSput: how do you know quassel's dbusmenu does not get used?10:43
Sputapachelogger: because it has icons :)10:44
Sputalso, because ContextMenu is being called10:44
apacheloggerSput: in plasma dbusmneu has icons10:44
Sputapachelogger: not with my implementation.10:44
Sputthat part isn't implemented yet10:44
Sputhmmm, how's the dbusmenu-qt package called in ubuntu?10:45
agateauSput: libdbusmenu-qt210:45
SputI should relearn apt :)10:45
agateauand libdbusmenu-qt-dev10:45
apacheloggerSput: apt-cache search foo bar :P10:46
* apachelogger is wondering how to make polkit not query the password for every action10:47
Sputapachelogger: what did you have to do to make the tray icon work in gnome?10:57
Sputgnome confuses me even more than the software center :(10:57
apacheloggerSput: remove the indicator applet10:58
apacheloggerthe mail-like icon in the systray area10:58
Sputah, yeah, that worked10:58
Sputok, dbusmenu works too for quassel10:59
Sputso I declare my implementation working and bugfree!10:59
Sput... now fix plasma :)10:59
Sputbtw, adding support for it was really easy, agateau...only had to instantiate this DBusMenuExporter thingy and add a method to the SNI sbud interface11:00
Sputso I guess that tells that libdbusmenu-qt is nicely designed11:00
agateauSput: thanks :)11:00
Sputand sbud should have been dbus11:01
Sputgreat. shutting down the vbox made my nvidia go all wonky11:04
Sputnow I have nice visual distortions all over the screen11:04
Sputproprietary drivers --11:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: why did rekonq loose my settings?!?!?!?11:14
apacheloggerthis thing is so full of crap...11:14
apacheloggertoolbar had text alongside icons11:15
apacheloggerand what is with those bookmarks there11:15
apacheloggeris it a toolbar or bookmarks bar?11:15
RiddellI would imagine it's the Main Toolbar followed by the Bookmarks Toolbar11:26
Riddellright click and unlock to check11:26
apacheloggerRiddell: thx11:26
apacheloggerleaves the question why it is in one row by default11:27
apacheloggerand why upstream overwrites user settings on upgrade11:27
Riddellthe transition from hardcoded toolbars to XML GUI ones hasn't gone smoothly for rekonq11:28
Riddellthere are worse problems I'm sure11:28
apacheloggeras long as it stays 11:28
apacheloggerRiddell: IMHO the applications-other icon is a bit over/miss used11:30
apacheloggerit is used by KDE for lost'n'found, by kpk and by software-properties11:30
apacheloggerprobably even more11:30
apacheloggerdoesnt ubiquity use an adapted version?11:31
Riddellit's a version with a kubuntu logo on it11:35
apacheloggerRiddell: I really think we should poke someone to get more diversity11:36
Riddellunfortunately kwwii has just disappeared11:41
emonkeyanyone an idea why there is a little windows with an X (the x from xserver) as icon and if I close it, the whole desktop disappears? (only the windows stay and are usable as normal, krunner worsk normally, etc.)12:01
Riddellcould be flash12:05
JontheEchidnaemonkey, Riddell: bug 614699 is what that is12:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614699 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Qt 4.7.0 breaks QX11EmbedWidget" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61469912:52
Riddelloh yes you pointed that one out a wee while ago12:53
RiddellJontheEchidna: please target any bugs you think need it to beta or 10.10 and tag with kubuntu12:54
* Riddell does so for that bug12:54
emonkeyI'll check that mom12:54
emonkeylooks like that ... I don't want to use another ppa, so I'll wait until it's fixed in the normal backports ppa.12:56
emonkeyJust poke me if I can test something.12:56
emonkeythe only annoying thing is that notifications are displayed again and again and again ...13:00
* apachelogger clearly got too much coffee again :S13:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you know of a way to not make polkit request auth for each and every action?13:03
* apachelogger finds it a bit silly to ask a billion times for authentication when applying the changes ^^13:03
jussiapachelogger: I have that when connecting to samba or sftp via dolphin. very annoying. 13:04
apacheloggerthat is another story13:04
jussiwell could we fix that too?  :D13:05
apacheloggerjussi: with sftp one uses a key anyway :P13:05
jussiapachelogger: sometimes13:05
jussino, sometimes.13:05
apacheloggerthere is no reason why one would not want to use a keay13:05
jussigrrr, there is reason. and the function exists, so should we not fix it?13:06
apacheloggerwhat is the reason :P13:06
* apachelogger thinks that kde should very much fix it, since they broke it13:06
apacheloggersoftwareproperties makes my nose itch -.-13:10
apacheloggerRiddell: is there are particular reason it was not derived from a *Dialog class?13:11
Riddellwell it's an application not a dialogue13:11
apacheloggerRiddell: well, if it were not alienating itself by doing on-the-fly-apply it would exhibit need for all standard dialog buttons13:13
Riddelloh that's because it's a port of the gtk one so I copied the whole UI including on-the-fly-apply13:14
Riddellah hah, JontheEchidna broke kdebase-workspace with his utempter larks in kdelibs13:15
* apachelogger notes that the backend does not support other paradigms anyway13:15
apacheloggertoogle functions are evil13:15
apacheloggersomething is fishy with my dbus service :(13:20
* jussi sticks another fish down apachelogger's dbus... heheh :D13:31
* apachelogger pets dbus13:31
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I guess you'd only use one auth policy for applying changes, and if that passes then apply all changes via the helper13:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that however is a bit awkward if the sysadmin wants to define more fine grided permissions? :/13:40
apacheloggereither the user gets annoyed or the sysadmin :/13:41
JontheEchidnaI am wondering which options would need to be fine-grained from and s-p-k perspective13:43
JontheEchidnamy point exactly. :)13:44
apacheloggerpopcon :P13:45
JontheEchidnaone auth for changing popcon, one auth for other things13:45
* apachelogger hugs JontheEchidna13:45
JontheEchidnayou could even set the popcon one to not need auth by default13:46
JontheEchidnaif security is ok with that I guess13:46
JontheEchidnawould be nice if popcon was per-user13:46
JontheEchidnafor e.g. usage13:46
JontheEchidnaeven if installation stats are per-system13:46
* apachelogger agrees13:52
apacheloggersoftware-properties does seriously funky stuff13:52
apacheloggerRiddell: out of the top of your head, would you have a guess what that is necessary for?13:53
Riddelldeleteing widgets?13:53
apacheloggerwell, yes, but that is part of init13:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: known problem, its on my todo :P13:57
* apachelogger fears it is one of those ever growing todos :P13:57
shadeslayertrue :P13:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you have write access to kde FTP servers>?13:58
apacheloggerno, yes, why?13:58
shadeslayerhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=242675 << please test that if you do :)13:58
ubottuKDE bug 242675 in general "Rekonq refuses to save files remotely" [Wishlist,New]13:58
shadeslayerwait.. that can be any ftp server :/13:59
apacheloggerright :P13:59
apacheloggerYou can only select local files13:59
apacheloggerthat save dialog is resticted to the local file flag14:00
shadeslayeri went over the report too quickly :P14:00
apacheloggerno kdebug in pykde :(14:04
apacheloggerwhy but why14:04
apacheloggerrekonq is so terrible I might have to call it by its real name and get cencored14:06
jjessei tried using reqonk on my netbook as my main browser and i hate it14:06
jjessewould rather use konqueror14:06
apacheloggersay you are at http://api.kde.org/pykde-4.3-api/kdecore/KAboutData.html14:06
apacheloggerand want to get to KDebug14:06
shadeslayerjjesse: why?14:06
apacheloggeryou select the KAboutData and start typing14:07
apacheloggerlike real quick14:07
jjesserefresh takes forever14:07
apacheloggerhit enter enter right away14:07
apacheloggerand kabooom14:07
jjessesome pages don't load correctly for me (facebook (all the time), google reader gives me issues, some of my work pages)14:07
jjesseit seems very slow compared to firefox and chrome14:07
jjessesometimes on my netbook the page flickers as it tries to load14:08
shadeslayerjjesse: rekonq version?14:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^^^^^^ do something about those lost characters14:08
jjesseshadeslayer whatever is in current up to date maverick14:08
jjessejust haven't had time to post to mailing list yet14:08
* shadeslayer checks if 0.5.80 built14:09
jjesseeverything was up to date as of 8pm EST14:09
jjesseon  my netbook14:09
jjessei dont know if having only 1 gb of RAM affects it or not14:09
shadeslayerhehe LO14:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: i still dont understand your bug :(14:11
shadeslayeri opened the KAboutData api page > searched for KAboutData and it works fine14:12
apacheloggernot searched14:12
apacheloggerread again14:12
apacheloggermanually change the url14:12
apacheloggeror quickly search for superfloss 14:12
apacheloggergoogle will come up with superflo14:12
apacheloggerrekonq constantly looses the last 1 or 2 characters of quickly entered input14:12
shadeslayerlemme check14:13
Riddellthat might only be the case with !English14:14
shadeslayeroh...in that case i cant say, i use english and it works for me ( typed my password in urlbar as its the fastest thing i can type :P )14:16
shadeslayerjjesse: what does apt-cache policy rekonq say ?14:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: asdf<enter>14:18
apacheloggermost of the time I can reproudce it with that14:18
apacheloggermaybe I am just too quick a typer :S14:19
shadeslayerworks for me :(14:19
apacheloggerdoesnt here14:20
apacheloggeroh dear14:28
* apachelogger just deleted his dbus stuff -.-14:28
* Riddell removes k3bsetup from system settings, silly place to put it14:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: works for other people in #rekonq as well14:38
apacheloggerthat does not change the fact that it is not working for me, does it?14:38
shadeslayerhehe :P14:38
shadeslayerRiddell: can you sync kmymoney? bug 62298414:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622984 in kmymoney (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync kmymoney 4.5-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62298414:39
Riddellshadeslayer: voila14:49
shadeslayerthanks :D14:50
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thanks Mr. archive man14:55
* Riddell doesn't use a title14:55
Riddelljust plain Archive Man will do :)14:55
shadeslayerhehe :)14:57
agateauIt's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Archive Man!15:03
shadeslayerwould QX11Embed also be responsible for the nasty flash bug with rekonq, where a nasty X11 window comes up when playing flash vids?15:03
shadeslayer^ seems i used nasty twice :P15:03
Riddellyes most likely15:04
JontheEchidna^yes, most likely15:04
shadeslayergood :D15:04
* apachelogger has itchy nose again15:04
apacheloggerenough pyth0rn for today15:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: kubuntu-bugs subscribed to rekonq15:27
CIA-71[libqapt] jmthomas * 1167407 * trunk/kdereview/libqapt/src/worker/org.kubuntu.qaptworker.policy Allow all active users to check for updates, as aptdaemon now does15:27
JontheEchidnait wasn't? :s15:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and qtwebkit-source too15:28
* apachelogger pokes shadeslayer with https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rekonq15:29
* shadeslayer looks15:30
JontheEchidna^now there's no reason muon can't handle refreshing repos after using s-p-kde15:30
JontheEchidnaI was letting s-p-kde do that through qapt-batch since s-p-kde was already running as root and letting muon do it would just throw another auth dialog at you after you had already had to do one to launch s-p-kde15:30
JontheEchidnasmart polkit policies++15:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you mean if started from within muon would carry out the refresh?15:32
JontheEchidnaHmm, let me go through the steps15:33
JontheEchidnaas you know, s-p-kde has a --dont-update flag so that package managers can do the updating themselves15:33
JontheEchidnato launch s-p-kde you have to give the password15:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: one is fix released and one is incomplete/fix released ( marked as incomplete for now )15:33
JontheEchidnasince you didn't launch muon as root15:34
JontheEchidnausing this flag would mean that muon would have to ask you for your password15:34
JontheEchidnabut since s-p-kde is already running as root, it can launch qapt-batch in its own refresh routine without qapt-batch asking for permissions15:34
JontheEchidnatherefore the smart thing to do before I changed it so that any active user can refresh packages was to let s-p-kde do the refreshing by launching a root'd qapt-batch15:35
apacheloggerwhy does qapt-batch ask for permission if it is executed as root?15:35
JontheEchidnait doesn't15:35
apacheloggerwithout ^^15:35
JontheEchidnathat is why I wasn't letting muon handle things15:35
JontheEchidnabut now that any non-remote user can update the cache, a double password annoyfest is no longer a concern15:36
* apachelogger gets it15:37
* apachelogger finds that nifty15:37
apacheloggerThe following errors were encountered:16:03
apacheloggerObject: , name: u'https'16:03
apacheloggerlaunchpad <316:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: that letter loosing annoys me towards blood rage mood16:08
RiddellNCommander: did you say you had a fix for python-qt issue but then kdebindings got stuck on smoke?16:09
Riddellor did I just make that up?16:09
NCommanderRiddell: I had a fix or pykde4, but smoke is stil broke16:09
NCommanderRiddell: I've linked dyfet to it, I think I pinged you with a link 16:09
apacheloggertimeout \o/16:10
RiddellNCommander: so we could just disable smoke on arm?16:10
Riddellwe've done that before16:10
NCommanderRiddell: sure, but I have no time to test it16:10
apacheloggerRiddell: do we still need skim?16:11
Riddellapachelogger: dunno, ask a chinese person16:11
apacheloggerchinese persons: do we still need skim?16:12
Riddellfreeflyi1g: ^^16:12
apacheloggerRiddell: I think skim only works with KDE 3 anyway16:12
apacheloggerThe following errors were encountered:16:12
apacheloggerObject: , name: u'https'16:12
apacheloggerwell then16:12
Riddellhow do I find the URL for an advanced search on launchpad bugs (so i can save it)?16:16
Riddelloh wait, it suddently worked16:16
macoapachelogger: ibus replaces skim16:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: :(16:16
* maco isn't chinese but does frequently type in japanese16:16
maco(or at least more frequently than you do :P)16:17
* apachelogger is either more grumpy than usual or everthing is going to shoot16:17
macoRiddell: um it shows up in your address bar and you copy and paste?16:17
macoi think you can subscribe to advanced searches too to get emails when something new matches it16:17
shadeslayerhehe :P16:17
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think that the lost-letter-bug is coming from the incredible laggingness rekonq's addressbar exhibits here16:18
apacheloggerit is like typing on chewing gum16:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: i hope you have 0.5.8016:18
apacheloggeryes I do16:18
apacheloggerand yet it is crap16:18
apacheloggergo figure16:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: join #rekonq > catch adjam when he comes in > tell him :P16:19
shadeslayerbecause i cant figure it out :(16:19
apacheloggermaco: skim is a KDE config UI for scim I understand16:20
apacheloggerand scim is still around16:20
apacheloggerso I wonder if skim is still usefu16:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw did you try resetting the config files for rekonq? namely .kde/share/apps/rekonq and .kde/share/config/rekonqrc ?16:23
shadeslayerwe really do need a script to port those over :(16:23
* apachelogger blinks16:24
* apachelogger gets his stress ball and sits down on the chair next to Nightrose to watch her work16:24
* Nightrose looks at apachelogger and feels watched16:25
apacheloggerNightrose: :*16:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what do you make of bug 57549716:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575497 in kdeedu (Ubuntu) "package libmarble4 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57549716:27
* shadeslayer is sad because he does not have kubuntu splash anymore16:27
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I don't really see a reason for a sudden failure, but I do know that straight 9.04 -> 10.04 is not supported16:30
apacheloggernot officially but scott wanted as good support as possible ;)16:31
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
* Riddell uploads a new plasma-widget-networkmanagement snapshot16:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: :O .... qtcreator does not have ctrl+G shortcut? 16:41
shadeslayerin qtcreator i cannot go to a specific line ... i need the ctrl+g shortcut to do that16:42
emonkeySorry for asking, hope I don't annoy ... bug 614699 is fixed in 10.10, will it be fixed in the backport ppa too?16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614699 in Kubuntu PPA "Qt 4.7.0 breaks QX11EmbedWidget" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61469916:43
macoapachelogger: oh i thought skim was a full separate scim-for-kde not just a config ui. but if ibus is shipped by default, not scim, no need for skim by default16:45
apacheloggerwell, I was wondering about booting it from the archives ;)16:46
Riddellskim is also a UI for scim's backend16:46
Riddellit's in universe16:46
Riddellemonkey: if someone fixes it, debdiffs welcome16:47
macoapachelogger: oooh16:47
macoRiddell: new nm plasmoid? but the old one worked!16:48
* maco can look forward to broken network when getting home -_-16:48
Riddellmaco: well this one works better (I hope)16:48
macothats not how network manager works!16:49
macosee they get it working for one release, then they break it for the next two...16:49
shadeslayer^ true16:49
shadeslayersetting 613636 to confirmed16:54
shadeslayerbug 61363616:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613636 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Maveric ISOs show purple "Ubuntu 10.10" boot splash instead of the blue Kubuntu one." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61363616:55
apacheloggerkubuntu one?16:56
CIA-71[libqapt] jmthomas * 1167435 * trunk/kdereview/libqapt/src/worker/ (org.kubuntu.qaptworker.policy worker.cpp) Dirty hack to make sure all the DBus shiz is ready when we send signals back to the bus. :( Also, final newlines++16:56
* apachelogger has a highlight on that :P16:56
apacheloggerbug 53343216:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533432 in kdegraphics (Ubuntu) "kolourpaint4 breaks GNOME" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53343216:58
apacheloggerkolourpaint4 is clearly a killer app ^^16:58
JontheEchidnaSeen that one before. I really have no idea how that could affect anything16:58
apacheloggerrbelem: I wanted to poke you with a long-pointy-stick-of-read-my-complaints :P16:59
Riddellapachelogger: yo, should we be uploading ubuntuone-kde packages?16:59
apacheloggerI stopped my review right after seeing the version number (i.e. I did not start :P)16:59
apacheloggerRiddell: right I also wanted to talk with upstream about that17:00
rbelemapachelogger, lol17:00
Riddellapachelogger: cos we should get it in before beta freeze preferably17:00
apacheloggertrue true17:01
apacheloggerctrl+c is broken :(17:01
* apachelogger is wondering how that happened17:01
rbelemhey Riddell, i need some help with the kdeglobals17:03
Riddellrbelem: hi17:03
rbelemRiddell, :-)17:03
rbelemRiddell, related to the fonts17:03
rbelemRiddell, which one do you think is the best to use?17:04
* apachelogger is wondering what is different about the fonts17:04
rbelemand size too :-)17:04
Riddellrbelem: hmm I was going to say copy it from kubuntu-netbook but I see you did that and the error is there too17:05
Riddellrbelem: s/DejaVu Sans/Sans/17:05
* apachelogger tunes in "a long december" and asks Nightrose if she would like to dance17:05
Riddells/DejaVu Sans Mono/Monospace/17:06
Nightroseapachelogger: i always do!17:06
dantti_workWhat do you guys this it's best Cancel or Unmark? http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopzy2659  http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopvx265917:06
rbelemRiddell, cool!17:06
* rbelem runs17:06
* apachelogger dances with Nightrose17:06
Riddelldantti_work: hmm, I think either is fine, probably a preference for Unmark although I'm not sure why17:07
dantti_workhmm, I think I'll stick with unmark I think cancel seems like it's already installing and clicking cancel will cancel the instalation17:09
shadeslayerRiddell: btw every UDS, how many people are from the Kubuntu team? :p17:10
Riddellshadeslayer: around 517:11
shadeslayeryou+4 ? :D17:11
Riddell5 sponsored (roughly)17:11
rbelemRiddell, is that ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com/482967/17:12
apacheloggerRiddell: do you happen to know if we are having a day trip to disney world?17:12
apacheloggerrbelem: why monospace?17:13
rbelemRiddell, ^ :-D17:13
Riddellapachelogger: not that I know of although I'm not flying back until the monday after so it's a possibility17:13
Riddellapachelogger: for the fixed with font monospace fonts are popular17:14
Riddellrbelem: ooh no, not all monospace17:14
Riddellall the rest =Sans17:14
rbelemah ok :-D17:14
shadeslayerwhat happened to ubuntu fonts?17:15
shadeslayerare going to use those?17:15
apacheloggerthat is what I thought17:15
apacheloggerRiddell: well, we surely must go to disney world ;)17:15
apacheloggersabdfl: can we please have a day trip to disney? ^^17:15
Riddellapachelogger: according to seele it's hurricane season so we'll be lucky to be alive at all by the end of it17:15
* shadeslayer rolls off the bed laughing17:16
rbelemRiddell, what about now? http://paste.ubuntu.com/482969/17:16
apacheloggerRiddell: bummer, I better take my parsol with me then17:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: stop scaring sabdfl away :P17:17
apacheloggerapachelogger poppins17:17
apacheloggerflying around over disney world17:17
Riddellrbelem: lovely17:17
apacheloggerthat sure will get me locked away for indecency17:17
rbelemRiddell, cool :-D17:17
rbelemthanks apachelogger Riddell 17:18
apacheloggerrbelem: did you fix the version yet? :P17:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: on top of Dr. Konqi?17:18
rbelemapachelogger, should i use 0ubuntu1?17:18
apacheloggerrbelem: 10.10ubuntu117:19
shadeslayerlulz ^17:19
apacheloggerrbelem: that way you can use dch -i to increment17:19
apacheloggerDrKonqi: yo17:19
DrKonqigoodevening, apachelogger :)17:19
rbelemcool! :-)17:19
* apachelogger takes DrKonqi and flies like marry poppins17:19
* shadeslayer puts a gps locator on DrKonqi17:20
shadeslayernow we can retrieve our DrKonqi when he gets lost17:20
rbelemapachelogger, and the tarball? name it kubuntu-mobile-default-settings_10.10.0.tar.gz or with orig.tar.gz?17:20
shadeslayerrbelem: .orig17:20
apacheloggerno no no17:21
shadeslayerwhy not?17:21
apacheloggerwith 10.10ubuntu1 the tarball will be created at dpkg-buildpackage17:21
apacheloggerthat is one of the implications of a native package17:21
apacheloggeryou do not have a orig.tar.gz because it is the orig already17:21
shadeslayeri didnt know :P17:21
rbelemsweet! :-)17:21
rbelemjust need to rm kubuntu-mobile-default-settings_10.10.0.tar.gz17:22
apacheloggerDrKonqi: order-adm list17:23
DrKonqiapachelogger: Nothing available.17:23
apacheloggerDrKonqi: order-adm add coffee no 5 117:24
DrKonqiapachelogger, you don't have 'bar::edit::order-adm' permissions here17:24
apacheloggerDrKonqi: order-adm add coffee no 5 117:24
DrKonqiapachelogger: Please first create the machine which should be linked to (same syntax, just replace the machine name with 'yes'), or use '-' to inidcate that there is no machine.17:24
* apachelogger wonders if he has to call it machine17:24
apacheloggerDrKonqi: order-adm add coffee yes 10 117:25
DrKonqiapachelogger: coffee_machine added17:25
apacheloggerDrKonqi: order-adm add coffee coffee 10 117:26
DrKonqiapachelogger: coffee added17:26
apacheloggerDrKonqi: order coffee for everyone17:26
* DrKonqi is going to his secret storehouse to get coffee for everyone - might take some time.17:26
* DrKonqi is back and slides coffee down the bar to everyone17:26
apacheloggerDrKonqi: order coffee17:26
DrKonqiapachelogger: We are out of coffee, you should reorder some of it.17:26
apachelogger:D :D :D :D17:26
* apachelogger notes that the stable version of rbotbar is actually rather sophisticated17:26
Riddellshadeslayer: ubuntu font seems to be late (to answer your earlier question)17:26
apacheloggerDrKonqi: reorder coffee17:26
DrKonqiapachelogger: Billy Kay is on his way to the store....17:26
Riddellgosh, a new bot17:26
shadeslayerRiddell: you mean theyre late in releasing the fonts or late in the release cycle?17:28
rbelemRiddell, apachelogger, just uploaded17:29
rbelemto revu17:29
apacheloggerthat explains why my mobile was shouting at me17:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: revu redirects to your mobile? :P17:30
apacheloggerdantti_work: defenitely not unmark17:30
apacheloggerdantti_work: that sounds very techy in that context17:30
apacheloggernot sure about cancel either though17:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: if a bug reported assigned to me changes basically the whole house goes *bEEEEEEEp*17:31
shadeslayernice :P17:32
apacheloggeractually more annoying... more like *pingbEEEEEEpkabooomcrashDohzmog*17:32
apacheloggerwhich is the reason I do not like when bugs with a lot of traffic are assigned to me :P17:32
shadeslayerwhich phone?17:33
shadeslayerthe aPhone? :P 17:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: it calls itself phone17:35
apacheloggerno seriously, it is called phone on bluetooth :P17:35
shadeslayerhaha :P17:36
apacheloggeronce upon a time my pc was called box :P17:36
shadeslayerwhat does the company call it?17:36
apacheloggerthat made my bash me@box:~17:36
shadeslayerthe one that manf. it?17:36
apacheloggerthat was sicky17:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: I dunno, it has multiple names I hear17:36
apacheloggerhtc magic seems to be the most common one17:37
apacheloggerwith stupid android -.-17:37
shadeslayerandroid is stupid? 17:39
apacheloggeralmost as much as rekonq17:40
shadeslayerim not going to say17:40
* apachelogger imagines rekonq written in java17:43
apacheloggerNightrose: omg, please hold me17:43
* apachelogger falls over17:43
* Nightrose holds apachelogger17:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: why cant i reproduce any of your issues :(17:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: run rekonq with gdb and watch it do amazing stuff17:47
rbelemapachelogger, Riddell, I created the group kubuntu-mobile at launchpad https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-mobile17:51
apacheloggerrbelem: for bzr branches?17:52
apacheloggerif so, please make kubuntu-dev a member17:52
rbelemyep :-)17:52
apachelogger(and kubuntu-ninja if you wish)17:52
macoapachelogger: so i had ubuntu-sso-gnomekeyring or whatever it is not installed on that one system, but gnome-keyring was still installed. removing that made that one sync to U1. yay! the other system which never had gnome keyring on it still doesn't pull from U1 though. boo.17:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: look at http://gitorious.org/rekonq/mainline/merge_requests/187 and http://gitorious.org/rekonq/mainline/merge_requests/18817:53
shadeslayerthey were supposed to fix some stuff, but when you run rekonq from krunner it doesnt show about:home , if you run it with gdb it works17:54
apacheloggeroh :O17:54
apacheloggermaco: that is very odd17:54
rbelemapachelogger, done! :-)17:54
* apachelogger is wondering what would make gnome-keyring block syncing17:54
macoapachelogger: computers arent meant to make sense, right?17:54
apacheloggermaco: probably your harddrive is failing and there is a byte that is not set where it should be set :P17:55
* rbelem is leaving for a while17:56
* shadeslayer swaps maco's HD with a magnetic core17:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: even with cleaned out sources the addressbar still lags like crap17:58
shadeslayercleaned out sources? 0_O17:59
shadeslayerthere is something very wrong with qt17:59
shadeslayerlook at the merges i showed you17:59
shadeslayeroh man18:01
shadeslayerthis is not good18:01
shadeslayerhttp://imgur.com/k4WQ5 << shows 0.5.55 0_o18:01
apacheloggercleaned out conigs18:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://gitorious.org/rekonq/mainline/merge_requests/188 <-- you people realize that a QUrl string comparision is more expensive than QString, right?18:02
shadeslayerno :P18:02
apacheloggerwell then18:03
apacheloggera QUrl comparision will at the very least need to normalize the URL18:03
apacheloggerand in that case there first construct a QUrl18:03
apacheloggerKUrl (and QUrl)18:04
apacheloggerfor reference ... that is the normalizer of qurl: http://qt.gitorious.com/qt/qt/blobs/4.7/src/corelib/io/qurl.cpp#line397018:04
apacheloggerif I am not mistaken18:04
apacheloggerthen what each call there does18:05
apacheloggerimplicitly make the char* a QString18:05
apacheloggermake that QString in a QUrl obeject (and construct a QUrlPrivate object)18:05
apacheloggerthis will parse the URL and do all sorts of other foo18:06
apacheloggerthen at least normalize it18:06
apacheloggerand then do a QByteArray comparision18:06
shadeslayersomething is seriously wrong18:07
apacheloggerconsidering your urls at not particularly complex and I suppose very static a qstring comparision would be way more sensible18:07
apacheloggeror (if one can get a QByteArray out of the url object) a QBA compare18:07
shadeslayerdude something is very wrong with my system http://imgur.com/1xcZZ18:07
shadeslayersame thing, only this time i ran rekonq with gdb18:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe you have too rekonqs installed?18:08
shadeslayercant be18:08
apacheloggerwhereis rekonq18:08
shadeslayerone sec18:09
shadeslayerrekonq: /usr/local/bin/rekonq18:09
shadeslayerthats it18:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: locate libkdeinit4_rekonq.so18:10
apacheloggerther eis your problem :P18:11
* apachelogger was right again yay \\o/18:11
shadeslayerhow do i fix it? :P18:11
apacheloggerdpkg -S libkdeinit4_rekonq.so18:11
apacheloggerif that yields nothing, just sudo rm it18:11
shadeslayerwhich one? :P18:11
apacheloggerthe one that is not installed by you :P18:12
* shadeslayer hugs apachelogger18:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: now you can fix those KUrls :P18:13
shadeslayeryeah will do :P18:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: seems toEncoded would be a good thing18:16
* shadeslayer looks that up18:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: like     if (url.toEncoded() == QString("about:home"))18:22
apacheloggertoEncoded returns a QBA18:23
shadeslayerthe return is QBA18:23
apacheloggerQBAs ought to be even lighter to compare than QString18:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: also, explicitly create the QBA18:23
apacheloggerand then use it in the if statements18:23
shadeslayerwhai? wont that... wait18:24
shadeslayerso you mean18:24
shadeslayerQByteArray foo18:24
shadeslayerand then assign foo with the about: stuff18:24
apacheloggerconst QByteArray encodedUrl = url.toEncoded();18:25
apacheloggersomething like that18:25
apacheloggerthen use the encodedUrl in the if statements18:25
shadeslayerwhy not just use url.toEncoded() ?18:25
apacheloggerotherwise the compiler might be silly enough to explicitly call toEncoded()18:25
apacheloggerwhich would of course be silly since the value does not change inbetween the ifs18:25
shadeslayermultiple calls to same functio18:26
shadeslayersee now quassel is all funny18:26
apacheloggerbecause rekonq eats your memory :P18:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol..: http://gitorious.org/~shadeslayer/rekonq/rekonq-clone/commit/7e5f99b8014f64ba06cf467ac432b226961f956718:33
apacheloggerCan't open perl script "/usr/bin/dpkg-source": Cannot allocate memory18:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ^ look what I did there18:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: cool, but this is not C ... declare the variable imediately before you use it18:35
apacheloggeri.e. before the first if18:35
* shadeslayer messed up his git repo tho18:36
* apachelogger wanted to complain about something to rbelem but since he left apachelogger cannot complain and meanwhile forgot it anyway18:36
sheytanHey guys18:38
sheytandoes ubuntu or Kubuntu have a hardware compability list somwhere?18:38
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:39
sheytanshadeslayer, thank you very much :)18:39
sheytanthis will be linked from a kubuntu site :)18:40
dantti_workapachelogger: do you have a better suggestion? deselect maybe?18:41
apacheloggerdantti_work: "Don't change"18:42
apacheloggerdeselect sounds good though18:43
Riddellrbelem: I was wrong about http://paste.ubuntu.com/482969/ it needs "DejaVu Sans" changed to "Sans"18:43
dantti_workapachelogger: deselect with which icon do you suggest?18:43
rbelemRiddell, ok np ;-)18:43
dantti_workthe undo one?18:43
apacheloggerdantti_work: yep18:44
* ryanakca wishes it were possible to receive a stack of Kubuntu CDs by Software Freedom Day18:44
Riddellrbelem: when is that?18:44
Riddellnot rbelem 18:44
ryanakca... a few librarians at Uni are setting up an Ubuntu stand and giving out Ubuntu CDs, would be nice to give some Kubuntu ones out18:44
Riddellryanakca: e-mail me your postal address and phone number18:45
ryanakcaRiddell: SFD is Sept 18, but they're setting it up for Frosh week (where they greet all the new students), Sept 13-1718:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://gitorious.org/rekonq/rekonq-clone/commit/751103f77e64e1562de1b291d99ee1e262d0d5b418:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: you are adding a line at the end ;)18:47
shadeslayeroh my18:47
ryanakcaRiddell: Thanks. I'll dash accross campus and ask them if they'll let me setup an Kubuntu computer next to their Ubuntu ones... I don't mind setting it up, but there's no point unless they're interested in letting me join them :)18:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: about:favorites goes by default to google search18:49
rbelemRiddell, uploaded to revu :-)18:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: same for all about: stuff :/18:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://gitorious.org/rekonq/rekonq-clone/commit/1bd58ad4f6cf61e4b4dcab9def14eed58e5098d018:54
apacheloggermhhh regex18:55
apacheloggerno wonder my bar lags :P18:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: open to suggestions18:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://gitorious.org/rekonq/mainline/merge_requests/191#bc042edd7fcac53d9f0c3382aa160ae30ceda4a1-bc042edd7fcac53d9f0c3382aa160ae30ceda4a1@3 << 19:01
shadeslayeryou are saved \o/ :P19:02
apacheloggerhow so?19:02
shadeslayerless of regex i see19:02
shadeslayer191 merge request19:03
apacheloggerwhere is less regex there?19:03
shadeslayererm... 19:04
* shadeslayer points at the whole merge request :P19:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: newtabpage also uses KUrl compares19:05
shadeslayerthat is fast :P19:09
apacheloggergrep for "about:favorites" witness bad design19:09
apacheloggerrekonq is a  super mark full of things to rant about19:09
apacheloggerI love it for that19:09
apacheloggerQString address = "[\\d\\w-.]+\\.(a[cdefgilmnoqrstuwz]|b[abdefghijmnorstvwyz]|"\19:10
apachelogger        "c[acdfghiklmnoruvxyz]|d[ejkmnoz]|e[ceghrst]|f[ijkmnor]|g[abdefghilmnpqrstuwy]|"\19:10
apachelogger        "h[kmnrtu]|i[delmnoqrst]|j[emop]|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|"\19:10
apachelogger        "m[acdghklmnopqrstuvwxyz]|n[acefgilopruz]|om|p[aefghklmnrstwy]|qa|r[eouw]|"\19:10
apachelogger        "s[abcdeghijklmnortuvyz]|t[cdfghjkmnoprtvwz]|u[augkmsyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|"\19:10
apachelogger        "y[etu]|z[amw]|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|info|int|gov|mil|museum|name|net|org|"\19:10
apachelogger        "pro)";19:10
apacheloggersuch 19:11
apacheloggeran abomination19:11
shadeslayermy god19:11
shadeslayerwhat is that19:11
apacheloggernot only your's, mine too19:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: supposedly that is the regex that gets the address or something19:11
apacheloggerclearly the part towards the end gets the TLD19:12
nigelbah, regex for email19:12
macono not email19:12
emonkeyRiddell, Unfortunately my skills don't allow it, but if I find a day off I'll check if I'm able to learn it19:12
apacheloggernigelb: that is from our current default browser19:12
macoits looking for a URL where the letters of the alphabet are embedded in alphabetical order19:12
nigelbapachelogger: now you know why you should switch to firefox :p19:12
macoi think19:12
* nigelb goes to bed. For real.19:12
shadeslayer^ me too..19:12
apacheloggerwell, it does general parsing very much since it is in the ctor of rekonqs UrlResolver19:12
apacheloggernights people19:13
apacheloggernigelb: I very much think same things are to be found in firefox19:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: will continue this tommorow.. or if you want to fix, go ahead ;)19:13
apacheloggerprobably even worse19:13
apacheloggerotherwise it couldnt eat that much mem19:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: protocolhandler also uses kurl compares19:14
* shadeslayer greps for KUrl19:14
* apachelogger is scared out of his pants19:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: just grep for about: :P19:14
apacheloggereverywhere that is used a == KUrl cant be far :P19:14
apacheloggeralso you can rejoice the bad design that lead to multiple occurances of this identifier :P19:15
rbelemapachelogger, where can i find docs for source-format 3?19:19
apacheloggerDrKonqi: google debian wiki source format 319:19
DrKonqiapachelogger: Results for debian wiki source format 3: 1. Projects/DebSrc3.0 - Debian Wiki: http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0 | 2. RPM Package Manager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPM_Package_Manager | 3. 7-Zip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Zip19:19
apacheloggerrbelem: man dpkg-source should also have some information19:19
rbelemapachelogger, thanks19:20
sheytanHey, i heard some time ago, that the next ubuntu release will not support cpu older then i686. If it's true, same happens to kubuntu?19:22
shadeslayerwe were going to get rid of some archs19:23
shadeslayeri64, armel, or some other arch19:23
shadeslayerbut im not entirely sure :P19:24
sheytanlet me ask the question other way. What should i put to 'processor' in kubuntu system requirements? :D19:24
shadeslayerno idea :P19:24
sheytanor maybe a lists like pentium4, c2d, c2q, i3, etc + some amd?19:24
sheytanor 'at least a ...  cpu' :D19:24
macoi686 or newer for 10.1019:27
sheytanthanks :)19:27
sheytanWill i be punished when i wirte that to use kubuntu users need at least 256mb ram, and recommended is 1GB? :D19:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: ciao19:28
sheytani mean, to run all that desktop effects stuff, 1gb is fine19:28
shadeslayerid say more like 512 MB or more19:28
sheytanon the cd case its 256 :D19:28
shadeslayerif theres only the default effects19:28
shadeslayerthat should really be updated :(19:29
shadeslayer512 MB is more like it19:29
shadeslayeranyways im off to sleep... cya tommorow :)19:29
sheytan_Does others have priettier hardware compability page then We will http://a.imageshack.us/img682/843/hard.png ? :D20:26
Riddellwhere will you get the information for it?20:27
sheytan_Riddell https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport :)20:27
Riddellhmm, dunno if that's at all reliable20:28
sheytan_well, it's always something :)20:29
sheytan_better then none :P20:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ari-tczewRiddell: konversation notification (red baloon) doesn't work :(21:01
rbelemapachelogger, I think the package is ok now21:01
ari-tczewRiddell: I'm not sure whether it's a konversation issue, because there wasn't any konversation updates. maybe kde has something wrong?21:01
Riddellred baloon?21:02
ari-tczewRiddell: in tray, if someone ping me, then black icon is moving to red icon21:02
ari-tczewnow it's not working21:03
ari-tczewI know about ping only through indicator applet21:03
Riddellari-tczew: works for me once I turn on the system tray icon21:16
Riddellit's off by default21:16
ari-tczewRiddell: where is this one?21:19
Riddellari-tczew: Behaviour->General in settings dialogue21:21
ari-tczewRiddell: I have enable system tray already :(21:22
freeflyi1gRiddell: SKIM is nearly useless nowadays under KDE423:50

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