
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
rockstarthumper, care to do a review for me?02:42
rockstarthumper, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/lazr-js/overlay-width/+merge/3347802:43
thumperrockstar: my head is down right now, how big is it?02:43
rockstarthumper, not big, but it adds value...02:43
rockstarThey're merely CSS changes that fix two bugs.02:44
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rockstarAlso, it'll make it easier to animate the opening and closing of the overlay.02:44
* thumper looks02:45
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thumperrockstar: you around?03:22
rockstarthumper, indeed.03:22
thumperrockstar: I have a very large but boring review03:22
rockstarthumper, :(03:22
rockstarthumper, send it on over.  I'll take a look at it in a sec.03:22
thumperrockstar: it adds layer to our browser zcml03:22
thumperall of the changes are either adding the layer in the zcml03:22
thumperor changing tests to show code.lp.dev instead of lp.dev03:23
rockstar(I'm currently providing marriage counseling for bzr and savannah)03:23
thumperor adding rootsite= to canonical url sites03:23
thumperrockstar: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/fix-browser-zcml/+merge/3348203:28
mwhudson7 >>> canonical_url(getUtility(IBazaarApplication))03:30
mwhudson8- u'http://launchpad.dev/+code'03:30
mwhudson9+ u'http://code.launchpad.dev/+code'03:30
mwhudsonthe +code there is freaking odd really03:30
mwhudsoni wonder if it would actually be better to have the root objects be different for each publication03:30
thumpermwhudson: probably03:35
thumpermwhudson: but somewhat out of scope for this change03:35
rockstarthumper, holy balls that's a big diff...03:35
mwhudsonthumper: yes03:35
thumperrockstar: but boring03:36
rockstarthumper, might I make a suggestion for the next time?03:36
thumperrockstar: don't do them all at once?03:36
rockstarthumper, yes, for the love of Odin, yes.03:37
rockstarthumper, here's an example: line 1640-1641 of the diff doesn't look to be along the same lines as the rest of the changes in the branch.03:39
rockstarActually, 1635-1665...03:40
thumperrockstar: :)03:40
thumperyes, I removed a chunk of code that was showing bad data03:41
thumperthe person that wrote it thought it was showing the number of new revisions this month for that branch03:41
thumperbut what it was showing was the number of revisions on all branches this month03:41
rockstarthumper, the change makes sense.  I just think it would be better to not get lumped in with something that's supposed to be just technical debt.03:42
rockstarIs there a bug filed for that change?03:42
rockstarthumper, I think there should be.03:46
* thumper nods03:46
rockstarthumper, other than that, r=me.03:47
thumperrockstar: thanks03:48
rockstarthumper, no prob.03:48
rockstarthumper, do you think it's a sensible suggestion to break up branches like that into smaller branches?03:48
thumperrockstar: yeah, probably03:48
thumperin hindsight I shouldn't have tried to do all at once03:49
rockstarthumper, do you think a 400 line diff limit would have been reasonable in breaking them up?03:51
rockstar(I ask because I'm planning on proposing a smaller diff limit in the next reviewers meeting)03:52
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thumperperhaps 500...04:15
lifelessI don't think smaller diffs are really a great need04:45
lifelessI think more focused work is great04:46
lifelessthe -big- thing we had in the path was huge entire projects landing04:46
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jtvstub: care to review a branch for me?  It's a blocking risk, but not large.  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/recife-pre-resetCurrentTranslation/+merge/3349007:32
stubjtv: Not a blocking risk yet - nothing is using it apart from tests07:35
jtvstub: nothing I can _land_ now, no.  Hence: blocking.07:35
stubYou have an XXX that doesn't cite a bug.07:36
stubThere are two ways of fixing that.07:36
jtvstub: our policy is currently not to file bugs too far in advance.  It's listed in various places though.07:36
stubOur policy is also no XXX's without cited bugs IIRC. So remove three letters or create a bug I think are the options.07:37
jtvOkay, okay, I'm removing the XXX.07:37
stubjtv: IPOFile doesn't describe the parameters, which is minor but doesn't hurt to mention translator remains unchanged and timestamp is now by default.07:40
stubOtherwise all fine.07:40
jtvstub: thanks.  I'll update the docstring as you say.07:41
henningejtv: sure, I can ;-)07:51
jtvok, mp'ing now...07:51
jtvhenninge: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/recife-retire-traits-helpers/+merge/3349107:52
henningejtv: r=me but please hold back landing until we have that ec2 failure figured out.07:57
jtvhenninge: ok, thanks07:58
jtvhenninge: I did just land another small branch on recife07:59
henningeoh well ...08:00
jtvadeuring, maybe you would like to review this very small and hopefully fun branch?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/fakelibrarian-commit/+merge/3332208:28
adeuringjtv: sure, I'll look08:28
lifeless(I suggested the approach, I think, if that helps)08:28
jtvadeuring: it allows (some) tests that need the librarian to get by without database commits08:28
jtvlifeless: I ended up going with the "just slap a method on the fakelibrarian class" approach.  Not exactly future-proof but effective for the time being.08:29
lifelessjtv: I hear we can change code in the future ;)08:30
jtvThe future's just crazy.08:30
adeuringjtv: r=me.08:36
jtvadeuring: great, thanks08:37
StevenKadeuring: Would you like a review a small branch of mine too?09:02
adeuringStevenK: If it's a _small_ one, sure ;)09:03
StevenKadeuring: Is 144 lines too bug?09:03
adeuringOK, I'll look at it09:03
StevenKadeuring: No news is good news? :-)09:22
adeuringStevenK: yes, r=me09:30
StevenKadeuring: Thanks!09:30
jtv1gmb: congratulations Recipient!  Fate has drawn your name.  Today could be the day, dear Recipient, that you review jtv's branch.  Collect your prize here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/recife-check-conflicts/+merge/3349409:46
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jtvDon't laugh—if it works for the direct marketers, why shouldn't it work for me?09:47
lifelessbecause they try 10K for every bite09:48
lifelessand if you do that in this channel... it will end badly09:48
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gmbjtv, Sorry, wasn't ignoring your ping; have had to deal with home things. I'll be starting my shift in ~45 minutes, so I'll look then. Don't worry if your day ends before then, though.10:18
jtvgmb: no worries—actually I wasn't even aware that today was your shift.  :-)10:18
jtvJust trying someone at random.10:18
jtvFate picked another winner, Recipient!10:18
* gmb goes to finish pre-shift stuff10:20
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jtvgmb: if you had any questions pent up, I'm back11:30
gmbjtv, No questions; it's r=me :)11:30
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jtvgmb: Thank you, Recipient, for your interest in our product!11:31
jtvHmm… this tack seems to work.  I should do it more often.11:31
gmbjtv, You need to be careful on whom you try it. See, me, I'm polite and friendly to all comers. But if you ask the wrong person they'll try to /kick you before you get to finish your pitch.11:32
jtvgmb: I'm not worried… people know me here11:33
jtv…hey, what happened?11:34
jtvOkay, maybe I won't try that again then.  :-)11:35
jtvgmb: if you're not busy, I've got another small one in the backlog here.  Converts a test to use the FakeLibrarian (speeding it up by about 20%).  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/use-fakelibrarian/+merge/3332412:01
gmbjtv, Sure12:02
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jtvThanks Rec^H^H^Hgmb!12:02
gmbjtv, r=me12:10
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jtvgmb: thanks once more12:10
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jtvgmb, can I chuck a modest one on the queue?13:33
gmbjtv, Sure. I'll take a look in about 20 minutes13:34
jtvgmb: splendid13:35
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gmbjtv, Is there any reason that the new pagetest, which isn't really a user story, just a set of tests in doctest form, can't be written as a unittest?13:56
gmbThat would fit better with our policy of not adding stories and doctests where they aren't needed.13:56
jtvgmb: mostly just laziness on my part tbh… I think you're right.13:56
* jtv twiddles13:57
jtvgmb: this will take a bit of course13:57
gmbjtv, No problem. I'll happily re-review when it's done.13:58
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gmbjtv, Other than that it's absolutely fine.13:58
jtvOf course "other than that" is the remaining 2 lines or so of change.  But still, nice to hear.  :)13:59
jtvgmb: I have the test converted and, in the process, found intimately related "stories" tests that I could move over into the same unit tests.  Pushing.14:16
gmbjtv, Cool.14:16
* gmb grabs a drink before looking14:17
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gmbjtv, I wouldn't object if you removed the VWS from those tests, but that's a preference thing. r=me either way.14:29
gmbNice work :)14:29
jtvthanks!  <beam>14:29
jtvI like blank lines to separate setup, execute, verify stages.  But yes, in this case there's not much point.  I'll try it on for size.14:30
jtvYup, shorter works better in this case.14:31
leonardrgmb, i need a follow-up review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/optimized-length-2/+merge/33417 (the latest revision only)15:04
leonardrit's a little complicated so i'm happy to ask questions15:04
gmbleonardr, Okay, just OTP at the moment; will look shortly.15:05
gmbleonardr, Looking nwo.15:25
gmbleonardr, So, is it just r11392 that I need to look at?15:26
leonardrgmb, right15:26
gmbleonardr, Nice XXX explaining the problem.15:29
gmbleonardr, No further explanations needed; r=me.15:29
leonardrwe'll see if the tests pass15:30
EdwinGrubbsabentley: when you have time, can you review the changes I made to my branch?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/bug-615655-unicode-oops/+merge/3342815:38
abentleyEdwinGrubbs, I am tempted to think that your binary header handling should still be performed in message_from_string, so that it is easier for others to reuse.15:49
abentleyEdwinGrubbs, btw, 5.5% of the messages in my inbox use "8bit" or "binary" content-transfer-encoding.15:51
abentleyEdwinGrubbs, also, the standard mandates CRLF, not LF or CR as the header separators.  Do you know whether the existing parser treats CR and LF as equivalent to CRLF?15:53
EdwinGrubbsabentley: is there a different message_from_string() function? I only see the one on the email module.15:53
abentleyEdwinGrubbs, I may be confused.  There's one for creating a SignedMessage from a string, I believe.15:54
EdwinGrubbsabentley: yes, the email module treats all three different line endings as possibly splitting the header and body.15:56
abentleyEdwinGrubbs, okay, I think it would be nice to provide this as a utility function in lp.services.mail, but I won't require it.  r=me.15:59
EdwinGrubbsabentley: thanks15:59
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jmlsimple little patch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/subject-and-attachment/+merge/3354417:04
jtvgmb: one more tiiiiny branch?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-615673/+merge/3354717:09
gmbjml, Looking now17:11
gmbjtv, You're up next.17:11
gmbFirst and last customer for the day :)17:11
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jmlgmb: thanks.17:12
gmbjml, Approved.17:17
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gmbjtv, r=me.17:19
* gmb is done17:19
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jtvgmb: thanks again.  You have earned your rest.17:19
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jmlAnother small one: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/testtools-0.9.6/+merge/3355618:09
jmlYet another small patch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/launchpad-tester/+merge/3356418:55
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=== Guest13428 is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk

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