
bcurtiswxOk, quick poll.  best IRC client?00:01
bcurtiswxim debating, empathy, irssi, xchat00:01
* BUGabundo runs00:03
rooksxchat-gnome is what i use, it has notifications, and it does look decent00:03
BUGabundono weechat ?00:03
yofelerm, empathy is actually considered as an irc client? (my votes: CLI: irssi GTK: xchat QT4: quassel)00:03
* BUGabundo runs faster00:04
bcurtiswxyofel: lol.  yeah I promote empathy.. but I really haven't found a fav00:04
* rooks slaps BUGabundo around with a large trout00:04
* bcurtiswx is using irssi atm00:04
* yofel throws a bunch of XWindows after BUGabundo and hides00:04
* bcurtiswx shoves BUGabundo into the next network00:04
BUGabundowebchat.freenode.net (no ssl) using IE600:05
BUGabundo/me runs faster then Tyson Gay 00:05
bcurtiswxcan xchat be minimized to the indicator-applet and not hog window chooser space?00:05
shadeslayerbcurtiswx: quassel :P00:06
rooksbcurtiswx, it can show icon in tray when somone messages you, and also it can issue a that handy notification that shows in same are where wlan-connected is showed00:06
shadeslayeryou can run a instance of quassel core on your server and leave it online as long as the server is online00:06
rooksbcurtiswx, xchat-gnome at least comes with default plugins that can do that00:07
* bcurtiswx will try that out00:07
rookscan somone message me? so i can do screenshot on how it works?00:11
BUGabundorooks: ping00:12
BUGabundorooks: ping00:12
BUGabundorooks: ping00:12
rookshttp://ubuntuone.com/p/DgH/ http://ubuntuone.com/p/DgI/00:13
BUGabundoI won't even dare ask how SLOW you PC is00:14
BUGabundowith that theme , thanks to the GTK bug00:14
BUGabundocare to run gtrpref ?00:14
rooksit works fast, its on msi wind u100+00:15
rooksin a sec00:15
rooksBUGabundo,  http://pastebin.ca/192377600:17
BUGabundoTotal time: 34.5800:17
BUGabundoon a dust / dark human mix00:17
BUGabundoI can make it go as low as 16 sec00:18
rooksi dont care :)00:18
BUGabundoin clearlooks00:18
BUGabundoits SLOW00:18
BUGabundobelieve me00:18
rookscozy > fast00:18
BUGabundoanything above 20/3000:18
rooksi like it that way, i ran archlinux with openbox for last few years, and i now want cozy :)00:19
rooksand withas little tweeks to the system as possible00:19
rooksi run it with compiz on my netbook00:19
bcurtiswxhmm xchat-gnome-indicator just spawns xchat windows :(00:21
rooksbcurtiswx,  http://ubuntuone.com/p/DgH/ http://ubuntuone.com/p/DgI/00:21
rooksbcurtiswx, there are 2 plugins, one spawns taskbar, other spawns that indicataor boubble00:23
bcurtiswxrooks, yes i have them both00:23
rooksBUGabundo, at present i try to get high statistics at not touching my system and keeping all stuff as COTS as possible :)00:25
rooksbcurtiswx,  at present i try to get high statistics at not touching my system and keeping all stuff as COTS as possible, that what led me to chosing xchat-gnome to have something gui-simple to use, it might not work for you if you want some more customizations or other thingies out of it00:32
bcurtiswxxchat-gnome-indicator needs work.. it just spawns xchat gnome sessions'00:32
bcurtiswxrooks: OK thx00:32
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tjlytleInstalled the netbook alpha 3 last night on a Dell mini. Installation seemed to run fine, but now I just get a blinking '_' on boot. If I hit the right shift, I just get 'GRUB loading' with the blinking '_' on the next line. Didn't see anything about that online, known issue?01:02
Dinktjlytle: do you get a terminal ? ctrl-alt-f2 or what not01:11
tjlytledink: Was trying last night - I think I tried that. I'll check real quick.01:12
tjlytleYeah, no terminal. Can't even seem to get to the grub menu (just hangs with 'GRUB Loading').01:13
Dinkcan't even get into grub menu ?01:14
DinkTry reinstalling grub using livecd01:15
tjlytleI hit shift on boot and just get a 'GRUB loading' then the blinking '_'.01:16
tjlytleThat's what I'm about to try - just was wondering if this was a known issue or just something weird.01:16
DinkI actually had that on my acer netbook but I think it was with alpha201:17
tjlytleOf course, while the ship with Ubuntu, these Dells don't seem to get along well with newer versions.01:17
DinkNot sure about mini but dells always have hidden partitions. Wonder if grub didn't get installed properly01:18
Dinkbut yea try to manual install it01:18
tjlytleHmm...good point. I know I wiped the whole disk on my other Mini, but this was an install on a 'stock' system.01:19
tjlytleStill just did a 'use the whole disk' in install though.01:19
jameswi get a bunch of 'ignoring file' statements on my apt-get installs, can someone please help? http://pastebin.com/5MNJuh6q01:41
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DanaGargh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/61243204:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612432 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "UEFI boot needs Experimental branch of Grub" [Undecided,New]04:29
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VigliteThank you.09:51
htorquewow, i just deleted a 300mb .xsession-errors file full of nautilus warnings oO10:35
Machtinuhm.. any hint why i get freezes so frequently? like system freezes, mouse still works, but nothing else.11:31
Machtin(except it being alpha)11:31
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dpafter a recent upgrade, lots of things are moving at 3x speed; youtube videos, pianobar playing, etc; any ideas?15:12
kklimondahey, is anyone else having problem with X using a lot of cpu? I'm using nvidia closed drivers15:48
Volkodavyes - my xorg is averaging 35 % CPU15:50
lauserWhen I try to install the Ubuntu Maverick daily alternate, I can't get the alternate CD to boot. It says "Unknown key word in config file" before even getting to the menu.16:27
lauserThe desktop CD boots, but I already tried installing from it. Ubuiqity trashed my hard drive, so I'm going to stick with alternate CDs for a little while.16:29
lauserAny ideas?16:29
charlie-tcaCould be a problem with today's image. I have not gotten it to sync yet today, my connection is bad16:30
lausercharlie-tca: It's been doing this for about two weeks now.16:31
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charlie-tcaI have been able to install images here16:33
lausercharlie-tca: Must be something with my hardware. Wonder what, though...16:34
charlie-tcaTry a hard drive check, maybe16:35
charlie-tcaare the cd's passing the integrity checks?16:35
lausercharlie-tca: It's not getting far enough for me to run an integrity check.16:35
lauser(Also, the images are oversized, so I'm running them on a thumb drive)16:36
lausercharlie-tca: Oddly, it works in VirtualBox.16:36
lauserMaybe it's a problem with my thumb drive, I'll try a different one.16:37
charlie-tcahmm, wonder if they are losing something coming off the thumb drive then?16:37
lausercharlie-tca: I'm running md5sum now, I'll find out.16:41
lausercharlie-tca: Output of md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep "FAILED": http://pastebin.com/R5enQXBM16:44
lausercharlie-tca: Looks like three files are missing.16:44
charlie-tcathat could be the issue, then16:44
lausercharlie-tca: Hm, don't think so. Those files are symbolic links, and they look like they're only for netboots.16:47
lauser(That also explains why they weren't on the thumb drive; it's a FAT filesystem, which of course doesn't support symbolic links)16:47
lausercharlie-tca: I'm leaving to try again.16:50
MachtinHow could I check why my system keeps freezing?17:35
mikebeecham hi guys...does anyone know when the Ubuntu Sans font will be released?17:36
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kklimondamikebeecham: when it's ready - you can download the current beta version if you have an LP account and are a member of kubuntu-users group17:59
kklimondabah, lets see If I can get smaller Xorg usage from open drivers - even switching virtual desktops is painful :/18:08
Ian_cornekklimonda: which driver are you using atm?18:13
Ian_corneIs the nvidia driver working yet?18:14
kklimondaIan_corne: 255.44 works18:15
kklimondayou have to add IgnoreABI to xorg.conf18:15
skydromeanyone know why this happens? using fileroller to extract an archive, the progress bar is always in the middle18:57
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mikebeechamkklimonda, thanks mate...I guess by my question "whats an LP account?" would mean I'm not supposed to have the beta :D19:31
mikebeechamahhh ok19:32
mikebeechamI've started doing some Ubuntu wallpaper packs, and I'm using png logos at the moment...which doesn't help!  There is a font out there which I nabbed, but dont think it's the sans...I think it's a "made to look like it"19:32
dpafter a recent upgrade, lots of things are moving at 3x speed; youtube videos, pianobar playing, etc; any ideas?20:15
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
BUGabundossd is here20:24
BUGabundopreping pendrive with daily cd image20:24
BUGabundoany last advice ?20:24
BUGabundoI'll try both ext4 and btrfs20:24
BUGabundoAFAIK I need /boot to be on non-btrfs right?20:24
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BUGabundo$ sudo usb-creator-gtk -i maverick-desktop-amd64.iso20:35
yofel_BUGabundo: right, for btrfs on / you need ext /boot for now, and if you use ext4 on a SSD you might want to add the 'discard' mount option as TRIM is disabled by defaul on ext4 AFAIK20:38
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BUGabundowill try btrfs 1st20:39
BUGabundohow do I enable trim?20:39
BUGabundobrb rebooting to test pendrive with Maverick, and if ok, replacing disk20:40
Volkodavjust put ssd option in fstab20:40
Volkodavif it doen not detect it at install20:41
BUGabundoyou guys will tell me all about it20:41
BUGabundowhen I return on a fresh isntall20:41
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
CarlFKwhy does System, Prefs, Power Management only have 2 tabs: "On AC Power" and "General" ?  (no battery power tab or settings)21:40
mfraz74is the package ubuntu-netbook still installable in ubuntu 10.10?21:48
yofel!info ubuntu-netbook maverick | mfraz7421:53
ubottumfraz74: ubuntu-netbook (source: netbook-meta): The Ubuntu Netbook system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.031 (maverick), package size 33 kB, installed size 60 kB21:53
mfraz74yofel: so i could install that instead of unity?21:54
yofelthat I don't know21:54
rippsubuntu-netbook depends on unity21:56
mfraz74oh :(21:56
DrHalanwhere do i find packages for evolution 2.31/2.32?22:10
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charlie-tcaDrHalan: maybe in a ppa? the latest version in Maverick is 2.30.2, so anything later will either be at the developers or in a PPA22:28
DrHalancharlie-tca: yeah already searched launchpad but didn't find anyhting22:28
charlie-tcahere is the ftp for it from gnome - http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/evolution/2.31/22:29
charlie-tcaLooks like it is packaged for Debian Sid too22:31
charlie-tcahmm, nope22:31
yofel!info evolution unstable22:32
ubottuevolution (source: evolution): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.3-1 (unstable), package size 1083 kB, installed size 4588 kB22:32
yofelnope, 2.30.322:32
charlie-tcaYou would have to compile it yourself - http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/download.shtml22:33
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
yofelhm, kernel -18 gives me some error about being unable to initalize i915 right and that it disabled graphics turbo mode. Erm, I have an nvidia card...22:47
yofelanyone else got something like that?22:48
yofelit does start fine after that though22:48
smallfoot-why does Ubuntu "Maverick" 10.10 install Java, but Ubuntu 10.04 don't have Java installed by default?22:55
yofeldepends on what is pulling java in, java doesn't explicitely belong to the default installtion in maverick either22:56
smallfoot-but java is in maverick dfeault install22:57
yofelwell, because a package that *is* in the default install depends on it, I don't know more either without digging into the package dependencies23:00
smallfoot-when will ubuntu have python3?23:08
yofelnot for a while I think, the python 2.7 rebuilds didn't go well, so we'll still have 2.6 as default in maverick23:09
bjsnideryofel, i'd say the i915 thing is just the kernel being too verbose23:09
yofelbjsnider: I agree, was just irritated as -16 doesn't give me that23:10
bjsniderwell, every time i boot lucid it says "failed to open /dev/null" which is very annoying23:12
bjsnideri wonder if those two issues might be related to nvidia not having kms23:13
smallfoot-is this java thing in maverick the fault of openoffice?23:13
smallfoot-is this java thing in maverick the fault of openoffice?23:24
smallfoot-i think is fault of openoffice.org-java-common23:25
BUGabundoI SURVIVED!!!!!23:29
BUGabundossd running fine23:29
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: you mad23:30
charlie-tcae it23:30
BUGabundoI am, sir23:30
BUGabundonow need to migrate all stuff23:31
BUGabundoalready reinstalled most of the app23:31
charlie-tcagrandson helping type23:31
BUGabundogotta love dselect23:31
charlie-tcahe's only 18 months23:31
BUGabundohi charlie granson23:31
BUGabundohow the H do I boot from the old disk, now that it is outside in USB?23:32
BUGabundoit stall at grub23:32
charlie-tcaRe-install grub23:32
charlie-tcaor run sudo update-grub23:33
BUGabundoso, chroot and update it ?23:33
BUGabundowon't it mess primary system?23:33
charlie-tcahmm, I don't chroot23:33
BUGabundoyou don't ?23:33
BUGabundobut its another system23:33
charlie-tcasure! I am positive it will mess with primary system...23:33
BUGabundoanother disk, not even running the OS23:33
BUGabundothat's what I DON'T wanna do23:33
BUGabundoso chroot is the way23:33
charlie-tcaI don't anything about chroot. I am just a simple user23:34
BUGabundobut it won't know its running over usb23:34
BUGabundoyeah right23:34
BUGabundoyou and your 18 month kid23:34
charlie-tcaboth of us are simple users23:34
BUGabundoVolkodav: before I left you were saying something about fstab?23:35
BUGabundofunny enough not seeing any slow down in aptitude23:37
BUGabundoas mention in the btrfs bug23:37
charlie-tcaMaybe not everyone sees it?23:40
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side23:40
BUGabundothat's better :DDDDD23:41
BUGabundomy last boot was of 23 secs23:41
BUGabundothe second boot in SSD after install was 13 sec23:41
smallfoot-i think is fault of openoffice.org-java-common?23:43
smallfoot-WHY MAVerick needs java?23:43
smallfoot-maverick installs java by default23:43
smallfoot-lucid didnt do this23:43
smallfoot-this is fault of openoffice?23:43
BUGabundo$ sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda23:45
BUGabundo Timing cached reads:   2958 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1479.15 MB/sec23:45
BUGabundo Timing buffered disk reads:  676 MB in  3.01 seconds = 224.83 MB/sec23:45
BUGabundoits stupid nvidia blob and SSHD that are making my boot 10 sec slower :(23:49
smallfoot- Timing cached reads:   3252 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1626.62 MB/sec23:53
smallfoot- Timing buffered disk reads:  694 MB in  3.01 seconds = 230.58 MB/sec23:53
smallfoot-Intel X-25M G2 80 gb SSD, bitch!23:53
BUGabundoreally faster then mine23:54
BUGabundolet me compare ext4 vs btrfs23:54
smallfoot-i use ext423:54
charlie-tcaI need one of those things, too.23:54
smallfoot-but im using CFQ, i should be using Deadline23:54
* charlie-tca also needs a computer that will boot from ssd's 23:54
BUGabundo/dev/sda1: (ext4)23:55
BUGabundo Timing cached reads:   3230 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1615.89 MB/sec23:55
BUGabundo Timing buffered disk reads:  694 MB in  3.01 seconds = 230.79 MB/sec23:55
BUGabundo/dev/sda5: (BTRFS)23:55
BUGabundo Timing cached reads:   3088 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1544.67 MB/sec23:55
BUGabundo Timing buffered disk reads:  704 MB in  3.00 seconds = 234.45 MB/sec23:55
smallfoot-not much change23:55
smallfoot-what scheduler you use?23:55
BUGabundostock MM23:56
BUGabundono idea23:56
BUGabundowhat should I use in fstab to make it nicer?23:56
BUGabundodiscard ?!23:56
smallfoot-cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler23:57
BUGabundonoop deadline [cfq]23:58
smallfoot-ya, i use cfq too23:58
smallfoot-i heard noop and deadline yields better performance on SSD23:59
BUGabundono idea23:59
BUGabundoas I said, it's a fresh install of daily MM23:59

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