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ogralool, merci :)09:12
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lagogra: Why is my file system becoming fried when I install my own kernel on OMAP3 daily build?13:00
ograno idea, must be a kernel bug :P13:00
lagfsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.213:00
lag/dev/mmcblk0p2: The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 533515 blocks13:00
lagThe physical size of the device is 532153 blocks13:00
lagEither the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!13:00
ograwhich filesystem exactly ?13:00
lagDon't be silly13:00
ograah, not the vfat13:00
ograis that after or before installation ?13:01
ograi.e. after or before the autoreboot13:01
lagI dd, mount, put on my initrd-uimage-boot.scr, umount, boot13:01
lagI'll get you the full log13:02
ograyou shouldnt have an fsck at all at that stage13:02
ograi dont get why you (or lool) even get one13:02
* lag *shrugs*13:02
ograthe fsck should only happen after the partition table was newly written and the automatic reboot happened13:03
lagIt's your toy, you tell me13:03
ograuntil the reboot there is no fsck at all13:03
lagClearly there is13:03
lagI didn't know it was happening to lool too13:03
ogradid it even reboot ?13:03
lagAFAIK it happens on first boot13:04
ograright, i hear you, *did it reboot at some point*13:04
rcn-eefirst boot? you have 'fixrtc' set right in your bootargs?13:04
ograrcn-ee, isnt needed on first boot anymore13:04
ograonly on subsequent ones13:05
lagThat's my boot.scr13:05
ograif it gets to an fsck before rebooting, then something with the reboot is wrong13:05
ograwhich in tunr points to either a busybox or kernel bug13:06
rcn-eeanyreason for no 'ro' in that? or isn't that needed anymore either?13:06
ograrcn-ee, it gets changed after first reboot13:06
ograjasper rewrites the kernel cmdline13:06
lagSo there's nothing wrong with my boot.scr?13:08
ograjasper does: kick in in initramfs *before* anything gets mounted, then repartitions according to teh SD size, reformats the vfat completely, grows the rootfs to full size, touches the last mouted stamp on the FS, mounts it, does some setup and then reboots into oem-config13:08
ogra*before* oem-config runs, the system does its first fsck13:09
rcn-eeah, cool..13:09
lagogra: Where does Jasper get it's kernel from?13:10
ografrom the vfat13:10
lag"reformats the vfat completely"13:10
ograright for that part it pulls it from /boot13:10
lagSo if I want to test another kernel, I have to put it in there too?13:11
ograthe booting kernel is the uImage, the kernel after first reboot is a new uImage from /boot13:11
ograbut your initrd seems strange in that log13:11
lagIt's one I built13:11
lagWhat's wrong with it?13:12
ograits missing jasper completely13:12
ograyou should see a lot of jasper messages after line 26013:12
asacogra: is omap4 in good state?13:12
lagYou certainly know how to make my job difficult don't you?13:12
ograthe first part of jasper is a local-premount script and is still very niosy13:12
ograasac, no13:12
ograasac, nothing is in a good state atm13:12
asacwould anyone of you be able to test an image if we produced one at some point for us?13:12
asacjust headless -> on sd ... booting -> done ;)13:13
asacnot now ... in a few days13:13
ogratelepathy-glib prevents image buiolding currently and oem-config is broken (upload pending)13:13
asacwe dont have omap4 atm :((13:13
lagasac: Yes13:13
ograasac, sure, no prob, just ping me with an url once you have iot13:13
asacgood stuff ...13:13
asacogra: could you give me the mkimage paramaters ;)?13:13
asacparameters ... damn my fingers never get it right13:14
lagogra: What am I going to do about this? Is it just a matter of installing Jasper? Or are there other hidden nasties that you've implemented?13:15
ograasac, they are the same as for omap313:15
asacogra: and if possible a good boot cmdline ;)13:15
asacok good for the uimage13:16
ogralag, have a chroot with jasper in it and run update-initramfs there13:16
ogramkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x80008000 -e 0x80008000 -n "Ubuntu Kernel" -d "$uboot_input_kernel" "$uboot_kernel"13:16
ogramkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C gzip -a 0x0 -e 0x0 -n "Ubuntu Initrd" -d "$uboot_input_initrd" "$uboot_initrd"13:16
ografrom the debian-cd script13:16
ograasac, ^^^13:16
ograasac, and see lag's paste above for a boot.scr13:17
ograoh, wait, thats omap313:17
asacogra: ok found it13:17
asaclooked really too similar ;)13:18
ograasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/482874/13:19
ograthats better13:19
lagogra: How do you install Jasper?13:19
ogralag, apt-get install jasper in the chroot you use13:19
asac ?13:20
ograyeah, needed13:20
lagTried that13:20
lagE: Unable to locate package jasper13:20
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ogralag, its in main13:20
ogralag, only in maverick though13:20
* lag had an empty sources.list file13:24
lagErr http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com maverick/main armel Packages13:25
lag  404  Not Found [IP: 80]13:25
loologra: I told you that size of the fs issue would bite you in real life!!13:25
ogralool, no, it wouldnt if jasper would be executed13:26
ogralool, you didnt by chance keep a log from your broken boot test, did you ?13:26
lagogra: Why isn't it finding the armel packages?13:28
ogralool, the point is that the initial rootfs is never used or touched, the whole thing gets adjusted before any fsclk, mount or other filesystem operations happen, while the corruption is ugly it *must* be gone after jasper has run13:29
ograso it shouldnt affect anyone unless jasper doesnt run13:29
ogralag, you want pool13:29
lagInstead of dists?13:31
loologra: I suspect resize2fs is running fsck or some equivalent13:31
loologra: I don't think it's the boot triggering fsck13:31
loologra: I'm not sure it's clear, but the issue seeems to indicate a corrupted to start with!!13:31
lagdeb http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted universe multiverse13:33
lagdeb-src http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted universe multiverse13:33
ogralool, jasper runs an fsck thats fully redirected to the logfile *right after* the new partitions were written13:33
ogralool, there is no way that you see *any* error message from that if jasper ran successfully ... and *after* jasper ran there shouldnt be any corruption anymore13:33
ogramy point is that the corruption will not affect the actually installed filesystem13:34
ograi ageree that it needs to be fixed, but of the setup worked right you will never ever be able to even get any info about that corruption apart from jasper.log13:34
lagogra: Are those sources.list entries correct?13:35
ograif you *see* an fsck during boot, something went completely wrong (i.e. jasper wasnt executed, you didnt use a 4G SD card etc)13:35
ogralag, no, needs to be ports.ubuntu.com13:35
lagk thanks13:35
ograthe ports archive isnt mirrored13:35
persialag, s|uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu|ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports|13:36
ograoh, right13:36
ograi missed /ubuntu-ports13:36
persiaRather, nobody has yet announced a public URL with a mirror.  There exist some number of mirrors that aren't announced (I know of at least 4, but none better for the UK than ports.ubuntu.com)13:36
* ogra knows one 13:37
ograbut i guess there is a reason thats not announced anywhere13:37
lagogra: It's in your house?13:38
persiaI can't speak for anyone else, but I haven't announced mine because I don't serve it from a stable IP.13:38
ogralag, nah :)13:38
lagThe following NEW packages will be installed:13:39
lag  apt-xapian-index aptitude bc bogl-bterm consolekit cpp cpp-4.4 cryptsetup dbus defoma devio dmraid dosfstools ecryptfs-utils flash-kernel13:39
lag  fontconfig fontconfig-config gcc-4.4-base gconf2-common gettext-base gir1.0-glib-2.0 hicolor-icon-theme hwdata iso-codes jasper keyutils13:39
lag  language-selector-common laptop-detect libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libatk1.0-data libavahi-client3 libavahi-common-data libavahi-common313:39
lag  libboost-iostreams1.42.0 libbsd0 libcairo2 libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk0 libcanberra0 libcheese-gtk18 libck-connector013:39
lag  libclass-accessor-perl libcroco3 libcups2 libcwidget3 libdatrie1 libdbus-glib-1-2 libdebconfclient0 libdebian-installer4 libdmraid1.0.0.rc1613:39
lag  libecryptfs0 libeggdbus-1-0 libept1 libexpat1 libffi5 libfontconfig1 libfontenc1 libfreetype6 libgconf2-4 libgcrypt11 libgdbm3 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-013:39
lag  libgirepository1.0-1 libgmp3c2 libgnome-desktop-2-17 libgnutls26 libgpg-error0 libgssapi-krb5-2 libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 libgstreamer0.10-013:39
lag  libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-bin libgtk2.0-common libgudev-1.0-0 libice6 libicu42 libidl0 libio-string-perl libiw30 libjasper1 libjpeg62 libk5crypto313:39
ogragod !13:39
lag  libkeyutils1 libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0 libldap-2.4-2 libltdl7 libmpfr4 libnspr4-0d libnss3-1d libogg0 liborbit2 libpam-ck-connector libpango1.0-013:39
ogrause a pastebin !13:39
lag  libpango1.0-common libparse-debianchangelog-perl libparted0debian1 libpixman-1-0 libpolkit-gobject-1-0 libpython2.6 librsvg2-2 libsasl2-213:39
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:39
lag  libsasl2-modules libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libsm6 libstartup-notification0 libsub-name-perl libtasn1-3 libtdb1 libthai-data libthai0 libtiff413:39
lag  libtimedate-perl libvorbis0a libvorbisfile3 libx11-6 libx11-data libxapian15 libxau6 libxcb-atom1 libxcb-aux0 libxcb-event1 libxcb-render013:39
lag  libxcb-shm0 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxfont1 libxft2 libxi6 libxinerama1 libxml2 libxrandr213:39
lag  libxrender1 lsof make oem-config oem-config-debconf os-prober parted perl perl-modules python-apt python-cairo python-dbus python-debian13:39
lag  python-gobject pyt13:39
lagPaste bin is not as much fun!13:40
persiaYeah, but not using one reliably makes me go fiddle with IRC commands :p13:40
ograanyway, jasper depends on oem-config indeed13:40
lagpersia: I noticed13:40
loologra: Again, I'm not sure you see that the problem is *earlier*13:40
ograthe other deps you see are all oem-config deps13:40
loologra: I'm pretty sure the issue is that the fs in the image itself is truncated13:40
loolwhatever you do starting from there is bound to suffer from the corruption13:41
ogralool, well, but where did your fsck come from ?13:41
ograthere is no technical possibility that you ever see any output of fsck if jasper ran13:41
loologra: My understanding is that jsaper does a resize2fs13:42
ogralool, jasper runs completely silently *all* output of any subcommands is redirected to a logfile13:42
loolWell I still got some output apparently13:43
ograif jasper ran there cant be any discrepancy between the partitioning and the fs anymore13:43
loolNote that your pipe + read might not be enough to stop commands from writing to /dev/tty13:43
lagWhat type of bot is ubot2?13:43
ograsince the rootfs partition was resized (no matter of the corruption or not, sfdisk doesnt care)13:43
ogralool, well, then someone must have secretly uploaded a changed jasper :) we had various bugs and breakages that caused fsck errors that only show up in the log13:44
ograi wouldnt know why that suddenly would change and ignore a redirect of stderr and stdout13:45
loolWell it's just a guess13:46
ograwell, my guess is that jasper didnt run at all for you13:46
looleither the fs is corrupted in the image, or it gets corrupted in the resize13:46
loologra: http://people.canonical.com/~lool/fsck.png13:47
ogralool, there is no initramfs output at all13:48
loologra: It's earlier13:48
loologra: But I can't scroll back13:48
ogrado you have a shot of that too ?13:48
loolLet me try with serial console13:48
ograah, darn13:48
loologra: is there a way to turn serial console output during boot?13:48
ograonly by changing boot.scr on the vfat13:48
ograas long as plymouth breaks once console= is set we cant make it a default else we wont have any splash anymore13:49
ogra(second boot is completely with splash etc)13:49
loologra: Can you give me the commands to run to type in u-boot?13:51
ograone sec13:51
loolI don't have a boot.scr nearby13:51
ografatload mmc 0:1 0x80000000 uImage13:52
ografatload mmc 0:1 0x81600000 uInitrd13:52
loolSo I'm on the serial line13:52
lool** Unable to use mmc 0:1 for fatload **13:52
loolmmc init13:52
ogrash, indeed13:52
loolOk, this is done13:52
loolNow the tricky part13:52
ograsetenv bootargs vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60 console=ttyS2,115200n root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 fixrtc13:52
ograbootm 0x80000000 0x8160000013:52
loolthanks, booting13:52
lagogra: !paste13:53
loolI get kernel output on serial console at least13:53
lagogra: So now I have Jasper installed, when I run my usual script to build an initrd, Jasper will just appear in there yes?13:54
ograif jasper is inside the chroot you run upadte-initramfs in it will end up inside the initrd, yes13:54
lagJasper is installed in the chroot, yes13:55
ograwell, then it should end up in your initrd13:55
* lag crosses fingers13:55
loologra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/482895/13:56
ogralool, it doesnt reboot after line 30 ?13:57
loologra: no13:57
ograthats one of the issues, can you try booting a second time ?13:57
loolthat will behave differently13:58
loologra: I'm quite busy for doing long testing; would you be interested in looking into it with qemu?13:58
loolit's not hard to reproduce in qemu13:58
ogralool, also /var/log/jasper.log would be intresting13:58
ograwell, using these images in qemu will require a lot of tinkering with images in advance13:59
loologra: Why is that?13:59
ograbecause the FS needs to actually be resized13:59
ograif you just boot the img file there is no spare space14:00
loolYes, which exposes this bug which apparently other people are seeing14:00
ograso you would need to create a 4G image and dd the img file into it to have the proper way14:00
loolAs I noted in email, if I append some zeroes at the end of the image, I don't get this issue14:00
loollike 10 MBs or so14:00
ograyes, the bug is on antimony side though14:00
loologra: It's trivial to add space to the QEMU SD backing image...14:01
looldd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=10240 >> /tmp/maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img14:01
ograbut it shouldnt appear if there is space to resize to, the resizing "fixes" the filesystem14:01
ograthats why we dont see it (apart from jasper.log) on real installs14:02
lagHas the meeting been cancelled?14:02
ogralag, nope14:02
loologra: Ok; I have other things to work on and I'm not blocked by that bug; I found it relevant to share what I believe is a bug in the Ubuntu images exposed by testing in QEMU, but it's time consuming for me to make my point and I have tons of other things to look into, sorry14:02
ogralool, yeah, understood, thanks for pointing it out14:03
loolI can share the recipe to reproduce, but you don't seem interested in resolving what appears to me as a bug in the jasper scripts14:03
ograits not in jasper14:03
ograthe FS is apparently corrupt without resizing14:03
ograwhich means its corrupt at creation time14:03
ograand thats surely something i'll look at14:04
ograwhat is worrying me more though is that the reboot doesnt work14:04
lagogra: When I build my own initrd, do I have to execute depmod at any stage? If so, what stage?14:13
loologra: Well I'm not entirely sure it's corrupt at image creation time14:13
ograupdate-initramfs does that iirc14:13
loologra: jasper resizes the partitions before calling resize2fs, to it might get that part wrong...14:14
ogralool, only your jasper.log could tell :)14:14
ograbut after you sent me that mail i checked a jasper.log and i see corruption there14:14
loologra: Well perhaps you can reproduce in QEMU and dig the info you need?  It's not hard, the .debs are pre-built, wont mess your other qemu, and you just need a maverick daily image to try out14:15
ogralool, i will14:15
loolNCommander: I've just pasted the bug id on #linaro, but you don't seem to be in there14:17
loolNCommander: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/62337514:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 623375 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Skipping the bootloader installation when creating rootfs or installation media (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]14:17
ogralool, i pointed him to it in the arm meeting14:18
NCommanderlool: yeah, I saw that. Whoops on my part, though ideally, we shouldn't directly run update-initramfs in a chroot either14:18
loolNCommander: I don't see an issue with running update-initramfs in a chroot, in fact it's the only way to generate an initrd14:22
lagogra: ?14:23
ogralag, ?14:23
lagLook up14:23
ogra<ogra> update-initramfs does that iirc14:23
NCommanderlool: I meant run it if a trigger calls it; we should run it if the user calls it directly. Obviously the generic bit of generic subarch detection is a bit too generic :-)14:23
ogralook up too ;)14:23
loolNCommander: I don't think we want to run flash-kernel though14:23
loolWhich is what the bug is about14:24
NCommanderlool: I think we can detect the chroot via a syscall (I remember there's a way to do it in C), and then we can adjust what we do based off that14:24
ogralool, before NCommander changed it it wouldnt have executed :)14:24
lag<ogra> lag: update-initramfs does that iirc14:24
ogralool, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-maverick-arm-improved-subarch-detection14:24
NCommanderogra: right, since flash-kernel --supported would have ailed14:25
* NCommander needs a new keyboard14:25
loolNCommander: it's a bad idea to detect the chroot14:27
loolNCommander: d-i and ubiquity will install into /target, where you do want flash-kernel to run14:27
NCommanderlool: we can have special logic in flash-kernel-installer to simply manually call flash-kernel and work around the problem.14:28
NCommanderbut point taken14:28
NCommanderlool: what do you suggest for a solution?14:28
lagogra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/482907/14:29
ogralag, cool !14:30
lagHow is that cool?14:30
ograit works14:30
lagogra: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-18-omap/modules.dep: No such file or directory14:31
ograignore that, you get to ubiquity-dm14:31
ogra(which doesnt start because of a bug in oem-config)14:32
lagI don't want to ignore that14:32
lagI want to fix that :)14:32
lagogra: -^14:35
=== dyfet_sleeping is now known as dyfet_waking
loolNCommander: well it was discussed in the bug already14:44
NCommanderlool: I haven't had a chance to read it. LP from China is ... interesting14:44
loolNCommander: Oh you're there already, how is it?14:45
=== dyfet_waking is now known as dyfet
ogralost of meo-burgers :)14:45
NCommanderlool: I've been here for a little over a week and a half :-)14:45
NCommanderogra: that's vietnam14:45
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
NCommanderian_brasil: so, I admit, I haven't looked at the liquid stuff in-depth. Do you have a seed yet?14:59
NCommander(or a metapackage, but a seed is preferable)14:59
GrueMasterogra: you really should watch food network sometime.  You'd know that in china, dog is the meat of choice.14:59
NCommanderian_brasil: so if I build a chroot, and then do apt-get install kubuntu-liquid^, everything works?14:59
NCommanderian_brasil: it doesn't?15:00
* NCommander admits he's not sure what your seed name is15:00
ian_brasilno ..we dropped the liquid name15:00
ian_brasilliquid was just a code name15:00
NCommanderian_brasil: oops, I'm out of the loop >.<;15:01
ian_brasildamn..fire alarm..back in a minute15:01
ian_brasilexcitement over15:13
ian_brasilNCommander: the meta package is kubuntu-mobile15:13
NCommanderian_brasil: heh15:13
NCommanderian_brasil: right, next step is to modify livecd-rootfs to add it as an image target15:14
NCommanderian_brasil: its pretty straightforward on where the edits have to be made. Only thing is you want to pull by task, and not metapackage15:14
ian_brasilwe have done that before i seem to remember15:16
ian_brasilNCommander: i will ping you when that is done15:19
mopdenackerogra: Hi! I was wondering what OMAP3 boards you support in your OMAP prebuilt images. Just the Beagle board?15:19
ogracureently just the beagle, yes15:20
NCommanderian_brasil: thanks. I can't merge or do the upload, but I can guide you with the edits and doing some initial testing15:20
mopdenackerogra: all right, thanks!15:20
ogramopdenacker, iegp2 might work if you have a special u-boot, gumstix too15:20
ograootb only beagle though15:20
rsalvetimopdenacker: ogra: xm should also work, but we have a mmc issue15:21
ograerr, indeed, i counted that as beagle :)15:21
rsalvetiogra: there are just too many different beagles at the marked hah15:21
rsalvetib, c, XM15:22
ograC4 and XM are the ones we'll support by release day15:22
ograb will likely have issues to even boot15:22
rsalvetihehe, probably15:22
ograat least our current images15:22
rsalvetiunless we get a minimal image, no way to support it15:22
rsalvetieven for simple boot15:22
rsalvetimine is running well with a simple rootstock fs15:23
GrueMasterogra: Any chance of building an alt-inst image?15:23
ograGrueMaster, nope15:23
rsalvetiogra: I commented at the ureadahead bug, it doesn't make any difference for us15:23
rsalvetiI checked that15:23
ograGrueMaster, we are fully focused on preinstalled images and would have no way to support systems without NAND in a sane way atm15:23
rsalvetibut let's wait for the new rewrite15:24
rsalvetiand it doesn't make any sense to run until we get OOM, doesn't help at all15:24
ograrsalveti, yeah, i talked to Keybuk already this morning (thats why he commented on the bug)15:24
GrueMasterogra: ok.15:24
rsalvetiogra: I saw that, and at the time I got to irc he wasn't there anymore15:24
ograGrueMaster, would be good to probably address that in N15:24
ograoh, he dropped again ... ? bah15:25
GrueMasterogra: What about a preinst-min image?15:25
rsalvetiogra: so let's wait for the new version, then we can test15:25
ograGrueMaster, requires time i dont have15:25
GrueMasterMinor mods needed.15:25
rsalvetibut I doubt it will make any difference15:25
ograno, massive mods needed15:25
GrueMasterOk, just a suggestion.15:25
ograthats the prob15:25
rsalvetibut will be happy to be wrong15:25
ograthere apparently is a base image already that has been implemented for special purposes15:25
ograto change that requires a ton of changes15:26
ogra(it doesnt build an image, just a base tarball for local testing purpose)15:26
ograGrueMaster, i'd love to have it, but the current quality of the images we actually have makes me thing that i wont find the time15:27
* ogra gest some coffee15:27
GrueMasterActually, if we had them, it might be easier to debug netbook image issues.15:28
GrueMasterAnd daily image testing could continue at a limited pace.15:28
* GrueMaster remembers making this same arguement months ago.15:29
rsavoyeso I have a new imx51 "SmartTop" system sitting here I want to upgrade to maverick. Will it break ?15:32
ograGrueMaster, yes, and i said "i'd love to have them but i dont know if i have the time"15:34
ograrsavoye, no idea, we dropped imx51 support with lucid15:34
rsavoyebummer. Can I upgrade and leave the kernel alone ?15:35
ogramater of luck i guess15:35
rsavoyeit's running karmic now15:35
GrueMasterrsavoye: You'd need to bump the kernel.  Karmic was Armv6+vfp.15:36
GrueMasterMight be as easy as copying the config and rebuilding.15:36
ograit might be possible to run v7 userspace with a v6 compiled kernel, not sure15:36
ograas long as your userspace is all v715:37
ograi'D just keep a backup of the original system and try it :)15:37
rsavoyeso to do the user space hack, I'd just change sources.list?15:37
rsavoyeguess I'll let you know :-)15:37
ograbut really, keep a backup !15:37
rsavoyeit's fresh hardware, so nothing to loose15:38
ograGrueMaster, our buildds were all running v5 compiled kernels until we got the babbage boards in the DC15:38
ograthere were issues but i dont know if they were caused by v5 vs 6/715:38
rsavoyeis ther an easy way to block upgrading the kernel when I upgrade everything else ?15:40
ograit shuldnt upgrade the kernel unless you already have an ubuntu kernel package15:41
ograwhich i doubt15:41
rsavoyecool, I'll give it a try15:41
mopdenackerrsavoye: I confirm. I use Lucid on my IGEPv2 board, and everything gets updated, except my custom kernel.15:42
GrueMasterrsavoye: YOu can try to do a dist-upgrade, but cancel when it asks to continue.  Then do a manual install on individual packages.15:42
rsavoyedist-upgrade or update-manager -d ?15:43
ograboth should work15:44
ograor do-release-upgrade15:44
ogra(the cli version of update-manager)15:44
rsavoyeah, I'll try that15:48
mopdenackerogra: did you solve your issue with the latest preinstalled images? I'm asking because we need to make our own for our internal releases, and I need your howto on this...15:53
ogramopdenacker, half of it15:54
mopdenackerogra: thanks for the status update. Good luck with the second half!16:00
ogramopdenacker, second half is a package failing to build which keeps us from rolling images atm we're trying to get that fixed asap16:01
ograhey devilhorns16:05
devilhornshi ogra :)16:05
ograjust sent a mail your way :)16:05
devilhornsoh super :)16:05
devilhornsguess yesterday was just bad timing :)16:05
ograwhich TZ are you in ?16:05
* ogra is in europe16:05
devilhornsin america16:06
devilhornseast coast16:06
bench_adidashi, what kind of hardware can you use ubuntu on?16:06
bench_adidascan you give me a system example?16:06
ograah, east coast is fine, the time you replied looked more like asian morning to me :)16:07
devilhornsogra, k, just got the mail16:07
ogradavidm, meet devilhorns16:07
robclarkrsalveti: I sent you a uImage..16:07
hrwbench_adidas: omap3, omap4, i.mx5116:07
devilhornsogra, well, was up late last night talking to raster :) and working on some code16:07
robclarkit will either not boot at all, work perfectly, or something in between ;-)16:07
devilhornshi davidm :)16:08
bench_adidascan i get a system example please?16:09
ograbench_adidas, C4 beagle board will work with 10.10, marvell dove and freescale babbage too16:10
bench_adidasis there one? an example or is this topic the new sh!t16:10
ograerr 10.0416:10
bench_adidasah! cool!16:11
ograthe dove isnt on sale and the babbage is really expensive16:11
devilhornsogra, typing up a response now wrt that email :)16:12
ogradevilhorns, awesome :)16:12
bench_adidasbabbage is named after a character eh!16:13
ogralikely, ask freescale marketing dept. :)16:14
bench_adidasOMAP3 processor <<< only uses 2 watts?16:14
ograits ARM, sure :)16:14
bench_adidasogra, r u supposed to be a computr architech?16:15
ograme ?16:16
ograi'm a software integrator ...16:17
bench_adidasive never herd of software inegrator16:17
ograstealing work from others and making OSes out of them :)16:17
davidmhello devilhorns16:18
devilhornshi davidm :)16:18
davidmI'll look forward to your response to ogra's email16:19
devilhorns:) about to send it now16:19
devilhornsogra, in my day, we called that Systems Integration :)16:26
ograyeah, probably the better term :)16:26
bench_adidasbye channel. thanks16:53
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rsalvetirobclark: thanks, will try now17:43
rsalvetiwas at lunch :-)17:43
rsalvetiGrueMaster: and your es2, how is it going?17:48
GrueMasterHad to clean up a large area of my office yesterday to accommodate it along with my XM & Dove.  Just getting the final wiring in place now.17:49
GrueMasterI did manage to get it booting to X and netbook-launcher-efl Friday.17:50
rsalvetihopefully we're getting ours next week17:51
rsavoyehope your XM board works better than mine...17:58
rsalvetimine only works with mem=256M :-)18:00
rsalvetibut it's a P818:00
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rsavoyeoh well, looks like I just wedged my imx51 board :-( Time to start over18:10
rsalvetirsavoye: if you got the kernel and the boot loader working, I'd suggest you to generate a rootfs with rootstock18:11
rsalvetijust a minimal, so you can get something to work with maverick18:11
rsavoyeit hangs after "init crypto disks"18:11
rsavoyethis was after upgrading to maverick user space on the karmic kernel18:12
ograrsavoye, on a serial console ?18:12
ograyou might not have serial getty enabled18:12
ogra(doesnt happen by default)18:13
rsavoyehdmi monitor18:13
ograah, k18:13
rsavoyeI guess I should pop the cover off the SmartTop an insatll the serial dongle18:13
ograwell, it should work on a monitor for sure18:14
rsavoyethat's what I hoped18:14
ograalso its weird that you have crypto disks installed18:14
rsavoyeI get a bunch of boot messages then it hangs18:14
rsavoyeI don't think I did, not sure where that came from18:14
ograi think thats only kept by the installer if you actually chose to encrypt your homedir18:14
rsavoyeal I did was an upgrade :-)18:15
ograwell, its an upgrade18:15
rsavoyeno user dir beyond the default one18:15
ogra*someone* picked to install it :)18:15
rsavoyepoltergists are hell...18:15
rsalvetirobclark: well, the display works :-)18:16
rsalvetirobclark: can see 2 penguins and the boot log18:17
rsalvetibut got stuck after udev18:17
rsalvetibut I only got your uImage, so could be missing modules and stuff18:17
rsalvetirobclark: which tree is this one?18:18
* prpplague looks around for a blue box18:30
devilhornserr lol18:35
devilhornsdunno what happened to the first L there18:35
devilhornsogra, around ?18:36
devilhornsogra, ok, well when you get this, could you email me a list of packages that I will need to focus on ? Obviously the standard EFL libs and such, but not sure what other ones there may be. Thanks :)18:40
robclarkrsalveti: prpplague found something interesting..18:58
robclarkI'd been enabling only one 1fb.. but when 2nd fb is enabled then it doesn't work18:58
robclarkso I think we have something to go on now18:58
rsalvetihm, ok18:58
prpplaguersalveti: all of th e patches work, but when only 1 fb is enabled18:58
robclarkrsalveti: try with your existing kernel tree.. and change # of fb's to 1..  which I think you can even do w/ a bootarg18:58
prpplaguersalveti: you can change the .config to turn those off18:58
rsalvetiprpplague: robclark: interesting, will try19:01
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robclarkprpplague, rsalveti: I see what the issue is.. will have a fix in a bit19:18
robclarkbasically fb1 gets updated with new size, instead of fb019:19
robclarkbut I'm not completely sure if it is the same issue that rsalveti sees..  with this issue, you'd still see scrambled picture, rather than no picture19:19
prpplaguerobclark: well it depends on the display, some displays won't even display the scrambled picture to do incorrect data19:22
robclarkprpplague: hmm.. from display standpoint, the signal timings should be good.. so from monitor's point of view the picture is just fine.. the user is just looking at some abstract art ;-)19:26
robclark(well, ok, you could run into some issues switching from lower to higher resolution, if you've exceeded the size of your framebuffer)19:29
prpplaguerobclark: so you found the code issue?19:30
robclarkyeah.. basically the wrong framebuffer gets resized19:30
robclarkshould be fixable19:30
prpplaguerobclark: what does it do, just assume it is the last framebuffer available?19:31
robclarkseems to be19:31
rsalvetimakes sense19:32
robclarkyeah, basically each fb shares same dssdev instance.. so when second fb registers it overwrites the first fb's callback19:33
rsalveticool, nice catch19:34
Baybaldo you have accelerated X on omap3 already?19:49
rsalvetiBaybal: you have the sgx package, but it's not yet integrated at X11 as we have for n90019:50
prpplaguersalveti: did you get a chance to test the kernel with 1fb?21:21
prpplaguemopdenacker: greetings21:22
rsalvetiprpplague: not yet, needed to debug another issue21:22
rsalvetiwill do in some minutes21:22
prpplaguersalveti: np, just checking21:23
mopdenackerprpplague: hi!21:25
GrueMasterogra_cmpc: Still up?21:55
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ndecrsalveti: what do you mean by 'we have the sgx package on omap3'? do you mean a ubuntu package or the TI tar ball?23:05
rsalvetindec: just tar ball, we're still waiting for the official deb :-)23:06
ndecrsalveti: too bad ;-) that would have been better for me ;-)23:06
rsalvetihaha :-)23:06
rsalvetiprpplague: robclark: sorry for taking so long, but I can confirm that it works when I compile the kernel with just one framebuffer23:11
rsalvetiwith robclark's patches on top of ubuntu kernel23:11
prpplaguersalveti: dandy23:11
robclark oh goody :-)23:15
* robclark is working on better patch to support multi fb23:15

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