
thorwiliainfarrell: hi! are there some rough ideas of what the design track of the next UDS could be about, already?13:45
iainfarrellhey thorwil13:45
iainfarrellwe're starting to think about it13:45
iainfarrellbut make blueprints of ideas13:45
iainfarrellby all means13:45
iainfarrelland we can start to look at them13:46
* thorwil has to beat up the loud, far out there ideas, so the modest ones get a chance13:49
vishthorwil: i was thinking we need a session "Reviving the artwork" team!16:00
vishor dissolving it ;p16:01
thorwilvish: well, the countdown banner and flickr things work. deviantart i havn't checked. what difference would it make to dissolve the "team"?16:33
vishthorwil: make it a 'countdown banner team' ;)16:34
Guest35845I've question about tool used to generate this picture : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu16:45
Guest35845which software is used to do this ?16:47
thorwilGuest35845: mpt's work, who can be found in #ayatana. i think those are scanned drawings16:47
Guest35845ok thx16:49
vishthorwil: is there a ppa with inkscape .48 ?16:55
vishor did you build it?16:55
thorwilvish: don't know, yes16:56
vishthorwil: btw, i found the option to embed images in inkscape .47 too! :)17:04
mikebeechamhi guys...does anyone know when the Ubuntu Sans font will be released?17:35
thorwilmikebeecham: seems to be on a when-it's-done schedule now17:43
mikebeechamthorwil, fair point....I could just do with it in my artwork about now :D19:30
mikebeechamfor anyone who's interested...my latest wallpaper for Ubuntu: http://mikebeecham.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2x6bt620:28

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