
* nigelb yawns03:42
nigelbgood morning folks03:42
nigelbjono: pong03:43
jussi!buildcomm | jono06:35
ubot2Factoid 'buildcomm' not found06:35
jussioh, yeah, itll sync in an hour or 206:35
jussi[08:33:14] <jussi> !buildcomm is <reply> For procedures and general help with community building you can look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity or join #ubuntu-community-team06:35
jussi[08:33:15] <ubottu> I'll remember that, jussi06:35
nigelbSweeet :)06:42
duanedesignmorning nigelb06:50
nigelbheya duanedesign06:50
jussiakgraner: still waiting on that email from you.06:53
* nigelb pokes duanedesign in the eye06:53
nigelbduanedesign: see PM :p06:55
* duanedesign looking07:02
aragood morning!07:19
duanedesigngood morning ara07:20
aramorning duanedesign07:20
nigelbmorning ara :)07:20
aramorning nigelb :)07:20
nigelbLooks like dholbach is running late.  Still pre-breakfast07:20
* duanedesign is fixing a bug with Terminator and zsh in Maverick07:21
nigelbzsh? wow07:22
nigelbI can never get the hang of anything other than bash07:23
duanedesignnigelb: zsh is great. The key is to have a nice config file07:28
duanedesignnigelb: the default is not so great. I haave one bodhi gave me07:28
duanedesigni think he got it from jdong07:28
nigelbduanedesign: Ah.07:28
nigelbI've heard its more powerful, but I'd rather have things that "Just work(tm)"07:29
duanedesignyeah, it catches a lot of my typos ;)07:29
duanedesign'suudo, didn't you mean sudo?'07:30
nigelboh, that's nice07:30
nigelbits like how git does07:30
nigelb'git commmit', did you mean git commit?07:30
duanedesignnigelb: ahh07:31
duanedesignnigelb: what do you use git for?07:32
maconigelb: if you ever get the itch to try ksh, make sure its ksh93 not ksh8807:32
duanedesignnigelb: is their a particular project you work on that uses git, or do you just prefer it?07:33
nigelbmaco: whats the difference07:33
nigelbduanedesign: version control at work07:33
maconigelb: 88 is hell?07:33
macoksh88 is what you find on solaris 8 machines07:34
nigelbduanedesign: Also CakePHP is in git, so when I want to checkout latest code, I use git07:34
macoand if its on sol8, its probably pretty crappy07:34
nigelbmaco: 88, hell? gulp.07:34
nigelbduanedesign: /me helped fix a bug yeserday in there L(07:34
macoi setup my .profile on sol8 machines to launch bash ;-)  but that wrecks using cde or jde to login07:35
vishwhich channel is for the community council for raising an issue?07:47
vishissue == lodging a complaint ..07:48
jussivish: by email07:53
vishjussi: ah , sure thanks.  also, do they have a channel?07:54
jussi"Ubuntu Community Council" <community-council@lists.ubuntu.com>,07:54
vishjussi: oh.. ok.07:54
jussivish: remember, if its an IRC issue then first to the IRCC or if its a forums issue to the forums council etc07:55
vishjussi: yeah , not those.. :)07:56
jussivish: no probs :)07:56
dpmgood morning all!08:03
dholbachgood morning08:04
kim0morning amigos08:05
dholbachkim0, صباح الخير08:05
kim0dholbach: sabah el noor08:06
* dpm sees that kim0 can't be bothered to type Arabic this early in the morning :)08:07
macodholbach: practicing?08:07
dpmgood morning kim0, dholbach!08:07
kim0dpm: morning :)08:07
macodpm: im guessing persian, since thats the one dholbach is studying08:07
dpmmaco, yeah, but I'd gess kim0 would be replying in Arabic, although he might now Persian :)08:08
dpmguess even08:08
dholbachmaco, no :)08:08
kim0nah I don't ..08:08
kim0they only share character set08:08
dholbachbut there's a lot of words that overlap :)08:09
macodholbach: google translate?08:09
macohrmph. i forget how to setup ibus08:09
dpmmaco, if you install a language needing an input method through language-selector it should set up ibus for you (apart from actually selecting the IM, IIRC)08:10
macook then no ibus for me for now. i'm on a 3G connection at the moment, so downloading debs wont happen08:11
dholbachmaco, that's what I used for transliterating - I knew what google translate meant in Arabic, kim0 was patient enough to tell me a couple of times08:12
kim0do u guys use ibus with google transliterate ?08:13
kim0last time I checked this wasn't working08:13
macoi just use ibus-anthy (because i speak japanese, not arabic)08:14
jussiDo we have anything similar to these fedora posters for ubuntu? http://hackersramblings.wordpress.com/2010/08/21/change/ (second picture, on his wall)08:17
dholbachI never used ibus in my whole life08:21
dpmdholbach, nice picture on http://uds.ubuntu.com :)08:23
dholbachit's very old08:23
dpmpopey, you too, nice picture :)08:24
dpmanyway, need to reboot, brb08:28
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
sensegood morning!10:10
duanedesignmorning sense czajkowski10:23
sensehi duanedesign10:24
* dpm lunches12:11
akgranerjussi - you'll have it in just a few  - I just woke up :-)12:31
czajkowskijust so we;re clear the loco council rocks :D12:32
czajkowskiwe have loads of news coming up!12:32
* czajkowski bops :D12:38
akgranerjussi, see PM  - the link to your questions is there :-)13:59
akgranermaco, ping - what is bethlynn's twitter or identi.ca ID?14:33
akgranermaco, nm found it - I forget it was wwwuse and not here name14:41
czajkowskiakgraner: you talking to youselrf there a lot this morning14:43
akgranerI know :-) I like my answers...14:43
czajkowskihaving a whole conversation on yer own there14:44
* czajkowski prods highvoltage just cause 14:44
akgranerwell I didn't want maco to think I still needed her to answer :-)14:45
* highvoltage waits for the caffeine to kick in14:45
dholbachjames_w, gracias14:55
paultagjcastro: do we have any contacts to Linux mint in our community?15:03
czajkowskihe;s on hols till september 6th15:04
czajkowskipaultag: drop him an email15:04
paultagWell, the question is open :)15:04
paultagAnyone know if we have mint hackers among us?15:04
paultagthey're messing up downstream, and I can't find any mailing lists or anything for them15:05
czajkowskiJFo: I take it you watched the video then :)15:13
JFoI did15:13
JFocouldn't believe it15:13
czajkowskiJFo: and the scarey thing is, those people are being serious, those are their real answers....15:14
JFoutterly mind boggling15:14
JFoand the one guy naming states that were in the Axis of Evil needed to be hit with a hammer15:14
czajkowskiyeah there were worse answers but all made me cringe15:16
jonohi all15:43
czajkowskijono: Good morning15:43
dholbachhola jono15:43
sensehi jono15:48
jonohi all :)15:49
sensejono: I think that the Wordpress plugin of the social media livestream is well enough now to be used on a corner of the UDS website. If you could take a look at lp:sociaal and tell me what you think of it that would make me happy.15:50
jonosense, I am a bit backlogged right now, can I check soon?15:52
sensejono: There is no hurry, check it whenever you've got time.15:53
jonothanks sense15:57
senseyou're welcome15:58
nigelbhola folks15:58
* nigelb cribs about having to stay up tonight :/15:58
nigelbbut I guess a quick unplanned vacation would be worth it :D15:58
paultagjcastro: do we have any contacts to Linux mint in our community?15:59
paultagOh shoot15:59
paultagI'm sorry, copy paste fail :)15:59
paultagmiddle click ftl15:59
nigelbpaultag: he's on vacation15:59
dholbachjcastro is on holidays15:59
paultagthanks :) -- second time i've posted that and got that response :)16:00
nigelbpaultag: well, this is his *actual* vacation16:00
paultagI double clicked on the old line on irssi, and middle clicked on mistake16:00
czajkowski*news* New Conference packs for LoCO Teams http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/08/24/new-conference-packs-for-loco-teams/16:00
sensebacon tastes better when it was happy, they say16:01
czajkowskijono: would you mind when you get a chance to tweet this please - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/08/24/new-conference-packs-for-loco-teams/16:02
* czajkowski goes back to bopping 16:02
nigelbpaultag: yah, I use that often.16:02
nigelbdholbach: thanks16:03
senseczajkowski: What can you do with a lanyard?16:03
nigelbdholbach: sorry I haven't been able to respond earlier.  This is going to be a *very* busy week for me :)16:03
paultagsense: self-defense16:03
dholbachnigelb, sounds familiar16:04
* nigelb ^ 5 paultag 16:04
nigelbdholbach: heh :)16:04
czajkowskisense: add a name badge to them16:04
senseUbuntu self-defence? :P16:04
paultagsense: hi-ya!16:04
senseOhhhh! A key-cord!16:05
senseOr keycord, in Dutch.16:05
czajkowskisense: a lanyard :)16:05
senseIs that Irish/British English?16:05
nigelbI don't think so.16:05
paultagAmerican too16:05
nigelbIts quite common to say lanyard.16:05
paultagso, most likely * english16:05
czajkowskisense: no smartie pants :)16:06
nigelbpaultag: oh, good one16:06
sense:P Some confusion here.16:06
paultagsense: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Lanyard_Woelfe_Freiburg.jpg <-- that's a lanyard16:07
senseYeah, now I know.16:07
senseWhere does keycord come from, then?16:07
senseOr is that something in the category 'beamer'? English words only used in Dutch.16:08
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day16:37
* dholbach hugs you all16:37
czajkowskidholbach: nn16:38
dholbachbye :)16:39
akgranerczajkowski, +1 on the LoCo Conference packs etc - (now the Fedora People can quit making fun of the Ubuntu Booth - it's all in good humor but still :-)  yay!)17:06
akgranerJFo, Robyn and I are switching booths for an hour at OLF17:10
akgranerthis should be funn17:10
czajkowskiakgraner: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1873658 the mothership17:11
czajkowskiakgraner: back in a wee bit watching AW17:11
JFoakgraner, heh17:14
akgranerczajkowski, I need to watch Sunday's as well17:14
czajkowskiakgraner: last one of the season17:14
pleia2akgraner: this was the fedora booth at the linux picnic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/4916874392/17:15
akgraneryep - and I can't wait - so don't tell anything yet - I'll try to watch it today17:15
pleia2but truth be told, the two fedora guys who attended are also ubuntu people, and put all energy into the ubuntu booth, the big fedora guys in the area didn't come17:16
JFopicnic was a great idea I bet17:16
JFoI love picnics17:16
pleia2it was fun :)17:16
nigelbJFo: You seem to be the sort of person who would. :D17:18
akgranerpleia2, I want to do a geeknic here but I can't seem to find enough hours in a day or weekend to make it happen and forget about it with Marching Band Season upon me.17:19
nigelbGAH x35 :p17:19
akgranermaybe if I start planning now I can get one done in the spring17:19
nigelbakgraner: Take kids + Pete + JFo, take pics and blog.17:20
nigelbYou'll have a crowd next time :D17:20
akgranerheck last global Jam the whole fam damily showed up...  it was fun17:21
akgranerit was fun too :-)17:23
nigelbhehe, true.17:23
nigelbgeeks + food = fun17:23
akgranerAnyone got questions about WINE - I am prepping an interview with Scott Richie :-)17:23
nigelbI <3 Micelle's presentation from self ;)17:24
akgranernigelb, SELF or SCaLE17:24
czajkowskiakgraner: you're gonna need a box of tissues a massive box17:24
nigelbakgraner: err, I don't know.  y'all have too many conferences17:25
akgranerczajkowski, I was afraid of that17:25
* JFo doesn't get the tissue ref17:27
czajkowskiakgraner: go watch17:27
akgranerJFo, season finally of Army Wives17:27
akgraneror how ever you spell that - dang it !17:28
JFoah, I see17:29
* JFo wanders off17:29
doctormoMorning all17:49
* nigelb waves to doctormo 17:50
sensehello doctormo17:50
doctormojono: Getting worried about the free culture showcase deadline, I tried to get in touch with Ivanka and kwwii about the final vote. I'm worrying that the entries submitted to deviantArt will be looked over.17:51
doctormoSo far though no response.17:51
jonodoctormo, Ivanka has been on holiday for a few weeks17:54
jonoand Ken no longer works for us17:54
jonodoctormo, she is back now, drop her an email17:54
doctormojono: Er, what happened with Ken? did I miss the memo?17:58
doctormoemail sent18:00
jonodoctormo, he decided to move on18:02
doctormoAh ok, bit of a surprise.18:03
* doctormo is going out to show his sister around boston and will be back later.18:03
jussijono: Im ready from anytime you want, so if you are ready ealry...18:38
jonojussi, let's go18:53
akgranerThanks jussi!  Great Interview :-)20:07
jonojussi, http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/08/24/articulating-irc-contributions-concisely/20:17
JFoakgraner, ready?21:19
akgranerJFo, can you give me 20 minutes?21:20
cjohnstondo be do be do21:59
akgranerJFo, okie dokie I'm back now22:04
JFojono, :)22:15
jonoJFo, that was comedy22:35
jonoJFo,  I have got that cake song stuck in my head now22:35
jonoif your gonna bake a pretty cake22:35
JFome too22:35
jonoJFo, dammit22:53
jonostill in my head22:54
jonoif your gonna bake a pretty cake22:54
JFoit's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake22:57
jonoJFo, I keep finding myself huming23:05
jonohumming it23:05
JFough, I hate network issues23:15
akgranerJFo, I hope we didn't ramble too much23:31
akgranerwe gotta keep track of the time  - we lasted 60 minutes instead of 3023:32
JFoheh, we probably did23:33
JFobut eh, what can you do23:33
JFomeh, 30 minutes/ an hour23:33
JFowhatever :)23:33
akgranerupdates brb restart needed :-)23:35
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro

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