
robert_ancellrickspencer3, hey00:02
RAOFrickspencer3: Good morning.00:02
Viper550So, you guys are shipping Banshee?00:19
micahgViper550: not default00:20
Viper550oh, netbook version only?00:21
micahgidk about netbook00:21
micahgViper550: it's in the archive00:21
micahgnot shipped for netbook by default either00:22
micahgrhythmbox is the default for gnome00:23
ajmitchmicahg: from what I've seen in the MIR bug for banshee, it is/was planned to have it as default for UNE00:27
micahgajmitch: oh, right...00:27
micahgI forgot about that bug...I hope they get it in soon, ,beta freeze if thursday :)00:27
micahgajmitch: I just pulled the netbook-meta package to check...not there yet00:28
ajmitchnot yet, they're cutting it close :)00:29
rickspencer3Viper550, ajmitch, micahg, I'm 99% certain that didrocks intends to ship banshee by default in UNE00:29
rickspencer3I'm a bit surprised it's not in yet00:30
Viper550don't we hate novell00:30
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micahgViper550: no, AFAIK, we don't do that00:30
rickspencer3Viper550, nope ... they do some nice work, and they are nice people00:30
ajmitchrickspencer3: so am I, but the bug isn't approved yet & lists some issues on ARM, so here's hoping it gets resolved soon00:30
rickspencer3ajmitch, ditto00:30
rickspencer3but with didrocks on vacation ... not sure who's going to take it forward00:31
rickspencer3maybe seb128 can look into it tomorrow ;)00:31
ajmitchasac has been active on the bug00:31
* ajmitch saw it due to being on the ubuntu-mono list :)00:32
ajmitchnew banshee-community-extensions should be uploaded to experimental soon from what I saw00:32
bcurtiswxthe close window option in evolution is greyed out.. why so?00:39
bcurtiswxhmm, i don't want to close the program, i just want to close the window so evolution can sit in the indicator applet00:41
bcurtiswxi'll go bug #ayatana00:41
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robert_ancelldobey, if you use IT_PROG_INTLTOOL should you remove AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION and AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT from configure.ac?03:10
dobeyrobert_ancell: you should be ok to remove them if you're using IT_PROG_INTLTOOL, yes03:37
robert_ancelldobey, has that only occurred recently? (It appears most projects have both)03:37
dobeyrobert_ancell: 2 years03:41
bcurtiswxnite all03:56
^arky^Does XPI files automatically associated with firefox/mozilla in ubuntu06:56
^arky^In the LTS it starts up with file-roller06:57
micahg^arky^: no06:57
micahgas it should, it's a zip archive06:57
^arky^micahg, perhaps we should associate with firefox in 'open with' so that it might not confuse the lay users ?06:57
micahg^arky^: nope, not appropriate, could also be for thunderbird, seamonkey06:58
micahg^arky^: the proper way is to install through the addons menu06:58
^arky^ok micahg just a thought06:59
and471well done vish :) http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/2010/08/24/cleansweep-update/07:44
pittiGood morning07:52
RAOFGood morning07:54
hyperairwould anyone have objections to sticking in a git snapshot of libgpod to maverick?08:22
micahghyperair: I know LucidFox was working with those packages08:24
hyperairooh, really?08:24
micahghyperair: at least trying to get them updated in Debian an expressed an interest in Ubuntu as well08:25
hyperairi see.08:25
hyperairi'll talk to her then. thanks08:25
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bilalakhtarhi seb12808:51
seb128hey bilalakhtar08:52
ajmitchmorning seb12808:52
RAOFGood morning seb128!08:52
seb128hey ajmitch RAOF08:52
seb128how is everybody doing?08:52
seb128RAOF, the evo crash you reported is likely due to the change for appmenu-gtk you might want to uninstall it as a workaround08:53
RAOFseb128: Eh.  It's not particularly frequent, and evo is good about crash-safety.08:53
RAOFMan, X would be much more fun if hardware developers got their stuff together.08:54
RAOFThen it would just be _our_ fault when X crashes :)08:55
seb128RAOF, hehe08:56
RAOFI mean, is it _so_ hard to provide 128 bytes of well formatted data in your monitor? :)08:56
pittiRAOF: well -- it's 2^1024 - 1 ways to get it wrong, and only one to get it right; I'd rather bet in the lottery08:59
RAOFpitti: The space of correct EDIDs is significantly larger than 1 :P09:00
pittistill, not much better..09:00
pitti$ python -c 'print len(str(2**1024))'09:01
pittithat's a damn large number09:01
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bilalakhtarPici: around?09:10
hyperairmicahg: turns out she was working on gtkpod, not libgpod.09:10
bilalakhtarPici: sorry, tab fail09:10
bilalakhtarpitti: Around?09:10
pittihello bilalakhtar, good morning09:10
seb128hey pitti09:10
pittibonjour monsieur!09:10
seb128how are you?09:10
pittipretty well, thanks! and you?09:10
seb128I'm great thanks09:11
bilalakhtarpitti: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/ubuntu/maverick/jockey/fix-600804/+merge/3340209:13
pittibilalakhtar: I saw the MP, thanks! will have a look ASAP09:13
bilalakhtarthanks pitti09:13
seb128lut huats09:30
huatshello seb12809:30
asacmvo: master09:37
asacseb128: so banshee is all fine imo  ... wasnt sure about zeroconf though. do we really need that in main/by default for banshee?09:38
mvohey asac09:38
asachi mvo !!09:38
asacmvo: do you have time for a chat in a bit ;)?09:38
asacmvo: just ping me when you have 10 minutes about something cool ;)09:39
* asac gets some coffee09:39
mptGood morning mvo09:39
seb128huats, do you plan to fix your pywebkitgtk update to build?09:41
huatsseb128, it is plan today09:41
seb128asac, hey, thanks for the review, not sure about zeroconf I prefer to let some of the banshee guys there comment about it09:42
huatsseb128, sorry I was away for a few days, and I couldn't approach my computer without getting a very very dark look from my girlfriend :)09:42
* huats is a poor little man :)09:42
asacseb128: ok. when is didrocks coming back from laggery?09:42
seb128asac, next week09:43
asacok lets move all to main then to not breach beta freeze09:43
asacseb128: do you know if "boo" is avoiable?09:44
asaci would prefer to not get a new compiler/interpreter in the archive ;)09:44
seb128dunno no, I don't even know what that is09:44
asac"python-like language and compiler for the CLI09:44
RAOFBoo and zeroconf could both be split out if necessary.09:44
* asac goes and asks for htat09:44
seb128congrats, you just signed for extra work09:45
RAOFBoo is for the Boo scripting plugin, and zeroconf is for the DAAP sharing plugin; neither is critical and I'm pretty sure that Banshee will load without them.09:45
seb128I can see users unhappy without daap sharing though09:45
asacok boo and mono-zeroconf tasks are incomplete09:45
asaci will set bashee overall to incomplete to indicate the action09:46
seb128well the tricky part is that those are build-depends09:46
seb128not sure how you want to build banshee without those09:46
seb128or we would need a second banshee copy in universe just to build those09:46
asacseb128: some configure flag?09:46
seb128not very practical09:46
seb128asac, well we can't drop daap support that way09:46
asaci dont understand09:47
asacwhy do you need a bashee copy in univeres?09:47
RAOFOh, yeah.  Build-depends need to be closed under main.09:47
seb128to build the daap support without promoting zeroconf09:47
seb128since banshee will be in main build-depends need to be there09:47
asacright. when i ask "can this be not done", i ask if it can be dropped from build depends09:47
seb128only if we drop daap as well09:47
mvoasac: time is always short, but for you I have time of course ;)09:48
mvompt: good morning!09:48
asacmvo: at 11 ?09:48
seb128hey mvo09:48
asacseb128: whats daap?09:48
asacsounds like not needed ;)09:48
seb128asac, lan music sharing09:48
mvompt: I merged the visual-overhaul branch09:48
mvohey seb12809:48
mvoasac: 11 is fine09:48
seb128asac, the things which make your rb or banshee list music from others at UDS09:48
RAOFBanshee only has a client, not a DAAP server, but it's still pretty cool.09:48
asacright. thats what i figured from zeroconf ...09:48
asacwasnt sure thats really needed ;)09:49
asacok well ...09:49
RAOFSlightly less cool when you can do the same thing with all your telepathy contacts, though ;)09:49
seb128I'm not sure why they don't use avahi though09:49
asaczeroconf is fine. and boo?09:49
asacboo is what gives me most pain09:49
seb128it's only scripting09:50
seb128but I've no clue if scripts users want to use requires it09:50
seb128I don't use banshee but I would say we don't really need it09:50
RAOFI'm unaware of any boo scripts for Banshee; I don't think anyone would notice if it wasn't there.09:51
RAOFI don't think it's enabled by default, either.09:51
seb128asac, ok, so let's drop that but keep zeroconf09:51
seb128though I would like to know why they don't use avahi09:51
asacthats fine if we can09:51
seb128and if we could use avahi09:51
asacseb128: i think zeroconf is avahi ... isnt it?09:51
seb128avahi is in main though09:51
asacseb128: a mono avahi?09:52
seb128that's what rb uses for example09:52
asaci assumed that mono-zeroconf is a wrapper for something avahish09:52
RAOFIt's a cross-platform mdns/avahi/bonjour implemenation, IIUC.09:52
seb128hum, libavahi1.0-cil is in universe09:52
asacok so a multi pack ;)09:52
asacchangelog mentioned libavahi-cil09:53
asacand mono-zeroconf isnt mentioned at all ;)09:53
asacapparently was sneaked in09:53
asacguess they moved away from libavahi-cil09:54
asaclibavahi-cil has no rdepends09:54
asacguess that package doesnt exist?09:54
seb128it's called09:55
seb128libavahi1.0-cil seems to be mono bindings for libavahi09:55
seb128where mono-zeroconf seems a complete zeroconf implementation09:55
asaclibavahi1.0-cil is in universe09:55
seb128I would prefer to maintain the bindings09:56
seb128they are only bindings over a lib we ship09:56
seb128where the zeroconf one is new code09:56
seb128but I'm not sure why they changed etc09:56
asacguess because of "all mono is cleaner" ;)09:57
mptmvo, I saw. :-) Are you looking at the other merge proposals today?09:57
mvompt: yes09:58
mptmvo, r1036 doesn't start up for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/482815/10:06
^arky^mvo: r1036 same problem http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/482816/10:11
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hyperairseb128, RAOF: if boo or daap are a problem, they can be split off into different packages.10:12
seb128daap seems it's not so much10:13
RAOFhyperair: And still be built?10:13
hyperairRAOF: yes, why not?10:14
RAOFhyperair: Because all of banshee's build-depends will need to be in main, too.10:14
hyperairRAOF: oh.10:14
RAOFYeah.  That's what I forgot initially :)10:14
hyperairso what's wrong with, say, putting boo in main?10:15
RAOFNothing, but it means boo will need a MIR.10:16
seb128<asac> i would prefer to not get a new compiler/interpreter in the archive ;)10:16
seb128was the issue10:17
hyperairwhat's the reason behind it?10:17
seb128seems extra code to main for no strong reason10:17
seb128lot to do already and not enough people to do it10:17
seb128so we try to not keep adding extra sourcecode we need to maintain when there is no need for it10:17
hyperairi see.10:18
RAOFWhoops!  7:30 makes it time to stop.10:24
seb128RAOF, have fun10:24
mvoseb128: is x-gnome-autorestart=true supposed to work? I added it to polkit gnome and it does not seem to work10:26
seb128it is10:26
seb128and yes10:26
seb128but your code needs to register to the session I think10:27
seb128which polkit-gnome might not do10:27
mvoseb128: aha, ok10:27
asacmvo: one more question ;) ... is the env reset for maintainer scripts?11:20
asace.g. if i do export TEST=111:20
asacapt-get install something11:20
asacwill the postinst etc. see the env?11:20
seb128dpm, hey11:21
seb128dpm, question for you, do I need to do anything after uploading a package which start generating a translation template?11:21
seb128dpm, like pinging you to get it approved or something11:21
mvoseb128: hm, are you sure about X-GNOME-AutoRestart? I just looked into the registryd source and it seems to do manually register. if I killall gnome-settings-daemon it does not come back for me. does that work for you?11:24
dpmseb128, no, in principle you don't need to do anything, I look at the queue from time to time. However, if you ping me it's best, as I can approve it straight away (it's a one minute job)11:24
mvoasac: that will work as root, but sudo will clean most of the environment11:26
seb128dpm, ok, thanks, I will upload unity places with translations11:27
seb128mvo, sure about what?11:27
asacmvo: yeah. but i invoke apt on my own ... so i can do sudo TEST=1 apt-get install blah blah11:27
seb128mvo, it works to restart nautilus11:27
mvoseb128: about restarting11:27
asacthanks mvo11:27
mvoseb128: maybe not because of the key, but because nautilus does some manual work to register with the session?11:27
seb128mvo, I would be surprised, we used to change the key to false to workaround a bug in nautilus and that made the autostart stop11:28
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ I think you know that code better than me, any clue?11:28
seb128mvo, you can run gnome-session --debug and see what it writes11:29
mvoseb128: I did and no trace of autorestart11:29
seb128vuntz, ^ ;-)11:29
mvomaybe I do something wrong :)11:29
seb128well it works there for gnome-panel and nautilus11:29
mvobut I would love to get confirmation if x-gnome-autorestart is implmented11:30
seb128it is11:30
seb128I didn't check if it didn't get broken in maverick11:30
mvoseb128: ok, then I dig some more, its probably me doing something wrong then11:30
seb128but I would be surprised since gnome-session didn't change11:30
seb128I've been tweaking the autorestart key to debug nautilus in lucid11:30
seb128without that nautilus --quit doesn't work11:30
seb128ie nautilus is respawned11:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, X-GNOME-Autorestart should still work AFAICT, but you need to be registered with gnome-session for it to work11:31
seb128turning the key to false was working, it stopped respawning11:31
mvochrisccoulson: aha, ok. so dbus registration and it will be fine? I will try that11:31
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, that should work11:32
dpmseb128, ok, I'll keep an eye on the queue today and I'll approve unity places11:32
seb128dpm, I will ping you when they will have built11:32
seb128dpm, thanks11:32
dpmcool, thank you seb12811:33
seb128dpm, thank *you* ;-)11:34
dpmhahaha we can go on with this forever :)11:34
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kiwinotedevildante: hi!11:56
devildantekiwinote: hi :)11:56
kiwinotedevildante: I'm working on your branch atm, so if you don't push anything new that would be great ;)11:57
devildantekiwinote: np, I won't touch it ;)11:57
kiwinotedevildante: I did make a list of all addons yesterday, and there were some interesting things I found11:58
kiwinotedevildante: sometimes an addon is listed twice (ie recommended and suggested). I have a fix for this.11:58
seb128mvo, do you know how the "create new archive extras.ubuntu.com" work items are going?11:59
kiwinotedevildante: also sometimes randompkg-dev sees randompkg as an addon when it should be the other way around..11:59
devildantekiwinote: Can you fix that?11:59
kiwinotenot within the given approach12:00
mvoseb128: its a IS item, no idea about the status12:00
seb128mvo, ok, thanks12:00
mvoseb128, chrisccoulson: when registering, it works :)12:00
mvo(the auto-restart)12:00
seb128mvo, see ;-)12:00
kiwinotedevildante: but I'll do some experimenting with other approaches later on12:00
mvoseb128: do you mind if I upload a new polkit-agent with restart enabled?12:00
seb128mvo, go for it12:00
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mvoseb128: propbably worth forwarding to upstream as well12:00
seb128mvo, thanks for fixing that12:00
seb128yes that would be nice12:01
seb128lunch time12:01
devildantekiwinote: okay :)12:01
kiwinotedevildante: I just needed to fix some things first so I don't need to wait 40minutes to get a list of all addons for all pkgs ;)12:01
mvokiwinote: I added restart support to the polkit agent, so the apporach where we start it outselfs should be no longer needed (it seems like a better way as all apps will benefit this way)12:01
kiwinotemvo: ah great, hadn't realised that was possible. Indeed a better approach!12:02
kiwinotemvo: re your comment using fixed width. Do you know of a better way to deal with this?12:03
mvokiwinote: I thought about it for a little bit, but its tricky, as the widget requires knowledge outside of the widget. maybe having a table of the info is the right approach and then going over it and setting the size after the packageinfo widgets are set12:04
mvokiwinote: the restart was a little bit more tricky than I expected. but it should be there now :)12:04
kiwinotemvo: yeah, having a table was the old approach, but the addons branch needed to display a info line above the addons statusbar. I'll have a think about it after lunch.12:05
* kiwinote to lunch12:06
mvokiwinote: thanks!12:06
asacseb128: pitti: ogra thinks he remembers that there were patent issues with zeroconf?12:07
asacanyone knows anything about that?12:07
ograi'm not 100% sure, but i think that was one of the reasons why avahi was written instead of just using zeroconf12:08
asacseb128: http://pastebin.com/XJhWrMcH .. that one +  a respin of the clutter rdepends is needed to get rid of not needed direct dependencies on the libgl-mesa12:14
asaci dont think its many packages that would need a respin12:14
asaci will try them all locally before ... just wanted to get your first input12:14
asacapt-cache rdepends libclutter-1.0-0 | pastebinit12:15
mvoseb128: I uploaded the new agent, kick me if anything is not/nolonger working. its not in a vcs afaics, so I just uploaded12:16
* mvo heads for lunch12:16
asacseb128: would be fine with just respinning the rdepends needed for unity stack12:17
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asacseb128: let me know what i need to do to make you feel good about this ;)12:20
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asacmvo: hopefully last question for today: the apt-get --download-only thing. what does that do exactly? only downloads packages specified or also the not installed depends of those12:24
seb128mvo, right, no vcs, thanks12:26
seb128asac, can you use the patch system properly rather than patching the source? ;-)12:27
seb128asac, I can clean that and do the rdepends12:28
mptmvo, I guess you're snowed under today, but if you could spare time to fix the launch problem <http://paste.ubuntu.com/482815/>, both ^arky^ and I would be unblocked in doing review and QA12:28
seb128asac, can you get that change forwarded upstream as well?12:28
asacseb128: the change is in the patchsystem ... i will change the name of the patch, yes.12:30
seb128asac, right, it's in the patchsystem in the sense that the new source format put the random changes inline to a patch now12:30
asacyeah. i never intended to not change it ;)12:31
asacseb128: so what rdepends should i test rebuild? do you want me to put that in a ppa first?12:31
asaci would hope its safe. if an rdepends fails because of that its missing a build dend on the mesa-glx ... clutter does not refer to any GL symbols in its headers at least12:32
asacseb128: i wanted to go for mutter, clutk, unity, and champlain12:32
asacto get a good test ... are those the important ones in our image?12:33
seb128asac, libunity-misc12:34
asacguess libclutter-gtk too12:34
asaclet me see12:34
seb128asac, apt-cache rdepends --show-installed=yes libclutter-1.0-012:34
asacmy system isn not a good install base to look at ;)12:34
asacgrr ... dch -i now always does binNMU for us in ubuntu12:35
asacthats bogus ;)12:35
seb128asac, the ones you listed and libunity-misc clutter-gtk-0.1012:35
asacanyway, whoever fixed the ALT key in gnome-terminal is my friend :-P12:35
asacseb128: ok i will respin those locally. do you want me to put stuff in a ppa too?12:36
seb128asac, no need12:37
seb128let me know how it goes and upstream the change12:37
asacyep. i am waiting for my "confirmation" mail from the clutter bugzilla12:38
asackenvandine: in gwibber i see my own tweets/dents in notify bubbles. that can't be right ;)12:50
kenvandineasac, yeah, we should hide those i think12:50
asackenvandine: do you have a bunch of crash reports in your inbox for gwibber-preferences?12:51
asackenvandine: i cannot open it ... it always crashes ;)12:51
kenvandinei don't12:51
asacwonder if i have to submit this or if you have enough12:51
kenvandinerun it from a console12:51
asacok let me review the data12:51
asaclet me do that12:51
asaccool paste comes with a new face ;)12:52
chrisccoulsondoes pthread_cond_signal and pthread_cond_wait rely on signals to be working properly?12:52
chrisccoulsonie, can i get it to work from a signal handler?12:52
* ogra wonders when asac used the pastebin the last time :)12:52
ograthe new theme is there since last week i think12:53
asacmaybe my .css was aggressively cached ;)12:53
ograFF bug :P12:53
asaci definitly used it yesterday and i cant have missed it12:53
asacguess rather apache bug ;)12:53
asacor setup bug rather12:53
chrisccoulsonogra, FF has no bugs12:54
ograyou sound like the kernel guys if i try to convince tham that OO.o not starting must be a kernel bug :P12:54
chrisccoulsonit is a kernel bug isn't it? ;)12:54
chrisccoulsonheh :)12:54
chrisccoulsonor a video driver issue?12:54
kenvandineasac, file a bug and go ahead and assign it to me12:55
ograchrisccoulson, definitely !12:55
kenvandinei am heading to my son's school for a teacher conference... will be online in about an hour12:55
* kenvandine heads afk12:55
asackenvandine: am i important enough to target this for release ;)?12:55
asackenvandine: bug 62333512:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 623335 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "gwibber-preferences always crashes on startup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62333512:57
seb128kenvandine, hey13:03
mvoasac: hi, back from lunch. --download-only acts just like a normal instlal, but it does not install. so if there are missing dependencies it will download them13:18
mvompt: thanks, I fix this now13:18
asacmvo: cool. thats going in normal cache dir? i assume i can define a special download dir?13:19
mvompt: the easiest workaround is to run "bzr-buildpackage" and install the deb, its because of the change of the naming (New applications -> What's new)13:19
mvoasac: normal cache dir unless you use -o Dir::cache13:20
mvoasac: normal cache dir unless you use -o Dir::cache::archives13:20
asacoh ... good13:20
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mptmvo, bzr-buildpackage gives two test failures: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/482877/13:23
mvompt: please try r1038, it should no longer crash on startup, I look at the test failures next13:29
mptmvo, yep, it now launches and says "34615 items available" but the main pane is empty :-)13:33
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mptmvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/482884/13:37
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mvompt: weeh, thanks13:44
mptmvo, reported it as bug 62335913:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 623359 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Top-level "Get Software" screen is blank ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'draw') (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62335913:44
mptbecause I thought nzmm_ might be able to take it off your shoulders, but I think he's asleep now :-)13:45
mvompt: I think easiest is if I just do a maverick upload :) with the current tree, should be in good state13:45
mptmvo, ok. How soon would that appear in the archive? A few hours?13:46
mvo~2h or so, yes13:46
mptWhen that's ready I'll test the new payments stuff13:46
mvompt: try trunk again (r1042) please14:09
mptmvo, thanks, that now shows me the departments. It still has no "What's New" or "Featured", but I guess that's because it's looking for categories that won't be installed on my system until the next software-center package, right?14:11
mptmvo, the software item screen now works as well.14:12
mvompt: yes. once the new package is build it should have content again14:12
mvompt: but that should unblock you for now14:12
mptthank you14:12
mvompt: yw14:16
mptvish, hi. :-) If/when the add-ons branch gets merged into Ubuntu Software Center, people will start discovering bugs that we don't know about yet, about things being presented as add-ons that shouldn't be (or things that should be and aren't).14:19
mptvish, it'll be like when USC 2.0 exposed a bunch of the less-used Menu Spec categories for the first time, and we discovered that a bunch of applications had inappropriate categories.14:20
mvokiwinote: thanks for fixing the label problem!14:24
mvogood morning tremolux14:24
tremolux'morning mvoi14:24
tremoluxmvo  :)14:25
mpthi tremolux14:25
tremoluxhey mpt14:26
seb128hey tremolux14:26
seb128how are you?14:26
tremoluxhiya seb128,  I'm well, thanks!14:27
tremoluxseb128: enjoyed my holiday very much  :)14:27
tremoluxseb128: how are you?14:27
seb128I'm fine thanks14:28
kiwinotemvo: thanks, also updated against trunk now14:28
kiwinotemvo: ah, wait, one more push actually14:29
kiwinotemvo: thanks for the merge! I don't need the push I mentioned above now.14:34
mvokiwinote: ok, I updated to r1044 now, including a missing revision from you I think, could you please double check :) ?14:37
kiwinotemvo: yep, that looks good :)14:40
kiwinotemvo: fyi r1044 were some changes that had been made to the PackageInfoTable in trunk which I adapted to the PackageInfo.14:44
mvokiwinote: yeah, when I looked over the merge I nocited them, great that you ported it14:46
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
tedgjames_w, It seems that lp:ubuntu/nautilus is not up-to-date with archive, is there anything I can kick to make that update?15:19
james_wtedg: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/nautilus.html15:20
james_wthat's the status15:20
james_wand as you can see it was a victim of some operational problems15:21
james_wI'll restart it now15:21
tedgjames_w, cool, thanks!15:23
tedgjames_w, So are all the source packages there?15:23
james_wtedg: there are pages for any that have failed15:23
tedgjames_w, Ah, hmm, Inkscape too :)  http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/74e06a035ac179f29a87d79feba31ad2.html15:24
tedgjames_w, It seems I've offended the UDD server :)15:24
james_wheh, that's a silly bug15:27
james_wI'll fix that15:27
kenvandineasac, can you please paste the results of this?15:30
kenvandinefor key in retweet_style urlshorter theme;do gconftool --get /apps/gwibber/preferences/$key;done15:30
vishmpt: hi! yea, was wondering how we would handle those bugs..15:35
seb128pedro_, don't untag the need retracing bugs15:35
vishbugs/oopsies ;)15:35
rickspencer3seb128, hey15:36
pedro_seb128, roger that15:37
kenvandinegood morning rickspencer315:37
seb128rickspencer3, hello, how are you?15:37
rickspencer3seb128, doing well15:37
mptvish, at a code level, these would be purely one-line packaging fixes: changing values of Recommends:, Suggests:, and Enhances: fields. So they're like the bad-description bugs, but easier to fix.15:37
rickspencer3seb128, I have a topic for the team meeting15:37
* rickspencer3 adds to wiki15:37
seb128rickspencer3, sure15:37
seb128rickspencer3, do you join us for the meeting today?15:37
seb128or do you just have a topic but can't join?15:37
vishmpt: yeah, do we try to tag them to make sure we have a list?15:38
rickspencer3seb128, can I join, but you run?15:38
seb128pedro_, sorry that was a bit short I got sidetracker, I was going to say that the retracer will eventually pick up and untag those anyway15:38
seb128rickspencer3, ok15:38
rickspencer3thanks seb12815:38
mptvish, would the existing "metadata" tag be ok for you?15:38
seb128rickspencer3, you're welcome15:39
seb128mpt, what do you want to tag this way?15:39
rickspencer3seb128, someone mentioned last night that Banshee was held up in it's MIR15:39
seb128rickspencer3, it has been cleared up by asac today15:39
rickspencer3is it still the plan to do Banshee on UNE, and RB on Desktop for Maverick?15:39
mptseb128, bug reports about packages that have inappropriate values for Recommends:, Suggests:, or Enhances:.15:39
vishmpt: yeah sounds good, but maybe we have to reevaluate depending on the number of bugs we start getting for those.15:39
ograrickspencer3, does that mean RB stays supported ? banshee doesnt work on arm15:40
seb128mpt, can I suggest using another tag? that one could be any data, descriptions, etc15:40
seb128ogra, we will support rb the same way yes15:40
seb128rickspencer3, yes, though I'm starting being unsure about banshee on UNE this cycle15:40
seb128they screwed15:40
ograi think we'll stay with RB on arm then :)15:40
rickspencer3seb128, ok, well, whatever is correct15:41
seb128rickspencer3, they still didn't land an update not using hal15:41
seb128we can't bring back hal to the default install for it15:41
kenvandineseb128, they didn't?  waiting for a release?15:41
rickspencer3seb128, I guess we should probably send out some kind of app selection update15:41
seb128they are weeks after freeze and didrocks in away so can't work on that15:41
mptseb128, sure, if that would help you. They're all of the class of "simple fixes that make things easier to understand in Ubuntu Software Center"15:41
rickspencer3no chromium in main, no Banshee on UNE15:41
* rickspencer3 adds to agenda15:42
seb128rickspencer3, I still think we should try to get banshee in UNE, I will sort that with didrocks next week15:42
rickspencer3seb128, ack15:42
seb128mpt, like control-tweaking15:43
seb128mpt, or control-file-tweaking15:43
seb128mpt, just to avoid random users abusing the tag for random datas changes in other situations15:43
tedgjames_w, Cool, I was able to get the updated nautilus, thanks!15:46
mptvish, do you know of anyone abusing the tag so far?15:47
seb128mpt, it's just that the tag is not self explaining15:47
vishmpt: i had noticed a few metadata bugs and i did untag them, let me see if i can find them15:47
mvoseb128: so what does it take to make the policykit dialog not time out ?15:47
seb128could be about anything15:47
seb128mvo, dunno, ask chrisccoulson or pitti or james_w I guess15:48
seb128mvo, I never hacked on that but they did15:48
mvoseb128: ok, thanks15:48
mvochrisccoulson: help! what does it take to stop the policykit auth dialog from getting dbus timeouts if the user takes more than 3sec to enter the password?15:48
mptseb128, ok, we'll have a new tag for Recommends/Suggests/Enhances, and the existing tag for everything else15:48
seb128mpt, thanks15:49
chrisccoulsonmvo - good question, i can take a look though. it's been a while since i looked at it ;)15:49
seb128brb update testing15:49
chrisccoulsononce my laptop stops being slow :/15:49
davmor2chrisccoulson: Surely laptop being slow is the best time to test something timing out ;)15:50
mvochrisccoulson: sorry to add work to your plate, but its pretty important for s-c and update-manger15:51
mvochrisccoulson: do you want a bugreport?15:51
chrisccoulsondavmor2, unfortunately, it's so slow that i can barely do anything with it ;)15:51
chrisccoulsonmvo - sure15:51
chrisccoulsoni could do with looking at something other than breakpad ;)15:51
mvothe mozilla thing?15:52
micahghyperair: mail to pkg-multimedia mentioned both, but ok, good to know15:52
james_wmvo: dbus allows unlimited timeouts now15:53
james_wso changing the dbus requests to specify that should be enough I would think15:54
vishmpt: Bug #480988 might be a remaining overzealous metadata tag.. most of those i had fixed. this one i was still contemplating if it is really a 'video editor" :s15:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 480988 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Blender is not listed when searching for a video editor (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48098815:54
james_wof course it hasn't proved itself to be the most robust thing, so some people will be left waiting forever15:54
vishmpt: but yeah, as seb128 mentions metadata might be too much of a mixedbag once we start getting to many bugs to really differentiate/work on the bugs15:55
chrisccoulson_ok, i have to use my desktop whilst firefox is linking :/15:55
vish' metadata '15:55
asacseb128: rebuilt everything. clutk needed a fix. the rest worked fine. attached clutter debdiff to the bug and clutk too. maybe check: bug 62337615:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 623376 in clutter-1.0 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "all redepends unnecessary link directly against mesa-glx because of -lGL in .pc files (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62337615:59
asacupstreaming the main clutter patch now15:59
seb128asac, ok thanks15:59
asaclet me try unity ;)15:59
seb128asac, I've some others things on my todolist but I can do those changes a bit later, or do you want to?15:59
asacno clue if it worke before15:59
kenvandineyuck... installing build deps for gnome-power15:59
kenvandineAfter this operation, 741MB of additional disk space will be used.15:59
asacseb128: i can upload everything ... no problem16:00
kenvandineall the texlive stuff16:00
asacseb128: have to test now ... will be back in a bit16:00
seb128asac, ok16:00
kenvandineasac, can you please paste the results of this?16:00
kenvandine for key in retweet_style urlshorter theme;do gconftool --get /apps/gwibber/preferences/$key;done16:00
asackenvandine: yes16:00
asacNo value set for `/apps/gwibber/preferences/retweet_style'16:00
asacthats all16:00
and471mvo, per https://code.launchpad.net/~apulido/software-center/mago_fix/+merge/25523 are we using mago for testing now?16:02
mvoand471: that was a old merge that I did not never marked as "done"16:03
and471mvo, as ok cool :)16:03
mvoand471: I think we are doing fine with our current appraoch16:03
and471mvo, good :)16:03
kenvandine for key in urlshorter theme;do gconftool --get-type /apps/gwibber/preferences/$key;done16:04
kenvandineasac, ^^16:04
pittimvo: pk dialog timeout> erm, does it?16:05
mvopitti: it does for me, I'm debugging it currently, might be a issue with aptdaemon instead of the agent16:06
pittimvo: you mean the dialog times out, or aptdaemon gets a dbus timeout from calling PK?16:06
asackenvandine: string16:06
mvopitti: the later16:06
asacmy config busted? ;)16:06
pittimvo: ah16:06
mvopitti: which is odd, it passes a timeout of 30016:06
mvopitti: but it appears the default (25s) is used16:06
kenvandineasac, well trying to figure that out... i can't repro it16:07
kenvandineasac, and it is one of those keys16:07
kenvandinebut they should be all strings and your's are all valid16:07
pittimvo: which call do you pass that on?16:07
mvopitti: CheckAuthorization()16:07
pittimvo: in the daemon?16:08
pittimvo: clients don't need to talk to PK at all any more16:08
asackenvandine: it says: "list index out of range" still ;)16:08
kenvandineyeah, which makes no sense :)16:08
kenvandineit's not a list!16:08
mvopitti: yes, in the daemon16:09
pitti            (is_auth, _, details) = self.polkit.CheckAuthorization(16:09
and471mvo, mpt, what do you think of these the improve consistency of how we show ppas.  Current - http://imgur.com/UO85y.png   Proposed -  http://imgur.com/4dL6p.png   Alternate -  http://imgur.com/sKgH9.png16:09
pitti                    ('unix-process', {'pid': dbus.UInt32(pid, variant_level=1),16:09
pitti                        'start-time': dbus.UInt64(0, variant_level=1)}),16:09
pitti                    privilege, {'': ''}, dbus.UInt32(1), '', timeout=600)16:09
pittimvo: hm, that's ^ what I use in jockey, and it works fine here16:09
and471the > to16:09
mvopitti: odd, I keep looking16:10
mpthi and47116:12
and471mpt, hey16:12
mptand471, oh, brilliant idea that second one16:13
mptand471, http://i.imgur.com/4dL6p.png I mean16:13
and471mpt, well it is currently a mockup, but a pet peeve of mine so I can work on it if you want16:14
mptand471, that would be great. Keep in mind that Maverick UI Freeze is Thursday. :-)16:14
and471mpt, I don't think it should be too hard as SC already has most of the code16:15
kiwinoteand471: hey, really like it too :)16:15
and471kiwinote, thanks16:15
kenvandine for key in urlshorter theme;do gconftool --unset /apps/gwibber/preferences/$key;done16:16
kiwinoteand471: perhaps you could have the source as an option inside the edit dialog or so, so that we show each channel only once?16:16
kenvandineasac, can you try that? ^^16:16
kenvandineactuall, first16:16
mptand471, mvo and I have briefly discussed the idea of a library for standard presentation of software items (icons, titles, summaries) across Ubuntu Software Center and Software Updater. Perhaps the same library could also handle standard presentation of software channels.16:16
and471kiwinote, I was thinking about something like that, otherwise the source list gets far too big16:16
kenvandinegconftool --dump /apps/gwibber > gwibber.save16:16
kenvandineasac, ^^16:17
and471mpt, sounds good :)16:17
and471mpt, in that case should I work on this or not?16:18
mptand471, mvo could answer that question much better than I could.16:18
asackenvandine: and what with that?16:19
kenvandinejust a backup16:20
kenvandinethen run the --unset command16:20
kenvandineand try gwibber-preferences again16:20
asackenvandine: you really want me to unset everything?16:20
asacgood ;)16:20
kenvandinejust those two16:20
and471mvo devildante, is there an easy way to run software-properties-gtk locally?16:20
kenvandinefor key in urlshorter theme;do gconftool --unset /apps/gwibber/preferences/$key;done16:20
and471it keeps picking up the glade files in /usr/share16:20
mvoand471: iirc there is a --data-dir swithc, no?16:20
mvoand471: if not, I can add one :)16:21
asackenvandine: ack. works16:21
asackenvandine: bad urlshortener? missing conf migration code?16:21
and471mvo, software-properties-gtk: error: no such option: --data-dir :)16:21
kenvandineok... can you get me the piece of that file that has those two keys?16:21
and471mvo, np I shall see if I can add one16:21
kenvandineasac, shouldn't be either... those are both expected to be strings and i see no reason why that would fail even if they weren't valid16:21
kenvandineas long as they are strings they should work16:22
asackenvandine: try on your own ;)16:22
asacyou know my values now16:22
kenvandineasac, so i want to set mine with the exact same config you had so i can drop to a debugger and step through16:22
asacso set and see ;)16:22
kenvandinei did16:22
asaci have to test something16:22
kenvandineit worked16:22
asackenvandine: i can give you my config without passwords ;)16:23
kenvandineah, ok16:23
asacone sec16:23
asaci am back in 1h16:23
mvoand471: thanks!16:24
devildanteand471, mvo: I had problems with that when coding on software-properties :p16:24
* mpt wonders why Synaptic still says the latest version of software-center is 2.1.10, when 2.1.11 was released a whole 80 minutes ago16:26
seb128mpt, because the builders are busy and it didn't build yet16:27
seb128mpt, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/2.1.11/+build/193241416:28
asacseb128: unity kind of works, but the thing in the middle with "Web" etc. doesnt have a logo16:28
seb128and https://launchpad.net/builders16:28
asaclike there are big boxes with just grey stripes16:28
asacmaybe i am missing a icon set package?16:28
seb128asac, right, that's how it's supposed to be16:28
seb128asac, no, they are missing artwork16:28
asacok :)16:28
seb128asac, ie known issue16:28
asacwhere can i find my terminal?16:28
asaclast time i tried i was able to find it in places16:28
asacbut now there is no places16:28
seb128there is a bug fixed in trunk16:28
* asac chats from console16:29
mptseb128, oh, I didn't realize that something could show up on the source package page before it was actually built. Thanks :-)16:29
asacseb128: for terminal? for broken places not searching for apps anymore?16:29
and471mvo, so should I work on the ppa stuff in software-properties despite this library mpt spoke about?16:30
asacback with unity ;) ... the left bar feels strange for me as a first time user16:30
asackind of sticks out on my left eye16:30
asacdistracts me ;)16:30
seb128asac, the known bug fixed in trunk is about some softwares not being listed16:30
seb128g-t being one of those16:30
* asac stops talking and tries something :)16:31
mvoand471: the libary will not materialize for 10.10, so if you want it in now and its not too hard just go ahead16:34
and471mvo, ok16:35
and471mvo, I shall put in two fixes for software-properties as well16:35
and471mvo, using hbuttonboxes for the buttons in the notebook16:35
mvoand471: cool, let me know when its ready16:35
and471mvo, and making them 'proper' buttons so that images don't show when disabled16:35
and471mvo, sure16:35
mpthi glatzor, thanks for the merge :-)16:41
* and471 needs to convince mvo to convert software-properties-gtk to gtk-builder...16:44
seb128I think mvo doesn't need to be convinced16:45
seb128he rather needs to get patches to review for that ;-)16:45
mvoand471: there is even a branch for that, it should be trivial (unless glade does something bad during the convert)16:50
and471seb128, hehe16:51
mvoand471: a +1 from me for converting. if you switch SimpleGladeApp with SimpleGtkbuildApp it should be almost painless16:51
and471mvo, 'should be' :)16:51
mvoand471: famous last words ;)16:51
and471mvo, in SoftwareProperties you have the function render_source which is common to gtk and kde. To change the appearance in gtk, therefore, you have to change the appearance in kde, is this okay?16:56
mvoand471: I think it is16:59
mvoand471: as long as kde keeps working ;)16:59
and471mvo, hehe, I will need someone to tests that for me :)16:59
mvoand471: I can do that17:00
mvoand471: you will just have to remind me :)17:00
and471mvo, for the name of the ppa, am I going to have to nick channel.py from SC?17:01
mvoand471: hm, can you get away with just using the channel origin and testing on "startswith("LP-PPA")"?17:04
and471mvo, hmm, looks like the channels are stored in the xapian db,17:04
and471mvo, I suppose I could17:04
kiwinotedevildante, (mvo): I've made a few changes to your branch (not 100% clean and tidy yet) which makes determining which pkgs are addons more than twice as fast. It also fixes many quirks in the lists it produces. Oh yeah, and it removes two fixme's ;)17:06
kiwinotedevildante: I have pushed the branch to lp:~kiwinote/software-center/addons17:07
and471mvo, is aptsources.sourceslist in pyhton-apt?17:08
kiwinotedevildante: it is mainly just some fixing of what was there. To  obtain better addon lists we will however need to do a few things differently, but I'll need to experiment with that.17:09
mvoand471: yes17:10
mvokiwinote: nice!17:10
mvokiwinote: I check it out after dinner, it is on my list for today17:10
=== fta_ is now known as fta
rickspencer3seb128, wendar is allison17:12
kiwinotemvo: yeah, it now only takes 20mins to compile a list of all addons rather than 40 ;) There are still a few things that need tidying up (including in the code I just pushed) though.17:12
rickspencer3I thought we could quickly introduce her at the team meeting today17:12
mvokiwinote: ok :)17:12
and471mvo, quickly before you go17:12
mvohello wendar17:12
mvoand471: sure17:12
seb128wendar, hey, welcome17:12
seb128rickspencer3, great idea17:13
and471mvo, could you tell me where I can find the python files for aptsources.sourceslist?17:13
kiwinotedevildante: if you happen to be around, you may like to update the branch with trunk ;)17:13
mvoand471: they are part of python-apt17:14
mvoand471: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptsources/sourceslist.py <- the installed one17:14
mvoand471: and bzr get lp:python-apt should give you the current devel trunk17:14
and471mvo, ah thanks. looking in wrong dir :)17:14
mvoand471: no worries17:15
wendarhi all, thanks rickspencer3 for inviting me17:21
kiwinotedevildante: actually, turned out that there was only one conflict, so I updated to trunk in rev94917:23
and471mvo, you still here?17:26
and471mvo, nevermind, see you tomorrow :)17:29
rickspencer3wendar, seb128 is driving the meeting today17:29
rickspencer3so, thanks to him ;)17:29
seb128speaking of which it's meeting time17:30
seb128hey everybody17:30
seb128welcome to our weekly meeting western edition ;-)17:31
seb128rickspencer3, chrisccoulson, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, pitti: hello17:31
rickspencer3seb128, I think tkampeter is still on vacation17:31
tremoluxhey everybody17:32
seb128tremolux, welcome back from your holidays17:32
tremoluxseb128: thanks  :)17:32
tremoluxgood to be back17:32
seb128so it seems we have a special guest17:32
seb128everybody welcome wendar who is joining the meeting to say hello17:32
Riddellhi wendar17:33
kenvandinehi wendar17:33
seb128wendar, hey, do you want to quickly introduce yourself?17:33
wendarHi all17:33
chrisccoulsonhi wendar17:33
wendarI'm Allison Randal, the new technical architect17:33
wendarglad to be here17:33
rickspencer3that means wendar gets to make all the decisions now17:34
seb128welcome on board wendar ;-)17:34
rickspencer3j/k, of course17:34
rickspencer3seriously ...17:34
wendar(all the decisions, hah!)17:34
seb128oh, I though I could get holidays now17:34
seb128not fair ;-)17:34
kenvandineno holidays for seb128 :)17:34
rickspencer3Technical Architect is about helping to "make the hole more than the sum of the parts"17:34
seb128I think you mean "whole"?17:35
wendarthat too :)17:35
seb128rickspencer3, we were sort of trying to raise there, not to dig :p17:35
bcurtiswxPun intended?17:36
rickspencer3seb128, well, ok17:36
seb128sorry, it has been a long week ;-)17:36
rickspencer3awesome attention to detail17:36
* kenvandine notes it's tuesday...17:36
seb128in any case welcome to wendar, I'm sure we will enjoy working with her17:36
rickspencer3maybe we should get to work before this gets too much worse?17:36
seb128let's get moving17:36
kenvandinewelcome wendar, look forward to meeting you at UDS :)17:36
and471seb128, rickspencer3, get first impression of a professional team XD17:37
seb128I don't think we have items from last week17:37
seb128kenvandine, partner updates?17:37
kenvandinestarting with U117:37
kenvandinethe desktop sso bits should be uploaded for the desktop17:37
kenvandinebut needs a server rollout to use them17:38
seb128they were talking about api changes in the dbus interface yesterday17:38
seb128do you know what's going with that?17:38
kenvandineseems to have a couple things broken17:38
kenvandinei got the impression that was in17:38
kenvandinei'll confirm with josh17:38
seb128there was no sso update for 5 days17:38
kenvandineok, i'll check17:38
kenvandinehe said yesterday it was all in17:39
kenvandinebut didn't talk about the api change17:39
kenvandinemoving on17:39
kenvandineevolution default U1 message will be english only for maverick, and get proper translations in natty17:39
seb128not exactly17:39
seb128we will not have proper translations with langpacks17:39
kenvandineyou mean "not proper"17:39
seb128dpm will organize translations in the wiki17:39
seb128and we will get an update with inline translations for what we get17:40
* dpm gets on to that17:40
seb128yes sorry17:40
seb128"no proper"17:40
kenvandinemoving on to DX17:40
seb128dpm, thanks17:40
kenvandineappmenu updates with desktop menu support and keyboard accelerators17:40
kenvandinehopefully this week17:40
kenvandinejcastro, ^^ :)17:40
kenvandine# indicator-me - adding indicator of which accounts you will be posting too17:41
seb128that seems a feature to me17:41
kenvandineseb128, you OK'd that yesterday :)17:41
seb128I was going to say "make sure you have a ffe bug"17:41
kenvandinewill do17:41
seb128but in principle it should be ok17:42
kenvandine# indicator-sound - UI polishing and mris2 tweaks for spec changes17:42
dpmseb128, no worries. I'll create the wiki page tomorrow, Matt Griffin sent me the final text already17:42
kenvandineand unity updates as well17:42
seb128dpm, thanks17:42
kenvandinei think that is it for DX17:42
seb128didrocks if you read me, come back! ;-)17:42
seb128we miss you ;-)17:42
seb128kenvandine, thanks17:42
seb128does anybody has questions or comments on the dx updates?17:43
seb128asac, I'm just saying that because I got the unity updates to do while he's not there17:43
seb128but we miss him as well ;-)17:43
seb128ok, seems no comment or questions17:43
seb128thanks kenvandine17:43
pittikenvandine: is there any hope for the nautilus ribbon?17:44
pitti(for u1)17:44
seb128oh, one question17:44
seb128pitti, it's only in the xdg dirs now17:44
seb128which is only like 6 directories17:44
seb128I guess it's an ok compromise17:44
pittiit still shouldn't be in "Videos", but at least that's much beter now17:44
seb128pitti, well that's an xdg dir17:44
pittiif you actually start syncing your 200 GB videos, you aren't going to have a functional internet connection in the next 3 months..17:45
seb128ie music, photos, videos, documents, etc17:45
seb128that's a valid point, maybe open a bug about it?17:45
pittino chance for simply having a button in the toolbar?17:45
seb128I would like that as well17:45
pittiseb128: I mentioned that very prominently in the existing one, but I can also create another one if you think it'd be helpful?17:45
seb128kenvandine, ^ can you check specifically with them?17:45
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kenvandinei'll check17:45
kenvandinebut not optimistic :/17:46
seb128pitti, well for the "video should be out of the dirs having the banner"17:46
seb128I would like to keep the current one about the banner itself17:46
seb128not start discussing there which folder should be handled differently17:46
pittiseb128: WFM17:46
rickspencer3kenvandine, who "owns" this decision17:46
kenvandinejohn leah i think17:47
rickspencer3don't forget that we can revert a change if we think it's truly damaging17:47
rickspencer3but feature freeze is soon17:47
kenvandinewell the having the banner there or not...17:47
* rickspencer3 goes to talk to john leah17:47
kenvandineit's past17:47
rickspencer3I meant "Visual Freeze" sorry17:47
seb128rickspencer3, kenvandine: thanks17:48
seb128let's follow up on that after meeting and move on17:48
seb128Riddell, hey17:48
seb128Riddell, kubuntu update?17:48
Riddell - some ubiquity changes done but not the change of control flow needed for maverick, evan is looking at it now, not much time if we get stuck on this17:48
Riddell - kdebindings has a patch which fixes pykde issue but smoke does not comile, will look at building package without smoke on arm17:48
Riddell - milestoned bugs tagged kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu317:48
Riddell  - 3 milestoned bugs currently, none critical (I expect this to rise after beta)17:48
Riddell - lots of upgrade testing needing doing17:48
Riddell - ubuntuone-kde FFe expected before beta17:48
Riddell - Translations QA day held, no major problems but some more bits to check/clear up here17:48
Riddell - FFe expected for new Amarok version after beta, and mpris2 support from agateau17:48
seb128Riddell, do you have any estimation of how much work the ubiquity design change will require?17:50
seb128Riddell, is evan going to do the work or just helping there?17:50
Riddellit's mostly the fiddly stuff about when debconf gets run and the install stuff, evan says he's looking at it and he knows it better than I do so hopefully he'll get it sorted17:51
Riddellbut he's got other bugs to do as well before the freeze so it's not certain17:51
seb128let's see how it goes17:52
seb128does anybody has comments or questions about Kubuntu?17:52
seb128ok, seems not17:53
seb128thanks Riddell17:53
seb128we don't have didrocks for the UNE update but I can do a quick status update there17:54
seb128unity got updated with a load of bugfixes last week17:54
seb128they are still working on the touch changes though so that didn't late yet17:55
seb128it should be ready for thursday this week17:55
seb128after that the unity team should be full speed on fixing issues17:55
seb128does anybody has questions about UNE?17:56
seb128(we will discuss banshee by default in the app selection item in a bit)17:56
seb128ok, let's move on17:56
seb128tremolux, hey, welcome back17:56
seb128tremolux, software-center update?17:56
tremoluxhiya  \o17:56
tremolux   17:57
tremoluxBuy Something: Feature working end-to-end using staging server, small UI improvements still needed, plan is to go live with a limited test deployment by early next week17:57
tremoluxNew Apps: Custom metadata and server-based icon support added, all features in place now, LP metadata publishing update done, running from PPA currently until extras.ubuntu.com is deployed17:57
tremoluxUI Enhancements: kiwinote's apt-url integration has been merged, a great feature and great work from kiwinote, many thanks!17:57
tremoluxGeneral: Many awesome contributions and continued excellent work these weeks from our community USC teammates; many thanks to kiwinote, and471, nzmm, devildante!17:57
kiwinoteprobably worth pointing out that s-c now handles deb file installation instead of gdebi by way of major-ish changes17:58
tremoluxlots of details, any questions?17:58
tremoluxkiwinote: indeed17:58
seb128tremolux, the extras.ubuntu.com, any news about it?17:58
seb128we have work items assigned to i.s17:59
tremoluxseb128: I have not checked since I returned, I will check today17:59
seb128who is tracking those?17:59
seb128those items are beta ones, it's getting late17:59
tremoluxthat change will be under the covers are fairly straightforward to make, once the archive is in place (that's the good news)17:59
tremoluxseb128: agreed, I'll get the status on it18:00
seb128thanks tremolux18:00
seb128status update18:00
seb128we are behind for beta18:00
seb128but most remaining items are infrastructe, bug tracking or documentation18:01
seb128http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team.html is on shape18:01
pittichances are that I won't get to doing the apport/gpu one; too much other stuff to do, I'm afraid18:01
seb128I'm going to do a quick round or remaining items18:01
seb128let's start with pitti since he mentioned his remaining item18:02
seb128pitti, is that something the x guys are counting on?18:02
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pittithis one sounds rather complex, and I'm not very familiar with the freeze handling18:02
seb128pitti, it seems an improvement in the bug reporting flow but I'm not sure how much they need it18:02
pittiseb128: I don't think so; it'd give us better bug reports, but it's not a dependency of something else, I think18:02
pittiRAOF would know, of course18:02
seb128we have lived without it before we can do another cycle without it18:03
seb128pitti, can you check with raof what he wants to do and change the target as appropriate?18:03
seb128it can as well be next cycle now I guess18:03
pittiseb128: yep, can do18:03
pittiI'll talk to him tomorrow morning18:03
seb128chrisccoulson: hey18:03
seb128pitti, danke18:03
seb128chrisccoulson: you have 2 remaining items18:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, that ones pretty easy now18:04
seb128what are the news about this one?18:04
chrisccoulsondebian has it packaged, although the packaging is mostly incompatible with our xulrunner packaging in ubuntu18:04
seb128is it required for other things? how much work would it be to package?18:04
seb128do you still plan to land it in maverick?18:04
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure whether we want it really. it's pretty much unmaintained upstream, and we are going to start transitioning to xul2.0 pretty much as soon as natty opens18:05
chrisccoulsonso, it will probably end up disappearing again after 1 cycle ;)18:05
seb128can you just drop it from the tracking and set as postponed?18:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, sure18:05
seb128what about the other one? firefox translations?18:05
chrisccoulsoni suppose that one should be quite an easy one to do, i just need to find the right person to ask18:06
seb128that doesn't need any change to ubuntu so you still have some time for it until next week18:07
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks18:07
seb128the IS items have been mentioned before18:07
seb128I've moved didrocks's oneconf item to maverick but oneconf will be for next cycle now18:07
seb128I will check that with didrocks when he's back18:08
seb128tremolux, hey again18:08
chrisccoulsoni still need IS to do something for me too ;)18:08
seb128tremolux, you still have one item for quickly integration18:08
tremoluxyes, I have one item to add new-apps metadata support into quickly18:08
tremoluxit should not be difficult to do, but I would need didrocks to coordinate of course18:08
seb128tremolux, I guess there is no hard requirement to get that for beta since quickly is not in the default installation18:08
rickspencer3tremolux, maybe mterry would pick that up for you?18:09
seb128tremolux, should we move that back to maverick rather than beta now?18:09
tremoluxrickspencer3: sure, that'd be very cool18:09
tremoluxseb128: ok, I'll do that18:09
rickspencer3tremolux, will you ask him please?18:09
tremoluxrickspencer3: sure will18:09
rickspencer3thanks man18:09
seb128thanks tremolux18:10
seb128kenvandine, hey again18:10
tremoluxsure, thanks guys18:10
seb128kenvandine, you have one item about desktopcouch, is that new?18:10
kenvandineaccount sync?18:10
seb128yeah, I somewhat didn't notice it last week when reviewing the list18:10
kenvandinesort of... that is syncing accounts for gwibber with desktopcouch18:10
seb128is that to get account syncing back in gwibber?18:11
seb128how is that one going?18:11
rickspencer3look, it's mterry ^18:11
* rickspencer3 applauds18:11
seb128hey mterry!18:11
kenvandinebarely... i started working on it last week and found a ton of gwibber bugs with keyring handling18:11
kenvandinegot them all fixed by friday night though18:11
kenvandinei need to get back to it18:11
* mterry waves18:11
kenvandineonce i get the oauth/twitter thing worked out18:12
kenvandinehey mterry18:12
mterryHi, teammates!  :)18:12
seb128it's getting late in the cycle18:12
kenvandinei know...18:12
seb128when is the timeframe for the twitter changes?18:12
rickspencer3mterry, don't get me in trouble with your current manager!18:12
kenvandinetwitter/oauth has to be fixed by the 31st18:12
kenvandinegetting turned off :/18:12
seb128timing is nice making your life easy18:12
mterryrickspencer3, you know this is logged, right?  :)18:12
seb128nice -> not18:13
kenvandineyeah... i know!18:13
seb128kenvandine, ok, good luck then with those, let me know if you need help18:13
seb128thanks kenvandine18:13
* pitti ^5s mterry18:13
seb128ok, other remaining items are X ones, will be for the eastern meeting18:13
seb128I've moved the wayland spec from beta to maverick and idem with the gpu hang one18:14
seb128since those are ppa work and bug triage18:14
seb128any comment on the status update before we move to the next itme?18:14
seb128ok, seems not18:15
seb128let's move on18:15
tremoluxjust want to get in mine:  hey mterry!!   \o/18:15
seb128rickspencer3, the app selection item is yours?18:15
seb128rickspencer3, do you want to lead that part?18:15
rickspencer3seb128, yeah18:15
rickspencer3sorry, talking about the U1 thing on another channel18:16
rickspencer3so, for app selection, I think that perhaps18:16
rickspencer3we've slowly made some changes to our plans, as is normal18:16
seb128do you want me to go over the choices?18:16
rickspencer3however, I wonder if we've communicated them effectively18:16
rickspencer3seb128, perhaps we could list out what was planned, and what actually happened for the next meeting?18:16
seb128we did for the chromium one I think18:16
rickspencer3and then send a summary18:17
seb128I can do that18:17
rickspencer3well, we said chromium would be in main, but now I'm not so sure18:17
rickspencer3thanks seb12818:17
pittiif there's a way we can avoid it, please let's18:17
seb128right, we basically decided to not go for chromium in main this cycle18:17
seb128banshee is getting really late18:18
seb128it's for UNE only but they still didn't land the udev port18:18
rickspencer3so, my only point is that we've accrued some changes to plan, and I think some extra communication regarding those changes would be good18:18
pitti(on that note, banshee was finally ported to udev \o/)18:18
seb128so it's still not default18:18
pittiseb128: oh, it's in trunk now18:18
jcastroit's in trunk, it's just not in a release18:18
seb128pitti, right, but no tarball before next week which is 3 weeks after ff18:18
pittijust sayin'18:19
pittidon't misinterpret me as pushing for it :)18:19
seb128it's the sort of change we would like to test early rather than late18:19
seb128it would be no for desktop at this stage but let's see for UNE next week when didrocks is back18:19
rickspencer3I think sticking with a single player in both editions would be good18:19
rickspencer3oops, did I say that?18:19
seb128rickspencer3, thanks for raising the item, I will do the status update18:19
rickspencer3thanks seb12818:19
seb128rickspencer3, hehe ;-)18:19
pittirickspencer3: yes sir!18:20
rickspencer3my next one is easy, while I have you all here18:20
seb128rickspencer3, the review item is yours as well18:20
rickspencer3we're supposed to have our goals in the HR system signed off by me by end of the week18:20
seb128doh, I totally forgot about that18:20
rickspencer3please do in today or tomorrow at the lastest and add goals18:20
rickspencer3please budget 30-60 minutes MAX18:20
pittioh argh18:21
rickspencer3since no one responded to my email, I assume there are no questions :)18:21
seb128I've no clue what I want to do next cycle ;-)18:21
pitti * fix all bugs18:21
pitti * conquer the world18:21
pitti * buy seb a beer18:21
pittiis that enough?18:21
seb128did we get an email about that? I know I saw it mentioned somewhere18:22
seb128anyway will try to do that18:22
rickspencer3pitti, perfect!18:22
rickspencer3seb128, I'm done, thanks18:22
seb128thanks rickspencer318:23
seb128I think I'm done as well18:23
seb128any other topic?18:23
kenvandineone thing18:23
jcastroI have a post-gavel announcement18:23
kenvandinejcastro, go for it18:23
* kenvandine was filling in for jcastro18:23
jcastrojust some encouragement to participate in http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com/18:23
jcastro^^ I even made a guide!18:23
jcastrothat's all I've got!18:24
Riddellwhat is it?18:24
seb128thanks jcastro18:24
seb128kenvandine, ?18:24
jcastroIt's a place to answer people's questions about Ubuntu, it's in the 2nd link.18:24
kenvandineseb128, nm...  jcastro had asked me to mention that18:25
kenvandinebut he is here :)18:25
seb128on a similar note vish asked if we could review pending sponsoring requests or hunderpapercut fixes this week18:25
seb128ie to get the pending string changes, ui cleaning etc in before the freeze starts18:25
seb128so if you have some time for that that would be appreciated18:26
seb128that's all from me there18:26
seb128thanks everybody!18:26
tremoluxthanks, good day all!18:26
asacwell done everyone. good meeting.18:27
pitticurrently doing the two jockey ones18:27
seb128rickspencer3, did you get any update about the u1 nautilus integration?18:27
vishthanks seb128 :)18:27
rickspencer3seb128, working on it18:27
seb128vish, yw18:27
seb128rickspencer3, ok, thanks18:27
kenvandineasac, ok... loading your gconf config doesn't break for me :/18:28
asacthats insane ;)18:28
kenvandineasac, mind loading that again and see if it still works?18:28
asaci am sure it has something to do with the proper passwords then18:28
asacor someting got now reset ;)18:28
asacif you dont see it even after replacing my acconuts with yours, then let it go18:28
kenvandinebut that traceback was specifically binding to those 3 keys18:29
* kenvandine is annoyed... hate bugs like that18:29
asackenvandine: i only got "two" string outputs18:29
asacnot three18:29
asacbut i think that for only had two keys18:29
kenvandineyeah, the other just wasn't set18:29
asacnot sure if we checked the third18:29
dpmpitti, do you think you could enable the automatic uploading from ppa to archive for the maverick language packs? I think currently the deltas are being generated but not uploaded18:29
kenvandinewhich is fine18:29
kenvandinefor me none of them were set18:29
pittidpm: done; sorry, should have done that a bit earlier18:30
dpmno worries, I should have pinged you earlier as well :) Thanks!18:30
kenvandinepitti, seb128: the U1 banner in nautilus will go away for maverick :)18:31
pittidpm: "0 14 * * 3,7" now (i. e. Wed and Sun), is that ok?18:31
pittikenvandine: wohoo18:31
kenvandineit will be postponed to natty18:31
seb128kenvandine, great18:32
dpmpitti, let me check the export schedule from LP, but that sounds about right18:32
kenvandinewe need it to be able to actually stop a current sync18:32
dpmpitti, yeah, that's fine, it matches https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule with a day delay18:33
pittidpm: we allowed a day since at least back then when we discussed the schedule the last time, a full export would still take a day18:34
dpmah, right18:34
pittiso a delta could take quite long as well18:34
asacseb128: mutter does not build twice ;)18:36
asacsecond time you want to build it the ltmain patch fails to unapply18:36
asacseb128: i saw you also uploaded mutter with NMU version ... is that new policy or just dch bug you didnt spot?18:37
seb128asac, I just screwed the number, I was pondering doing a ppa upload first18:38
asacRiddell: is qt-qws stuck by "more discussion needed"?18:38
seb128but I uploaded to maverick18:38
seb128which turned to be ok18:38
asacseb128: interesting. because whenever i do dch -i it now doesnt bump the  ubuntuX version, but appends .118:38
asacso i thought you have the same bug ;)18:39
pittiasac: uh, not for me18:39
pittiusually it appends/increases ubuntuX18:39
pittifor Debian stuff I need to supply -U18:39
Riddellasac: last I heard slangasek was going to look at getting it built from the normal qt sources, so I guess ask him18:39
asacdch -i creates even a "non maintainer upload" changelog entry ;)18:39
asacso much wasted blood18:39
asacah i think i know why18:39
asacmy lsb-release is Linaro ;)18:39
asacguess dch has "if ubuntu"18:40
pittiyes indeed18:40
asacok that explains it18:40
dpmseb128, unity-place-files accepted, it should be translatable in LP in a few minutes18:40
vishpitti: thanks for the reviews :)18:41
seb128dpm, thanks, there is the applications one as well that should be in the queue or will be rsn18:41
pittivish: you're welcome; gets high time for me to do, 2 days before UIF :)18:41
dpmyeah, I'll keep an eye on it tomorrow18:41
vishpitti: are you looking after policykit-gome too?18:43
pittivish: a bit, yes18:43
vishpitti: Bug #411559  has a patch from robert_ancell , but we've overlooked it since Karmic..18:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 411559 in policykit-gnome (Ubuntu) (and 4 other projects) "Unfriendly message upon typing incorrect password (Policykit-GNOME/GDM/gnome-screensaver) (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 30)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41155918:44
vishpitti: just a comment wrt to the patch, would be nice too.18:45
pittivish: will look at it after I'm done with jockey18:45
vishpitti: awesome, thanks again ;)18:45
asacseb128: ok found anohter bug in the "drop-in-replacement" mechanism. seems i can fix that  by a one line change of the .symbols files. doing another test rebuild of everything now18:47
asacRiddell: i am sure i should have uploaded it rather than you18:48
asacyou could have poked it through then ;)18:49
seb128asac, ok18:49
pittivish: ah, I guess I'll leave that to Robert; I'd much rather have that applied upstream first, but from my side I'm ok with it19:11
vishpitti: ok, could just leave a comment about it? an ACK/maybe?  since the bug has a lot of debate from bigges there, but they seem to have debated and forgotten.. :D19:13
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pittivish: done19:15
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seb128pitti, vish: I think he said he was waiting on upstream to comment19:40
vishseb128: robert?  ok, will try pinging upstream on bgo too19:47
slomo_seb128: hi, do you already have the latest pre-releases of gstreamer good/bad/ugly? and is there a deadline until when you need the final releases? if necessary i could do the releases this evening or tomorrow, otherwise i'll wait until tim is back to do them end of the week19:48
mvokiwinote: thinking about the search, we should integrate the gnome-codec-installer into s-c, should be pretty trivial by extending your search work and adding the stuff to the xapian index. well, not 10.10 material :)19:52
seb128mvo, hey, still working?19:54
mvoseb128: yes, but I will stop very soon, I have a headache. but still want to do a upload19:56
mvoseb128: for the dbus timeout problem, turned out to be a issue on my side (aptdaemon). lalala ;)19:56
seb128mvo, ok, one question for you, what do you think about oneconf?19:56
seb128mvo, ahah, ok ;-)19:57
mvoseb128: heh :) no didrocks listening ;)19:57
seb128mvo, right, he's away19:57
seb128mvo, context is on for maverick or not19:57
mvoseb128: not sure, I like the idea a lot, but I did not had a chance to see it working yet19:57
seb128it's getting really late to get testing, he will be only back next week19:57
mvoseb128: ubuntuone has not been able to sync my databases yet19:57
seb128I'm thinking to say no for this cycle I think19:58
seb128but I want your opinion first, maybe you think it doesn't need lot of testing ;-)19:58
mvoseb128: its a bit risky at this point, especially since I (and others) did not had a working sync yet19:58
seb128no = no to have it installed by default19:58
seb128so easy, no based on the fact that u1 is not working19:59
mvoseb128: its a shame, it looks great and has the potential to be a killer feature19:59
seb128rather on the fact that didrocks didn't do a nice job19:59
tremoluxmvo, seb128: I'm not sure it was at 100%, last time I tested it it still created a "placeholder" node I think for the other computer19:59
seb128tremolux, oh, ok19:59
tremoluxbut it sure seemed *very* close, and a really cool feature for sure19:59
seb128ok, let's say it's there this cycle ready to be used20:00
mvoseb128: yeah, I can't say much how well it works because of the u1 problems with the sync (that are there since ~4 weeks or so)20:00
seb128it can be on by default next cycle20:00
seb128kenvandine, ^ do you know wth is going on with u1 not syncing?20:00
mvowe can encourage people to use it and get feedback20:00
tremoluxone caveat that last I tested was before my holiday, so I'm not sure if didrocks did more work afterwards20:00
mvothe cool thing about it is that its unique, no windows/mac has anything like htis20:00
seb128mvo, did you try to get your u1 issue tracked?20:01
seb128ie did you open a bug or talk to anybody in their team?20:01
seb128just being curious20:01
mvoseb128: briefly, but TBH I did not try very hard20:02
seb128mvo, I don't want to annoy you longer, it's getting late, thanks20:02
kenvandineseb128, no... been syncing very reliably for me20:03
kenvandineseb128, my only real complaint is you can't stop a folder from being synced until it finishes20:03
mvoseb128: cheers, my pleasure20:04
mvokenvandine: hm, it seems its a desktopcouch sync problem, the file stuff is fine afaict20:04
kenvandinecan't say... i haven't really checked to see if my dc was synced20:05
mvook, thanks. I was not really actively tracking it myself, need to check it again20:06
seb128mvo, congrats on getting apt 0.8 out20:13
mvoseb128: I just tried running desktopcouch-service manually and I keep getting 401, no idea what is wrong :/20:13
mvoseb128: thanks, donkult is the man, really.20:14
mvoseb128: but still great to have it out :)20:14
chrisccoulsonmvo - did you figure out the PK timeout thing?20:15
mvochrisccoulson: yeah, it turned out it was my bug (aptdaemon issue)20:17
seb128rodrigo_, hey20:17
chrisccoulsonmvo - oh, ok ;)20:17
pittigood night everyone20:17
seb128chrisccoulson: hey, how are you?20:17
irssitaseb128: hey there!20:17
mvochrisccoulson: its fixed now, I'm just preparing the upload20:17
seb128pitti, 'night20:17
mvohey pitti20:17
mvopitti: good night20:17
seb128irssita, hey naty20:17
seb128irssita, how are you? got a new nickname?20:17
chrisccoulsonmvo - i seem to remember you asking me at UDS about ways to stop firefox breaking during upgrades. is that something you're still interested in?20:17
seb128irssita, you need some sso sponsoring don't you? ;-)20:17
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, i'm good thanks. how are you?20:18
rodrigo_hi seb12820:18
mvochrisccoulson: yes,20:18
irssitaseb128: no new nickename, but I'm at the university and the IRC port  and SSh port are filtered20:18
seb128chrisccoulson: I'm fine thanks20:18
chrisccoulsonmvo - excellent :)20:18
seb128irssita, oh ok20:18
pittihey irssita20:18
pittiirssita: they filter ssh? darn20:18
mvoirssita: hello20:18
irssitaso I'm ssh'ing thru the port 443 to another machine and using an irssi client20:18
seb128rodrigo_, do you still plan to do the tomboy update or should I do it?20:18
irssitahi mvo, how are you?20:19
chrisccoulsonmvo - i chatted to evmar about similar issues with chromium too, and he's also interested in fixing this20:19
irssitaseb128: and yes, you read my mind :-)20:19
rodrigo_seb128, if you can do it, please go ahead, I'm very busy with other things, but if not, let me know and I'll do it20:19
chrisccoulsonor at least he's interested in seeing it fixed ;)20:19
pittiirssita: btw, udev with fixed keymaps is in lucid-proposed, so if you happen to have a minute for testing.. :)20:19
irssitapitti: I'd love to! can I haz some instructions?20:20
seb128rodrigo_, I will try to do it tomorrow, I will let you know if I don't though20:20
rodrigo_seb128, ok, if not, let me know and I'll find a minute for doing it20:20
irssitaseb128: besides the sponsoring, do you have any news regarding the MIR for mocker?20:20
seb128rodrigo_, ok thanks20:22
seb128irssita, I'm not dealing with MIR, asac is20:22
rodrigo_irssita, fixed the docstrings in https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntuone-client/use-sso-in-u1-prefs/+merge/33523 , so please review again20:22
mvochrisccoulson: cool, when is a good time to discuss this? next uds? or before?20:23
seb128irssita, did you give me the merge request url?20:23
seb128irssita, I didn't see it20:23
chrisccoulsonmvo - we can discuss it again at UDS.20:23
mvoirssita: I'm good, thaks :) uploaded a updated software-center already, so I need a updated sso client ;)20:23
mvochrisccoulson: great20:23
chrisccoulsonevmar explained to me why they don't see similar issues on other platforms, so there might be some approaches we can adopt to make the situation less painful ;)20:24
irssitaseb128: nopes I didn't, I thought your super powers would take car of that ;-)20:24
irssitaseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-0.99.2/+merge/3354620:24
seb128irssita, thanks20:24
irssitarodrigo_: ack, I will as  soon as I can20:24
rodrigo_irssita, ok, thanks20:24
micahgseb128: do you remember if your mozjs patch for gnome-shell stopped it from liinking against gjs?20:24
seb128I don't think they did20:25
seb128they were just setting a ld_library_path I think20:25
micahgk, I guess I have to rush my wrapper to fix the issue then20:25
micahgin lucid, gnome-shell is linked against gjs which has an rpath to mozjs20:25
micahgif i understand correctly (which I might not)20:26
pittiirssita: remove the local workaround (/etc/udev/rules.d/95-keymap.rules or something), reboot, verify that it's broken; upgrade to udev in proposed, reboot, verify that it's working; then say so on bug 569815 (that was your's, right?)20:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 569815 in udev (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "acer travelmate 4720 keymap (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56981520:26
pittiirssita: or was it the Toshiba Satellite?20:26
chrisccoulsonif gnome-shell is already setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, then we just need to fix gjs don't we?20:27
pittiirssita: ah, sorry, bug 27170620:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 271706 in gentoo (and 6 other projects) "Toshiba Satellite U300 volume wheel sticking (affects: 28) (dups: 3) (heat: 218)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27170620:27
seb128irssita, why do you build-depends on python-mocker?20:28
micahgchrisccoulson: it's not setting it...bug 62354820:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 623548 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "libmozjs.so No such file or directory (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62354820:28
rodrigo_seb128, oh, btw, you didn't merge https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/evolution/add-u1-email/+merge/33125 , any problem with it I should fix?20:35
seb128rodrigo_, no, the issue is the number of people pinging me and my tasklist, I've been trying to do it before the meeting earlier today and got bitten by you updating the bzr format there20:36
seb128rodrigo_, I will upload in a bit or tomorrow20:37
rodrigo_seb128, oh, it was bzr I guess20:37
seb128yes, you I had to bzr upgrade it20:37
rodrigo_seb128, no problem then, do it when youcan, no hurry :)20:37
seb128but it's taking a bit on non local locations20:37
seb128not sure why you upgraded ;-)20:37
seb128but bzr sucks for that20:37
seb128it doesn't let you merge something if the format is not the same20:38
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, I think it did it when I branched20:38
rodrigo_seb128, kenvandine had a similar problem with couchdb-glib package branch some time ago, maybe he remembers how he fixed it20:38
* kenvandine thinks20:39
seb128it's easy to fix20:39
seb128bzr upgrade20:39
kenvandineyeah... upgrade20:39
seb128bzr upgrade lp:...20:39
rodrigo_ah :)20:39
seb128but the upgrade lp:... is taking a while20:39
rodrigo_seb128, ok, don't want to give you more work, so just do it when you can :)20:39
seb128and by the time it was done I had to run for the meeting20:40
seb128rodrigo_, it's on my next items list20:40
seb128so tonight or tomorrow for sure20:40
rodrigo_seb128, ok, thanks!20:40
seb128I was trying to get the signature change as well20:40
seb128but that's not easy20:40
seb128the gconf key points to files on disk20:40
rodrigo_we should get a dont-ping-seb128-day, so that he can complete his tasks list :)20:40
seb128that's not really gettext translatable20:41
rodrigo_seb128, ah20:41
seb128I was pondering doing a small binary using gettext20:41
seb128you can set the signature to be generated by a software20:41
rodrigo_seb128, yes, iirc, signatures can be a script20:41
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seb128chrisccoulson: don't forget to postpone your pyxpcom and some of the chromium work items21:01
seb128they still show up on the maverick list21:01
seb128slomo_, hey, sorry I forgot to reply to your ping I think21:07
seb128I was away and did catch up with other things first21:07
seb128slomo_, beta freeze is thursday so it would be nice to have the stable version by then21:07
seb128thursday end of day21:08
seb128slomo_, we can probably update between beta and stable other since the delta between the current version and the stable is probably low21:08
slomo_seb128: yes, currently the difference between the pre-release and what is going to be released is the version number and a single two-line change. i don't expect anything else to change21:09
seb128slomo_, ok so don't bother rolling the tarballs21:09
seb128slomo_, we can update after beta21:09
seb128slomo_, thanks for asking though21:09
slomo_ok, i'll wait then :)21:10
irssitapitti: yeah, it sucks. I need a friend to run ssh on the 443 which is the only open port :-)21:17
irssitaseb128: regarding the needs fixing, shall I remove the dep for now or wait for the MIR on mocker?21:20
seb128irssita, you should reply to the question to start ;-)21:21
seb128irssita, is it used in a way I didn't notice during the build?21:21
irssitaseb128: nopes, until we don't add the test suite run to the build is not used21:22
seb128irssita, ok, so just drop the build-depends for now, otherwise it will not built until asac approves the mir bug21:22
irssitaseb128: question where? in the MIR? /me checks21:22
seb128irssita, you can add the build-depends and the rules change to run the testsuite during build later on21:22
seb128irssita, no, on IRC21:22
seb128irssita, I was asking if the build-depends is useful21:23
seb128irssita, you just replied21:23
irssitaseb128: oh sorry, I'm using irssi on a screen terminal, scrolling up is ugly21:23
irssitaseb128: so I missed the question. I'll submit the changes rght now21:23
irssitaseb128: fixed and pushed :-)21:25
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
seb128irssita, thanks21:26
irssitaseb128: thank *you*21:27
seb128irssita, you're welcome, merged now21:34
seb128irssita, uploaded as well21:35
irssitaseb128: awesome, I can rest in peace now (?)21:36
irssitaseb128: speaking of which, how comw you're working soo late!21:36
seb128it's not really late yet21:36
seb128but yeah, it's over normal work hours21:37
seb128time just before beta is sort of busy ;-)21:37
irssitayeah, you tell me21:37
* irssita is gone22:12
irssitasee ya later!22:12
seb128irssita, bye22:14
seb128asac, I'm not sure I like your uploads ;-)22:15
seb128asac, I will not argue a lot over it but do we really need to bump the build-depends to a version not required?22:15
seb128rather than just waiting for the clutter update to built and published before doing those uploads22:15
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asacseb128: hmm. ok didn't know you solely use versions for tracking upstream requirements. from packaging point of we we want those versions to be at least there ;)22:50
asace.g. for maverick22:50
asacwith the side effect of not needing to wait22:51
asacbut ok22:51
seb128asac, well I'm not actively working on most of those so your way is fine as well22:51
asacgood ;)22:51
seb128it just that it usually breaks backports and other things for no reason22:51
asacseb128: i added a ~22:51
asacto allow backports22:52
seb128well still those could build with clutter 1.2.1 maybe22:52
seb128but you bumped that to the current 1.2.n22:52
seb128in practice I doubt it makes any difference22:52
asacmost likely not22:53
asaci think we need a one time "upload wait recipe" ;)22:53
asacto avoid to do it in slow batches22:53
asacanyway. the inner ring and unity is up. i can wait for the rest at least until its available22:54
seb128like "upload clutter tonight and the other ones tomorrow morning so clutter had time to build" ;-)22:54
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, work items updated now23:05
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks ;-)23:05
seb128I was about to go to bed23:05
seb128'night everybody23:05
chrisccoulson'night seb128!23:05
seb128chrisccoulson: you should call it a day as well23:05
seb128enough work ;-)23:05
seb128thanks, 'night chrisccoulson23:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, i will do in a minute. just responding to some review comments first ;)23:05
rickspencer3robert_ancell, RAOF, Easter Edition in 3 mins?23:58
rickspencer3hmm, no TheMuso?23:58
robert_ancellrickspencer3, can do23:58

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