
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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=== Andre_Gondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim
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=== SeuNick-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
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=== Jorjao is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== dyfet` is now known as dyfet
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=== dyfet is now known as dyfet_sleeping
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ograpopey, do you or anyone else who has admin on the ubuntu-users ML monitor the "Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS released" thread ? it seems to be running out of bounds (once again thanks to karl)12:52
dholbachpopey, make ogra admin, quick! :)12:54
ogradholbach, shush, i have enopugh responsibilities12:55
dholbachpopey, quick! :)12:55
=== fader_ is now known as fader
czajkowskipopey: is on hols13:08
czajkowskiogra: is there ever a thread on that ML that actually doesnt run out of bounds13:08
ograczajkowski, well, if people say "fuck you" or STFU or discussing trhe meaning of rape thats a bit more out of bounds than normally13:09
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
=== serfus is now known as Guest57964
mpoiriermpoirier \o14:02
ograpersia, do you run it ?14:02
lagmpoirier: mpoirier o/ :D14:03
mpoirierhe... sleeping...14:03
davidmNCommander, you running this show?14:05
MootBotMeeting started at 08:05. The chair is NCommander.14:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:05
* NCommander grumbles14:05
NCommandersorry, alarm failed to go off14:05
ograoh, i thought you had handed over to persia14:05
persiano grumbling :)14:05
davidmG'day all14:05
NCommanderogra: I took it back because my normal dinner plans were canceled14:05
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/2010082414:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/2010082414:06
ograno meow-burgers today ?14:06
* NCommander throws his cat at ogra's head14:06
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review14:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review14:06
NCommander[topic] NCommander to unbreak apport retracer (c/o)14:06
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to unbreak apport retracer (c/o)14:06
* NCommander coughs14:06
NCommanderThis is poriving to be a damn pain because I can't rebuild the chroots on the porter box14:07
ogradoes it still make sense to re-enable it ? we have beta soon :)14:07
NCommanderand my bandwidth is ... limited14:07
NCommanderso c/o14:07
NCommander[topic] Standing Items14:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items14:07
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile.html14:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile.html14:07
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html14:08
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html14:08
ograboth look just horrid14:08
ograplease please please guys, get your items done or postponed14:08
=== serfus_ is now known as serfus
GrueMasterI should have my 1 item done today.14:08
ograNCommander, how about yours ?14:09
NCommanderthere's been some VERY slow work on subarch, but I have to add additional work items because cjwatson wants me to review with d-boot before we implement in Ubuntu which is slowing things down14:09
ograHave new warning message about usage of generic fallback code approved and implemented [1 day]14:09
NCommanderso I can strrike two items, but I have to add two more in there place :-/14:09
ograthat doesnt look like it should take much time14:09
NCommanderhrm, strike one14:09
NCommanderogra: it won't, but I've had to rebase some of my code against sid, and spin new patches to submit to d-boot for review14:10
NCommanderBuilding a sid chroot on an internet connection that acan make dialup look fast is painful.14:10
ograerm, wasnt that in flash-kernel ?14:10
ograjust put it into our tree14:10
NCommanderogra: I need an API change in libd-i14:11
ografor the message ?14:11
NCommandercjwatson nixed any changes without discucsion from Debian.14:11
NCommanderogra: for the code that triggers the message14:11
ograoh, ok, i thought it was a message inside flash-kernel14:11
NCommanderogra: thats just a warning that shows up on STDERR, we need one that pops up during install as well14:11
ograNCommander, btw, asac and linaro have massive probs since your code was added to flash-kernel14:12
ograit now runs in any case, even if you are in a build chroot14:12
NCommanderogra: have they filed a bug? :-)14:12
ograno, they are working on fixes14:12
NCommanderogra: strikely speaking, that's the correct behavior14:12
ograha !14:12
ograthey just have14:12
ograHave new warning message about usage of generic fallback code approved and implemented [1 day]14:12
NCommanderyeah, I should change the time estimate14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623375 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Skipping the bootloader installation when creating rootfs or installation media" [Undecided,New]14:13
NCommanderprobably looking a full week out14:13
ograno, that was mis-pasted :)14:13
* NCommander looks14:13
ograf-k wasnt executed inside chroots before your change eneterd it14:13
NCommanderwell, it was14:13
NCommanderf-k just exitted silently :-)14:13
NCommanderif you have a chroot on a properly supported arch, it works as expected. The problem is our buildds aren't quite supported14:14
NCommander[action] NCommander to discuss with linaro and asac on improved-generic-subarch-support14:14
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to discuss with linaro and asac on improved-generic-subarch-support14:14
ograit doesnt work "as expected"14:14
ograsince it tries to access the NAND of the buildd14:15
NCommanderogra: well .... er, crap14:15
NCommanderthat's a bug14:15
ogra(if your buildd is omap3)14:15
NCommanderIt shouldn't try and do that on a generic fallback install14:15
ograwell, lool and asac are looking into it atm14:16
NCommanderogra: I'll work with asac and linaro to get it sorted. My Beagle is in Texas, so someone else will have to test14:16
ograwe're simply not affected in livecd-rootfs because update.initramfs is diverted during the build14:16
* NCommander avoided breaking the world by sheer luck :-/14:16
ograanyway, lets not hold up the meeting14:16
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier, lag)14:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier, lag)14:17
NCommander^- ericm14:17
lag* Marvel (mvl-dove)14:17
lag   * FIXED    : ABI bumping and module checking errors after the branch sync'ed with LSP 5.3.214:17
lag   * MISC     : Discussion of moving forward mvl-dove branch into Maverick14:17
lag * Freescale (fsl-imx51)14:17
lag   * Nothing new this week14:17
lag * Texas Instruments (ti-omap)14:17
lag   * MISC     : lag's Panda is broken - awaiting replacement from davidm14:17
lag   * MISC     : Still waiting for TI to release L24.9 to us14:17
* ogra wasnt done with specs14:17
lag   * FIXED    : B591941 work around applied - working on correct fix14:17
lag   * FIXED    : B608266 GPMC was not initialized before accessing NAND14:17
lag   * FIXED    : B608279 now able to read the EDID from userspace14:17
lag   * RESUMED  : B563650 problem can be reproduced on latest 2.6.35-18 with non-UNR file system14:17
lag   * ON GOING : B605488 still unable to reproduce - will test on full-build when new HW arrives14:17
mpoirierhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/608266 - waiting for mobile team to test14:18
NCommanderogra: er, whoops. I took "not hold up" as "move on" :-)14:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608266 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "[regression] no more /dev/mtdblock devices on omap3 in maverick" [Medium,Fix released]14:18
* NCommander will go back after kernel discussion14:18
mpoirierhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/608279 - Fix committed14:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608279 in linux (Ubuntu) "i2c support for edid on armel" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:18
ograsoryy, i wasnt clear14:18
* ogra hugs mpoirier 14:18
mpoirierouf ...14:18
rsalvetiogra: mpoirier: did you see my email?14:19
* NCommander hugs mpoirier 14:19
mpoirieryes, did not read yet.14:19
rsalvetiabout edid parsing at u-boot14:19
rsalvetimpoirier: the code is basically from omap 4, so in the future it should be easy to port to omap 314:19
mpoirierduly noted.14:19
mpoiriervery interesting.14:19
ograrsalveti, did dyfet work on that at all (after all its his spec)14:20
mpoirierthere might be a little bit of time before aI get a new panda.14:20
mpoirierI'll look at it.14:20
rsalvetiogra: don't know, he's still sleeping it seems dyfet_sleeping :-)14:20
* NCommander head thunks14:20
rsalvetiogra: and he was fixing other bugs14:20
NCommanderdoes anyone want to call dyfet?14:21
ograrsalveti, well ...14:21
rsalveticould be interesting for him, that's why I added him at the email14:21
GrueMasterI will test 608266 today and report back.14:21
rsalvetiI'm getting i/o errors at mtd now14:22
rsalvetibut should be normal, probably missing a correct partition table14:22
rsalveti[    4.979064] end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock0, sector 12814:22
ograthe table is hardcoded in the kernel iirc14:22
ograif you write to an mtdblock you need to zero it first14:22
rsalvetiI know, but it's probably empty or never created14:22
rsalvetilike uImage and rootfs partition14:22
ograwhat does /proc/mtd report ?14:23
ograif you see partitions there its fine14:23
rsalvetiogra: shows fine, because the partition table is in the kernel14:23
rsalvetiprobably it's trying to mount or something like that14:23
rsalvetineed to check14:23
rsalvetilet's also wait GrueMaster to test14:24
rsalvetilag: any news regarding TI tree?14:25
ograand file bugs so mpoirier doesnt get bored :)14:25
rsalvetisure :-)14:25
ograNCommander, so since we touched the EDID spec, there is no need to return to specs14:25
lagrsalveti: No, nothing :(14:25
ogra(and since dyfet_sleeping isnt here)14:25
lagrsalveti: We're waiting on sebjan14:26
NCommanderogra: np14:26
rsalvetilag: hm, ok14:26
* NCommander still thinks someone should call dyfet_sleeping 14:26
rsalvetithanks, anyway :-)14:26
NCommandercan I move on?14:26
lagrsalveti: There's nothing I can do ...14:26
ograNCommander, if the kernel team is happy14:27
lagrsajdok: <rock> lag <hard place>14:27
rsalvetilag: np :-)14:27
lagrsalveti: <rock> lag <hard place>14:27
* ogra steals lag's tab key14:27
lagogra: It was you who told me I could use tab14:27
ogrause tab enough times ;)14:27
ograthree tabs and you get what you need ;)14:28
ograoh, i started to see a new bug14:28
* NCommander files a bug on ogra and lag's use of tabs14:29
ograseems neither omap nor omap4 reboot anymore if reboot is issued14:29
ograat least in initramfs14:29
NCommanderogra: ugh.14:29
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
ograi'm not sure yet if thats the kernel or the reboot command from busybox14:29
NCommanderogra: does it work in the userland?14:29
ograNCommander, yes14:29
* NCommander can't see it being a utiluty problem, busybox generally just does a syscall to reboot()14:30
ograbut not in initramfs14:30
NCommanderooh, ugh14:30
NCommanderThat's nasty14:30
ograand initramfs uses a different reboot14:30
NCommanderthat's fugly14:30
NCommanderogra: have fun debugging it :-)14:30
rsalvetibut did we change busybox?14:31
ograthats the issue, i dont think we did14:31
ograand we had at least one kernel upload per subarch since i saw it working14:31
* NCommander should check if it works on dove tomorrow14:32
ograso i'm tending towards the kernel has changed14:32
ograand busybox calls something it stopped understanding14:32
ograsomething like that14:33
lagogra: Blames the kernel - shock!14:33
rsalvetiogra: busybox (1:1.15.3-1ubuntu2) 19 Aug 201014:33
ograrsalveti, oh, thanks :)14:33
ograyeah, that might be it14:33
rsalvetidoesn't seems related, but anyway14:33
ogra"* armel seems to build fine without -marm nowadays, so remove it."14:34
ogra(from the changelog)14:34
NCommanderthat seems like a bug :-)14:34
rsalvetihm, true, was looking at previous upload message14:34
ograso it builds ...14:35
ograjust doesnt run properly :P14:35
rsalvetibut we can pretend it's a kernel issue so we can keep lag and mpoirier busy14:35
rsalvetiogra: haha :-)14:35
GrueMasterAre we still in meeting mode, or are we deep diving into bugs & possible workarounds?14:35
* lag has enough to do14:35
ograGrueMaster, meeting indeed14:36
NCommandercan I move on to QA?14:36
ograNCommander, move !14:36
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)14:36
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)14:36
* NCommander does as he is commanded14:36
GrueMasterAttended QA CoP sprint last week.  Lots of daily test tracking ideas were shared.  Will review and implement something hopefully before Beta.  Need to explore more in detail.14:36
GrueMasterReceived # new platforms in the last week.  Working to rearrange office to accomodate by EOD.14:36
GrueMasterFiled bugs against Banshee and F-Spot.  Possibly mono specific, but I don't know.  Need test suite that can help narrow down mono specific bugs.14:36
GrueMasterNo new images since Aug 19.14:36
ograGrueMaster, yep14:36
NCommanderGrueMaster: did you get dove stuff yet?14:37
NCommander^- davidm too14:37
ograGrueMaster, waiting for dyfet_sleeping to fix the FTBFS of telepathy-glib14:37
GrueMasterI have received a Dove A0 (part of total # new systems received)14:37
GrueMasterogra: Is that why Empathy is not installing on the new image?14:37
NCommanderGrueMaster: good to know. We were still having some issues getting confirmation where they were14:38
ograand it is why i asked him about 6 weeks ago to look at it :P14:38
dyfet_sleepingogra: just rebuild from archive, it is no longer broken14:38
NCommanderdavidm: did you get the two boards sent to you?14:38
=== dyfet_sleeping is now known as dyfet_waking
rsalvetiand there you go14:38
* NCommander kicks the retry button14:38
ogradyfet_waking, it is, i gave it back right after you pinged me today14:38
ograand still fails with the same issues14:38
* NCommander blinks14:38
* NCommander goes into shock from ia64 and sparc's deaths14:38
dyfet_wakingogra: what version did you build?14:39
ogradyfet_waking, the one that failed14:39
dyfet_wakingit's been updated in the archive14:39
NCommanderdyfet_waking: and what's what failed14:40
GrueMasterNCommander: Looks like the topic moved to FTBFS.14:40
davidmNCommander, I have all hardware now14:40
ogradyfet_waking, 0.11.13-1ubuntu1 is what fails14:40
NCommanderdavidm: thanks. I'll inform the powers that be that everything was recieved14:40
NCommanderdyfet_waking: are you building the source package?14:40
NCommanderor are you building the upstream tarball?!14:40
NCommanderdyfet_waking: how are you building it?14:41
ogradyfet_waking, and the former debian sync also failed already since weeks14:41
NCommander09:42:02 < dyfet_waking> libtelepathy-glib-dev_0.11.8-1_armel.deb14:42
NCommander09:42:02 < dyfet_waking> libtelepathy-glib-doc_0.11.13-1ubuntu1_all.deb14:42
NCommander09:42:02 < dyfet_waking> libtelepathy-glib-doc_0.11.8-1_all.deb14:42
ograguys !14:42
ogrause a pastebin14:42
NCommanderthat was an accident14:42
dyfet_wakingsorry :)14:42
NCommanderirssi likes to paste when I middleclick14:42
dyfet_wakingthat was what I got to build this morning on arm on maverick14:42
NCommanderdyfet_waking: what platform are you building on?14:42
dyfet_wakingbeagle...it was slow :)14:43
ogragiven back twice today, still failing on the same tests14:43
dyfet_wakinglets discuss this after then...14:43
GrueMasterdyfet_waking: YOu should use the dove I have available.  Much faster.14:43
NCommander[action] dyfet and ogra to discuss telepathy-glib and report back14:44
MootBotACTION received:  dyfet and ogra to discuss telepathy-glib and report back14:44
ograanyway, beta is next thu,14:44
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)14:44
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)14:44
* rsalveti is using his panda with usb disk, and it's fast14:44
ograit needs to be fixed before friday14:44
NCommanderI have nothing to report, I haven't had time to work on FTBFS14:44
ograhow is kde going dyfet_waking ?14:44
dyfet_wakingI was going to work from what Michael gave me after waking :)14:44
=== dyfet_waking is now known as dyfet
ograwell, please priorize telepathy first14:45
NCommanderdyfet_waking: please focus on telepathy14:45
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)14:46
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)14:46
ograbad bad bad14:46
NCommandervery bad14:46
ograas you could see above already14:46
* NCommander has some good though14:46
ograbut ...14:46
ograoem-config has a fix thats pending upload14:46
NCommanderif we could fix telepathy-glib, we can get our images going again14:46
ogra(i need to coordinate with cjwatson about uploading it soon)14:46
ograwell, there is also a filesystem corruption i have seen14:47
NCommanderSo, I have some news14:47
NCommanderWe've started building dove images again14:47
ograwith the preinstalled images14:47
NCommandercurrently only daily-live/ubuntu-netbook14:47
ogralool even sees it *after* jasper has run14:47
NCommanderI'll be re-enabling alternates sometimes this week for normal ubuntu, as building ubuntu-netbook alternates really goes south14:47
cjwatsonogra: coordinate with ev14:47
ogracjwatson, will do14:47
NCommanderspeaking of ubuntu-netbook going south14:48
GrueMasterNCommander: Looks like alt-inst images are building too.14:48
ograNCommander, we decided to not support alternates anymore14:48
NCommanderGrueMaster: no, that was actually a separate issue14:48
ograNCommander, can you instead enable server ?14:48
NCommanderogra: cjwatson: can i delete these (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily/) out of www or do we need to do something special14:48
ograNCommander, just rm it14:48
* NCommander didn't know if they were safe to RM directly, or if I would break image building, and get fired14:49
cjwatsonI think I already said to rm -rf it14:49
ograindeed, thats why i suggested it :P14:49
NCommandercjwatson: oh, I must have missed that. Sorry14:49
cjwatsonno problems14:49
NCommander[action] NCommander to clean out the stale dove alternates14:49
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to clean out the stale dove alternates14:49
NCommander[action] NCommander to smoke test ubuntu-server dove alternates14:49
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to smoke test ubuntu-server dove alternates14:49
ograNCommander, there are other dirs too that could need cleaning14:50
ograseems someone tried to build daily-preinstalled in /14:50
NCommanderogra: indeed, but my link to antimony is so damn slow that I don't want to try to cleanout the www folder until I'm state side again14:50
NCommanderthe lag is so bad that typing something takes about 2-3 secends per char14:50
ograyeah, just have a look around, there is other mess to clean up if you're at it :)14:51
NCommander[action] NCommander to flush antimony's expired images14:51
MootBotACTION received:  NCommander to flush antimony's expired images14:51
ogra... and stale empty dirs :)14:51
NCommanderogra: IT SHALL BE DONE!14:51
NCommander[topic] ABO14:52
MootBotNew Topic:  ABO14:52
ograstop shouting, move14:52
* NCommander wins14:52
ograyoure to fast :P14:52
rsalvetiian_brasil: ^14:52
ian_brasilrbelem patched startkde  (and this was accepted) to start the plasma-mobile desktop and kubuntu mobile default settings package just needs some marketing text changing now - so we are ready to start building images..well, we still need to change the text in the seed to actually call this new default settings and we need a small change to plasma board to add this to the mobile systray but these are very minor things..14:52
NCommanderian_brasil: what archs are you planning to build for?14:52
ian_brasilarmel and i38614:53
NCommanderian_brasil: I ask that you only target armel+omap4 and armel+omap for now. We're somewhat strapped for buildd power. Once we get all the kinks worked out o dove images, we can add it14:54
ograwell, i wonder if you really want to attempt to run it on omap314:54
NCommander(omap4 is on a dedicated builder, omap and dove are sharing one :-/)14:54
ian_brasilNCommander: Ok..we can do that14:54
ograwhats the ram requirements ?14:54
ograbeagle only has 256M14:54
NCommanderogra: I thought there were some omap3 platforms with 512M14:55
ograthere is the beagle XM but its still not on the market14:55
NCommanderogra: I thought it was out14:55
ograessentially all omap3 512M platforms currently are unavailable14:55
NCommanderogra: ugh.14:55
ograapart from the touchbook for which we dont have kernel patches14:55
NCommanderian_brasil: if you want to trade omap for dove (which is also not out on the market), that's fine :-)14:56
ograthe other 512M hw you saw was all prototypes or not on the market yet14:56
NCommanderogra: I never saw any 512M hw directly14:56
ian_brasilNCommander: thx14:56
ograNCommander, you were in prague, no ?14:56
ograi'm sure i showed you some :)14:56
NCommanderogra: I was working on omap414:57
NCommanderanyway. I think that's everything14:57
NCommanderanyone got anything else14:57
MootBotMeeting finished at 08:57.14:57
ian_brasilso persia was looking at how we can do the builds and hosting14:57
NCommanderCya next week!14:57
ian_brasilany news on that?14:58
NCommanderian_brasil: persia is AFK, I can assist you with this discussion :-)14:58
ian_brasilNCommander: great14:58
NCommanderian_brasil: let's move to #ubuntu-arm14:58
ian_brasilNCommander: ok14:58
pittiKeybuk, cjwatson, kees, mdz: TB meeting now?15:00
* pitti pings sabdfl15:00
cjwatsonI'm here, although robbiew also scheduled a catch-up call for now15:00
cjwatsonI /msged him to ask whether it could be rescheduled15:00
cjwatsonconsider me here for the moment15:00
mdzpitti, yep15:01
mdzwho is chairing?15:01
cjwatsonagenda says Keybuk15:01
cjwatsonnow that his internet works ... :)15:01
Keybukwas just loading the agenda15:01
pittiKeybuk: welcome back to the internets!15:01
sabdflwhat did i miss?15:01
highvoltagepretty much just people welcomming Keybuk back to the interwebs15:02
MootBotMeeting started at 09:02. The chair is Keybuk.15:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:02
Keybuk[LINK] Today's Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda15:02
MootBotLINK received:  Today's Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda15:02
Keybuk[TOPIC] Action Review15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Review15:03
KeybukI don't see any actions in the TeamReports, and my e-mail is still trickling through so I don't have a last-mailed-out agenda15:03
Keybukdoes anyone know of any actions they were supposed to do? :-)15:03
mdzI missed the previous meeting due to travel15:04
pittiwe didn't have any last time AFAIR15:04
pittimdz: there was no real previous meeting15:04
Keybukok, no problem15:04
mdzthere's nothing on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/August2010#Technical Board15:04
cjwatsonpitti: welcome to the first ever meeting of the Ubuntu TB15:04
Keybukmdz: indeed, as I said15:04
pittiwe had two agenda points from Keybuk and mdz, but both of you were offline, so we skipped it15:05
Keybuk[TOPIC] brainstorm.ubuntu.com15:05
MootBotNew Topic:  brainstorm.ubuntu.com15:05
mdzthere's nothing in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/July2010#Technical Board either :-/15:05
Keybukmdz: your topic15:05
pitticjwatson: pah semantics :)15:05
mdzso, this came up in some engineering management discussion recently15:05
mdzand I wanted to discuss it with the TB15:05
mdzbasically, the question is how to best utilize brainstorm as a mechanism to communicate with our user community15:06
pittimdz: July> that got cancelled as well, due to lack of topics and people15:06
mdzmy feeling on it is that brainstorm hasn't turned out to be a great way to filter suggestions15:07
mdzhowever, it has been pretty good at highlighting common concerns15:07
mdzin other words, it can tell us what people are thinking about15:08
mdzas such, I think the right way for the Ubuntu project to use brainstorm is to review the highest-voted items from time to time, and respond to them15:08
cjwatsonalso, without it we'd get even more flooded with bugs :)15:08
mdza response might be:15:08
cjwatsonI agree, in fact I thought that was what we used to do15:08
pittiat least in some UDS preparations we used to look at it15:09
mdz- an explanation of what we think about that issue, and how we might approach it15:09
pittibut indeed we never paid that much attention to it15:09
mdz- a link to some work in progress in that area, to illustrate what we're doing there15:09
mdz- feedback on why the idea isn't useful/relevant given the current goals of the project15:09
mdzcjwatson, we did that at one time, but it wasn't kept up15:10
sabdflsome official feedback on the top n could be useful, but could also just cause a flashpoint to flash15:10
mdzpitti, we used to look at it during UDS preparations as a source of ideas: i.e., is there anything here we haven't thought of which we should add to the list of features to examine?15:10
cjwatsonI don't think we need to commit to reviewing the top n15:10
mdzit turned out not to be very useful for that15:10
sabdflfwiw, the design team looked at the top 50 in kicking off the 11.04 thinking15:10
pittimdz: I agree15:10
mdzbecause the items in it are things like "wireless doesn't work as well as we would like"15:10
cjwatsonwe can respond to things which are particularly worth responding to15:10
mdzthe things in brainstorm are in most cases not "features" at all, not as we would think of them15:11
cjwatsonand have informal criteria for that15:11
mdzthey're feedback15:11
mdzconsolidated, collaboratively filtered feedback15:11
mdzand the right thing to do with feedback is to read it and respond publicly15:11
sabdflfurther, responding well to the most useful feedback encourages more like that15:11
mdzsabdfl, they looked at them with what in mind? inspiration?15:11
sabdfland prioritization15:11
mdzright, so I think I'm coming at this from a different angle, looking at it as a communication facility rather than as a data source15:12
mdzit gives us our best chance at having a dialogue with the user community about things15:12
mdzwithout being overwhelmed15:12
mdzso first, do we agree that that is a useful way to position brainstorm?15:13
mdznot as a wishlist, or a way to get features implemented, but a way to have a structured conversation with our users about what's important to them15:14
pittithat makes it very close to a bug tracker with voting facility15:14
pittibut we don't require very precise information there15:14
mdzpitti, in functionality, yes, but we don't get bugs that say "wifi doesn't work" :-)15:14
cjwatsonmost of the things in brainstorm are too vague to be bugs15:14
Keybukright, that'd be what I'd ask in return15:14
pittiso I concur with your perspective15:14
Keybukhow does this fit in with the existing bug tracker, spec tracker and the new stack exchange?15:15
mdzthe bug tracker is a tool for developers and testers to track technical defects in Ubuntu15:15
pittimdz: right, it keeps that kind of fuzzy information out of the bug tracker (or, rather, we get a little less of those)15:15
mdzthe spec tracker is a project management tool to keep track of what we're working on15:15
pittiso, it's indeed a nice way to get a filtered view what area causes most problems15:16
pitti(not that it would be very surprising in most cases, though)15:16
mdzstack exchange is Q&A among anyone who is interested in Ubuntu, and is fairly new so we'll see how it ends up fitting in15:16
mdzbrainstorm, I propose, should be a gateway between the people who make Ubuntu, and the people who use Ubuntu15:16
mdzKeybuk, make sense?15:16
Keybukthat's a good answer15:16
Keybukhow would the people who make Ubuntu (us) use brainstorm?15:17
mdzso that's the next question15:17
mdzmy proposal is that, on a periodic basis, some grouping of the top voted items in brainstorm gets an official response from the project15:17
KeybukI guess a better question, which teams become responsible for reading every single thing posted to brainstorm?15:17
mdznobody is responsible for reading every single thing15:17
pittiit just tends to aggregate votes in a rather useless way -- if some people say "my wifi isn't working", others +1 that, but it doesn't tell us much15:18
KeybukI'm a bit worried that that kind of approach turns into "Petition the Prime Minister"15:18
mdzbut, say, once a quarter or so, a few people spend a few hours going through the *highest voted* items and responding to those15:18
Keybukwhere the community rally to get something on brainstorm voted highly, and we respond telling them that it's not a problem, etc.15:18
mdzpitti, it tells us that our users care about wifi, and that they might appreciate us telling them what's going on15:18
cjwatsonthere are bound to be some we can't respond to in any particularly useful way; IME in the past that has been the case for some of them but by no means all15:18
cjwatsonindeed I've often got to say "yes, we think this is a good idea, and furthermore we did it three months ago", which is rather satisfying15:19
pittiso, we could just try that "respond to the top items where appropriate" and see how it goes15:19
mdzcjwatson, yes, there are probably some which fall into that category, and I don't think we should waste time on them if they're noise15:19
mdzI think it's OK to respond to say "I can't make sense of this" if it's noise15:19
mdzKeybuk, I think the quality of our responses will count for a lot15:20
Keybuk*nods* sounds reasonable15:20
mdzwhich is why I think it's OK to limit it to a fairly small number15:20
mdzbut do a good job of responding15:20
Keybukif we pick the ones we can write the best responses to, we'll get more top suggestions of that kind15:20
cjwatsonright, there really is no point to the site if nobody looks at it in a semi-organised way, and I think the site is a useful lightning rod, so ... yes15:20
Keybuk(people will get the idea of what kind of thing gets responses)15:20
mdztaking the wifi example, I think it would be great to have a blog post from somebody very knowledgeable in that area explaining the current state of wifi, why it is the way it is, how we'd like it to be, how it has changed recently, what we're working on to make it better, etc.15:21
mdzand would hope to strike a balance between the amount of time we invest in it, and the perceived benefit to the user community15:22
mdzI think a couple of hours per response, spread out across the team to the people best equipped to respond, every 3 months, shouldn't be too much of a burden15:23
mdzand could be much appreciated15:23
pittiso this could become a routine part of the "prepare UDS" or "prepare specs" part of the cycle, to be done by the team/tech leads15:23
KeybukI think there's a consensus here that that would be a good thing; do you want to take an action to make it a formal proposal?15:23
pittiwith "done" -> review and fan out to the experts15:23
mdzsounds like consensus, great15:23
mdzso at this point in my own thinking, the question became: whose responsibility should this be?15:23
mdzand I thought it appropriate to start with the TB15:24
mdzI think this should definitely be an Ubuntu voice rather than a Canonical voice15:24
KeybukI was going to suggest the Community team15:24
cjwatsonI think it should be a technical task as well15:24
cjwatsonperhaps the TB with guidance from the community team on particularly urgent items15:25
mdzI'm not too fussed; I think there are plenty of people and teams who could do a good job at coordinating the process15:25
cjwatsonand we can fan things out to individuals as needed15:25
KeybukI would be worried that the overly technically minded of us would not be good at identifying the hot topics of our users15:25
cjwatsonthat's why they're voted on by users :-)15:25
mdzthe important thing to me is to get consensus that this is useful and worth investing in15:25
pittithat's why I suggested doing it around UDS -- that's when managers and TLs are in the mood for design and writing tech stuff anyway15:25
mdzpitti, so do you suggest a 6 month cadence rather than 3 months?15:26
mdzI thought that might be a bit long15:26
pittimdz: 3 months works for me as well15:26
pittimdz: just trying to fit it into existing rhythms15:26
dholbachI think it'd make sense for all teams to have a look at it in their respective areas :)15:26
mdzpitti, yes, I like that idea as well15:26
pittiand around feature freeze there's usually not a lot we can/want to do about changing things15:26
sabdfldoes it change that fast?15:26
mdzdholbach, I don't think that brainstorm can be neatly divided up that way, unfortunately15:27
cjwatsondholbach: I think a lot of things would fall through the cracks that way15:27
cjwatsoncf. "that's a kernel problem" "no it's not, it's a foundations problem"15:27
cjwatsonad nauseam15:27
mdzpitti, I think it's more about what we say than what we do15:27
cjwatsonyou need a coordinating group or lots of things will just be ignored15:27
dholbachsure, I just think we'll get better results if more than just the community team has a look at it :)15:27
cjwatsonI agree that it should not be just the community team15:27
pittidholbach: I agree; at best, teh community team could ask some expert to respond to a particular question15:28
mdzdholbach, I don't think the tech board can delegate work to the Canonical community team anyway ;-)15:28
mdzto be perfectly honest we tried that and it didn't work all that well15:28
mdzjono tried to route brainstorm items to people, get responses and publish them, and it was a pain15:29
mdzI'd like to try to keep it simple15:29
cjwatsonpersonally, I think that this fits well into the TB's remit of providing technical direction and guidance15:29
mdzcjwatson, exactly15:29
cjwatsoneven if we don't personally write all the responses15:29
mdzI think in practice, members of the TB are great candidates for writing responses15:29
mdzand where we aren't, we know who to go to15:29
mdzso I wondered if this should be a TB responsibility15:30
Keybukit seems there's also a consensus that the TB can be responsible for this15:30
Keybuk[ACTION] mdz to draft plan/process for brainstorm15:31
MootBotACTION received:  mdz to draft plan/process for brainstorm15:31
mdzthanks for the feedback15:31
mdzwhy yes, I would be happy to take an action to draft a proposal15:32
mdzno problem Keybuk ;-)15:32
mdznext topic?15:32
Keybuk[TOPIC] Check accuracy of voting procedure on TechnicalBoard wiki page15:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Check accuracy of voting procedure on TechnicalBoard wiki page15:32
Keybukmdz: stop back-seat chairing15:32
cjwatsonok, that was mine15:32
Keybukcjwatson: you're up15:33
cjwatsonthis came from a brief conversation I had with Raphaël Hertzog where he was trying to establish how the TB was appointed/elected15:33
mdzinteresting, where did this come from?15:33
mdzI'm looking at the part where it describes how the board operates15:34
cjwatsonmdz: it turned into that LWN article he wrote, I think, although most of this is not really relevant to that15:34
Keybukit sounds like it came from the LWN response of Jef Spaleta to Raphael's article?15:34
cjwatsonpitti told him that Mark appointed candidates and that the vote was only a "confirmation vote", which is roughly what it says on the wiki15:34
cjwatsonKeybuk: it was before the article was published, so no15:34
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/Restaffing has some bits about it too15:34
cjwatsonlet me finish?15:34
cjwatsonbefore realising that pitti's comments came from the wiki, I said 'the last one was a vote among several possible candidates, though, so I'm not sure "confirmation vote" is a good way to think about it'15:35
cjwatsonso now I wonder whether we ought to clarify the wiki a little bit15:35
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard, specifically15:35
cjwatson"Appointments to the board are made by Mark Shuttleworth subject to confirmation by a vote amongst Ubuntu developers."15:35
Keybukhas that formally changed?15:35
cjwatsonto me a confirmation vote is an up/down vote for a single person, which is not what the last one was15:36
mdzthere's also http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/governance15:36
mdzthat page says that sabdfl nominates candidates15:36
mdzand the candidates are then voted upon15:36
cjwatsonthe text on http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/governance is much better15:36
cjwatson"In each case, a poll of relevant members of the project is conducted to select, or veto, the final membership of the Community Council and Technical Board."15:37
mdzI think it's also...well, accurate15:37
cjwatsonthat doesn't tie us down to a particular voting strategy15:37
sabdfli think i commented on the LWN article, too15:37
cjwatsonI didn't really want to drag the whole LWN article into it; it got into rather a lot more detail and from my POV my conversation with buxy was essentially independent of it15:38
sabdflshowing how the same approach applies to broader governance structures - it's top down delegation, with bottom up tests of confidence15:38
mdzI haven't read the LWN article15:38
mdzI'm about 3 issues behind15:38
cjwatsonI really just wanted to check whether we could revise the text on TechnicalBoard to avoid (appearing to) conflict with current electoral practice15:38
mdzI think revising the wiki page to match the (authoritative) text on the website is fine15:39
cjwatsonok, I'll take an action to do that then15:39
mdzI think there are other things on that wiki page which are misleading or wrong as well15:39
cjwatsonif there are no objections15:39
Keybuknone from me15:39
mdzit also has far too many Capitalized Phrases15:39
mdzwe're just not that formal around here15:39
Keybuk[ACTION] cjwatson to review and defraft TB wiki pages to match current governance practice15:39
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to review and defraft TB wiki pages to match current governance practice15:39
mdzcjwatson, would you mind fixing up the rest of the page a bit while you're in there?15:40
* cjwatson nods at Matt Zimmerman, Board Member15:40
* mdz chuckles15:40
Keybuk[TOPIC] Fate of ia64/sparc in Maverick15:40
MootBotNew Topic:  Fate of ia64/sparc in Maverick15:40
cjwatsonor perhaps I should salute, given that tone15:40
cjwatsonright :)15:40
mdzthis is done, I read about it in LWN15:40
Keybukwe've announced and agreed to drop these ports, but I've been unable to find any documentation or buttons for actually doing it15:40
cjwatsonmdz: I thought you were behind15:40
mdzcjwatson, just now15:40
Keybukcjwatson: do you remember when we dropped lpia what we did?15:40
mdzit's still on the front page15:41
cjwatsonwe made lamont do it15:41
Keybukhaha, right15:41
Keybukso this is "invoke IS/duckie" ?15:41
cjwatsonI suggest getting him to write it up this time :)15:41
cjwatsonit involved some rather terrifying Launchpad operations15:41
KeybukI thought that might be the case15:41
KeybukI'll continue to action that15:41
Keybuk[ACTION] Keybuk to invoke lamont for ia64/sparc drop15:41
MootBotACTION received:  Keybuk to invoke lamont for ia64/sparc drop15:41
cjwatsonI turned off CD image building for those architectures already, in anticipation15:42
Keybuk[TOPIC] Mailing list archive15:42
MootBotNew Topic:  Mailing list archive15:42
Keybukis there anything on there that needs an action?15:42
mdzit's still awfully spammy15:42
mdzdidn't somebody take an action to ask IS for help with that?15:42
mdzthere's https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-August/000426.html15:43
Keybukmdz: if someone solves that particular problem, they would stop working for us due to being a billionaire15:43
mdz(bdmurray's drivers proposal)15:43
cjwatsonwe need to agree on the chromium-browser stuff, but I doubt we can do that in 17 minutes15:43
mdzI haven't read the rest of the thread yet15:44
mdzcjwatson, we could make a start on it15:44
cjwatsonI don't quite understand what's going on with the spam; the list is moderated and I'm certainly not approving all that stuff15:44
cjwatsonoh, hm, generic_nonmember_action is set to Accept15:45
sabdflKeybuk: why would that stop someone working for us?15:45
cjwatsonI've changed that to Hold, will just mean a bit more manual moderation15:45
mdzgiven chromium is a) in universe, and b) fairly immature upstream (on Linux), I'm inclined to be flexible15:45
cjwatsonmaybe that will help15:45
mdzuntil one or both of those things change15:45
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks15:45
pitticjwatson: but there's usually tons of spam in the moderation queue as well; I wonder why only some is caught15:46
mdzonce my pinned tabs become visible again, for example15:46
pittimdz: I thought the request was to move it to main15:46
cjwatsondo not meddle in the affairs of mailman, for you are tasty and good with custard15:46
cjwatson... I don't know15:46
pitti(which I'm not at all happy about, FWIW -- chromium is a steaming pile of bugs still :-/15:46
mdzpitti, oh, I see15:46
mdzI think that's a bigger question than how to do security updates15:46
mdzI'm not sure chromium is ready15:46
mdzhas the archive team taken a view?15:47
pittithe main problem is that it's (non-)release strategy is fundamantally incompatible with distros15:47
mdzpitti, well, it's incompatible with distros who don't have the same rolling release model15:48
pittimdz: which is "all but Debian testing?"15:48
pittiwell, and gentoo15:48
mdzthere are several15:48
cjwatsonor Arch15:48
mdzor Chrome OS15:49
pittithey do 6-monthly releases?15:49
Keybukthey update after release15:49
Keybuka release is not a static blessed thing15:49
pittibut even 6 months is too long for chromium15:49
mdzthe problem at hand seems to be that it takes too long for security updates to reach chromium users15:51
mdzwhen they use the Ubuntu packaged version anyway15:51
mdzour usual solution to that is backporting them15:52
mdzhas that been evaluated with chromium?15:52
pittimdz: not sure, but given that the code changes a magnitude faster than firefox, I think it's even less practical to do there15:53
mdzit seems worth doing an analysis of actual security fixes and backporting feasibility15:54
mdzwhat other options do we have other than backporting and ship-bleeding-edge-everywhere?15:54
pittiship an installer package, like flash15:55
pittiand then use the builtin update15:55
* mdz gets the feeling that some fellow Board Members are reading their email ;-)15:55
sabdfldo they flag the security fixes particularly? seems that if their view is "everything rolls" they'd be less inclined to do that15:55
pittisabdfl: there are CVEs for that15:55
mdzthey treat security bugs differently, use CVEs, etc.15:56
* kees gets onto after-security-check airport wifi for the last 5 minutes, whee.15:56
keesthey roll bug fixes in with security updates, though.15:56
pittior, rather, they seem to mark their bugs accordingly15:56
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security15:57
mdzexplains their policies and procedures15:57
mdzKeybuk, time?15:58
KeybukI think so15:58
Keybukwho should take the action to further review chromium?15:58
Keybukpitti: ?15:58
pittiKeybuk: I think I gave plenty of feedback in the thread already15:59
pittiI can do some investigations about backporting fixes15:59
mdzdelegate to the security team?15:59
Keybuksure, who gives them the bad news? :p15:59
keeswhat is the "question" about it?16:00
mdzkees, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-August/000459.html16:00
pittikees: whether it's feasible to backport chromium security patches to older releases16:00
mdzpitti, I meant delegate the whole issue16:00
keeswe do it already for firefox; it's up to the desktop team.16:00
pittiI just think that even if we do that, people wouldn't be satisfied, though16:00
mdzI'm not sure why the TB should be the ones to decide on such a specialist issue16:00
keesthere is no choice about doing it; there is no sensible way to do per-fix backporting of patches16:00
pittichromium is way too buggy still to ship older releases in something like an LTS16:01
chrisccoulsonit won't be feasible to backport security fixes to a stable release16:01
keessorry "do it" meaning "take full version updates"16:01
pittiah, there are the experts :)16:01
chrisccoulsonthat would be a crazy amount of work16:01
jdstrandwe don't backport firefox, we do microversion updates16:01
mdzI'm joining a conf call now, goodbye16:01
jdstrandkees: ah, yes, right :)16:01
cjwatsonI have to go as well16:01
pitticontinue on the list then?16:01
* chrisccoulson goes to read scrollback16:02
pittiI'll ask Chris/Kees to reply there16:02
Keybuk[ACTION] pitti to follow up with kees on-list16:02
MootBotACTION received:  pitti to follow up with kees on-list16:02
Keybuk[TOPIC] Community bugs16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Community bugs16:02
Keybukthe only open bug is the drivers one of mdz16:02
Keybukbdmurray has a recent follow up, we should make sure that ends up on the bug16:02
Keybukbdmurray: could you forward it to bug #174375 ?16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174375 in Launchpad Registry "Distribution drivers permissions may need redesign" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17437516:03
Keybuk[ACTION] Chair for next meeting16:03
MootBotACTION received:  Chair for next meeting16:03
KeybukI believe it's mdz next alphabetically ;-)16:03
Keybuk[AGREED] mdz to chair16:04
MootBotAGREED received:  mdz to chair16:04
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:04.16:04
Keybukthanks all16:04
pittithanks everyone16:04
ograwow, you finished at lucid time :)16:15
JFoboo hiss ;)16:17
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
czajkowskiogra: thats bad16:22
ograwhy ?16:22
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
lagmpoirier: Something wrong with your arm?17:59
kamalsomething wrong with his ARM?17:59
mpoirierfrench keyboard...17:59
lagkamal: There's lots wrong with our ARMs17:59
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is bjf.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick18:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick18:00
bjf# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.18:00
bjfI want to start by welcoming Sarvatt to the team!18:01
JFowelcome Sarvatt18:01
SarvattThanks, nice to meet you all! :)18:01
bjf[TOPIC] ARM Status (lag)18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Status (lag)18:01
lag * Marvel (mvl-dove)18:01
lag   * FIXED    : ABI bumping and module checking errors after the branch sync'ed with LSP 5.3.218:01
lag   * MISC     : Discussion of moving forward mvl-dove branch into Maverick18:01
lag * Freescale (fsl-imx51)18:01
lag   * Nothing new this week18:01
lag * Texas Instruments (ti-omap)18:01
lag   * MISC     : lag's Panda is broken - awaiting replacement from davidm18:01
lag   * MISC     : Still waiting for TI to release L24.9 to us18:01
lag   * FIXED    : B591941 work around applied - working on correct fix18:01
lag   * FIXED    : B608266 GPMC was not initialized before accessing NAND18:01
lag   * FIXED    : B608279 now able to read the EDID from userspace18:01
lag   * RESUMED  : B563650 problem can be reproduced on latest 2.6.35-18 with non-UNR file system18:02
lag   * ON GOING : B605488 still unable to reproduce - will test on full-build when new HW arrives18:02
lag   * ON GOING : B517841 KEXEC support broken - need to backport some upstream patches to Maverick18:02
lag   * ON GOING : B588243 Oops from TI's DSS driver - waiting for upstream merge the fixing patch18:02
bjf[TOPIC] Release Metrics: (JFo)18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Release Metrics: (JFo)18:02
JFoRelease Meeting Bugs (4 bugs, 9 Blueprints)18:02
JFo==== Beta Milestoned Bugs (31 across all packages (down 1)) ====18:02
JFo * 2 linux kernel bugs (down 2)18:02
JFo * 0 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs (no change)18:02
JFo * 0 linux-ec2 bugs (no change)18:02
JFo * 0 linux-mvl-dove bugs (no change)18:02
JFo * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)18:02
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)18:02
JFo==== Release Targeted Bugs (128 across all packages (up 4)) ====18:02
JFo * 17 linux kernel bugs (down 6)18:02
JFo * 1 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs (up 1)18:02
JFo * 0 linux-ec2 bugs (no change)18:02
JFo * 2 linux-mvl-dove bugs (no change)18:02
JFo * 1 linux-ti-omap bugs (down 1)18:02
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change)18:02
JFo=== Milestoned Features ====18:02
JFo * 14 blueprints18:02
JFo*** NOTE: This listing includes HWE Blueprints***18:02
JFo==== Bugs with Patches Attached:119 (down 3) ====18:03
JFo * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on18:03
JFo * Breakdown by status:18:03
JFo   http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/18:03
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-apparmor (jjohansen)18:03
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-apparmor18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprint: kernel-maverick-apparmor (jjohansen)18:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-apparmor18:03
jjohansenno change from last week18:03
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel (jjohansen)18:04
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprint: kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel (jjohansen)18:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel18:04
jjohansenBug #613083 - awaiting a response from amazon18:04
jjohansenBug #606373 - in progress18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613083 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "user-data is corrupted inside metadata service" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61308318:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606373 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init output does not get to console when booted with pv-grub and ramdisk" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60637318:04
jjohansenBug #613022, Bug #613273 - I haven't really looked at yet18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613022 in openssh (Ubuntu) "ssh daemon hangs after publickey packet sent" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61302218:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613273 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic on ec2 in system_call_fastpath" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61327318:04
jjohansenBug #574910  - fixed for Lucid and we have a work around for Maverick18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57491018:05
jjohansenother than that pv-grub and pv-ops are real nice :18:06
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bug-handling (JFo)18:06
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-bug-handling18:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bug-handling (JFo)18:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-bug-handling18:06
JFoNothing to report. Lots in the wings to be finished soon.18:06
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Maverick (ogasawara)18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Maverick (ogasawara)18:07
ogasawaraOur Maverick kernel is now rebased to v2.6.35.3 and uploaded as linux-2.6.35-18.24.  We've also most notably dropped support for ia64 and sparc per the Tech Board decision.18:07
ogasawaraMaverick Beta is Thurs Sept 2nd, ie ~1week away.  Beta Freeze is this Thurs, so I'll be uploading our Beta kernel today.  Also, keep in mind that Kernel Freeze is Thurs Sept 16th, ie ~3weeks away.  Remember after Kernel Freeze, we transition to our SRU policy in order to apply patches to Maverick.18:07
ogasawaraWe are above our Beta burn down chart's trend line but below our overall trend line for the cycle.  I'll be following up with individuals who have open work items to see if we can close any out.18:07
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html18:07
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick#Milestone ubuntu-10.10-beta18:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html18:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick#Milestone ubuntu-10.10-beta18:07
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:08
smb||                   || Upd./Sec.     || Proposed      || TiP || Verified    ||18:08
smb|| Dapper: Kernel    || 2.6.15-55.87  ||               ||     ||             ||18:08
smb|| Hardy:  Kernel    || 2.6.24-28.75  || (postponed)   ||     ||             ||18:08
smb|| Jaunty: Kernel    || 2.6.28-19.64  ||               ||     ||             ||18:08
smb|| Karmic: Kernel    || 2.6.31-22.63  || 2.6.31-22.64  ||   0 ||  0/ 4       ||18:08
smb|| =       mvl-dove  || 2.6.31-214.30 || 2.6.31-214.31 ||   0 ||  0/ 4       ||18:08
smb|| =       fsl-imx51 || 2.6.31-112.28 ||               ||     ||             ||18:08
smb|| =       ec2       || 2.6.31-307.17 || 2.6.31-307.18 ||   0 ||  0/ 4       ||18:08
smb|| Lucid:  Kernel    || 2.6.32-24.41  || 2.6.32-24.42  ||   4 ||  0/ 2       ||18:08
smb|| =       LBM       || 2.6.32-24.17  || (pending)     ||     ||             ||18:08
smb|| =       mvl-dove  || 2.6.32-208.24 || (pending)     ||     ||             ||18:08
smb|| =       fsl-imx51 || 2.6.31-608.19 ||               ||     ||             ||18:08
smb|| =       ti-omap   || 2.6.33-502.10 ||               ||     ||             ||18:08
smb|| =       ec2       || 2.6.32-308.15 ||               ||     ||             ||18:08
smbNew security release was done (currently trying to figure out a Hardy18:08
smbregression in Xen that was caused by that).18:08
smbUploads to proposed have been re-done for Karmic and Lucid. The uploads18:08
smbfor Lucid-LBM and Lucid-mvl-dove still pending acceptance.18:08
smbOne regression fix from Lucid proposed have been moved into the security18:08
smbupdate as the severity was high enough.18:08
smbThe security update for Lucid-fsl-imx51 included all proposed patches in18:09
smborder to prevent any further bricking issues with babbage2.5 boards.18:09
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)18:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)18:09
JFo324 Maverick Bugs (up 72)18:09
JFo915 Lucid Bugs (up 29)18:09
JFoCurrent regression stats (broken down by release):18:09
JFo==== regression-potential ====18:09
JFo  * 158 maverick bugs (up 32)18:09
JFo  * 159 lucid bugs (up 2: to be converted to regression-release)18:09
JFo==== regression-update ====18:09
JFo  * 42 lucid bugs (up 7)18:09
JFo  * 6 karmic bugs (no change)18:09
JFo  * 4 jaunty bugs (no change)18:09
JFo  * 0 hardy bug (down 1)18:09
JFo==== regression-release ====18:09
JFo  * 156 lucid bugs (up 1)18:09
JFo  * 38 karmic bugs (down 1)18:09
JFo  * 17 jaunty bugs (down 1)18:09
JFo  * 2 hardy bugs (no change)18:09
JFo==== regression-proposed ====18:09
JFo  * 4 lucid bugs (up 1)18:09
JFo  * 1 karmic bug (no change)18:09
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)18:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)18:10
JFoToday's focus is on bugs with patches. I'll be reviewing them to ensure that there is a patch actually attached. Per Pete, there will then be a review of the bugs to see if the patch has already been included or if it is sufficient to be included. This process will be getting further defined once I submit my rough plan to Pete for how to complete the review and inclusion of patches in the future. The next bug day will be next Tuesday. We will be f18:10
JFoocusing on bugs in the confirmed state and working to move them either into incomplete or triaged states. We will continue to have the Team Bug Day to address the Top 50 list as half days on Friday and Monday, as these seem to be working out very well. Reviewers, please take a look at your needs-review lists and help us keep the process moving. Please also take ownership of your bugs as you work them so we can get them fixed or otherwise off the l18:10
bjf[TOPIC] Triage Status (JFo)18:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Triage Status (JFo)18:11
JFoI'm getting pinged by the Ubuntu Studio folks who are concerned about whether the realtime kernels will be available for Maverick. I was in Oxford last week, so I don't have much on this yet. I'd be interested to hear if any of you encountered any triagers or their questions over the last week.18:11
JForealtime or preempt kernels that is18:12
tgardnerJFo, I'm getting bugged by it as well18:12
JFotgardner, not surprisin18:12
JFoscott over there was very worried18:12
JFoI think his concern was more that his impression was that we didn't care about the -rt kernels18:13
smbThat probably needs some action on getting abogani some upload right for it. He got a bit frustrated by the process and probably by our lack of being able to endorse him,18:13
JFoyeah, he has been upset about it18:13
JFoand that has the studio folks in a tizzy :)18:13
tgardnerwhere is Luke in all of this? he's their core-dev18:14
smbHe should feel proud about that. :) Yeah, the only two people that sponsored him were Luke and Ben18:14
JFono idea, but my understanding is that there are only a few folks working on it18:14
JFothe rest are only in the channel briefly18:14
smbWell, I did now once, but that is not much18:14
JFowe can discuss that more offline18:15
JFoif you guys want18:15
smbDaniel kicked something off, pgraner may fwd to you as well18:15
bjfwe've got 45 minutes left in the meeting so if there is more to discuss we can do it here18:15
JFoI'm good either way, tgardner?18:16
tgardnerJFo, we're dealing with it offline18:16
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?18:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?18:17
bjfI'll be out next week so if we want to have a meeting someone will have to chair it18:17
bjfand then deal with all the reporting.18:17
bjfSo the first question is "Do we want to have next week's meeting?"18:17
smbWhat is next week?18:17
tgardnerogasawara loves to chair meetings.18:18
ogasawaraI don't mind chairing the meeting18:18
smbI guess I can chair it too, if we want it and ogasawara doesn't18:18
JFobjf, enjoy your vacation either way :)18:19
bjfJFo: that's a given :-)18:19
ogasawarawe might as well keep it on the schedule in case something needs discussing18:19
ogasawarawe can cancel it last minute if anything18:19
bjfogasawara: right, it's your call18:19
bjfanyone else have anything?18:19
ogasawarabjf: I've already got the runes to run the meeting, can you send me an email where all the minutes need posting to.18:20
ogasawarabjf: or it is in the wiki?18:20
bjfogasawara: all documented in the wiki :-)18:20
bjfogasawara: will send you the link (it's at the top of the agenda page)18:20
ogasawarabjf: got it, thanks18:20
bjfthat sounds like a wrap18:20
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:20.18:20
sconklinthanks bjf18:21
kamalthanks bjf18:21
smbta bjf18:21
JFothanks bjf18:21
* mathiaz wonders if SpamapS just discovered utf-8 support in ubuntu19:00
ttxwaiting for zul, he is the lucky chair19:01
zuli am crap19:01
MootBotMeeting started at 13:01. The chair is zul.19:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]19:01
zul[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting19:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting19:02
zulso the points were:19:02
zulSpamapS to submit rubygems change proposal as Important bug in Debian and CC ubuntu-devel19:02
zulis this done?19:02
zulSpamapS: ^^^19:03
SpamapSI had a chat with some of they ruby debian maintainers, specifically Lucas Nussbaum, and he explained that a bit more care is in order when discussing the matter with Daigo, the debian maintainer.19:03
zulheh so whats next?19:03
SpamapSSo I've reworked the wording a bit, and will be submitting it today or tomorrow.19:03
zulzul to nudge forward upstart script review process19:03
zulis done19:03
zuljjohansen to review bug 49315619:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493156 in iotop (Ubuntu) "Please enable CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49315619:04
zuljjohansen: ^^^19:04
zuldoesnt seem to be here19:04
jjohansenright, I haven't gotten to this yet.  The next SRU kernel is a few weeks out so it hasn't been high priority19:04
zulnifty thanks19:04
jjohansennah, just a slow typist19:05
zuland finally zul to review papercut status of bug 58296319:05
zulhavent done yet19:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 582963 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "SSL pass phrase dialog can't read input" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58296319:05
zul[TOPIC] Maverick development (jib)19:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Maverick development (jib)19:05
ttxjib is marked "absent" so I guess I'll take care of this one19:05
* SpamapS prepares for the beating19:06
ttxWe should be at ~ 60% completion19:06
ttxwe are a bit behind, but with a nice trends19:07
ttxespecially on my "don't count sundays please" graph version19:07
ttxThursday is BetaFreeze19:07
mathiazttx: sunday *and* saturday?19:07
ttxmathiaz: yes :)19:07
zulyes i call it family time :)19:07
SpamapSttx: are you publishing those graphs in parallel somewhere?19:07
ttxSpamapS: no. But I could.19:08
ttxso past Thursday only the RC fixes will be accepted, until Beta release19:08
zuldo we have a list of rc fixes alreayd?19:08
ttxyou should take that into account in organizing your work...19:08
Davieyttx: It would be interesting to see those graphs, can you publish them under ~ttx/?19:08
ttxzul: yes, bug targeted to a maverick milestone19:09
ttxthat means, for example, that papercuts must be taken care of before Thursday :)19:09
ttx(or dropped forever)19:09
Daviey*forever* sounds so final, how about deferred to N? :)19:10
ttxAs usual, if yo uthink you are overloaded and can't complete the work items assigned to you in time, please tell me and/or jib19:10
ttxso that we can adjust/postpone/reassign accordingly19:10
zulits ok to say narwhal although awkward19:10
ttxthe sooner we know, the better19:10
zulso i guess moving on19:11
zul[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)19:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)19:11
ttxzul: action me on trying to make the burnup charts available19:11
mathiazttx: where is the completion percentage coming from?19:11
zul[ACTION]  action me on trying to make the burnup charts available  ttx19:11
MootBotACTION received:   action me on trying to make the burnup charts available  ttx19:11
ttxmathiaz: the 60% ?19:11
mathiazttx: should we publish it in the WI tracker?19:11
mathiazttx: yes19:11
mathiazttx: I don't see that number anywhere in the WI tracker19:12
mathiazttx: I'd like to know where I am now, and where I'm supposed to be19:12
ttxa rough eye estimate of the number of days completed / vs. total number of days in milestone19:12
* Daviey finds it less than fun trying to find out where the %'s are based. The WI tracker has an emphasis on assigned blueprints, not WI on non-assigned blueprints19:12
SpamapSmathiaz: its not obvious, but its from the trend line.19:12
Davieymaking it somewhat of a PITA to locate.19:12
mathiazSpamapS: ^^ could we make this available in the WI tracker?19:12
* Daviey fears he has some hidden %'s in blueprints he hasn't checked recently.19:13
mathiazSpamapS: well - the % is actually shown in the burndown chart19:13
SpamapSmathiaz: pretty simple to add a Y axis on the right w/ %, and draw horizontal lines every 7 days bisecting the trend line.19:13
mathiazSpamapS: anyway - food for though19:13
mathiazmay be I should look again at how to read a burndown chart19:14
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
zulok so19:14
ttxfor the record, the burnup chart looks like http://people.canonical.com/~ttx/after.svg19:14
ttxthe branch implementing it is proposed for merging in lp-work-item-tracker19:14
zul[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)19:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)19:14
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
hggdhnothing new, except still testing euca19:15
mathiazhggdh: how was the QA sprint?19:15
hggdhmathiaz: I did not go, did not have time19:15
zulany interesting bugs?19:16
* Daviey cheers hggdh for his QA'ing of euca.19:16
hggdhat QA we are going thru the regression-potential bugs now; as I find server bugs, I will ping you all19:16
hggdhwe hope to get to the regression-release bugs soon...19:16
zulany other questions?19:16
* kirkland highfives hggdh 19:17
kirkland(as usual)19:17
* hggdh gets a bit more happy19:17
* zul hugs hggdh 19:17
* mathiaz hightens hggdh 19:17
* jdstrand heightens hggdh 19:18
jdstrandwait, what?19:18
zulok so moving on19:18
zul[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)19:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)19:18
kirklandjdstrand: can you heighten me?19:18
jjohansenfirst up19:18
jjohansenBug #620994 - security fix breaks Xen kernels19:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620994 in linux (Ubuntu Hardy) "linux 2.6.24-28.75 breaks xen flavours (xen kernel bug: 'kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/debian/build/custom-source-xen/mm/memory.c:2704')" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62099419:19
jdstrandkirkland: hehe19:19
zuljjohansen: oh thats fun19:19
zuljjohansen: did you see how opensuse fixes it?19:21
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
jdstrandiirc, they didn't apply the security update because they had some other patch in place19:21
jjohansenzul: as far as I know they don't yet.  Its actively being discussed upstream19:22
zuljjohansen: nifty19:22
jjohansenjdstrand: is right that they have a different patch in place so the security vul didn't hit their kernels19:22
zulbah...xen is fun19:23
jjohansenhowever, they don't have a fix for this bug and the patch applied upstream19:23
jjohansenyeah, and the details are ugly19:23
zulxen is also the cause of male pattern baldness19:23
jjohansenBug #574910  - fixed for Lucid, also affects Maverick we have a work around that can be applied but don't have a patch yet19:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57491019:23
jjohansenthe SRU should hit proposed kernels in about 3 weeks19:23
zulanything else?19:24
jjohansenBug #606373 - I am looking at currently and hope to have fixed soon :)19:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606373 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init output does not get to console when booted with pv-grub and ramdisk" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60637319:24
SpamapSjjohansen: fixed in lucid! huzzah!19:24
jjohansenSpamapS: yes, but the fix won't land in proposed for a few weeks19:25
zuli guess new kernels in ec2 mean new images?19:25
SpamapSjjohansen: having an SRU to point at means no longer explaining to people why lucid on EC2 "lags" or "is slow" or "is t3h suck" ;)19:26
smoserit shoudl, yes, but only if they boot19:26
smoseri was planning on a new image later this week, we're currently one kernel behind as it is.19:26
zulso i guess no has anything else moving on to the next topic19:27
zul[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)19:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)19:28
DavieyHe have his apologies :(19:28
zulwhich will be skipped since sommer cant make it19:28
zul[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)19:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)19:28
DavieyHe gave his apologies :)19:28
Davieyhe sent me an email with his update:19:28
DavieyI've been focusing on consolidating "cloud" communication channels19:28
DavieyCurrently the official Ubuntu IRC channel for anything cloud related is #ubuntu-cloud19:28
DavieyAs for the forums, we now have a forum for "cloud" at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=39219:28
DavieyThe forums council were worried whether a cloud forum would attract enough members to justify it's own forums, but since its an egg and chicken problem, they agreed to allow us the forum till 11.04 and then evaluate how strong it's been going19:28
DavieyFinally, I'm building a web portal that aims to be a resource and news aggregator for new community members19:28
DavieyIf you have ideas as to what should be present on that portal that helps members engage in a developer path, please drop me a line over IRC or email19:28
DavieyThat should be all for me19:28
zulso next19:29
zul[TOPIC] Papercuts status (ttx)19:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Papercuts status (ttx)19:29
ttxStatus at https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-beta19:29
ttxWe have until Thursday to fix tha last 619:29
ttxIf you can't make it, unassign yourself to give someone else a chance :)19:30
ttxzul: done :)19:30
SpamapSbug 375371 is awaiting sponsorship19:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375371 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu) "MySQL must not use /tmp" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37537119:30
zulSpamapS: has it been tested yet?19:30
SpamapSzul: Right, it failed on some tests, but the previous revision failed the same tests, so I think I'm failing on how to run the tests.19:31
zulSpamapS: ok ill have a look at it this afternoon19:31
zulanyone else?19:31
SpamapScausing me to think there should be another bug opened against mysql-testsuite that asks for documentation explaining how one is supposed to run them.19:31
zulheh ask sbeattie19:32
zul[TOPIC] Open Discussion19:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion19:32
DavieyCan we go home now? :)19:32
SpamapSThat was like, way too fast.19:32
SpamapSwe need more hyperbole19:32
zulDaviey: thats what I was thinking...oh wait..19:32
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
ttxSpamapS: twss ?19:33
zulso if there is no discussion19:34
zulTuesday 2010-08-31 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting19:34
zulis when the next meeting is19:34
zulthanks everyone19:34
mathiazzul: thanks!19:35
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:35.19:35
* Daviey cheers zul for running the quickest meeting in living memory.19:35
sbeattieSpamapS: mysql-testsuite was failing on lucid or maverick?19:38
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
sbeattieSpamapS: feel free to redirect to #ubuntu-server if you'd like.19:39
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
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=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== undifined_ is now known as UndiFineD
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!