
shadeslayersimar: ever heard of the gnusim8085?00:10
shadeslayeri made this program on it : http://pastebin.com/81qsAbdG00:10
shadeslayerbut im getting Execution branched to invalid memory location <6H>. Execution will be stopped! << please reply in PM00:11
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simarshadeslayer: no idea in assembly. I work in c00:30
simarshadeslayer: there?01:22
simarshadeslayer: oh sorry .. soo jaa kaaka .. shhh!!!01:23
ebrodermicahg: Still around?03:59
micahgebroder: yes03:59
ebroderI'm looking at bug #622914, but I can't find those two CVEs anywhere. Is there an announcement somewhere?04:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622914 in tmux (Ubuntu) "Sync tmux 1.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62291404:00
ebroderSorry - wrong bug. bug #62290004:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622900 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu) "Please sync phpmyadmin 4: (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62290004:00
micahgebroder: in the changelog04:00
micahgebroder: I figured since it was the devel release that would be enough, I plan on a full bug with all the info for the SRUs04:01
ebrodermicahg: Yeah, yeah - I see the numbers. I want to know what the actual vulnerabilities are04:01
ebroderCuriosity as much as anything else04:01
micahgebroder: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/security/PMASA-2010-5.php04:02
ebroderAh - XSS bug. Boring :-P04:02
ebrodermicahg: Anyway, yeah - I agree. Security microrelease == no FFe. I'll ACK it04:04
micahgebroder: thanks04:04
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micahgthere will probably be a 3.3.6 before Maverick release, but we'll see if it's bug fix or features04:04
ebroderCan you punt the ubuntu-sponsors subscription? I've been too lazy to get my membership renewed :)04:07
micahgebroder: sure04:15
Obsidian1723anyone here know about packaging deb files? I'm in the process of reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete but this is more of a question of, "is this the best way to do it?" than anything else. I want to find the best way to distribute images for wallpapers, fonts, document files, and also an install-setup.sh for setting up new installs. Basically the idea is to do a new Ubuntu install, add the PPA, update it06:00
Obsidian1723and then the file downloads and does all of the work. Is this the best way to do that? One issue that may arise is the shell script does reqire some user input to it. Forgive me. I am not a programmer, new to packaging, etc. Just want some feedback on my method really. Right now I have an alternaitve Ubuntu ISO with a kickstart file that does a wget to.dropbox.com -O- | sh and it works, but it's crude.06:00
micahgdirecthex: do you know what linux-vdso.so.1 is?06:45
jetienneq. apt-get doesnt support http proxy ?06:47
jetiennedue fixed it06:48
jetiennesudo export http_proxy and not just export06:49
directhexmicahg, if memory serves, it's an imaginary library (i.e. it's part of the kernel)07:12
directhexused to be linux-gate07:13
micahgdirecthex: k, I was wondering if that's why moonlight was crashing due to an unavailable lib07:13
dholbachgood morning08:04
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simon-otumbleweed, I'm not quite sure, what the FFE for bug 622914 would look like. I would like to get this in, because tmux 1.3 has some nice features http://tmux.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tmux/tmux/CHANGES (like mouse-wheel support) and fixes many bugs11:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622914 in tmux (Ubuntu) "Sync tmux 1.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62291411:31
tumbleweedsimon-o: just say excatly that and subscribe ubuntu-release (bug numbers are good)11:32
simon-otumbleweed, thanks. will do :)11:35
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bilalakhtarIf a package has a dfsg bit, and has no ubuntu changes, and I want to upgrade it in Ubuntu only (special case), what should be done ? Can I just remove the dfsg bit and mark -0ubuntu1 ?13:46
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: +dfsg means a repack13:47
tumbleweedso if you are upgrading it in ubuntu, do the same repack13:47
tumbleweed(there should be a get-orig-source rule to do it)13:47
bilalakhtartumbleweed: ok, got it13:47
bilalakhtartumbleweed: yes there is13:48
bilalakhtartumbleweed: so I should go ahead and just do as I do normally?13:48
bilalakhtarI understood13:48
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: yeah except that you are using the repacka you created, not the upstream tarball13:49
bilalakhtartumbleweed: ok so I will need to repackage, will I need to upload the repack somewhere else?13:50
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: do you plan join motu?13:50
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: no, the sponsor can do the same repack13:50
bilalakhtarari-tczew: yes13:51
persiaHrm?  If there's a repack in Debian, it's best to use the *exact same* binary artifacts that Debian produced for the repack, rather than re-repacking it.13:52
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: any particular date?13:52
bilalakhtarari-tczew: it happened long ago13:52
bilalakhtarThere's good news, people13:52
bilalakhtarNo need, since the repack was done to remove a file13:52
bilalakhtarUpstream has removed it now13:52
bilalakhtartumbleweed: so I am dumping the dfsg bit in the version. Okay?13:53
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: what happened long ago?13:54
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: why?13:54
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: oh, I see13:54
tumbleweedpersia: bilalakhtar was talking about a new upstream release13:54
persiaAh, right.13:58
bilalakhtarari-tczew: The repack happened long ago14:02
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: I asked when do you plan sign up on meeting...14:02
=== AnAnt_ is now known as AnAnt
bilalakhtarari-tczew: In the september 14 meeting14:03
bilalakhtarari-tczew: By then, I hope to gain a little bit more experience14:03
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: do some security fixes :)14:04
ari-tczewtumbleweed: are you busy?14:06
tumbleweedari-tczew: afraid so, yes14:06
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Like merges, in package upgrades also should I outline all debian/ubuntu changes in the changelog?14:13
bilalakhtarI have added a message in changelog why I dropped the repack14:13
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: in merges you don't have to outline debian changes, but yes you should always outline *your* changes in the changelog14:15
bilalakhtartumbleweed: in merges we outline Ubuntu changes14:15
tumbleweedyes, the changes you are applying14:15
bilalakhtartumbleweed: here I am outlining non-upstream changes14:15
bilalakhtarbuilding now14:16
bilalakhtarHey! When I ran update-maintainer, it added the old maintainer to the uploaders! Is it right?14:27
LaneyI don't think it should touch the Uploaders field14:28
bilalakhtarNo, I saw it the wrong way14:28
bilalakhtarIt did it correct14:28
Laney(nor does it from the code)14:28
bilalakhtarI was actually looking at the DSC14:29
* bilalakhtar will leave now14:29
zulwe have a team meeting today dont we?14:31
ari-tczewzul: which meeting? DMB?14:38
zuloops...wrong channel14:38
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james_wof the web tools that we have that support adding comments on packages (e.g. merge-o-matic) do those comments persist with new versions?14:52
james_wi.e. is the comment field blank after a new version is uploaded, or does it keep the same value as it had before?14:53
LaneyIIRC they were reset14:55
Laneybut you can get the source of mom14:55
james_wgetting it is one thing, answering that question for sure is another14:55
james_wfrom what I've seen it looks like they aren't reset but I'm not sure14:55
LaneyI wonder what happened to merges.ubuntu.com/xxx.html14:55
james_wENOSPC I believe14:56
Laneyis there an RT about it?14:56
james_wdon't know14:57
Laneyanyway it makes sense to me for them to be linked to versions, as the kind of things they were used for were transient14:57
Laneybug numbers and assignment tracking mainly14:57
james_wit appears that they persist15:03
tumbleweedthat's my memory of them, you'd often come across comments that related to previous merges15:04
Laneyif that's true, then I feel retrospectively bad for putting bug numbers in the comments ;)15:06
fabrice_sptumbleweed, working on the sponsorship queue?15:18
fabrice_sp(I won on bug 623358 by 4 minutes :-) )15:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623358 in gnurobots (Ubuntu) "gnurobots ftbfs in maverick" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62335815:18
tumbleweedfabrice_sp: heh15:19
tumbleweedyou can have the upload then :)15:20
fabrice_sp:-) I just wanted to avoid double work ;-)15:20
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: wanna do some sponsorships for me?15:20
fabrice_spari-tczew, I'm looking at bug 62337215:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623372 in libgtkada2 (Ubuntu) "Sync libgtkada2 2.14.2-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62337215:21
ari-tczewaha ok15:21
tumbleweeddidn't my ack-sync lock it?15:21
fabrice_sphmm, you too?15:21
fabrice_spstill in New in the ack-sync output15:22
fabrice_spack-sync throw me an exception, so it may be true15:22
tumbleweedyou're riht, still new, but it assigned me (didn't it used to set in progress?)15:22
fabrice_spshould be, yes15:23
fabrice_spIIRC, bdrung added it and also a control on status to avoid 2 people working on the same bug report at the same time15:25
tumbleweedfabrice_sp: I can't see any sign of In Progress in the source (or the bzr log)15:26
fabrice_spbdrung perhaps forgot to commit the change, then15:26
tumbleweedI was going to ammend it to set Fix Committed before uploading, but determining which task we are looking at is quite complex15:26
fabrice_spperhaps we should be using IRC to avoid clashes. Something like /me looking at #62335815:26
tumbleweedI normally unsubscribe sponsors and subscribe myself when starting to look, then reload the bug to be sure nobody else has15:27
fabrice_spso do I15:27
fabrice_spexcept with ack-sync15:27
tumbleweedfabrice_sp: looks like ack-sync locks by assignee - it must have been a race during assignment15:33
fabrice_sptumbleweed, could be, yes. I'm updating also my ack-sync script, in case something has been fixed recently15:34
tumbleweedI've done a couple of tweaks, testing now.15:36
shane2peruok, I followed this guide:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Python  and my deb comes out small, and only installed the control files, where did I go wrong??16:04
shane2peruIs this the right channel to get help with packaging?16:06
tumbleweedshane2peru: #ubuntu-packaging16:07
shane2perutumbleweed, ok, thanks16:07
ari-tczewcould someone check whether it can be synced or not? package xserver-xorg-video-sunleo16:13
tumbleweedari-tczew: #ubuntu-x ?16:13
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I should ask doko, but he is not around here or #ubuntu-x16:15
Laneyit's not a new upstream yet so the tarballs will still be different16:16
Laney→ fakesync or merge16:16
ari-tczewLaney: I know that tarballs are different - I can read changelog... but there is a change - b-d on quilt - what's the reason?16:17
Laneywhat? You asked if it could be synced and I answered you16:18
LaneyI don't know what the build dep is for either, the changelog should have been more verbose16:18
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Korbiti'm trying to create my first ubuntu package18:18
Korbitsince this is a java program i'm getting this error in pbuilder18:19
KorbitCan't exec "ant": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Dh_Lib.pm line 179.18:19
Korbitdh_auto_clean: ant clean failed to to execute: No such file or directory18:19
Korbithow can i say that this program needs ant to build?18:20
Korbiti tried this: Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ant18:20
Korbitin the debian/control file18:20
Korbitbut it didn't work18:20
Korbitany help?18:20
azeemit's a Build-Depends18:20
Korbitups, sorry for noobness18:21
Korbitdidn't notice the build-depends variable18:22
Korbittrying to build the package again18:24
Korbitit's downloading java so i suppose it's working now =)18:25
Korbitazeem, Unpacking ant (from .../ant_1.7.1-4build1_all.deb) ...18:26
Korbitthanks man! =)18:26
Korbiti'm so stupid... obviously i have to say that i also need a java compiler18:28
azeemno problem18:31
Korbitwhich java compiler should i use?18:31
azeemthe default one18:31
Korbiti should use a meta java compiler right?18:31
azeemdidn't you say it downloaded one?18:31
Korbitinstead of saying openjdk-jdk for example18:32
azeemwhy instead?18:32
Korbiti'll see the dependencies of ant18:32
Korbitbecause the binary package will depend on a java runtime18:32
azeemcheck its Suggests as well18:33
Korbittrying again18:36
Korbitazeem, it worked! =)18:41
Korbiti'm happy18:41
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Korbiti'm going home now and when i arrive i'll learn how to get my package uploaded18:42
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canesinanyone knows why a lucid build would resut in a dependancy on libav.* (>= 4:0.5.1-3) ????18:58
canesinIf the distro version is libav* 4:0.5.1-118:58
Bachstelzecanesin: what package?19:02
Bachstelzeprobably a bad import from Debian19:03
canesinBachstelze: I did the package .. imported it, it is paraview19:05
canesinI commited .. compiled ok in maverick..19:05
canesinbut now I want to backport it..19:05
canesinI'm not a MOTU19:06
canesinI just filled the bug and so on19:06
ari-tczewcanesin: give a bug number19:09
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* Jarvis tickles Laney 19:16
* Laney roars19:17
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Thanks for that bug-buddy upload!19:22
canesinbilalakhtar: How do I fix this ??19:25
bilalakhtarcanesin: Please elaborate19:25
canesinbilalakhtar: It compiles, install, run and everything else fine in maverick19:25
canesinbilalakhtar: compile fine in lucid also...19:26
canesinbilalakhtar: but gives a dependency on libav.* (>= 4:0.5.1-3)  when installing19:26
canesinbilalakhtar: if I force it to install, it runs and do everything else perfect..19:26
Bachstelzecanesin: give the bug number or an URL to your source package or something19:27
canesinbilalakhtar: how do I fix that dependency on libav* (>= 4:0.5.1-3) to (>= 4:0.5.1-1) to ask for a backport in lucid19:27
Bachstelzenobody here has a crystal ball19:27
bilalakhtarI agree with Bachstelze19:28
bilalakhtarcanesin: It would be a lot better to ask your question in public rather than refer me!19:28
fabrice_spcanesin, is this a build dependency or a generated one for the binary package?19:29
canesina generated one19:29
canesinonly ocours when trying to install the generated deb in lucid19:29
lfaraonefabrice_sp: by the way, I saw your upload doing a libao4 transition, should I request a rebuild of my package in Debian as well?19:29
canesinused pbuilder-dist lucid build %.dsc19:29
fabrice_spcanesin, so if you rebuild the package, the right dependency should be picked19:30
fabrice_splfaraone, not sure: I'm parsing the NBS, and libao2 was one of those19:30
canesinThat is why I'm asking here.. it does not.. it still shows  libav.* (>= 4:0.5.1-3)19:30
fabrice_splfaraone, Debian has libao4. Which package is it?19:31
lfaraonefabrice_sp: pianobar.19:31
fabrice_spit's ok in Debian19:32
fabrice_spcanesin, why is there so many python2.5 stuff there?19:32
bilalakhtarHi fabrice_sp seeing you here after a long time!19:32
fabrice_spHey bilalakhtar :-)19:32
fabrice_spon holidays tomorrow, so you'll have to wait even longer ;-)19:33
fabrice_spcanesin, do you have a build log somewhere?19:34
fabrice_spfor Lucid19:34
canesinfabrice_sp, the program has a Python API..19:35
canesinfabrice_sp, I'm rebuilding it now.. sorry.. only "last_operation.log" ..19:35
canesinfabrice_sp, It is in 40% ....19:35
fabrice_spcanesin, take your time19:38
fabrice_speven if it has a python API, why isn't 2.6 referenced?19:38
canesinfabrice_sp, I believe that in version 3.8.1 it is 2.6 .. but in olders no19:40
canesinthis package was very outdated..19:40
canesinthat was why I filled the FFe19:41
fabrice_spyeah :-/19:41
fabrice_sp3.8.1 still reference python2.519:41
fabrice_spat least, in the debian directory19:41
canesin? .. in the build log it don't call it19:41
fabrice_spyou have it in paraview.lintian-overrides19:42
tumbleweedoh dear I missed that. I sponsored it19:42
fabrice_spand that's it19:42
* tumbleweed assumes the python scripting is broken in it then?19:42
bilalakhtartumbleweed: hey119:43
fabrice_spit seems so, yes19:43
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Thanks for that upload!19:43
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: np19:43
bilalakhtartumbleweed: And, what about the mail I sent you? Can you answer it now?19:44
* tumbleweed sees some more SRU uploads from you first19:44
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I have none right noq19:44
tumbleweedoh, nm19:44
bilalakhtartumbleweed: did you upload a few SRUs before becoming MOTU?19:45
tumbleweedno, but I probably should have.19:45
bilalakhtartumbleweed: then?19:46
bilalakhtarso its a 'Wait some more time'19:46
bilalakhtarThanks for the review tumbleweed !19:46
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: no, that is unrelated, my mistake, nm19:46
bilalakhtartumbleweed: The problem is, I cannot find bugs which can be SRUed19:49
bilalakhtarI tried one, but pitti declined19:49
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: don't worry about that - you'll come across them soon enough19:49
tumbleweedhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/54310767/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.utouch-grail_1.0.10-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <- eh? sh: gcc: not found19:49
Laneydon't worry about that19:52
Laneyall builds are saying it19:52
canesinfabrice_sp: so what is the problem ??19:52
canesinfabrice_sp: It has something broken ?19:52
fabrice_spcanesin, did you posted a lucid build?19:53
fabrice_spohh, about python: yes19:53
canesinfabrice_sp: wierd, because I had run some python scripts to test19:53
canesinbefore upload19:53
fabrice_spaccording to the install file, you should be missing debian/tmp/usr/lib/paraview/python2.5/lib-dynload/*.so files19:54
fabrice_spbut as it's building fine, the build system seems to find those files19:55
canesinso no problem in that ..19:56
canesinit runs19:56
fabrice_spnot sure19:56
fabrice_spI'll build the package in a clean chroot, and see if the files are there or not19:57
canesinand the dependency problem ?? how do I fix that ??19:59
vishcould someone upload bug 395692 ? it has a debdiff waiting for a very long time...20:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395692 in alacarte (Ubuntu) "Drag-and-Drop behavior in the menu editor is inconsistent and confusing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39569220:00
vishI asked Amaranth and he said upstream is unmaintained too20:01
bilalakhtarvish: You're better off asking it in #ubuntu-desktop20:06
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Korbithello everyone20:53
Korbiti've followed the motu videos by daniel holbach to create my first package20:53
Korbitnow that pbuilder ran successfully, what should i do?20:53
BachstelzeKorbit: depends, what kind of package is it?20:54
Korbiti just packaged a java program that is not currently in the ubuntu reps20:54
Korbitbasically, i download the program (in .zip) and changed it to a .tar.gz like daniel holbach says in the video20:55
Bachstelzeif it's not in Ubuntu, it's probably not in Debian either, the "preferred" way is to get it into Debian, and let it merge in Ubuntu automatically20:55
Korbitis it similar to create a package for debian?20:56
Bachstelzeobviously, the packaging format it the same ;)20:56
Korbitok, i'll look into that on the debian website20:56
Korbitit's A LOT to read21:08
Korbiti'll just unzip the program and use it21:09
Korbiti'm not into reading all this stuff just to create a package now :(21:10
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fabrice_spcanesin, the build failed because I don't have enough space on my HD. Sorry, I have to leave now21:57
canesinfabrice_sp :22:07
Laneysparc and ia64 finally died eh?23:38
* Laney twiddles a script or two23:38
directhexaw, now i can't install ubuntu on our altix23:39
Laneynah, you just get the fun of rolling your own23:39

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