
akgranerAnother awesome week you all!  Posting Issue 207 to the Fridge now and we are ready for a new week in Ubuntu News - Thanks agian!00:04
akgranerIssue 208 will cover August 22nd-August 28th, 201000:04
akgranerHere are the links for working on next weeks issue:00:04
akgraner* etherpad for adding summaries -  http://ietherpad.com/UWN00:04
akgraner* etherpad for adding links and titles only - http://ietherpad.com/UWN-Ideas00:04
akgraner* googledoc - https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en00:04
akgraner* wiki page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue20800:04
nUboon2Ageakgraner: the word 'Apple' is mispelled in one of the titles.01:38
nUboon2Agespelled aplle01:39
nUboon2Agethanks for another very interesting uwn.  i especially enjoy the Ubuntu One coverage and Xubuntu coverage01:41
akgranernUboon2Age, let me take a look and see if it is spelled that way in the original title01:41
akgranerand thanks :-)  folks found some great articles this week I find it difficult to shorten it some weeks01:43
akgranernUboon2Age, which article and what section is it in01:45
akgranerapparently I am totally missing it01:45
akgranernm found it01:46
nUboon2Agei like that there is the catch-all section so things can be tossed in there if no place else btw akgraner01:52
akgranerDaviey, hmm are you running Maverick?  I just realized I am running Lucid.... I wonder if that matters about summit and Chromium03:59
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Davieyakgraner: hmm.. i tested on Lucid23:16
Davieya fix landed today that may have resolved it23:17
akgranerthank you!23:31
zkriesseHey Amber sorry to say but I'm not going to be able to do that project for you (Right now anway) as I've got two school papers to write and I've also got three/four other folks not to mention Ubuntu Youth that want me to work for them on stuff...I'd LOVE like REALLY love to do this for you but as it's a bit time consuming I just don't have the time right now23:34
zkriesseI'm EXTREMELY sorry23:34
zkriesseI just wasn't thinking this far ahead so it's my fault that I gave my word and cannot keep it thereby breaking it which is pure taboo23:35
akgranerzkriesse, no worries that's what a team is for :-)23:35
akgranerzkriesse, you have a lot on your plate  - it's all good...23:36
akgranerI appreciate you letting me know23:36
zkriessewhen is it due?23:37
zkriesseakgraner: Can you say Zach in here? I wanna see if it pings me23:37
akgranerZach ping23:40
akgranerhow's that23:40
zkriesseThanks dear23:41
akgranerno worries23:45
zkriesseCan i give hugs? :)23:52

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