
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
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ogasawaraI'm hoping to get clarification re BetaFreeze on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule ... I assume I should refrain from uploading packages after Thurs Aug 26 in preparation for Beta, correct?01:58
skaetogasawara,  unless robbiew agrees otherwise,  yup,  please refrain from uploading packages after Aug 26 (Beta Freeze).02:25
ogasawaraskaet: perfect, thanks.02:28
slangaseklamont: is hubbard broken?  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54252536/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.linux-linaro_2.6.35-1003.7_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz06:14
slangaseksyntax error at /home/buildd/.sbuildrc line 32, near ")"06:14
lamontslangasek: actually, yes it was.  sigh.11:25
* lamont does a few retries11:25
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ScottKslangasek: I found a tester for KNR on armel for 10.04.1, so we may get to release that yet.14:51
ograScottK, it is installable ?14:52
highvoltageScottK: would that run on a beagleboard?14:52
ograScottK, i thought there are still FTBFS that hold it up14:53
ScottKhighvoltage: It runs on whatever 10.04 runs on.14:53
ograignore this blind old man :P14:53
ScottKogra: Yes.  Maverick is still busted.14:53
ograhighvoltage, yes, as our ubuntu-netbook images do14:54
slangaseklamont: ta15:23
slangasekScottK: ok, cool.  Any idea of a timeline?15:23
ScottKslangasek: Hopefully today (FSVO today)15:23
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=== skaet is now known as skaet_afk
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=== skaet_afk is now known as skaet
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lamontslangasek: oh hey, say hi to allspice23:29
slangaseklooks like nutmeg to me23:29
slangasekack :)23:30

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