
bit-flipperrunning ubuntu server 10.04 on a couple of web production machines and decided to build a home media server00:11
bit-flipperHaving trouble seeting up a sound driver is there an easy way?00:11
bit-flipperor should I simply install the ubuntu base distribution?00:13
bit-flipperwhich I think will set up the sound correctly to start with00:13
gclericbit-flipper, have you found - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio00:15
ryan_Hello all. Is there any way to check that I actually installed 'minimal' like intended? I have a sneaky suspicion I didn't.00:21
bit-flipperryan: df will show you waht sapce you've used00:24
ryan_Thanks bit-flipper! does this look like a minimal? Used: 198481200:29
CppIsWeirdis there a quick way to install php for apache2?00:31
CppIsWeirdno packages come up with that00:33
jpdsCppIsWeird: Install the php5 package?00:36
SpamapSCppIsWeird: apt-get install libapache2-mod-php500:36
SpamapSCppIsWeird: or run 'tasksel' and choose LAMP, but that will also give you MySQL.00:36
SpamapSCppIsWeird: note that you will need to stop/start apache after that package installs.00:37
* SpamapS realizes he is late, and disappears00:37
CppIsWeirdlol, that would have been useful. but i've already got apache2 and php installed, so im gonna continue. :P00:37
CppIsWeirdbut thanks for trying! :-)00:37
hggdhjdstrand: there?00:37
bit-flipperRyan: that seems smaller than a standard ubuntu dist...00:38
hggdhhallyn: it is actually under /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/<user>00:39
batokhas anybody used esxi to virtualize an ubuntu server?00:50
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ryan_bit-flipper: thanks again :)00:52
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the_archit3ctencore besoin d'aide avec apache201:17
the_archit3ctj'ai installé les paquets php5, et maintenant apache2 ne veut plus se lancer01:17
the_archit3ctj'arrive pas à comprendre ...01:17
the_archit3ctsudo service apache2 start01:18
the_archit3ct * Starting web server apache2                                                                                                            [ OK ]01:18
the_archit3ctsudo service apache2 status01:18
the_archit3ctApache is NOT running.01:18
the_archit3ctso ... wtf ?01:18
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thesheff17has anyone used a EMC AX150 SAN with Ubuntu server?02:51
thesheff17Has anyone tried this? http://www.howtoforge.com/using-iscsi-on-ubuntu-9.04-initiator-and-target03:03
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hallynhggdh: right, my point was that libvirt seems to be doin the right thing and i think eucalyptus is mucking with it03:23
ballI'm tinkering with software RAID on Ubuntu Server.  I made a raid partition on each disk and the installer let me make a RAID 1 array from them, but only seems to want a single ext4 partition (I was thinking of putting swap on there too)03:55
ballShould I keep swap outside the raid partitions?03:55
amstanball: having swap inside the raid will actually make your system not crash if a harddrive crashes03:57
ballamstan: That was what I was hoping for.03:58
amstanwell.. that's the theory anyway..03:58
amstani can think of other reasons too though, it will make reads faster for the swap, if you need that sort of thing03:58
amstanand it'll keep the drivers more symmetric looking03:58
amstani have my swap the same as my other partitions on raid 103:59
ballFor some reason I can't seem to find the option that will let me partition the array.03:59
ballDo I need to configure two separate arrays, one for the ext4 and one for the swap?04:01
ballThat seems a bit odd.04:01
wipplerhow to configure software on ubuntu04:02
wipplersoftware raid on ubuntu04:02
ballwippler didn't stick around long enough for anyone to answer.04:07
* ball gives up and makes a separate array for swap04:22
chrislabeardIs there no way to turn off journaling in ubuntu ?04:39
chrislabeardI see the only way I think its to boot off os x install disk and turn off journaling04:39
smwchrislabeard, don't use ext304:42
smwchrislabeard, use ext2 for the root partition04:42
chrislabeardThis is my secondary HDD that I used when I had os x running on this machine04:43
smwchrislabeard, of course, I would probably like to know WHY you want to do that04:43
ballI would think the way to turn off journalling would be to use a non-journalling filesystem04:43
ball(for that part of your data)04:43
ball(the part that you want to break ;-)04:43
smwball, I always answer questions, then I look back and say "why would anyone do that"04:44
chrislabeardI told you dood04:45
ballchrislabeard: I must have missed that.04:45
smwball, so did I04:46
chrislabeardSecondary HDD for my mac I have recently installed ubuntu on the primary drive.04:46
chrislabeardAka it is still MAC OS Extended04:46
ballMacOS doesn't use Linux filesystems afaik, so I'm not sure how that helps.04:47
chrislabeardwhat ?04:47
ballI wasn't even aware the Mac could run Ubuntu.04:47
chrislabeardyes it can04:48
* ball shudders at the thought of Apple firmware.04:48
chrislabeardit runs great btw04:48
chrislabeardthanks for asking04:48
ballchrislabeard: xServe?04:48
chrislabeardits powermac G504:49
chrislabeardStill a great machine04:49
ballI've thought in the past about buying one of those, but it wouldn't make sense for me today.04:49
chrislabeardI use it as a server and a piece of furniture just cause its so good looking04:50
chrislabeardDon't lie you know its sexy04:50
afeijohi guys, how can I configure 2 identical ubuntu server as a cluster?04:51
ballchrislabeard: "sexy" is subjective, thankfully.04:51
ballhello afeijo04:51
afeijohi ball :) you nick remind me Baal from Stargate SG1 scifi tv show :D04:53
ballafeijo: I've not seen that.04:54
afeijoI love scifi, SG1 is my favourite04:54
afeijoaside with startrek04:54
ballMore of a Who man myself.04:55
* ball waits patiently for Ubuntu to install again.04:56
afeijodont know that one04:56
ballafeijo: Doctor Who ?04:56
afeijoI heard but never watched04:57
afeijobritish humor is weird :)04:57
talcitehey guys. I'm getting reports that the tomcat 6 in the repos doesn't work properly and that I should be installing the one from the apache project site. They never go into detail about what doesn't work though. Does someone know what I'm talking about?04:57
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afeijono one uses cluster in the channel?04:58
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ballafeijo: define "cluster"05:00
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afeijoball, 2 ubuntu working as 105:01
afeijoI installed 2 VM to try it, to learn05:01
afeijoa LAMP server05:01
ballafeijo: Okay.  Be aware that is just /one/ interpretation of the word though.05:02
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ball("Cluster" is ambiguous)05:02
afeijoI see05:02
ballSounds as though you want to strap two Ubuntu Server boxes together in hope of achieving "high availability"05:03
ballI recently had an application that needed that, but I wasn't able to find a solution.05:03
afeijofaster and failsafe05:04
ball...but I didn't hit the vm vendors hard.05:04
afeijooh :)05:04
ball(and our budget was limited)05:04
afeijoI don't think it is related to the VM, I installed heartbeat, but now I need to figure out how to configure it05:04
ballafeijo: There are a couple of different approaches.05:05
ballIf it's for something important enough to warrant H.A, I suggest you consult an expert.05:05
ballWe couldn't afford to, so I scratched the project.05:07
ball(also, we couldn't print).05:07
afeijothats bad05:07
afeijoI know a few good linux guys, I will email them :) Thanks05:07
* ball shrugs05:07
afeijo1 a.m., sleep time ... good night05:08
ballI'll be really lucky if I get to bed by 01:0005:08
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* ball pokes his Ubuntu Server testbed with a sharpened stick05:17
talciteIs dapper server still being supported?05:57
talciteThis site says it's EOL, but the email it links to says otherwise. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases05:57
talciteThe second paragraph says the server edition goes till 2011 june. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2009-July/000123.html05:57
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:58
RunegI was scanning a job application, and I came across "Layer 2, 3, and 7 security required". Wouldn't that mean you're programming the application too?06:00
twbThat page does seem strange; maybe when Dapper was released, Canonical had not yet committed to five years of support for LTS Server packages?06:00
twbRuneg: depends which model they're using; but I would guess so.06:00
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qman__I'm pretty sure dapper server had 5 years06:14
qman__of course that would put us in the final year right now, so you should think about upgrading anyway06:15
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twbqman__: that wiki page indicated it wasn't06:46
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alex88mornig..what's the right way to jail users? i mean creating a chroot environment06:57
alex88because i'm thinking of create a /jail dir where i put customers, and use the chroot option of apache and set to /jail then use fcgid and suexec to run php inside the jail..06:58
joschialex88: there's no "right" way, there are several ways to put your (web server) users into a chroot environment07:02
joschialex88: you could run one httpd per user or you could just chroot the script processes for example07:03
alex88joschi: well, apache has the chroot option, and i can use it.. but what about php, supposed it will be runned by the user07:04
joschialex88: you mean mod_chroot?07:04
joschialex88: or do you mean ChrootDir of the stock apache?07:05
alex88or, is mod_chroot better? cause it's older that the time that option is implemented in stock apache07:06
joschiah ok. so then your complete apache is running in that chroot environment and the scripting processes will inherit that environment07:06
alex88really? will fcgid runned inside and also the php scripts cannot access outside that also with system() function?07:09
twbchroot isn't the same as a jail.07:12
twbIf you want a proper jail, consider LXC or OpenVZ or vserver07:12
alex88they're for running vps right?07:13
twbThey're for running jails.07:13
alex88so jail is a complete indipendent system?07:13
twbThe distinction between a heavyweight jail and a lightweight VPS is blurry07:13
twbIt's not independent in the sense that it has its own boot sequence and kernel.07:13
alex88well, right..so i want a chroot?07:14
twbI don't know what you want.07:14
twbhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system-level_virtualization discusses jails.07:14
alex88well, i want that users (hosted sites etc), don't exit /jail/ dir07:15
twbOK, put it this way:07:15
alex88i mean with php scripts..they won't have shell07:16
twbA VM provides virtual hardware.  A jail provides virtual parts of the kernel, such as the network stack and the VFS (directory tree).07:16
twbA chroot is a jail that can *only* virtualize the VFS and nothing else.07:16
alex88ok..so a chroot will be enough..cause the apps etc are all linked to the main apps of the system.. but they won't get out the VFS07:17
twbThat really depends.07:17
twbCertainly it is easier to break out of a chroot than a jail.07:17
alex88i've tried http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/ some time ago, and it chroots fine the ssh session..but i don't know about php scripts..because it changes the shell in /etc/passwd so i think it doesn't matter with php scripts..07:18
alex88right..but i don't know how to build a jail without using virtualization apps..07:19
alex88on the net they all talk about chroot with ssh..so it doesn't affect php scripts i think07:25
alex88btw, i'll try with apache chroot (that's not so much documented...) and the fcgid07:27
alex88this seems to be fine http://www.seaoffire.net/fcgi-faq.html but i have to check more07:31
intrepid-abhey all07:42
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-server! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:44
intrepid-abthis is nice - havent been to this room.07:47
intrepid-abi have one question - has anyone here tried to install ubuntu on a dell optiplex 320? there seems to some issue with the bios, you cant install linux on that machine. I have googled the information and i couldnt really find an easy way around it07:47
alex88never..what's that?07:47
intrepid-abis my question not clear?07:48
alex88what's that? a server?07:53
alex88that's a wiki page for that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DellOptiplex32007:54
intrepid-abyeah, they seem to define steps on how to get past the issue, but not explain why this is happening or why we are running those commands07:56
intrepid-abit is assumed that you have excellent experiance with the commands07:57
alex88right..and there are no info about lucid07:58
alex88yout've tried that?07:58
qman__intrepid-ab, that page says karmic works out of the box08:01
qman__I'd have to guess lucid would too, they share a lot in common08:01
qman__it also looks like the problem is grub1, which lucid does not use on new installs08:03
intrepid-ab1i have tried it with grub2 - the issue is not resolved08:04
intrepid-ab1i really dont understand how the bios doesnt support any linux distro08:05
alex88intrepid-ab1: checked for bios updates? what's wrong with grub?08:06
DavieyGood Morning Campers!08:06
alex88campers? :)08:06
intrepid-ab1i have upgraded the bios08:06
intrepid-ab1but it still will not boot the installed system08:07
alex88to 1.1.12?08:07
alex88dunno...so what's the problem with grub?08:09
intrepid-ab1no clue - tried a lot of things - i guess the kernel fix is what is left08:10
intrepid-ab1thanks for the help08:10
intrepid-ab1great channel - will drop by again - thank you again alex8808:11
alex88i'm afraid that's nothing to do... :(08:11
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alex88has anyone tried to setup virtualbox on ubuntu server?09:45
YankDownUnderalex88, I might give this a go tonight...cuz I was asked by a client to test it...09:47
binBASHalex88: Only on ubuntu desktop ;)09:47
binBASHfor server I'm using kvm virtualization09:48
alex88binBASH: easy to install?09:49
alex88YankDownUnder: oh..nice.. :) i'll try later09:49
binBASHalex88: the virtualbox or the kvm?09:50
alex88the kvm09:50
binBASHit's quite easy09:50
YankDownUnderI want to "serve" the VM's...not run a server in a VM...09:51
alex88binBASH: oh..there's a wiki for that..nice09:52
binBASHsure ;)09:52
starslightshello to everyone, i have a few problem and need help for ubuntu server 10.04.1 LTS if possible10:10
Jordan_U!ask | starslights10:11
ubottustarslights: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:11
starslightsi have get a installed version with only "root" for user name and it seem that's make me some problem installing desktop and nx10:12
starslightsin fact i think that i mostly need to use a non-root user to do that thing , it is right ?10:12
starslightsi already installed my own in my life and don't has problem but now i don't know what i must do. i.e if i need create another simple user or not, sorry for my englisg between10:14
starslightsactually i have installed ubuntu-desktop via root  and NX but still say that i can't access as user root with NX10:14
starslightshi Jordan_U, yep, i know, thanks, just not easy to know how explain :D10:15
Jordan_Ustarslights: What is your first language?10:16
twbstarslights: best practice is to minimize the amount of things you run as root.10:16
Jordan_U!fr | starslights10:17
ubottustarslights: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:17
starslightsoh,i will try in the FR if one existe for ubuntu, Thanks anyway for your answer, nice from you10:17
Jordan_Ustarslights: You're welcome.10:18
starslightshaving a great day guys :)10:18
shelteri'm having some trouble with apache2 on ubuntu server10:31
shelteranybody alive in here ?10:31
RoyK 10:36
RoyKshelter: just ask your questions, with details10:36
shelterk cool i have an apache installation with the default config10:39
shelterrunning on ubuntu server 9.1010:40
shelteri have a folder named 'cshelter' that contains some php files that i have written and i cannot access it, i get an internal seerver error (500)10:41
shelterbut there is nothing about it in the apache error log file10:41
RoyKcan you test php with a file containing a simple script, like <?php phpinfo(); ?> ?10:42
shelterthat works10:42
RoyKI don't think I have seen Apache return 500 without logging the event10:43
shelteri have also installed phpmyadmin and that works10:44
shelteri know it's really weird10:44
twbRoyK: fill /var/log to 100%, and try again10:44
RoyKtwb: hehe10:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #623269 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62326910:51
shelterk apache is not logging anything but i still cannot access it11:02
shelteri get a 'cannot find server' error in internet explorer11:03
shelterand a 'busy server' error on firefox11:03
shelterthe thing is that i can access simple text files in the directory11:03
shelterand the files all have the same permissions11:06
shelteralso if i use lynx on the server machine it works flawlessly11:09
sheltercould it be some kind of network error11:10
RoyKshelter: perhaps a firewall?11:17
RoyKufw status11:17
RoyKtelnet servername 80 - see if you can reach it11:17
sherrMaybe apache isn't running? Stop it, start it and look in the logs.11:23
krainboltgreeneAhem, anyone know any ways to slim down Ubuntu server?11:31
jpdskrainboltgreene: Use Ubuntu JeOS?11:32
krainboltgreeneWithout installing a different version of Ubuntu ;)11:34
shelterufw is disabled11:37
shelteranyway, i think im gonna switch to lighttpd,11:38
shelterit seems to work pretty nicely11:38
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RoyKkrainboltgreene: dpkg -l and sort out the ones you don't need11:52
RoyKthen just apt-get remove --purge them11:52
nhckHi, how do I turn by ubuntu-box into a device that allows upnp-rendering? Using the local soundcard as an output.12:27
alex88i've these errors http://pastebin.com/212FZxq0 running with fcgid+chrooted apache..12:35
Cuddle-Inghello i've got a small issue i hope, i've just compiled the xen-4.0.1-rc6-pre.gz and vmlinuz- ob ubuntu 10.04.1, It looks like that XEN will be loaded, but after that i get the following error message "mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device".I've got no idea where the problem is.12:56
Cuddle-Ingi did that menuentry "Ubuntu, Xen ext2c" { insmod ext2 set root=(hd0,1)     multiboot /xen-4.0.1-rc6-pre.gz12:57
Cuddle-Ing   module /vmlinuz- dummy=dummy root=/dev/sda1  ro quiet splash console=tty0    module /initrd.img-  }12:57
Cuddle-Ingi've tried as well to use UUID of root and as well without splash console quiet or with single each time the same error and as well without dummy12:58
Cuddle-Inganyone there who could help ?12:59
alex88never used that...i'm soory13:01
Cuddle-Ingbut there must be someone who has used ot ;)13:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #623342 in samba (main) "ntlm_auth returns invalid NT_KEY" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62334213:17
Cuddle-Ingneed help xen 4.x and ubuntu 10.0413:21
kokozedmanhey guys13:21
kokozedmanthis rule fails: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE13:21
kokozedmanit says: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.13:21
xampartkokozedman: /j #Netfilter13:23
kokozedmanjumping all around13:24
Cuddle-Ingxampart do you know xen 4.x on ubuntu ?13:26
xampartCuddle-Ing: nope13:26
Cuddle-Inganyone else ?13:26
xampartwould recommend #xen13:26
Cuddle-Ingi 'm in there as well, but they directed me to ubuntu server ;)13:27
Cuddle-Inghmm maybe it is only a grub2 problem and not a xen issue13:27
Cuddle-Inghello i've got a small issue i hope, i've just compiled the xen-4.0.1-rc6-pre.gz and vmlinuz- ob ubuntu 10.04.1, It looks like that XEN will be loaded, but after that i get the following error message "mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device".I've got no idea where the problem is.13:27
Italian_PlumberI've found information about slocate here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles#locate and installed the slocate package. I've manually run its daily cron job: http://pastebin.com/fGzF6S9g ... and it does not seem to be indexing all of my filesystems:  http://pastebin.com/9i8Gxmie  (I have many files in my /media directory and subdirectories with "address" in them)13:36
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uvirtbotNew bug: #623021 in qemu-kvm (main) "ubiquity-dm crashed with OSError in _execute_child()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62302113:40
sherrCuddle-Ing: Try #xen. Very helpful often.13:54
kpettitany suggestions for software to manage large number of ubuntu servers?  These are rackspace cloud servers.  I need to have them install default packages and do configs.  They will not all be cookie cutter though.13:55
kpettitI've been looking at cfengine type systems but was hoping for something less painful13:55
xampartany ideas why raid1 recovery speed is only ca. 40000K/sec?14:18
smoserjdstrand, ping14:21
jdstrandsmoser: yes?14:22
smosergroup eucalyptus is member of libvirtd, and runs a kvm via libvirt on qemu:///system14:22
smoseris that process supposed to be running as root ? or eucalyptus14:22
smoser(i think root, but just want to check)14:22
jdstrandsmoser: which process, kvm?14:23
jdstrandsmoser: yes it is14:23
jdstrandsmoser: but it is confined by apparmor14:23
smoseri'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/61984314:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619843 in eucalyptus "euca-get-console-output returns one single line" [High,Confirmed]14:23
smoserwhich seems like we've got some messed up permissions somewhere. i don't know how the console.log ever worked (unless eucalyptus first creates that file with its perms and kvm just appends)14:24
* hggdh starts paying attention14:24
smoserbut for the others, it seems like we're euca_root_wraping too many things14:24
smoserto me14:24
jdstrandsmoser: well, libvirt uses a stacked security driver mechanism14:25
jdstrandthe one that is at the bottom and on all the time is the DAC one14:25
jdstrandon top of that is a MAC one that is set via the security_driver in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf, and defaults to AppArmor on Ubuntu14:26
jdstrandupstream has been doing a lot with the DAC part, to make it so that systems that don't have a MAC system (eg, Debian) have some sort of protection14:27
jdstrandit isn't nearly as comprehensive as MAC, but better than nothing14:27
jdstrandanyhoo, the DAC security driver fiddles with permissions of files, and I noticed with the 0.8.3 upload that it changed the owner of the disk14:28
jdstrand(this actually was part of a CVE fix too)14:28
jdstrand(from upstream)14:28
smoserwell, this is interesting14:28
smoseri bet it changed console.log also14:28
jdstrandso, it is most certainly libvirt changing the permissions on you14:28
jdstrand(for disks)14:28
jdstrandand yeah, possibly the console log14:28
hggdhthe critical seems to be the console log, since we see no problems on the other files14:29
jdstrandit might be interesting to have libvirt start kvm instances as non-root (by adjusting /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf), and seeing what happens. this is untested, but should work fine (conceptually) with the MAC driver14:30
jdstrandas such, you could put the eucalyptus user in the group of the user that libvirt starts machines as, and voila14:31
jdstrandthe support is already in Debian, and has been since before Lucid released, but that change didn't happen until too soon before lucid released and was deemed too risky14:31
hggdhdo we have time to do it?14:32
jdstrandit isn't a feature per se14:32
jdstrandcompile it without ^14:32
jdstrandthen test the $@&% out of it14:33
hggdhheh. This is something I have been doing a lot ;-)14:33
RoAkSoAxsmoser: well the image is kept because is not empty, so if users wants to run that image, he would just do "tesdrive -u file://name.img". However, everytime you run an ISO a disk image is create regardless there might have been a previous installation using the same ISO/win 1714:33
hggdhsmoser: willing to try?14:33
smoserpersonally, no. :)14:33
smoserbut that would be much more davieys' call than me.14:33
smoseri think its a nother moving part that i wouldn't want to add14:33
hggdhI will try (famous last words)14:34
RoAkSoAxu smoser dont mind me error14:34
* Daviey reads scrollback14:34
RoAkSoAxthis always happens when i connect throuth my phone lol14:34
smoserjdstrand, so what permissions did disk have before ?14:34
jdstrandsmoser: they were unchanged. so if a regular user created the disk, then they were owned by that user. I don't know about console.log14:35
smoserah. ok. so that is probably what was happening.14:36
smoserso, jdstrand what would our options be then ?14:36
smoserwe can a.) try running as non root14:36
Davieyjdstrand, From a security aspect - do you care which user it runs as?14:36
smoserb.) something, i hopw14:36
smoserhope even14:36
jdstrandsmoser: right. the idea is that libvirt chowns the files to be owned by the process that kvm is running as14:36
jdstrandsmoser: so if it is a non-root user, then kvm only has access to those files14:37
jdstrandDaviey: well, read the top of 9008-run-as-root-by-default.patch14:37
jdstrandDaviey: it would be nice to run as non-root, but with AppArmor on by default, the security benefit is marginal14:38
jdstrandDaviey: that said, there is a real benefit if someone turns off apparmor14:38
smoserhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/libvirt/maverick/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/9008-run-as-root-by-default.patch for those without a libvirt checkout14:39
Davieyhmm.. I'm really reluctant to change more than we need to at this stage14:39
Daviey.. but it's still common for people to disable apparmor :(14:39
jdstrandDaviey: common? do you have statistics?14:39
jdstrandDaviey: there should be no reason to turn it off. if there are problems, people need to report the bugs14:40
Davieyjdstrand, No, the only basis i have is the amount of legacy how-to's where it was the common first step.14:41
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jdstrandDaviey: yes on howtoforge14:41
Davieywhich i think is much less common now14:41
Davieyjdstrand, sadly, yes14:41
smoserDaviey, people dont' disable app armour on their eucalyptus-nc systems (i hope)14:41
jdstrandDaviey: that is a kneejerk reaction from some dolt used to selinux who didn't think at all about security or the system14:41
smoserin all howto's i write, i start off with "disable all security features as they just get in the way, then, 'sudo su -'"14:42
Davieysmoser, agreed - but this is a generic libvirt thing - not limited to euca14:42
jdstrandDaviey: I went through a bunch of those howtos saying it is not required to turn off. I encourage you to do the same when you come across them14:42
jdstrandsmoser: hehe14:42
Davieyjdstrand, wilco14:42
smoserok. so what are our options here ? realistically14:43
smoserwe're going to end up fighting libvirt14:43
smoserbut, for the record, it does appear to me that we are root-wrapping too much at the moment.14:43
smoserspecifically, partition2disk and gen_kvm_libvirt_xml14:43
jdstrandI talked to upstream euca about all this too, and made sure that they knew that if there was a situation where they felt they needed to turn off apparmor, to talk to me personally first, and gave my email and irc14:44
jdstrandthey never contacted me and assured me it worked well14:44
jdstrandthat sounded weird14:44
jdstrandthey assured me if worked well and didn't contact me later14:44
Davieysmoser, chmod'ing the logs should close the console bug?14:44
jdstrandif you are root wrapping because libvirt is chowning to root because of the current default, change the default14:45
jdstrandus running as a root is a delta from Debian anyway14:45
DavieyOK.. the logs shouldn't be world readable14:45
smoserthey wouldn't be wordl readable14:45
smoserjust group readable14:46
smoserand eucalyptus in the proper group14:46
smoserthat is what jdstrands is suggesting14:46
Davieyput euca' into libvirt-qemu?14:46
jdstrandI think that the devel cycle is a great time to try this out. granted it is latish for maverick, but I'll let you guys decide14:46
jdstrandsmoser: yes14:46
smoserfor this in particular, we could just change the group14:47
smoserto kvm14:47
smoseror, change group to libvirtd14:47
smoseras eucalyptus is a member14:47
jdstrandright, drop 9008, put euca in that group, see what happens14:47
Davieyhggdh, did you say you wanted to test this?14:47
hggdhDaviey: yes. We need this resolved14:47
Davieyhggdh, Agreed - What do you want to do?14:48
jdstrandsmoser: do not put in the libvirtd group14:48
jdstrandthe libvirtd user should be considered privileged14:48
smoseri dont know what changed this, but : http://pastebin.com/1E0Dkm8y14:48
smoseron my node controller14:48
Davieyi thought they were eucalyptus:eucalyptus !14:49
jdstranduse the Debian group of 'kvm', and put euca in that group. based on the bug, the console.log is 660, so that should be fine14:49
smoserjdstrand, eucalyptus user is in libvirtd14:49
hggdh??? and you are running 2.0~r1233?14:49
smoserbut i dont think you're saying they shouldn't be14:49
smoser$ dpkg-query --show eucalyptus-nc14:49
smosereucalyptus-nc   2.0~bzr1233-0ubuntu114:49
jdstrandsmoser: right, but if you look at 9008, libvirtd is not in qemu.conf14:50
smoserthis system had been installed via some of dustin's debs14:50
jdstrandsmoser: and it shouldn't be14:50
smoserthen i apt-get dist-upgraded just now14:50
jdstrandsmoser: I suggest using the Debian defaults:14:50
jdstranduser = libvirt-qemu14:50
smoserjdstrand, ok.14:50
jdstrandgroup = kvm14:50
jdstrandput euca also in 'kvm'14:50
jdstrand(possibly 'libvirt-qemu' if needed)14:51
smoseri think the install scripts must have chmodded those dirs for me14:51
DavieyOkay.. there is lots of ideas bouncing around here..14:51
jdstrandjust do *not* adjust qemu.conf to have libvirtd as the user or group14:51
jdstrandDaviey: yes, but only one true idea ;P14:52
Davieyjdstrand, hah14:52
jdstrand(drop 9008 in libvirt, put euca in the 'kvm' group)14:52
smoserjdstrand, you're seriously suggesting this ?14:52
jdstrandI am. why not?14:52
jdstrandI'm not suggesting tossing it into maverick without testing14:53
Davieysmoser, your last pastebin indicated the logs were owned by euca already?14:53
jdstrandbut if euca testing shows it to work, then sure14:53
smoserDaviey, which i think was a result of dpkg fixing them14:53
hggdhjdstrand: tossing it into Maverick means *I* am going to test them ;-)14:53
smoseri bet if i start a new instance they'll be busted on that instance.14:53
jdstrandhggdh: well, you could also point your sources.list to a ppa ;)14:54
Davieysmoser, please do try.. i'm rolling a new cloud at the moment14:54
hggdhjdstrand: of course14:54
jdstrandhggdh: I was just teasing14:54
smoserthe top i-XXX is the new one14:55
smoserwe must fix perms in a post install or something14:55
hggdhyes, now it looks like the real McCoy14:55
jdstrandsmoser: to be clear and all kidding aside, I am suggesting the 9008/kvm group as a possible fix, and probably the right one. this might be natty material, that is for you decide. we didn't put it into lucid cause we thought it was risky, but part of the idea behind maverick is to try new things out and shake things out for the next LTS14:57
jdstrandI might also point out that libvirt will change permissions on disks on each start14:58
smoserjdstrand, right. it just seems a week before beta might be past shaking out time. but it is worth a test.14:58
smoserjdstrand, there is only 1 start14:58
smoserunless it does so on restart also (ie, reboot)14:58
jdstrandeg, they are root. so I chown them to something else. the next start libvirt chowns them back to root14:58
smoserthats what i would have figured.14:58
Davieyjdstrand, Yeah... Many of us wanted to try new things for Maverick.. but it's not really been the case so far :(14:59
* Daviey looks for the car dealership.14:59
jdstrandsmoser: it shouldn't on restart if it is a guest initiated restart. if the euca restart involves the equivalent of a virsh destroy/virsh start, then yes15:00
jdstrandwell, if nothing else, put this at the top of your list for natty :)15:00
DavieyYeah.. i can imagine seeing this issue in the natty release notes.. :)15:01
Daviey.. and people say server aint sexy :)15:01
jdstrandwell, I'm not on the server team-- I could be extremely cavalier and opinionated and just do it :P15:01
* jdstrand would not do that :)15:01
smoserwell, we're looking at 1 of 2 things15:01
smosera.) hack in some silly chown/chmod15:01
smoserb.) do it "right"15:01
smoseri think that both ways are going to cause fallout15:01
Davieyc) don't bother changing anything :)15:01
Davieyd) go to the movies instead.15:02
smoserbut given those, b is nicer.15:02
* jdstrand likes movies15:02
smoserc results in broken euca-get-console-output15:02
smoserso lets avoid that one.15:02
Davieygood thinking15:02
smoserbut zul has a movie he's excited about. some high-brow humor film in 3d15:02
smoserok. so /me tries swapping euca.conf15:03
smosererr... libvirt.conf15:03
zulsmoser: where did that come from?15:03
smoserwe talked about movies15:03
smoserand i know you're giddy about one15:03
jdstrandsmoser: I think you mean /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf, but yes :)15:03
zulsmoser: oh...then yes im excited :)15:04
jdstrandfor people who want to test it, you don't need a new libvirt package. that 9008 patch simply adjust /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf15:04
hggdhyes, I noticecd it. I am going to hand-adjust them, and restart a test15:05
jdstrandyou can do that on your own, do a full 'stop libvirt-bin && start libvirt-bin' and test15:05
jdstrandsmoser, Daviey, hggdh: also the 'This new default in Debian is not as well-tested' is not really accurate anymore15:06
jdstrand(that patch came from lucid as part of the merge)15:06
jdstrandit has been in Debian for roughly 6 months (though not a release version of Debian)15:06
smoserjdstrand, i'm guessing i also have to stop eucalyptus-nc15:06
smoserto get it into the kvm group15:06
jdstrandsmoser: oh yes15:06
hggdhchanges made: (1) edit /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf, revert 9008; edit /etc/group, add eucalyptus to the kvm group15:08
smoserwell, that immediately fixes the problem15:10
hggdhnow to have a few hundreds of instances run...15:10
smoserso, its "fixed", but we still get a hodge-podge of permissions:15:12
smosermost interesting to me is that console.log and disk have different group read/write15:12
smoserand loader, even different!15:13
smoser(loader is written by a rootwrap'd program, and not known by eucalyptus, so its differences are not so surprising)15:13
smoserjdstrand, i personally would really appreciate a comment by you in bug 619843 explaining/pointing at the libvirt change that we're seeing the result of15:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619843 in eucalyptus "euca-get-console-output returns one single line" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61984315:15
smoseror, if you dont want to, i can do it, its just going to be less correct :)15:15
Davieyjdstrand, That would be grand :)15:15
jdstrandlet me kick of a qrt run with 9008 reverted first15:15
smoserso, i'm convinced at the moment of "quickly flip this and see if anything falls out in the next 2 days"15:16
jdstrandit is certainly easy to revert...15:16
hggdhwell, yes, we are changing the system default, and it will affect all other users of libvirt/qemu15:16
smoseri dont care about anyone other than myself15:17
jdstrandhggdh: I am going to change that part. but again, people expect things to change. if they change enough, we release note it15:17
jdstrandI am going to *test* that part :)15:17
hallynjdstrand: well that makes me feel like a heel - I didn't think it was libvirt15:18
smoserjdstrand, well, this particular change for eucalyptus is at least a 2 package change (we have to add eucalyptus to the kvm group). so its not absolutely trivial15:18
jdstrandsmoser: ack15:18
smoseri suppose that, given that we're thinking about one package, and it required a change to adjust, its reasonable to expect that other packages would need to adjust15:18
smosereven that it would be surprising if this did not break something else.15:19
jdstrandhallyn: well, I am still not totally sure about the console.log part. I just know what happened with disks, but it all fits15:19
bogeyd6if I move an lvm to another machine, how would i go about using this lvm intact? and if not intact, then how would i create a new one onit15:20
zuljdstrand: did that patch make it in?15:20
bogeyd6heh nevermind, the new system auto-picked it up15:21
jdstrandzul: I think I missed something. what patch?15:21
zuljdstrand: the libvirt patch you guys are talking about15:21
jdstrandzul: we are all just testing locally15:22
zuljdstrand: ah ok...carry on :)15:22
hallynjdstrand: oh i hadn't heard/noticed anything about the disks.  was only looking at console part15:22
smoserjdstrand, it fits, and the change affects console.log15:22
jdstrandzul: also, this is almost certainly not SRU material :)15:22
zuljdstrand: no worries15:22
smoser(as in i tested, and console.log's ownership changed, so i think it is definitely it)15:23
jdstrandsmoser: makes sense, cause iirc it is qemu/kvm needs to be able to write to that15:23
smoseryeah, it does write it15:23
jdstrandso yeah, neat15:23
smoserhggdh, Daviey is this new ?15:26
smoserthe first instance there has no public ip address15:26
smoseri just launche dit with euca-run-instances right before the other one15:27
hggdhsmoser: seems like a regression15:30
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Davieysmoser, can you reliably reproduce it?15:34
smoserum.. this is the first i've seen it15:35
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jdstrandsmoser, hggdh, Daviey: the qrt run was successful with the exception of 'save' and 'restore'. I am looking at that-- it is likely a problem with the test suite not accounting for directory perms15:44
smoserjdstrand, yeah, which is fallout i somewhat expect from other things15:44
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hggdhjdstrand: this is good15:45
jdstrandsmoser: I also commented in the bug15:46
Davieyawesome jdstrand15:46
Davieyappreciate your time on this!15:46
jdstrandsmoser: regarding save/restore: oh yes, it is definitely the test script.15:47
jdstrand"tmpdir=`mktemp -d`      # Needs to be in a root owned directory"15:47
jdstrandsmoser: I added that ^ because of libvirt's ever changing behavior15:47
smoserright. i'm just saying that other things are somewhat likely to have done this also15:48
jdstrandwe can't expect a non-root user to be able to write to a root owned directory now can we?15:48
smosereucalytpus is an example.15:48
jdstrandoh yes. please test test test :)15:48
smoserso we now have 2 things that interface with libvirt (euca and your script)15:48
smoserand 2 things have had fallout15:48
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hggdhoooohhhh we got back the console printout....16:03
hggdhon the other hand, about half of the instance starts are failing...16:03
Pigimonhey they told me to come here if i wanted some help16:04
Pigimonis that true ?: P16:04
smoserhggdh, Daviey bug 62342616:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 623426 in eucalyptus "instance does not get public ip address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62342616:05
Davieysmoser, you are only seeing that in third party images?16:06
smoserthird party16:08
smoseri saw it on those images. the image should have *nothing* to do with this.16:08
smoserthe loader path, i only broght up, because there coudl be a race in eucalyptus that is more exposed with my loader path taken.16:08
smoseras the gen_libvirt_kvm_xml is much slower when it creates a loader floppy16:09
smoserso if there was a race condition in eucalyptus there, it would be more open with a slower running exec16:09
smoserand 'third' party above is this guy that goes by 'smoser'16:10
smoserDaviey, ^16:11
smoserthe other thing to note is that those images are 20M, and will as a result generally deploy faster than our 1.4G images.16:12
Davieysmoser, OK.. if the issue is related to small images - euca upstream test against ttylinux AIUI.. So i would have expected them to see it16:15
alex88what means packages like *-dgb? what are degub symbols for?16:15
Daviey(i don't generally test against ttylinux, and i don't think hggdh does)16:15
Davieysmoser, If it's a race that has been uncovered by the load path changes, i'm not sure we can expect upstream assistance16:16
smoseralex88, they're for the corresonding package.16:16
smoserthen, you can use gdb and debug and get source listings16:16
smoserand also good back traces16:16
alex88ok, thank you :)16:16
smoseri realistically can't believe that there woudl be such a race16:17
smoserbut i just wanted to be up front16:17
smoseri'm somewhat concerned that you, Daviey, would bring up the "not my problem" argument first, though.  I was afraid of bringing up an easy red-herring, but wanted to be fair.16:18
smoserhggdh, at some point (probably sooner than later) we will want/need to modify the tests to run through the loader code16:18
smoserits really as simple as passing '--use-loader' to uec-publish-tarball when you register the image.16:19
Davieysmoser, Erm.. i didn't do that.16:21
SpamapSsmoser: did you see my suggestion to try a regex?16:21
smoserSpamapS, yes. but i dont think it would have worked.16:21
smoseror, nat leat, not easily.16:21
smoseri need 3 4 byte tokens in a row.16:22
Davieysmoser, I was pointing out that IF it is a race condition uncovered by that, then i'm not sure we can expect upstream support.16:22
SpamapSsmoser: /\x01\x02\x03/ no?16:22
smoserwhere a + b + c = 0 in unsigned int.16:22
Davieysmoser, I wasn't saying that it's "not my problem"16:22
smoseror, without unsigned int math, a + b + c = 2^3216:22
SpamapSsmoser: as long as you can break them into 1 byte chunks, \x00 works16:22
smoserSpamapS, right, so, yeah, i guess i could find the first occurance, and the second occurance, and then search back through for  the 3rd. but, i somewhat think you're making a "its perl, use regex!" arguement :)16:24
smoserthe solution was fairly easy once i figured out how to use unpack.16:24
SpamapSsmoser: I'm more thinking its the fastest way to search a string.16:24
SpamapSsmoser: I suppose int compares in a perl foreach are probably just as fast.16:25
smoseryeah, i cna't really imagine its much faster. the regex woudl have to do evrything that the unpack would have to do.16:25
SpamapSsmoser: why would you have to go back? if they're 3 4 byte tokens in a row, wouldn't you just do  $token1$token2$token3 ?16:25
SpamapSsmoser: plus we're talking about 8192 bytes.. so.. totally moot point. :)16:26
smoserhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/ubuntu/maverick/eucalyptus/2.0/annotate/head%3A/tools/gen_kvm_libvirt_xml is what were talking about, by the way16:26
smoserboy, that is some seriously ugly choice of color for perl16:26
smoser'is_multiboot_img' is the new code that i wrote.16:27
SpamapSI think its that color because its in diff format?16:34
smoserthats not diff16:36
smoseri think its that color to convince people not to write perl16:37
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SpamapSsmoser: antiperlred .. can I buy that at Home Depot ?16:51
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alex88how can i permit all users to use chroot?18:08
alex88also non sudo18:08
Davieysmoser: Do you have any thoughts on bug 45728118:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 457281 in eucalyptus "Partitions presented to instance should be ext3, not ext2" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45728118:23
smoserDaviey, i believe that daniel's comment in comment 6 is still valid.18:27
smoserwithout using loop back or kpartx or something, you can't get a ext3 filesystem on a partition in a disk image.18:27
Davieysmoser: Yeah.. i do wonder if anyone is actively looking into it. :)18:28
smoseri looked once18:28
smoserseriously, its hard to believe, but this is non-trivial18:28
Davieyoh no.. i don't doubt it18:29
smoserlosetup, from nurmi's experience is not really multi-process safe.18:29
smoserso, then you're into modifying parted, which is also surprisingly less than trivial18:29
smoseri opened up ext2 tools once, hoping to just jack in an offset parameter so it could open up a file and seek (basically doing what losetup --offset would do) but that was not terribly trivial.18:30
smoserwe should probably figure out exactly what is wrong with losetup and fix that.  even then, though, that would mean that partition2disk would have to be run as root.18:31
smoserright now it doesn't have to be (but is)18:31
smoserDaviey, is it ok if i push a change to virt-2.0 branch righ tnow ?18:33
webpragmatistany mod_proxy_balancer users around?18:34
smoserDaviey, well, i did it.18:35
tacomasteri have some server just collecting dust that had windows server on them before and i want to switch them to ubuntu but wanted to see if they could do what i needed before i put them back to use18:36
Davieysmoser: oh ok :)18:37
tacomasteri was wondering if you could make ubuntu server have like an update server for all the computers in the network and second question is if you can have more than one role on the server with only one network card and no virtualization18:38
thesheff17tacomaster: yes apt-mirror will do that and then you have to point ubuntu servers to that IP/DNS.  Yes you can jam as much as you can on a linux machine addressing RAM/CPU/hard drive space.18:40
tacomasterthesheff17: so i just need to run sudo apt-mirror?18:41
thesheff17tacomaster: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror18:44
thesheff17tacomaster: you use apache server the files and create a good /etc/apt/mirror.list file18:44
kim0Daviey: hi there man .. I won't be able to attend today's meeting and the next 2 times (I have an appointement I can't delay)18:44
kim0Daviey: if you don't mind .. I've emailed you my updates to mention them for me18:45
Davieykim0: Sorry to hear that.. feel free to add your apologies to the agenda.. makes it easier to track :)18:45
kim0Is that ok18:45
DavieyDaviey: i don't mind at all :)18:45
kim0great thanks18:45
Davieyerr kim018:45
thesheff17tacomaster: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fWrXNsUM here is my /etc/apt/mirror.list18:46
jdstrandsmoser, hggdh, Daviey, hallyn: ok, I did a bunch of tests with various combinations of non-root, root, apparmor on and apparmor off and am comfortable with dropping 9008 for maverick libvirt. I'll leave the decision up to you guys on whether or not to actually do it18:49
jdstrandsmoser, hggdh, Daviey, hallyn: oh, and I updated the bug with that info18:50
smoserthanks jdstrand18:50
Davieyjdstrand: Awesome!  I'm happy to try it.. we can alwaus reintroduce it :)18:50
* Daviey prepares an upload18:50
jdstrandsmoser, Daviey: please bear in mind I did no euca testing. this is pure libvirt stuff (and quick test with virt-manager)18:52
Davieyjdstrand: noted, thanks18:52
smoserjdstrand, did you add eucalyptus to kvm group ?18:52
smoserin your pending upload ?18:53
smoseri think we should try this18:53
jdstrandsmoser: no-- I did nothing with euca18:53
smoseri meant that at Daviey18:53
jdstrandI was just covering all the libvirt bases18:53
smoserjdstrand, you are pending an upload for libvirt with the group modified ?18:53
jdstrandnot any euca18:53
Davieysmoser: I think my upload for euca is gonna be tommorrow now :(18:53
Davieybut yes, will be18:53
jdstrandsmoser: no I am not. I can if you want18:53
smoserDaviey, you think we should give it a try ?18:54
smoserit passed immediate smoke test18:54
Davieysmoser: i can't see the harm18:54
jdstrandsmoser: but simply commenting 9008 out of debian/series should be all you need to do18:54
smoserright. jdstrand so i think from Daviey and my perspective we say "lets do that".18:54
Davieyjdstrand: do you want to upload that change, or should it?18:54
jdstrandsmoser: so you are ready for me to do this "right this second"?18:54
smoserwe can certainly use the bug we have open for the justification. i can open a task against libvirt if you want.18:55
Flam`I setup a postfix/dovecot mailserver on my ubuntu 8.04 system.  Looking at the logs, there are countless spam attempts from all sorts of IPs.  Luckily, they get rejected with messages like " NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 114-36-168-1.dynamic.hinet.net[]: 554 5.7.1 <superedm001@yahoo.com.tw>: Relay access denied;"  But I feel like it's not really secure.  Is there anything I can18:55
jdstrandDaviey: I'm here and ready to do it if yu guys tell me to18:55
smoserwell, i personally would like to see it happen by end of tomorrow at latest, so we can maybe sniff it some on thursday and friday and maybe back out18:55
smoserbefore beta18:55
Jeeves_Flam`: Is the machine supposed to accept email from all over the world?18:55
jdstrandsmoser: any one can do it, I don't care. I have my hands on it now. if you want me to pull the trigger now, I will, otherwise someone else can do it18:56
smoserwell, my vote is yes, do it.18:56
jdstrandmine is yes too (for the non-euca stuff)18:56
Davieyjdstrand: DO IT :)18:56
Davieyjdstrand: use the bug # in changelog please :)18:57
jdstrandDaviey: yes, and adding a libvirt task18:57
Jeeves_Flam`: Than there's not much you can do. Except using RBL's and/or fail2ban18:57
Davieyi think jdstrand has earned a beer :)18:57
Flam`alright thanks Jeeves18:58
Jeeves_Flam`: cbl.abuseat.org is quite good18:59
Flam`What does this mean in the logs: 3565DDDC12E: uid=0 from=<root>18:59
Flam`will check it out18:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #623525 in samba (main) "Panic or segfault in Samba when a windows client tries to access a share" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62352519:30
Cuddle-Inghello i've got a small issue i hope, i've just compiled the xen-4.0.1-rc6-pre.gz and vmlinuz- ob ubuntu 10.04.1, It looks like that XEN will be loaded, but after that i get the following error message "mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device".I've got no idea where the problem is.19:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #623520 in dovecot (main) "dovecot reports Invalid configuration in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf in all cases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62352019:32
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Cuddle-Inganyone there who could help19:33
dom96does anyone know how 'Error initializing core [fail]' can be solved? i get that message when trying to start oidentd.19:36
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SpamapSsbeattie: on maverick, I don't know if I ran it with the right options19:39
SpamapSsbeattie: its not clear from the docs how to actually run it safely19:40
sbeattieSpamapS: the ServerMYSQLTestsuite class in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/qa-regression-testing/master/annotate/head%3A/scripts/test-mysql.py (starting at line 411) is how I got the testsuite to run on maverick.19:44
sbeattieSpamapS: I *believe* it adds its own tables, etc. but I ran it in a throwaway VM to be safe anyway.19:45
SpamapSsbeattie: mysql-test-run.pl starts its own mysqld ..19:46
sbeattieSpamapS: ah, right.19:46
sbeattie(it's been a couple of weeks since I looked)19:46
SpamapSsbeattie: that code will need to be updated, bug #375371 will add apparmor restrictions that only allow mysqld to run as mysql and write to /var/tmp/mysql ...19:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 375371 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "MySQL must not use /tmp" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37537119:48
sbeattieSpamapS: okay, actually, switching to use the mysql user simplifies things mildly, and the vardir thing can easily be adjusted.19:52
SpamapSsbeattie: right, that should eliminate the need for --force19:53
RoAkSoAxsmoser: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~testdrive/testdrive/trunk/revision/29519:53
sbeattiewell, the --force is there to report all failures, not just the first, I thought.19:53
jamincanyone here notice that the server and desktop installs generate different group IDs for the same groups and a conflicting user ID?19:54
* sbeattie actually fires up ./mysql-test-run.pl --help to verify.19:55
jamincwhich package should a bug like this be filed against?19:55
smoserRoAkSoAx, can you paste me a command line to run  to test ?19:56
sbeattieSpamapS: the test-bt: target mysql's built tree Makefile{,.in} is the best source of documentation (such as it is) on how to actually drive the testsuite.19:56
sbeatties/target/target in/19:56
smoserother comments i have , are that you should make the kvm command line closer to the "other"19:58
smosercmd = "kvm -boot a -fda %s -drive file=%s,if=virtio" % (self.FLOPPY_FILE, self.td.DISK_FILE)19:58
smosershoudl be more like19:58
RoAkSoAxsmoser: testdrive -p uec-daily --flavor uec-server should do the ttrick20:00
smosershould be more like:20:00
smosercmd = "kvm -m %s -smp %s -boot a -drive file=%s,if=virtio,cache=writeback,index=0,boot=on %s" % (self.td.MEM, self.td.SMP, self.FLOPPY_FILE, self.td.DISK_FILE, self.td.KVM_ARGS)20:00
smoserRoAkSoAx, is there a way that i can tell it "do that, but use a mirror from X"20:00
smoser(rather than uec-images)20:00
RoAkSoAxsmoser: not really. What other mirror would you like to use?20:02
smosermy local20:02
RoAkSoAxsmoser: uhmmm we currently no longer provide an option to specify a mirror given that everything now work sthanks to the manifest20:04
RoAkSoAxsmoser: however, what we could do is add support to 'testdrive -u' to handle .tar.gz from otherrepos. Since currently we can actually use other repos but for single .iso or .img20:06
smoseri think thats what kirkland was originally expecting20:06
webpragmatistwhich linux ftp do you guys use20:07
smoserpersonally, lftp rocks.20:08
smoserRoAkSoAx, one thing i notice, you seem to be extracting explicit names from the tarball20:08
smoserif you're basing that on the name of the tarball, it wont work for released versions20:09
webpragmatistsmoser: not client?20:09
smoseroh. never mind hten. :)20:09
smoserthe name in the tarball for a released version != the name of the tarball20:09
webpragmatistvsftp or proftp?20:09
SpamapSI'm a proftpd man myself. :)20:10
SpamapSits the apache of ftpd's .. meaning its slow but it does *everything*20:10
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok. I'll work with thant once a release with kvm support is out20:10
smoserthe solution i gave in the bug is the right way to do it. there isn't a data file or anything explicitly telling youthe contents. you just need to extract it all and then look for -floppy and .img20:11
smoseri test here, i get: ERROR: Unable to launch Virtual Machine20:11
smoserfrom current tip of that branch, using: PYTHONPATH=$PWD ./bin/testdrive -p uec-daily --flavor uec-server20:11
smoseram i doing something wrong ?20:11
webpragmatistSpamapS: probably the most used?20:12
SpamapSwebpragmatist: vsftpd is pretty popular too20:13
RoAkSoAxsmoser: try replacing testdrive/testdrive.py and testdrive/virt/kvm.py with the ones in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/testdrive20:13
hggdhwhy would  iscsi-udeb be kicked in by partman on an install?20:13
SpamapSwebpragmatist: vsftpd has the added benefit of being audited for security holes20:14
webpragmatistSpamapS: do they both use PAM?20:14
smoserRoAkSoAx, now i dont get a prompt for uec-daily . it just gives me a prompt for iso20:15
SpamapSwebpragmatist: that is a monumentally bad idea IMO. ;)20:15
webpragmatistSpamapS: currently i am just using sftp20:16
SpamapSwebpragmatist: ftp as a non anonymous service is really just a big bucket of fail. :)20:16
RoAkSoAxsmoser: coudl you copy/paste whole output please?20:17
webpragmatistSpamapS: i'd like to continue using sshd but what happened is that I now have to connect to a vpn to access ssh.....20:17
webpragmatistso i need still a simple method for uploads for people who don't have that vpn access20:18
smoserRoAkSoAx, http://paste.ubuntu.com/483045/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/483044/ from bzr and modified bzr respecitevely20:19
smosermodified bzr is tip but cp /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/testdrive/testdrive.py testdrive/testdrive.py && cp /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/testdrive/virt/kvm.py testdrive/virt/kvm.py20:20
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jdstrandhallyn: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54313707/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.libvirt_0.8.3-1ubuntu7_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:21
RoAkSoAxsmoser: was the other way around :):/20:21
jdstrandhallyn: the problem seems to be:20:21
jdstrandThe following packages have unmet dependencies: qemu-kvm : Depends: qemu-common (>= 0.12.5+noroms-0ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed20:21
jdstrandactually I'll pull in kirkland too ^20:22
jamincwhich (meta-)package should I file a bug report against for differing/conflicting user/group accounts between default server and desktop installs?20:22
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smoserRoAkSoAx, why would I do that ?20:22
smoseri set pythonpath20:22
smoserit is reading from ./testdrive20:23
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i mean: cp testdrive/testdrive.py /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/testdrive and cp testdrive/virt/kvm.py /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/testdrive/virt20:23
kirklandjdstrand: howdy20:23
kirklandjdstrand: sup?20:23
smoserRoAkSoAx, right, but i set PYTHONPATH so i should not have to do that.20:23
RoAkSoAxsmoser: let me try20:23
jdstrandkirkland: hey. see backscroll from a minute ago. I was wondering if you knew what was going on there20:23
jdstrandkirkland: libvirt wouldn't build cause qemu-common wouldn't be installed20:24
Cuddle-Inghello i've got a small issue i hope, i've just compiled the xen-4.0.1-rc6-pre.gz and vmlinuz- ob ubuntu 10.04.1, It looks like that XEN will be loaded, but after that i get the following error message "mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device" and "mount: mounting /dev/mapper/ubuntu--xen-root on /root failed: no such device" and some more message like them. I've got no idea where the problem is.  I c20:24
kirklandjdstrand: hmm20:24
kirklandjdstrand: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/0.12.5+noroms-0ubuntu3/+build/193253120:24
kirklandjdstrand: buildd's appear to be behind20:25
kirklandjdstrand: qemu-kvm i386 hasn't built yet20:25
jdstrandkirkland: oh, qemu-common is arch all, right?20:25
smoserwell thats wierd. it worked this time20:25
jdstrandkirkland: yes, that's it. sorry for the interruption20:25
* jdstrand tries to be patient20:26
kirklandjdstrand: :-)  np20:26
hallynso where does the 'is not goin to be installed' come from - does it really mean "I can't", or does it really mean "pshaw, i don't feel like it"?20:26
kirklandjdstrand: i had a small heartattack there, wondering if i effed something up :-)20:26
jdstrandkirkland: sorry. mdeslaur gave me the same heartattack with libvirt :)20:26
kirklandjdstrand: hehe20:27
Cuddle-Inganyone there who has some experiences with Xen 4.0 and ubuntu 10.0420:27
RoAkSoAxsmoser: it works for me20:27
smoseryeah, and worked this time here. dont know what went wrong.20:28
hggdhare there any known issues with the server daily image? On install no disks are recognised here20:29
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok cool then. I'll add the support for 'testdrive -u <proto>://path/img.tar.gz' then, so you can test agains other mirrors20:30
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
Cuddle-Inglooks like there is no one there who has tried xen 4.0 with the ubuntu server release20:30
smoserand fix that kvm command line up like i suggested up above20:30
hallynCuddle-Ing: jjohansen might have20:31
hallyni've certainly not20:31
jjohansenCuddle-Ing: I haven't gotten to that either yet20:31
lhavelundjono: I disagree with your blog post. :[20:31
lhavelundjono: ping20:34
webpragmatistSpamapS: well that was pretty much dead easy... installed proftp, removed the comment for root the dudes20:34
jonolhavelund, hey20:35
jonosorry was afk20:35
lhavelundjono: perhaps we should... find a better forum for it, though.20:35
lhavelund(Sorry for interrupting the flow here guys :))20:35
lhavelundjono: -offtopic?20:36
lhavelundjono: That is, if you have time :)20:36
jonolhavelund, why don't you leave a comment on my blog20:39
lhavelundjono: Sure; I'm not much of a bloggieman. I'm old school ;)20:39
SpamapSsbeattie: running with 5.1.49-1ubuntu7 I get a failure with this command line:20:39
SpamapSsudo -u mysql mkdir -p /tmp/test && sudo -u mysql /usr/lib/mysql-testsuite/mysql-test-run.pl --vardir=/tmp/test20:39
SpamapSsbeattie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/483054/20:40
lhavelundjono: But I'll write something anyway. :)20:40
resnoim trying to setup postfix for my office to send emails. ive changed the mx to my ip address, but the message isnt being sent.20:40
resnoim getting connection time out errors20:40
resnohey lhavelund20:40
lhavelundjono: done.20:43
jonothanks lhavelund!20:46
lhavelundjono: welcome :)20:46
lhavelundjono: a discussion is always welcome. :)20:47
webpragmatistSpamapS: can you use a ssl cert in combination with a bundle with proftpd20:52
SpamapSwebpragmatist: I've used SSL+proftpd before, but I don't recall the details, and I don't understand what you mean by a "bundle" in that context.20:53
webpragmatistwell if it's not self signed you have an intermediary bundle certificate or something20:53
webpragmatistlike a root cert20:54
webpragmatisti guess it what it's called20:54
webpragmatisti think you can just put them in the same key though20:54
Cuddle-Ingi could nt believe that there is no one who tried xen 4.x with ubuntu 10.0420:54
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SpamapSCuddle-Ing: I think ubuntu-ites tend to prefer kvm. ;)20:57
Cuddle-Ingthen i need to change the dist :(20:59
sbeattieSpamapS: I *think* what's happening is that there may be a prostprocessing regex that's converting the vardir you passed into MYSQLTEST_VARDIR so as to shield the testsuite from detecting differences based on different passed vardirs.21:04
sbeattieSpamapS: in your case, I *think* the vardir you passed is matching a path used in one of the tests.21:04
sbeattieSpamapS: a better way to invoke the testsuite is probably something like: sudo -u mysql sh -c '/usr/lib/mysql-testsuite/mysql-test-run.pl --vardir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/mysql-XXXXXXXXXX)'21:05
* sbeattie is testing now, but that's akin to what I was doing before when the testsuite would work for me.21:05
* sbeattie steps away for a few minutes.21:07
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SpamapSsbeattie: except you can't use /tmp ;)21:25
SpamapSsbeattie: but ok, I'll go with a random vardir and try that21:25
jononealmcb, ping?21:38
MTecknologythesheff17: So.. The only thing I use jailkit for now is to actually jail the users21:44
sbeattieSpamapS: I'm fully confident in your ability to get mktemp to create a directory in /var/tmp/mysql. :-)21:44
sbeattie(basically, what you really want is to not match the pattern \/tmp\/test21:45
thesheff17MTecknology: yea I have done a ton with chroot before and that made it very easy.21:50
MTecknologythesheff17: debootstrap + chroot + jk_jailuser - about all I use to make it work :)21:52
MTecknologyI'm moving my bot into a jail21:52
thesheff17MTecknology: nice...I just got back my SAN but the software is only rpm based that runs powerpath :-/21:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #623608 in tftp-hpa (main) "Syslog time it's wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62360821:57
thesheff17does virt-manager doesn't support binding to br0?21:59
thesheff17I forwarded virt-manager through X and it lets me connect to br0 through localhost...what gives?.22:02
SpamapSsbeattie: actually, using /var/tmp/mysql instead of /tmp/test fixed it. :)22:03
SpamapS/usr/lib/mysql-testsuite/mysql-test-run.pl  --vardir=/var/tmp/mysql/test --tmpdir=/var/tmp/mysql/test/tmp222:05
SpamapSseemed to do it (had to create a separate tmpdir because the test suite still wants to use /tmp by default)22:05
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SpamapSzul: looks good, posted test results to bug #37537122:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 375371 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "MySQL must not use /tmp" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37537122:13
sbeattieSpamapS: will the mysql-server package create /var/tmp/mysql or does the test scripts need to create it?22:19
sbeatties/(package)/\1 or initscript/22:19
* sbeattie is fixing up the script in qa-r-t to match.22:20
SpamapSsbeattie: the upstart job has to create it22:24
SpamapSsbeattie: because /var/tmp's contents can never really be assumed22:24
SpamapSsbeattie: I'd say to be safe, you need to test for its existence too.. in case for some reason the machine running the tests has mysql disabled in /etc/init/mysql.conf22:26
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MTecknologywhere are user crons held?22:27
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SpamapSMTecknology: /var/spool/cron22:34
MTecknologySpamapS: thanks :)22:36
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
hallynodd, ubuntu kernel gitweb seems to be hanging for me23:12
RoAkSoAxsmoser: do you want  'testdrive -u ' work agains a local uec .img or .tar.gz or both?23:12
hallynkirkland: wow, i've never before noticed that 'byobu' automatically re-attaches :)  I was always doing 'screen -r' after detaching23:37

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