
=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
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dfarninglfaraone, ping03:03
lfaraonedfarning: pong03:16
dfarninglfaraone, just wanted to check in on the status on packaging03:19
lfaraonedfarning: mailed.03:24
lfaraonedfarning: pyaiml is pending because I couldn't figure out how to make setuptools install files in the proper directory.03:25
dfarninglfaraone, how about turtle art?03:26
lfaraonedfarning: "turtleart" is in NEW.03:26
dfarninglfaraone, are we ready to take on scratch?03:26
lfaraonedfarning: walter just released a new version yesterday that needs to be packaged and reuploaded, I'm on that.03:26
dfarninglfaraone, what is the difference between turtle art and turtle blocks?03:26
lfaraonedfarning: Scratch cannot be included in main because its license terms are non-free.03:27
lfaraonedfarning: we're packaging "Turtle Blocks" but per discussion with Walter we're branding it TurtleArt.03:27
dfarninglfaraone, can we handle it the same as etoys?03:27
dfarninglfaraone,  it being scratch03:27
lfaraonedfarning: sure. you probably should talk with upstream about it, since they already produce .debs. (albiet ones not in Debian)03:28
lfaraonedfarning: unlike etoys, scratch is not only "non-free" because it uses smalltalk, it's non-free because the licence terms are rather unfortunate. Unless we talk with upstream, we can't call the package "scratch" in Debian, nor use the scratch logo, nor allow the program to upload to the scratch website.03:30
lfaraonedfarning: http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Source_Code03:30
dfarninglfaraone, I would rather not get into that right now.  We have enough stuff to do with our worry about scratch issues.03:32
lfaraonedfarning: okay, then no, we're not ready to tackle scratch :)03:32
dfarninglfaraone,  I'll just mark all scratch related bugs wont fix with a link to http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Source_Code :(03:33
lfaraonedfarning: okay03:34
lfaraonedfarning: oh, and as-is, pyxpcom does not build on Ubuntu. (at least not the version I downloaded)03:40
lfaraonedfarning: right now, browse is not only not in ubuntu, it depends on things that aren't in Ubuntu.03:40
lfaraonedfarning: surf has a crashing bug, but atleast all of its libs are in Uubntu.03:40
dfarninglfaraone, then lets forget about browse and go with surf:(03:41
dfarninglfaraone, and see if we can fix the bug..... if not we will ship firefox:)  that is what ole nepal does03:42
lfaraonedfarning: interesting, I hadn't thought of that.03:43
dfarninglfaraone, Ugly.... but at least it works:)03:43
dfarninglfaraone, which is better than the current state of browse and surf.03:44
dfarningI need to get to bed, will you be around in the morning?  it is a nation holiday in India.03:45
lfaraonedfarning: sure.03:46
dfarninglfaraone, one last thing.... how about getting the meta package and the settings package from the ppa into universe. is that possiable?03:48
lfaraonedfarning: I'll have to take a look at it. Can you say which specifically you want to get in the archive in an email? I'm doing 3 things right now.03:50
dfarninglfaraone, this was not for tonight just to add to your todo.  I;ll email you links03:51
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lfaraonedfarning: great, thanks. :)03:52
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dfarningsatellit_, I got the usr build machine running.  Tomorrow I will fix the last couple of bugs and we will have ISO at http://download.sugarlabs.org/usr/03:58
satellit_great....: ) have 804 up now  on sugar f1 jabber  surf 115 works fine. 10.04 LTS maverick....04:00
satellitUSR-d206dfarning: here it is04:01
lfaraonedfarning: TA/TB 96 uploaded, includes sugar-turtleart-activity, should be sitting in NEW in a few mins.04:16
* lfaraone now thinks pyAIML is ready to go, testing pending an upload.04:17
lfaraonepython-aiml uploaded.04:28
lfaraonelist mailed about speak / aiml.04:42
* lfaraone -> sleep.04:43
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dfarninglfaraone, is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar/+bug/292700 still an issue?13:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 292700 in sugar (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Sugar suite needs manpages (heat: 5)" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:53
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dfarninglfaraone, can you look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squeak-vm/+bug/45568 as you review etoys/squeak.14:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 45568 in squeak-vm (Ubuntu) "Duplicate items in the applications menu (heat: 2)" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:28
lfaraonedfarning: squeak is probably not in the wrong menu section, checking.14:50
lfaraone*a duplicate in the menu section14:50
dfarninglfaraone, in my older version squeak shows up under both education and programing.14:53
lfaraonedfarning: okay. if it does still, I'm personally on the side of "this is such a minor thing, it's not even a bug"14:53
dfarninglfaraone, Will you mark it invalid on LP?14:54
lfaraonedfarning: right, it does on Maverick as well.14:54
lfaraonedfarning: I will, unless you disagree.14:54
dfarninglfaraone, I also have mixed feelings.... so I agree we can drop it.14:55
lfaraoneBug 45568 has been handled.14:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 45568 in squeak-vm (Ubuntu) "Duplicate items in the applications menu (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4556814:55
lfaraonedfarning: bug 292700 def still applies, things like "sugar-emulator", for example, most def. should have a manpage.14:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 292700 in sugar (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Sugar suite needs manpages (heat: 5)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29270014:57
lfaraonedfarning: generating these manpages is rather easy, just run help2man on the binary and it gives you a manpage.14:58
lfaraonedfarning: if you want, I can write a blog post CCing planetdebian explaining how to do this.14:59
dfarningmanusheel will you assign bug 292700 . lfaraone will create a post about how to do it on olpc-debian.  thanks15:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 292700 in sugar (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Sugar suite needs manpages (heat: 5)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29270015:01
lfaraonemanusheel: oh, and this probably should be fixed in Debian first, rather than Ubuntu. (wishlist bugs should only be ported over after a Feature Freeze if we have nothing better to work on)15:02
manusheellfaraone: Thanks for the pointer.15:25
manusheeldfarning: Assigned to Mukul Gupta.15:25
dfarningmanusheel, thanks15:26
manusheelankur: Hi Ankur.16:03
ankuryes sir16:03
lfaraoneankur: have you investigated why Paint is failing to start?16:03
ankurlfaraone,  yes , but didn't get any break through in that though....16:04
lfaraoneankur: did you talk to the maintainers?16:05
lfaraonedfarning: re Jonas' recent email on python-cjson, do we have the time to look at all SEETA-packaged activities and verify that they are depending on what they actually use?16:06
ankurtried patch by the author also , it didn't wort out that time . Well yes, and i forwarded you the copy of conversation as well. Need to give it another look.16:06
lfaraoneankur: ah, right.16:06
lfaraoneankur: what happened when you tried out the maintainer's patch?16:06
ankurWill try it as well and need to look into etoys bug as well today16:06
dfarninglfaraone, lets worry about that for 11.0416:06
ankuri tried and it didn't seem to work out that time.16:07
ankurmay be , if i did something wrong at that time....16:07
lfaraonedfarning: hm, mk.16:07
kandarpkdfarning, lfaraone, ankur, manusheel sir: Hi.16:11
ankurhi kandarpk16:11
dfarningkandarpk, hello16:11
kandarpklfaraone: is the updated tarball of speak-activity available ?16:12
kandarpkwith changes in PyAIML16:13
lfaraonekandarpk: http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/honey/Speak/speak-17.tar.gz was uploaded on 12-Aug-201016:13
kandarpklfaraone: Thanks.16:14
kandarpklfaraone: will the usual way of packaging from tarball do ?16:15
lfaraonekandarpk: importing it, from that version, yes. (not from git)16:15
ankurlfaraone,  around?16:20
lfaraoneankur: yes...16:20
ankurlfaraone,  i was having a look at tasks page and it seems that i kind of forgot slider puzzle activity. I have updated that activity except for the part of reimporting. this is the review you gave :- http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debian-olpc-devel/2010-August/002863.html16:21
ankurjust reimporting par is i have not done16:21
ankurand i think copyright file was in in proper order , or i rearranged it after review. sont remember. but will push for review once aging to you16:22
lfaraoneankur: okay. is that part giving you trouble?16:22
ankurafter reimport16:22
ankurwell , not trouble, i am exactly not sure , what i am doing will be right16:23
ankurlet me iterate steps to16:23
ankuryou and and you can tell if i am wrong or going fine? will that be okay?16:23
lfaraoneankur: sure.16:23
lfaraoneankur: if you would, could you write them in a mail replying to the one I sent you via the mailing list?16:24
ankurlfaraone,  need a min , will post it in just a min.16:24
lfaraoneankur: okay.16:24
ankurokay , i will do that as well for archiving but it will be much better16:24
ankurif you could tell me here as well16:24
ankuri will post there as well , or shall i post it there only?16:24
lfaraoneankur: there's no reason not to discuss this on the list. that way, if other people have ideas, they can jump in.16:25
ankurlfaraone,  okay , i was just thinking that if i would be able to complete that part today only.Will post it on list only then16:26
lfaraoneankur: sorry, not sure what you meant by the first sentence there.16:26
ankurlfaraone, np :) . Posting on list ....16:27
kandarpklfaraone: PyAIML has been moved out of speak.16:27
kandarpklfaraone: it needs to be added as a dependency ?16:28
lfaraonekandarpk: that's correct.16:28
lfaraonekandarpk: also, read through PyAIML to make sure it depends on everything it needs.16:30
kandarpklfaraone: OK.16:30
ankurlfaraone,  sent a mail on mailing list. Please reply , as you get time16:39
ankurkandarpk,  around?16:41
kandarpkankur: yes.16:41
ankurGet back to you in a min , doubt cleared :)16:45
* ankur is going for dinner .Will be back 16:50
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kandarpklfaraone: on running gdebi *.deb I am getting 'Dependency is not satisfiable: pyaiml'17:43
lfaraonekandarpk: python-aiml is the package name. And it's in NEW, so you'll need to build and install python-aiml first on your local system.17:44
kandarpklfaraone: OK.17:44
lfaraonedfarning: http://wiki.debian.org/ManPage/help2man is the result. I initially wrote it as a blog post, but upon feedback in #debian-devel I converted it to a wiki page.17:48
ankurdfarning,  hi , around?17:52
ankurdfarning,  the eToys you assigned me , I was not very clear with how to reproduce that issue.Like sugar-eToys-acitivity fails to start from sugar or does eToys fails to start?17:55
ankursugar-etoys activity already contains eToys as dependency if i am not wrong.Should i ask there steps to reproduce the bug?17:56
lfaraoneankur: Sure. There's sample text on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses  you can copy-paste into the report.17:58
lfaraoneankur: you can mark the bug as "incomplete" while you're doing that.17:58
ankurlfaraone,  sure17:59
lfaraoneankur: what did you think of Jonas' reply to your mail?17:59
ankurlfaraone,  it was apt and i was updating my repo. Will surely thank him for that , and bother  list in case i have problems. :) .18:00
ankurand you too18:00
ankurlfaraone,  the link you gave contains a section called "Not described well"18:02
ankurwere you refering to that and should i use that as a base text for filing report?18:02
ankuror missing stpes to recreate bugs or both?18:03
lfaraoneankur: hold on a sec. what's the bug number for this issue?18:03
kandarpklfaraone: installing python-aiml from PyAIML-0.8.6.tar.gz doesn't seem to work.18:03
kandarpklfaraone: do I need to do something else ?18:03
lfaraonekandarpk: you need to build python-aiml using the debian packaging I created :)18:03
ankurlfaraone, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/etoys/+bug/50709318:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 507093 in etoys (Ubuntu) "eToys does not Launch (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,In progress]18:04
kandarpklfaraone: I didn't get that18:05
lfaraoneankur: hmmm. I think the bug only occurs because sugar-etoys-activity was unpackaged and Caroline installed it mnually.18:05
ankurlfaraone,  then what should be my next xourse of action as i am not sure what to mark that bug as .Can you provide some pointers on that?18:06
lfaraonekandarpk: gbp-clone --pristine-tar git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/python-aiml.git; cd python-aiml; git-buildpackage -us -uc18:06
kandarpklfaraone: OK.18:08
lfaraoneankur: well, perhaps the bug should be "sugar should depend on etoys". As is, it's a low-priority bug I think, because etoys is packaged and installing the deb will pull in what's needed for s-etoys-a to run.18:09
ankurlfaraone,  yes but if one do not want to install etoys-activity in sugar  then wont it put unnecessary load on resources of the user?18:10
ankurwhile installing sugar?18:10
lfaraoneankur: I'm not sure what you mean.18:11
lfaraoneankur: ideally, there should be a package you can install and get all the base dependencies of all sugar activities you could want to use.18:11
lfaraoneankur: but we don't have that at the moment.18:11
kandarpklfaraone: gbp-clone is giving 'Bad owner or permissions on /home/kandarp/.ssh/config'18:11
lfaraonekandarpk: okay. It sounds like you have a bad owner or permissions on that file :)18:12
ankurlfaraone,  okay , got it now. :) , but i am still unsure of what to do with that bug report on LP.18:12
lfaraoneankur: well, it's *not* a bug in etoys, for sure.18:13
lfaraoneankur: if a fix was made, which package would have to be modified?18:13
ankursugar-0.88 i think18:13
ankurin that we would add a dependency ( etoys here)18:13
ankurTo make it sure that the base dependency for sugar-etoys-activity is installed. But when we have sugar-etoys-activity on our disposal , i am not sure that if adding dependency in sugar package will be a good idea.18:15
ankurwell , i think that but what is right is a different thing, what do you suggest?18:16
lfaraoneankur: well, sugar-sucrose-0.88 contains the sugar interface plus a set of demonstration activities.18:17
ankurlfaraone,  okay , and you want me to patch sugar-sucrose-0.88 ?18:22
ankurif i am not wrong18:22
lfaraone\ankur: well, this is a wishlist bug IMHO. fix it in (source package) sugar-0.88 in git.debian.org. and mention it was fixed upstream in debian in the bug.18:23
lfaraone* ankur ^^18:23
dfarninglfaraone, looks good.18:25
dfarningankur, which bug?18:25
ankurlfaraone,  It is maintained by Jonas, do i need to seek his permission ?18:25
ankurdfarning,  hi . we were discussion about the etoys not starting , here is the link https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/etoys/+bug/50709318:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 507093 in etoys (Ubuntu) "eToys does not Launch (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,In progress]18:26
lfaraoneankur: I co-maintain it, I give you my permission to go ahead. Just show me your changes before you push it up.18:27
ankurlfaraone,  alright , going ahead with it18:27
dfarningankur, ahh.  Just mack sure that etoys starts correctly.18:29
dfarnings/mack/make/  I am pretty sure the dependancies are all correct.  Just close the bug when you see that etoys starts.18:30
ankurdfarning,  when you mean that etoys start correctly , you mean that inside sugar ?18:36
ankuri am not sure what you mean......18:37
lfaraoneankur: yes.18:37
kandarpklfaraone: I am not able to figure out how to clone the repo.18:37
lfaraonekandarpk: okay, are you still getting that error?18:37
kandarpklfaraone: I am not able to ssh into alioth.debian.org as well18:37
kandarpklfaraone: yes18:37
dfarningankur,   that is part of figuring out what a beg report means.  How do you reproduce it?18:38
lfaraonekandarpk: okay, check the permissions and owners of your ssh config file, then.18:39
ankurdfarning,  that is what i was discussing before . We packaged sugar-etoys-activity which depended on etoys . So i was not sure how to reproduce the bug. I mean from where did he installed the activity , that is what i found confusinf.Please pardon me if i am asking some thing silly18:40
lfaraoneankur: I think she installed the .xo.18:40
kandarpklfaraone: owner: kandarp, permission: 77718:40
lfaraonekandarpk: okay, it should *not* be 777. Everything in .ssh should only be readable and writable by you.18:41
manusheelankur: In that case, as we had discussed, we should asking for more details from the bug reporter.18:41
ankuractually i am confused now : shall i go and make changes in upstream by adding dependencies in git and commenting on LP that it has been fixed upstream or shall i ask for the steps to reproduce and mark the bug as incomplete?18:43
kandarpklfaraone: worked. :)18:43
manusheelneeraj: Hi Neeraj.18:43
neerajmanusheel: Hi sir18:43
ankurmanusheel sir , can you provide pointers here?18:44
lfaraoneankur, dfarning: ideally, sugar-sucrose-0.88 should depend on etoys, and everything else in the sugar platform (sucrose and fructose)18:44
lfaraonedfarning: I think I understand where she was encountering the error.18:44
lfaraoneankur, dfarning: perhaps we should probe CAROLINE E MEEKS for more information, *and* fix the bug in Alioth git at the same time.18:44
lfaraoneankur, dfarning: if the issue she is encountering is what I think it is, that action will solve the bug in later versions of sugar.18:45
ankurlfaraone,  okay , seems fine to me also as i think what you are hinting at.18:45
ankurlfaraone,  i have not tinkered with others repos as of now , so just asking .While making changes , 1.i will add etoys in sugar package control.in file18:46
dfarninglfaraone, +118:46
ankur 1.i will add etoys in sugar package control.in file18:46
ankur2.regenrate control file .18:46
lfaraoneankur: er, not exactly.18:46
ankurgood that i asked.........18:47
lfaraoneankur: with sugar-0.88, we don't list dependencies directly in the control file. Instead, we add them to debian/rules in the proper variables, and CDBS takes care of putting them in the resulting pacakge.18:47
ankurlfaraone,  http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar.git;a=blob;f=debian/rules;h=e7b1f73e9e241c5337db12ec1be911eca2a34108;hb=6ef37a1b0a1bbd3bbb5e3a9687b7825b0d7ca7c318:49
ankuri will add that in line 132?18:49
ankurwill that be right?18:50
lfaraoneankur: sure, making sure to document the reason for the dependecy under the section "# Needed (always/often/sometimes) at runtime" in between lines 97 and 98.18:50
ankurlfaraone,  okay and do i need to make changes else where regarding any revision bumping , adding my id and anyother changes other than done in source code?18:51
lfaraoneankur: no. just make sure to use a descriptive commit message.18:51
ankurlfaraone,  sure :)18:51
kandarpklfaraone: failed to build successfully >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/483015/18:53
lfaraonekandarpk: sorry, I forgot to push up. Please pull from origin18:54
ankurlfaraone, i was cloning repo using18:54
ankurgbp-clone --pristine-tar git+ssh://ankurkkhurana-guest@alioth.debian.org/git/collab-maint/sugar.git18:54
lfaraoneankur: okay.18:55
kandarpklfaraone: why do I need to build pyaiml ?18:55
ankurjust wanted to make sure that i do not do anything wrong while updating that repo :)18:55
lfaraonekandarpk: well, if speak depends on it, you'll need to have it installed.18:56
lfaraonekandarpk: since there are not published .DEBs to download, you'll have to build it yourself.18:56
kandarpklfaraone: I installed it from source18:56
lfaraonekandarpk: if you want, I can provide one of the debs I built for you to install rather than you building it manually.18:56
lfaraonekandarpk: yes, but the package manager does not know about that :)18:57
kandarpklfaraone: OK.18:57
kandarpklfaraone: please mail me the .deb, that will speed up the process18:57
neeraj_lfaraone, hi, Do i need to change anything in the patch for Bug 51122518:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 511225 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "running sugar causes left-click not to work properly in GNOME (affects: 2) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51122518:58
lfaraonekandarpk: http://people.sugarlabs.org/~lfaraone/debian/python-aiml_0.8.6-1_amd64.deb18:58
kandarpklfaraone: will that work for 32 bit ?18:59
lfaraonekandarpk: no. so you'll have to build it from source, I don't have any i386 machines around.18:59
lfaraonekandarpk: "dget -ub http://people.sugarlabs.org/~lfaraone/debian/python-aiml_0.8.6-1.dsc" should build the package for you.19:00
kandarpklfaraone: OK.19:00
lfaraoneneeraj_: no, thanks.19:01
neeraj_lfaraone, ok. Thanks for the pointers which u gave me. Now for bug 617582 I need to change Max_column value.(in controlpanel/gui.py).19:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 617582 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "When opening the control panel some icons are cut off . (affects: 2) (heat: 338)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61758219:02
lfaraoneneeraj_: did you discuss the design of that with upstream?19:03
neeraj_lfaraone, sugar-devel. Not yet.19:03
lfaraoneneeraj_: okay, please send that mail.19:06
ankurlfaraone,  i added in comment in rules that "etoys needed in sugar-etoys-activity"19:09
lfaraoneankur: "etoys required as part of sugar platform" perhaps.19:10
ankurlfaraone,  okay19:10
ankurlfaraone,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/483022/19:11
ankurcan you have a look ^^19:11
lfaraoneankur: looks fine for me.19:13
ankurline 92 and 13219:13
lfaraoneankur: right, looks okay.19:15
kandarpklfaraone: Jonas has said we do not need to remove COPYING from binary package19:15
kandarpklfaraone: shall I ignore the lintian warning ?19:15
ankurlfaraone,  okay , then should i go ahead, commit and push. commit mesg  "Added etoys as dependency"19:15
lfaraonekandarpk: No. What he said was that it should be handled by python-sugar.mk if it is identical to the version of the file shipped in /usr/share/common-licenses.19:16
kandarpklfaraone: OK.19:16
lfaraonekandarpk: if it isn't, python-sugar.mk will not do anything about it, in which case you are right to remove the file (if you properly document the license in debian/copyright)19:17
ankurlfaraone,  will that commit mesg suffice ?19:18
lfaraoneankur: you added it as a dependency... to what?19:18
ankur"Added etoys as dependency for sucore" might be better19:18
lfaraoneankur: good :)19:18
lfaraoneankur: sugar-sucrose-0.88 would be even better :)19:19
ankurlfaraone,  sure but that git repo is of version .89.1 ? aint it?19:20
ankurdo we have different version for sugar and sucrose?19:20
ankuror .90 as in change log?19:21
lfaraoneankur: sugar-sucrose-0.90, rather.19:23
ankurlfaraone,  :)19:23
ankurlfaraone,  i have pushed the changes , please have a look at repo as well :)19:24
ankurlfaraone,  what branch was i suppose to update , upstream one ? i have pushed the changes to master branch19:27
lfaraoneankur: hmm, looks like your push was lost, can you please re-push?19:28
ankurlfaraone,  well i could see the changes reflected on repo .....19:28
lfaraoneankur: right, I was doing some repository maintinence so changes made in the last... 10 minutes were lost.19:29
ankurokay ,19:29
lfaraoneankur: sory :(19:29
ankurno prob :)19:29
ankurlfaraone,  i used this command last time19:29
ankurgit push --all git+ssh://ankurkkhurana-guest@alioth.debian.org/git/collab-maint/sugar.git19:29
ankurany changes to be made in that?19:29
lfaraoneankur: nope.19:29
ankurlfaraone,  pushed :)19:30
lfaraoneankur: feel free to also make the change in master-0.88 as well.19:30
ankurdo i need to clone repo again for that branch or i could switch branches?19:31
lfaraoneankur: you can switch branches.19:33
ankurlfaraone,  i will do that in morning .I was to leave for something else now and will go for sleep afterwards .It is always nice working with you :)19:35
* ankur says good night to all19:35
lfaraoneankur: the pleasure is mutual. night.19:35
kandarpklfaraone: speak marked for review.19:36
lfaraonekandarpk: cool, thanks. I'll look at it later today.19:36
* lfaraone -> late lunch.19:36
satellit_do you know if http://download.sugarlabs.org/usr/USR-i386-20100823.iso  works?19:50
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=== bernie_afk is now known as bernie
satellit_dfarning: usr-20100823 has only one application: read 78 and does not start added surf 115 ; abacus 6 record 76 terminal 24 speak 16 ta 86 moon 11 irc 5 analyze 8 log 23 as ,xo by drag drop fron 2nd usb22:16
satellit_terminal error: Configparser instance has no attribute 'setboolean'  fails to start22:19
satellit_speak and read will not start22:21
satellit_if log out  cannot log back in.....22:23
satellit_using live cd22:24
dfarningsatellit_, It works? very cool.  Just missing all of the activities.  That we can fix:)22:44
satellit_dfarning: I deleted the read (erase) and lost all activities in ring and f3 dropdown. have to start from journal...?22:50
satellit_ls shows them in activities dir but not showing in ring or dropdown?22:50
satellit_what is root password?22:51
satellit_log out does not allow log in again ... have to restart22:51
satellit_firefox .xo works also22:52
satellit_pop up failed to start comes out after exit22:52
satellit_USR-i386-20100824.iso is newer and much smaller....does it work?22:53
dfarningsatellit_, hmm.  I think the first one is a bug about not correctly setting activities.favorites.  Can you file a bug?22:53
satellit_yes will do in a little while....testing 82422:54
dfarningsatellit_, I think something is wrong with -824.  I was just sitting down to fix it.22:54
satellit_will wait22:54
dfarningsatellit_, ubuntu does not allow root login by default instead you use sudo.22:56
satellit_ok is there a password?22:56
=== bernie is now known as bernie_afk
dfarningthere shouldn't be....22:57
satellit_I try to log in as Live session user and it fails22:57
satellit_I wanted to add a real user...22:58
dfarningahh ok... you are logging out and it takes you back to the login screen where it requires a user and password to log back in.  is that correct?22:59
satellit_yes no way back but restart22:59
satellit_running on CD not installed23:00
dfarningOk can you file a bug on that against sugar-0.88.  We will assign it tonight.23:01
dfarningwhat does this mean?  'pop up failed to start comes out after exit'23:02
satellit_name on start up is "Live session user"23:02
dfarningok we will have to figure out how to make that the default user23:02
satellit_there is a sugar message that pops up when an application fails to start. It has always popped up with firefox but does not affect its working...(time to load >long?23:03
satellit_name of user better liveuser  no spaces? like fedora.23:04
satellit_I have to start USR then drag drop surf-115 start surf and use ASLO to download terminal so I can use USR....23:06
satellit_then in terminal sudo su  brings up root....23:07
satellit_users = 7 ubuntu instances23:08
satellit_what is command to add user?23:09
satellit_dfarning: can log out  then login as ubuntu no password23:19
satellit_sugar name has no effect23:20
satellit_useradd sugar makes user but cannot log in at gdm to it need better command string here...23:20
satellit_word 4 works23:23
satellit_physics 5 failed23:23
satellit_calculate 32 works23:24
satellit_pippy 37 starts but No module named pygame if try to run23:24
satellit_string and math sections run23:26
satellit_terminal 31 from ASLO works23:26
satellit_shutdown from sugar dropdown does not work. have to use logout and then shutdown from bottom right icon on gdm bar23:33
satellit_maybe because  of multiple (7) ubuntu users? (mutinetwork users aware)23:35
satellit_defarning: USR-i386-20100824.iso  logs in init 1 log in 6 ubuntu instances no start-x23:40
satellit_use sudo su23:42
satellit_defarning: how to add bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/sugarlabs ? I am logged in....23:52

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