
aragood morning!07:19
KE1HAGM :-)07:21
davmor2ara: when's the next set of iso's10:56
aradavmor2, next week, for Beta11:01
davmor2ara: you might need to start picking on Jono to test wubi then I'm on holiday next week11:02
aradavmor2, OK, I will, thanks for the heads up11:10
aradavmor2, nevertheless, bladern now has a laptop with windows to test11:11
davmor2ara: Yeah but get jono involved anyway tell him it recompense for thanking MS ;)  I'll try and test it towards the end of the week and see if it actually works at all.11:12
aradavmor2, thanks!11:14
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* ara -> lunch13:18
njinhello guys, are you experiencing strange issue using testdrive and qemu-kvm ?17:26
njinpedro_: around ?17:41
davmor2njin: try tracking down kirkland he is possibly the most knowledgeable when it comes to both testdrive and kvm/qemu17:55
njindavmor2: ok thanks17:56
moustafacr3, fader, davmor2, good afternoon :)18:41
fadermoustafa: Hey hey18:41
moustafafader: Ho ho!18:42
moustafafader: I noticed you lost the underscore.  Are you working out?18:42
faderIt's a secret ;)18:43
davmor2moustafa: bonjour hohehon18:43
moustafadavmor2: I just went through the entire post-2005 Dr Who run in a few weeks, I do believe I made my mind blow up18:47
moustafadavmor2: I also came to the realisation that I see TV series in the wrong order, which probably means I have a bit of TimeLord in me :p18:52
davmor2moustafa: No you just don't live in England so we send them to you in the wrong order to play with your head ;)  Seems to be working :D18:54
fadermoustafa: No spoilers -- I have about 3 seasons of that queued up to watch this winter :)18:56
davmor2fader: the doctor turn into the invisibleman about half way through season 218:59
davmor2moustafa: have you guys got to the new new doctor yet or ar eyou still on tenant?19:01
moustafaWe finished the season with the new Doctor a month ago or so19:02
moustafadavmor2: Ended up liking him.  I'm not sure if I liked him better than Tennant, but I very much liked him19:03
davmor2moustafa: He's alright but I still preferred the Tennant Piper partnership the best19:05
moustafadavmor2: It was a good parnership, but that's because they were writing the Doctor as in love with Rose (and vice versa) whereas this Doctor isn't looking for the same type of commitment from his companion19:07
moustafadavmor2: What I did love most though was how old he'd sometimes appear to be.  You could almost feel the 900+ years weighing on him19:08
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