
elkyakgraner, remind me which day we need to embarrass you on?01:06
akgranerelky it would be the last day of UDS :-P01:09
akgranerjust remember  - paybacks01:09
akgranerwe'll delay embarrassing you until that week as well :-)01:16
elkyakgraner, oh, but my birthday isn't until /after/ UDS :D01:21
Pendulumelky: shhh... you weren't supposed to clue akgraner in :P01:23
akgranerrww, +1 unbirthdays01:23
akgranerwoo hoo01:23
Pendulumakgraner: you mean if elky finds a way to embarrass you, you won't fly to Australia for payback? :P01:24
akgranerno I will01:24
akgraner:-) Australia is on my list of places01:24
rww... to avoid due to spiders?01:25
MichelleQrww: I like the way you think01:25
MichelleQboth with the unbirthdays, and the spiders01:25
Pendulumwe'll have to have cake!01:27
Pendulum(sorry, I am currently dieting. This puts cake on my mind a lot ;) )01:28
elkyMmm, cake01:33
MichelleQPendulum: I'm good with cake.01:53
MichelleQI'll even agree to make said cake.01:53
rwwI made vegan cake once, mainly to avoid fiddling with eggs :(01:54
Pendulumvegan cake isn't actually that hard to make01:56
rwwtastes pretty good, too01:56
MichelleQyeah, it's not too hard at all02:20
MichelleQBetty Crocker does an amazing GFCF cake mix, too.  Can't swear to the eggage though02:20
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czajkowskihypatia: is there any tag specific to a hackerspace?10:08
czajkowskione generic one ?10:08
hypatiafor blogging? twitter?10:10
hypatiai usually use #hackerspaces on twitter10:10
czajkowskitis kinda long but good to know10:13
czajkowskiwe;re setting one up in my home town Limerick10:13
hypatiai think !hs works on identica. also10:13
hypatiamake sure you go over the docs on the wiki10:13
hypatiathe design patterns stuff is awesome10:13
hypatia05:07 < danni> but something that's come out of my therapy is the need to understand your  boundaries and desires and needs, and to be able to communicate them10:14
hypatia05:09 < danni> but it's not easy, because it gives someone a roadmap both to what you want,  but also to what makes you vulnerable10:14
hypatiaaw fuck10:14
hypatiathat was not the paste buffer i meant to paste10:14
czajkowskioh and I also get to meet david rook soon as he's giving talk/demos at my event10:14
hypatiaexcuse my french10:14
hypatiawas the link i meant to paste10:15
valoriehypatia, if that was private -- might want to edit the posted logs10:15
hypatiacan we edit them?10:16
hypatiait was private :/10:16
valorieI don't know whom to ask, but I would think so10:16
valoriein such cases10:16
rwwit's done by Canonical, and goes live at a couple of minutes past the hour, and is cached into Google and such, so... you have 45 minutes :\10:16
hypatiai'll check with the person whose logs i just pasted10:16
* hypatia checked, it's all good10:18
hypatiaugh logging10:19
czajkowskiaccidents happen10:21
hypatias'true :)10:21
* hypatia just prefers her accidents to not be indexed by the googles10:22
czajkowskiI need breakie!10:24
czajkowskifood has been had10:48
macosi, ingles18:14
IdleOneghost: you live in Boston18:19
pleia2interesting http://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Statistics18:34
pleia2(of course since this is debian it only counts women who have/had actual changelog entries in packages in the archive)18:35
IdleOneis there a reason for even needing to have those stats?18:40
IdleOneI mean for me it doesn't make a difference if the DD is male or female18:41
nigelbpleia2: just 10? :(18:41
pleia2nigelb: yeah, numbers for actual developers in projects are still pretty low18:42
pleia2IdleOne: we have statisics like that too, these are -women projects and to track our effectiveness over the years you need to have numbers18:42
nigelbpleia2: but comparitively ubuntu is not so well off either :(18:42
pleia2nigelb: *nod*18:42
nigelbI only know of <10 women developers on Ubuntu (i.e. with actual uploads)18:43
pleia2I think lucidfox and I are the only two on that list18:43
pleia2and I don't count on the ubuntu side18:43
macolucidfox, me, yulia, sarah, leann, and rhonda are all the women with upload rights in ubuntu18:43
nigelbpleia2: rhonda too for the debian side18:43
IdleOnepleia2: yes I understand the need for having numbers and keeping stats it just seems like another tool for the haters to use against women.18:43
nigelbmaco: hrm, yulia? (why doesn't that name ring a bell?), also add lucidfox18:44
pleia2IdleOne: so we should keep hiding so we don't get trolled?18:44
pleia2IdleOne: the problem is "the haters", not us18:44
IdleOneI agree18:44
maconigelb: she's never been in the channels afaik, but she's in ~ubuntu-dev18:45
nigelbIdleOne: its about objectively measuring progress18:45
pleia2we need to track metrics, if someone uses them to hurt us it's not our fault, we're not going to hide or compromise what we need anymore18:45
nigelbmaco: Ah.18:45
nigelbmaco: wait, I didn't see you had already put lucidfox on the list :D18:46
* MarkDude reminds that *haters* means you are suceeding18:46
* nigelb notes now we'll have skat and allison to the list.18:46
maconigelb: my list was people with upload rights18:47
macoworking for canonical is not an automatic "in" for lp:~ubuntu-dev18:47
nigelbmaco: I know.  I'm presuming they might end up getting there.  I maybe wrong though.18:47
IdleOneI think the stats are misleading anyway. I don't believe that greater numbers produce greater quality of work. Yes there are more male devs but does that mean they are putting out better packages then the women. I wish that a project could be judged by the product and not by who worked on the product.18:49
IdleOneif I am not making myself clear I apologize18:50
nigelbIdleOne: The Debian environment doesn't work that way per se.18:50
vishstats are nice to keep a momentum... [hmm, I maybe a bit unaware of this] but how exactly are we getting /more/ women to work on Ubuntu/Debian ? i.e. are we actively trying to bring more women in ?18:56
macovish: theoretically, thats what UW does...18:58
vishmaco: afaik, UW is about creating an environment for women to feel comfortable to work in, which has a chain effect and draws in more women, am I right?19:01
pleia2vish: some of us do actively bring our friends here to participate, and advertise the project at conferences and events19:01
vishpleia2: ah right, i forgot about the conferences..  :)19:02
czajkowskiaye there are very few women over here but all who meet me get told about this group19:02
czajkowskiI also mention it at any talk I go to19:02
czajkowskibut many dont want to join a women centric group, and I dont force it19:02
pleia2IdleOne: you're welcome to believe that diversity does not improve quality of projects, but there are countless studies that prove your belief wrong19:03
pleia2on the individual level it doesn't matter, of course19:03
pleia2I care about increasing diversity to improve the project, and I like working with other women (and I like working with men too!)19:04
pleia2being the only one feels lousy19:04
pleia2or a "token"19:04
IdleOnepleia2: I don't think I am expressing myself properly. So I am going to be quiet and listen.19:04
pleia2honestly I wish people cared less about my gender too, but they do care, and we're here to handle living in the real world :)19:08
pleia2we'll get there eventually, and then we can get rid of -women projects!19:08
czajkowskiIdleOne: it's not just in UW or Ubuntu, in every project, course/college/school I've always see stats on male/women ratios it's not a biggie19:09
czajkowskipleia2: +1 :D19:09
akgranerpleia2, speaking of Debian  - I need some suggestions for cross-collaboration on the news front...any ideas19:13
akgranerI need to find some caffeine  - my creative energy low light is on19:14
pleia2akgraner: debian news is a tricky beast, I'm delighted that they started working on it again but their tools are still hard to use and the organization of the team is somewhat unclear, I think the first step would be defining a sharing medium (which hopefully is not a git repo :))19:16
akgranerpleia2, I agree since you know more about that side - what sharing medium would you suggest?  I am sure and etherpad and/or googledocs would not go over well but what about a wiki page?19:19
pleia2akgraner: a wiki page would probably be an acceptable compromise (I agree with your analysis of google docs/etherpad)19:19
akgranera wiki should give diffs and who changed what etc19:20
czajkowskigoogledocs isn't very open..19:20
pleia2not at all19:20
akgranerczajkowski, I know :-) that's why I said it wouldn't fly19:20
czajkowskia wiki is a good way of things or etherpad but I know a lotta folks have issues depending onn what kinda version you have19:21
czajkowskiakgraner: just saying :)19:21
* czajkowski hugs pleia2 , thank you22:13
* pleia2 hugs22:14
pleia2I'm excited!22:14
pleia2it really is nice to see something come of that session22:15
pleia2and banners, yaaaay, go very far to make us look more professional22:15
czajkowskibut it's taken a good few months to get that sorted22:15
czajkowskiso I am pleased22:15
czajkowskilotta emailing and sourcing and planning22:15
czajkowskiso glad I could get that mail/post out today22:15
czajkowskiordered new moo cards22:16
czajkowskiso handy to have saves me spelling my name out22:16
czajkowskihere have a card22:16
czajkowskiemail is on it22:16
macoczajkowski: so thats tee see aych eh eye...22:31
czajkowskimaco: I think I was the only 4 year old that could spell a russian and a polish name22:32
MichelleQczajkowski: Mike told me the other day he heard your last name pronounced for the first time, and that he never would have sorted out.  I told him that we have the same problem only in reverse.22:35
MichelleQOne would be surprised at the number of ways in which hall can be misspelled.22:35
czajkowskiMichelleQ: heheh so true22:35
MichelleQMy personal favorite... and I kid you not.  I got a junk mail addressed "Dear Mrs. Hell"22:36
czajkowskiheh I get Mr. Czajkowski22:37
valoriethere are days when maybe that fits, MichelleQ?22:37
czajkowskiComputer engineer22:37
MichelleQvalorie: most definitely22:37
czajkowskias dad is Mr Czajkowski Electronics enginner22:37
valorieIdleOne: reading up, it sounds as if you are saying "show me the code"22:38
valoriein nicer language22:38
IdleOnevalorie: not sure what you mean by that22:38
czajkowskihttp://pix.ie/czajkowski/1873658/size/800   <------- Mothership22:39
MichelleQczajkowski: I get the Mr. part all the time.  Makes things really interesting when they confuse Mike's name and mine.22:39
valorie13:28] <IdleOne> [13:38:07] is there a reason for even needing to have those stats?22:39
valorie[13:28] <IdleOne> [13:39:08] I mean for me it doesn't make a difference if the DD is male or female22:39
czajkowskiaye I'd say that happens a lot22:39
MichelleQshe's beautiful, czajkowski, and I see a lot of you in her.22:39
czajkowskiI was doing moo cards for her also22:39
IdleOnevalorie: ok, how do you get "show me the code" from that?22:40
* MichelleQ imagines Cuba Gooding Jr. saying "show me the code"22:40
valoriewell, from the code standpoint, of course it doesn't matter who submits22:41
valoriejust the quality of the code22:41
valoriebut from the point of those submitting, it makes a HUGE difference who they are working next to22:42
valoriethe community IS important -- and a good community produces much better code22:42
valoriemy point is that the stats are important not in themselves22:42
valoriebut in showing increasing diversity over time22:43
valorieand if you don't bother measuring, you can't show progresss22:43
valorieooo, didn't mean to hiss22:43
IdleOne:) I appreciate the input22:43
IdleOnedidn't read it with a negative tone22:43
czajkowskivalorie: it's not reading as a hiss22:44
valoriewe're all on the same side here22:44
valorieI slipped into parseltongue22:45
czajkowskislowly but surely22:45
czajkowskiit;s also hard at times to work out tone over irc22:45
czajkowskidrives me batty most days22:45
IdleOnemy point was that ultimately the code is what matters. If a project had 99% women and only 1% men I would look at it the same way.22:45
valorieand on that we disagree22:45
IdleOneWhat matters to me is that the project is successful, if it helps then it really does not matter to me the percentage of either gender. I agree that diversity makes for a better project (different points of view)....Again I feel I am putting my foot in my mouth and not explaining my idea clearly.22:48
czajkowskiIdleOne: if you feel that way, can you try and explain yourself a bit better22:49
czajkowskiI'm curious now  as I like valorie disagree with you22:49
valoriewell, I tend to look at it from not just the snapshot view22:49
valoriebut as a point in history22:49
valorieif there isn't diversity, the project will die or move into force mode - i.e. church hierarchies, etc.22:50
rwwIf the code were all that mattered, I'd be part of the Debian project instead.22:50
IdleOneczajkowski: I don't know that I am able to at this point22:51
IdleOneI need to think more carefully about what it is I am trying to convey22:51
valorieso while it is OK for a project to be monolithic for awhile22:52
valorieeventually they have to open or die of groupthink22:52
macoMichelleQ: i have a cousin whose last name is kumpfmiller. she spelled this on the phone to yellowbook when buying an ad. got the bill addressed to... umm... s/mpf/nts/22:56
nhandlerNot sure if you all saw this, but there was a post about the Debian Women team trying to get more women involved (especially with packaging and becoming DDs). They are organizing some classroom sessions right now.22:57
IdleOnemn pt fs o the phone can sound very similar22:57
rwwmaco: oh lawd.22:58
rwwI resort to "Wall, as in the thing that holds up roofs" a lot :(22:58
IdleOnebut yeah unfortunate mispelling22:58
MichelleQmaco: OH dear.23:02

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