
Zartegood evening02:42
richbzHi All - I am getting a little frustrated trying to get my DV Cam working in ubuntu 10.04 with a -rt kernel.. can anybody help me03:21
holsteinhey richbz03:56
holsteindoes it work with the generic kernel?03:56
holsteinis it RT specific?03:56
holsteinthere is a newer kernel in this PPA03:57
holsteinadd that and sudo apt-get install linux-realtime03:58
richbz@holstein I was unable to get it to work in the generic kernel but after I went through all the steps in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation and made the rt kernel the default boot kernel it was recognized... problem is it doesn't actually capture.. it will control the cam but it will not capture from it... Thanks for any help you can provide.04:36
holsteinwhat are you trying to do?04:37
holsteinhave you tried VLC?04:38
richbzjust capture off my dv cam which is firewire04:38
* holstein not really a video guy04:38
holsteinyour in the video group?04:38
richbzI'm going to try the vlc now04:38
richbzI already tried Kino and Kdenlive04:38
holsteini had to do something from04:39
holsteinecho 'KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="video", MODE="0664"' |04:39
holsteinsudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/50-raw1394.rules04:39
holsteinyou should be able to test this by running whatever your trying to capture with as root04:39
holsteini would do that just to rule out a permissions error04:40
richbzshould I put both lines in the terminal04:40
richbzecho and sudo04:40
holsteini did the whole thing in one commandd04:40
holsteinyou'll need to restart04:40
holsteinsudo restart udev04:41
holsteinyou can just run sudo VLC04:41
holsteinor sudo whatever04:41
holsteinand test that way04:41
holsteinif it wont capture that way04:41
holsteinthen its not permissios04:41
holsteinthen its not permissions*04:41
richbzit echo'd back the first part  'KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="video", MODE="0664"'04:43
holsteinthats sounds right :)04:43
holsteintry sudo restart udev04:44
holsteinand go for it04:44
richbzOk I'll check now04:44
richbzIt does the same thing ... I can control the dv cam but cannot capture04:56
holsteinso your not dealing with permissions then04:57
holsteinwhat are you using to capture?04:58
holsteindoes VLC see it?04:58
richbzI don't see a firewire option in vlc04:58
holsteinwhat is the device?04:59
richbzJVC MiniDV camcorder05:00
richbz>> Starting Capture05:00
richbz>> AV/C Enabled05:00
richbz>>> Using iec61883 capture05:00
richbz>>> iec61883Reader::StartThread on port 105:00
richbz>>> AVC enabled05:01
richbz>> Constructing File Capture tracker05:01
richbz>>> AVC enabled05:01
richbzthat is wht the terminal said as I was trying to use capture in kino05:01
holsteinrichbz: install dvgrab05:02
holsteinand see if that sees it05:02
holsteinand let me search around some more...05:02
holsteinits in the repos05:03
richbzdvgrab is already installed05:03
holsteinJVC GRD-650US ??05:06
holsteinrichbz: does dvgrab see it?05:06
richbzholstein: yes05:07
holsteinyes it sees it?05:08
holsteinyou get capture with it?05:08
richbzand it is a JVC but I don't remember the model number I think it has 250 in it05:09
richbzit is a small one05:09
holsteinmight just be a kino thing05:09
holsteinolder version or something05:09
richbzit sees it but it says its waiting for DV05:09
holsteinrichbz: and you pushed play on the camera?05:10
richbzyes it is playing now05:10
holsteinand no joy?05:10
richbzbut it still says its waiting for DV...05:10
holsteinshut it down05:10
holsteinand restart it as sudo05:10
holsteinsudo dvgrab05:11
holsteinand try it again05:11
richbzthats how i did it before05:11
richbzwhat is the command to stop a program05:11
holsteinsudo killall dvgrab ?05:11
holsteindoes that get it?05:11
richbzit says no process found05:12
holsteinprobably stopped then05:12
richbzwhen i do sudo dvgrab it automatically starts the dv cam playing but the terminal says waiting for DV...05:14
holsteinseems like its so close to working05:14
holsteinrichbz: try restarting the box05:14
richbzlol right that is exactly what i was thinking05:15
holsteinand running dvgrav as normal user05:15
holsteinand let me look some more...05:15
richbzyou mean the whole cpu or just the terminal05:15
holsteini was thinking restart the box05:18
holsteinincase those added files arent quite being read yet05:19
holsteinbut im really just taking a stab05:19
richbzat this point anything is worth a try to me .. thanks I'm going to restart now05:20
holsteinrichbz: i would try05:20
holsteinirc.gnome.org #kino05:20
holsteinand maybe the mailing list for kino05:20
holsteinim just not familiar enough with video to be much help05:21
* holstein is an audio guy05:21
holsteini know there are video folk in here sometimes05:21
richbzno prob.. I do have audio questions but I am trying to get my video in here and working first .. thanks for all your help05:22
holsteinrichbz: anytime05:22
Alex__this is ubuntu support?15:58
=== Alex__ is now known as Davidmp
DavidmpDoes wubi support ubuntu studio if i download the iso?16:01
holsteinDavidmp: i think you can16:21
holsteinbut i really wouldnt suggest it16:21
holsteini would do a wubi install of the normal ubuntu16:22
holsteinand add whatever software you want16:22
holsteinfrom the ubuntustudio metapackages16:22
holsteini had that going on back at 8.1016:23
Davidmpwubi isnt even installing a distro16:23
holsteinDavidmp: you mean its not working for you?16:23
Davidmpyep not at al16:23
holsteinmaybe something to do with your windows version16:24
Davidmpvista 32bit16:24
holsteinive only tried it in XP16:24
Davidmpit used to work16:24
holsteinand had good luck actually16:24
holsteinDavidmp: are you using the most current wubi?16:24
holsteinor the one from the disc?16:24
Davidmpyes from wubi.com16:24
holsteini cant imaging those would be much different16:25
Davidmpubuntu studio doesnt work on a disc16:25
Davidmpat least for me16:25
holsteinDavidmp: ??16:25
holsteinits not a live distro16:25
holsteinthere is only an installer16:25
holsteinDavidmp: i would get the normal ubuntu disc16:25
holsteinand try the included wubi16:25
Davidmpwell guess im waiting 4 weeks16:26
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation16:26
holsteinDavidmp: 4weeks?16:26
Davidmpyeah i requested a disc16:26
holsteinyou can download it16:26
Davidmpis using a flashdrive any different from a disc?16:28
Davidmpi need to use a flashdrive16:28
holsteinyou mean16:28
holsteinto install from?16:28
holsteinor to?16:28
Davidmpto install to16:28
holsteinit'll be similar16:28
Davidmpoh ok16:28
Davidmptoo bad wubi isnt working.. dont really want to partition my disk16:29
holsteintry that wubi16:29
holsteinthe one on the disc16:29
Davidmpthank you ill be back if i have any problems16:29
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak

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