
alkisgdgroos1: can you test 2 things?00:06
alkisg1) sudo gedit /usr/share/sch-scripts/scripts/server/runas-sudo-user00:07
alkisgexec "$@"00:07
alkisg# Now, check some necessary environment variables00:07
alkisg(i.e. put the exec line right above that comment)00:07
alkisg2) double click on a client. vinagre will open, but not show anything. Go to the menu and enable reverse connections. It should then work fine.00:08
alkisg(i'll fix both of them properly of course, but in the mean time that should get you going...)00:08
dgroos1alkisg: I tested with some restarting clients and sch-scripts and things work great again at the server.00:12
alkisgOK, try those above, they should allow it to work on thin clients too. ^^^00:12
dgroos1I've really got to run (actually bike :)) home as I'm way late for dinner! but I'm going to copy these fixes and get back to it tomorrow morning when I get back to school.  Thanks so much!00:13
alkisgOK, bye bye!00:13
* alkisg is a biker too :)00:13
dgroos1what's the motor, you or mechanical?00:14
alkisgSold the mechanical one :)00:14
dgroos1as well, for me, though I've still got the mechanical one hanging around under a tarp :)00:15
alkisgdgroos1: OK, I properly fixed it, here's the correct "runas-sudo-user" script: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sch-devs/sch-scripts/trunk/annotate/head%3A/sch-scripts/scripts/server/runas-sudo-user00:57
Ahmuckdgroos1: looking over your video tutorial05:07
Ahmuckdgroos1: i'm not a programmer, but i'd be willing to work with you when i have time to assist you.05:08
coz_hey guys... I have noticed this occurring with edubuntu but lucid in general.... there are times...frequent times...that when opening synaptic the system freezes14:02
coz_I have to  go into text console   as root   killall synaptic   log in... open  software sources first then open synaptic for it to work14:03
coz_any suggestions?14:03
dgroos1Good morning all14:03
coz_dgroos1,  good morning14:04
dgroos1coz_: I've not had that issue with Synaptic, yet, though not used it much, usually I do the sudo apt-get install thing.14:05
coz_dgroos1,  same here but at times...when doing support I need to opne synaptic  and this seems to be a consistent issue14:05
dgroos1I wish I had some good advice but the level of specificity would be something like "try googling" :)  sorry I can't help.14:07
dgroos1alkisg: (8:08 + 8 = 16:08) and good afternoon.14:08
dgroos1alkisg: looking at the logs, it looks like you came up with a more permanent solution.  Will I need to re-do the translations after I add said file to it's location on the server?  Do I just restart sch-scripts afterwards?14:11
coz_dgroos1,  no problem I found one report on it with no solutions however14:12
dgroos1Ahumck: Saw your comment from last night.  I think that would be cool.14:36
dgroos1I must say that that video is lns, not mine.14:36
dgroos1Seems like one of the first things we need to do is to create a wiki page linking to help videos that we feel are good.14:36
dgroos1Maybe with comments about what version they apply to, what they are good at explaining, how to improve, etc.14:37
dgroos1That way we don't have to reinvent the wheel and it respects the work people have done.14:38
alkisgdgroos1: no, just copy that one file over the existing one. A problem still remains though, that if the teacher starts sch-scripts from a thin client, they'll be able to "see themselves"14:53
alkisgSo maybe "lock screen" could even lock their screens, not sure. I'll have to look into that too.14:53
dgroos1alkisg: I was kinda embarresed about this last night so I didn't mention it but when I was experimenting with the 'lock screen' function the first one I locked was my own :)14:57
alkisgTemporarily, select the other users beside the one operating sch-scripts. I"ll solve that too soon.14:58
dgroos1And then I went to another computer, logged in as a different user, opened up sch-scripts and unlocked it from there--it worked!14:58
alkisg(when we were programming this, we never thought the teacher wouldn't sit on the server :D)14:59
dgroos1Can you remind me the name of the file that contains the translations?14:59
alkisgsch-scripts.glade? you don't need to touch that at all14:59
dgroos1right, that was it.  I need to back it up so that when I do the update and it overwrites that file, I'll simply copy/paste between my translations and the new glade file.15:01
alkisgBut there's no automatic update yet, you need to copy a file manually15:01
dgroos1btw -- how about a new name for sch-scripts, like, 'greek-goodness' or something catchy like that :D15:01
alkisgIt's probably a bad name, I got carried away because we use the *.sch.gr domain for schools here. Maybe something "classroom administration" related...15:03
alkisgIn 2 years, we'll rewrite it from scratch and properly add internationalization and everything. Plus a new name. :)15:04
dgroos1Classroom Administration or CA for short.  People in California and Canada would like that!15:06
dgroos1alkisg: Works!!!15:17
dgroos1Couple of questions...15:18
dgroos1Is there a way to make it so that a users full name shows up under the thumb nail of their screen?15:19
alkisgNot yet, but we thought of adding an option for that later on (like it's now for the "users" panel)15:20
alkisgi.e. users > show full name, we'll add that to the terminals menu too15:21
dgroos1That would be a useful feature.  Is there a way to know which screen corresponds to which computer besides keeping a list that corresponds ltsp# with computer location? (Also I know about show properties.)15:23
dgroos1Arrg... just realized I've got a meeting that starts in a few minutes... be back in an hour or so...15:26
alkisgMe too, in 2 hours, bye15:26
dgroos1alkisg: My other question is maybe more important...16:51
dgroos1A different question: our set up is different than yours. We've got 2 classrooms running on the same server.  Is there a way to use groups such that you make all users of 1 teacher in one group...16:52
dgroos1and all users of the other teacher in another group...16:52
dgroos1and then by selecting a group on the left, only the computers used by the users in that group show up.16:53
dgroos1Otherwise, there might be 20 computers in my class and 20 in the other class, making 40 thumbnails that would need to be managed, though half wouldn't be of interest to me...16:54
Ahmuckgrouping by mac address17:07
Ahmuckwith different tabs for different groups17:08
dgroos1Ahmuck: that would be a great solution--not sure if it works on sch-scripts is the thing.17:18
dgroos1Have you seen sch-scripts?  It's the Greek answer to iTALC in a sense, customized for their setting.  I've installed it and after translating the interface it is great, much more stable/quick than iTALC.17:19
Ahmucki've seen a screenshot17:59
Ahmuckanybody know why sbeanlves dropped out?17:59
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dgroos1alkisg: my other question starts here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/26/%23edubuntu.html#t16:51 (didn't realize you were out of the room).18:41
alkisgdgroos1: No, currently there's no such possibility. For us, when we have multiple classrooms, we also have multiple servers (2 low-end servers are cheaper than 1 high-end server for us)18:46
alkisgWe could add such a grouping option, but I don't think anyone will do it now. So that too would have to wait 2 years :)18:47
dgroos1Makes sense.18:47
alkisg(a lot of ui changes would be needed, to add/remove classrooms, which gets unecessarily complicated for our needs)18:48
alkisgWe could make a "group" option in the background though, if it suits you18:49
alkisgE.g. if the teacher is in group "classA1", we can arrange that he only sees students that belong to the same group, "classA1"18:49
dgroos1I do appreciate you working with me on this...18:49
alkisgSo, not really classroom related, but group related18:49
dgroos1That, actually, is what I was imagining when I saw the 'group' function on the left side.18:50
alkisgThe group management there is to better organize the students, their files etc, but not for PC management18:51
dgroos1Do you mean that only the clients which were logged-in by students in group x would show up when clicking on 'group x' in the group tab?18:51
alkisgE.g. "add these users to classC1", and then "select classC1 and classC2 and delete all their files because they graduated", stuff like that18:52
alkisgdgroos1: no, I mean a new option not currently shown in the iu18:52
alkisg"show only users that belong to group X"18:52
dgroos1How possible would that be to make something like that?18:53
dgroos1It would be perfect for our use.18:53
alkisgThere's a problem with the computers though, before the users log in18:54
alkisgComputers don't belong to groups. So nah, groups are not a good idea, it would have to be mac-address or hostname based18:55
dgroos1Right, because they would show always.  However, it would be a start because, at least I wouldn't see any screens of any student logged in unless they were in my class.  And if I could sort clients in the view window by logged in or not? then all unused clients would be at the bottom.18:56
alkisgdgroos1: unfortunately I don't want to give much time on sch-scripts development right now, because of my phd. But, let me think about it for a while, I may come up with an easy to implement idea that would work for you.18:59
dgroos1Thanks! :)18:59
alkisgdgroos1: we could put a filter in a menu, either an ip filter or a hostname filter19:30
alkisgE.g. "show only computers with hostname=classroom-a*"19:30
alkisgYou'd have to "connect" each hostname with each mac address to dhcpd.conf or lts.conf for this to work, but that would have to be done anyway to separate the classrooms19:31
alkisgUnfortunately, currently sch-scripts doesn't store its settings "per teacher", so the teacher would need to do it every time it starts sch-scripts.19:32
alkisg(we could add support for per-teacher settings too though in a few lines)19:37
dgroos1alkisg:  just got back to computer... It sounds like you are saying that, I could make a list that would connect a hostname with MAC addresses and that one could filter based on hostname? but...19:59
alkisg(yup, that's what I'm saying, and a new "filter box" would be added to the toolbar - better there than a menu)20:00
dgroos1... it would be lost upon restart or teacher logout/login BUT with a few lines of code, it could be saved?20:00
alkisgThe filter would be lost (currently) when starting sch-scripts, so the teacher would need to type "classa" to the filter each time it starts sch-scripts20:01
alkisgYes, with a few lines it could be saved20:01
dgroos1Man that would be sweet...20:02
dgroos1Would you do that?20:05
alkisgNope, but I'm trying to convince phantomas in #linux.sch.gr to do it20:05
alkisgIf you want come over to that room and tell him too :P20:05
dgroos1ah... with my forceful text... ;)20:05
alkisg(he's also with limited time for development for the next 2 years though :()20:05
RicmatI need some suggestions regarding how to implement Edubuntu over 20 computers that already have Ubuntu 10.04 installed....22:15
alkisgsudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop?22:16
RicmatI'm trying to avoid downloading edubuntu 20 times on 20 different computers....22:17
alkisgCheck for apt-proxy, it uses caching so that you download updates/packages only once22:17
alkisgAlso, one handy way to execute commands to multiple computers is clusterssh22:18
Ahmuck-Srif the computers are all the same22:18
alkisgI used to use that before switching to fat clients.22:18
Ahmuck-Srboot, and image the drive to multiple computers22:18
Ahmuck-Srdrbl or clonezilla, this is the way we've done it b422:18
alkisgYou install ssh, setup passwordless ssh, and then execute commands to all clients at once22:18
Ahmuck-Srinstall, configure one, and then clone many22:18
Ahmuck-Sror yes, use a proxy, mod the sources file and then always use the proxy for updates, etc.22:19
RicmatLet me go back a bit.  I'm a linux novice, but managed to get ubuntu 10.04 installed on 20 school computers.  The computers are all connected to the internet, but I've not yet figured out how to connect to each other.  They have CD drives, but not DVD drives.  If possible, I don't want to reinstall a total distribution over the top of my original installations which I've spent many weeks tweaking.  I'd just like to get *only22:22
Ricmat* the stuff related to edubuntu, and install that on top of what I already have.  Sorry if this is a stupid question....22:22
alkisgRicmat: you can ping to any computer by appending a ".local" to its name22:25
alkisgE.g. ping pc01.local22:25
alkisgSo they're already configured to talk to each other22:25
alkisgYou can select one of them to be a server, if you don't already have a server22:25
alkisgInstall apt-proxy there, and setup the others to use that server for downloading packags22:25
alkisgIf you google for apt-proxy, you'll find a lot of how-tos22:26
alkisgThe "server" one should better have a static ip. Not necessary, but much easier this way.22:26
RicmatOK - so I install apt-proxy to e.g. computer number 1, then download the 2.3GB edubuntu distribution to the same machine.   Then I set up all computers to use that machine (with a static IP) to use that machine as the server.  And more info is available about apt-proxy?  Am I restating this properly?  BTW I can set up the "server" to have a static IP.22:29
alkisgRicmat: no22:29
alkisgYou install apt-proxy to computer 1, and then install edubuntu-desktop to all of them22:30
alkisgThat automatically takes care of downloading everything only once22:30
alkisgSo, you'll download much less than 1Gb22:30
alkisg(not sure about the exact size of the dependecies of edubuntu-desktop)22:30
alkisgBut you dn't need the distribution if you already installed ubuntu22:30
alkisg(edubuntu-desktop says it needs to download 350 MB on my ubuntu PC, so I guess you'll need about that)22:33
RicmatI'm not sure how to download only the edubuntu related additions to ubuntu.  At the edubuntu web site, the only options seem to be for the total 2.3GB distribution.22:33
alkisgRicmat: that's the only command you need, after configuring apt-proxy: sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop22:33
alkisgOr, if you don't want to use a command, just install edubuntu-desktop from synaptic22:34
alkisgThat will get you a full edubuntu desktop22:34
RicmatOK - I'll give that a try.22:34
RicmatThanks for your help.  This is the first time I've tried this forum (and even had to install Xchat just to do that!).22:36
alkisgThere's a web front end too22:37
alkisgAlso, the preinstalled empathy program has irc support22:37
alkisgBut xchat is also a good choice22:37
alkisghighvoltage: maybe we could add a link to webchat.freenode to the edubuntu.org page?22:39
alkisg...many teachers don't know how to use irc...22:39
RicmatThe edubuntu.org page is where I saw the IRC reference.  I'm actually at home on an XP computer, so I don't use empathy.  BTW - the networking aspects of ubuntu were way down on my to-do list, but now that the start of school is almost here, it got elevated suddenly.22:41
RicmatBye for now.22:42
alkisgBye, good luck22:42
AkihikoI have a problem.23:11
AkihikoWhenever i try to install Ubuntu, it is stuck at the loading screen.23:11
alkisgFor general ubuntu questions, you can try in #ubuntu, you'll get more answers there23:12
AkihikoThey're assisting someone else23:13
alkisgThere are hundends of people there, I'm sure they can help more than one in parallel - that's how they usually do it23:14
alkisgIf you don't get an answer, try again after a while, or even try the mailing lists or the forums23:14
highvoltagealkisg: good idea23:20
alkisgYeah embedding is a good option, we use that in http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/webchat23:25
highvoltage-edubhmm, just need to adjust height...23:26
highvoltagealkisg: it links from the community page now23:29
alkisg-webAnd the size is fine23:30

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