
Riddelll"digiKam 1.4.0 released..."  late update anyone?00:12
apacheloggerwhy oh why does Qt not support jfif images :O00:12
Riddelllapachelogger: maybe, like me, Qt has never heard of jfif00:13
apacheloggerjfif is like cheap jpg00:13
Quintasan_Droid>cheap jpg00:13
Quintasan_DroidWhy bother using it then?00:14
apacheloggeractually I think the problem Qt has with the particular jfif thing I am trying to render is that it apparently is headerless00:14
Quintasan_DroidPng is superior in every aspect00:14
apacheloggerQuintasan_Droid: cuase ubuntu one deploys captachas as jfif00:14
apacheloggerubuntu-sso-client is a butterfly00:15
apacheloggera butterfly that uses gobjects for no reason at all00:16
apacheloggera butterfly that instanicfies a gui from the backend00:16
apacheloggertime for bed00:17
apacheloggermaco: yes00:17
* apachelogger doesnt get the words no more from tiredness00:17
Riddelllsweet dreams of butterflys apachelogger00:17
valoriesleep well, apachelogger00:18
Riddellanyone seen https://edge.launchpad.net/~blca/+archive/published ?  loads of KDE bits, might be worth asking him to get into more official packaging00:28
Riddelldantti: packagekit finally uploaded, growl at autoconf00:46
Riddellkpackagekit and debconf-kde too00:46
danttiRiddelll: nice :D hopefully I'll change it to cmake00:47
QuintasanRiddell: should I mention bringing a guardian with me in the Further information field?01:03
RiddellQuintasan: if you would have someone with you I guess you need to say that, including whether he/she needs a bed and would be paying for it01:04
QuintasanRiddell: sent01:06
Quintasanpatcito: hello01:06
patcitowhen I try to compile choqok I get that: http://pastie.org/1116520.txt?key=kskih4mhf4ufcxphbf5yhw01:06
patcitoany idea why?01:06
RiddellQuintasan: groovy01:06
Quintasan                 http://pastie.org/1116520.txt?key=kskih4mhf4ufcxphbf5yhw01:06
RiddellI expect package 'kwebkitpart' not found is the problem01:07
Quintasanpatcito: you lack development headers for kwebkitpart01:07
patcitolibkwebkit-dev is already the newest version.01:08
QuintasanCMake Error at /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindPhonon.cmake:19 (file):01:08
Quintasanthat can also be a problem01:08
patcitoI do have libqt4-phonon-dev installed, and every package with phonon and dev in it01:09
Riddellpatcito: try  apt-get build-dep choqok ?01:09
patcitoalready did that01:09
QuintasanRiddell: well, I hope for approval, the queue is getting more and more boring over the years01:09
QuintasanTime for bed I guess01:09
QuintasanGood night01:09
Riddellpatcito: install libphonon-dev01:10
RiddellQuintasan: night01:10
patcitolibphonon-dev is already the newest version.01:10
JontheEchidnagrr, I'm always getting the kmix and networkmanagement icons mixed up :/02:51
valorieme too02:51
valoriealmost identical except for alignment02:52
JontheEchidnawell, I guess both speakers and wifi radio emit waves :P02:52
valoriethey used to be different colors, didn't they?02:54
valorienow all bleached out too02:54
valoriebut I'm still fighting with kmix daily anyway02:54
valorie*every day* I have to reset it from 50% volume to 100%02:55
JontheEchidnaI sorta liked the vertical bars from kde3-knetworkmanager and the gnome networkmanager gui02:58
dequire_valorie: Why not just open a terminal and run "alsamixer" and max out everything? wouldn't that help?03:00
valorieI used to do that every day03:00
valoriekmix is just as easy, and it's right there03:01
valorieneither one will stick03:01
valorieit's a lucid thing for me, I guess03:01
valoriehoping Mav cures it03:01
valorieI haven't found anyone else complaining about it03:01
dequire_valorie: all. well, for me, once set in alsamixer it tends to stick. hope you get it worked out.03:04
valorienever had the problem before lucid03:04
valorieupgrading to Mav on Sat. -- global jam03:05
valorieso we'll see then03:05
dequire_I'm running both 4.5 on both pc an dlaptop atm. one is lucid, one MM alpha. no problems on either regarding sound. 03:06
dequire_must be a hardware thing03:06
valorienot up to 4.5 yet03:07
valorieI assume that will happen on Sat. also03:07
dequire_is that global jam the one that Nightrose was talking about that takes place here on IRC?03:09
dequire_if so, I plan to attend also :)03:09
valorieone can do it via IRC, yes03:09
valoriewe're meeting locally03:09
valorieand hoping to see more of the state in IRC03:10
dequire_i was at camp kde and getting pretty involved. but, as so often happens, life interfered for a while. hoping to get back in now.  03:14
* valorie is just getting more deeply involved03:15
valorieright now, writing the handbook for amarok03:15
valoriespeaking of which03:15
valorieback to work03:15
dequire_good luck :)03:16
ScottKRiddell, NCommander: kdeedu FTBFS.  Usual alignment type stuff: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54413165/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.kdeedu_4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz03:44
NCommanderScottK: bindings built?03:46
nigelbum, where is the LP branch for kubuntu docs?04:06
* valorie 's ears perk up04:06
valoriei don't know of such a thing04:07
* nigelb found04:07
valoriethe Amarok HB etc. are in userbase.kde.org04:07
valoriebut my hands are full right now04:08
nigelbdid you hard disk finish copying to backup/04:09
valorieoh, no04:09
valorieI did reformat04:09
valorieand supposedly partitioned04:10
valoriealthough -- doesn't look like it04:10
valoriegosh dang it, I meant to call my son about that04:10
valorieI got partitionmanager04:10
=== patcito_ is now known as patcito
valorieand it said it created a partition, but it doesn't look like my lappy HD04:11
valoriein the little image04:11
valorieif it had to be mounted to be partitioned, you would think it would ask me to do that right?04:11
nigelbbut it shouldn't be mounted for partition btw04:12
valorieI'll probably start it backing up before I go to bed tonight04:12
valorieso it can work while I sleep04:12
valoriewill take awhile04:12
valorieand I need to work now04:13
ScottKNCommander: It did.  kdeedu, not so much.05:13
NCommanderScottK: ../../../rocs/src/Core/node.cpp:210: error: prototype for 'void Node::setWidth(qreal)' does not match any in class 'Node'05:15
NCommander../../../rocs/src/Core/node.h:88: error: candidate is: void Node::setWidth(double)05:15
NCommanderScottK: it doesn't seem that hard to fix05:15
ScottKNCommander: For you.05:15
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apacheloggergood morning kubuntu08:57
Riddellgood morning harald08:58
debfxGood morning09:06
apacheloggerhttp://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/001.png <---09:16
Riddellyou must be doing something really nasty to ubuntu-sso09:19
persiaRiddell, apachelogger: from overnight backscroll, I'm apparently enabling images for kubuntu-mobile.  This doesn't happen to be something I'm authorised to do :)  Would one of you mind merging/uploading https://code.launchpad.net/~persia/livecd-rootfs/kubuntu-mobile?09:43
* apachelogger is hacking09:44
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, that gnome theming issue with kolourpaint4 does not have nothing to do with kolourpaint09:44
apacheloggerI am getting this every 5 minute or so09:44
persiaNo rush :)  I just didn't want anyone blocking waiting on me for something I can't do.09:45
apacheloggerrunning quassel, creator, chrome, konsole, qdbusviewer09:45
Riddellapachelogger: I expected so09:45
Riddellpersia: let me look09:45
persiaRiddell, Thanks.  I'm told this was the only non-cdimage bit undone (and have cdimage people prepared to act once this is done)09:46
Riddellpersia: you're not a core-dev?09:46
persiaI'm not.  I'll likely apply sometime soonish, but I need to actually do a healthy chunk of work in main first (probably target some of the relatively orphaned merges for natty)09:47
RiddellI'm sure editing livecd-rootfs counts towards your application :)09:48
persiaCertainly, and I've been hitting it most cycles since Jaunty, but I have fairly high criteria before I'd approve a core-dev, and don't currently meet them.09:49
Riddellpersia: merged09:52
* Riddell tries to remember how that gets synced to the server09:52
persiaIt's not synchronised with the UDD stuff.  You merge lp:livecd-rootfs, and upload, and it auto-updates lp:ubuntu/livecd-rootfs (or at least the branches weren't compatible yesterday, when I checked09:53
persiaAnd thanks!09:54
Riddellbut somehow it must get onto the CD builders09:55
Riddellmaybe that just happens by magic09:55
persiaOh, yeah, there's a cronjob that pulls it daily.09:55
persiaAnd lamont kicks it when it breaks.09:55
Riddelllamont == magic09:56
* persia forgets what time09:56
persiaOh, right.  magic then :)09:56
Riddellpersia: so who are the magical cdimage people who are not prepared to act?09:58
persiaI believe NCommander has a branch ready that enables some images, but he's busy at the moment digging through some FTBFS.  If that doesn't change by timezone switch, I'm planning to pass the patch to ogra.09:59
NCommanderRiddell: persia: I'll make the changes to cdimage itself, but I can't roll livecd-rootfs changes as I'm not a core-dev10:00
persiaNCommander, Riddell just merged/uploaded that.10:00
NCommanderpersia: Riddell: Ah. then we need to wait for the livecd-rootfs crontab updates livecd-rootfs in the image builders chroot10:02
RiddellI'll just have to be patient then :)10:06
persiaWell, if you're bored and want to do it in advance, that works too, but I think too many people will get error notifications.10:07
ari-tczewapachelogger: cannot you reproduce kolourpaint4-gnome issue? I saw your message ~30 minutes ago10:08
Riddellapachelogger: he says he can10:09
Riddellari-tczew: rather10:09
ari-tczewRiddell: so, yes or not? (my english is not always perfect)10:12
Riddellari-tczew: he can reproduce it yes10:12
ari-tczewRiddell: aaaa nice!10:12
RiddellNCommander: I had a shot at the kdeedu build failure, put it into PPA, not sure I got it right though10:12
NCommanderRiddell: does it build?10:18
Quintasangood morning10:19
Quintasanpersia: have a spare minute10:21
persiaQuintasan, I'll dig one up :)  What's up?10:23
Quintasanpersia: well i wanted to order something from yahoo.jp but that dude wont ship anywhere outside Japan10:25
persiaSo you want me to beat Hunter over the head with a stick, or receive it on your behalf?10:26
Quintasanpersia: well, first i wanted to know the postal fee to Poland10:27
persiaNo idea.  I know shipping to Germany is pricey, but acceptable.  I presume Poland it a bit more (just because there's less traffic)10:27
Quintasanthe cd is 1000 yen, is shipping to germany more expensive than 2000 yen10:28
persiaDunno off hand.  The local CD shipping expert ought be around within a couple hours, and I'll get a range for some shipments to Europe.  Rough guess would be in the 1-2 thousand range.10:29
RiddellNCommander: on i386 yes but I don't have arm to test on10:36
NCommanderRiddell: where's the package, I'll copy it into an ARM PPA for a testbuild.10:36
RiddellNCommander: I already uploaded it to the ARM PPA10:37
NCommanderRiddell: ah. If it builds, ship it ;-)10:38
* NCommander ducks10:39
apacheloggerthe seven drunken nights10:46
* apachelogger sings10:46
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NCommanderRiddell: I'm extremely bandwidth strapped. I think your best bet is to upload if it doesn't regress on x86. If you post your diff, I'll review10:48
jussiapachelogger: its not night yet mate...10:48
glaucousI need to generate a build log for kTorrent 4.0.2, I'm not exactly sure what it should look like, or how I generate it. I guess it's not just the output of cmake and make?10:49
glaucousFor backports, that is.10:49
Riddellghostcube: you're on lucid?10:55
Riddellnot ghostcube 10:55
Riddellglaucous: you're on lucid?10:55
glaucousRiddell: Yes10:55
Riddellapachelogger, JontheEchidna: y'know when we replaced update-notifier-kde?  did we remember to replace the devel dist upgrade option?10:55
Riddellglaucous: do you know how to download the karmic package?10:56
glaucousRiddell: I've not heard of it, so no. Might add that I'm using KDE 4.5.10:57
Riddellglaucous: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libktorrent10:57
Riddellclick on maverick version to get to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libktorrent/1.0.2-110:58
Riddellunder downloads, grab those three files into a new directory10:58
Riddellin that directory run   dpkg-source -x *dsc   to extract it10:58
Riddellcd libktorrent-<tab>10:58
Riddellyou'll need to apt-get install devscripts  first I expeect10:58
glaucousAh, thanks. Just need to uninstall the current one I built11:00
sheytanHey guys :)11:08
sheytancan someone tell me what kubuntu devs are using for developing stuff? I already know kdevelop, plasmate, qtcreator. Anything else? :)11:09
Riddellemacs, kate11:09
* persia knows of a nano user in kubuntu-devel, and suspects some vim folk11:11
sheytanok, thank you :)11:11
glaucousRiddell: Hm, well the debuild failed after a while. (Had to install libboost-dev and doxygen) Are there any other packages I might need for debuild?11:19
Riddellglaucous: pastebin the error message11:20
glaucousRiddell: http://pastebin.org/77530611:20
Riddellglaucous: hmm, symbols stuff11:21
Riddellglaucous: try  rm debian/libktorrent2.symbols11:21
Riddelldebuild -nc11:21
glaucousRight, building11:23
glaucousRiddell: Error, something about secret key. http://pastebin.org/77534311:24
apacheloggerjussi: oh, my you bun too was so dark I thought it was night11:29
jussiapachelogger: :D11:29
apacheloggerRiddell: that is in do-dist-upgrade or whatever that script is called11:29
Riddellglaucous: good that means its completed11:30
Riddellglaucous: now dpkg --install the .deb files it made11:31
Riddellglaucous: and do the same thing for ktorrent itself11:31
apacheloggerI propose that ubuntu-sso-client-kde should advertise ktouch11:33
apacheloggerlike that http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/002.png11:34
glaucousRiddell: Alright11:35
glaucousRiddell: Should I use debuild -ns directly this time? Or debuild, then bebuild -ns if needed?11:36
Riddellglaucous: debuild  to build the whole thing11:40
Riddelldebuild -nc  continues a build without having to do the whole thing, use it if you get a build failure which you then fix11:40
glaucousRiddell: Ah I see11:40
glaucousI'm just curious how this whole thing works. Maverick is things which are in active development, so what I'm doing with those files is just testing to see if they work correctly on Kubuntu?11:41
Riddellapachelogger: I see you're ahead of me with bug 61176011:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611760 in packagekit (Ubuntu Lucid) "invalid values for distro upgrades" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61176011:44
apacheloggerRiddell: I very much think the metarelease patch should be added to update-manager since it moves pre-release upgrade testing a lot closer to what it will look like after release11:46
glaucousRiddell: Build and install was successful, however it seems like all plugins (which were available when I built 4.0.2 from their site) are missing. The program is downloading and working though.11:52
Riddellglaucous: quit ktorrent, run kbuildsycoca and run ktorrent again, see if that helps plugins11:54
glaucousRiddell: Hm, what did that do? It fixed it11:56
Riddellapachelogger: best talk to mvo about that?11:56
glaucousRiddell: Okay well it's working perfectly, now exactly what files should I upload when sending bug report?11:56
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, but I am hacking :P11:56
Riddellglaucous: the .build files need attached12:08
Riddellglaucous: and say that the .symbols file isn't valid for lucid so that needs fixed or removed for the backport12:08
glaucousRiddell: Aye. What would be a appropriate title for this? Better follow a valid pattern from the beginning :)12:09
Riddellglaucous: build log for <packagename> <version> on lucid12:10
glaucousRiddell: Would you like libktorrent and ktorrent on different reports?12:10
Riddellglaucous: yes I think there's already two separate bugs for them12:10
glaucousWould make sense12:10
Riddell(mention the libktorrent bug number in the ktorrent bug)12:10
glaucousRiddell: Already? Should I write in an existing bug report, or add a new one?12:12
Riddellglaucous: didn't you file one already?12:15
glaucousRiddell: Not yet12:15
Riddellglaucous: oh go ahead and do so then12:16
glaucousRiddell: Yup thanks12:16
glaucousRiddell: There.. both up12:24
Riddellglaucous: bug numbers?12:24
glaucousRiddell: #624588 and #62459012:24
Riddellbug 624588  and bug 62459012:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 624588 in lucid-backports "build log for libktorrent 1.0.2 on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62458812:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 624590 in lucid-backports "build log for ktorrent 4.0.2 on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62459012:25
Riddellsay it like that for ubottu happyness :)12:25
glaucousRiddell: Oh okay12:25
glaucous Riddell: Great, now I (hopefully) know how to submit more reports to backports if any other software comes to mind12:29
Riddellglaucous: nothing to stop you now :)12:31
glaucousRiddell: Yah! Thanks for the help :)12:31
Riddellwaa http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/lucid-to-maveric-dist-upgrade-error.text12:36
* apachelogger is not sure that a kassistantdialog is suited for ubuntu-sso-client :S12:44
apacheloggerRiddell: with a lanugage with proper type system this would not have happened :P12:44
Riddellapachelogger: fallen out of love with ruby have we? :)12:45
apacheloggerRiddell: ruby has a proper type system12:46
apacheloggerjust different12:46
apacheloggerin ruby you act upon available functions, not particular type12:46
apacheloggerwhich in itelf makes much more sense since I do not care if I have a QString or a KString as long as both have a isEmpty() function I will use in my method foobar(str)12:47
apacheloggerthe problem is that those rails users do not know about that and even if they did they would not use it, so ruby is practically rendered as incapable as python thanks to the rails people :P12:48
* apachelogger did not know that kpagedialog supports subpages12:50
apacheloggerwhy did no one tell me?12:51
* apachelogger blames jussi12:51
* apachelogger likes this way better12:51
jussiIt wasnt me! I swear... I blame... Riddell12:51
apacheloggerand there is a bug!12:53
* apachelogger blames Quintasan for bugs12:53
Riddellwho broke the kubuntu-desktop package?!12:58
* apachelogger pointes at ScottK12:58
* apachelogger whines about his broken next button13:01
apacheloggerI need a GUI that allows both registration with Ubuntu One *as well as* login13:03
apacheloggeroption a) tabs: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/004.png13:03
apacheloggeroption b) list: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/005.png13:03
apacheloggeroption c) tree list: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/006.png13:04
apacheloggeroption d) widget with button somewhere saying "Already have an account - let me login": http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/002.png13:04
apacheloggerthe GTK UI uses option d13:04
apacheloggerI do not like c and d13:04
apacheloggerand quite frankly I do not find a or b very compelling either ... hence option e) have the first page of the dialog show to large buttons one for login and one for register, with nice icon and such13:05
apacheloggeropionions anyone?13:05
apacheloggerpretty plz13:05
* apachelogger pokes jussi and Riddell and Nightrose and Mamarok and people :)13:06
* persia likes 004.png13:06
apacheloggerwith a vs. b I would also go for a (that is the one with the bug I was whining about though ;))13:07
persiaRight :(13:07
persiaSuddenly that becomes an important bug :)13:10
* Nightrose vanishes again for some house cleaning13:11
* apachelogger sneezes13:11
apacheloggerquite dusty :P13:11
apacheloggerpersia: should not be terribly difficult to fix, seems some model query is bogus with regards to subpages13:12
persiaOh, good.13:14
jussiapachelogger: I like d...13:19
jussiapachelogger: failing d, then b13:19
apacheloggerwith icons btw: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/007.png http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/008.png13:20
jussidefinately the first one13:21
persiajussi, Why d) over a)?  To me the tab implies that the user will have to fill out a separate set of details, whereas a button doesn't.13:21
jussipersia: people are very used to clicking an "already have an account" - it exists in many applications. 13:24
persiaFair.  I think it's bad in all of them, but consistency has value.13:25
jussiI think its fairly normal, "web" approch, clicking a link takes you to a new page.13:25
jussiIf you do it similar to skype for instance, its just a little link.13:26
jussirather than a button13:26
apacheloggerpersia, jussi: the fact that other apps do it does not mean that it makes sense and implementing something that does not make sense for the sake of fitting in with broken apps is simply wrong13:28
jussiapachelogger: jes, but I still think it makes sense, click a button/link takes you to the next/new thing13:28
apacheloggerjussi: in the web, on the desktop clicking a link opens a browser13:30
sheytanHey guys13:34
agateauapachelogger: I prefer d) because it means a more "wizard-like" sequential use13:34
agateauapachelogger: the other ones look too similar to configuration dialogs imho13:34
sheytani recorded some screencast on maveric using recordmydesktop, but on lucid they look broken13:34
sheytani heard that on lucid there's a problem with recordmydesktop13:34
JontheEchidna+1 for d), same reasons as agateau13:35
sheytanis there a way  to fix it?13:35
apacheloggeragateau: it is not really sequential, registration and login are equal paths towards login state13:36
agateauapachelogger: oh I see13:36
agateauapachelogger: this dialog is only shown at setup time, right?13:37
apacheloggerand since the paths are equal I was more thinking towards having a selection dialog, asking the user if he already has an Ubuntu One account or not and then proceed to the actual page13:38
agateauapachelogger: I would do something similar to what web sites do: prompt for connect info first, with a button to create the account13:38
apacheloggerI am afraid going right away to the registration seems a bit out of context13:38
apacheloggeragateau: that could work13:39
agateauapachelogger: this is what skype does iirc13:39
apacheloggeralso the login page would be rather empty otherwise anyway13:40
* apachelogger tries that13:40
RiddellSime: waa, marble.so has suddenly decided to install to /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PyKDE4/ instead of dist-packages, why would it do that?13:45
NCommanderhey guys, what do you want the filename of the Kubuntu Mobile live images to be. it will come out mavierck-desktop-arch right now, but I can change that if need be13:47
* persia would think maverick-mobile-arch for lives13:48
JontheEchidnaWhat would you guys think of making a dpkg trigger on files being installed in /usr/share/applications/kde4/ and /usr/share/kde4/services/, so that it would trigger a kbuildsycoca4 run? Perhaps make the trigger + postinst file for the libkdecore5 package14:05
JontheEchidnaOtherwise new apps wont' show up until after a logout/login for most users14:06
apacheloggerfor one triggers would run as root which would not help with the problem you described14:07
JontheEchidnagah, same problem as langpacks in that regard :/14:07
apacheloggerand for another the argument is wrong sicne kbuildsycoca4 gets triggered automatically14:07
apacheloggerif the auto trigger is not working then something is broken and that should be fixed14:07
JontheEchidnadoesn't in my experience14:07
apacheloggerdelay between app installation and appearing in the sycoca should be no more than 1 minute 14:07
JontheEchidnahmm, the menu updated by kbuildsycoca never ran14:11
Riddellkbuildsycoca4 can be unreliable in that regard as glaucous found earlier14:11
Riddellmight be inotify issues14:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thre options come to mind with triggers: a) kbuildsycoca has already the ability to create a global sycoca but AFAIK that only gets *cloned* for new users, if that were to be changed to an on-the-fly fallback it could be updated using a trigger and help with the delay b) sycoca could be hooked up with the various gnome/fdo cache thingies that support global caches and actually have triggers already 3) come up with a system14:12
apachelogger (dbus call?) to all running kdeds to trigger a refresh14:12
apacheloggerof which ought to be upstreamable i suppose14:12
apachelogger*all of which14:12
RiddellSime: well overridden with -DPYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages14:14
sheytanHey guys14:15
sheytanwhere can i fing the new logo in svg?14:15
RiddellKubuntuArtwork on wiki14:15
apacheloggergnome is silly14:15
sheytanThanks :)14:15
apacheloggermy rhythmbox died like half an hour ago14:15
apacheloggerI cannot force quit it14:15
apacheloggerwith kwin you get that "do you wanna kill it dead" qustion if a window does not react in gnome you get nothing14:16
apacheloggeralso it does not just kill it or anything14:16
apacheloggermaybe the window manager is going down with rhytmbox *shrug*14:16
RiddellI think metacity has that but maybe compiz doesn't14:17
apacheloggervery odd I must say14:17
apacheloggerRiddell: is metacity default on ubuntu?14:17
apacheloggerif so then the capability seems broken14:17
* apachelogger issues a killall14:17
Riddellapachelogger: no compiz is I believe14:23
persiametacity is the default fallback if the user selects no desktop effects, or the system detects insufficient GL acceleration.14:25
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apacheloggerpersia, agateau, jussi: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/009.png14:32
apacheloggerlike skype inspired that is ;)14:32
agateauhehe :)14:33
agateauapachelogger: I like it.14:33
agateauapachelogger:  if the window is always shown this large, then maybe you can use classic labels instead of click texts?14:34
* persia doesn't generally assume underlined bits in non-browsers are clickable links, but isn't an expert at what those who haven't spent their lives in front of computers do with them.14:34
apacheloggeragateau: yeah, I need to play a bit with that, in fact it is only that big because later on it will embed a pretty wide picture14:35
agateauapachelogger: ah ok, so click texts probably makes sense14:35
apacheloggerpersia: I think blue text with underline is pretty much the regular definition of a link ^^14:35
superflynot sure I would put "Don't have an account yet?" between the fields... perhaps below them, in front of "Forgot your password?"14:36
persiaapachelogger, For browsers, yeah :)14:36
apacheloggerpersia: GNOME is breaking up the desktop and makes it a browser anyway, so in the long run that means the same ;)14:39
persiaAnd you think that's a good example to follow?14:39
apacheloggerI did not say that :P14:39
apacheloggersuperfly: I am afraid that makes it look very "blockish"14:40
superflyapachelogger: perhaps... I just feel that the link is in the wrong place, it distracts the user from typing in their password14:41
apacheloggersuperfly: hm, that is true, then again with apachelogger strings you better watch that you enter the right data or you will start crying because the application shouts at you :P14:43
* apachelogger adds a todo item to reconsider placement14:43
JontheEchidnaI'm running in to bug 606302 daily :(14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606302 in libdbusmenu-qt (Ubuntu) "Global menu related crash in Kate after closing documents" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60630214:43
superflyhaha, is that so?14:43
apacheloggereither that or the app get suicidal14:44
apacheloggerubuntone-kde's statusnotifier went suicidal14:44
apacheloggerpoor thing14:44
apacheloggernever really died though14:44
apacheloggersometimes it ate a lot though ;)14:44
txwikingerfolks.. I need some material for Saturday14:45
apacheloggerwhat is on saturday?14:45
txwikingerif there are any area of bugs that need some care, or somethin that need packaging.. just tell me14:46
txwikingerapachelogger: Global Jam14:46
apacheloggerkdepim :P14:46
txwikingerI have already noted iso testing14:46
superflytxwikinger: that's a good idea14:46
txwikingerhey superfly14:46
superflyhey txwikinger, going well?14:46
apacheloggertxwikinger: rekonq !!!!!!!!!!!!!14:46
txwikingerapachelogger: what? testing? or bug triage?14:46
ScottKkdenetwork has a bunch of open bugs that might stand review/upstreaming.14:46
apacheloggertxwikinger: testing for rekonq14:47
apacheloggera lot of it14:47
txwikingerScottK: noted14:47
apacheloggertriage you can go for the regulars ... libs, workspace, runtime, pim14:47
NCommanderWho here is doing the kubuntu-netbook seed stuff14:48
* NCommander is working on making your images come into existance14:48
ScottKNCommander: I've done some of it.14:49
NCommanderScottK: I think somewhere along the line, something went wrong14:49
* NCommander isn't quite sure what yet, but is debugging14:49
ScottKLooks like the last upload of kubuntu-meta may not have been idea.14:51
RiddellScottK: I fixed that (I hoep)14:52
ScottKLet me make sure I have the latest.14:53
Riddelltxwikinger: digikam, kipi-plugins, kmess all need packaging14:53
RiddellNCommander: we don't have kubuntu-netbook any more14:54
ScottKRiddell: I didn't have the latest.14:54
NCommanderRiddell: we don't?14:54
Riddellnope, it's all part of one happy CD image14:54
NCommanderScottK: I'm doing the backend work on antimony to get mobile off the gorund14:54
ScottKNCommander: Great.  You should be able to netbook/mobile in a lot of places.14:55
ScottK(since we don't need the netbook stuff anymore)14:55
NCommanderScottK: if netbook is dead, do you mind if I zap the dailies for maverick fo it?14:55
ScottKNCommander: Please do.14:55
NCommanderScottK: can't, we need to retain the ability to build netbook because shipped a release with it14:55
NCommander(welcome to my world)14:55
ScottKAh.  Right.14:55
NCommanderScottK: right, it seems something went wrong with your seed, I'm not getting default settings14:57
Riddellyeah keep netbook for the lucid.1 bits14:57
* ScottK looks at the seeds.14:57
RiddellNCommander: kubuntu-meta is broken in 1.19714:57
Riddellyou need 1.19814:57
NCommanderRiddell: we don't use the metapackage, we use the tasks directively in the archive14:57
persiaCareful about s/netbook/mobile/ because of 10.04.x images...14:57
NCommanderpersia: I'm not doing a search and replace14:58
NCommanderits just a need line or an |14:58
NCommanderRiddell: ScottK: Right, so Launchpad thinks default settings isn't seeded14:58
NCommander(there's no task for it)14:58
ScottKpersia: Yes.  That already got pointed out to me.14:58
NCommanderwhich is why its not showing up when I run germinate on antimony14:58
ScottKNCommander: It's in the seed.  Is germinate looking in Universe?14:59
NCommanderScottK: germinate is looking at the tasks14:59
ScottK(is plasma-mobile getting picked up)?14:59
NCommanderI think I know what happened14:59
NCommanderWe need to go smack the LP folks14:59
NCommanderScottK: (if you want to see if a package is seeded in a way to have it picked up by images, do apt-cache show, and then look for it on the Tasks: line)15:00
ScottKThat's always true, only the reason seems to change.15:00
NCommanderScottK: basically, what happened is LP has a special crontab that generates switched15:01
persiaNCommander, cron.germinate?  I thought that was avoided because of the reuse of the seed.15:01
NCommanderkubuntu is marked as main-only15:01
NCommanderpersia: right, but the supported/unsupported switch is on a branch basis15:01
* persia missed that :(15:01
NCommanderif you want universe, you need to patch launchpad to handle it, or split the branch15:02
NCommanderI can't build an image until this is done15:02
ScottKNCommander: plasma-mobile shows up with a Task, but it's in Universe.15:03
NCommanderpersia: I don't see it with a task15:03
NCommanderscratch that15:03
NCommanderI do15:03
NCommanderI mightbe wrong then15:03
NCommanderthen why the heck isn't kubuntu-mobile-default-settings not getting seeded15:03
NCommanderScottK: that's useful :-P15:04
ScottKIt's all I've got.15:04
NCommanderwhen did you seed default settings?15:04
Riddellit was only seeded yesterday at 21:0015:04
NCommanderthe crontab might not have gotten it yet15:04
NCommanderThat's probably what happened15:05
* NCommander can't remember if seed supdate with each publisher run or not ...15:05
persiaIt was once daily, but I haven't asked in a few cycles.15:06
NCommanderpersia: I can't remember expect it happens magically15:08
agateauRiddell: ping15:08
agateauRiddell: just posted a patch for bug #61736715:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 617367 in VLC media player "mpris2 feature exception" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61736715:09
agateauRiddell: it hads mpris2.0 support to Amarok15:09
agateauRiddell: can you get it included?15:09
Riddellcan do15:12
Riddellagateau: has upstream seen it?15:12
agateauRiddell: not yet, but I talked with them about it15:12
agateauRiddell: and it's on gitorious15:12
* agateau goes creating a merge request15:14
NCommanderRiddell: ScottK: just a heads up, we're unlikely to have live images in time for beta15:15
NCommanderWe will have alternatives though15:15
NCommanderor I should say, beta freeze15:16
ScottKI think that's a given.15:16
NCommanderScottK: cause we need IS to roll something by hand to finish adding a new flavour15:16
NCommanderScottK: We have a request in progress, but since we're suppose to cross beta freeze like ... now ..15:16
ScottKOK.  I never figured it'd be ready at freeze.15:16
* ScottK still hopes to get kdeedu fixed before beta if someone would write the fix ....15:17
NCommanderScottK: subtle :-P15:17
ScottKRiddell: Thanks for fixing the Python bits.15:18
RiddellScottK: i've no idea why kdeedu needed that15:18
ScottKNCommander: Subtle isn't my specialty.15:18
ScottKRiddell: Me neither.  I looked for Python toolchain changes and could never find anything relevant.  I also didn't figure out what it needed either.15:19
NCommanderRiddell: can you ACK a cdimage patch for me?15:21
NCommanderRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/483983/15:22
RiddellNCommander: ack15:23
NCommanderRiddell: thanks15:23
NCommanderScottK: Riddell: smoke test 2 in progress15:31
agateauRiddell: merge request created: http://gitorious.org/amarok/amarok/merge_requests/227115:31
apacheloggerubuntu-sso-client is widget hell!!!!15:36
Riddellagateau: is there a way to test it?15:38
agateauRiddell: on gnome, yes15:38
agateauRiddell: With the patch Amarok integrates in the sound menu15:39
Riddellagateau: which version of amarok is it against?15:39
agateauRiddell: I updated it to apply to 2.3.115:39
agateauRiddell: on the topic of Amarok packaging, I noticed the latest bzr packaging branch drops the gnome limited sni patch15:40
agateauRiddell: it shouldn't be dropped15:40
agateauRiddell: gnome is still limited :)15:40
debfxagateau: are you sure that it's still needed?15:40
NCommanderRiddell: ScottK: First kubuntu-mobile image successfully spun in debug mode. I'm checking to makesure it makes sense15:41
agateaudebfx: unless it has been upstreamed, it is needed yes15:41
* agateau checks if it has been upstreamed15:41
agateaudebfx: not upstreamed, so still needed15:42
RiddellNCommander: ooh!15:42
debfxagateau: amarok always calls setIconByName(), isn't that enough?15:42
agateaudebfx: oh15:42
agateaudebfx: I missed that15:42
NCommanderIt pulled in the universe packages15:43
agateaudebfx: it should be ok then, does it also avoid using overlays?15:43
agateaudebfx: although that one is less of a problem15:43
NCommandertasks fixed itself15:43
NCommanderScottK: are you interested inboth live and alternate, or just live15:43
NCommanderthe live images thingy just got fixed so I should be able to spin live instead15:44
debfxagateau: it still uses overlays15:44
agateaudebfx: yes, just checked, but that's not a problem actually15:44
ScottKNCommander: I'm not 100% sure.  I think just live, but ian_brasil or rbelem would be the ones to ask.15:44
NCommanderScottK: I'll enable alternates for now. If there's no point, we can kill them15:44
ScottKNCommander: Can you join #kubuntu-mobile?15:44
agateauRiddell: ignore what I said about the gnome limited sni patch, it's not needed anymore (thx to debfx) 15:44
* Riddell ignores15:45
Riddelldidn't we already have an mpris patch for amarok?15:46
apacheloggeranother bug? somehow I get the feeling kassistantdialog/kpagedialog are not used to their full extend of capabilities15:47
Riddelldidn't dantti_work find the same thing with anotherh kfoodialog class?15:47
apacheloggerthere are way too many dialog classes anyway15:47
apachelogger15 dialog classes but no proper busy widget15:48
apacheloggerother than qprogressbar15:48
dantti_workRiddell: sorry what is the problem?15:48
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: KPixmapSequenceWidget15:49
JontheEchidnausing the "process-working" xdg animation15:50
JontheEchidna^show() when busy15:50
apacheloggernot that hot15:52
apacheloggerbut working15:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thanks15:53
apacheloggerleaves me with kassitantdialog eating widgets15:53
* apachelogger needs to poke around what part fails but apparently something does not work properly with nesting15:54
apacheloggerin pagedialog you can have multiple pages and each page can have subpages, subpages can have subpages... now something falls over if you add 2 subpages to one regular page, it will render the most recently added widget for all subpages15:54
apachelogger(the tree widget I showed earlier does however display the right widget's title...)15:55
ScottKdebfx: Are you available for some bug fixing?16:00
Mamarokapachelogger: I know I am late, but 004, the choice is obvious16:03
debfxScottK: I'm working on digikam right now16:05
ScottKdebfx: When you have some spare bandwidth I could use some help.16:05
debfxapachelogger: is there a way I can test whether pkg-kde-tools generates the desktop .pot file?16:11
debfxhm I'll just check if the file exists16:13
Riddellyou have to edit /usr/lib/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/debhelper/kubuntu-debhelper-langpack-generate.sh and /usr/lib/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/debhelper/kubuntu-debhelper-langpack-clean.sh to remove the tests at the top16:14
Riddellalso a good idea to install pkgbinarymangler and enable it16:14
debfxRiddell: digikam copys the desktop .pot to *imageplugins.pot16:21
debfxwhich fails for non official archive builds16:21
Riddellwhyever would it do that?16:21
debfx* In debian/rules add KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT and common-install-prehook-impl16:24
debfx    to copy desktop translations template file to imageplugins too16:24
debfxRiddell: you added that16:24
Riddellug, whyever would I do that16:26
* ScottK hands Riddell a mirror for consultations.16:26
Riddelldantti_work: some paperwork.  are blocked updates hidden?  are icons for installed apps shown?  are updates selected by default?16:27
Riddellrbelem: paperwork, am I right in thinking a working samba share UI is unlikely in the next week or two?16:28
Riddellryanakca: did you find those kde pim 3.5 packages?16:29
rbelemRiddell, in two i think it will be ok16:29
rbelemnow i will focus to get that patch approved16:29
apacheloggerdebfx: you just need to create a /CurrentlyBuilding file as documented in the l10n readme in pkg-kde-tools16:30
rbelemand finish the UI will be a matter of few days16:30
RiddellScottK: "package Plasma mobile and associated changes to kwin etc" and "set up seed and build images" ok for DONE?16:31
ScottKRiddell: First part yes.  Second part is INPROGRESS, but should be done today.16:31
debfxScottK: so what bug do you want to get fixed?16:32
ScottKdebfx: It's kdeedu FTBFS on armel.16:32
ScottKdebfx: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/54413165/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.kdeedu_4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:34
Riddellkdeedu is doing fine on arm16:35
ScottKdebfx: It needs to have a cast in there somewhere because qreal !=double on armel16:35
ScottKRiddell: It will fail.16:35
Riddellwhy do you say that?16:35
mgraesslindo you have arm packages for 4.5?16:35
ScottKSince it failed yesterday due to qreal != double problem16:35
RiddellScottK: I wrote a patch16:35
ScottKmgraesslin: For most of it.16:35
CIA-71[libqapt] jmthomas * 1168410 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/CMakeLists.txt Bump version for 1.0.1 release16:35
ScottKRiddell: You did?16:36
ScottKdebfx: Maybe Riddell is ahead of me.16:36
mgraesslinthat could make my life for kwin on meamo way easier :-)16:36
Riddelldue to bad version numbering it's not in the -0ubuntu3 changelog entry it's in the -0ubuntu2 entry16:36
Riddellbut I'm pretty sure it'll compile16:37
Riddellremind me to send it upstream when it does16:37
ScottKdebfx: Nevermind.  Riddell got it already.16:37
CIA-71[muon] jmthomas * 1168411 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/src/main.cpp Bump version for 1.0.1 release16:37
ScottKRiddell: OK.  I was looking at the changelogs and thought it needed doing still.16:37
Riddellapachelogger: "ensure failsafe X works with KDM" did you get anywhere with that?16:37
ScottKmgraesslin: So far we have everything except kdeedu and kdeplasma-addons built.16:38
mgraesslinthat's great16:38
Riddellwith any luck we'll have images for beta16:38
apacheloggerRiddell: I havea kdialog portation ready but did not find the motivation to look into the gdm specific junk16:38
Riddellno hardware to test them on of course but that's a detail16:38
mgraesslinI will try to install the packages in scratchbox16:39
Riddellapachelogger: do you have a patch or branch somewhere so it doesn't get lost?16:39
apacheloggeractually the code was so ugly it caused me to rant on identica 16:39
apacheloggerRiddell: I can upload a branch16:39
apacheloggerprobably most findable16:39
mgraesslinat least I am glad that there are no double/float/qreal issues in kwin16:39
ScottKHow much ranting can happen in 140 characters?16:39
Riddellmgraesslin: what's scratchbox?16:39
apacheloggerturns out kassistantdialog did everything right16:39
mgraesslinRiddell: an environment to test ARM stuff16:40
apacheloggerI did write a crutial line in the wrong function :\16:40
mgraesslinused by maemo16:40
ScottKRiddell: How's our installer doing?16:40
RiddellScottK: ev was up until 6 this morning fixing it, fix is committed16:41
RiddellI haven't been able to test it yet though, my virtual machine is busy on lucid upgrades and apparantly two virtual machines at once kills my laptop16:41
ScottKSo if we get a kubuntu-mobile live image here shortly, it's not actually going to work until after the installer stuff lands, right?16:42
Riddellit'll boot into a live system fine16:42
Riddelljust the install won't complete in any useful way16:42
sheytanWith this all devs from all over the world will join kubuntu development team: http://a.imageshack.us/img828/7619/devr.png ]:-> 16:44
sheytanRemember that the text isn't done yet :D16:45
Riddellsheytan: microbloggosphere had a comment about the current kubuntu website which I agree with, we should mention Linux and KDE on the front page http://identi.ca/ivancukic16:47
sheytanRiddell just a sec ;)16:47
Tm_TI heavily agree too16:48
sheytanRiddell http://a.imageshack.us/img841/8946/aboutt.jpg16:48
sheytanthis is about page16:49
Tm_Twe are Linux with KDE afterall16:49
sheytanand on the home page we will have a nice slideshow that will change every reload :)16:49
sheytanthere will be about KDE too :)16:49
Riddellsheytan: nice.  put Core technologies above Canonical I think16:50
sheytanRiddell sure ;)16:50
sheytanI'll tell ofirk about this :)16:50
Riddellsheytan: have you thought about applying for sponsorship to UDS?16:50
sheytanRiddell what's this? :D16:51
Riddellsheytan: spend a week of your life discussing ubuntu things http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/08/23/11-04-ubuntu-developer-summit-announced/16:52
sheytanRiddell i don't think i'll have time :( Work :(16:52
sheytanMaybe next year :)16:52
RiddellScottK: doesn't seem like I'll be able to test ubiquity, I need to leave in a while and won't be back until monday afternoon16:53
ScottKENOTIME for me either.16:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: Can you test it?16:54
sheytanScottK how does that test look like? Maybe i can help? :)16:55
Riddellyou need to be able to compile it, load up a virtual machine, install the new build, and run it16:55
Riddellactually I can supply i386 .debs16:55
sheytanIve got maveric on my virtualbox, can be?16:55
Riddellsheytan: got a recent live CD on virtualbox?16:56
sheytanNot quite, it's an alpha 3 with some updates i guess16:56
Riddellyou should probably download a daily live desktop CD16:57
sheytanthis will take about an hour for me16:57
Riddellthat's fine16:58
sheytanok, link? :)16:58
Riddellgrab "PC (Intel x86) desktop CD"16:58
Riddellboot that up in virtualbox16:58
Riddellwget these .debs  http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/ubiquity/16:59
Riddell(ignore the gtk and mythbuntu ones)16:59
Riddellignore the udeb too I guess16:59
Riddelldpkg --install *deb16:59
Riddellassuming they install run   ubiquity kde_ui16:59
Riddelland install it16:59
Riddellif it installs and runs, yay 16:59
sheytanRiddell, ok :)17:00
sheytanwhat's new? :D17:00
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
Riddellelse probably ScottK can tell you how to help debug17:00
Riddellsheytan: the installer starts installing after the first step17:00
sheytanRiddell it's a feature, right? :D17:01
ryanakcaRiddell: I haven't looked yet. My last day at work is tomorrow, it's on my TODO list for this weekend / next week if that isn't too late...17:01
sheytanno more user creating, time and date, etc?17:01
Riddellryanakca: oh yes I forgot the timing, that's fine17:02
Riddellsheytan: install starts going then you do the user creating, time and date, etc while it is already installing17:02
sheytanRiddell oh yeah, this is already in ubuntu. I saw that :D First time i was wondering WTF ;D17:03
Riddellhmm, I fear my virtual machine is bust http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/lucid-upgrade.jpeg17:05
Riddellso much for VM snapshots17:05
sheytanRiddell ive downloaded 8pkgs from that list. Is that ok?17:06
Riddellsheytan: which list?17:06
Riddellyes, 817:06
sheytanok ;)17:06
sheytanbtw: why the upgrading tool isn't oxygened? :D17:07
sheytanis it qt3 or something?17:07
Riddellis bug 60064617:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 600646 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu ubiquity is unthemed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60064617:08
Riddellwhich should be fixed with the new Qt build which isn't on that CD17:10
sheytanRiddell i meant this one: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/lucid-upgrade.jpeg It's using plastic style instead of oxygen.17:10
Riddellsheytan: same thing17:11
sheytanRiddell ok ;)17:11
Riddellneeds the KDE plugin path in its config17:11
* Riddell wonders about the wisdom of visiting florida in October http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/timeline/8bc086fdd84f3e459bee6ee7a08644cd.png17:12
Riddellok I'm out, back later for a bit, good luck17:12
sheytanThank you :)17:13
sheytanbye ;)17:13
apacheloggermy eyes hurt!!!!17:15
* apachelogger did too much coding17:15
sheytanapachelogger use the eyes plasmoid :D17:15
* apachelogger calls on isPasswordValid and wonders why it says no17:17
Tm_Tagateau: I added you to auto-accept list for kopete-devel list (:17:17
agateauTm_T: thanks :)17:18
agateauTm_T: actually I am subscribed to the list, but with my @canonical address17:18
agateauTm_T: which is not the one I use on reviewboard.kde.org17:18
Tm_TI suspected as much, that's why I didn't come and poke you to subscribe (:17:18
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826162210-1bqc9s5qq1556q39 * src/Errror.h remove bogus file17:22
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826162238-y9j60pd1wrm7sk2h * src/CMakeLists.txt Add .h-only foo to cmakelists so it shows up in qt creator's project17:22
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826162514-pqmag0brv804dsy1 * src/PasswordHelper.h s/widget/label17:25
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826163021-a0fodcs4kw3n9d89 * src/ (EmailHelper.h CMakeLists.txt RegisterWidget.cpp) Add emailhelper17:30
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826163825-fv6aluazhn9t7bdz * src/ (4 files) use emailhelper in requester widget and make requestability dependent on presence of valid email addy17:38
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826165732-12rh2bjws3zds2ko * src/ (Dialog.cpp EmailHelper.h RegisterWidget.cpp RegisterWidget.h) sort of rewrite register widget17:57
debfxare we already in beta freeze?18:07
JontheEchidnahope not; I just uploaded a package to main18:11
apacheloggeryou will see when one of the release team overlords comes and shouts at you18:13
* ScottK clears his throat.18:13
ScottKNot yet, but it's close.18:13
=== apachelogger is now known as apache2logger
debfxyou upgraded yourself to apache2?18:20
sheytanScottK i downloaded the daily build of kubuntu, but when i  click 'try kubuntu' after ksplash i see black screen only :(18:23
ScottKsheytan: What architecture and what video?18:25
sheytanScottK  nvidia, i38618:28
ScottKHmmm.  Not sure what the status of Nvidia is right now.18:28
dantti_workRiddell: some paperwork.  are blocked updates hidden? YES. are icons for installed apps shown? YES.  are updates selected by default? YES but only when the user clicks on the systray icon.18:29
ScottKsheytan: Let's join #ubuntu-installer and see if we can get help there.18:30
sheytanScottK but my maveric updated today woeks18:30
sheytanScottK please you ask, I don't know what should i say in this case ;D18:32
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826173259-3bbqcev3fol265vo * src/ (RegisterWidget.cpp RegisterWidget.ui) busywidget18:33
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826173501-xrbmiyhckj1dxzvv * src/ (4 files) add widget to show while waiting for replies from service18:35
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826173736-v4v8dnran5r2crgw * src/CMakeLists.txt forgot the ui18:37
ScottKsheytan: Which VT is the black screen on?18:37
* apache2logger thinks that a intermediate widget is completely ugly18:38
* apache2logger looks into overlay18:39
ScottKsheytan: You need to answer that.18:39
sheytanScottK http://pastebin.com/Zf0r7gdj18:47
ScottKsheytan: Can you install them manually?18:49
sheytanScottK  http://pastebin.com/SibUVBuV   http://pastebin.com/tp3j0Edq18:55
sheytanthose two outputs errors18:55
sheytanthe rest is fine18:55
ScottKsheytan: What if you do "sudo apt-get -f install"?19:04
sheytanScottK http://pastebin.com/H14F6kn19:05
sheytanwelcome :) should i install it, ScottK ?19:06
ScottKI get unknown paste ID error19:07
ScottKPlease paste it again.19:07
sheytanshould be fine now :)19:07
ScottKsheytan: Yes.19:08
sheytanScottK installing19:08
sheytanScottK and now should i try those that had errors?19:09
ScottKThey should be installed now, shouldn't they?19:09
ScottKIf not, yes.19:09
sheytanScottK http://pastebin.com/eP2fGCqd19:11
ScottKBut it doesn't start?19:12
sheytanScottK it doesn't :(19:12
ScottKI think we need a KDE developer now.19:13
ScottKdantti_work: Around?19:13
sheytanScottK please ask someone :)19:13
sheytanthat was fast :D19:13
dantti_workI was looking at the channel :P19:13
ScottKdantti_work: We're trying to test out the newest version of the Ubiquity installer and it doesn't start.19:13
ScottKsee sheytan's last pastebin.19:13
ScottKAny idea what that could be about?19:14
dantti_worktrying to find some inspiration to start coding :P19:14
* dantti_work looks19:14
sheytandantti_work get a coffee. Helps when i start gimping :D19:14
dantti_workdumb question, do you have a lo interface?19:14
* dantti_work doesn't like coffee :P19:15
sheytannetwork one?19:15
sheytanthen get a beer ;D19:15
sheytani do19:15
sheytanit's a virtual machine19:15
dantti_workhmm well I'd need to try the code them19:15
apache2loggerakonadi-like busy widget19:15
apache2loggerwhat do we think?19:16
dantti_worksometimes if you don't have 'lo' I think sockets do not work19:16
sheytanapache2logger without that dark effect ok :)19:16
sheytandantti_work any tmp hack for that? :D19:16
apache2loggerthe dark effect is there because it lays on top of the regular UI19:17
apache2loggerto block it19:17
apache2loggersince it is doing stuff right now19:17
sheytanyou can make the fields unavailabe to put stuff into them instead19:17
dantti_worksheytan: well I don't know how this app works so inly testing ...19:17
dantti_worksheytan: are you ssh to it? 19:18
apache2loggersheytan: that does however not indicate progress19:18
sheytandantti_work to the virtual machine?19:18
superflyapache2logger: I would just disable the rest of the widgets19:18
sheytanno, kubuntu by default has only the cliient, and it's running from a live cd19:18
apache2loggersuperfly: how do you indicate that something is going on then?19:18
sheytanbut why do i need ssh here?19:19
dantti_workcause it could have something to do with you not having dbus-session...19:19
sheytanapache2logger the progress bar is for that :P19:19
superflyapache2logger: sorry, wasn't being clear... with the progress bar, like you have it19:19
apache2loggerwhere do you put the progressbar19:19
superflypretty much where it is now19:19
sheytanit's already there19:19
apache2loggermind that this needs to appear for every widget in the dialog19:19
dantti_worksheytan: sorry no clue, who maintains that app?19:20
apache2loggerand where do you put it here?19:20
sheytandantti_work ask ScottK19:20
ScottKdantti_work: It's Riddell mostly, but he's offline.19:20
sheytanapache2logger oh, that way it's fine as it is :D19:21
superflyapache2logger: somewhere :-P19:21
sheytanno, this will make the UI cluttered19:21
sheytanit's a bit already :D19:21
superflybut I get your point19:21
apache2loggerwithout background19:21
dantti_worksheytan: I guess it's better to ask him, and as I am at work I don't have a kubuntu to test here :/19:21
apache2loggerthe idea is to have one widget that gets used throughout the dialog to indicate that it is waiting for something to happen19:22
sheytandantti_work ScottK so we stuck without testing the new installer :(19:22
ScottKdantti_work: Do you have one with a maverick VM you could help us out with later?19:23
dantti_worksheytan: that is the new kubuntu installer?19:23
apache2loggerNightrose: what do you think about it? http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/010.png19:23
ScottKdantti_work: It is.19:23
sheytanapache2logger then as i said, imho it's fine now :)19:23
sheytandantti_work yep19:23
dantti_workScottK: hmm now I'm more interested :P since I had some stuff I'd like it to be fixed :P19:23
dantti_worksheytan: where do I get this cd?19:24
sheytanjust a sec19:24
ScottKdantti_work: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/ubiquity/19:24
ScottKIgnore the gtk and mybuntu ones there.19:24
sheytanand get the i386 one19:24
sheytancouse the Riddell's packages are 32bit only19:24
superflyapache2logger: what about extending the dialog down a little, and sticking it just above the buttons? are those buttons per page, or used throughout the app?19:24
apache2loggerthe buttons are used throughout the app19:25
superflyyeah, possibly put the progress bar just above the buttons19:26
superflyit's a bit more in line with what most other apps do19:26
superflyunless you want to do the akonadi thing, and pop up a borderless window with just the progress bar on it :-P19:26
apache2loggersuperfly: what apps do that?19:26
dantti_workScottK: can I install that packages in lucid? I don't have a kubuntu on any VM (only an old ubuntu with net install)19:27
superflyapache2logger: I don't think any do that specifically, but I don't really see many apps that darken the whole app and put a progress bar floating in the middle19:27
ScottKdantti_work: No.  Not really.19:27
Nightroseapache2logger: yea not bad imho19:27
apache2loggersuperfly: that is because most apps do not have possibly long waiting times19:28
dantti_workScottK: should I install maverick then?19:28
apache2loggerwhile the progress bar is up a backend is talking to a web server19:28
ScottKdantti_work: Yes, but you really want to do this kind of testing in a VM.19:28
apache2loggerso that could take a minute or two19:28
apache2loggerand by completely locking the user out it ought to be more apparent19:29
dantti_workScottK: right, but what I'm saying is that I don't have one :P so which would be best?19:29
dantti_workI have to download kubuntu's cds..19:29
superflyapache2logger: ok, since you're doing an overlay, why don't you give the progress bar a little borderless window to live on... I think that makes more sense than just a progress bar in the middle of nothing19:30
ScottKdantti_work: Then make one using the Alpha 3 maverick ISO.19:30
dantti_workk, thanks19:30
sheytanScottK when i'm in console mode and X are shutted down, can i start ubiquity somehow?19:30
sheytani mean, that it automaticalli turn on 19:30
apache2loggersuperfly: it is not in the middle of nothing, it is ontop of the part of the window that changes once the overlay goes away19:30
ScottKsheytan: I think there's a way, but it's non-trivial and I don't know it.19:30
superflyapache2logger: to you, yes, to the user...?19:31
apache2loggersuperfly: what you mean is a dialog, which is a bad idea -> see kpackagekit in lucid19:31
sheytanScottK well, the we need to wait until Riddell comes back19:31
superflyapache2logger: yeah, kpackagekit annoys me19:31
apache2loggersuperfly: see, and yet you propose that I do the same to this dialog :P19:31
ScottKsheytan: Or dantti_work get's his maverick VM set up.19:31
superflyapache2logger: well, I'm more talking a psuedo dialog19:31
superflyapache2logger: I don't know, really, I'm just trying to see if there's a more user-intuitive way of displaying it, that's all19:32
* sheytan goes make some food, brb19:33
apache2loggersuperfly: the other option would be to insert a loading page between dialog pages19:33
apache2loggerwhich is really not much different19:33
superflyyeah, not a good idea, imho19:33
dantti_workScottK: while it downloads (*10minutes left), is it better to install kubuntu on the vm or just test it on the live cd?19:35
ScottKdantti_work: We'll need an install test, so vm19:35
* apache2logger tunes in 'in the mood' and asks Nightrose if she wants to dance19:39
* apache2logger swings with Nightrose ^^19:39
apache2loggerNightrose: thanks for this wonderful dance :*19:43
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826184850-c3rg6adg4clcld9a * src/ (9 files) make the processing into a busy overlay and borrow some code from akonadi ;)19:49
ScottKev just uploaded ubiquity, so we should have pacakges in the archive shortly.19:52
dantti_workScottK: should I download them all except debconf and gtk ones?20:01
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826190141-pl23wyvz8dxez3qi * src/ (6 files) add a success page20:01
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826190223-l0h4vrs12ury5iyo * src/SuccessWidget.h no explicit ctor kthxbai20:02
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826190429-tfhylq17zr4ual32 * src/ (SuccessWidget.cpp SuccessWidget.h) setter and getter for the success message20:04
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826190712-8lc4w0yqg5htl2hn * src/ (Dialog.cpp SuccessWidget.cpp SuccessWidget.h) set default success message from infoset via ctor20:07
dantti_workScottK: I have the same problem though I didn't installed oem-config(check and udeb)20:12
ScottKdantti_work: OK.  Let's wait for an actual ISO with the new installer and see.20:13
ScottKRiddell wins.  kdeedu got through all the compiling bits now.  Almost there (knocks wood)20:14
JontheEchidna!find KPixmapSequenceWidget lucid20:14
ubottuPackage/file KPixmapSequenceWidget does not exist in lucid20:14
JontheEchidna!find KPixmapSequenceWidget maverick20:14
ubottuFile KPixmapSequenceWidget found in kdelibs5-dev, python-kde4-doc20:14
JontheEchidnathose API docs lie!20:15
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: my akonadi widget is better anyway :P20:15
JontheEchidna!find kpixmapsequencewidget.h20:16
ubottuFile kpixmapsequencewidget.h found in kdelibs5-dev20:16
JontheEchidna!find kpixmapsequencewidget.h lucid20:16
JontheEchidna!find kpixmapsequencewidget.h lucid20:17
ubottuFile kpixmapsequencewidget.h found in kdelibs5-dev20:17
apache2loggerJontheEchidna is the liar coz he called the apidox a liar :P20:17
* apache2logger should have looked at the sso dbus interface in detail before hacking away since things seem to be a lot less objecty as they seem20:18
dantti_workScottK: I believe it's not working because of these missing deps20:18
ScottKsheytan had installed the deps though.20:18
ScottKWe'll know shortly.20:19
JontheEchidna!find KPixmapSequence lucid20:25
ubottuFile KPixmapSequence found in kdelibs5-dev20:25
* apache2logger uses his kickass recordmydesktop ui to record a video :P20:28
JontheEchidna*sigh* http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=112410020:32
JontheEchidnaat least it's fixed now20:32
CIA-71[muon] jmthomas * 1168504 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/src/DetailsTabs/MainTab.cpp Apparently the CamelCase header for KPixmapSequenceWidget wasn't around in 4.4... :(20:34
ScottKIn the next several hours we should have ISOs with the updated installer to test.20:55
ScottKev is going to drop in and let people know when they are available.20:55
ScottKdantti_work and anyone else, it's important we get the installer changes smoke tested ASAP.20:56
apache2loggerNightrose: can I please get cheers, I am depressed because of the uglyness of the code I am producing here20:58
* Nightrose huggls apache2logger20:58
* apache2logger continues messing with them signals20:59
JontheEchidnaapache2logger: http://images.pictureshunt.com/pics/u/unicorn-1846.jpg20:59
JontheEchidna(Not that I am nightrose, but extra cheer can't hurt) :P20:59
* apache2logger prints and sticks that on the wall next to fluffy heart20:59
apache2loggerJontheEchidna: thx20:59
ScottKRiddell and NCommander: Win on kdeedul on armel.21:20
sheytanGoooood night :)21:20
CIA-71[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100826204225-b8eqg281y3yaqvop * src/ (10 files) progressing implemented via dbus signals (completely, or so I hope)21:42
* apache2logger is feeling all dizzy21:44
apache2loggerRiddell: I think I have the gui ready tomorrow ... if you could do kwallet support we can probably hope for ubuntuone-kde in maverick21:47
* apache2logger notes that dirty gui-only programming is a lot quicker than sane library programming ^^21:48
RiddellScottK: rock, did you retry kdeplasma-addons?21:49
ScottKRiddell: I did.21:50
Riddellapache2logger: I'm away until monday I'm afraid21:50
Riddellso daily CD not working?21:50
apache2loggerwho here has signed the canonical contributor agreement and wants to do kwallet enablement in ubuntu-sso-client?21:50
ScottKRiddell: Ubiquity is in the queue to be approved.  Care to take a stab at it.21:51
ScottK(we're frozen now)21:51
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | Maverick Beta Freeze is on - Universe still open for business | Lets write a report: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/TeamReports | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3
Riddelldaily CD working good for me21:57
Riddelllet's install the new build21:57
Riddellhum, crash21:58
dequire_apache2logger: That's great news if ubuntuone-kde is indeed ready to roll in Maverick. If you need a hand with anything non-programming, let me know!23:56

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