
=== jr_ is now known as Riddelll
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glaucousIs there a kTorrent 4.0.2 ppa available?00:25
Riddellhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~blca/+archive/published seems to have it (entirely unofficial and untested by anyone, could be a virus for all I know)00:27
glaucousRiddell: Problem with all those ppas are that they include so much more updates. Is there a way to filter out some updates?00:36
Riddellglaucous: not easily00:42
glaucousRiddelll: Alright, no worries. I'll wait another week or two and see if it comes up on backports00:43
Riddellglaucous: that won't happen of it's own doing, if you want it to get into backports you should probably start the process yourself00:44
glaucousRiddelll: How would I do it?00:45
glaucousI mean there's no problem with the compiling itself00:45
Riddellglaucous: file a bug on launchpad.net/lucid-backports00:45
Riddellcompile libktorrent and ktorrent on lucid00:45
Riddellcompile the packages that is00:45
Riddelladd the logs from the build on the bug report00:46
Riddellconfirm that it runs without problems00:46
Riddellthen poke us in #kubuntu-devel to get it into backports00:46
glaucousRiddelll: Okay great, I'll do that tomorrow00:47
Riddellthanks glaucous, ask on #k-d if you get stuck00:47
glaucousRiddell: I will, thanks00:47
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quietonecan't boot fresh install.  syslog shows "X server died during startup"  what can I do?01:54
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lookhow do i install chrome on Kubuntu?02:10
James147look: chromium is in the repos under chromium-browser  (its the unbranded version)02:11
lookJames147, thanks man saved again02:12
* quietone is sad that kubuntu won't play with me02:37
KageI have a .ovpn config file for connecting to a OpenVPN server... how do I give KNetworkManager the info in this file so it works?02:43
DT`how does one stream with amarok? using version 1.403:02
mcurranIs it possible to set the root/directory path for a folder in KDE3, and also maybe the view preferences for that folder only, not all.03:05
DT`ok...nvm. on my question03:08
DeliriumTremenshow the hell do I get the icon back on my taskbar for switching between desktops?03:22
James147DeliriumTremens: the pager? Right click > add widgets > look for "Pager" > drag it back03:23
DeliriumTremensnow my next gripe...each time i add a widget, the clock snaps to the left and i have to remove and readd it03:24
DeliriumTremensto get it on the right side03:24
DT`ok...what would i use to stream to shoutcast?03:26
James147DeliriumTremens: hmm... havent see the widgets jump around before... but them getting stuck on the left of the panel is known... best thing to move it is to move another widget to the left of it03:26
DeliriumTremensyeah, i cant get the clock on the right side of the taskbar03:27
DeliriumTremensit just automatically goes back over to the left03:27
James147DeliriumTremens: move another widget tothe left of it03:27
gabrielahola hola03:27
gabrielaalguien habla español?03:27
DeliriumTremensi've done that03:27
DeliriumTremensand it just sits on the right of that widget03:27
DeliriumTremenslike all widgets will only go to the left03:27
DT`!es | gabriela03:28
ubottugabriela: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:28
DeliriumTremenseven if i don't have it set to left orientation03:28
DeliriumTremensi can put a big spacer there...03:29
dequire_DeliriumTremens: Or you could delete the panel altogether and re-build it. I've done that in the past.03:36
elslunkoUsing the default Kubuntu at the moment, what do you guys use to import photos?03:43
rokySo, I just wanted to say, I greatly appreciate Kubuntu and it's release. I've just recently moved to kde, and tried the supposed "kde" distro OpenSuse, and honestly, it's not as good as Kubuntu from my experience. So, thanks guys.03:56
jake__alright, here's a fun one.  For some reason when I minimize an application it disappears. it's open but it doesnt go to the task bar04:07
jake__any ideas?04:08
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DeliriumTremensi got it04:10
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lookim trying to change the sound my computer makes when it goes into the screen saver, im in 'notifications' and i see nothing on the kde screen saver...any ideas?04:19
lookHow would i change the sound that plays when my screen saver activates...04:31
Asinine<3 ubuntu04:50
DaskreechBleah :)04:56
DaskreechHi all. I heard there was a Webkit Kpart for 10.04 is it in the standard repos?04:57
DaskreechAlso has anyone used the USB install for Kubuntu for any period of time?05:01
DaskreechI find it quite inconsistent05:01
Daskreech!find ichthux05:04
ubottuFound: ichthux-artwork-usplash, ichthux-default-settings, ichthux-desktop, ichthux-docs, ichthux-emoticons (and 2 others)05:04
DaskreechHmm cool05:04
illunaticis there a faster way to get to get packages for version upgrades? perhaps bittorrent?05:14
Daskreechillunatic: What do you mean/05:15
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illunaticDaskreech: i am upgrading to version 9.10 from 8.something and it's 4 hours to get new packages at 60-80 KB/s05:20
illunaticand i will need to do it again when it is does05:21
illunatici'm just wondering if there is any alternative method to acquiring these packages05:22
illunatici have another kubuntu partition on this drive that is up to date. is there a way to create a local repository (or whatever) based on that?05:23
illunaticyeah i have a Kubuntu 8.10 DVD that i installed with05:23
DaskreechThe alternative CD will have your core packages that you need for that upgrade05:23
illunatichttp://www.thelinuxstore.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41_54&products_id=1822 is this what you mean?05:24
illunaticgood deal. simple solution. i'll be sure to grab one for future installations05:25
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illunaticoh never mind. that isn't what i thought it is.05:27
Daskreechillunatic: Kinda05:28
illunaticwooh hit a big 100 kB/s for a second05:29
illunaticanybody no of a mirror or anything I could DL packages from faster? or is that not recommended for security/quality assurance?05:30
Daskreechillunatic: where are you?05:32
illunaticnear sanf rancisco05:32
illunaticmy irc client is in florida :P05:33
illunaticas soon as this gets shipped to me, 11.x will be available >_< http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=62705:36
Daskreechillunatic: You can copy the .debs over from the other  partition and it won't download them again06:04
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nbti want to change my bootsplash screen but i can't install usplash for reposity there is any solution ?06:07
Daskreechnbt: hmm? are we still using usplash?06:08
nbtusplash or ksplash any of them wont's work !!!!!06:09
illunaticDaskreech: thanks06:10
nbtDaskreech: !!!!!!!!06:12
Daskreechnbt: Hmm? Which bootsplash are you refering to?06:12
nbtDaskreech: kubuntu bootsplash06:13
illunatici got so used to using kubuntu that i had forgotten that it was on a 10GB partition with only 1 GB free. Still running smooth on that partition too06:13
Daskreechnbt: as in starting KDE not the one when starting the kernel?06:14
nbtno before starting KDE06:14
Daskreechillunatic: you are going to need a good amount of space for the upgrade06:14
illunaticyeah this install is on 136GB partition06:15
Daskreechnbt: what version of KDE?06:15
illunaticthe other was just meant to test it out, but i forgot and began using it regularly until i ran out of disk space xD06:15
illunaticdo you know off hand what dir i can find the .deb files in?06:17
nbtDaskreech: 4.506:17
* illunatic googles :S06:18
DarthFrogillunatic:  /var/cache/apt/archives06:18
Daskreechillunatic: /var/cache/apt/archives06:20
illunaticah great success ^_^06:21
Daskreechnbt: Open system settings and click on appearance. Splash Screen should be there06:21
nbtok i will try06:22
nbtDaskreech: in system setting we can only change the splash screen that start with KDE , not the bootsplash06:24
Daskreechnbt: I asked if it was the one when the kernel was loading :-P06:25
DaskreechYou want Plymouth that's the new bootsplash06:25
nbtDaskreech: yes that's it06:25
illunaticin case anyone is interested in creating & adding local repository to source list http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3087550.006:26
Daskreechillunatic: You can just copy them :) that's a little faster06:26
nbtDaskreech: o.O06:29
illunatico rly? thanks06:30
Daskreechillunatic: as long as they are in the /var/cache/apt/archives they should be ok06:30
DaskreechYou can upgrade one computer and copy all the debs to another then upgrade that one waaaaaaay fast06:31
illunaticthat is just how it should be ^_^06:31
nbtDaskreech: so , you habe any idea Brother ?06:33
nbtok thanks fir the link06:38
nbtDaskreech: thats Ok Broth , Thanks :)06:45
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shakyciao a tutti09:30
shakyper fortuna ho trovato questo chan :)  e la prima volta che entro09:30
shakyho un problema con l aggiornamento del sistema trovo updates ma non installa nulla09:30
vsrDoes anyone know the method in creating a custom live cd that I can distribute?09:50
tranquilwatersshaky: English please?10:05
tranquilwatersvsr: what do you want to customise then?10:06
tranquilwatersvsr: Is the OEM version maybe what you are looking for?10:06
glaucousHow exactly should a buildlog look like (ie, how do I generate it?)? Right now I just use make | tee -i log.txt, but perhaps that's not enough?10:43
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illunaticis ./kde4 system settings folder?10:54
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galacticaboycan someone tell me in detail how to extract a tar.bz file10:59
Torchglaucous: a buildlog for which purpose?11:03
glaucousTorch: For the Kubuntu backports, got help at kubuntu-devel though11:04
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noaXesshow to get in grub2 menu before loading kubuntu? ESC won't work12:28
alvinit's shift12:29
alvin(multiple tries might be required)12:29
noaXessthanks... why to things change??12:30
noaXessupgraded  machine from 9.04 to 9.10 then to 10.04.1.. on 9.10 all worked fine.. on 10.04.1 no screen.. blackscrenn.. no network to login external over ssh.. :(12:35
gnomefreaktry safe-mode recovery kernel12:35
noaXessgnomefreak: i do that. to get upgrades or install/fix some packages.but nothing works..12:36
gnomefreakyou cant SSH from there?12:37
noaXessgnomefreak: ssh from recovery console.. yes..12:37
Lazy^Hi, which is the right place to send bug-reports about kde.4.5 ?12:37
gnomefreaki have never seen the problem you are having in kde gnome or xfce12:38
gnomefreakLazy^: use the command ubuntu-bug packagename    replace packagename for the name of the package12:38
gnomefreakLazy^: what is the package you are haing issues with?12:39
alvinLazy^: File against the kubuntu-ppa project12:43
Lazy^gnomefreak: got some different kind on erros. Effects are slow (fast comp), when i lock my screen, i see only grey login screen, it accepts my pw but blind typing ect =)12:47
TorchLazy^: packaging bugs (which are rare) go to kubuntu, software bugs (the usual case) goes to bugs.kde.org12:52
noaXessplasma-desktop missing after kubuntu upgrade to 10.04.1 ??12:56
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alvinlol. If you close krita <while> saving, your picture will only be partly there. The not-yet-saved part is then invisible.13:47
alvin'Klik hier' als ge geen HTML kunt weergeven. a) die tekst staat in HTML... b) klik?13:48
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:49
alvinPici: wc = wrong chat, and that wasn't German13:50
Picialvin: Ah, sorry.13:51
alvinnp :-)13:51
alvinI should have looked first13:51
dthackerHello!  I'm getting an error that says "Nepomuk Semantic Desktop needs the Virtuosu RDF Server to store its data"  Querying KPackagekit for "Virtuoso" returns nothing.   Ideas?13:58
dthackersorry, had a freeze up and had to reboot.  Any reply to my earlier message?14:05
glaucousTrying to learn how to use Kdevelop 4 (used Codeblocks). How do I add a include path? Need to include <project directory>/include14:10
=== ubuntu is now known as Daskreech
DaskreechHow is everyone?15:36
Daskreechhi gnomefreak  ;)15:37
gnomefreakhi Daskreech15:38
DaskreechHow are you?15:38
gnomefreakDaskreech: fine just having issues with thunderbird. how about you?15:39
ncfi1013hi everybody. can anybody tell the simplest way possible to convert video_ts files to a .iso image in karmic?15:39
DaskreechNot too bad15:39
DaskreechHating on the USB live image15:39
Daskreechncfi1013: Tried k9copy?15:40
ncfi1013daskreech where can i obtain that?15:41
Daskreech!info k9copy15:41
ubottuk9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.3.5-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 1649 kB, installed size 3612 kB15:41
Daskreechncfi1013: There you go15:42
ncfi1013kpackagekit i assume daskreech?15:43
DaskreechKopete won't work. It starts. Says that it logs into accounts but then doesn't15:43
Daskreechncfi1013: Sure if you'd like. Just make sure you have universe checked off15:43
DaskreechAh never mind. Fixed Kopete15:44
ncfi1013daskreech ???15:44
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:44
Daskreechncfi1013: Go into settings and setup your sources. There will be a checkbox that says universe. Make sure that's selected. Should about triple the number of programs you can install15:45
illunatici replaced my /etc with one from another installation and now i can't restore the backup due to "no sudoers in /etc/sudoers"15:46
DarthFrogncfi1013: You'll probably have better luck with k3b than k9copy.  The two will work together but k3b is for making new DVD projects.  K9copy is more for copying DVDs.15:46
Daskreechillunatic: ha ha :)15:47
illunaticuser permission is 1000 should be 015:47
illunaticbut i can't chown (assuming that's what i need to do)15:47
illunaticdue to can not sudo haha15:47
Daskreechillunatic: Sounds like a missing p15:47
DaskreechDarthFrog: Never thought of that15:47
Daskreechillunatic: did you copy it with a p?15:48
DarthFrogillunatic: You've shot yourself in the foot. :-)  You'll have to boot from a LiveCD and edit the sudoers file.15:48
illunaticoh ok15:48
DaskreechDarthFrog: or turn on single user mode in grub15:48
DarthFrogThat too. :-)15:48
DaskreechLinux isn't that fragile15:48
illunaticwell if i start from the live cd i can just restore the /etc right?15:48
Daskreechillunatic: take a look at man:/cp15:48
DarthFrogillunatic: No.15:48
Daskreechyou want the p option15:48
ncfi1013daskreech you seem to be knowledgable. do you know by chance if lucid has all the bugs fixed yet regarding the plasma desktop? it is that reason that i havent upgraded to lucid yet. any info you can provide will be much appreciated.15:49
Daskreechncfi1013: Nothing has all the bugs fixed. So safely no it does not15:49
DarthFrogncfi1013: No significan piece of software is ever bug-free.  Ever.  Except vi. :-)15:49
illunaticok i had used rsync via luckybackup to create backup15:49
ncfi1013i have k3b but havent quite figured out how to do what im asking15:50
Daskreechunless you have intel drivers (I understand) or some Xsetups 4.4.5 is quite stable. You can probably do a test install or upgrade if you like15:50
DarthFrogncfi1013: This is a RTFM moment. :-)15:50
DaskreechDarthFrog: I don't know mv has been pretty bug free for me for a while15:51
illunaticactually i had errors in luckybackup that it failed to preserve ownership15:51
DarthFrogncfi1013: In a nutshell, create a new video project, then drag 'n drop your video_ts directory on it.15:51
Daskreecha little funniness moving a soft link through a hard link but pretty much ok15:51
ncfi1013do you feel lucid is safe for the average user that doesnt worry about the ins and outs of command line interface?15:51
ncfi1013and what is an rtfm moment?15:52
DarthFrogDaskreech: As you well know, that simply means you haven't yet encountered one that affects you.15:52
Daskreechncfi1013: Read the Friendly Manual15:52
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.15:52
DarthFrogHmm.  My bad.15:52
ncfi1013so you guys are being discriminating based on my inexperience? lol15:53
Daskreechncfi1013: We are acting like it :)15:53
DarthFrogncfi1013: K3b is actually fairly easy to use, once you've sorted it out.15:53
ncfi1013but its ok i welcome it. it is the only way i will learn.15:53
Daskreechillunatic: The errors are the problem15:54
ncfi1013i do really appreciate you help. thank you very much.15:54
Daskreechyou shouldn't have continued until that was sorted out. etc more so than any other directory is sensitive to that15:54
Daskreechncfi1013: Imagine you are burning something to a CD it works just like that. Just burn to an ISO instead15:55
DarthFrogncfi1013: Daskreech is correct in that is one meaning of RTFM.  Let's just say that the "F" is usually ... not so friendly. :-)15:55
DaskreechDarthFrog: Here if you have uttered it and not been banned. it better be friendly15:56
ncfi1013i already know how to burn isos. i just click once and k3b opens. what i dont know is how to convert video_ts to iso. after i figure that out, im home free.15:57
DarthFrogDaskreech: I certainly prefer to keep the channel family-safe. :-)15:58
DarthFrogncfi1013: Use keb to create a new project.15:59
ncfi1013"universe": community-maintained open source software? if that is what you were talking about, daskreech, then it is already checked.15:59
BelgyDaskreech : the link i posted should interest you. Anyway, a simple google search do the trick...15:59
DarthFrogncfi1013: Then drag 'n drop your video_ts directory into that new project.  Then either make it into an iso or burn it to DVD.15:59
Daskreechncfi1013: Burn a DVD instead15:59
Daskreechncfi1013: ok great :)16:00
DaskreechBelgy: Do you mean ncfi1013 ?16:00
Belgyyup, read too quickly, sry16:00
rackITweather plasmoid in lucid is always missing a graphic. Any way for me to fix this?16:04
DaskreechrackIT: Which graphic? maybe it's actually missing?16:05
rackITDaskreech: how's things in sunny Jamaica?16:06
rackITDaskreech: in hardy, it was the applet icon itself. In Lucid, it's just a question mark but when I click to look at the forecast, 6 of seven days have icons. it's appears to be random day and doesn't seem to be a specific weather condition.16:07
DaskreechrackIT: (edited for children, priests and passing parrots) hot!!!16:08
DarthFrogParrrots?  Jamaica has parrots?  Cool!16:08
Daskreechhi sheytan16:09
sheytanDaskreech hi :)16:09
Daskreechsheytan: you should get a page of needed to be done manuals16:10
sheytanDaskreech it's on my blog :)16:10
rackITDaskreech: Go figure! we were pretty warm up here in Wisconsin a few weks ago but it's like 16 today... nie and cool.16:10
Daskreechthat way you can check them off as well as have random people turn up and see them16:10
DaskreechrackIT: opposite here we were getting buckets of rain every day and now I can take an egg out the fridge precooked16:11
sheytanThe list is on my blog and one is already check. One polish guy is already working on another one :)16:11
Daskreechwhich is handy but what's good for the goose also gets to my gander16:11
Daskreechnixternal: Dude!!16:11
rackITDaskreech: hardboiled or fried?16:11
ikoniaguys you may find this topic better in #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic16:11
DaskreechrackIT: depends on where it was in the fridge :)16:12
rackITikonia: my bad... it's good to see old friends!16:12
DaskreechHas anyone had issues with the USB live image?16:12
ikonianot a problem, just a request16:12
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.16:12
rackITDaskreech: I'll talk to you.16:13
illunaticDaskreech: i'm not sure how to edit /etc/sudoers from liveCD to the partition i just messed up16:14
DaskreechrackIT: grand :)16:17
Daskreechillunatic: can you mount the partition?16:18
illunatici'll give it a shot!16:18
ubuntuhow do i check smart status in Kubuntu _16:19
illunaticshould be able to do it from this kubuntu install yeah?16:19
ubuntuhm could only find cd check.16:19
Daskreechubuntu: install smartmontools16:19
Daskreechdoesn't ship with them16:19
ubuntuDaskreech: how do i run them?16:19
ubuntuDaskreech: how do i run it?16:21
ubuntubtw I run from a live CD so16:22
Daskreechubuntu: open a terminal and run smartd16:22
ubuntuDaskreech: nothing happens16:23
Daskreechubuntu: installed smartmontools?16:24
ubuntuyeah reinstalling it now...16:25
Daskreechubuntu: type smart and press tab twice16:25
Daskreechillunatic: you should be able to open dolphin and just click on your hard drive16:25
ubuntugets this - smartctl     smartd       smartdimmer16:26
ubuntubut smartd does nothing.16:26
Daskreechubuntu: that's it! smartctl16:27
ubuntuDaskreech: for some reason it does not see my hdd16:27
Daskreechsmartctl --help shuld give you all you need16:27
ubuntuDaskreech: helped thanx need some help reading the smart data, VALUE, WORST, THRESH,16:31
ubuntuvalue is what it gets, worst does what? and threshold is what is within normal range?16:31
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Daskreechhttp://www.linuxjournal.com/node/6983/print <0----- ubuntu16:32
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illunaticalright i mounted it and copied this /etc/ over to the other partition. gonna see if i can boot into it alright now16:35
Daskreechillunatic: with the right permissions?16:36
Daskreechwhat's the permission on /etc/shadow on your real drive?16:36
illunaticyeah i used the p :D16:38
illunaticand guess what? i'm not on the other partition that was broken \o/16:38
illunaticthanks a lot Daskreech16:39
illunatici also accomplished copying system settings from my old install to the new one16:39
ameshahi everyone16:39
Daskreechillunatic: what's the permissions on the shadow file?16:39
Daskreech!Hi | amesha16:39
ubottuamesha: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:39
illunatici don't know16:39
ameshaearlier today i did an automatic update of bug and security fixes, and then some things stopped working16:39
ameshai rebooted, and the system was really whack16:40
ameshaokular and dolphin especially weren't working, and plasma wasn't either16:40
ameshai coul dsee some windows but i couldn't switch between them and if i minimized them they were gone16:40
ameshaso i reinstalled kubuntu16:40
ameshanow everything seems to be mostly working (though i haven't done updates)16:40
ameshabut i must have removed the plasma taskbar while i was playing around with it, and i can't figure out how to get it back16:41
ameshaanyone have any idea how i can get my plasma taskbar back?16:41
Daskreechamesha: Do you have any customizations you've done on the desktop?16:42
ameshaon the desktop itself, not really16:42
ameshamaybe i did some things but i don't remember and don't care to keep them16:42
ameshai tried renaming the .kde folder in my home folder but that didn't work16:43
Daskreechamesha: in a terminal you do: kquitapp plasma-desktop; sleep 5; mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* ~; plasma-desktop16:43
Daskreechhi BluesKaj16:44
BluesKajhi Daskreech16:45
ameshathen i logout, restart X and log back in?16:45
Daskreechamesha: Nope16:46
Daskreechthat should be it16:46
ameshacool, thanks a lot16:48
ameshawhile we're at it, do you know how i can reset my keyboard configuration16:48
ameshai was playing around with some rather unique combinations and now nothing but the basic configuration works for my US keyboard (not altgr like i used to have)16:49
DaskreechI used to but not off the top of myhead any more. Did you look in system settings?16:50
ameshayes i've looked around but i couldn't see anything16:51
ameshaanyway i don't want to just edit them, that i can do by right-clicking on the little keyboard-switcher flag16:51
ameshathe settings i have defined in the dialog boxes are not working, and they used to16:51
ameshaeven in kubuntu lucid they worked for a short time, then i guess i played around with them a little and now they don't16:52
DaskreechI think that you can look in ~/.kde/share/config to find something16:52
ameshaand where should i copy that?16:53
Daskreechit's a directory just look in there for files kbd related16:53
StepNjumpHi guys I now boot up in  I am new to linux... well, I'm very green.16:54
StepNjumpI am running Kubuntu 10.04 and tonight I bash. My X is not starting. Yeterday I successfully installed the driver that allows my NVIDIA card to render beautiful FX. It was working fine then I tried to install compiz fusion but realized later it was the version for gnome, not for KDE. The command was something like:sudo apt-get -y install compiz compiz-gnome compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra libcompizconfig-backend-16:54
FloodBotK3StepNjump: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
DaskreechStepNjump: "for gnome" doesn't really work for things like compiz  but I understand what you mean.16:55
ameshaokay, Daskreech, and what do i do when i find something?16:55
StepNjumpDaskreech: do you suggest I reinstall everything?16:56
StepNjumpI must have messed it up a lot16:56
DaskreechStepNjump: what is happening now?16:56
StepNjumpI only boot up to a login: screen16:57
StepNjumpsimilar to bash16:57
DaskreechStepNjump: right. did you login?16:57
StepNjumpyes but I am new to linux ...16:57
DaskreechStepNjump: ok great16:59
Daskreechtype sudo start kdm16:59
Daskreechlets see what happens16:59
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StepNjumpOk thanks daskreech17:00
DaskreechStepNjump: works now?17:04
BluesKajStepNjump, compiz works on kde as well as gnome , if you chose the gnome version then you essentially installed the gnome desktop as well17:11
BluesKajStepNjump a form of comiz is already installed in the kde desktop , but it's runs desktop effects17:13
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
vincenzoqualcuno sa come dare il comando di spegnimento per kubuntu10.04, visto che non vuole spegnersi. grazie17:38
Roeyoh hello vincenzo!  Fun to hear you speaking Italian17:41
Roeywhy does Italian always sound like food to me :P17:42
BluesKaj!it | vincenzo17:45
ubottuvincenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:45
ubottukmix is KDE's soundcard mixer program. Though small, it is full-featured. The program should give controls for each of your soundcards. KMix supports several platforms and sound drivers. Go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kmix for complete information.17:47
BluesKaj!alsa | illunatic17:47
ubottuillunatic: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:47
illunaticarg i can't recall how to make kmix show the input volume17:48
illunaticalsa.conf should be setup alright17:48
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BluesKajillunatic, click on the speaker icon in the panel17:49
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illunaticyeah i mean i don't know how to get input volume to show up there17:49
illunatici have it working on my other kubuntu installation17:49
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BluesKajillunatic, which version , seems that lucid doesn't have it in kmix17:51
illunatic10.04 rather17:54
illunatici had to add a couple of lines to a config file somewhere to say =true17:54
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
asranielhello. i have a problem that very often kubuntu never comes to the kdm17:57
asranielit somehow blocks there17:57
asranieland i have to ctrl+alt+del reboot17:57
mika__hi, i've upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10, but somewhere after the packages downloads the pc shutdown (don't know where, i was out). 10.04 is recognized, but not at the boot, where instead of kubuntu it shows "ubuntu", how can i change that ?17:58
illunatic!info kdm17:58
ubottukdm (source: kdebase-workspace): KDE Display Manager for X11. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu14 (lucid), package size 770 kB, installed size 2840 kB17:58
asranielyeah i know what kdm is ;)17:59
asranielbut sometimes it never loads17:59
Daskreechasraniel: the bootsplash loads forever?17:59
asranielDaskreech: exactly17:59
Daskreechasraniel: take off the splash and see what's stopping it18:00
asranielDaskreech: on my gf's computer its actually a "distrorted screen after bootsplash" forever, but i suppose thats the same (i have the bootsplash forever)18:00
asranielDaskreech: thats the nosplash kernel option?18:00
asranielDaskreech: and it does not happen everytime18:01
James147mika__: where during boot dose it show "ubuntu"?18:02
Daskreechasraniel: I'm having the same issue with the USB live image18:05
Daskreech can't get it to boot straight twice in a row18:05
DaskreechI figured it was the persistence file18:05
DaskreechI have no issues from the live CD18:05
=== rackIT_AFK is now known as rackIT
DaskreechrackIT: welcome back18:08
mika__James147: between grub and kdm... the boot splash image18:08
RoeyDaskreech:  hey!18:08
Roeylong time no see18:09
James147mika__: and the system boots and runs fine?18:09
mika__James147: yep, it runs everything.... it's just that that is "broken"18:09
mika__(i've another notebook where i did the same process and it went fine..... amd64 instead of x86)18:09
James147mika__: try installing "plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo"18:10
Daskreechhi Roey  ;)18:10
mika__James147: ok, i try, thanks18:10
rackITlooking to get ktimer to open a specified ics in lucid. Hard had a storage path option but not lucid. Anyway to pass the ics to the ktimetracker command?18:11
RoeyQuestion:  I am using Pidgin.  When a chat window pops up and I am on a different desktop, the window that I'm on loses focus(1).  When I switch to Pidgin's chat desktop (I force all Pidgin windows to open on a specific desktop), I click on the chat window and for maybe 1/10th of a second it gets focus, then reverts.  I have to click on it many times quickly for the focus to take hold(2).  How can I fix these two issues?18:11
rackIThardy had a storage pat...18:11
DaskreechWindow manager?18:11
RoeyI am using KWin under KDE 4.5 btw.18:11
* rackIT migrated from hardy to lucid earlier this week18:12
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DarthFrograckIT: How'd it go?  Any snags?18:34
rackITDarthFrog: not really. I have a seperate drive for /home, did a fresh install on the old / drive (formatted) and mounted the old /home to /home. All of my settings and data remained intact. Just some differences in how to configure some things mostly.18:38
DarthFrogAh, I see.  You didn't do an _in situ_ upgrade.18:38
wilhartdo you see my text?19:06
Daskreechwilhart: not yet19:07
wilhartok i'm loaded with kubuntu desktop.iso now i need to set grub so it boots both from windows and linux19:07
wilharti hvae grub219:07
wilhartgrub-mkrescue ?19:07
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:08
Daskreechwilhart: Link in there for you :)19:08
wilhartwitch one ?19:09
DaskreechLost grub after installing windows19:09
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wilhartpretty complex19:11
_JayMQuestion<< Running KDE 4.4.5 that I installed on the base ubuntu install. Decided to try it as I was getting sick of gnome. When I try to add a plasmoid to my desktop, the bar pops up above the taskbar but only partially and I can't see the bottom half of it, eg; the text below the widgets. I have tried resizing the taskbar but same thing. I have tried auto hiding the task bar but then the widget bar just sits lower and is cut off by the bottom19:14
_JayMof the screen. Anyone run into this?19:14
BluesKaj_JayM, are you trying add an icon from the kmenu ? or from the widget panel?19:17
_JayMwidget panel19:18
_JayMI right click on the desktop and choose add widgets. The panel pops up but not far enough to see the whole panel. The lower half of it sits behind the taskbar.19:19
_JayMIt seems to behave like that 95% of the time but occasionally it will pop up all the way.19:21
BluesKaj_JayM, click on the cashew icon in right hand corner of the bottom panel , add widgets, choose one and drag it to the desktop19:22
_JayMworks fine... still can19:22
_JayMstill can't see the text below the widgets in the widgetbar.19:23
BluesKajafter clicking on the cashew icon look in the middle of the expanded panel , you'll see a hieght option with an arrow pointing up, drag it upwards to unhide19:25
_JayMThat ajusts the taskbar hieght as well so it makes thigs bigger but doesn't make the widget bar sit higher above the task bar. They both ajust at the same time.19:26
BluesKajwidget bar19:27
BluesKajdunno what yo're trying to do then, I'm confused19:28
wilhart_how did i format quick fat32 8giga usb stick?19:28
wilhart_i just need the commands19:28
_JayMWhen you click on the cashew OR right click on the desktop and select "Add Widget", the widget bar pops up above the taskbar.19:29
BluesKajwilhart_, no need to format if you're just adding stuff19:29
wilhart_BluesKaj, i'm running unetbooting19:29
_JayMWhen I do this, the widgetbar is partially covered on the bottom by the taskbar.19:29
wilhart_BluesKaj, need to format stick first19:29
_JayMso I can't see the text under the individual widgets listed19:29
_JayMI need to make the widget bar fully expand above the taskbar instead of partially like it is now.19:30
_JayMajusting using the height ajustment makes both bars increase or decrease in size at the same time so therefore doesn't reveal more of what is abopve the task bar.19:31
wilhart_mkfs -t vfat /dev/sda119:31
BluesKaj_JayM, ok sorry ,now I understand ... think you might want to check your display resolution , something's amiss19:31
_JayMits set to native 1920x1200 on a 28" hanns g lcd monitor.19:32
BluesKajwilhart_, doesn't the unetbootin site have instructions19:32
_JayMok, well thanks for trying BluesKaj. I appreciate your time. I'll keep googling and poking around.19:33
BluesKaj1920x1200 hmmm, should be higher19:33
_JayMNot on this monitor. It's native factory spec res is 1920x1200. It's not the apple cinema dosplay. I WISH!19:35
wilhart_where was that grub conf located in19:36
wilhart_i need to set timer for grub219:36
BluesKajI'm using 1920x1080 on our 46" Plasma TV , _JayM19:36
wilhart_anyone ?19:38
wilhart_where i se grub timer to 10 seconds it's 0 now19:38
BluesKajthis lil lapptop uses 1280x80019:38
yofelwilhart: grub timeouts are set in /etc/default/grub, see19:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:59
craigwdy2kI just installed Kubuntu 10.04 on a HP Pavilion dv6z-1100.  My machine has been having issues with Hibernate: i.e. it hangs under 10.10 Alpha 3 whereas I get corrupted video upon resuming under 10.04.  My install is fully updated.  Any advice?20:11
craigwdy2kMy laptop is based on AMD/ATI 780 G North Bridge & AMD/ATI SB750 South Bridge.  I found out by googling that others have been having USB issues with the Desktop version of this North Bridge.  Maybe this recent development is related.20:19
gorgonzolahello! i know that this might be an old and tired question, but is there any way to enable voice and video chat in kopete?20:20
robb4ngorgonzola: I dont think so, not yet...20:23
gorgonzolarobb4n: do you know where i could get more info about this? the kopete homepage is outrageously outdated20:24
robb4ngorgonzola: I dont use kopete by myself.. Just did an fast google search and look it up that way, didt find anything about video support..20:25
robb4ngorgonzola: but you can use google talk to use voice chat tho i think20:25
robb4nthru kopete20:25
gorgonzolarobb4n: yes, they rolled out linux support for voice and video yesterday... i was wanted to check on the status of lopete's implementation. i found a 2008 forum post saying that i wasn't built with jingle in kubuntu...20:26
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
gorgonzolarobb4n so i wanted to check if there was a known way to get it to work in kubuntu...20:26
robb4ngorgonzola: ah okey, didt knew that they did...20:28
robb4nsomething more to look up for myself then =)20:28
gorgonzolarobb4n: i mean  google, for use with their webpage... let me find you the url of the announcemnet...20:28
robb4ngorgonzola: are you talkin about the google talk with gmail?20:30
robb4ni did an test call yesterday, works pretty well!20:30
gorgonzolayes, that. since they released the plugin for linux, it revived my interest in voice chat from kopete...20:31
craigwdy2kYeah: here's the URL for it: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/chat/thread?tid=10ffe01c3a4779f5&hl=en.20:32
robb4noki doki20:32
corigoHi, my Krusader is totally corrupted and crashes at launch. Can anyone help me get it back and running? KDE w/o Krusader is like Windows w/o Total Commander... useless20:44
corigoDeets: Kubuntu 10.04 with KDE 4.5.0. Have deinstalled and reinstalled via Adept (with reboot inbetween) w/o effect. Still crashes on launch. Have downloaded local files already for command line if preferred, and 2.2.0 BETA source downloaded as well, if that is my only option20:48
craigwdy2kI'm attempting to upgrade my optical drive's firmware to RPC-II using WINE.  Where exactly do self extracting .EXEs unpack to in the Linux directory hierarchy?  I looked on winehq.org & they don't even mention it anywhere...20:56
jaemcraigwdy2k: Probably somewhere in ~/.wine20:57
craigwdy2kOk: this is not looking too good: I see no traces of the C:\SwSetup\sw**** folder hierarchy that HP typically uses...20:59
jaemcraigwdy2k: I haven't used those sorts of tools in some time, but don't they normally allow you to override the extraction path?21:02
craigwdy2kNo.  I also installed NTFS-3G through aptitude so I can access my LaCie FireWire 80 GB NTFS formatted PC backup drive.  If I could just get KDE 4 to automount it then I could copy Universal Extractor & force decompress it that way...21:04
craigwdy2kWhat about winetricks: I think HP's .exe is packed with MS VB or MS Visual C++?21:07
craigwdy2kHmmm...: how about 7-Zip: are there any GUI front-ends that are KDE 4 compatible available in any of the Kubuntu Repos (Official or unofficial)?21:14
corigoPretty sure Krusader will play a gui front end if backend is installed21:14
jaemcraigwdy2k: Sorry, I was away momentarily.  Do you know how to mount the hard drive manually?21:15
craigwdy2kI admit it: I've been spoiled by using NTFS-3G with MacFUSE under 10.4.11 & 10.5.8 on my Macs.  I love how it automounts a volume instantly.  It makes my life a lot easier...21:19
jaemcraigwdy2k: Well, Kubuntu should be able to as well.21:21
jaemI'm not sure why it isn't, and I don't have an NTFS volume here to check, as far as I'm aware.21:21
jaemDoes it not even let you mount it through Dolphin with a password?21:22
jaemHmm... X is being stupid - hold that thought21:22
craigwdy2kNo prompt appears...  It's as if it can't see it or something...  I think this may be connected to the ACPI kernel breakage I've been experiencing...21:23
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craigwdy2kX: speaking of X I just installed Google Earth via the downloadable binary & I can't get it to start.  Also Dolphin keeps crashing some of the time when I attempt to drag a folder icon from Dolphin into Konsole...21:31
craigwdy2kKrusader seems to be much more reliable too.21:43
=== robin is now known as Guest70548
lookHow do i activate my restricted drivers in Kubuntu 10.04?22:31
craigwdy2kWhat's the hardware device in question?  If it's a nVidia GPU there's a How-To here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia.22:34
DoctorPepperhi guys!22:36
craigwdy2kHas anyone else here been having issues with new AMD 780G/AMD SB7X0 combination or is just me?  I really need a quick & dirty way to find out if my ACPI issue (Resum from Hibernate garbled graphics & the resume fails) is hardware related.  The real issue is that this PC's warranty expires on 8/30/10...22:41
craigwdy2k*Resume from Hibernate garbled graphics & the resume fails22:42
lookcraigwdy2k, Its a broadcom BCM41222:43
lahwranlook, no it's not22:46
lahwranthat was the wifi22:46
lahwranand the wifi was working fine >.>22:46
TurionX-cbakubuntu in spanish?22:48
craigwdy2kWhich version & variant of Ubuntu are you using look?  According to Broadcom's site they have a driver for it: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php.22:48
craigwdy2kNice to see a fellow Turion owner on here...  Which laptop do you use TurionX-cba?22:51
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craigwdy2kYeah but what's the version number? or at least the codename?22:53
FodoXola novo aki22:53
TurionX-cbami machine no is a netbook ,is a athlon dualcore 520022:54
craigwdy2kInteresting: Yeah this PC is a Turion X2 ZM-85 based model: my main reason for trying Kubuntu in the first place was that I was hoping to get better battery life compared to Win7 x64 Home Premium.22:56
DoctorPeppercan someone help me ,  i am setting up kubuntu desktops for my school and i cant get kde to behave like windows from the shortcuts standpoint . for instance  i  need the kmenu  to kick in  if the meta key  and at the same time having meta key  used as an accelerator  to have shortcut like meta+e for calling dolphin22:57
craigwdy2kNot to mention reliability too.  Anyone know of an alternate kernel that may suit this model of PC laptop better?  Or is my best bet to recompile the stock kernel?  I need to find a good How-To though.  I'm starting to seriously doubt whether or not this PC is fully supported by any AMD64 based Linux hardware wise.23:00
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:01
=== jan is now known as Guest26000
craigwdy2kAccording to this site KDE 4 is quite broken at the moment DoctorPepper & trying to fix keyboard shortcut mappings can be quite glitchy & problematic: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=489703.23:05
StepNjump2I lost my menus at the top of DOLPHIN. How could I get it back please?23:07
TorchStepNjump2: ctrl+m?23:09
StepNjump2Yeah! thanks!23:09
DoctorPeppercraigwdy2k: acgj23:09
DoctorPeppercraigwdy2k: actually  i manage to have the menu showup using the meta key23:10
DoctorPepperthe issue is to have at the same time  shortcuts like meta+E  working23:11
craigwdy2kWeird: my WinKey never works right on this laptop...  Do you know of any good Open Source 3RVX/Quick Launch Application Keys managers?23:12
craigwdy2kI've also tried Fedora Core 13 which worked right up until recently.  Again: it makes me think I need to run some hardware diagnostics software on this PC laptop.  Even HP's ActiveX based hardware diagnostics tool is crone to ACPI related freezes/crashes...23:15
craigwdy2kI have to go now: I need to make sure this PC isn't distracted while I'm attempting my Kernel Re-Compile.23:58

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