
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
wechatHow to delete initrd.img-2.6.35-18-generic and force to load from 17?00:52
kklimondawechat: you have to load 2.6.35-17 kernel00:52
wechatkklimonda: anyway everything wanna me to *reconfigure -a*00:53
kklimondadpkg --configure -a? then do it00:53
wechatwhen I'm doing it it always hangin on -- always -- when generatin grub.cfg00:54
wechatonly ctrl-z can help00:54
wechatnot ctrl-c even00:54
wechatand again *sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a*00:55
* wechat --configure00:55
wechatMaybe update-initramfs?00:56
kklimondayou could try00:57
wechatwhat are the keys or flags to update-initramfs?00:57
wechatI've removed even *-18* but it's in grub anyway00:58
kklimondatry sudo update-initramfs -v -u all00:58
wechatkklimonda: ok, good answer, will try00:58
kklimondawell, if it hangs on generating grub.cfg then it's not updated and you see old entries in grub00:58
wechatkklimonda: it's finding all the images and *loader of offtopic* and after that doesn't say *ok* but justin hangin on00:59
wechatsudo update-initramfs -v -u is done mybe it will help01:01
yofelwechat: wait, why did you remove the actual kernel *file* ?01:01
yofeljust remove the package or select -17 in the grub menu01:01
yofel(or what are you actually trying to do?)01:02
wechatyofel: but when I will be upgrading again the system will remember about 18 and again will download it again unpack it again made grub.cfg and again will hang on01:03
yofeltry 'sudo aptitude purge linux-image-2.6.35-18-generic' first?01:04
wechatyofel: killed all lock files, aptitude -f install, apt-get -f install, dpkg -C, dselect, recovery mode, ... - all was tried by me01:04
yofelok, so what exactly hangs? update-grub?01:04
wechat/var/lib/dpkg/lock  --- also is hangin' will kill it01:05
yofelthat doesn't answer my question, can you pastebin the output of whatever you're doing before it hangs?01:06
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blaz_hi, just updated to kernel 2.6.35-19 and strange things happening during boot: i have to press a key once in a while, otherwise booting stalls. Anyone experienced this?01:51
blaz_no such problems when booting back to 2.6.35-1701:52
yofelhaven't tried -19 yet01:58
yofeldo we set gfxmode=text on boot currently?01:58
yofelI get the ubuntu text mode splash instead of the kubuntu graphical splash since yesterday01:59
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DJAshnarInstaling Ubuntu 10.10 on the lappy!  WEEEE!  Still no working ACPI!02:23
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DJAshnarAny ideas on why a Toshiba Sattelite C655D S5057 hates ACPI under Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04, and 10.10A3 but works fine under Backtrack which is based off Ubuntu 8.04?02:28
Tekno_no idea02:29
DJAshnarthink this might help?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1301101&page=802:30
Tekno_i have lifebook which runs ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10 but not 7.04 or lates02:30
Tekno_not even 10.0402:30
DJAshnarthink that may have something to do with it?02:33
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 601102 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntu one disabled notice in every nautilus window" [Medium,New]06:59
DanaG"Ubuntu One Disabled"06:59
DanaGI know it's not enabled... now go the heck away!06:59
kklimondaI like the new "add-on" manager in usc but some packages need a better description09:40
vishkklimonda: file a bug!09:40
kklimondavish: I don't really see what can be done about it09:40
kklimondavish: I think that's just too generic09:40
kklimondaafter all two packages may suggest the same package for different reason.09:41
vishkklimonda: yeah, once that add-ons branch got merged it was expected add-ons would have crazy descriptions/wrongly suggested09:41
kklimondathe only solution that comes to mind is for packages that have Suggests: to provide description09:42
vishkklimonda: yeah, mpt was looking forward for such bugs, to actually have a proper plan :D09:43
marek_hi, i have on my PC two ubuntu installations - one 10.04 and other 10.10, on 10.04 i have encrypted home partition, how can i "enable" it on 10.10 installation?09:56
bilalakhtarHello! I am upgrading to maverick using the alternate CD. I am hearing about some X server breakup. Am I safe with the free ATI driver?10:23
bilalakhtarok thanks I got the message in that ML10:29
geserbilalakhtar: yes, I'm using maverick with the free ATI driver without problems (the grub2 and ATI issue got resolved by reverting a default)10:44
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RandyRKellyhello room15:08
RandyRKellyi have been having a bug on 10.10  but i think it was fixed with yesterdays update15:09
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RandyRKelly I wanted to ask is there a way i can remove the old kernels15:10
bilalakhtarWhen I boot maverick, X starts up twice. First, it begins and GDM login comes. When I press enter, it shuts down, opens again and another proper GDM login comes from which I am able to log in15:16
RandyRKellyeveryone leaving and joing15:54
dartapplications having panel indicators crash instantly after launch....rhythmbox, gwibber, turpial, pino, banshee...15:58
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IdleOneis X still broken like it says in the topic?16:28
IdleOneguess I'll find out16:29
sinurgeIdleOne, depends for diff people16:30
sinurgeits working for me as of now16:30
IdleOnerunning an update and it offered  xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon  among others16:31
IdleOneI'm running nvidia16:32
phnomWorking here too, running nvidia.16:32
IdleOnegood to know, thanks16:32
jfiit is still broken for me, I need to add an option ignoreABI in xorg.conf16:33
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killer456all the applications having panel indicators are crashing....is there a way to solve it?16:57
IdleOne2.6.35-19 boots with no problems :)17:23
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mikebeechamhi guys...could do with a little help:17:39
mikebeechamI have just upgraded to maverick, and I cannot login17:40
mikebeechamI am taken to ttyl17:40
mikebeechamI login, try to startx17:40
mikebeechambut am told that there are no screens found17:40
TheInfinity-> topic17:40
mikebeechamlol...just noticed that17:41
TheInfinityX is broken17:41
mikebeechamok, going to read now17:41
mikebeechamok....as a relatively new linux user...does this mean I have to wait until something is released?17:41
mikebeechamLinux is my main machine...otherwise I guess I would have to reinstall 10.04?17:42
mikebeecham...or is there a way to revert back?17:42
ChogyDanmikebeecham: you could watch here: https://launchpad.net/builders17:44
mikebeechamChogyDan: thanks17:44
sebsebsebmikebeecham: uhmm17:45
sebsebsebmikebeecham: since your new, you shoudn't have upgraded already really17:45
ChogyDanmikebeecham: I also like to run `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^`  just to see what packages might be missing17:45
mikebeechamsebsebseb: not so new to linux...been running it for 3 years, but new to the backend of it17:45
sebsebsebmikebeecham: you should have  just waited untill the final reelase or maybe the release candidate, or at least the beta  next Thursday17:46
mikebeechamChogyDan: I have the latest of everything17:46
sebsebsebmikebeecham: depending on the issue, you might have to clean install, since its a development version, and updates don't always fix problems17:46
mikebeechamyeah, I think I will actually mate17:46
sebsebsebmikebeecham: if you want to get a it a bit early17:47
mikebeechamit's not a biggie since I only just reinstalled anyway17:47
sebsebsebmikebeecham: I would recommend doing it when the beta comes out17:47
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sebsebsebmikebeecham: also thing is with17:49
sebsebsebdevelopment versions of Ubuntu is this17:50
sebsebsebif alpha is used17:50
sebsebsebthere will probably be some sort of problem with it before the final release, that effects the user17:50
sebsebsebif  the install is started with the beta on the other hand,  then it will probably be ok untill the final17:50
mikebeechamyeah I guess...I early released on 10.04 and everything was fine :D17:50
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vishAndre_Gondim: pls turn your nick changes off, you are spamming the channel18:11
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»18:11
hosoka_hello all18:28
hosoka_Would like to know what I am doing wrong. When trying to update with the Update Manager it tells me that due to a conflict with libgirepository1.0-1 it cannot dowload the missing updates.18:29
hosoka_It mention something about that and I due to this I cannot report it by default.18:30
* yofel wonders what dpkg needs 180MiB memory for... '21207 root 20 0 201m 182m 1116 D 3 2.4 0:05.50 dpkg'19:45
IdleOneright clicking on chromium-browser when minimized does not appear to bring up a menu, anybody else experience this behavior?20:01
IdleOnehmm seems to be random20:01
IdleOnehappens with other apps also20:01
osteenbergenHi, small question: where is sun-java-jdk?20:03
osteenbergenDoesn't seem to be in a repository anymore :O20:04
yofelfetch it from lucid partner, can't find it for maverick either currently20:05
yofelbug 58858920:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588589 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) "please create sun-java6 packages to maverick" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58858920:06
osteenbergenyofel, thanks :)20:17
maurer_Hey, any time it goes under load, my intel wireless starts to throw dma errors, and eventually it crashes and the kernel starts spewing debug info faster than I can read it20:35
maurer_(this did not happen until recently)20:36
DJAshnarAny plans to incorporate the kernel patch for the damn Toshiba Sattelite ACPI/DSDT bug causing us to be forced to turn of ACPI and then only run ONE cpu core?  http://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=2395820:53
DJAshnar*turn off20:53
kblinhm, what package do I use to report a btrfs bug?20:54
yofelthat's the kernel package20:54
DJAshnarI actually had to use an older kernel WITH the acpi patch to get 10.10 to run on my Toshiba :(20:56
yofelDJAshnar: the kernel team in #ubuntu-kernel might know more20:56
DJAshnarthankies :)20:56
kblinthey want me to try and see if I can corrupt my rootfs again?20:58
* kblin fires up another VM20:58
ongolaBoyHi.how and where can I use rsync to complete a CD ... I used jigdo but it seems broken :(21:04
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VigliteI get an error, but I forgot what it was now, something about Policy Kit Unable to Launch...maybe..I tried to replicate it three times now. no luck yet. U 10.10 a3.21:29
VigliteHiya gnomefreak21:36
gnomefreakhi Viglite21:36
Viglitegnomefreak: Do you have the logs on?21:37
gnomefreaklogs for what?21:37
Viglitegnomefreak: This channel21:38
gnomefreakViglite: the bot logs the channel21:39
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/21:41
Vigliteokee dokee21:41
VigliteWell my message was that I got a repetitive crash error, Policy Kit failure something, something, I did not get a screenshot nor did I see it in the logs.21:42
gnomefreakyour logs are on your system. what makes you think they are here?21:44
VigliteI will keep trying to replicate it, it occurs when Nephew logs on and off, oh I dunno. just guessing.21:45
VigliteI did tell him this was Beta3, so churn it up.21:47
Viglitegnomefreak: Oh sorry, I meant what I posted here before you came in a few moments back.21:49
yofelwth, just had a kernel panic o.O21:53
DJAshnarlibgirepository1.0-1 dependency cannot be resolved.  How do I fux?22:08
gnomefreaksudo apt-get -f install?22:10
VigliteDJAshnar: Is it a restricted?22:14
AndrewMCcan someone tell me the terminal command to dist-upgrade22:18
AndrewMCim drawing a blank here22:18
yofelsudo do-release-upgrade -d22:18
AndrewMCyofel~ im already running 10.10 i was told to dist-upgrade becasue it would fix a problem with update manager22:20
yofelsudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:20
yofelsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:20
AndrewMCyofel~ ok thanks man22:21
yofelyou're welcome22:21
gnomefreakupdating to an alpha release to fix anything?22:24
yofelwell, you can fix things in my experience. Like... fix 5 things, break 1222:27
DJAshnarfixed the dependency issue with a forced install of the libgirepository1.01 manually... and a sudo apt-get install -f....22:28
DJAshnardamn python...22:30
DJAshnarWatch this batch of 549 updates break 572...22:30
DJAshnar572 DIFFERENT things...22:30
DJAshnarHopefully it fixes the ACPI DSDT bug on the Toshiba laptops for me...22:30
DJAshnarForcing a direct CPU call rather than a BIOS call isnt fun22:31
DJAshnarMaybe a hammer would work...22:31
duffydackwell I wanted it for so long, and it happend.  I got a nicer sound control.. that other thing was bad.22:35
DanaGargh, STUpid empathy... it won't let me not set up accounts.22:38
DanaGFirst-run wizard, I say "just see neighbors"... then I go to "accounts" in menu, and get first-run wizard again!22:38
DanaGSay, anyone know of a command-line scriptable telepathy thingy?22:43
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SensivaDoes anybody has maverick's screenshots after the UI freeze?23:52

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