
pseudosmartthis is what I got when I ran /usr/bin/nvidia-settings:00:00
pseudosmartrob@rob-laptop:~$ /usr/bin/nvidia-settings00:00
pseudosmartbash: /usr/bin/nvidia-settings: No such file or directory00:00
pseudosmartOh and thank you, I have downloaded the pocket guide for reference, but I will also check out the manual website00:01
sebsebsebpseudosmart: Ok your welcome :)00:01
sebsebsebpseudosmart: Anyway hopefuly  pedro3005 can help you, been a while since I did anything with Nivida in Ubuntu and well that just worked for me most/all of the time.  and I am actsually using another distro at the moment :D00:02
pseudosmartoh, okay00:02
pedro3005Hm, must be a 10.04 thing00:02
sebsebsebpseudosmart: altough I may be able to help a bit00:03
sebsebsebpseudosmart: system > administration > hardware drivers00:03
sebsebsebpseudosmart: does it say a driver is activated?00:03
sebsebseband  you probably got like three options for Nivida driver?  if you have issues with one, you could try another00:03
pseudosmartNo, but when I activate it, my screen goes really huge and wonky00:03
pseudosmartI tried that last night00:04
sebsebsebpseudosmart: ok thats the way that your meant to install those kind of drivers really, but doesn't always work properly00:04
sebsebsebpseudosmart: as a kind of last resort, you could install your self directly from Nivida, but  that will sometimes cause issues,  espesaily if your not installing the right driver I guess,  plus its not so easy to do it that way00:05
sebsebsebpseudosmart: also you only really need the propritary driver for 3D Linux games and Compiz and things like that00:05
pseudosmartoh, okay. I just thought maybe the driver was the reason my screen is cut off to right and bottom of the monitor00:06
pseudosmartdo I need to create a custom screen resolution somehow?00:06
sebsebsebpseudosmart: it might be, but probably just the wrong resolution00:06
sebsebsebpseudosmart: I think installing the propritary driver properly, and some more resolutions will probably be availalbe00:06
sebsebsebprobably not that useful, but00:06
ubot2Factoid 'nividia' not found00:06
ubot2For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:07
Ounistry system>preferences>monitor00:08
Ounisthen choose a custom size of screen00:08
pseudosmartyeah, I actually followed those instruction to install the correct driver for my laptop. It didn't work at first, until I exited the X Server then restarted it00:08
Ounismmm i see00:09
Ouniswhat version of ubuntu do you run ?00:10
pseudosmartAnd in the Monitor Preferences Window, it says 'Monitor: Unkown'. I am running 10.04.100:10
Ounisand what is your graphic card ?00:11
pseudosmartone second, let me check again00:13
pseudosmartNvidia GeForce 9400M00:15
pseudosmartAnd now the only resolution available to me in System>Preferences>Monitors is 2048 x 153600:17
Ounisyou have a proprietary driver installed or not ?00:17
Ounisi think for 10.04 there is no more proprietary for nvidia (maybe i'm wrong)00:18
sebsebsebOunis: can install a driver directly from Nivida00:18
sebsebseb,but that should be done as a last resort really00:18
sebsebsebsince that can cause issues00:18
pseudosmartI installed NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-256.44.run, from the NVIDIA website00:19
sebsebsebpseudosmart: oh00:19
pseudosmartjust this afternoon00:19
sebsebsebpseudosmart: after trying system > administration > hardware drivers, and that not working?00:19
sebsebsebanyway thats what I meant if you install the .run  issues are likely to happen00:19
pseudosmartwell, it says the 3D driver not activated, but when I activate it the screen goes crazy00:20
sebsebsebpseudosmart: crazy how so?00:20
sebsebsebif you get the wrong.run  you will have a problem00:20
pseudosmartEverything get really huge, and the top of the screen goes black00:21
sebsebsebpseudosmart: hrm00:21
pseudosmartoh, well the right and bottom of the screen were cut off before I installed the driver, I thought it would help00:21
sebsebsebpseudosmart: oh00:21
sebsebsebpseudosmart: was it like that on the Live CD as well?00:21
sebsebsebdid you try the Live session?00:21
pseudosmartwoops, no. I went straight for the install00:22
sebsebsebpseudosmart: ok still got the Live CD?00:22
bobo123hi I forgot... how do I check if I have compiz on, and turn it off?00:22
pseudosmartyes, I still have the LIve CD00:22
sebsebsebpseudosmart: ok heres an idea00:22
sebsebsebboot up the Live session on the Live CD00:22
sebsebsebfind out if that loads up ok00:22
sebsebseband come back and say here00:23
pseudosmartokay, I will be right back00:23
sebsebsebif problems on Live CD, likely to have them in the install as well00:23
bobo123is it enough that "visual effects" is set to "none" in that (same dialog as change background but last tab)00:27
sebsebsebbobo123: not sure what you want to do, turn compiz off?00:28
bobo123sebsebseb: well.. with a slow graphics card it can steal a bit from the poor game I want to run, right?00:30
sebsebsebbobo123: yeah as far as I know Compiz effects can effect games00:30
aveilleuxbobo123: Desktop compositing effects can do that, yes00:30
aveilleuxbobo123: Because the way Ubuntu handles compositing, the effects stay on and apply to the current window (fullscreen) even though none of it is visible00:31
bobo123are there a command line command to verify that compiz isn't garanteed to be off? could be nice have00:31
aveilleuxnono123: ps -ef |grep compiz00:31
aveilleuxbobo123: I'm not 100% sure on that command though00:31
bobo123aveilleux: yeah you are right, why should compiz run when not visible. compiz should of course automaticly, somehow, be turned off when starting a fullscreen-game00:32
bobo123ok. I guess compiz is turned off here then00:33
aveilleuxbobo123: It'd be great if it had a "game mode", but unfortunately it does not... yet00:33
bobo123lets hope for the future :-)00:33
ActionParsnipaveilleux: you could write a script to switch to metacity, wait a while until metacity calms down, then launch the game00:33
ActionParsnipaveilleux: after the game runs you can re-enable compiz00:33
aveilleuxBobo123: What ActionParsnip is saying is relevant to your interests00:34
sebsebsebActionParsnip welcome to the channel :) since my referral00:35
aveilleuxbobo123: To completely replace Compiz with Metacity, run the command metacity --replace &00:36
aveilleuxbobo123: Then to switch back to Compiz, run compiz --replace &00:36
sebsebsebActionParsnip: hrm I told someone to try their Live CD, to see if they had their issue on that as well,  and they aren't back just yet,  well Ubuntu 10.04 Live CD  doesn't load up that fast00:37
pseudosmartI'm back00:39
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: CDs are slow00:39
sebsebsebhi pseudosmart00:39
sebsebsebwelcome back00:39
sebsebsebok how was your CD?00:39
pseudosmartI ran the Live CD, but the right and bottom of the screen were still cut off00:39
sebsebsebpseudosmart: ok I see00:39
sebsebsebwell then yes you do have a problem00:39
sebsebsebsince the open source driver00:39
sebsebsebdoesn't seem to even be working properly with your monitor00:40
pseudosmartI have a 17" widescreen monitor, could that be the problem?00:40
sebsebsebpseudosmart: no probably not00:40
sebsebseba monitor is a monitor, a graphics card on the other hand, not quite00:40
sebsebsebpseudosmart: maybe ActionParsnip can help you,  he knows a lot about Ubuntu and such00:41
pseudosmartAny help I can get is much appreciated00:41
ActionParsnippseudosmart: try altering refresh rate. if you use the monitors controls, if you shrink the display, does it fit?00:44
sebsebsebActionParsnip: he tried something like that I think, and still had problems00:44
ActionParsnippseudosmart: what video chip are you use=ing?00:45
pseudosmartNVIDIA 9400M00:45
pseudosmartIs there a way to customize the resolution in the terminal?00:50
sebsebsebpseudosmart: there  is probably some sort of command, but would useually do it graphicalley00:51
aveilleuxpseudosmart: There's a way to configure X.org via text files, but it's been so long that I've done it and the method has changed...00:51
aveilleuxpseudosmart: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config00:51
sebsebsebpseudosmart: doing stuff with xorg isn't exactly easy00:52
sebsebsebI mean editing files for it00:53
ActionParsnippseudosmart:what driver version are you using?00:57
pseudosmartI installed NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-256.44.run00:58
ActionParsnippseudosmart: you could use the PPA instead, it will mean you dont have to reinstall it after each kernel00:58
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yeah I guess he could use a ppa, but really ppa's shoud be used as a last resort01:00
ActionParsnipits just a convenient way to add te driver, it also adds good stuff to dkms01:00
ActionParsnippseudosmart: you can run: sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings     you can then set a resolution and click "Save to x config file"   you can then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and edit the resolution to what you expect01:02
phillwsebsebseb: ActionParsnip if you're adding a ppa, I'd suggest adding the remove ppa utility before you do so, that way you can reverse the changes a ppa makes01:02
ActionParsnipphillw: i know how to remove PPAs at command line :)01:03
ActionParsnipphillw: e.g.    sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa01:04
phillwHere's one I wrote earlier https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#ppa-purge  :p But it is a really good thing to have on your system if you are 'playing'01:04
ActionParsnipi always use the 195 driver as my higest video card is a 6150 onboard01:05
phillwI wrote it, but it was they people on the testing area who told me about it; it's a well usefull little addition for when you want to test things out :-)01:06
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
pseudosmartI am running 10.04.1, and my screen resolution is not working. It is chopping off the right side and the bottom of the screen03:42
pseudosmartI installed the proprietary driver for my nvidia 9400M graphics card, and now I only have 2048x1536 resolution available03:44
pseudosmartdoes anyone have any suggestions as to what I might try?03:45
IAmNotThatGuypseudosmart: system->Administration-> HArdware tools shows your driver is installed?03:45
pseudosmartit just says the nvidia accelerated graphics driver is not activated, but when I activates it, it really messes up the screen, and I have to revert03:47
pseudosmartI know03:49
pseudosmartI'm pulling my hair out03:50
IAmNotThatGuypseudosmart: activate the nvidia and open terminal , type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:50
IAmNotThatGuypseudosmart: also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution03:53
pseudosmartokay, I've done that03:53
pseudosmartnow what?03:53
IAmNotThatGuypseudosmart: is it still having the same issue?03:54
pseudosmartany other ideas?03:59
pseudosmartI've been trying to figure this out for 5 hours, I"m so frustrated03:59
IAmNotThatGuypseudosmart: you saw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution04:01
IAmNotThatGuyand that also is not helping you?04:01
pseudosmartwell, it might. I'm brand new at this, so it might be a little out of my league04:02
IAmNotThatGuyah.. kay lemme look04:03
IAmNotThatGuypseudosmart: system->preferences->monitor click detect04:05
IAmNotThatGuyafter enabling nvidia04:05
pseudosmartafter enabling nvidia 3d graphics, and going to system>pref>monitor, I get:04:07
pseudosmartIt appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead04:07
IAmNotThatGuyclick yes/okay04:08
pseudosmartnow I get:04:08
pseudosmartYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.04:08
IAmNotThatGuypseudosmart: open terminal and type sudo su04:09
IAmNotThatGuyand then type nvidia-xconfig04:09
aveilleuxIAmNotThatGuy, pseudosmart: No, he can just sudo nvidia-xconfig. No reason to su into root.04:10
IAmNotThatGuyaveilleux: okies (:04:10
pseudosmartrunning that, I got:04:11
pseudosmartUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".04:11
pseudosmartVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.04:11
pseudosmart                  Undefined Device "(null)" referenced by Screen "Default04:11
pseudosmart                  Screen".04:11
pseudosmartBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'04:11
pseudosmartNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'04:11
IAmNotThatGuypseudosmart: type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:14
aveilleuxIAmNotThatGuy, pseudosmart: nvidia-xconfig doesn't configure X correctly anymore... xorg.conf is no longer ised04:15
IAmNotThatGuyaveilleux: he has to configure by using a live CD then?04:16
aveilleuxIAmNotThatGuy: LiveCD doesn't particularly help either. If I knew more I could help, but unfortunately I don't04:16
aveilleuxIAmNotThatGuy, pseudosmart: I know very little about xorg, but I know it has modular files that have to be configured like GRUB04:17
IAmNotThatGuyaveilleux: Me either. I am not using Graphic Cards. I am just trying to help him04:17
aveilleuxWhoops, he left04:18
pseudosmartokay, I'm back04:18
pseudosmartbut the issue still isn't resolved04:18
pseudosmartshouldn't I see more than one resolution offered in Monitors?04:18
aveilleuxpseudosmart: Not if xorg doesn't detect your card's ability, no04:18
aveilleuxpseudosmart: remind me what card it is you have?04:19
pseudosmartnvidia geforce 9400M04:20
pseudosmartI'm pretty sure04:20
pseudosmartis there a way I can double check?04:20
sebsebsebpseudosmart: by the way you can try #ubuntu as well if you don't get that far here, much more people there though04:21
pseudosmartanybody have any other ideas?04:26
seidospseudosmart, video driver issues?04:27
pseudosmartI'm not sure. my screen resolution just will not work correctly04:28
pseudosmartsomeone suggested installing the proprietary driver for my card on the forums, so I did that, and now I only have one resolution available to me, and it still doesn't work properly04:28
l00s3hi all04:29
seidospseudosmart, and you added the other resolution options for your monitor in your xorg.conf file?04:29
pseudosmartI can't seem to open my xorg.conf file04:30
l00s3who wants to help this nub out? XD04:31
seidos!ask | l00s304:32
ubot2l00s3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:32
l00s3:) Can someone explain to me why I cannot see my Ubuntu Partition while in windows (dual boot)?04:33
seidosl00s3, why do you think?04:34
l00s3Because windows is inferior?04:34
l00s3XD Honestly I wasn't sure. I m sure it had somehting to do with the file structure04:34
seidosl00s3, that's probably as good an answer as anyone could provide.  The limitation isn't technical, it is just that developers at M$ aren't working on adding that feature to window$.04:37
l00s3I understand. I guess that makes sense on their end of things :(04:38
* seidos nods04:42
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=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
shredder12Hi everyone. I think something is wrong with my system. I don't see any option in the right click menu. Most of the options are faded http://i38.tinypic.com/6sh25w.jpg08:38
Mohan_chmlshredder12: check out the property of that file whether its set as read-only08:40
shredder12Mohan_chml: if you see the pic, the properties options is faded out too. Even setting the file permissions to 777 didn't help08:42
robbmunsonMohan_chml: "properties" is greyed out....what's the proper syntax to turn off "read only" in terminal?08:42
robbmunsonshredder12: oh....that shoots out any and all ideas I just thought up.08:43
shredder12I think the trouble is somewhere else, I can't imagine any circumstances where I won't get the properties option08:43
robbmunsonyeah, because its even getting messed up in the terminal....08:44
robbmunsonand ive never known gnome to also be able to screw around with ALL options of chmod and such....08:44
Mohan_chmlI was away and shredder12 google has no results?08:49
Mohan_chmlI ll brb. Mom Shouts :/08:49
shredder12Mohan_chml: nothing yet,  I am looking for them08:50
shredder12the trouble seems to be concerned with nautilus, I get all the options when I right click on the Desktop files.08:53
robbmunsonsudo aptitude reinstall nautilus maybe? or sudo aptitude -f install ?08:57
* robbmunson shrugs.....im honestly not the "guru" I used to be...08:57
shredder12robbmunson: you are still the guru. Reinstalling fixed the issue :)09:15
robbmunsonYou may have just lost some customizations, so I would check it all out if I were you.09:22
shawn146-ubuntu9how do i change the size of my desktop GNOME icons?10:13
shawn146-ubuntu9please don't link me10:13
shawn146-ubuntu9i can't open a browser10:13
Guest6960Can someone help me privately with the grub bootloader?11:44
Guest6960Umm is anyone actually here?11:45
duanedesignmorning all11:47
duanedesignGuest6960: Grub2?11:47
Guest6960Umm the one that was in ubuntu 10.04 lts11:47
duanedesignGuest6960: what is the issue11:48
duanedesignyeah that is Grub2 :)11:48
Guest6960Well its a long story, Can I talk to you privately?11:49
Guest6960I'm not use to this irc type chat thing. More used to skype.11:49
duanedesignGuest6960: you can PM me if you want/11:50
boywonderhi,im not getting a hash sign if i login as root?11:50
duanedesignboywonder: you mean if you 'su'11:51
boywonderis yhat normal11:55
duanedesignwhat do you get?11:56
duanedesignboywonder: for instance, I get:11:56
geirhaboywonder: How do you set your PS1 ?11:57
boywonderi get11:58
boywonderchris@chris - laptop:~$11:58
geirhaboywonder: What's the output of this?   printf "%q\n" "$PS1"12:00
duanedesigngeirha \o/12:00
boywonderwgats ps1?12:01
geirhathe PS1 variable determines how your prompt looks12:01
boywonderthe last tag is $12:04
geirhaAnd what's immediately in front of the $ ?12:05
Mohan_chmlohai serfus12:05
geirhaHm. \$ should change to a $ when non-root, a # when root12:05
boywonderit doent,12:06
boywonderdoesnt soz12:06
geirhaAre you sure you are running a shell as root? what does ''echo $EUID'' say?12:06
geirhaAlso, was the \$ from the output of the printf command I showed earlier, or did you look in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile?12:07
geirhaThat means you're not root12:09
geirha''sudo -s''12:09
boywonderi have a hash12:10
boywonderim a bit confused12:11
geirhaSo it is working as expected. You just weren't root earlier, for some reason.12:11
boywonderit doesnt work for su - chris12:11
geirhasu - chris   switches user to chris, not root12:12
geirhaTo get a root shell, run ''sudo -s'', to get a root login shell, use ''sudo -i''12:13
boywonderplease duduce this for me12:22
boywonderdeduce soz12:23
geirhaOn many unix and unix-like systems, that applies, but Ubuntu recommends you do not set a root password.12:23
geirhaSo instead of su, you'd use sudo instead.12:24
boywonderso do i get a sudo ~12:24
ubot2Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:24
geirhaboywonder: ''sudo -s'' or ''sudo -i'' gives you a root shell.12:25
duanedesignthat is a good link for understanding sudo in Ubuntu12:25
geirhaIf you just need to run one command as root, prepend it with sudo. E.g. sudo du -s /*12:25
duanedesignbecause of some changes in libvte for maverick terminator is not working correctly12:26
duanedesignI hardcoded TERM='xterm' in my .zshrc and that solved some of the issues12:26
duanedesignbut...my Prompt is not showing correctly12:28
geirhaWhat does it set as TERM if you don't set it to xterm?12:28
duanedesignnone of the stuff I set in my PS1 variable are showing12:28
duanedesigngeirha: dumb12:29
boywonderok i have root thanks12:29
geirhaI have no experience with zsh though. Do you get the same issue with bash?12:30
duanedesignno the prompt comes up fine there12:33
geirhaThen I'd say it's more likely a zsh issue ...12:38
geirhaWhat about [u]xterm, does it work correctly there?12:38
guest6960Does anyone know if duanedesign when afk or not?13:01
duanedesignhello guest696013:04
guest6960I sent you a message earlier about a problem, and i just did now, to continue on it, because i ran into a problem.13:05
duanedesigngeirha: seems their is a statement in my .zshrc that looks for 'echo $terminfo[colors]' to equal 8 in order to load colors. This does not seem to be working in Terminator as expected...13:06
duanedesignguest6960: what is the problem?13:07
guest6960It was the problem where I needed to reinstall grub2 and the windows mbr on each driver separately13:08
geirhaduanedesign: Does colors work though?  tput setaf 1; echo red; tput sgr013:09
duanedesignguest6960: did you have question about that?13:10
duanedesigngeirha: aha, colors do work13:12
duanedesigni got 'red'13:12
geirhaduanedesign: Does that terminfo array get set anywhere, or is it maybe a special zsh-variable?13:13
duanedesigngeirha: ahh, their was an error message that I was not seeing.  /etc/zsh/zshrc:12: unknown parameter: terminfo13:19
* duanedesign goes to look for a bug report13:21
geirhaSeems there's a zsh module that sets that terminfo array13:30
geirhaSo I'm guessing because of that libvte change, that module is unable to detect the right terminal type and thus becomes empty.13:31
geirhaor not set at all13:32
duanedesignthank you geirha13:33
guest6960Can someone just tell me how to install grub2 using the ubuntu 10.04 Lts cd using the terminal, I've already tried using grub-install -v and sudo aptitude install grub-pc and non of them work.13:50
duanedesignguest6960: Mount the partition containing the Ubuntu installation13:52
duanedesignsudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt13:52
duanedesignThe device/drive is designated by sdX, with X being the device designation. sda is the first device13:53
duanedesignThe partition is designated by the Y. The first partition is 1, the second is 2. Note the devices and partitions are counted differently.13:53
duanedesignthen run:   sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdX13:54
duanedesignExample: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda13:55
duanedesignThis will reinstall the GRUB 2 files on the mounted partition to the proper location and to the MBR of the designated device13:55
guest6960Nothing works, Just gonna reinstall it i guess.14:09
=== simar__mohaar is now known as simar
Mohan_chmlheya sebsebseb15:48
sebsebsebMohan_chml: Hey15:48
Mohan_chmlsebsebseb: How are you today?15:48
sebsebsebMohan_chml: ok you?15:49
Mohan_chmlsebsebseb: yeah! but still it hurts. Thanks for asking (:15:51
sebsebsebMohan_chml: what hurts?15:52
Mohan_chmlsebsebseb: lol I thought you knew it. My hand is injured15:53
Mohan_chmlokay I ll brb15:53
sebsebsebMohan_chml: no I just joined here15:55
Paf1Hello all, could any one help with with a sound issue?16:20
duanedesignafternoon all16:31
=== compiledkernel is now known as Guest79237
skedarhey all,18:10
skedarhow do you share files from one linux to another. windows makes it all look easy?18:10
skedarthis is mostly for two home computers18:11
skedarboth running ubuntu18:11
sebsebsebskedar: uhmm there are ways18:11
ubot2SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/18:11
sebsebsebskedar: you can use Samaba actsauly Linux to Linux not just with Windows18:11
ubot2Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:11
skedari have been told that samba is quite a slow protocol18:12
hobgoblinyou can also use nfs18:12
sebsebsebah yes nfs18:12
ubot2nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:12
sebsebsebskedar: nah Samba works quite well18:12
skedaris there a preferred one or just user preference?18:13
sebsebsebskedar: Samba is probably the most popular, however thats  mainly when it comes to sharing files with Windows18:13
sebsebsebskedar: another possible way to share files Linux distro to Linux distro, would actsaully be this,  have your own FTP server18:14
sebsebsebskedar: or even this,  have an Apache web server, and upload files to it, and then access it from the other computer18:14
hobgoblinbut I suspect that nfs or samba will do :)18:15
sebsebsebhobgoblin: yeah or SCP18:15
skedaryeah, i thought of that. but thought that a web server is over doing it for a home method18:15
sebsebsebskedar: to an extent yeah, but18:15
sebsebsebskedar: Apache is quite easy to get working in Ubuntu,  and then you have it like a intranet,  just for your computers, so Internet can't access it as well, if you want18:15
Mohan_chmlheya hobgoblin. (:18:16
skedaryeah. out of nfs and samba which one is easier18:16
* Mohan_chml looks at hobgoblin as he looks sick with a hand raised up18:16
hobgoblinif it works - samba18:17
sebsebsebskedar: and then of course, you could get some web host, with  FTP access, paid or for free, and upload your files to that, and share them,  So yep many ways to share files, and its up to you, what you choose,  there isn't really a best way to do it.18:17
skedarand to view them. do you have to use mount?18:17
hobgoblinskedar: right click usually then if things need to be installed it does it18:17
sebsebsebskedar: well not neassirely FTP access above, I just mean file upload access.18:17
hobgoblinskedar: I always add my shares to fstab - then they mount at boot18:18
hobgoblinskedar: mount in /mnt if you don't want them showing on the desktop18:18
hobgoblinMohan_chml: got an awful headache to be honest18:18
skedaryeah. cool. i haven't really read fstab man page but do you need to use login creds?18:19
Mohan_chmlawww... are you ok now hobgoblin ?18:19
hobgoblinnot really - no18:19
hobgoblinskedar: not here18:20
hobgoblinthough the partitions are owned by me18:20
skedari mean when using fstab to connect to shares18:20
skedardo you need to supply login credentials of the remote computer18:21
hobgoblinyou might with samba - never used it like that - when I used nfs - one machine is a server - the other the client - I just had aline in fstab which mounted them18:22
hobgoblincheck out the wiki pages and have a look, see which is more appropriate18:23
skedaryeah i might have a look. thanks for you help everyone. catchyall later18:23
andrew_708476Does anyone know how to register in irc21:21
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
nUboon2Ageandrew_708476: i'm not sure, but i think they may be able to help you over at #freenode21:35
stlsaintandrew_708476: need help?21:45
andrew_708476stlsaint can you hepl out a bit21:53
andrew_708476stlsaint are you there21:55
stlsaintandrew_708476: hopefully i can help21:55
andrew_708476ok can you register my nick name for me Im having so much trouble understanding it21:55
=== Phrea_ is now known as Phrea
stlsaintandrew_708476: how are you unable to reg?22:07
holderHi, i'm trying to download java, but following the instructions on the java website isn't working22:44
holderin the terminal i'm supposed to type chmod a+x jre-6u<version>-linux-i586.bin - i'm changing the <version> to the correct one, but it still isn't working22:46
holder- know how to change a file to executable using the gui, but I'm lost if I jump ahead in the instructions22:47
aveilleuxholder: Why don't you just install Java from the repositories? sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre22:52
aveilleux(I think that's the package name)22:52
pseudosmartI'm running 10.04.1 on a sony vaio, and all my screen resolutions cut off the right and bottom of the screen. I was here the other day, but couldn't find a solution. Anybody have any suggestions?22:55
Ounisyes i remember you from yesterday22:55
Ounisi really have no solution for you22:57
OunisBTW what is 10.04.1 i know only 10.0422:57
pseudosmartThat's just what the iso is that I downloaded and burned22:57
pseudosmartdoes it make a difference that my xorg.conf file is blank?22:58
Ounisyes i googled it you are right it's 10.04.122:59
pseudosmartI've read several posts that have said the system doesn't really use the xorg.conf file anymore22:59
aveilleuxpseudosmart: That would be correct22:59
Ounisit was since 8.1023:00
pseudosmartman, I'm so frustrated by this. I've been working on it for two days, and still can't figure it out23:00
Ouniswhat about the live CD does it have the same problem ?23:03
aveilleuxOunis: Yes23:03
Ounismmm too bad23:03
Ounisdid you asked the question on ubuntu forums ?23:04
pseudosmartyeah the live cd had the same problem. and yeah, I asked the question on the Ubuntu forums, but have not found the solution yet23:06
pseudosmartPeople just keep telling me to go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers and activate the 3D Graphics driver, but that doesn't help, I've tried several times23:07
Ounisdo you know any body having the same hardware ? you can try the live cd on his machine23:08
pseudosmartunfortunately, no23:13
holderThanks aveilleux, I googled it and it's "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre"23:24
aveilleuxThat one!23:24
aveilleuxholder, I thought sun-java6-bin was a dependency of sun-java6-jre, so it'd be installed automatically23:25

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