
doctormomaco: ping00:21
macodoctormo: pong00:21
macocan i take back that pong til i finish making dinner?00:21
macoactually go ahead00:23
macoi'll just make wafflse00:23
doctormomaco: Did you see my links this morning./00:23
macolinks? umm i saw your comment on my blog...and you ping'd this morning before i got to work and spent all day carrying servers00:23
doctormoAnd early build: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/foo/debian-packaging.tar.gz00:24
doctormoWe got some ways to go and it's going to have the patching part split out of it etc, but it's almost the same sort of content.00:24
doctormomaco ^^00:31
aragood morning all!07:17
dpmgood morning everyone!07:32
arabon dia, dpm07:38
dpmhola ara, guten morgen :)07:38
dpmhey kim0, good morning!08:28
kim0dpm: hola david .. how's it going08:29
dpmvery well, thanks, as usual at this time, slowly waking up08:30
kim0yeah ..08:30
* kim0 is booting up as well08:30
czajkowskifor all those who work from home you may get a giggle out of this http://theoatmeal.com/comics/working_home09:19
dholbachgood morning09:23
kim0dholbach: morning09:25
dholbachsalam aleikum kim0 :)09:26
kim0dholbach: walykum al salam .. what's up09:27
dpmmorning dholbach, morning czajkowski! :)09:27
dholbachkim0, we watched a really stupid french movie in the french course yesterday evening - it played in your home city: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSS_117 :)09:28
dholbachhi czajkowski, hi dpm09:28
czajkowskidpm: dholbach kim0 hows you ?09:28
dholbachgood good - how are you all?09:28
kim0czajkowski: hey there .. morning :)09:28
czajkowskiI got sleep an all of my action items are done so I'm rather happy09:29
dpm\o/ good work czajkowski!09:29
czajkowskiyou're telling me :D09:32
* dpm hugs czajkowski!09:34
* czajkowski hugs you guys 09:34
dpmtime to reboot, see you all in a bit09:54
dholbach… insha'allah09:55
dholbach(or "maverick willing")09:56
czajkowskihmm to upgrade or not to upgrade09:58
jussiupgrade :D10:00
czajkowskiwhat's the worst that can happen :)10:00
czajkowskiwell that didnt go well10:14
duanedesignmorning all11:50
czajkowskialoha duanedesign11:51
duanedesigni havent gotten any of my materials ready for the Global Jam this Saturday :\11:55
duanedesignand it is my month to give a presentation at the loCo meeting, which takes place 2 hours before the Jam :P11:55
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
Status0dose anybody online ?13:47
paultagStatus0: nopers13:47
Status0i need some help13:48
paultagStatus0: might want to ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners13:48
Status0no it's about community13:48
paultagStatus0: Oh, sure. What's up13:48
Status0I so comfused how do i apply the process of member / developer13:49
Status0there is so much information on the site it's comfusing me13:49
paultagStatus0: You have to show a sustained and significant contribution to become an Ubuntu member13:49
Status0I created a Wiki page, and i have launchpad account13:49
paultagStatus0: You can find out more about the Developers in #ubuntu-motu13:50
Status0whats the diff between beeing developer and member. dose devl. is not a member ?13:50
paultagStatus0: A developer may become an Ubuntu member. A member may become a Developer13:51
paultagStatus0: they both require a bit of work13:51
paultagStatus0: I'd ask more about the Ubuntu MOTU in #ubuntu-motu13:51
Status0grate. thanks, i will continue ask there.13:53
paultagStatus0: good luck!13:53
Status0thanks and sorry about inconvenience13:53
paultagStatus0: no inconvenience13:53
* dpm food14:04
vishdpm: hey , when you get back , in Bug 406626 , I dont understand what/why Bruce Cowan keeps saying translations are done without talking to upstream ..14:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 406626 in ubuntu (and 2 other projects) "Deleted Items Folder inconsistently named in en_GB localization (affects: 5) (heat: 38)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40662614:12
vishor that there is no communication with upstream regarding translations14:13
sensegood afternoon14:30
paultagheyya sense14:31
sensehi paultag14:31
senseduanedesign: Is it fine with you if I CC the Bug Squad in my reply to your mail regarding the Bug Squad Mentorship programme?14:31
duanedesignsense: that would be a good idea14:46
duanedesignsense: thank you for taking the time to reply.14:46
senseduanedesign: No point. I should have replied sooner to you.14:48
duanedesignsense: i know how busy we can all get14:49
senseIf only there were more hours in a day... ;)14:50
dpmvish, thanks for the heads up. I don't understand either, he's upstream and has been involved in the discussion all along. Let me comment on the bug...14:56
dpmIn the meantime, I've devised a cunning plan: I'll use my Launchpad Translations admin rights and I'll translate it as "Parrot". Then we can all agree to disagree.14:57
vishdpm: yeah , i noticed he has been commenting since feb and that he is upstream, not sure why he is confused though. thanks :)14:57
vishdpm: +1 for parrot ;p14:57
vishdpm: lets see what popey's survey says for that ;)14:59
dpmI loved popey's survey methods: "I even asked/annoyed/canvassed random strangers on the bus and in the lift at work." :)15:00
dpmvish, ok, added a comment, let's see if we can move forward...15:06
vishdpm: thanks.15:06
dpmnp :)15:06
=== JFo is now known as JFo-swap
czajkowskipaultag: ping16:48
dholbachok my friends, I call it a day - see you tomorrow!17:17
* dholbach hugs you all17:17
paultagczajkowski: pong17:57
czajkowskipaultag: i got you on im remember17:58
czajkowskipaultag: you're not in over there my dear17:58
senseOK, that was not very smart: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/26/microsoft_meter_maids/18:17
senseEven worse than the half-naked women in slides on a conference: these are real-life half-naked women on a conference.18:18
senseOne of the main talks of that conference was about women involvement in IT...18:18
greg-gdang, dholach is gone, http://www.zeropaid.com/news/90384/open-licensed-music-movement-gathers-momentum-in-germany/18:26
duanedesignsense: I dont know if I can stand much more news from Microsoft this week. I still have a 'bad taste in my mouth' after reading the 'Of Course Microsoft Loves Open Source' article yesterday18:33
IdleOneMy tattoo just got recognized by a total stranger at the gas station :) Dude was like "Hey your tattoo was in the Ubuntu video!" :)19:07
* IdleOne is a star19:08
pleia2hehe, nice :)19:09
vishIdleOne: which tattoo?19:09
vishor rather which video..19:10
IdleOnethe one from UDS 10.1019:10
vishIdleOne: oh! thats you! :D19:10
IdleOneyeah :)19:11
IdleOneI am third from the start of video19:11
IdleOnewhat an awesome feeling to be recognized like that19:12
IdleOnenow I know what jono feels like lol19:12
jonoIdleOne, hehe19:12
vishIdleOne: when i saw the video , i thought it might not be a permanent one.. but cool! :)19:12
paultagjono: I actioned your item wrt tn team this morning -- LP has it assigned to the LOSA guys, should be done by EOW19:13
paultagLet me get you the answers number19:14
paultagjono: LP Answer 122827 -- https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/12282719:14
akgranerhahaha - Pete was teasing me about not finishing the laundry and I said "oops sorry someone pinged me"  Pete said, "Pings will come and go but laundry is forever"19:17
sensegood bye everyone19:52
jonoJFo-swap, still got the damn cake song in my head20:42
* JFo-swap is evil20:42
doctormojono, jcastro: Still no response to emails on Free Culture Showcase. Who should I try and get in touch with?22:29
jonodoctormo, we don't run it any more, so you need to talk to the design team22:30
jonodoctormo, mail Ivanka or Iain22:30
jonoakgraner, can we chat in a few22:31
doctormojono: I did, this is why I'm coming to you guys, because Ivanka isn't responding to emails... or the emails arn't getting through.22:31
vishdoctormo: last i heard , ivanka had backlog of 700 mails before her two week vacation ;)22:32
vishdoctormo: It is easier/quicker to tickle a response out of Iain   :)22:34
paultagjono: sent you mail :)22:40
paultagForgot you were online22:40
jonodoctormo, she only just got back this week from her hols22:43
jonoso she will be deluged in email22:43
jonopaultag, cool :)22:43
jonothanks paultag for sorting that out22:43
paultagjono: no problem. I've got your back22:44
doctormojono: Emailed Iain, hopefully that'll work out.22:46
doctormoThanks for your help guys.22:46
jonodoctormo, :)22:47
jonopaultag, thanks, dude!22:47
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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