
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
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rodrigo_kenvandine, around?00:42
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chrisccoulsonRAOF - i'm not sure if you saw my earlier message in the scrollback01:16
RAOFchrisccoulson: I did not - I only saw asac wanting me to be awake at 2:30am.01:17
chrisccoulsonRAOF - ah, ok. it was a comment about bug 62370001:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 623700 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Edge condition in idle monitor (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62370001:17
chrisccoulsoni've not looked at it in that much detail, but i fixed what looks like a similar issue in gnome-power-manager earlier in the year01:18
chrisccoulsonand it was actually a slightly different issue01:18
chrisccoulsonwhat i found is that g-p-m was missing the negative alarm altogether01:18
RAOFAh, yes.  I noticed that gnome-power-manager was setting appropriate transition thresholds.01:18
chrisccoulsonso, what was happening is:01:19
chrisccoulson1) Positive alarm triggers01:19
chrisccoulson2) g-p-m updated it's idle state, then01:19
RAOFNote that I've also fixed an xserver bug in the SYNC extension, which might be what you're about to describe :)01:19
chrisccoulson3) presumably it got pre-empted by something else, and then01:19
chrisccoulson4) by the time it ran again to set up the negative alarm, it has already fired01:20
chrisccoulsonand so it thought the session was idle indefinately01:20
RAOFThat wasn't what I'd fixed in the xserver.01:20
chrisccoulsonRAOF, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-power-manager/commit/?id=0c171b962989d20b55f65ae016c584d3543f480101:20
chrisccoulsonthat's the issue i fixed last cycle01:20
RAOFWhy didn't you just set the negative transition trigger at the same time that you set the positive transition trigger?01:22
chrisccoulsonRAOF - the original patch i submitted did that, but we had to back it out for some reason, and i'm trying to remember why01:24
RAOFRather than wait until the +ve transition had fired before setting up the -ve transition.01:24
RAOFYou might have hit the xserver bug where if you had a +ve and -ve transition with the same threshold there was a good chance you'd never get the -ve transition?01:24
chrisccoulsoni'll try and remember what it broke ;)01:25
chrisccoulsoni'm sure it was something weird like, if we set the -ve transition whilst the count was already lower than the threshold, then it ignored it, and never triggered at all01:27
chrisccoulsonsomething weird like that01:27
chrisccoulsonbut my memory is sketchy now ;)01:27
RAOFchrisccoulson: So, what I fixed in xserver was the following: if you had a -ve transition with the same threshold as the +ve transition, then if you caught the signal at *exactly* the threshold then the -ve transition wouldn't fire because X wouldn't notice IDLETIME going *above* the threshold.01:29
iffiIf Michael Vogt or Sebastian Heinlein, who I think are the maintainers of gdebi are here, or if someone could forward it, I have a suggestion. Or perhaps there is a better place to ask?02:40
iffiMy suggestion is this. Add the text "\n Do you trust the source of this package?" to the dialog which appears for confirmation when installing an unsigned package.02:41
iffiThis would make it clear to new users in particular the nature of the confirmation.02:41
robert_ancellRAOF, do you have multiple languages installed?03:08
RAOFrobert_ancell: Only multiple EN variants.03:08
robert_ancellRAOF, I'm trying to text my gettext/polkit changes.  But I didn't test if the translations worked before at all.  Could you install language-pack-de-base and run software center and try and install a new package.  Check if the dialog that asks for your password is in german.03:09
robert_ancellactually, it might not honour the language because the polkit agent is started on login...03:10
RAOFI need to restart to boot the new kernel, anyway.03:10
robert_ancellRAOF, cancel that, I'm going to log in as full german and see if it works03:10
intelliantHow do i persist changes to group.conf ? The changes I make for the ltsp users seem to be lost every now and then. ... may be whenever i run apt-get or on reboot04:49
mvopitti: hey, are we frozen yet?07:54
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RAOFCan we not be frozen yet? :)08:04
RAOFOr, more to the point, can I get a sponsor for another -ati upload to fix another DRI2 xserver crash?08:05
* hyperair wonders how many hoops there are to jump through in order to get a new gpod into ubuntu at this point.08:07
and471morning everyone08:16
and471hey kiwinote08:16
and471hi glatzor08:16
and471hi mvo, mpt, vish08:17
glatzormorning and47108:19
* mvo waves to and471 and glatzor and kiwinote08:24
kiwinotehi mvo08:24
and471mvo, did you have any ideas about the software-properties thing?08:24
mvoand471: the source.list finding ?08:24
and471mvo, yup, going from a sourcelistentry to the display_name08:25
vishand471: hi! :)08:26
vishmvo: could we rename update manager this cycle? <? with a cherry on top> :)08:27
vishlast day! ;p08:28
pittiGood morning08:37
RAOFHowdie pitti!08:38
pittihey RAOF, how are you?08:38
ajmitchhi pitti08:38
RAOFA little cold, actually :)08:38
pittiRAOF: I wanted to talk to you about this apport/intel work item08:38
RAOFI should go and turn on the heater.08:38
pittihey ajmitch08:38
pittiRAOF: wow, in Australia!08:38
RAOFIn my defense, it's the southern bit of Australia in winter :P08:39
pittiasac: seems it built by now08:39
ajmitchit is tasmania after all, right?08:39
RAOFWe even have snow!08:39
RAOF(Although not right now)08:39
pittimvo: frozen> no idea, but I don't think so08:39
pittiRAOF: still need -ati sponsoring?08:39
RAOFpitti: Yes please.08:39
RAOFWith bonus changes in the same dir.08:40
and471mvo, I am going and coming back in about 4 hours, do you think you could have the software-properties thing working (or glatzor ?)08:40
and471mvo, glatzor, so then I can implement it in software-properties?08:40
kiwinotempt: hi! devildante's latest changes were at your request / approved by you?08:40
RAOFpitti: Yeah, I saw your query re: the apport/intel thing.  It's fine to defer that to Natty; our existing GPU hang infrastructure is perfectly acceptable.08:41
kiwinotemvo: did you change anything in the addons branch before merging or not? (just so I know if I need to update things in my branch)08:41
pittiRAOF: I'm interested in how much work that would actually be08:42
mvokiwinote: please update, I don't think I changed much other than resolving conflicts08:42
pittiRAOF: perhaps you have some example bug reports where the apport info is good and bad? i. e. how to tell them apart?08:43
pittiRAOF: so we'd somehow need to track that we added drm.debug to grub, and delete it again once we get the next hang?08:44
asacpitti: yeah08:44
RAOFpitti: Yeah, that's about it.08:44
RAOFIt's pretty easy to tell you've added drm.debug to grub; just parse the kernel command-line.08:45
RAOFAlthough I guess there are all sorts of edge cases possible where users have set it themselves.08:45
pittiRAOF: well, in that case we wouldn't touch it, I guess08:46
pittiRAOF: so, perhaps you can add links to a good and a bad bug, and I'll have a look?08:47
pittibonjour seb12808:47
RAOFpitti: I'll see if I can find a pair.08:47
seb128hello pitti08:47
and471mvo, I am going and coming back in about 4 hours, do you think you could have the sources.list thing working so then I can implement it (or glatzor ?)08:58
and471mvo, bah, gotta go now, see ya09:13
mvovish: hello, sorry for my late reply. renaming the whole thing is a lot of churn. it will also break translaitons (not a big deal though). I would prefere to wait for N because we may get a complettely new one then09:20
kiwinotehi! Just managed to track down the bug that was bothering me last night, so I'll just finish tidying up all the print statements, make a few last adjustments, do some more testing and then merge devildante's branch with his latest changes. Sorry for the delay ;)09:22
kiwinotemvo: ^09:22
mvokiwinote: sweet!09:22
kiwinotemvo: the only remaining biggish thing is that we get three transaction-finished signals, so the pane refreshes three times. (but that behaviour seemed to be in trunk before the addons merge as well)09:23
vishmvo: np.. cool :)09:24
mvokiwinote: yeah, that is quite possible (and anoying)09:24
mvompt: good morning. what is wrong with "Find it in the menu at"? I don't mind the exact words, but mentioning something about menu or anything like this seems like a win, no?09:25
mvohm, I guess "menu" is not great as it might be confused with the menubar09:41
mptGood morning mvo09:45
mptmvo, does that code make a distinction between gnome-panel and Unity? I didn't see one, but then I didn't really know what to look for09:46
mptGood morning kiwinote, yes, all requested by me09:47
mvompt: no, I don't think the unity feature we need is implemented, we could (relatively) easy hide the thing if unity is running09:47
kiwinotempt: thanks, and good morning ;)09:47
mptnjpatel, hi, did the DX team get time to implement an API that either (a) reveals a particular launcher in Unity or (b) tells you where to find a particular launcher in Unity?09:48
mvoI think we should aim for navigation in the addons, i.e. clicking on the pkgname (as it was before)09:48
njpatelmpt, heh, no :)09:49
mvoit breaks history currently, but that is a bug that needs attention, I think its massively more useful with that09:49
mvompt: nzmm did some tweaks to the where-is-it-installed bits, you may want to check trunk09:50
robert_ancellseb128, hey, I keep missing you guys.  Should we update evolution?  (was going to ask didrocks in case it affected UNE)09:50
mptmvo, I'm happy with re-adding that navigation, but as you say, it would increase the importance and scope of bug 42699909:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 426999 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Navigating to item via search doesn't show its department/subsection (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 15)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42699909:51
seb128robert_ancell, hey09:52
seb128robert_ancell, I'm not sure, to 2.30.3 at least yes09:52
seb128robert_ancell, btw your polkit change, can we update cdbs to add the domain?09:52
seb128the way it's doing for .desktop and .server09:52
seb128ie some sed rules to update the .policy at build time?09:53
mvompt: right, my feeling is that usefulness(navigation+426999) > usefulness(no-navigation) (but of course fixing that bug as well is the ideal state)09:53
asachey ... so the ALT key was fixed in gnome-terminal ... now paste doesnt work anymore :( ... ctrl+shift+v09:53
mptrobert_ancell, good morning, are you still maintaining the "Featured" list for USC?09:53
robert_ancellseb128, I replied to that email.  I assumed we can't do that easily?  But if it works for .desktop then sure09:53
robert_ancellmpt, no, I think mvo is doing that09:53
seb128robert_ancell, what email?09:53
robert_ancellseb128, from David09:53
seb128robert_ancell, I just read yours about adding a .in09:53
seb128robert_ancell, oh ok, I didn't see those yet09:53
mvolets say we joint maintain it ;)09:53
seb128robert_ancell, see /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/langpack.mk09:54
robert_ancellseb128, I haven't looked at how people are using .policy in their build systems, but it's going to need intltool integration right?09:54
seb128robert_ancell, evo to 2.30.3 yes09:54
seb128robert_ancell, otherwise updates to do: gnome-bt, anjuta09:54
seb128robert_ancell, brasero as well09:54
robert_ancellseb128, ok, I'll look at it tomorrow (evo and the polkit stuff)09:55
seb128robert_ancell, I though your patch would use gettext if the the domain is there?09:55
robert_ancellmvo, mpt, ok, joint maintaining it is.  Is this about Unity?09:55
robert_ancellseb128, yeah it does09:55
seb128robert_ancell, ok, so we can just sed it09:55
seb128robert_ancell, see /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/langpack.mk09:56
mptrobert_ancell, yeah, the DX team were asking me yesterday about including some sort of Unity intro as a featured item09:56
seb128robert_ancell, there is a regexp grepping the makefile to get the domain09:56
seb128robert_ancell, that should work for most of the GNOME softwares09:56
mvoI have no strong opinion either way, but the spec at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Lucid/FeaturedApps looks like its not really qualified09:57
robert_ancellmpt, I'm not oposed in particular.  It feels to me like featured apps is moving towards an iOS/Android experience where there is not a fixed list so much as advertisements in the software center09:57
seb128"intro" doesn't seem qualified09:58
seb128or at least is not an application09:58
seb128some days I hate bzr09:58
robert_ancellI'm not convinced this is the right vehicle to encourage people to try a new desktop experience - the method of switching to it is non-trivial09:58
seb128it just needs to download for half an hour to tell you that there is no commong ancestor with what you try to merge on09:59
robert_ancellmpt, how do you feel about it?09:59
mptrobert_ancell, I was skittish about including the vanilla Unity package, because unlike anything else in Featured, it dramatically changes your environment10:00
mptrobert_ancell, I suggested having some sort of interface for switching in and out. Though of course it's a bit late for that.10:00
robert_ancellmpt, yeah, I think that would be a requirement10:01
robert_ancellmpt, does OMG not drive enough people to try it?10:01
seb128robert_ancell, mpt: is that introduction a maverick thing?10:02
mptrobert_ancell, depends what the goal is. If the goal is reporting bugs, then I'd guess they do. :-) (But I don't subscribe to those bug reports so I don't really know)10:02
seb128robert_ancell, mpt: that's a feature and feature freeze was 2 weeks ago10:02
mptseb128, exactly10:02
seb128there is no way we do that this cycle10:02
seb128don't start wasting time on it10:02
seb128robert_ancell only has 1.5 week of work left this cycle10:03
seb128or 2 weeks10:03
seb128then holidays and we will be hard frozen by the time he's back10:03
seb128robert_ancell, btw quick question about shotwell, the remaining bugs on the specs, should they be dropped?10:04
seb128robert_ancell, I didn't try but what happens on first run? does it auto import your xdg dir?10:04
robert_ancellseb128, don't worry, I'm not planning on working on it10:04
seb128ok ;-)10:04
seb128robert_ancell, that was one of the bugs on the spec10:05
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, those bugs aren't going to be implemented in time, but they're not blockers10:05
robert_ancellseb128, it offers to import from F-Spot or ~/Photos if I remember correctly.  I'm happy with the current experience10:05
seb128robert_ancell, I will just drop the bugs from the blueprint10:06
seb128so they stop showing up on the workitems list10:06
seb128import f-spot or photos seems fine10:06
robert_ancellseb128, ok, can you add the list into the blueprint text if it is not?10:07
robert_ancellseb128, do you know about bug 529696 - there's a lot of noise there10:07
seb128robert_ancell, I will10:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 529696 in brasero (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "brasero can't copy audio cd (useless error message) (affects: 140) (dups: 11) (heat: 703)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52969610:07
mvompt: any thoughts on the "Find it in " string ? to include something like "menu", "main menu", "panel" or anything like this? I'm fine using the version you put forward if you think its too difficult to communicate10:08
seb128robert_ancell, hum10:08
seb128robert_ancell, no, I know about bug #51478210:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 514782 in brasero (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Brasero fails to recognize erased DVD-RW media (dup-of: 581925)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51478210:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 581925 in udev (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "cdrom_id: Does not recognize reblanked DVD+RW, DVD-RW and DVD-RAM (affects: 22) (dups: 4) (heat: 128)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58192510:09
seb128but that doesn't seem the same issue10:09
seb128robert_ancell, we should have a try to backport if it that has been fixed upstream10:09
seb128robert_ancell, btw how busy are you? you seem to merge again things we merged not so long ago10:09
seb128doesn't seem really useful work right now10:10
seb128robert_ancell, I'm not sure how you read your bug emails, just some random tasks for you if you are out of those10:10
seb128bug #62381610:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 623816 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox assert failure: rhythmbox: client.c:613: avahi_client_free: Assertion `client' failed. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62381610:10
seb128seems a libdmapsharing issue10:10
seb128robert_ancell, kees had a comment on the bug asking to turn on the testsuite for the lib as well at build time10:11
robert_ancellseb128, not particularly busy.  Is there anything in particular to look at.  I'm not spotting a lot of bugs, e.g. https://launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=2143910:11
seb128robert_ancell, I will start adding things to the list10:11
seb128robert_ancell, otherwise there is the evo 2.20.3 updates10:11
seb128brasero to 2.3110:11
seb128anjuta to 2.3110:11
robert_ancellyup, I'll do the updates10:11
seb128gnome-bt to 2.3110:11
seb128so feel free to pick in those tomorrow10:11
mptmvo, I didn't think it was difficult to communicate, I was just trying to make it shorter. :-) But I'll revert it since it looks wrong to you10:12
seb128I will start building a list of bugs as well today or tomorrow10:12
robert_ancellvuntz - your gnome 2.31 script is tracking the GNOME 3 version of gnome-bluetooth10:13
mvompt: well, not wrong. I was just trying to make it easier for the user. I think we have some extra space there. like I said, no strong opinion, just trying to help a newbie that may need a little "push" to understand what "Applications" is meant10:15
mvompt: but either way is fine with me ("menu" may not be ideal because of the menubar, but I don't know if there is a good word for a "launcher menu" that is not geek-speek10:16
robert_ancellseb128, gtg, anything else you want to raise?10:16
seb128robert_ancell, one sec10:16
seb128robert_ancell, to reply to your polkit email10:17
seb128robert_ancell, the .policy are already in the POTFILES10:17
robert_ancellseb128, oh also, I don't know if I'll be successful with the cheese/gst problem.  I'm still spending some time blundering around, not solution yet.10:17
seb128they need to translate them to build the .policy at build time10:17
robert_ancellseb128, oh, nice10:17
seb128ie they already have the translations10:17
seb128they just put them at build time in the xml10:17
seb128so we just need to add the sed magic to cdbs10:18
seb128as we do for desktop and server10:18
seb128.desktop .server I mean10:18
robert_ancellseb128, so the translations are stored both in the xml and in .mo files?10:18
robert_ancellworks for us :)10:18
seb128indeed ;-)10:18
seb128that's it10:18
seb128robert_ancell, oh10:18
robert_ancellok, should be easy10:18
seb128robert_ancell, in case you didn't see it be have a p.u.c ~platform10:18
robert_ancellseb128, yes, thanks!10:19
seb128robert_ancell, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html10:19
seb128robert_ancell, so you should be able to do changes now10:19
seb128or add things10:19
seb128details are on the platform list10:19
seb128robert_ancell, that's it I think10:19
robert_ancellneed to update the irc channel title10:19
seb128yeah, I will do that today10:19
seb128I wanted to make sure the cronjob works before10:19
seb128seems it didn't update so I will check that today10:20
robert_ancellseb128, oh, do you know if we will/should update dbus?10:20
seb128to 1.3?10:20
seb128is that an unstable serie?10:20
seb128seems a bit late to me10:20
seb128pitti, ^10:20
seb128robert_ancell, I would default to no10:21
seb128but I can check with Keybuk and pitti10:21
seb128I will let you know10:21
robert_ancellah, checked.  it's debian experimental so versions is recommending it10:21
seb128how come some lines have 2 upstream versions?10:21
robert_ancellbut I suspect we shouldn't.   I should probably update versions to handle that10:21
seb128I was going to say10:22
seb128let's focus on the few I listed before10:22
seb128and then on bug fixing10:22
seb128I will build a buglist for eow10:22
robert_ancellseb128, they're the packages that are tracking GNOME 2.30, but it shows that there is a 2.31 package available10:22
seb128so next week we can spend time on those10:22
seb128robert_ancell, ok10:22
robert_ancellthe list has been getting shorter since GNOME 3 was delayed10:22
seb128I need to figure why nautilus-sendto tracks 2.9010:23
robert_ancellI think it's just evo, gnome-panel, gdm, that should be help back10:23
seb128http://people.gnome.org/~vuntz/tmp/versions/versions-2.32 doesn't10:23
robert_ancelloh, that is weird10:23
seb128gnome-control-center gnome-settings-daemon gnome-applets10:23
seb128as well10:23
seb128though not sure about the 2 first ones10:24
robert_ancellme neither10:24
robert_ancellapplets because they are tied to the panel right?10:24
seb128g-s-d has the polkit wrapper for the timezone10:24
seb128our gnome-panel would not use the g-s-d one10:24
seb128I guess we could do the update but just not ship that wrapper for this cycle10:24
pittiseb128: I'm not sure; I don't usually follow dbus development10:24
seb128pitti, ok10:25
seb128robert_ancell, I think that's it from me, I will drop you an email if I think of anything else10:25
seb128robert_ancell, I think you should have enough to do tomorrow with the few updates listed before and the polkit gettext domain10:25
robert_ancellAu revoir10:25
mvokiwinote: I work on your branch now (just fyi)10:53
kiwinotemvo: just pushed another revision10:54
kiwinotemvo: there are two remaining issues (also in trunk): -10:54
kiwinotemvo: -cancelling a policykit alert restores the wrong installation state10:55
kiwinotemvo: - after installing/removing the main app, any subsequent addon checkbox toggling doesn't display the addonsbar10:56
mvokiwinote: did you figure out why recommends that are not len() == 1 are discarded? that does not seem to make a lot of sense to me10:56
mvokiwinote: thanks for the info on the open bugs, are you looking into them or do you think we should put them into LP to keep track?10:56
kiwinotemvo: no, haven't investigated, but it may have been in the spec?10:57
mvokiwinote: right, but why is it there?10:58
kiwinotemvo: the current trunk also doesn't allow install/remove via menu or listview, but have fixed that in my branch10:58
mvompt: do you happen to know why reocommends are discarded if there is more than one recommends?10:58
kiwinotemvo: dunno, mpt ^^ ?10:58
seb128dpm, hi10:58
seb128dpm, you might want to read the channel backlog10:58
mptmvo, no10:58
mvokiwinote: yeah, I noticed that fix10:58
seb128dpm, but what we said was basically what you wrote in your email10:58
mvompt: thanks, I will see if I can work with devildante on figuring it out10:59
seb128dpm, ie the potfiles.in and mo already have the translations and langpack.mk the magic to get the domain10:59
mvokiwinote: it seems that its rather odd, either we should have them all or just ignore all recommends (as they are installed anyway by default)10:59
kiwinotemvo: indeed10:59
mvokiwinote: that will simplify the implementation as well (ignoring recommends)10:59
kiwinotemvo: that sounds good, perhaps it may be good to check for any regressions though11:01
mvokiwinote: yeah11:01
mvokiwinote: there are quite a lot of packages that qualify for this criteria11:02
kiwinotemvo: can we tweak addon choosing after ui freeze?11:02
mvo~2000 one if my count if correct11:02
mvoyeah, its bugfixing11:02
mvoI mean, if there are obvious bad ones in the list, that is a bug11:03
kiwinotemvo: ok, then if you leave that recommended check there for the meantime, then tomorrow/next week I'll investigate in to getting better addon lists11:03
mvokiwinote: ok11:04
kiwinotemvo: although it doesn't really matter, so if you want to take it out now, feel free ;)11:05
mvook again ;)11:05
mvoI play with it a bit11:05
dpmhi seb128, ok, gotcha, I've just read the backlog11:14
dpm(re: policy files)11:15
seb128dpm, thanks for following on that11:15
* dpm hugs seb128, and would hug robert_ancell if he were around11:15
* seb128 hugs dpm11:15
seb128chrisccoulson: hey11:16
seb128chrisccoulson: don't worry about firefox updates11:16
seb128we got the extra builders11:16
chrisccoulsonhi seb12811:16
chrisccoulsonthat's good :)11:16
mvokiwinote: hm, hm, I thin kthe whole alogrithm will need some serious re-thinking, I would not be supprised if we just go with enhances and suggests, its making rather odd suggests (synatic got a kdebase-bin recommends in some obscure way)11:22
kiwinotemvo: yeah, I had been thinking about enhances and suggests and then determine the other addons based on pkgname, ie so that randompkg has randompkg-doc as an addon etc11:23
mvokiwinote: yeah, I play some more and add some test code/formal tests so that we have a baseline11:24
kiwinotemvo: great, thanks!11:25
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i seriously need to invest in some more RAM :/11:26
seb128to build firefox?11:29
ramachandranhello. can anyone tell me how to customize the login window in ubuntu lucic ?11:34
mptmvo, kiwinote: Recommends should be showing up only if the package your're looking it is the *only* package in your sources that Recommends it.11:35
kiwinotemvo: just managed to fix those two bugs mentioned above11:36
kiwinotemvo: so that means that I'm happy with it going into trunk and being released whenever you are11:37
mvokiwinote: nice, thanks11:38
mptmvo, I have a bunch of small UI fixes here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mpt/software-center/fit-and-finish-2/+merge/3375111:38
mvompt: I do you have examples so that we can add tests? the current code does not seem to do that (probably a bug)11:39
mvokiwinote: thanks, merged into my addons branch11:40
ramachandranany help on customizing the login windows ?11:40
mvokiwinote: you may want to merge back, some tweaks and tests, nothing much yet11:41
kiwinotemvo: yep, they looked fine11:41
mptmvo, I don't know how to query the apt-cache for things like that ("Which packages recommend this package")11:41
mvompt: thats fine, just give a hypothetical example11:42
mvompt: I'm writing tests for this stuff now and I need to be sure I understand the rational behind the rules and also figure out if/what packages apply for this11:42
* mvo is off for lunch but reads backlog11:44
mptmvo, come to think of it, I don't have a good example. I was treating Recommends like Depends there, assuming that they won't be interesting unless they're unique. But maybe that's not a good rule.11:52
mptmvo, for example, synfigstudio Recommends synfig-examples, so it shows up as an add-on. synfig itself Suggests synfig-examples, but if it Recommended synfig-examples instead, under the current rule synfig-examples would show up as an add-on for neither of them. Which probably doesn't make sense.11:53
mptkmess currently Recommends konqueror, but I assume that's just a bug in kmess.11:54
* mpt finds a bug in the size calculation11:55
mvompt: ok, thanks. so it sounds like its not too bad if the current implementation does not quite do what you initially speced, right? if you come up with a good example I'm happy to have a closer look, but the current code does not implement it, instead it discards everything that has more than one recommends or suggests (which does not make that much sense and is probably a oversight by devildante)12:10
mptmvo, it's a live spec. If we find something that doesn't make sense, we should change it. :-)12:11
mptmvo, so, we should show all Recommends?12:11
mvompt: I have not fully made up my mind yet, but it feels to me like we should not show recommends at all because they are installed anyway by default and if the user removes a recommend the app may not work that well as before12:13
mvompt: its a strong relationship than "addon". but I'm still researching it currently, this is so far just a feeling12:13
mptmvo, Recommends are checked by default. If we don't show Recommends at all, and installing installs Recommends by default, the end result is that Recommends is just another name for Depends, no?12:19
mvompt: from software-centers POV yes. the wording in the policy is that they should be installed in all but the most unusal sittuations. its a policy decision  from us if we want to allow removal too easily or not12:23
mvompt: I think we need to play a bit with it, from the code POV its not much difference12:25
mptmvo, we should err on the side of false negatives (not showing things that we should show), rather than false positives (showing things that we shouldn't). So if you think we're better without Recommends for now, I'm quite happy with that12:26
mpthi devildante :-)12:26
devildantehi mpt :)12:26
mvompt: thanks, I agree with that. I work on it in my branch and we can test both ways12:26
mvohey devildante!12:27
devildantehi mvo ;)12:27
mvooh, and I should hold up a sign saying "bugfix mode" from now on :)12:27
mvo"<b>BUGFIX MODE</b>" even  :P12:27
kiwinotedevildante: hi!12:30
devildantehi kiwinote :)12:31
kiwinotedevildante: bug 624578 ;)12:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 624578 in software-center (Ubuntu) ""Total size" is smaller with add-on selected than without (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62457812:31
* devildante is happy he's working with good guys12:31
mptmmnz_ has left the building12:33
devildantekiwinote, mpt: problem is I don't even see kipi-plugins in gwenview page :p12:34
devildanteonly see kipi-plugins-dbgsym because I enabled ddebs12:34
kiwinotedevildante: true, by the looks of it I have fixed that specific addon in my branch actually12:38
kiwinotedevildante: it may be worth trying to find another app though to see if you can reproduce the bug there though12:39
devildantekiwinote: okay, but later, I'm trying to solve a problem mpt gave me :p12:40
kiwinotedevildante: ah, that's fine then ;)12:40
mvodevildante: by what path is kipi-plugins selected for gwenview?12:40
mptmvo, kipi-plugins Enhances: gwenvie12:41
kiwinoteI think we filter it out correctly now12:42
mptkiwinote, filter it out? Why?12:42
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devildanteit shouldn't be filtered12:42
devildanteproblem is only kipi-plugins-dbgsym is shown for me12:43
kiwinotedevildante, mpt: ah, ok, then our filtering rules are too strict atm12:43
devildanteand the only common point between it and kipi-plugins is: Enhances: digikam, gwenview, kphotoalbum, showimg12:43
kiwinoteIn my branch I didn't adjust any filtering rules, I only fixed some cases where the filtering rules weren't applied properly12:44
mptkiwinote, first, if we can't trust Enhances:, the whole add-ons feature is probably a lost cause. Second, the spec should keep up to date with the implementation so that there's somewhere packagers (or people writing instructions for packagers) can learn the rules.12:44
mptSo if you change the filtering please let me know, and I'll update the spec. :-)12:45
mvoI think currently its a bit of a work-in-progress (the implementation just like the spec)12:45
mvothe current implementaion does not quite implement the spec either12:45
mptok, what do I need to change?12:46
dpmseb128, could perhaps someone from the desktop team look at bug 616856 and bug 613081? I think they might be easy ones to fix, but quite visible in localized systems.12:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 616856 in shotwell (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Shotwell's desktop file needs gettext domain (affects: 2) (heat: 442)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61685612:48
mptWe can papercut-fix packages with bad Recommends and Suggests, just like we did for applications with bad Categories and Sections.12:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 613081 in im-switch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "im-switch should not be shown in the menu (affects: 1) (heat: 157)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61308112:48
mvoonce we have debugged the implmentation I can help with that12:48
seb128dpm, ok, adding that to my list12:48
dpmawesome, thanks seb12812:48
seb128dpm, you're welcome12:49
devildantempt: we already reached 100 papercuts :p12:49
mvokiwinote: please check my branch, I think the kipi-plugins is ok now, probably my bug12:52
mptmvo, your branch makes no difference to the bug for me12:56
mptstill 1780 KB without kipi-plugins, 1631 KB with. :-)12:57
mvompt: oh, sorry. I meant that I fixed a different bug :)12:57
kiwinotemvo: we seems to get lots more addons now12:59
mvokiwinote: which ones?13:00
kiwinotemvo: eg software-center now has addons, ubuntu-desktop has many13:00
mvokiwinote: with r106713:00
mvokiwinote: right, that is itentional, I removed the "len(recommends) == 1" restriction (for both recommends and suggests)13:00
mvoyeah, that is intentional, before we ignored13:01
kiwinotemvo: ah, ok, sounds like a good move!13:01
rodrigo_morning / afternoon13:31
rodrigo_seb128, ping13:31
seb128rodrigo_, hi13:31
seb128rodrigo_, how are you?13:32
rodrigo_seb128, nessita has a ubuntu-sso-client package branch almost ready, that she didn't submit yesterday because it was 10PM (in Argentina) and nobody (you or kenvandine) was around, so would it be ok to have it uploaded today, even though it's past UI freeze?13:32
rodrigo_seb128, a bit tired, yesterday was a crazy day, working from 9AM to 10PM to make the UI freeze deadline13:33
rodrigo_seb128, still sleepy today :)13:33
seb128rodrigo_, the sso upload it's ok yes13:34
seb128rodrigo_, it's my turn today to have a busy day to upload all the changes people try to get before the freeze now ;-)13:34
rodrigo_seb128, ok, cool! as soon as nessita arrives she'll submit it13:35
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, today's your turn, yeah :(13:35
seb128rodrigo_, ok, I will wait for her13:36
seb128rodrigo_, I didn't manage to do the tomboy update yet so if you want to do it feel free13:36
rodrigo_seb128, oh, right, I was thinking last night about telling you about me doing it, but I haven't awaken yet, so yeah, will do it now13:37
kenvandinegood morning all13:42
ayangood morning.13:42
seb128kenvandine, hey13:42
seb128ayan, hey13:42
seb128kenvandine, I assigned you a bug from ivanka about ubuntu-mono13:43
kenvandineok, i was looking for that13:43
seb128kenvandine, it's just renaming some icons13:43
seb128kenvandine, do you think you have time for it?13:43
kenvandinewe talked about it yesterday13:43
kenvandinegood morning mterry13:43
seb128hey mterry13:43
kenvandineseb128, yeah, i'll get it done this morning13:43
seb128kenvandine, thanks13:43
seb128kenvandine, are you in touch with them about theme update btw?13:43
mterrykenvandine, seb128: morning!13:44
seb128I've no clue of what's going on there13:44
seb128I've updated our murrine git version13:44
kenvandineseb128, i was just thinking about that13:44
kenvandineyes, they said it would be ready today13:44
seb128since we are on a git version I figured we could as well take the current one13:44
kenvandineseb128, ok, great... be proactive :)13:44
kenvandineit was going to need a snapshot :)13:45
rodrigo_seb128, nessita already proposed the branch13:45
rodrigo_oh, there she is13:45
seb128hey nessita13:45
nessitahello everyone!13:46
nessitahi seb128 :-)13:46
seb128nessita, how are you?13:46
seb128nessita, I've read that you have late changes coming, I might accept those if that's asked nicely and in french of course ;-)13:47
nessitaseb128: fine, a bit tired, yesterday we had a marathon to meet the UI freeze. But it was fun!13:47
nessitaseb128: ok, I will not use any translator so please be tolerant:13:47
nessitaseb128: mon cheri, est-ce-que vous pouvez faire le merge pour le branch de l'ubuntu-sso-client? ou-la-lá!13:49
seb128nessita, "mon cheri", ou la la! ;-)13:50
seb128nessita, oui je peux vu que c'est si gentillement demandé ;-)13:50
* seb128 hugs nessita13:50
seb128where is the merge request?13:51
nessitaseb128: merci!13:51
rodrigo_do you both of us want us to leave the room and leave you alone? :)13:51
seb128rodrigo_, lol13:51
seb128pedro_, ola!13:51
pedro_salut seb128!13:51
pedro_hello rodrigo_13:51
nessitaseb128: I'm looking for it13:51
rodrigo_hola pedro_13:51
devildanteQu'est ce que je vois ici? De l'impertinence, sans l'ombre d'un doute! :p13:52
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seb128devildante, ;-)13:53
nessitaseb128: s'il vous plait: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-0.99.3/+merge/3377413:56
seb128nessita, je regarde13:57
seb128lot of bugs fixed13:57
devildantebeaucoup d'insectes ont été liquidés, à ce que je vois :p14:08
seb128nessita, uploaded14:08
nessitaseb128: c'est splendid!14:09
bcurtiswxGood mornin14:09
seb128hey bcurtiswx14:09
bcurtiswxHey seb12814:09
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mvodevildante, mpt: could you please try my lp:~mvo/software-center/addons branch? its based on the refactoring from kiwinote and I tweaked the code a little bit more , for my (limited) tests it seems to give good results14:14
mvohey and47114:14
and471hi mvo :)14:14
devildantemvo: okay14:14
mvoand471: sorry :( did work full-time on the addons stuff, not had any time for you :/14:14
and471mvo, no worries14:14
mpthi and47114:14
and471hey mpt14:14
mptmvo, should we ask and471 if he's interested in the SSO bug?14:16
and471mpt, are you teasing me? :P14:16
devildantemvo: kipi-plugins now shows in gwenview, great job ;)14:17
mvodevildante: yeah!14:17
mvodevildante: thanks, like I always say, tweaking stuff is always easiier than doing the from scratch work, so kudos for you for doing the hard parts :)14:18
devildantemvo: np :)14:18
mvo(and to kiwinote and mpt of course as well)14:18
mptmvo, could tweaks to exactly what does and doesn't appear as an add-on perhaps wait until UI freeze?14:18
mptafter UI freeze, I mean14:18
devildanteyes, thanks to all of you ;)14:18
and471hey tremolux14:20
tremoluxhiya and47114:20
mvompt: yeah that makes sense. I merge what we have now (its was still useful to work on this so that we have basic tests)14:22
mvohey tremolux14:22
tremoluxhey mvo  \o14:22
mpthi tremolux14:22
tremoluxmpt!  hello  :)14:23
mptmvo, are you turning on --enable-buy by default for UIF?14:23
mvompt: yeah, I think we have to14:23
mptIs there any hope for bug 618817? :-)14:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 618817 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Payment screen opens in a separate window (affects: 1) (heat: 466)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61881714:24
mvompt: unless minor miracles happen very little, I'm really sorry14:25
mptYou could cheer me up by merging my fit-and-finish branch (or nzmm_'s variation)14:26
mvompt: tbh, I'm pretty blown away what we (as a team) managed to get done this cycle so far, we will get to this one eventually too (and how known, minor miracles do happen sometimes)14:27
devildantemvo: thanks :)14:27
mptYeah, we all rock14:27
mvompt: ha! the way you say it reminds me about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGb3_F4puGg - more enthusiasm please ;)14:29
and471mvo, I am conscious of UI freeze today and so thats why I was bugging you. Would it be an idea to do as in this screenshot, so that it would be easier to fix after UI freeze as there would not be a large change visually http://imgur.com/EGXSd14:31
and471mvo, and then look to change it to the display name after UI freeze?14:31
mvoand471: I think we will get a ui freeze exception if needed14:32
and471mvo, it is working with comments in the sources.list file, so it is halfway there14:32
and471mvo, so should I commit the stuff in that screenshot, or wait until EVERYTHING is working?14:32
kiwinoteand471: merging deb and deb-src entries would be so sweet ;)14:33
kiwinoteand471: it's starting to look quite great though!14:33
and471kiwinote, yup, maybe a bit later :)14:33
and471kiwinote, thanks :)14:33
and471kiwinote, the issue is, we need to find a way to move from the source.list entry to the display_name of the repository14:34
and471kiwinote, so from http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian to 'Dropbox Official Repository'14:34
kiwinoteand471: yeah, I think that's not entirely trivial14:34
and471kiwinote, indeed14:35
kiwinoteand471: is the info in a release file somewhere, or how do you actually want to obtain the nice name?14:35
and471kiwinote, in SC, we can obtain it from the cache[pkg].candidate.origin.label14:35
and471kiwinote, but that is becuase we are pkg orientated in SC, in SP, we are source orientated :)14:36
kiwinoteyay for us ;)14:37
mvoand471: if you commit what you have, that is fine14:37
and471mvo, ok14:37
mptand471, we have another challenge for you if you're interested: bug 62409714:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 624097 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) ""Reinstall Previous Purchases" sign-in dialog doesn't explain itself (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62409714:39
and471mvo, hmm, I might have a look, does that need to be done by today?14:43
and471mvo, lp:~and471/software-properties/treeview-improvements14:45
and471nessita, hey, can you give me instructions on how to run the ubuntu_sso dbus service so I can try out this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/624097 ?14:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 624097 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) ""Reinstall Previous Purchases" sign-in dialog doesn't explain itself (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged]14:47
nessitaand471: sure!14:47
nessitaand471: let me open the bug first14:47
* chrisccoulson wonders if it will ever stop raining here14:48
devildantempt: about the addon name taking too much space, I couldn't figure out a solution. All I could do was line wrap14:50
mptdevildante, no worries, we can give it as a puzzle to nzmm_ later. :-)14:50
* and471 wonders with chrisccoulson 14:50
devildantempt: okay, thx :)14:50
* devildante wonders who's nzmm_14:51
and471devildante, the guy who did all the appdetailsgtk stuff14:51
and471devildante, before you started with SC, we used webkit for appdetails14:51
devildanteand471: oh great!14:51
nessitaand471: ok, here am I14:54
tjaaltoncities of clock applet prefs can't be set for the user, it has no effect though gconftool --dump shows the exact same string for both cases (default/manual)14:54
nessitaand471: my internet connection went down14:54
and471nessita, np14:54
tjaaltonbut when i look at the content from gconf-editor, the value has extra '[]' around it14:55
nessitaand471: so, your question is how to reproduce?14:55
nessitaand471: I haven't tried it, but I think that the instructions that mpt added there allows you to reproduce14:55
tjaaltonwhen it's set manually14:55
and471nessita, but don't I need the ubuntuone_sso dbus thing running?14:56
and471nessita, I am on lucid14:56
nessitaand471: ah, uh :-/14:56
seb128tjaalton, not sure to understand what you describe14:56
nessitaand471: this is not supposed to be running on lucid14:56
nessitaand471: new SSO is a maverick thing14:57
seb128tjaalton, what is the issue?14:57
tjaaltonseb128: I'd like to set the default city for every user14:57
and471nessita, when I spoke to you before, you told me to run 'x' and then the dbus service ran14:57
and471nessita, can't I do that now? (from a bzr branch)14:57
seb128tjaalton, set a default value for the key?14:57
tjaaltonseb128: but it doesn't work if I just copy the contents of the string14:58
seb128how do you set it?14:58
nessitaand471: you can install latest SSO from the pp:ubuntuone/nightlies PPA14:58
and471nessita, ok let me start from the beginning14:58
tjaaltonseb128: in a file under /usr/share/gconf/defaults, and run update-gconf-defaults14:58
nessitaand471: ok :-)14:58
and471nessita, in doing the steps in that bug report, I get the following first:14:58
and471nessita, a 500 internal server error from sc.staging.ubuntu.com14:59
tjaaltonseb128: wondering if gconftool --dump filters the '[]' from the string14:59
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nessitaand471: ok, I wouldn't know about SC15:00
vishand471: heh , funny story about how nzmm_ got involved in SC . he was in #u+1  he had shown his icon-library app for identifying icons,  and mention he had seen the initial idea for the SC pathbar on the wiki , so showed a WIP .py , immediately i pinged mvo and mvo never let go of him ;p15:00
tjaaltonseb128: will try something first..15:00
and471vish, hehe15:01
seb128tjaalton, what did you put in that file?15:01
seb128tjaalton, [value] indicates a list type usually15:01
seb128tjaalton, but gconf-editor displays the list items15:02
and471mvo, I can' do that bug, becuase when I try to reproduce I get a 500 internet server error from https://sc.staging.ubuntu.com/15:02
seb128tjaalton, ie it doesn't need to use the square brackets to indicate the type15:02
tjaaltonseb128: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/483977/15:02
tjaaltonseb128: but it should probably have '&lt;location name=&quot;&quot; ...'15:03
mvoand471: ok15:03
seb128tjaalton, right15:03
mvovish: I owe you a beer for this!15:03
seb128tjaalton, and it should be in []15:03
vishmvo: :)15:03
seb128tjaalton, what you wrote there is a string15:03
seb128tjaalton, where it wants a list15:03
tjaaltonseb128: but that's what gconftool --dump shows15:04
seb128[] indicates a list type15:04
seb128well the gconf-default syntax is [] for lists15:04
seb128we don't have a --type15:04
* mvo is out for ~1h (appointment), I will read scrollback15:04
and471nessita, got it working by running DEBUG=True PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ubuntu-sso-login15:04
nessitaand471: yeah, thing is that you'd need latest of everything (SC, U1 if needed) to work with that version, right?15:05
and471nessita, yup that is fine, I am running out of bzr branches15:05
nessitaand471: but yes, you can run it that way. You can now use d-feet to actually make the calls15:06
nessitaand471: ah! that should work, I didn't get you were doing that :-)15:06
tjaaltonseb128: oh right, the manpage shows an example <blush>15:06
and471nessita, so on the bug report, mvo mentions adding an extra method so not to break the api, whereas you say to change the existing method, which should I do?15:07
nessitaand471: either change requires a freeze exception. Did you (or mvo or anyone) arrange that?15:09
and471nessita, no15:09
tjaaltonseb128: yeah, works.. thanks15:09
nessitaand471: having the freeze exception approved by the desktop team, I'd strongly recommedn modifying the current method15:10
nessitaand471: since the SC is the only client15:10
kiwinotedevildante: you about?15:14
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devildantekiwinote: I am about :p15:17
and471mvo, nessita, gah I have a splitting headache, I shall do this tomorrow15:19
kiwinotedevildante: [ installed software > compiz ] gives  [ Total size: ] 246kB to download, 729kB on disk15:19
devildantekiwinote: updating trunk...15:20
nessitaand471: ok, get better15:20
vishand471: is bug 605092 still relevant?15:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 605092 in ubuntu-mono (Ubuntu) "Please ship the Ubuntu COF (distributor-logo) at 48x48 (affects: 1) (heat: 81)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60509215:20
and471vish, no not anymore since we changed the login dialog15:21
devildantekiwinote: yes, confirming15:21
and471vish, but it would be nice, nevertheless :)15:21
vishand471: pff! you should have updated the bug! i gave ken-vandine a startle a few mins ago!15:24
and471mpt, for bug 624097, do you want no header text?15:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 624097 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) ""Reinstall Previous Purchases" sign-in dialog doesn't explain itself (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62409715:24
and471mpt, (primary text)15:24
and471vish, hehe, sorry forgot about it15:24
mptand471, so this was the original target: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=previous-purchases-authorize.jpg15:25
and471mpt, so no header text?15:25
mptand471, no "Connect to X", no15:26
and471mpt, ok cool15:26
mptIt's a repetition of the title bar15:26
mptSo the new parameter would be the primary text of the dialog15:27
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, app indicator patch doesn't apply in tomboy 1.3.2, I guess it's not upstream, right?15:27
seb128rodrigo_, no it's not, can you make apply easily?15:27
rodrigo_seb128, yes, working on it, seems easy, but I'll ask for help if not15:28
and471nessita, what is self.login_vbox.header (line 548 of gui.py)15:30
and471nessita, is self.login_vbox a special class?15:31
devildantekiwinote: fixed :)15:31
kiwinotedevildante: great!15:31
and471nessita, ah don't worry I get it now15:31
and471mpt, nessita, bah, no headache can withstand the power of nurofen! I have made the changes, but I feel the dialog looks a bit bare.. http://imgur.com/gaPpJ15:38
nessitaand471: what did you do with the header? :-)15:38
* mpt hides15:39
and471nessita, nuked it as mpt requested15:39
* nessita fades15:39
and471nessita, I haven't actually changed the dbus api at all15:39
and471nessita, I just used the help_text15:39
mptand471, so, that probably won't work for Ubuntu One15:39
nessitaand471: well, if you don't need a new header, you don't nee to change the api15:40
and471mpt, this is what I was worried about15:40
nessitaand471: but I thought that a header change was requested15:40
nessitaand471: yeah, changing the help_text is totally doable, though it requires a UI freeze exception (because of the new strings)15:41
and471nessita, how does ubuntu one need to use _build_login_page?15:41
and471nessita, could you give a screenshot?15:41
nessitaand471: the login page is used when opening the register dialog, and clicking at the bottom15:42
MacSlowgord, while testing lp:~unity-team/unity/unity.scrolling-update I sometimes don't get a quicklist on right-click15:44
MacSlowgord, using unity -p atm15:45
MacSlowgord, will try under mutter... and also compare with current unity trunk15:45
and471nessita, does ubuntu one use the dbus api?15:45
nessitaand471: yes, is the only thing that uses (I mean, it doesn't communicate using another way)15:46
and471nessita, using the same login_to_get_credentials15:46
nessitaand471: nopes, U1 uses login_or_register...15:46
and471nessita, ah good, so U1 will use a different method to all 'third party' applications?15:47
nessitaand471: not sure what you're asking. SSO is a generic service and both dbus calls can be used by any application. At this particular point, the only app that uses the login_to_register is SC15:48
and471nessita, because u1 needs the header, whereas all other apps don't, they just need the help_text15:48
and471nessita, so I need a way to differenciate between them15:48
nessitaand471: I wouldn't generalize like that :-)15:48
nessitaand471: maybe all the apps needs the header and SC doesn't ;-)15:49
and471nessita, well at the moment :)15:49
nessitaand471: anyways, I think the safer solution is to change the API to receive an extra parameter with the header content15:49
and471nessita, ok, well if I assume that SC is the only one then the dbus api needs changing15:49
and471nessita, ok15:49
nessitaand471: we're trying to avoid adding hacks to the SSO code for special cases15:49
nessitaand471: we're trying to not knowing about SC or U1 within the SSO code15:50
sabdflmaverick must be in great shape15:55
sabdfli asked clan if she wanted Unity, she said OK, so i upgraded to Maverick this morning15:55
sabdfljust now i asked her "how's Maverick working for you", she nearly dropped her toast15:56
sabdfl"WHAT!? you said Unity, not Maverick!"15:56
devildantemeh, maverick has been pretty stable15:57
vishsabdfl: let us know the hardware model too, some of us are having problems ;)15:57
sabdfllenovo x200s, vish15:58
vishsabdfl: thanks :) trying to follow jcastro's rule, "Find out and Buy laptops that Linus has!"  so we now buy laptops that sabdfl has :)15:59
and471hmm, nessita adding and extra variable to login_to_get_credentials in main.py gives ValueError: input signature is shorter than the number of arguments taken16:00
and471nessita, is there somewhere else I need to add the variable?16:00
and471nessita, don't worry I figured it out16:01
nessitaand471: ok, you may wanna read about dbus and method signatures16:01
rodrigo_hey MacSlow, how's the motorbike going?16:01
and471nessita, mpt, sorry guys I am gonna be busy from now on (going to sixth form) and since this is going to require a bit more effort than I anticipated I am going to leave it16:06
mptand471, ok, have you pushed a branch?16:06
and471mpt, well since it isn't really working do you want me to?16:07
nessitaand471: have you added tests?16:13
nessitampt: I can do the help_text change, but leaving the header untouched. Would that help?16:13
and471nessita, no as it doesn't work16:13
nessitaand471: ok then. Good luck, and thanks a lot for your contributions :-)16:14
and471nessita, it is just adding the header_text var is harder and requires more time and I don't want to commit to time that I might not have16:14
nessitaand471: yeah, I know, that's why we couldn't do it ourselves :-/16:15
nessitaand471: we're dealing with tons more of bugs16:15
and471nessita, hehe yeah16:15
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rodrigo_seb128, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/1_3_2_release/+merge/3379516:27
rodrigo_seb128, and a question, how do I make a package build -dbg subpackage?16:27
seb128rodrigo_, thanks16:27
seb128rodrigo_, you usually list the -dbg in the control and tweak the rules if required16:28
seb128just adding the dbg might be enough with cdbs16:28
rodrigo_hmm, ok, trying then16:28
rodrigo_seb128, yay, that seemed to do it16:34
rodrigo_seb128, how can I build 32bit packages on a 64bit system?16:40
seb128sorry I've no time to investigate to figure how it works again today16:41
kenvandinerodrigo_, pbuilder-dist maverick i386 <sourcepackage>.dsc16:43
kenvandineis what i do16:43
rodrigo_kenvandine, but I need to setup pbuilder?16:43
kenvandinei don't know how to do it without pbuilder16:44
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geserthe easiest way is having a 32bit pbuilder/chroot/vm/...16:51
seb128pitti, around?17:09
mptdevildante, are you busy?17:11
devildantempt: I'll afk in a few minutes, so tell me what you want :)17:11
mptdevildante, there are icons attached to bug 614213, bug 614214, and bug 614215, and it would be super excellent if they got in17:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 614213 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Icon needed for the "Other" item in the left navigation pane (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61421317:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 614214 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Icon needed for the "For Purchase" item in the left navigation pane (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61421417:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 614215 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Icon needed for the "Independent" item in the left navigation pane (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61421517:12
* devildante will take care of it, but will be afk for now17:14
=== devildante is now known as devildante[afk]
devildante[afk]bye for now :)17:15
vishmpt: why are we adding new icons to SC? 2 of those icons already exist in humanity couldnt we just use the icon-names instead?17:20
vishmpt: would make it more themeable too ;)17:20
mptvish, which ones?17:20
tremoluxvish: do you know the corresponding icon names offhand?  I can wire them up17:21
vishmpt: tremolux: purchase = emblems/../emblem-money17:21
tremoluxmpt: not too sure about the For Purchase icon attached to that report..17:22
tremoluxmpt: I would think something like a package with a small price tag on it might be more appropriate17:22
vishmpt: tremolux: and the Independant is /apps/../system-users17:22
mptvish, sweet17:23
tremoluxvish: awesome, I will wire them, see how they look17:23
mptI can fix that myself17:23
mptoh, tremolux can, even better17:23
mptbecause he knows what he's doing17:23
vish mpt doesnt mean you shouldnt ;p17:23
mptWell, I have another branch I'm working on17:23
tremoluxmpt: you could do it sure, but I'm happy to17:24
tremoluxmpt: I'm fixing bugs currently17:24
tremoluxmpt: lots of recent churn  ;)17:24
tremoluxmpt: so I'll wire the icons17:25
vishtremolux: the unknown '?' alternative can be gnome-unknown , which is the same as on the bug but colored17:25
mptthanks tremolux17:25
tremoluxvish: there must be a "question mark" icon for use with "Other"?17:25
tremoluxvish: oh, you are too fast  :)17:25
tremoluxmpt: sure thing!17:25
vishtremolux: :)17:25
tremoluxvish: thanks a lot!17:26
vishtremolux: np.. :)17:26
mpttremolux, can you point me to where the style of the "Featured" and "What's New" boxes is defined? I don't see it in availablepane.py17:26
tremoluxmpt: those are in catview_gtk.py17:27
mptah right, thanks17:27
tremoluxmpt: np17:28
pittiseb128: hello17:33
seb128pitti, hey17:34
seb128pitti, can you promote some binaries for me? I'm doing the unity updates and there is some new build-depends in universe (source in main) but I'm out of ssh on that box17:34
pittiseb128: sure, what do you need?17:35
pittiphone, brb17:35
seb128pitti, libutouch-grail1 libutouch-grail-dev libmt-dev17:36
pittiodd, I thought I promoted those days ago17:36
seb128sources are but not the binaies17:37
seb128pitti, thanks, I need to finish those updates in the next 25 minutes then I need to run for a bit17:37
seb128and I don't want to risk crashing my box, sometime video get screwed on user switch17:37
seb128pitti, no, picking people at the train station17:37
seb128anyway back to updates17:37
* seb128 hugs pitti17:37
pitti$ change-override.py -S -c main utouch-grail utouch-gesturetest  mtdev17:38
pittithis is still in the bash history17:38
seb128the source is in main17:38
seb128those binaries are not though17:38
pittiright that history is from a few days ago17:38
seb128some archive admin might have clean inconsistency17:39
pittianyway, promoted17:39
seb128while nothing was using them yet17:39
tremoluxvish, mpt: I think they look pretty great!  http://imgur.com/kE0c8.png17:40
tremoluxvish: you rock!  thanks a lot17:40
vishtremolux: np.. :)17:40
mpttremolux, cool! That blue makes sense for help, but for "Other" I think we really do want something more drab17:40
tremoluxmpt: prolly right17:41
vishhmm , i think we have a drab one too!17:41
vishlet me check17:41
mpt(and, also important, something that doesn't look like help)17:41
vish  application-default-icon17:41
vishtremolux: ^17:42
vishthats a '?' but in a square and grey17:42
tremoluxvish: thx, will try17:42
tremoluxmpt: what think?  http://i.imgur.com/7x1uA.png17:44
mptvish, do you recognize that ^ icon from anywhere else?17:44
vishmpt: which one? the 'question mark' ? thats the  'application-default-icon'17:45
mptOh, it's the icon that gnome-panel uses for an application where it can't find the icon17:45
mptvish, excellent choice.17:45
mpttremolux, merge it. :-)17:45
dpmpitti, have you got some minutes for a question about p-d-e, i18n and packaging? I'm trying to find out why ubuntu-sso-client does not generate a template on build. I've built it locally and the translations tarball does not get created for some reason...17:46
tremoluxmpt, vish: \o/ too!17:47
mpttremolux, bug 618821 is both quite important and probably a one-line fix17:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 618821 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Price in software item screen doesn't show currency (affects: 1) (heat: 353)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61882117:56
tremoluxmpt: oh, yep, I'll fix that, thanks for pointing it out17:57
* mpt is annoyed he can't even target bugs to Natty, let alone Obstreperous17:59
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* devildante is back :)18:06
mpttremolux, when can we expect items for purchase to show descriptions?18:06
pittidpm: hm, that's indeed a bit weird - if I call setup.py build_i18n, it gets created just fine18:06
mpthi devildante, tremolux took care of the icons18:06
devildantethanks tremolux ;)18:06
pittidpm: ah, I see -- its setup.py overwrites the "build" target, which derives from build.build instead of build_extra.build_extra18:07
pittidpm: i. e. it circumvents p-d-e18:07
dpmaah, I see...18:08
tremoluxdevildante: oh sure thing18:08
devildanteis anybody working on bug 554319? I'd like to work on it18:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 554319 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Software center silently removes installed packages if there are package conflicts (affects: 7) (heat: 53)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55431918:08
tremoluxdevildante: thank you yourself  :)18:09
tremoluxdevildante: I don't think anybody's working on that one, go for it18:09
devildantenobody thanks me :p18:09
devildantetremolux, okay, thanks :)18:09
pittigood night everyone18:10
tremoluxdevildante: re: thanks; I sure hope that's not true!18:10
tremoluxnight pitti, and thanks very much for sponsoring tzdata  :)18:12
mptdevildante, basically, that should produce an alert identical to the one in step 5 of <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#removing>, except that the text is "To install X, these items must be removed:"18:14
mptand the main action button should be "Install Anyway"18:15
devildantempt: okay, thanks :)18:15
mvodevildante: we need to use the "simulate" method from aptdeamon to make this work reliable18:15
devildantemvo: I don't think we need it. I already have some code that determines which pkgs will get removed from an operation ; I use it to determine the total size of operations18:17
mvodevildante: right, but the aptdaemon will take futurue changes into account18:20
devildantemvo: does it make a difference?18:20
mvodevildante: so if you install A and install B that remove A then the aptademon will show a warning about it18:20
mvodevildante: yeah18:20
devildantemvo: I don't understand this line in gtk-demo.py: if [pkgs for pkgs in trans.dependencies if pkgs]:18:29
* devildante is confused18:29
dobeyi think that always evaluates to true, since an empty list is not None?18:30
mvodevildante: it goes over all "pkgs" in trans.dependencies and ads it to the [] if its not empty18:30
mvodevildante: it looks a bit confusing18:31
devildantethanks mvo :)18:31
dobeyi just don't know why you'd do a list comprehension inside an if statement :)18:31
dobeyerr, as the if statmenet evaluation that is18:32
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devildantempt: since we implemented add-ons, could you move its section in the main spec?18:32
mvodobey: not my code ,) - just tried to explain what it does18:32
dobeyheh, sure18:33
* mvo is away for a bit again18:33
devildantedammit you aptdaemon devs :p18:33
dobeyno i'm not :)18:34
devildantedammit you aptdaemon dev who wrote that code :p18:35
devildantesorry ;)18:35
mptdevildante, sure, remind me tomorrow. :-) I'm going home now.18:39
devildantempt, bye :)18:39
mptThank you all, you've been beautiful18:39
devildanteyou're beautiful, it's true :p18:39
mpttremolux, https://code.launchpad.net/~mpt/software-center/featured-and-whats-new-background/+merge/33802 if you have time :-)18:40
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kiwinotempt: should we force the first letter of each channel (ie subnode of 'get software'/'installed software') to be uppercase, or should we respect the original name?19:18
Sarvattso libdrm-nouveau1 in maverick has a Breaks: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (<< 1:0.0.16) that's preventing lucid->maverick upgrades at the moment and I haven't figured out a way around it besides dropping the breaks which does work. anyone have any ideas on what else to try besides dropping the breaks? libdrm-nouveau1 2.4.21 really doesn't work with x-x-v-nouveau 0.0.1519:19
devildantekiwinote, mvo, tremolux: http://imgur.com/wBYV3.png19:22
tremoluxdevildante: nice!19:23
devildantetremolux: now working on showing application icons instead of the default pkg icon19:24
tremoluxdevildante: awesome19:24
kiwinotedevildante: 'installed' and 'items' can be lower case ;)19:26
devildantekiwinote: they are19:27
kiwinotedevildante: ah, nice :)19:28
kiwinotedevildante: can you push the code?19:29
devildantekiwinote: <devildante> tremolux: now working on showing application icons instead of the default pkg icon19:29
devildanteI'll push it after that ;)19:29
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kiwinoteok, great!19:29
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vishodd that we show 'technical items' in the featured section!19:40
devildantekiwinote, mvo, tremolux: http://imgur.com/ddgvj.png19:40
devildantevish: not with me (using trunk)19:40
tremoluxdevildante: it looks great!  feel free to push when ready19:42
vishdevildante: hmm , well, i'm trying the daily , and i see _Show 5 technical items_19:42
devildanteGold rule: always test trunk :p19:42
kiwinotevish: I fixed that in 2.1.13 this afternoon19:43
vishkiwinote: sweet!19:43
devildantetremolux: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/software-center/fix-conflicting-packages/+merge/33818 ;)19:47
tremoluxtremolux: beauty  :)19:48
tremoluxI mean, devildante, sheesh19:48
devildantetremolux is talking to itself :p19:48
devildantenevermind, but merge please :p19:48
tremoluxit is indeed19:48
devildantewhoops, debian/changelog conflict, will fix it19:49
devildantefixed and pushed :)19:52
* devildante will be afk for a while... if it's not merged till then, I'll do nasty things :p19:52
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* kiwinote quite liked the glow behind the featured icons :?20:12
kiwinotemvo: it seems we managed to slow the get_addons() down quite a lot. 40mins for all pkgs in the original branch, 20 mins in my revisions and 70mins and counting (only up to libjava atm) in trunk :/20:15
mvokiwinote: *weeh* :/20:15
kiwinotemvo: but the addons we get are a lot better, so we still have a net improvement :)20:16
mvokiwinote: aha, I *think* it might simply because we actually look at a lot more now (because the len(recommends) == 1 and len(suggests) == 1 restrictions got lifted)20:17
mvokiwinote: but I may be wrong, I play a bit with ExecutionTime()20:17
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kiwinotemvo: yeah, if that's the case then all is fine20:21
kiwinotemvo: my guess was that it may be because we call get_all_deps_installing(pkg) for every pkg20:22
mvokiwinote: yeah, that is a likely candidate ofr a performance regression :/20:23
kiwinotemvo: anyway, that doesn't need to be resolved tonight, as on a single package basis it all works promptly ;)20:27
mvokiwinote: yeah :) I was wondering if it would make sense to try to reorder the stuff in the filter so that the cheap (fast) stuff is tested first so that the overhead per-apckage is minimal20:28
kiwinotemvo: yep, that would make sense if it is clear what is cheap20:29
* mvo nods20:30
kiwinotemvo: what we ideally want though is to not call get_all_deps_installing(pkg) if we don't need to20:31
mvokiwinote: agreed!20:31
kiwinotemvo: ie, if we take it out of the filter and only call it if addons remain after being filtered20:31
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* devildante is back20:32
mvohey devildante - saw your removal branch, very nice. but unfortunately today I'm too tired to properly review it, I will do that tomorrow and ensure we get a UI freeze exception (its a bugfix afterall so should not be a problem)20:34
devildantemvo: okay :)20:34
devildantemvo: do you want me to file a UIF exception?20:34
mvodevildante: go for it if you want, I'm too tired tonight, but will look at it when I'm fresh again20:36
devildantemvo: thanks :)20:36
mvothank you!20:37
* devildante will find a way someday to not have his thanks returned :p20:38
devildantemvo: do you remember my update-manager branch that automatically checks for updates when launched manually? Since now aptdaemon checks for updates without a polkit auth, can you re-consider it?20:47
glatzorhey mvo! long day!20:49
mvodevildante: probably too late for maverick (feature freeze, UI freeze, beta-freeze). but definitely for N and we should make it do the check in the background and just update the view when its done (no ui blocking)20:50
mvoglatzor: yeah, 4th long day in a row20:50
mvoglatzor: freeze times are fun times20:50
* glatzor hugs mvo20:50
mvoglatzor: but lots of stuff happened, so its also good times ;)20:50
glatzortomorrow you are done :)20:50
* mvo double hugs glatzor20:50
devildantethanks for the info, mvo :)20:51
* devildante hugs everyone20:51
* mvo hugs devildante20:53
mvodevildante: thanks for your understanding, I know its hard if a feature is ready but does not quite make it. but the good thing about ubuntu is that the next release is always immanent20:53
devildantemvo: np20:53
devildantemvo: when will the apps get branched, so we can start adding new features?20:54
mvodevildante: there is no strict policy for this, I can do that tomorrow or early next week20:55
devildantetomorrow would be great :p20:55
mvokiwinote: synaptic and pidgin have some slightly obscure addon recommendation (kdebase-something) (just fyi)20:59
mvokiwinote: I suspect its the lonley package dependency rule (for lack of a better term)21:00
mvokiwinote: but I'm too tired/lazy to track it down tonight :)21:00
devildantemvo: will test21:00
mvodevildante: aha, nice21:01
mvodevildante: have you seen the tests/test_addons.py ? I added synaptic there, it should illustrate the problem, I will add pidgin there too21:01
mvodevildante: then its trivial, just run "python test_addons.py" to see the odd one21:01
mvo(or odd ones)21:02
kiwinotemvo: np, I'm sure that over the next month we will be able to finetune it all quite nicely21:02
* mvo hugs kiwinote and devildante21:02
* devildante hugs mvo back21:02
devildantemvo: from pidgin: Suggests: gnome-panel (>= 2.1) | kdebase-workspace-bin | docker21:02
* kiwinote joins the group hug21:02
devildantemvo: so I don't think it's USC's fault ;)21:04
mvothanks devildante21:04
mvothat was a easy one ;)21:04
devildantemvo: you're welcome!21:04
* mvo is off to bed, thanks all for the fun ride today :)21:06
* devildante thinks test_addons.py is useless for now, since we're currently tweaking the implementation (not rock solid)21:06
devildantebye mvo :)21:06
kiwinotenight mvo21:06
kiwinotedevildante: it helps us spot any regressions21:06
devildantekiwinote: oh, okay :)21:07
devildantethanks for the info :)21:08
devildantekiwinote: do you think we can fetch the list of all PPAs from lp?21:09
devildante(via launchpadlib or something else)21:09
kiwinoteuh, what for? ;)21:09
kiwinotenot really sure tbh21:09
devildantegot an idea for usc21:10
devildantein a nutshell: I want that the appdetailsview have a button that when clicked, searches for PPAs of the app21:12
kiwinotedevildante: sounds interesting. I think lp itself is able to do that, so with a bit of luck it may be in the lplib21:16
devildantekiwinote: found https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=firefox21:17
kiwinotedevildante: nice!21:18
devildantenow I'll search lplib...21:19
kiwinotedevildante: there will be discussions about the security aspects of such a button though, as we don't want to make it too easy to install potentially malicious code21:19
kiwinotedevildante: I don't have any links on hand, but in the past there have been suggestions to have 'trust' ratings for ppa's21:20
devildantekiwinote: hmm, yeah... an alert won't do it, since the users tend to ignore them21:20
kiwinotedevildante: ie, if thousands of users trust the ppa, then we can display it slightly more prominently than ppa's which no-one trusts21:21
devildantekiwinote: what would be good would be ppa ratings, so users can rate 0/5 a ppa that isn't working or is fake21:22
kiwinotedevildante: indeed, ideally we have the same sort of warnings for deb files and software channels21:22
* micahg thinks only team PPAs should be trusted21:23
kiwinotedevildante: we may be able to use the section backgrounds to our advantage there, ie think like the stripes around the edge of the private bugs in lp21:23
kiwinotebut yes, we don't want to make it easy to install random ppa's ;)21:24
micahgkiwinote: chrisccoulson and I were discussing adding our team PPAs as a plugin for Software Center21:25
kiwinotemicahg: aha, which team would that be?21:26
micahgkiwinote: mozilla team21:26
chrisccoulson"get the latest super-cool version of firefox here" :-)21:27
micahgTest the pre-release update here :)21:27
kiwinotemicahg: hm, I think that that is trying to solve a much broader problem which is being discussed in depth on the mailing list atm ;)21:27
micahgkiwinote: which ML?21:28
devildantewhich is?21:28
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kiwinoteubuntu-devel-discuss I think, all the stuff about the app review board and backports and general archive policy21:28
micahgkiwinote: ubuntu-devel and no, this doesn't fit in there21:29
ftais there already a bug # for gtk sometimes leaving a menu shadow behind?21:30
devildantemicahg, chrisccoulson: anyway, don't you know how to access PPAs from launchpadlib21:31
micahgdevildante: haven't looked into it yet21:32
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asacseb128: problems with pasting using ctrl-shift-v in gnome-terminal are just with me?22:11
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seb128asac, dunno, I never use that, I select and middle click22:12
asactry ;)22:12
asacbreaks a major usecase here :(22:12
seb128how does that work?22:12
asacguess worse than greasemonkey for you ;)22:12
asacseb128: select something somewhere ... and copy (in firefox ctrl-c) ... then go to terminal in use ctrl-shift-v to paste22:13
asacor all in terminal: ctrl-shift-c for copy22:13
asacand v for pasting22:13
devildanteasac: just you, pasting in terminal works for me22:13
asacyeah tahats not fun :(22:13
asacstrange. a week or so before i had alt problems22:13
seb128asac, is the menu item having the right shortcut?22:14
asacseb128: any keymap refactoring going on ;)22:14
asaclet me see22:14
* asac doesnt have a menu22:14
* asac unhides22:14
asacso after using the menu with mouse once it works now :)22:15
asaclet me restart terminal22:15
asacseb128: it has something to do with hiding the menu bar ;)22:16
asaci start it with hidden menu bar and it doesnt work22:16
asaceven if i right click and use mouse copy paste it doesnt start working22:16
asacthen when showing menu it still doesnt work, until i use the menu once :-P22:16
* asac wonders why anyone would keep the menu on by default ;)22:17
seb128asac, does it work if you unset UBUNTU_MENUPROXY?22:18
seb128asac, do you have appmenu-gtk installed?22:18
seb128asac, ie unset that before running g-t22:18
asacseb128: fyi, i am on gnome (so no ripped out menu)22:18
asacyes i have that installed22:18
asachmm. unsetting UBUNTU_MENUPROXY? is tough ;)22:19
asaclet me start xterm and start it from there with that unset22:19
ftaseb128, sorry, been disconnected. i read you said "no" to my menu shadow bug. it happened to me several time using different apps on different boxes in the last two days22:26
seb128fta, I'm not even sure to understand your description22:30
seb128still no in any case we didn't get any recent gtk bug22:31
james_wis didrocks en vacances?22:38
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftaseb128, not sure how to reproduce. what i see is the leftover of a menu (just its shadow), on top of everything, but allowing clicks to pass through. next time, i'll take a screenshot22:43
seb128james_w, yes, until monday22:45
seb128james_w, do you need anything, can I help you for something?22:46
james_wseb128: know much about oneconf?22:46
seb128I guess you will need to wait for him to be back for that ;-)22:46
james_wI'll email mvo as well I think, as it's more of an apt question, but I was interested in what didrocks was doing about it in oneconf22:46
james_wthanks seb12822:48
* desrt finds disatisfaction with trains in northern france22:49
seb128desrt, oh?23:00
desrtseb128: trying to get to vimy ridge :)23:01
desrtservice to arras is quite good.  50m from gare du nord via TGV23:02
desrtand frequent too.  many trains per day23:02
desrtbut after that, it's quite bad23:02
desrti guess the problem is actually that where i want to go is in the middle of nowhere23:04
desrtwhich is a bit sad23:04
micahgwhat's the current proper way for an app to find the default browser on the desktop?23:06
seb128desrt, I was going to say that23:09
seb128it's alright nice that trains go there ;-)23:09
desrti keep reading this heart-breaking story23:12
desrtthere was this french guy, georges devloo23:12
desrtand he'd give canadians free rides from vimy train station to the memorial23:12
desrtjust out of the kindness of his heart23:12
desrtand he died just last year23:12
desrtevery single google hit that i find when looking for transit information is mentioning this guy and how kind he is23:13
seb128desrt, that's where you want to go?23:14
seb128I guess you can probably take a bus for local driving23:15
seb128but that's not the same23:15
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desrtseb128: there is a lack of busses23:21
desrtvimy has no transit at all23:21
desrtor taxis23:22
desrtthe best option that most are saying is to take a taxi from arras at a cost of about 40-50eur23:22
ftadesrt, it's ~4km away from the station, not that far if the weather is good23:25
chrisccoulsonah, pants. my compiz upload was rejected. fantastic23:37
chrisccoulsonseb128 - do you feel like sponsoring? ;)23:37
seb128chrisccoulson: can do that23:38
chrisccoulsonseb128 - bug 622195 (the change is in the bzr branch already)23:38
seb128chrisccoulson: did I tell you to apply for upload rights?23:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 622195 in compiz (Ubuntu) "window manager config tool missing (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62219523:38
chrisccoulsonyeah, i really need to get on the case with that ;)23:39
seb128robert_ancell, \o/23:41
robert_ancellseb128, hello123:42
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?23:42
seb128robert_ancell, so maverick is hard frozen for beta23:43
seb128we can still get things in but we need review23:43
seb128robert_ancell, do you want a todolist for the day?23:43
robert_ancellseb128, does gnome stuff get in anyway though?23:43
seb128they should23:43
seb128slangasek is reviewing things23:43
seb128pitti will probably review some as well later on23:44
robert_ancellI'm just going to spend the day getting every gnome thing on versions up to date23:44
seb128and things uploaded that don't go in beta will go in after beta23:44
seb128robert_ancell, can I drop some sponsoring on you?23:44
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128or easy bugs23:44
robert_ancellwhich is brasero, evo, etc23:45
robert_ancellif they're easy :)23:45
seb128bug #61685623:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 616856 in shotwell (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Shotwell's desktop file needs gettext domain (affects: 2) (heat: 442)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61685623:45
seb128usually gnome.mk in cdbs does that23:45
seb128bug 61308123:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 613081 in im-switch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "im-switch should not be shown in the menu (affects: 1) (heat: 157)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61308123:46
seb128should just be a NoDisplay=true to add23:46
seb128bug #62075823:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 620758 in mutter (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Applications don't always show up when unminimizing (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62075823:46
seb128one liner mutter change from Jason (dx)23:46
seb128on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/index.html23:47
robert_ancellwhere do you find all these easy bugs?23:47
robert_ancellwhen I go looking all I find is hard bugs :)23:47
seb128bug #2597923:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 25979 in nevow (Debian) (and 1 other project) "nevow: FTBFS: missing build dependencies (heat: 1)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2597923:47
seb128bug #25979323:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 259793 in pidgin (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Pidgin description in Add/Remove Applications is overly geeky (affects: 4) (heat: 35)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25979323:48
seb128it has a merge request23:48
seb128bug #59978523:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 599785 in gimp (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Gimp's description is too confusing (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59978523:48
seb128bug #60463623:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 604636 in cheese (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Description: Cheese is too "cheesy"! (affects: 1) (heat: 95)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60463623:49
seb128the change for that one was not commited to the vcs and dropped by error23:49
seb128there is an apport reporting change as well23:49
seb128robert_ancell, that's it ;-)23:49
seb128robert_ancell, well, sponsoring queue and hundredpapercuts23:49
robert_ancellok, np23:50
bcurtiswxseb128, i added a merge request to bug #623657, i was told that would make things easier than a debdiff23:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 623657 in empathy (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "New Upstream Release 2.30.3 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62365723:50
seb128bcurtiswx, ok thanks, quite busy getting things in maverick for the beta freeze this week but I will review that next week23:51
seb128robert_ancell, those, the cdbs change to add the gettext domain to polkit files and the update you should be set for the day23:51
seb128robert_ancell, I got an email from didrocks btw, he plans to do the evo update on monday if you want to let them to him23:51
bcurtiswxseb128, not a prob, gl with beta freeze :)23:52
robert_ancellseb128, I'll leave him to do it, he has more experience there23:52
seb128especially that he has merge the express work for unity23:52
seb128unity -> UNE23:53
robert_ancellyes, I don't want to accidentally break that for him :)23:53
seb128robert_ancell, https://code.launchpad.net/~vish/ubuntu/maverick/cheese/bug573124+reup/+merge/33419 for cheese23:53
seb128rather than the bug pointed before23:53

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